16 weeks pregnant twins sensations. Multiple pregnancy

Hello everyone, girls)

We decided to keep an electronic pregnancy diary here, as a keepsake...

welcome us into the ranks of pregnant women, at 6 weeks we found out that we were having twins!

It’s difficult to describe my feelings when I saw the long-awaited two stripes; at first I didn’t believe it, then I burst into tears at the thought that I would finally become a mother...

I rushed to an ultrasound, but there we were diagnosed with a gastrointestinal tract, and when the second baby ball appeared, they said it was a detachment... just like that, right away, without tests, on the screen(

We doubted it and went to another doctor, where they told us to take the hCG dynamics and come back for an ultrasound in a couple of weeks.

the dynamics showed that everything was fine, the hormone doubled and we came for a repeat ultrasound with peace of mind..

The uzist looked at something, then broke into a smile and turned to her husband: “Dad, can you see? You have twins!!”

My husband and my in-laws are crazy happy, they look after me and stroke me when they arrive)
For me, first there was shock, then doubts, maybe I made a mistake? Because there was no one in the family with twins, but as it turned out this is a feature of the body, two eggs came out and were fertilized and as a result we have DI-DI

Seeing two bubbles on the screen, there was no doubt - it was them

The pregnancy was unexpected, but desired)

It took me a long time to get used to the idea of ​​having two children at once, I won’t lie, I’m still afraid whether I can cope, because I understand that it will be difficult, colic, diapers, breastfeeding multiplied by 2
My girls all complain that they can’t cope with one thing...

And when toxicosis set in, I didn’t think about anything anymore, only WHEN WILL IT END

Toxicosis was from 6 to 12 weeks, I felt sick. vomited, on an empty stomach and more, categorically did not take sweets, salty heartburn, saved herself with nectarines and oranges. Terrible weakness, lost consciousness, lay at home for almost 2 months without getting up, thanks to my husband, he fed, cooked and cleaned the apartment.

He even helped me wash, because... I couldn’t stand for a long time, I fell

before B was 53 kg, after toxicosis 48 kg... (at this moment 17 weeks - 52.5 kg)

This is how I was at 6 weeks

and this is now at 16.5 weeks

For the last 2 weeks I had been tormented by pain in the lower abdomen, not sharp, but nagging... I couldn’t really get out of bed... having adjusted my diet, everything went away and now there’s no bloating or anything like that, everything stopped hurting...

I struggle with wild hunger, I try to eat a little every 2 hours)))

Gain from the beginning of pregnancy +1.5 kg...

We were at the first screening, they are already so human, sponges, fingers, I can’t believe it, they said there are no chromosomal abnormalities so far, everything is fine... God forbid)

They suggested boys, but I was so worried that everything was in order with them, that it didn’t matter what gender... as long as they reported and without deviations. May your children be healthy and happy!

To be continued....

At the 16th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience one of the most exciting events - they feel the first kicks of the baby in the stomach. The symptoms of the first trimester are a thing of the past, and I feel great. The fruit continues to actively develop. The time for the second screening is approaching: you need to undergo an ultrasound and blood tests.

Signs and symptoms of 16 weeks pregnant

Many expectant mothers feel great in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. Some symptoms are disturbing, but some of them are rather pleasant. A woman notices that her hair has become more voluminous and silky, her skin condition has improved, and her libido has increased.

Other possible symptoms at 16 weeks of pregnancy:

Thus, 16 weeks of obstetric pregnancy correspond to 14 weeks of embryonic pregnancy, and 16 weeks of embryonic pregnancy correspond to 18 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

At sixteen weeks, you are approximately three months and three weeks pregnant.
Calculate how long the pregnancy is in weeks and calculate the due date based on the last menstruation

What happens to the fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

At 16 weeks your future baby About the size of an avocado fruit. Its body length is 11.5–12 cm, weight – 100 grams.

The fetal legs grow faster than the arms, and its proportions are increasingly closer to those of a newborn. His spine and surrounding muscles become stronger, so he can extend his neck more. The facial muscles and extraocular muscles continue to actively develop. The baby already knows how to make different faces, which is what he does all the time, he can turn his eyes in different directions, bring them to his nose. The eyelids are still closed, but the eyes can already feel the light.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, your unborn baby has eyebrows and eyelashes, and nails grow on his fingers and toes. His skin, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, is still transparent; blood vessels, some bones and internal organs are visible through it.

In addition to the eyes, other senses are also improved. The fetus has developed taste buds. His ear contains auditory bones, with the help of which he can hear sounds: how your intestines work, your heart beats, how you talk, how you sing, how someone talks next to you. Already from this time, you can begin to accustom your child to good music: as scientific research shows, newborn babies remember the melodies that they heard when they were in their mother’s tummy.

The baby changes not only externally: significant changes also occur inside his body. His little heart pumps almost 24 liters of blood every day. And this is not the limit - this figure will increase throughout pregnancy. The cartilage that makes up the fetal skeleton is actively replaced by bone tissue at the sixteenth week. Your baby's bones become denser, but still flexible enough to allow him to successfully navigate his mother's birth canal during labor. If you are pregnant with a girl, then her ovaries already contain hundreds of thousands of oocytes– germ cells, some of which may become your grandchildren in the future.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus makes many different movements. If you shine a bright flashlight on its belly, it turns away from the light. The baby clenches his hands into fists, sucks his finger, yawns, and plays with the umbilical cord. By the way, at the sixteenth week the umbilical cord is already fully matured; it contains one vein and two arteries, which are surrounded by a thick slippery membrane. Thanks to it, the umbilical cord moves freely relative to the fetus.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy

At 16–18 weeks, the doctor prescribes a second prenatal ultrasound screening. Pictures of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy look like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

The uterus continues to grow in the sixteenth week of pregnancy: now its upper edge is halfway between the pubic bones and the navel. As it grows, the round ligaments continue to stretch, sometimes leading to pain in the groin and lower abdomen.

How much weight should an expectant mother gain?

If before pregnancy a woman had normal weight, then during the second trimester she should gain an average of 5.5–6.3 kg. If you were underweight or overweight before pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist will recommend that you focus on higher or lower values. At the same time, weight gain over the weeks may be uneven, sometimes more, sometimes less. You should consult a doctor if the mass begins to increase very quickly - this may indicate some pathologies.
Calculate mother's weight gain during pregnancy by week

How to ensure the desired weight gain?

First of all, don’t worry and don’t force your body by forcing yourself to eat constantly or, on the contrary, sticking to a strict diet. Your diet should be complete and varied. Remember that different women gain weight during pregnancy in different ways. It depends on the initial body weight and physical activity. According to expert recommendations, a woman should consume an additional 300–340 calories during the second trimester of pregnancy.

“What should I do if I gain too much weight?”

Under no circumstances should you rush to go on a low-calorie diet or skip meals: this may be unsafe for you and your baby. If you think you are gaining too much weight, the first step is to consult your doctor. Here are some tips to help slow down weight gain:

· Start your day with a hearty breakfast. It should include a large amount of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a small amount of fat.

· Try to fill yourself up primarily with vegetables and fruits, grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Try to avoid red and processed meat, fast food, sugary drinks, baked goods, and confectionery.

· In case you need a snack, keep some fruit, low-fat yogurt or cheese on hand. This will make you less tempted to eat cake or other unhealthy foods.

· Replace all sugary drinks with water.

· The calories that enter your body must be burned. Therefore, physical activity is necessary during pregnancy. Don't be surprised where you got it from excess weight, if you spend all day on the couch.

“What should I do if I’m not gaining weight well?”

Do you weigh yourself once a week and notice that the scale needle doesn't move very much? You should not start eating everything, including junk food: this can harm your child and yourself. Some recommendations will help you:

· Drink a milkshake with natural fruits every day. Your body will receive a triple benefit: missing calories, calcium and vitamin C.

· Among plant-based foods, nuts and avocados are rich in fats.

· Eat more dried fruits. They don't take up as much space in your stomach as fresh ones, so you'll be slower to fill up and eat more.

· Have snacks more often, especially if you have an appetite - there is no need to limit yourself.

How to eat properly?

At the 16th week of pregnancy and in general throughout the second trimester, not only calorie content is important, but also the regularity of nutrition. This affects both the mother’s condition and the health of the unborn child. The rhythm of life of many modern women does not allow you to eat regularly and adhere to a certain diet. Now you have to address this issue because when you skip meals, your baby misses them too. Here are a few useful tips:

· Don't have enough time to cook breakfast? This is not a problem, there are many solutions. For example, you can start setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier. You can cook food in the evening and simply reheat it in the morning. Don't have time to cook porridge? Eat at least a couple of sandwiches with cheese - it's better than nothing.

· Busy work schedule? Try to rearrange it so that you always have time for lunch. If you don’t have time to eat normally in the cafeteria, you can get by with the same sandwiches and an apple. Carry something in your bag for snacks at all times.

· Forgetting to eat? You can use an alarm clock or special reminder apps for your smartphone. After all, there are good old paper sticky notes - stick them in a visible place.

· Skipping meals due to nausea? Despite this, most expectant mothers at 16 weeks of pregnancy have already forgotten about this symptom; some continue to be bothered by it. In this case, you should know that nausea is often worse due to long breaks between meals.

· You're not hungry? Try to eat small meals more often. Gradually, your stomach will adjust and you will begin to feel hungry at certain times.

Physical activity

Pregnancy is not a reason to lie in bed or on the sofa all day and protect yourself from the slightest work. Physical activity is necessary, it is important for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, it improves the course of pregnancy, and has a positive effect on the birth process. In addition, exercise helps burn calories, which is especially true for women who gain weight too quickly.

For an expectant mother, physical activity is important in any form, be it swimming in the pool, visiting the fitness center, walking in the park, or simply doing household chores. The main thing is moderation. There is no need to go to extremes.

In order to tolerate it well physical exercise, 30 minutes before visiting the gym or pool, you need to have a light snack and drink. In the sixteenth week of pregnancy, bananas and orange juice are best. They provide the body with potassium, an important mineral that is lost during sweating. It is worth adding a source of protein to the fruit, such as an egg.

Is it possible to have sex?

You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy without fear of harming the baby, unless your doctor has discovered complications and disorders that may become contraindications. Intimacy is contraindicated only in the very late stages, in the last weeks, when it can provoke childbirth.

· Are you worried about back pain? Simple physical exercises will help fight them. Consult your doctor, he will recommend suitable exercises for the spine.

· If you are concerned about constipation, try to eat more foods that contain fiber: fruits and vegetables, legumes, grains and cereals, nuts. Drink more fluids: it will help soften the stool and make it easier to move through the intestines. Physical activity will help activate intestinal motility.

· Special eye drops can help combat eye symptoms (itching, dryness, increased sensitivity), but you should consult your doctor before using them.

· Nasal congestion can be dealt with using saline solutions. They are dropped into the nose or injected as an aerosol. You can improve your condition by installing a humidifier in your apartment.

· To prevent varicose veins, try not to stand for long periods of time. When lying down, your legs should be placed on an elevation, for example, a pillow should be placed under them.

· There is some evidence to suggest that eating pineapples during pregnancy helps prevent stretch marks. Mushrooms, bananas, meat, and whole grains are also useful.

· Do not stay in the sun for long periods of time, use sunscreens with sun protection factor SPF not less than 50 units.

What research needs to be done?

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the doctor will give you another appointment, during which he will assess your health, measure your pulse and arterial pressure, body temperature, height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference.

At week 16, the doctor can already prescribe a second prenatal screening (usually carried out at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy, up to 20–22 is acceptable), which includes ultrasound and blood tests.

Ultrasound examination at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The examination usually takes 15–45 minutes. It helps solve important problems:

Determine the gender of the unborn child. As a rule, at the 16th week of pregnancy, it is already possible to tell from ultrasound images whether the fetus is a boy or a girl, unless, of course, it begins to “hide” its genitals from the sensor. Many parents are looking forward to this moment. Some try to determine the sex of the baby using “folk” methods before it becomes visible on ultrasound images. For example, they focus on the month in which the baby was conceived, the mother’s symptoms, the fetal heart rate (if more than 140 beats per minute - a girl, if less - a boy). All these methods have no scientific basis. If you want to find out the sex of your unborn child before an ultrasound examination, you can go from 9–10 weeks NIPT – non-invasive prenatal test.

Identify congenital malformations. During an ultrasound, the doctor determines some indicators that indicate abnormalities in fetal development and possible risk genetic disorders. The size of the fetus, the condition of the internal organs, the length of the bones, the size of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid are assessed.

During the examination, the doctor may detect the following pathologies:

· Excessive thickness of the collar zone is a possible sign of Down syndrome.

· Absence of a nasal bone is a possible sign of Edwards syndrome or Down syndrome.

· Anencephaly (absence of the brain and cranial vault) and other pathologies of the neural tube.

· Pathologies of the spine and spinal cord.

Assess the general health and condition of the fetus. The doctor can check how correctly the unborn child’s heart is beating and count the heart rate. This is done using dopplerography- a type of ultrasound that can record the movement of blood in different directions. This is displayed on the device screen as blue and red spots.

Identify some complications. In particular, related to the position of the fetus, the condition of the uterus and placenta. Timely diagnosis helps to take timely measures and prevent more serious complications.

Assess the location of the placenta. The placenta can have one of three positions:

· Front- on the anterior wall of the uterus.

· Rear- on the back wall of the uterus.

· Placenta previa- when it blocks the exit from the uterus. This condition poses a certain danger. During pregnancy, a woman needs increased attention from a doctor; long-distance travel and physical activity should be limited as much as possible.

Fetal indicators that the doctor can evaluate during the second planned ultrasound examination:

1 – fronto-occipital size.

2 – biparietal size.

Biparietal size– the transverse size of the fetal head, measured between the protruding parts of the parietal bones (located above the temporal bones).

· 16 weeks – 3.4 cm.

· 17 weeks – 3.8 cm.

· 18 weeks – 4.3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 4.7 cm.

· 20 weeks – 5 cm.

· 21 weeks – 5.3 cm.

· 22 weeks – 5.7 cm.

Fronto-occipital size- the longitudinal size of the head, measured between the protruding parts of the frontal and occipital bones.

Normal sizes, depending on the stage of pregnancy:

· 16 weeks – 4.5 cm.

· 17 weeks – 5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 5.3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 5.7 cm.

· 20 weeks – 6.2 cm.

· 21 weeks – 6.5 cm.

· 22 weeks – 6.9 cm.

Cephalic index- an indicator that helps assess the shape of the fetal head. In order to calculate it, you need to divide the biparietal size by the fronto-occipital size.

The cephalic index is expressed as a percentage. Possible indicators:

· 71–85% - mesocephalic the shape of the skull can be considered the norm, the average value, found in most people.

· More than 85% - brachycephalic skull shape (short and wide skull).

· Less than 71% - dolichocephalic shape of the skull (narrow and long skull).

Head circumference fetus:

· 16 weeks – 12.4 cm.

· 17 weeks – 13.5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 14.6 cm.

· 19 weeks – 15.8 cm.

· 20 weeks – 17 cm.

· 21 weeks – 18.3 cm.

· 22 weeks – 19.5 cm.

If the result is higher or lower than the specified values, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm, since the deviation may be a variant of the norm. Sometimes it indicates hydrocephalus and other pathologies.

Abdominal circumference– an indicator that helps assess the growth and development of the fetus:

· 16 weeks – 10.2 cm.

· 17 weeks – 11.2 cm.

· 18 weeks – 12.4 cm.

· 19 weeks – 13.4 cm.

· 20 weeks – 14.4 cm.

· 21 weeks – 15.7 cm.

· 22 weeks – 16.9 cm.

Humerus Length:

· 16 weeks – 2.1 cm.

· 17 weeks – 2.3 cm.

· 18 weeks – 2.7 cm.

· 19 weeks – 3 cm.

· 20 weeks – 3.3 cm.

· 21 weeks – 3.5 cm.

· 22 weeks – 3.6 cm.

Length femur:

· 16 weeks – 2.1 cm.

· 17 weeks – 2.5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 3.3 cm.

· 20 weeks – 3.5 cm.

· 21 weeks – 3.7 cm.

· 22 weeks – 4 cm.

Biochemical screening at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The second biochemical screening is a venous blood test of the expectant mother, which helps identify an increased risk of neural tube abnormalities, Down syndrome and other common genetic diseases. A second prenatal screening is prescribed to absolutely all pregnant women, regardless of age, obstetric history, results of the first biochemical screening and other factors.

The blood test is non-invasive and safe method diagnostics But it is inaccurate. Biochemical screening cannot give an accurate unambiguous answer “yes, the child is sick” or “no, the child is not sick.” It only determines the likelihood of pathology. According to the results of the analysis, the doctor Maybe classify the woman as a high-risk group and prescribe an invasive test - amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy. These procedures carry certain risks. In rare cases, they lead to infection and miscarriage. But invasive diagnostic methods are the most accurate; they help to finally understand the situation and make decisions. correct solution.

As a biochemical screening at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy, a triple or quadruple test.

During the triple test, the levels of three substances in a woman's body are determined:

· Alpha fetoprotein(abbreviated as AFP) is a protein produced by the liver and digestive system of the fetus.

· Estriol(during the analysis the level of free estriol is determined) - a minor female sex hormone from the group of estrogens, which has low activity and is produced by the placenta and fetal liver during pregnancy.

· Human chorionic gonadotropin(abbreviated hCG) is produced by the placenta. It supports the course of pregnancy, controls the synthesis of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

In the quadruple test, a fourth is added to these three substances - inhibin A, a hormone produced by the placenta.

The accuracy of the triple and quadruple tests is approximately 75–80%.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Self-diagnosis and self-medication are generally not very good, but especially for a pregnant woman. If you have any symptoms that make you worry, it is best to consult a doctor again. It may turn out that these are normal manifestations of pregnancy, but it is better to be safe than to miss a disease that can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. Abdominal pain and other symptoms that are very severe and do not go away for a long time can be especially dangerous.

Do not take any medications unless prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, there are some home remedies you can use to combat them. folk remedies, but you definitely need to see a doctor.

Second Trimester Screening - Video Guide

The onset of pregnancy is very an important event in the life of any woman, regardless of whether she planned to become a mother or fate decreed it so. Exciting preparations begin for the birth of the baby. Sometimes you need to prepare for the arrival of two babies at once. This is double happiness, but also double burden and responsibility.

Carrying twins is on the border between normal and pathological due to the increased load on the female body. Multiple pregnancies increase the risks of health problems, miscarriage, and complications during childbirth. That is why it requires increased attention and observation.

From the first days of discovering the fact that she is pregnant with twins, a woman comes under careful control both from medical personnel and from relatives and friends.

Multiple pregnancy, early signs

Early diagnosis of twin pregnancy is extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy, because it requires special attention and constant monitoring.

In general, a woman at first does not feel at all that she is pregnant with twins. Most often they find out about this the first time ultrasound examination upon registration with antenatal clinic.

Pay attention to some early signs that may indicate the presence of multiple pregnancy:

  • Increased sense of smell, odor intolerance, toxicosis
  • Pronounced swelling of the mammary glands
  • Appearance age spots on the face and chest
  • At the first examination, the presence of two fetuses may be suspected by the gynecologist due to the size of the uterus and its rapid enlargement at the next appointment. Sometimes pregnant women are given an incorrect due date at the first appointment due to the fact that the size of the uterus does not correspond to the due date.
  • At 10 weeks, multiple pregnancies can be detected by electrocardiography
  • Elevated hCG levels, which can be detected by a blood test

Important: The first ultrasound examination does not guarantee the detection of a multiple pregnancy, because one fetus may be hidden behind another.

After 20 weeks, multiple pregnancies can be detected without the help of an ultrasound machine:

  • When palpating the abdomen, four large parts are felt in different places (heads and buttocks)
  • The height of the uterine fundus and its dimensions significantly exceed those of a normal pregnancy
  • The expectant mother clearly feels the movements of two fetuses
  • Listening to the abdomen reveals two heartbeats

Pregnancy test, twins

  • A pregnancy test is the first tool that can be used to suspect the presence of a multiple pregnancy.
  • In this case, the level of HcG (hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin) is much higher, as a result of which the second line on the test, which indicates the presence of pregnancy, is distinct and bright in color
  • In addition, an elevated level of hCG helps determine the presence of multiple pregnancies earlier than detecting a normal one.

Pregnancy with twins - sensations

During a multiple pregnancy, a woman’s well-being and sensations are somewhat different from being pregnant with one child. What might they encounter? future mom:

  • Severe long-term toxicosis
  • Varicose veins due to weight gain
  • Shortness of breath due to excessive enlargement of the uterus, resulting in displacement of the fundus diaphragm
  • Heartburn
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness
  • Edema
  • Back pain
  • Dark spots
  • Anemia, dizziness, fainting

A pregnant woman begins to feel fetal movements a couple of weeks earlier than during normal pregnancy; they are more intense and numerous. This is explained by the fact that babies are cramped and lie closer to the wall of the uterus.

Pregnancy: twins or twins

There are two types of twins: monozygotic or dizygotic:

  • Monozygotic (identical) twins involve the birth of very similar babies (twins). They come from one egg and have one set of chromosomes. The egg is divided into early stage development. With such a pregnancy, children of the same sex are born
  • Dizygotic (fraternal) twins develop when two eggs are fertilized by two sperm and have a different set of chromosomes. As a result of such a pregnancy, babies of different sexes may be born. Twins do not imply strong similarities between children

Interesting: Since ancient times, the birth of twins has been given a mystical connotation. For example, in Ancient Greece such a phenomenon was considered a gift from the gods.

Weight during pregnancy with twins

There is a misconception that weight gain during pregnancy with twins is much higher and can reach 30-40 kg. However, this is not true.

The rate of gain depends on the woman’s weight before pregnancy and her height. It is from these data that BMI is calculated - body mass index. To calculate BMI, you divide your weight (in kilograms) by your height squared (in meters). For example, for a girl of 56 kg with a height of 1.6 m, the BMI will be 21.9.

Based on the initial BMI, we can predict how much the expectant mother of twins will gain during a normal pregnancy:

  • BMI< 20 — набор веса 16-20кг
  • BMI 20-27 - gain 13-17kg
  • BMI > 27 – gain 11-13kg

For determining ideal weight on different dates multiple pregnancy, you can use the online calculator.

Belly during pregnancy with twins

  • During a multiple pregnancy, the belly begins to grow earlier than during a normal pregnancy. By the 12th week it can be quite noticeable due to the increase in the size of the uterus
  • Starting from the 17th week, it becomes quite difficult to sleep. It is recommended to lie or sleep on your left side with your knees slightly bent. Helps reduce painful sensations a special pillow for pregnant women or just a rolled blanket placed under the stomach and between the legs
  • In the third trimester, the belly begins to grow very actively, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks. It is recommended to use moisturizing creams or oils from the beginning of the second trimester to increase skin elasticity. For example, wheat germ oil or baby oil
  • Around week 20, your doctor may recommend wearing a back and abdominal support band.

Development of twins by week: first trimester of pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy is a little different from a normal pregnancy. One of these differences is the somewhat accelerated development of fruits. I offer you an approximate description of what is happening to your body and to your babies:

  • 4-7 weeks - fruit growth is 20-30mm, the development of the brain and internal organs begins. The expectant mother may feel the first signs of pregnancy: breasts swell, mild nausea appears
  • 7th week - embryo growth is 8-10mm, the outlines of the head and limbs appear, eyes, mouth and ears appear on the head. There is a possibility of miscarriage, it is determined during examination
  • 12th week - babies grow to 5-6cm, the risk of miscarriage decreases. You can already get to know them by undergoing an ultrasound. The fruits have the outlines of nails and teeth, their height can reach 15cm, and their weight can reach 1g. They can already respond to stimuli by clenching their fists and make their first attempts to swallow

Development of twins by week: second trimester of pregnancy

  • 20th week - by this time the growth of the fruit reaches 25 cm, the weight is already 250-300 grams. Babies begin to respond to sounds, the urinary system and intestines of the fetus begin to work. The expectant mother already clearly feels movements and tremors
  • 24th week - height about 30 cm, weight - 600g, hair appears on the body, the outlines of eyebrows and the first eyelashes are already noticeable on the face, noses are formed. The head is still disproportionately large
  • 27th week - starting from this period, the fruits are considered viable if premature birth. Vital processes in the lungs are formed, weight can reach 1 kg, height 35 cm. Since twins grow quickly, the pregnant woman feels discomfort due to big belly and lower back pain. Due to the increased load on the legs, it becomes difficult to walk a lot

Development of twins by week: third trimester of pregnancy

  • 32nd week - the formation of the skeleton is completed. The twins weigh about 1.5 kg, height up to 40 cm. Each fetus has its own sleep cycle. The bodies begin to catch up with the head in proportions, the pancreas begins to work
  • 34th week - the expectant mother feels pain in almost the entire body, fatigue appears. If one of the babies falls head down, there is a slight relief because the stomach drops and stops putting pressure on the diaphragm and internal organs
  • 36th week - nails protrude beyond the edges of the fingers, the formation of fat under the skin ends. Weight 2-2.5 kg, height up to 45 cm. Twins are smaller in size than one baby at this stage, but often their lungs and other body systems are more developed

Features of multiple pregnancy

  • Get ready for frequent visits to the antenatal clinic; twin pregnancy requires careful monitoring
  • Take vitamin complexes and folic acid
  • Eat right, get outdoors more often
  • You may have an increased appetite, because carrying two babies requires a lot of energy
  • Your figure may change its shape slightly, and there is a high probability of stretch marks appearing later in life.
  • Be prepared for early labor. Twins are rarely carried to term until the 40th week; delivery usually occurs at 36-38 weeks
  • There is a high chance of a caesarean section

Video: Pregnancy with twins

So, almost half of the term has been experienced - 112 days have come to an end, the 17th week of pregnancy has begun. Outside the window, the fifth obstetric month. There is very little left.

You already have a photo of the embryo, where only a few cells are visible, a photo of the baby, where the heart beats, and now it’s time to get a photo developed child if it hasn't been done yet.

So, what is the state of our fetus?

Child development

And the baby, in fact, is not so tiny: the size is from 16 to 18 centimeters in length, and the weight exceeds 150 grams!

Women are doubly lucky: the length of the twins is 18 cm, and the weight of each of them is 200 g. In total, the weight gain is 400 g. And this is only the fetus itself, but there is also the placenta!

Internal structure

Gradually, the fetal cartilage hardens and becomes bone. Just at this stage (16-18 weeks):

  • the fetal skeleton is formed,
  • the skin is strengthened,
  • a fat layer is created, albeit only from water.

  • The fetal heartbeat becomes stronger and stronger. Now it is even possible.
  • The immune system becomes much stronger - now the child has his own immune system that can cope with many infections. However, mothers should still be careful.


No new organs are created at this stage of pregnancy, but existing ones develop.

Also, by the 17th week the child begins to explore the world:

  • able to hear events happening outside,
  • distinguish sounds
  • find differences between them.

At 16-18 years of age, the fetus can hear and remember the voice of the father and mother.

By the way, loud sounds or noise can greatly frighten the baby. So hard that he starts kicking.

The fetus sometimes opens its mouth - it seems to yawn. This can be seen in the photo.

In the interval between 16 and motor activity awakens in the child: moving, kicking are not very pleasant sensations, but joyful.

There is some danger in the event of a twin pregnancy, since the couple may inadvertently injure each other. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the processes occurring in your stomach.

In addition, pregnant women with twins may begin to feel kicks much earlier: before 16 weeks. Which is the norm.

What's happening to mom

However, when the 17th week of pregnancy begins, not only the child changes, but also the mother.

You are quite different from the you in the photo taken a couple of months ago.

  • The belly is gradually growing: it is not yet a big nuisance, but you should be careful and avoid accidental injuries and bruises. Those expecting twins already have quite round bellies: it would be nice to be able to accommodate two at once! And the mother managed to gain about 3-4 kilograms in weight.
  • The waist is no longer there, although literally a week earlier it could be traced.
  • The uterus is located somewhere in the pelvis, the bottom is just below the navel. And the uterus gradually grows upward. And if you don’t want to experience hellish sensations during childbirth, it’s better to start strengthening the muscles of the perineum and abs . It will come in handy.
  • The heart works much more actively than at 16 weeks. This is necessary in order to help nutrients quickly reach the placenta through the blood.

True, such a speed of blood circulation can slightly damage small blood vessels. But nosebleeds have never done much harm to anyone. Therefore, carry a handkerchief with you at all times, just in case.

  • Try to move more. But at the same time, go to bed feeling unwell. You spend a lot of energy, so you need to restore it with special care.

  • Due to the increase in body weight, the legs must withstand greater loads during pregnancy. Especially when there are twins in the tummy - there is double weight.

Ask the future father and friends to massage their feet, let them rest.

In case of swelling of the legs, lie down on your back for a while and lift them, lean them against the wall, there are many examples in the photo. It will help relieve swelling.

  • Speaking of sleep. Do not lie on your back for a long time: the spine will hurt from such a mass. Naturally, you should absolutely not lie down on your stomach. It is better to lie on your side and prop up a pillow. Do the same at 16, 17,18 weeks of pregnancy.
  • usually at 16 weeks it will begin to put pressure on the intestines and stomach. Although sometimes this drags on until the 18th. Pressure on the one hand prevents you from going to the toilet, and on the other, it creates a constant urge.

Therefore, when sitting on a white friend, you don’t need to strain yourself too much - you’ll get hemorrhoids. and – a constant phenomenon during 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, and medications will not help here.

Expecting a child is a crucial moment in the life of every woman. Pregnancy with twins is a double responsibility associated not only with the anticipation of upcoming troubles, but also with possible complications course of pregnancy. When registering, such a pregnant woman immediately comes under special supervision of staff medical institution. Any woman can become pregnant with twins.

Causes of multiple pregnancy

During fertilization, two germ cells unite - the mother's egg and the father's sperm. If several eggs are produced in the mother's body at the same time, their simultaneous fertilization can occur. In this case, two children develop at the same time; they have a different set of chromosomes and little similarity. Such children are called twins. If one egg is fertilized, but during its division two fetuses are formed, it is said to be a twin pregnancy. Such children have a similar set of chromosomes and are always born of the same sex.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Already at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may suspect the development of twins. At the same time, all the symptoms of pregnancy appear especially clearly. Features of twin pregnancy:

  • on early stages toxicosis is more pronounced during pregnancy;
  • the breasts increase significantly in size and become painful;
  • pigmentation may appear on the body;
  • severe anemia of pregnant women;
  • shortness of breath and heartburn are more pronounced due to the high position of the diaphragm;
  • with gestosis, swelling is more pronounced;
  • varicose veins appear more often on the legs;
  • stretch marks often appear on the skin;
  • due to the increased load on the spine, pain occurs in the lumbar region;
  • weakness and fatigue appear, stronger than during normal pregnancy.

Signs of twins in the early stages are nonspecific, so to obtain a reliable diagnosis you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination.

Multiple pregnancy has characteristic signs already in the early stages. The doctor can identify signs of multiple pregnancy during examination: the size of the uterus may be enlarged and does not correspond to the gestational age. When researching hCG level a significant increase can be detected.

At later stages, it is possible to identify objective signs characteristic of twin pregnancy - the heartbeats of two hearts are heard, and parts of the body of two fetuses are palpated. The most accurate way to determine twins is by ultrasound. Pregnancy with twins after cesarean can proceed without complications, but the woman needs closer medical supervision. After a caesarean section, doctors often recommend a repeat operation and rarely allow you to go into labor on your own.

Increased belly size

During a twin pregnancy, the belly grows in size faster than during a normal pregnancy. Belly sizes during twin pregnancy by week:

  1. Week 12. During pregnancy with one fetus, the belly at this stage is barely noticeable; during multiple pregnancy, the uterus is sufficiently enlarged and the woman’s position becomes noticeable to others.
  2. Week 17 Already at this stage, it becomes difficult for a woman to lie on her back and her lower back becomes strained. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? You have to sleep lying on your side with your knees bent to facilitate breathing. To unload the spine, it is recommended to place a pillow under the pregnant belly or between the legs.
  3. Week 20 It is recommended to use a special bandage, which is put on while lying on your back and worn throughout the day. The bandage is worn over underwear so as not to irritate the skin of the abdomen. The bandage is selected individually according to size.
  4. Week 30 The abdomen is significantly increased in volume, stretch marks may appear. Doctors recommend using special creams to increase skin turgor.

Many people think that when pregnant with twins, the weight of the belly also doubles. But that's not true. Weight gain during pregnancy depends on the woman’s initial height and weight. Based on these indicators, body mass index is calculated. To do this, you need to divide the weight (in kilograms) by the woman’s height squared (in meters). If a woman had a low body mass index before pregnancy - less than 20, then she can gain twenty kilograms throughout the pregnancy, especially if she is pregnant with twins. Weight gain with an index of 20-27 during pregnancy with twins can reach 17 kg. And with a mass index level of more than 27, a woman gains no more than 13 kg during a normal multiple pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy with twins is more noticeable.

Trimesters of pregnancy

Gestational age table:

Normal course of pregnancy with twins in the first trimester

The first trimester occurs from the first to the 12th week of pregnancy. During this trimester, the formation of the main organs occurs. The pregnancy calculator will allow you to calculate the duration of pregnancy and the day of the upcoming birth by day last menstrual period. Sex in the early stages can be irregular due to toxicosis and constant nausea in a woman. If there is a threat of interruption, sex should be limited. You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy if there are no contraindications.

Embryo development by week of pregnancy:

On the 7-8th day after fertilization, implantation of the fetal bladder occurs into the wall of the uterus. On days 10-14, pregnancy can be determined using a test or blood test for hCG. On days 13-14, you can determine pregnancy using a pharmacy test, the reliability of the result is 95-100%.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the fetus is no more than 1 cm long, internal organs are actively developing, the baby’s head and sensory organs are forming. The mother's weight begins to increase. At 4-5 weeks, the baby’s heart begins to beat. During this period, the first ultrasound examination is performed to confirm the fact of pregnancy and assess the condition of the embryo.

After 12 weeks, toxicosis gradually goes away. Nausea disappears, appetite gradually returns, and well-being improves. At 12-14 weeks, the belly is visible under tight clothing. Children develop their fingers and toes, head and neck. At 10 weeks the heart is already formed; defects can be diagnosed. Usually, an ultrasound examination is prescribed within 10-12 weeks. The formation of baby teeth occurs; the woman is recommended to take multivitamins with calcium.

Week 12 is the optimal period during pregnancy with twins to determine gross developmental disorders and possible Down syndrome. An abortion is performed when gross developmental defects are detected in twins.

Features of pregnancy in the second trimester

The second trimester begins at 13 and ends at 24 weeks. Sex during this period is not contraindicated if there is no pathology of pregnancy.

Twins pregnancy by week:

  1. The 13th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by a heavy load on the mother’s body. It's the fourth month of pregnancy. The uterus begins to enlarge, and pain may appear in the groin area due to sprained ligaments. Developing child actively moves in the mother's womb, a sucking reflex appears.
  2. At the 15th week of pregnancy with twins, each fetus is already about 10 centimeters long, the lungs are already formed, and the child is training the respiratory muscles. The glottis is still closed, so there is no risk of amniotic fluid entering the lungs.
  3. Week 17 shows a good appetite; during pregnancy with twins, the belly grows more noticeably, it becomes more difficult to breathe and sleep on the stomach. You need to start using cream for your chest and abdomen to prevent stretch marks. Children begin to hear everything that is happening around them. You need to talk to them, turn on good music.
  4. The 18th week of pregnancy with twins is the period when it is time to start using a bandage. Lower back pain appears and it becomes difficult to walk in heels. It is necessary to start doing gymnastics and attend classes at the antenatal clinic to prepare for childbirth. The doctor may recommend hospitalization to continue the pregnancy. At what date can the gender of future children be determined? From 18 to 21 weeks of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound is performed to assess the condition of the child, and at this time the sex of the children can be determined.
  5. 19th week of pregnancy. Growing twins reach half their height at birth. All organs are already formed, children continue to grow and develop. The sense of touch is already quite developed; twins can feel each other in their mother’s belly. Children have their own biorhythms, they wake up and fall asleep at the same time, which does not always coincide with the mother’s biorhythms.
  6. Week 20 The first tremors appear. When pregnant with twins, a woman feels the movements of the babies in different parts belly. Babies can swallow amniotic fluid, which accumulate in the intestines in the form of dark, pasty stool - meconium. Stool is released into the environment after birth. Twins urinate in amniotic fluid, which is constantly renewed through the placenta.
  7. 21 weeks pregnant with twins. A pregnant woman constantly feels movements. The abdomen is significantly enlarged and does not allow bending over. The weight of each child at this time is about 400 grams.
  8. 22 weeks of pregnancy. Twins reach a total weight of 800-1000 grams.
  9. 23 weeks of pregnancy. Each fruit already weighs about 500 grams. Developing twins actively absorb calcium, which they need for bones and teeth, so at 23 weeks it is necessary to take multivitamins and visit the dentist. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing urination to become more frequent.
  10. 24 weeks pregnant with twins. At this stage, all chronic diseases, especially kidney diseases, can worsen. Anemia increases, dilated veins appear in the legs, swelling, and stool disorders. The lungs of children are already fully formed; a surfactant is formed, which is responsible for respiratory function.

Third trimester of pregnancy

During this trimester, the woman’s body and babies are preparing for the upcoming birth. In order to check the child’s condition, it is necessary to conduct a CTG. In this case, a special sensor is applied to the anterior abdominal wall, the baby’s heartbeat and the tone of the uterus are measured. CTG is performed after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Twin pregnancy calendar by week:

  1. 25 weeks pregnant with twins. At this stage, the nervous system and sensory organs, as well as their immunity, are actively formed. In children, brown fat is deposited on the body, which will serve as a source of energy in the first days after birth.
  2. 26 week of pregnancy. The uterus is located high, the twins already weigh more than one and a half kilograms. It becomes difficult to breathe and walk due to an increase in the volume of the abdomen and an increase in the volume of circulating blood.
  3. 27 weeks pregnant with twins. You should keep the necessary things ready for hospitalization, as the risk of premature birth increases. If prolonged pain appears in the lower abdomen or amniotic fluid breaks, you must urgently call an ambulance.
  4. 28 weeks pregnant with twins. This is the seventh month of pregnancy. Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth for multiple pregnancies opens 84 days before the expected birth. Pregnant woman goes to maternity leave and visits the doctor regularly. In the third trimester, gestosis may appear, so it is necessary to measure blood pressure, monitor weight gain and submit urine for analysis.
  5. 29 weeks pregnant with twins. Babies are rapidly gaining weight. Twins weigh about 2400 grams. Children can gain weight at different rates; the difference in weight can be up to 300 grams.
  6. Week 30 is characterized by a decrease in amniotic fluid. When pregnant with twins, the babies begin to move less, since their weight is quite large, and they become cramped in the uterus. Internal organs are sufficiently developed, the gastrointestinal tract is preparing to digest food.
  7. 31 weeks pregnant with twins. The total weight of the children is approximately three kilograms. The babies are gaining strength and their kicks are becoming more noticeable. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, pulling in the lower back. Children begin to occupy a position in the uterine cavity in which they will remain until birth.
  8. Week 32. The eighth month of pregnancy has begun. During an ultrasound examination of a twin pregnancy, presentation is determined and the method of delivery is determined. With a high degree of probability it will be C-section. During pregnancy with twins, babies gain weight more slowly, but the process of final formation of all organs and systems accelerates.
  9. 33 weeks pregnant with twins. Starting this week, you will need to visit your doctor weekly with constant weighing and urine testing. Children have well-developed senses, they react to sharp sounds and light, taste amniotic fluid, and dream.
  10. Week 34 The stomach goes down. During pregnancy with twins, the head of one of the babies drops into the pelvis, the twins become cramped and move less. At this stage, the fetus is already fully viable.
  11. 35 week of pregnancy. The body is preparing for childbirth. The twins are fully formed. There are practically no complications during childbirth at 35 weeks. It is necessary to fold and keep ready everything necessary for hospitalization.
  12. 36 weeks pregnant with twins. This is a week of waiting for the long-awaited birth. There is practically no weight gain anymore. Doctors examine the pregnant woman regularly and prepare for a planned birth.
  13. 37 weeks pregnant with twins. Often the doctor recommends hospitalization as early as this week. More than half of twins born are born during this period.
  14. 38 weeks of pregnancy. Children don't grow as fast. Twins gain about 30 grams per day. The estimated due date is approaching. You should monitor for swelling and increased blood pressure. Contractions can start at any time. If you experience abdominal pain and the first contractions, you need to go to the maternity hospital.

In multiple pregnancies, delivery is usually planned. A week or two before giving birth, doctors recommend going to a specialized hospital. In most cases, the woman is offered a caesarean section. There is no need to worry, as this operation is done to preserve the health of the mother and babies. If desired, a woman can become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy child.