Conversation on the topic of friendship in the middle group. About friendship and friends lesson plan (middle group) on the topic

Target. Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.


1. Enrich with new knowledge and skills of conflict-free communication.

2. Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate and come to the rescue, positive social behavior.

3. To educate the moral foundations of the child’s personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Program content.

· Reinforce the correct pronunciation of children, monitor complete answers, and activate adjectives in speech.

· Contribute to the unity of the children's team.

· Form a favorable psychological climate of the group.

· Expand and deepen children’s ideas about a friendly attitude towards the people around them. Encourage the expression of sympathy and empathy for family and friends.

· Teach children to identify, analyze and evaluate behavior from the point of view of standards and samples.

· Cultivate a desire to help and support another person. Fostering a humane attitude towards family and friends.

· To develop awareness of the moral side of actions.

· Development of a sense of empathy, relaxation.

Materials and equipment.

· A parcel box with a letter from Snow White and a video camera inside;

· A sheet of paper, with a center for a flower, petals

· Felt pen

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting ritual.

Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in a good mood. I really want you to remain in a good mood throughout the day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me.

Teacher and children (together):

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, strong oak tree!

We live in our native land,

I greet you all!

2. Main part.

Well done boys! Do you think we are all the same? Of course not! Although we all communicate together and live nearby, we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires and much more. We also have common points that unite us.

3. Game “Listen carefully!”

We will see this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you a task, and you will respond to it with movements.

Ice cream lovers, join hands.

Raise your hands up those who love exercise.

Those who like to walk outside, put your hands on your belt.

Those who like to visit, stamp your right foot.

Hold hands those who love cartoons.

You see how much we have in common, how many favorite activities we all have in common!

4.Surprise moment.

There's a knock on the door junior teacher brings in a parcel box, says that he brought it to kindergarten postman.

(on the box there is a return address: Lesnaya Polyana, from Snow White)

Do you know who Snow White is? (Yes)

What fairy tale is she from? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

I wonder what's inside? (the children, together with the teacher, open the box and find a letter with a video camera in it).

What it is? (letter, camera)

Sit down on your chairs, now we'll read it

« Hello guys! All my dwarf friends quarreled among themselves. They don't want to be friends anymore. I do not know what to do. Help them reconcile, please!”

Snow White needs help. Shall we help her guys? (Yes)

Guys, I don’t understand why a video camera is needed? (to write something down.)

What do you think we will record? (How we play together and don’t quarrel)

Sit down on the chairs, and I will ask one of the guests to help us and record everything on video. (The teacher hands over the video camera.)

5. Conversation on the topic “What is friendship?”

Are you guys friendly? (Yes)

Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try not to offend each other)

Where does friendship begin? (from a smile, from an acquaintance, from kind words, with common interests, etc.)

What color do you think friendship is? What smell? (children's answers)

What can strong friendship be compared to? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, lock, sun, song, etc.)

How much do you know about friendship, well done. Now let's show how friendly we are. (children stand on the carpet)

6. Exercise “Friend to Friend”.

In this game you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase “friend to friend,” you must find a partner and shake his hand, and then greet with those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say “each other,” you will have to find yourself a new partner.

Ear to ear;

nose to nose;

forehead to forehead;

knee to knee;

elbow to elbow;

back to back;

shoulder to shoulder (play 3-4 times, sit on chairs).

Well done boys! Liked? Was it easy? Why?

In order for us to be friendly guys, we must remember to say hello every morning, not only to children but also to adults. I would really like the forest gnomes to see our game.

7. Physical training

Now we’ll rest and do some warm-up

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap,

three claps

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

8 .Collective work “Flower of kind words”.

We rested a little, and now I ask my friends for work, it’s time for us to go.

Guys, now we will make a flower of kind words and send it to the forest gnomes and Snow White. So that they look at him, read our words and make peace.

Each child receives a flower petal. The presenter speaks

Let's sit quietly

And we’ll make a flower

Take a petal

Say a kind word

And attach it to the middle

Children approach the teacher and say kind word, the teacher writes it down on a petal and helps glue it to the middle on whatman paper.

10. Summary.

What is our beautiful flower it turned out, what do you guys think, will the gnomes make peace after they watch the videotape and receive our magic flower? What do you think they will find particularly interesting? (children's answers)

11. Seal the cassette with the video recording in a parcel and send it to Snow White.

And now, guys, we’ll take a video camera and send it to the gnomes, let them see what friendly guys we are, and also learn to be friends and compete.

12. Farewell ritual:"Smile"

Children stand in a circle, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and say the motto of friendly children: “The river begins with a stream, but friendship begins with a smile.”

Look around, smile, hug, go your separate ways.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Modern society is interested in raising a highly developed, unique personality. The ability to cope with manifestations of one’s own egoism, respect the opinions of other people, come to the rescue, sympathize and empathize with other people - these are the necessary qualities that must be embedded in early age. I believe that kids need to be taught to be friends. The concept of friendship is very broad. It has been noticed that the mental, mental, social, emotional and even physical development of a child is closely related to how his relationships with friends develop. True friendship is a whole world full of mysteries and secrets, inventions and mischief, joys and, alas, sorrows too. After all, no human relationship is complete without minor quarrels and insults.

In early preschool age, friendship relationships are most realized in the context of play. The main content of friendship development at this age is the formation of a stable attachment to a peer with the participation of emotional and personal components. The emergence and development of friendship can be considered as one of the links that ensures the integrity of the development of the emotional and personal sphere.

Communication during games and activities in itself causes certain personal relationships. Preschool age– the period of formation of initial ideas about friendship and the emergence of friendly relationships. The basis of a humane attitude towards people is the ability to empathize, to sympathize, which manifests itself in different life situations. Therefore, children need to develop not only ideas about proper behavior or communication skills, but above all moral feelings. Only in this case can a child be taught to accept and perceive other people’s difficulties and joys as their own.


  1. Deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person;
  2. Teach children to reflect on the moral essence of actions;
  3. To form in children a positive attitude towards themselves and others;
  4. improve communication skills;
  5. Develop social feelings, mutual assistance; development of inter-age communication skills;

Encourage understanding of universal human values ​​and awareness of one’s own internal position; cultivate a fair attitude towards each other and the desire not to offend each other. Material: Music center, audio recordings of songs: music by B. Savelyev, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “If you are kind”, music by V. Shainsky lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “Smile”, music by E. Krylatov lyrics. Y. Yakovleva “Lullaby of the Bear”; music by B. Savelyev, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “ A true friend

”; equipment for obstacles (cubes, hoops), paper, colored pencils, gouache. Short description: carried out with children of secondary and senior group

Progress of the lesson

talking about friendship, playing games, drawing.

Children are invited to the music room to listen to music and take seats that are convenient for them.

(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky “If you are kind”).

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Educator:

Guys, look how many guests we have today. .

Children say hello

The first child reads a poem:
Hello, kids!
Girls and boys
We are funny guys:
Our kindergarten “Altynchech”
Invites you today

Play with us.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. It was no coincidence that I included this song. Which of you is the smartest and has already guessed what we will talk about today?

Children: Today we will talk about friendship.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Yes, today in class we will talk about friendship. Amazing Magic word! Let's repeat in chorus and listen carefully to this word - friendship.

(Joint voicing of the word).

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. How do you understand what friendship is?

Children: When we share toys, we do not offend each other; when we do something together, etc.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Friendship is when people want to be together, when they play together and don’t quarrel. Friendship is the smiles of friends. This means that friends are people with whom we are interested and comfortable.

Let's come up with an “Island of Friendship” and go on an exciting journey. What do you think he is like?

Children: Light, beautiful, big.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Why do you think so?

Children: So that there is enough space for everyone to play, so that it is interesting.

The teacher addresses the children of the older group: Guys, are you friendly? Do you want to make friends with middle school children and play with them? We invite you all to the wonderful “Island of Friendship”.

We are happy to be friends with everyone,
After all, it's more fun with friends.
We will be one team
Let's be friends now.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Yes guys. Do you know that different animals, insects, birds and people live on this island. They are all friends with each other. There the bee and the flower are friends, the leaf and the moth are friends, the birds are friends in the heights, the fish are friends in the depths.

And before we go to the island of friendship, listen to the song and answer the question: “Where does friendship begin?”

An audio recording of the song “Friendship begins with a smile” is played.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. So where does friendship begin?

Children: With a smile.

Let's hold hands, and everyone, looking into the eyes of their neighbor, will give him their kindest and most welcoming smile.

The second child reads a poem:

This island will make everyone friends,
He will teach us all to be friends.
He will warm everyone with his warmth
and surround you with care.

The third child reads a poem:

We invite you to the island -
“Island of Friendship”. It's for those
Who has a lot of friends
And he wants to be a friend to everyone.

Educator(gathering the children around him). So that I can see you and so that you can see me and each other, please sit on the carpet, forming a circle. Now let's say hello with our eyes. I will be the first to greet each of you, looking into his eyes. Nodding my head slightly, I touch my neighbor’s shoulder. In the same way, each of you will greet your comrades with a look and a smile. ( Children complete the task).

Take the hands of the person sitting next to you. Feel the warmth of each other's hands and feel the warmth of each other through our hands. Are you feeling warmer? This is because there are many of us and we all want to be friends. But how can we make friends if we don't know each other by name? Let's play the game “Silence”, which will help us get to know each other.

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, saying:

Hush, hush, silence...
The water doesn't sway
The reeds don't make noise,
Falling asleep... (children's names).

The movements are performed to the music “Lullaby of the Bear”. Children, hearing their names, squat down, imitating falling asleep. The teacher turns to them: “Who sleeps here?” children rise and say their name.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. When you are friends with someone, you are always glad to see this person, you miss him. And now we will choose a friend. The next game is called “Find a Friend”.

Children are divided into two teams (middle and senior groups) and stand opposite each other. Children from the older group are looking for a mate - a friend based on the eye color of the children in the middle group. If the task causes difficulty for someone, he can turn to his friends or teacher for help, or he can go up to the mirror with a partner and compare the color of his eyes. It is clear that there cannot be a complete coincidence here. The task set by the teacher for the children is to emphasize the external similarity.

After the children make their choice, they get to know each other.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. I see that you have found friends and become acquainted. We found out your friend's name. Let's check how strong your friendship is. The game “Friendly Guys” will help us with this.

Children, turning to face each other, hold hands, intertwining their fingers and overcoming obstacles (step over cubes, go through a hoop, cross a bridge, etc.).

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Guys, what color do you think friendship is? Why? (children's answers). Or maybe friendship is black? (Children's answers).

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Now let's try to draw friendship. In front of you are sheets of colored paper, colored pencils and gouache. You can choose what you think is necessary in order to draw your friendship.

An audio recording of cheerful music plays. Children draw friendship.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Look how good your drawings are, well done! (The teacher looks at the drawings with the children). And you did a good job with this task. Now let's see if you can recognize your friend among others.

An audio recording of the song “Wider Circle” is played. Children dance to music in different parts of the hall. As soon as the music stops, they must quickly find their friend.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Well done! Nothing can separate you. Now let's try to recognize your friend by his voice. The next game is called “Find out by voice - who said it?”

The child driving, sitting with his back to the players, must find out which of the children ( as directed by the teacher) said: “You won’t recognize my voice; you won’t guess who said it.”

The teacher makes sure that the pairs change.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Did you guys like our “Friendship Island?”

Now let’s all hold hands and make a big circle. Let's pass on our warm friendship to each other. Today we became friends. Guys, value friendship, do everything to preserve it, and if your relationship suddenly deteriorates, you always need to gain courage, overcome yourself, and take the first step to restore the relationship, no matter who is to blame for its deterioration.

Children say goodbye to the guests to the music and, holding hands, leave the music room.

Thematic conversation "Let's talk about friendship" with children of the middle group.

Target: Clarify children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends”
teach to comprehend and evaluate the situation. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Progress of the conversation.

The song "True Friend" is playing. Children are included in the group.
Educator. Hello children! I'm glad to see you.
-Children, do you like this song? (Yes) Who is it sung about? (About a friend)
That's right, you are smart, attentive and quick-witted.
Today we will talk about friendship.
Educator. Do you have friends? Say who they are. Where do they live?
What games do you play with them? (Children's answers). Now listen to the poem.

Brighter than the sun's rays
Friendship in the whole world
After all, it's more fun with friends,
On any planet!

Educator. Children, do you know what friendship is? (Children’s answers)
Why do you think a person needs friends? What does it mean to be friends?
(Help each other in trouble, don’t quarrel, be able to share joy,
will be able to stand up for their friends). Guys, which of you knows proverbs about friendship, let him tell them. Children tell proverbs.

1. You can’t cut friendship with an ax.
2. Without a friend - an orphan, with a friend - a family man.
3. If you don’t have a friend, look for him; if you find him, take care of him.
4. A friend is known in need.
5. An old friend is better than two new ones.
6.Money can’t buy a friend.
Educator. Well done boys. Let's play a game

"Find your soul mate."

Each of you has halves of flowers, you need to put together a flower from two halves of the same color, find a pair for yourself. (the song “From a Smile” sounds,
children find their soul mates.

Physical education session "Friendship" is held

Friends in our group
Girls and boys
You and I will become friends
Little fingers
One two three four five
Start counting again
One two three four five
We've finished counting. (Movements are performed in accordance with the text)
Educator. Children, now tell us about your friends.
But we will tell you without calling him by name. (Children talk about his appearance, habits, hobbies, and others must guess who we are talking about).
Educator. Well done boys! Today we had a very interesting conversation about friendship. You know a lot about friendship. Thank you. At home with your parents, learn sayings about friendship, and then tell them to us.

Program content:

Bring children to understand the meaning of the word “Friendship”.

Expand ideas about what qualities a friend should have

Learn in a simple way way out of the conflict

Cultivate a fair attitude towards each other, cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

To develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid in a difficult situation, to develop social feelings, as well as the development of communication skills.

Learn to manage your feelings and emotions, expand your understanding of friendship, and deepen your children’s understanding of kindness.

Progress of the lesson:

Music by V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” sounds.


The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

. What is friendship? As it is sung in the good old song from the cartoon: “Neither me, nor you, nor anyone can play all the games alone,” and even more so, “Always eat ice cream alone, it tastes neither me, nor you, nor anyone...”.Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? (children's answers).

I will ask questions, and you will answer “yes, yes, yes” or “no, no, no.”

A game: “Yes, yes, yes,” “no, no, no.”

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Should we value our friendship?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Shall we help a friend?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Need to piss off a friend?

(no no no)

How about giving a smile?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Should you offend a friend?

(no no no)

Shall we drink tea with friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Well done! We completed the task.

The song by V. Shainsky “Smile” is played.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Guys, where does acquaintance and friendship begin? (children's answers) True, because a smiling person is friendly. A benevolent person is one who wishes the best for you.Let's give friendly smiles to our guests, let everyone have a good mood and a successful day.
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other. (children hold hands and stand in a circle)

Warm palms touched
And the children smiled.

Any person appreciates not only a kind smile, but also a friendly word

Game "Compliments".
The children stand, turn in a circle, shake their palms and say, “Sasha, you are kind.” And so on. Example words: cheerful, beautiful, fast, bold, courageous, caring, polite, cultured, hardworking, friendly.

A person's mood is lifted by good words.

Physical education moment

Hold hands together
Turn right - left (turns right - left)
Let's have fun (claps)
Jump (jumping)
And spin (spin)
Lots of happy people (we walk in a circle)
Good, loyal friends to us.
Let's not quarrel (let's go to the center)
Let's forget about sadness (we move back).

Educator : Guys, does it ever happen that you quarrel? What causes quarrels most often? (children's answers)

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. So, the most common reason quarrels when you cannot share something or when you want to do the same thing. Imagine two friends Hedgehog and Bunny, each of whom wants to ride on a swing, how can you help them not to quarrel?

(The teacher selects two children to participate in the game, gives them the appropriate animal masks, and the children are asked to depict the current situation.)

There lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

One day they went for a walk

And in the clearing they found a swing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

Hare: “I’m first!”

And Hedgehog: “No, me!”

Friends are not inferior to each other.

The hare was offended: “So you are a Hedgehog,

I’m not at all good as a comrade!”

Discussing the problem, finding ways to solve it.

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. Why did the Hare decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog? (children's answers)

— Do you think it’s worth quarreling with friends over this? (children's answers)

- How to reconcile friends, make sure that there is no quarrel? (children's answers)

Let's read the poem again, well, with a cheerful ending, when the bunny and the hedgehog agreed.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

There lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

One day they went for a walk

And in the clearing they found a swing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

The hare said: “I’ll rock you, you and I are friends, Hedgehog.”

There are ottomans and chairs in the music room. So, what should you do to avoid quarreling? (children's answers: be able to negotiate) What do you think a friend should be like? (children’s answers: kind, attentive, responsive)

Let's make an unusual poster about friendship. (children approach the table on which there is a large Whatman paper with a globe glued to it.)

Guys, the palm is a symbol of trust, sincerity and friendship. If adults and children are friends on our planet, then we can call our planet -PLANET OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP.Let's leave our handprints on our poster. (children dip their hands in colorful paints)

(while working, a song about friendship plays)

Educator: The teacher finishes:
Brighter than the sun's rays
Friendship in the whole world
It's more fun with friends
On any planet.

The song by V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” is played.

Goal: Formation of the concepts “Friend”, “Friendship”.


Educational: introduce children to the rules (secrets, laws) friendly relations, consolidate knowledge of proverbs.

Developmental: enrich vocabulary; consolidate the ability to participate in joint play, conduct short dialogues in situations of creative and playful communication.

Educational: teach to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others; to form positive relationships between preschoolers and encourage them to do good deeds.

Equipment: audio recording of the songs “True Friend”, “Smile”, a miracle tree with questions, a ball, a fairy-tale character the cat Leopold.

Preliminary work: repetition of poems about friendship, work with proverbs.

Educator: Hello, children! Today we will talk about something very, very important. And what exactly will you find out about after listening to the song? (An audio recording of the song “True Friend” plays.) What was this song about? Do you agree with this? Why? How many of you guessed what we will talk about today? (about friendship, about politeness, about relationships).

And now I will tell you a fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love on earth. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all my life.

The wizard thought and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew has not yet dried...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place...

She came and saw: they cost five beautiful girls, one is more beautiful than the other.

“Choose,” said the wizard.

One is called Joy, the other is Kindness, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, and the fifth is Friendship.

“They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. I don’t know who to choose...

Yours, really,” answered the wizard, “but choose only one of them.” She will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love came closer to the girls and looked into each one’s eyes. Love thought.

Educator: Guys, who would you choose? Why? (Children explain their opinion).

Love approached a girl named Druzhba and extended her hand.

Why did Love choose Friendship? (Children's answers).

What a wonderful word “Friendship”. Let's say this word together!

Guys, do you like fairy tales? But in fairy tales, fairy-tale characters also know how to be friends. Try to guess who is friends with whom.

1.Green crocodile Gena and his friend... (Cheburashka)

2. A boy named Baby and his friend... (Carlson)

3. Funny bear Vini - Pooh and his friend... (Piglet)

In front of you guys is unusual tree, because it has unusual flowers. Questions are written on the flowers of this tree. Let's try to answer them.

  1. Oleg needs to turn to the teacher, and at this time she is talking. What should be done?
  2. Igor ran into Vera at the door. What should he do?
  3. Masha brought a new doll to the group, and Olya wants to play with the doll. What should Olya do?
  4. The boys built a house from blocks, Maxim was playing nearby and hit it, the house broke down. What should Maxim do?
  5. You came to kindergarten and brought candy. What will you do with them?
  6. Can someone who offends little ones be called polite?
  7. Girls play interesting game, Sveta approached them. What will the girls say to her?

Well done, guys. And now we will do the exercise “Friendship begins with a smile,” which will make you feel fun and pleasant. (Using polite words, you need to call your neighbor by an affectionate name and with a smile. For example, Hello, Mashenka.)

Now the time has come for us to unravel the secret of friendship. (Yes.) And this secret is hidden in one song. Let's listen. (An audio recording of the song “Smile” plays.)

And where does friendship begin? (with a smile) Well done, you figured out the secret of friendship very quickly.

Today we are talking about what true friendship is and what it gives to a person. (Children recite a previously learned poem in chorus.)

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschool children.

We don't offend anyone.

We know how to care.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.

May everyone have a good time.

It will be joyful and light.

It’s always nice to talk about friends and friendship. Do you know proverbs about friendship? I suggest you play the “Finish the Proverb” game.

1.One for all and all for one.

2. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

3. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

4. I make new friends, but I don’t forget old ones.

5. An old friend is better than two new ones.

So what were these proverbs talking about? (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, you are still just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow many laws. For example:

Trust your friend.

Don't deceive your friend.

Don't offend your friend.

Stand up for a friend.

To help each other.

Also, what laws do you know?

What did we talk about today?

What is friendship?

Did you like the lesson?

(There's a knock on the door. A fairy-tale character, the cat Leopold, comes in.) Guys, who came to visit us? (Leopold the cat) Let's say hello to him. (Hello.)

Leopold: I came not empty-handed, but with a magic ball. Shall we play? (Yes.) (Children sit on the carpet in a circle. Leopold passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread on his finger and at the same time says a polite word. Then passes the ball to the next child until it’s the teacher’s turn.) Guys, did you like the game? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Now you and I are connected by one ball, a ball of friendship. Do you remember what Leopold the cat said in the cartoon? Let us all stand up, hold hands, smile at each other and say the words again kindest cat Leopold:

Guys let's be friends!

Educator: Goodbye, Leopold.

The children also say goodbye.

And finally, we will play the game “Friendship Relay. "(Hold hands and pass the baton, shake hands. The teacher begins: "I will pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and, finally, returns to me again). I feel that there is more friendship, since each of you added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Goodbye!