Crocheted rugs with knitting patterns, photos and videos

Rugs or rugs have been an integral part of any interior for centuries. Modern textile artists have significantly expanded the range of materials and ideas, thanks to which this needlework has again become fashionable and popular. Skillful combination

Posts tagged with crochet slippers

Each of us probably loves new clothes and shoes. The shoes we wear at home are especially important. It should be comfortable, warm and, of course, beautiful. You can, of course, buy slippers in a store, but we will not be sure of their quality and practicality.

Crochet children's handbag: description, diagrams, useful tips

Not only adults love all kinds of handbags, but little fashionistas are not far behind. Young children grasp everything on the fly and strive to be like adults. Currently, there are a variety of handbags on sale, but their prices are also different and

Angel (hook): knitting pattern

The painstaking work of needlewomen allows them to create wonderful things. Among them, the most valuable are souvenirs that will appeal to both children and adults of all ages. Using crochet angel patterns, you can create wonderful toys that