How to properly apply foundation on your face. A few secrets to having the perfect skin tone

An even complexion is the main key to the success of any makeup. Even perfectly drawn arrows, neatly outlined scarlet lips or a stunning smokey eye makeup with filigree shading will lose greatly against the background of an uneven complexion.

What is foundation used for?

It's important to remember that Foundation most often it is not able to camouflage absolutely all skin imperfections. It will not necessarily cover dark circles under the eyes and will not “erase” all pimples.

The main task of foundation is to even out the complexion and create a monochromatic “canvas” for subsequent makeup. A light foundation will probably cover only 30 percent of unevenness and imperfections, a dense one - from 70 to 90. Therefore, after applying the foundation, if necessary, correct problem areas with a concealer or corrector. If there are no special problems with the skin, then it is possible that one foundation will be enough.

There are a number of indicators by which you can determine that the foundation has been applied correctly.

  • Facial skin looks monochromatic.
  • The complexion and neck color are the same, that is, there is no mask effect. To achieve this, test the foundation on the skin in the area of ​​the lower edge of the lower jaw - this way you will see the color matches the tone of the neck and the tone of the face. If there is a clear difference, choose a foundation that is more suitable for the tone of your neck. IN summer time, if you wear revealing clothes, also check the tone on your collarbones.
  • The foundation does not emphasize skin texture, flaking, dryness, pores and does not add an oily sheen. To do this, it is important to choose a shade that suits your skin and prepare your skin well - we will talk about this in detail below.

Preparing the face for applying foundation


Before applying foundation, be sure to cleanse your skin with toner. This will provide a more even coverage and reduce the risk of blemishes, since there will be no contaminants between the skin and foundation that can cause inflammation.

  • Avoid using toner that contains alcohol before makeup. The skin may react to this component with redness or irritation, and the foundation will apply worse. Check the toner label to make sure ALCOHOL is not listed in the ingredient list.

Do not use micellar water before makeup: micelles absorb not only dirt and oil, but also makeup particles, which can also lead to uneven coverage.


To provide extra care to your skin and prepare it for foundation, spread a light moisturizer, serum, or oil over your skin before applying makeup.

  • It's important to remember that oily skin needs moisturizing no less than dry. If such skin is properly moisturized, sebum production will be reduced and the overall condition of the skin will improve. Wait a little before applying foundation. It is important that the moisturizer is absorbed.

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Using Primers

This step is not necessary, but can help prepare the skin for makeup if there are any nuances.

  • Mattifying primer. Prevents the appearance of unwanted shine. This product does not need to be applied to the entire face, just go through those areas that are prone to an oily glow.
  • Blur primer. Helps fill pores, hide wrinkles and make the skin texture smoother, facilitating the subsequent blending of foundation.
  • Radiant primer. “Illuminates” the face from the inside and makes it visually rested and well-groomed. It is applied to the entire face or only to areas that are usually highlighted with highlighter: on the upper parts of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, the tick above the upper lip, the dimple under the lower lip, the center of the forehead. Avoid areas that are already prone to shine.
  • Moisturizing primer. Can replace moisturizer. Hides flaking and fills the skin with moisture so that the tone lasts better throughout the day, does not crease or fade.
  • Color primer. Redness is neutralized by a green primer. Tired, earthy-toned skin will be illuminated by a primer with a lilac undertone;

What is the best way to apply foundation?

Each application method is good in its own way. Try different ones to find the one that suits you personally, and we will tell you about their features.


Applying foundation allows you to achieve a thin and even coverage with perfect shading. By layering your foundation in this way, you can get a denser coverage for an evening look.

Even a beginner can handle applying foundation with a sponge; the risk of making a mistake is minimal. The result is a perfectly smooth coating.

The disadvantage of this method of application is the greater consumption of foundation compared to other options.

Wet the sponge and squeeze out excess water. Due to the small amount of absorbed moisture, the sponge will not take up too much foundation, and its surface will be as soft as possible. It's comfortable on the face and perfect for easy blending.

First, put the foundation on your hand and spread it over your face in dots. This will help you not to overdo it with the amount of cream on your face and distribute it evenly.

Use a sponge to spread the foundation over your face using patting movements. Move from the center of the face to its periphery, avoid getting it on the eyebrows and hairline - removing the foundation from the hair will be problematic.

With your fingers

The warmth of your hands warms up the foundation, making it more flexible and pliable for blending. This method is good for its cost-effectiveness. But it will take practice - applying foundation beautifully with your fingers is a little more difficult than with a brush, so follow our instructions:

Apply the required amount of foundation onto your hand.

Spread the cream over your face in dots - literally a couple of drops on each area (cheeks, nose, center of the forehead, chin).

Do not smear the foundation - this will only emphasize the texture of the skin. Instead, use patting movements of your fingers to go over the entire face from the center to the edges.

Work through every centimeter of skin so that there are no untouched areas or unshaded borders. Together with makeup, you will get a wonderful facial massage that will improve blood circulation and invigorate the skin.


Applying foundation with a brush allows you to act as carefully as possible. In addition, this is the most convenient method in everyday life compared to the previous two - your hands remain clean and you don’t have to wash the cream out of the sponge for a long time (the brush is much easier to clean).

To apply foundation with a brush, follow these rules:

  • Apply foundation onto your hand until it warms up a little and becomes more pliable. Then use a brush.
  • Do not apply a large amount of cream at once, add it gradually.
  • Use round brushes to make circular movements. Flat - linear.
  • Do not put pressure on the brush, do not squeeze it too hard, hold it calmly in your hand - this way the application of foundation will be precise and accurate.

How to properly apply foundation to faces of different shapes?

With the help of foundation you can not only even out your complexion, but also make light-shadow correction. This is a well-known technique that is often used by celebrity makeup artists. You will need two shades of tone - a little lighter than your skin color and a little darker. The difference may be 1-2 tones.

Apply light foundation to the entire central part of the face.

Place the darker shade in drops around the periphery of the face and under the cheekbones.

Blend with a brush, erasing the boundaries with the already applied light tone.

This simple contouring method is suitable for girls with any face shape. You can see the application pattern depending on the specific face shape in our gallery:

Applying foundation to different skin types

Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by unwanted shine throughout the face, enlarged pores and frequent inflammation (acne, comedones).

  • Before applying foundation, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin (remembering to complete this stage with a toner; it restores the pH balance of the skin). Then, if necessary, apply a caring serum or cream. To hide enlarged pores, use a leveling foundation - the main thing is that it does not contain oils.
  • For oily skin, the ideal foundation is mattifying. It will control unwanted shine throughout the day. Do not try to cover up skin imperfections by layering foundation, use special correctors different shades and apply them locally to problem areas. This way you will create the most natural coverage.
  • Set the tone with transparent or mattifying powder, avoid products with reflective particles.

Foundation is considered the foundation of the makeup industry, so it is important to learn how to apply it correctly. Girls use the product to even out their complexion, hide skin imperfections and create high-quality makeup. How to apply foundation so that it doesn’t look like a mask, emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws? There are basic makeup rules that need to be taken into account.

How to choose a foundation

Skin Features. When choosing a foundation, take into account your skin type, its shade and the general condition of the epidermis. Choose the product that suits you best. Ask the seller for samples and evaluate the tone in natural light.

To choose the right shade, apply the cream to your wrist or the outside of your hand. These parts of the body are most suitable for testing because they have a similar shade to the complexion.

Take your time to make a purchase; foundation tends to darken and adapt to the skin. Wait 10 minutes, then make a choice in favor of one or another product.

Skin defects. If you have inflammation or acne on your face, give preference to thick, creamy products that contain minerals and trace elements. In this case, you will be able to enrich the epidermis and create gentle image. To smooth out unevenness and roughness, use a special sponge or sponge that will cover the skin with a thick layer.

The effect is achieved due to the uniform distribution of microparticles over the entire surface of the face, so that the pigment does not linger in one area, which makes the use of the product less noticeable. In addition to the visual effect, mineral compact powders contain antibacterial additives that treat pimples and prevent their further appearance.

Mature skin. Women aged 40+ should give preference to liquid toning products. They increase elasticity, smooth out the skin structure as much as possible and saturate the epidermis with oxygen. An excellent option would be preparations that consist half of day cream. They contain wheat germ and chitin, which keep the skin youthful.

Dry and sensitive skin. Owners of these two types are recommended to use only foundations with high fat content. They include hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E and nutritional supplements, due to which the cream does not dry out the top layer of the epidermis.

The components help hide blue spots from acne and inflammation. In this case, the product is applied in a generous layer with your fingertips. If your skin is very dry, lubricate it first. nourishing cream, wait 5 minutes, then use a moisturizer, only then cover your face with foundation.

Oily skin. Try to choose a product with dry tinting ingredients, in which the amount of fatty particles is minimized. Such preparations absorb excess fat that appears due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The coating should remain matte for as long as possible so as not to resort to using foundation every 2 hours.

Normal or combination skin. Almost any foundation will suit you. Come to the store, choose the one you like, look at the expiration date and storage conditions, and then feel free to buy the shade you want!

You don't need to remove "greasy" or roughness like other skin types. Depending on the duration of action, there are ultra-resistant and long-lasting foundations; try to buy the latter, they are better suited for normal skin and do not clog pores.

Application of foundation can be done using a brush, sponge or fingers. Let's look at each method.

Applying foundation with a brush
The method using this tool is characterized by increased consumption of cosmetics, as a result of which it is slowly becoming a thing of the past. If you still decide to use a brush, you should warm up the foundation in advance. Squeeze it into your palm, squeeze it, then dip the tool. Apply the cream using targeted movements, paying attention to the cheeks, forehead, chin, sides of the nose, lips and cheekbones. One dunk should be enough for all areas.

Applying foundation with a sponge
The method is used to work with problematic and irritated skin. He carefully works out every flaw, covering the face with a generous layer using “driving” movements. First, dip the tool in warm water, then in the cream, and then begin the procedure.

Using smooth movements, cover the wings of the nose, smoothly moving to the cheeks, then work the middle of the forehead and the protruding area of ​​the chin. Next, take another sponge and carefully blend each area. Watch the movements at the hairline, try to perform the procedure without touching them.

Applying foundation with your fingers
The most common and effective method. Thanks to the warmth emanating from the fingers, the foundation is applied in a thin and even layer, which allows you to achieve an excellent result.

For dry and sensitive skin Point movements with fingertips are applied throughout the face.

If you have oily skin, apply the product to your palms, rub them together and then apply to different areas of your face several times.

Mature and normal skin covered with two fingers with intense “driving” movements.

  1. Preparation is the most important stage that cannot be skipped; it sets the direction for the entire process. Clean your face with foam or gel for washing, wipe with a hard towel. Treat your face with lotion, then apply your regular day cream. These preparations are necessary to ensure that the base lies evenly and does not accumulate in certain areas (nasolabial folds, wrinkles, wings of the nose).
  2. A colored base will allow you to adjust the final result of applying foundation. It is designed specifically for skin imperfections. There are 5 main shades of color base: Transparent - optionally used as the first layer under any other base, nourishes the skin and creates a velvety effect. Pink - hides dark circles under the eyes. Green - used to correct redness and irritation, removes acne and capillary networks. Violet - eliminates yellowish skin tint, masks dark spots and freckles. Beige - allows you to do grey colour faces are more saturated. Choose a base color that will hide certain imperfections. It is permissible to use several shades at the same time, but they should not overlap each other.
  3. The procedure always starts from the wings of the nose, smoothly moving to the cheeks. In a convenient way, cover them with movements from the center to the edge, grabbing the chin. Apply the cream to the crease above the lips, but do not touch the area around the mouth.
  4. Next, the area under the eyes is corrected. The cream is applied pointwise to this area using a brush or fingers, but not with a sponge. Carefully work on the dark areas and the inner corner of the eye.
  5. Apply the product in strokes to the area under the chin, smoothly moving to the neck. Treat the forehead, avoiding the hair growth area, go over the temples and skin near the ears.
  6. After completing the manipulations, move on to problem areas. Beat in the cream with a sponge so as to hide all the imperfections. Return to the area under the eyes again and go through the sponge. Move to the area around the mouth, cover this area with a thin layer.
  7. Take a brush and blend out everything you applied. Carefully work through each area so that there are no “drips” left. Special attention require areas under the eyes, area around the mouth, nasolabial folds and hairline. It will take 2-3 approaches to achieve an even and natural shade.
  8. After the procedure, wait 15 minutes for the cream to be absorbed. Take a paper napkin and pat your face with it, but do not touch your nose. Work it out expression wrinkles and all areas where foundation may build up.

  1. Shading needs to be done in a circular motion.
  2. The portion of foundation per approach should be minimal; it is better to divide the application into 2 times to avoid the mask effect.
  3. Foundations in brown shades yellow the skin and make it look unnatural if your color is much lighter. Use peach or beige products.
  4. When choosing a foundation, pay attention to the UV filter; it should not be below 7 levels of protection.
  5. Always do your makeup in daylight, which will reveal any imperfections in advance.
  6. The sponge should be soft, bend easily and adapt to the topography of the face.
  7. When your makeup looks unnatural, combine foundation and day cream in a 2:1 ratio, then begin the procedure.
  8. If you have pale skin with prominent capillaries, use several layers of a colored base before applying foundation.
  9. Ultra-long-lasting products are suitable exclusively for those who do not have the opportunity to correct makeup and “powder their nose” throughout the day. In other cases, it clogs pores and provokes accelerated work of the sebaceous glands.
  10. Creams with silicone are easier to apply and, as a rule, look more natural.
  11. A concealer pencil over foundation will hide large pimples and pustules. Then use the cream again to fix the result.
  12. If you purchased a cream with shimmering pigment, keep in mind that wrinkles will not be hidden.
  13. Use several application methods: fingers, sponge, brush.
  14. Completion of the procedure should always be completed using paper napkin to remove excess.
  15. Be sure to remove your makeup at night, otherwise your skin will dry out, turn yellow and become acne-prone.
  16. Wash instruments with hot water and soap or shampoo after each procedure.
  17. Store the foundation in a dark place out of direct sunlight.
  18. Buy a cream that is a tone lighter than your natural skin color, your face will look fresher.
  19. Make sure that the product does not get on your hair, otherwise your makeup will become sloppy.
  20. Movements during application should be as short as possible.

Still don't know how to apply foundation correctly? Start by purchasing the product, but keep in mind that incorrect color selection leads to yellow and unnatural skin. Remember that a low-quality sponge will absorb all the cream, as a result of which it will be “squeezed out” onto the face in the most unnecessary places. Give preference to professional tools and do not neglect the preparation stage. Everything will work out, you just have to want it!

Video: how to apply foundation

Correctly applied foundation will make your face look well-groomed, rested and fresh. But, unfortunately, not every woman masters the technique of applying foundation, so sometimes ineptly executed makeup focuses attention on flaws even more.

If you take into account all the nuances of using tinted cosmetics, you can become a real artist and sculptor of your appearance. Lessons from cosmetologists or educational videos will help you learn how to select different shades, correct facial features, and shade or highlight certain areas.

It's a rare cosmetic bag that doesn't contain foundation. But not every woman knows all the functions of the cream.

Among the main advantages of using a high-quality cosmetic tone:

  1. Masking marks from scratches, inflammation, etc.
  2. UV protection.
  3. Nutrition and hydration.
  4. Removes small wrinkles.
  5. Affects free radicals.
  6. Creates a basic foundation for high-quality makeup.

Preparing the face for application

The successful result of skin toning largely depends on preparatory process which includes:

  1. Regular exfoliation (scrubbing).
  2. Cleansing and toning using tonic, gel, lotion, milk.
  3. Moisturize with cream (using your fingertips in a circular motion).
  4. Dry for 10-15 minutes.

Scrubbing will help get rid of dead particles that affect the texture and interfere with the regeneration of new cells. The cosmetic product contains abrasive components that are used for cleansing.

The rules and frequency of using the scrub depend on your skin type:

  1. For oily type Weekly treatments are recommended.
  2. For dry type 2 times a month is enough.

Applying a tonic or special gel to the face will help tone the cellular layer of the skin and cleanse it of fine dirt. Only after natural drying can you use a moisturizer. After 15 minutes, all components will be completely absorbed and the face will be ready for tinting.

Application technique

  1. Before using foundation It is recommended to mask all areas that differ in color with a corrector. Brownish spots and circles under the eyes will help hide the pink or yellow tone of a corrective pencil, and thanks to the green tone, you can make any redness invisible.
  2. Distribute the foundation evenly over the face in the form of dots. When applying makeup in the summer or on the occasion of a celebration, the neck and décolleté area are covered with the cosmetic.
  3. Blend with smooth movements. Do not pull the skin or put pressure on it. When using a brush, blend using short masks. The brush should move from top to bottom. The chin area is shaded towards the top and towards the ears. If the distribution of the product is done with your fingers, then you can get by with light pats.
  4. Allow the cream to absorb for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Powder your face to set the tint layer using a brush with natural bristles. Use fine structure powder in small quantities to prevent delamination of the treated surface and the formation of cracks in facial wrinkles.

A feature of the tone application technique is considered to be leisurely smooth movements directed along massage lines.

What to apply?

The foundation should be applied using a brush or sponge.

When using a special technology that provides a dense covering base, a damp sponge is used. However, this tinting technique is not suitable for thin, sensitive skin.

Using a dry sponge, foundation is applied in two ways:

  1. After the spot distribution of the cream on the face, the surface is leveled with a disc.
  2. The required dose of the product is squeezed onto the disk, after which it is evenly shaded over the skin.

Often the cream is applied using fingertips. The product is first distributed with light patting movements, then secured with gentle circular movements. Under no circumstances should you stretch or press on the skin.

To create the perfect base for makeup, you can use the skin tinting technique using a flat brush with synthetic bristles. The brush blends the composition along massage lines, carefully smoothing out tone boundaries and unevenness.

Regardless of the method of applying the tone, you need to adhere to the dosage. Only a thin layer will skillfully hide flaws and give freshness. A thick layer will create a mask effect, focusing on wrinkles, which will spoil the natural beauty.


Makeup should be applied only in natural light, when the color is perceived adequately. Artificial lighting distorts the natural tone, so it is difficult to choose the right shade. The result will be darker or light color face, which will stand out strongly against the background of the color of the neck.

Correction of face shape using foundation

A foundation with foundation not only improves the color and texture of the face, it helps to correct the shape. An oval shape is considered perfect, so when applying makeup, makeup artists try to bring the result closer to the ideal.

First, the areas that need to be emphasized are determined. Then areas requiring camouflage are identified.

For correction, creams of different shades are used.

By highlighting or darkening parts of the face, you can visually change the shape of the oval, nose, chin:

  1. A long face can be visually shortened by applying a dark tone along the chin and forehead area.
  2. A dark tone of cream distributed over the temporal and lateral parts will help to narrow a round face in a matter of minutes.
  3. You can turn a square shape into an oval shape thanks to dark tone, applied from the corners of the mouth to the temporal part.

How to store the cream?

Create the most favorable storage conditions cosmetics You can by placing the cosmetic bag in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

The sponge needs to be changed as needed, but it should be cleaned after 5-7 days, depending on the frequency of use.

You should regularly check the expiration dates of products. Expired cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

The sun's rays can reduce the quality of creams in a matter of hours, so you should not leave jars and tubes in the open sun.

Types of foundation

Different manufacturers produce foundations that differ in structure, density, and fat content. Each representative of the fair sex can choose the cream that is most suitable in composition.

Types of tinting cosmetics are classified mainly by consistency:

  1. Liquid creams are intended for oily skin types and are almost colorless, which is why they cannot disguise problem areas.
  2. Thick creamy formulations create a good camouflage for dry skin types, fatty enzymes provide sufficient nutrition.
  3. Foundation films have a delicate structure, are suitable for any skin type, and are applied in a thin layer.
  4. The cream stick is intended directly for masking imperfections: scratches, circles under the eyes, etc.
  5. Cream powder can be used daily, perfectly moisturizes, smoothes out color and unevenness.
  6. Foundation mousse creates a light effect and cannot mask problem areas

Selection by skin type

Before purchasing foundation cosmetics, you need to determine your skin type. Many compositions, in addition to the camouflage effect, perform the functions of moisturizing, nutrition, protection from ultraviolet radiation, etc.

Determining the type will help you choose a product that improves the structure of the cell layer:

  1. Moisturizing is important for sensitive skin. A thick cream with a moisturizing effect will provide reliable protection.
  2. Only oil-based tinted cosmetics can provide dry skin with nutrition rich in fatty enzymes.
  3. For oily types, creams that create a mattifying effect and contain a minimal amount of fat are suitable.
  4. For the mixed type, conventional formulations with a balanced amount of nutrients are suitable.

How to use for problem skin?

Preparing a face with problem skin before applying foundation consists of cleansing and moisturizing. The product is selected with components that help reduce fat content.

The imperfections are pre-treated with concealer. After which the foundation is distributed using a moistened sponge or sponge. This will create a dense layer that well masks unevenness and evens out the color. Finely ground powder will help set the base.

Review of the best brands

Loreal (AllaincePerfect)

  1. A wide range of creams that differ in structure, density and composition.
  2. The products even out skin color, adapting to your individual shade.
  3. Does not create a mask effect.
  4. They have a masking and moisturizing effect.
  5. For dry skin types, a series of moisturizers are available that are used before toning.

The only drawback is the ability of the cream to leave marks on clothes.

Max Factor Xperience

  1. Has a moisturizing and softening effect.
  2. It has a light structure and is practically not felt on the face.
  3. Covers small imperfections well.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be used for problem skin.


  1. Adjusts to natural skin color.
  2. The lightweight structure allows the skin to breathe.
  3. Does not create the feeling of a mask.

Disadvantage: Only suitable for thin skin.


  1. Easily shaded.
  2. Has a moisturizing and masking effect.
  3. Suitable for problem skin.
  4. Hides small wrinkles.
  5. The pleasant smell fills you with freshness for a long time.

Common mistakes

  1. Do not spread the cream all over your face. It is enough to apply one drop of cream on the forehead, chin and both cheeks.
  2. Foundation should be selected according to skin color. Only slight differences in shade are allowed.
  3. A thick layer creates a mask effect and has nothing in common with the makeup base.
  4. The texture of the cream should match your skin type. An incorrectly selected product will not look natural and fresh.
  5. When distributing the cream, the skin is often stretched and pressed. This is a gross mistake that provokes sagging and the formation of new wrinkles. Only smooth, light patting movements are allowed. The entire hand should not take part in applying the foundation. Only the fingertips are used.

Many women use foundation to make their skin more even and velvety. This product allows you to even out your complexion and make it flawless. But in order for this product to fit well on skin covering and had a certain effect, it is necessary to apply it correctly. The correct application technique can help hide all skin imperfections, create perfect makeup, and also sculpt facial features.

How to choose?

In order to choose the right foundation for your face, you need to know three important rules so as not to cause yourself any inconvenience. Initially, you need to rely on the price of this product. Since you are using it on your face, do not under any circumstances skimp on it, since all cheap products have a negative effect on the skin and create the appearance of a mask. This makeup looks unnatural. Also, when choosing, you need to consider the price-quality ratio.

The next factor that you need to rely on when choosing a foundation is the type of skin. If you have an oily skin type, you need to choose foundations with a mattifying effect, as they can fight sebum by absorbing it. On problematic skin It is better to apply foundation with natural ingredients that have a caring and moisturizing effect.

Foundation with cucumber extract has a calming effect, green tea. When choosing an everyday foundation, try to give preference to products with a lighter texture that will have a moisturizing effect, since daily use of such a product can dry out the skin, and moisturizing components will prevent this. IN winter period It is better to purchase nourishing foundation creams with a richer texture so that they do not dry out the skin.

If you have dry skin, it is better for you to choose a moisturizing foundation that contains hyaluronic acid. For teenage skin, it is recommended to purchase products with antibacterial substances, and for more mature skin, an age-appropriate foundation, which will also have anti-aging effects. Such products include antioxidants, they can have a lifting effect. They contain silicone and collagen.

One more important rule is that You must choose a foundation for your face based on your skin tone. It should be suitable for the color of the skin of the face and be no darker than 1 tone. Makeup artists also point out that when choosing a foundation, you should try to select it as close as possible to your real complexion in order to create natural makeup and get rid of the mask effect.

You also need to take into account that such a foundation should not stand out on the face against the background of the neck and décolleté. To do this, when purchasing, try to compare the shade of the foundation with the skin on your neck. It is best if the product you choose blends in with it.

From what age can it be used?

Currently, there is no clear opinion among cosmetologists about what age girls can start using foundation. Most often, young beauties are encouraged to use such cosmetics by skin problems such as acne, blackheads and other imperfections. Many people use such facial products after adolescence, that is, around 14 or 15 years.

There are a large number of tonal products for young skin, so at this age it is not prohibited to use them; on the contrary, they have a complex effect and even allow you to combat acne. Such complex and universal foundations are absolutely harmless to teenage skin, so you can safely purchase them. Now cosmetologists recommend using foundation for girls from the age of 14 to 16 years. After all, according to them, now such facial cosmetics contain absolutely harmless components and do not clog the pores of the facial skin.

What can be replaced?

For face makeup, instead of foundation, you can choose cream powder or cream mousse; you can also give preference to 3 in 1 products that have a complex effect. Such products are an excellent replacement for classic foundation creams and therefore perfectly even out the complexion. Also perfect for lovers of light natural makeup BB And SS products that have a tonal effect. This is a complex action cosmetics that, in addition to the tonal effect, also has a moisturizing effect and has many other benefits.

Some people use powder instead of foundation, but these products have completely different textures, so they are not interchangeable.

Also, women often prefer not foundation creams, but regular correctors, but these products are targeted, they are not intended to care for the entire facial skin, so it is better to use these types of cosmetics in combination.

Which one to use in summer?

For summer period It is better to purchase a cream with a lighter texture. An excellent solution would be a sunscreen foundation with UV protection of at least 15 units. Such products help preserve the skin and protect it from harmful effects sunlight, prevent aging as well as pigmentation. It must be taken into account that complexion changes depending on the season. That is, in cold weather the skin turns pale, and in warm seasons its shade changes, so you need to choose different foundations.

Rules for applying foundation

It's no secret that foundation is the basis of makeup, but the foundation also needs to be applied correctly, while preparing the skin so that the makeup is perfect. You should not immediately apply foundation to flaking skin, as it can accentuate the flaking. It is better to use a softening oil before applying it, and you also need to first treat the skin with a gentle scrub, then you need to moisturize and cleanse the skin very thoroughly.

If you have a dry skin type, then you need to use a special moisturizing milk, and if you have oily skin, then it is better to cleanse it with a mattifying gel. After you cleanse your skin, be sure to moisturize it so as not to cause dryness. To do this, you need to use a day cream with a moisturizing effect. It is very important that such a product has a light texture and does not create a film effect on the face. The foundation will fit very well on this product.

Where to start: concealer or foundation?

Undoubtedly Initially, a corrector is applied to the skin of the face during makeup. With its help, you can hide many skin imperfections, as well as even out the surface before using foundation. After this, you can already apply concealer and highlighter. These tools can radically change appearance your face, with their help sculpting is carried out. Also, thanks to them, you can visually correct the shape of the nose, cheekbones, and also hide many imperfections. This type of cosmetics creates an excellent basis for applying foundation. Therefore, the corrector is applied first, and the foundation second.

Can it be applied after sculpting?

If you want to smooth out the edges of the lines that were created after sculpting, you can shade them, and if you don’t like the effect, you can use a foundation with a light texture. It will not harm the created lines and shapes, but, on the contrary, will soften them. That is why, in such cases, all makeup artists do not recommend using products with a tonal effect that have a dense texture. Light cosmetics are acceptable after the facial sculpting procedure.

Is it possible to apply powder without tone?

Among some women, there is an opinion that powder can replace foundation, because it can also hide some imperfections, especially if it has a dense texture. But in fact, these means are not interchangeable.

Powder is the final step of facial makeup. It must be applied over foundation, otherwise it can dry out the skin.

For those women who do not like to use foundation, cosmetologists have created cream-powders that have a light texture and spread very easily over the skin.

They have a mattifying effect and do not create an oily sheen. In addition, cream-powder nourishes the skin, but does not look too bright and unnatural on the face. With its help you can easily create day makeup. All makeup artists recommend using these powders if you don't like foundation. Otherwise, you can only use powder with a very light texture, for example, loose products. But even the best dry powders will not replace foundation, since these are two different types cosmetics.

Face Makeup Tool

Women prefer to apply foundation on their face in different ways. To do this, they use sponges, brushes or fingers. Which one to choose is up to you, but professional makeup artists prefer to use sponges or brushes to apply foundation, since this way you can very easily and hygienically distribute the tone over your face and create the perfect foundation. But cosmetologists also do not prohibit applying tone with your fingertips; in this case, they must be treated with an antibacterial agent and warmed up a little in warm water.

If you rub your fingertips together, you can very gently distribute the cream and create a natural daytime makeup effect. It is very easy to apply foundation with your fingertips; you can do this with massage movements. In this case, it is imperative to move only smoothly and softly, without stretching the skin.

What is the best way to paint?

Each artist prefers his own means for applying tone to the face, but it is believed that it is best to use a brush, an applicator, and fingers at the same time. This perfect combination will allow you to achieve excellent results. Brushes are most often used to distribute products with a liquid texture over the skin. You can also use them to treat any area of ​​the face, including any folds near the nose and others. This way you can evenly distribute the foundation and get rid of its excess.

The most popular tool is a small flat brush, which is made of artificial fibers. You can also purchase a very popular egg-shaped applicator, which is also capable of absorbing excess foundation so as not to create the effect of a mask on the face, but they are not so convenient for treating the skin in hard-to-reach places.

Using your fingers is best to spread the foundation over areas of skin with imperfections, peeling or irritation.

This way you can very gently distribute the tone without harming the skin. It is very convenient to apply foundation cream powder and cream mousse with your fingers. It is also believed that using your fingertips to apply foundation is much more economical than using a sponge, which absorbs the product.

How to use a sponge?

Sponges are universal remedy for applying foundation. If you use a damp tool, you will get a very light effect, with its help you can create beautiful natural daytime makeup. If you use a dry sponge, you will be able to apply foundation more densely and also hide all facial imperfections. With this method of application, the foundation stays on the face much longer, and the complexion becomes more even. It is better to use a sponge when applying foundation with soft tapping movements, literally tapping it on the skin of the face and, as it were, blotting it. This way you can create the perfect face makeup.

Technique and step-by-step guide

Each girl has her own scheme for applying foundation. Makeup artists offer different ways its application. In order to do perfect makeup, you need to provide good natural lighting, daylight should fall on your face. Thanks to this, you will be able to notice all the imperfections of your facial skin, correct and hide them instantly. You can also determine whether you need to use color correctors that are applied under the base cream.

How to visually make your nose smaller?

You can make your nose smaller by using foundation and corrector of different tones. In order to make the nose visually smaller without changing its shape, you need to cover its skin with a darker color of foundation than all other parts of the face. If you have a large and wide nose, you need to draw two parallel lines with the corrector. dark color starting from the eyebrow line to the edge of the nose. And the part that remains between the two lines must be covered with a lighter shade. This way you can visually narrow your nose.

If you have a large rounded nose, you need to make its wings darker and cover the front part with a light foundation. The main thing is that all transitions are soft and smooth, so that the lines are not very noticeable.

How to highlight cheekbones?

In order to emphasize cheekbones with foundation, you need to use a special technique. When creating makeup, you need to stand in front of the mirror, pull in your cheeks and stretch out your lips, as if you were pronouncing the sound “O”; on the hollows that appear, you need to draw a thin oblique line from the temples to the lower part of the face with a darker foundation. Then you need to lightly shade this line and darken the selected area. You should cover all other parts of your face with classic foundation. It is important that transition zones are not noticeable.

Next, you need to use a highlighter to draw a boundary between the part of the cheekbones that should protrude and the part that is more convex. The finishing touch will be applying bronze blush. This way you will make your face narrower and your cheekbones will become pronounced and beautiful.

How to put on perfect makeup?

Another secret to creating perfect makeup with foundation is that it is best to distribute heated cream over the face.

To do this, you need to apply it to the inside of your palm and take it from there with your fingertip, brush or sponge. This cream will spread more gently over the skin of the face and make it velvety.

Much has been said and written about how to properly do eye makeup, eyebrow makeup, how to paint lips, and what hairstyles to prefer. But for some reason, much less attention is paid to the skin of the face, although it is the basis and blank sheet on which any picture is applied. And this sheet really should be clean. Therefore, in our article we will pay attention to this issue and consider how to properly apply foundation to your face.

First of all, it should be said about the quality aspect of cosmetics. Remember that it is this that not only determines the result, but is also the key to the health of your skin. Therefore, the issue of choice must be approached consciously. To achieve the desired goal, you need to spend some time and take into account a number of basic principles.

Firstly, the foundation should be selected based on the specifics of your skin. So, if your sebaceous glands are overly active, mattifying products are suitable for you, they can not only mask the elements of fat, but also absorb their excess. But for dry skin, products aimed at moisturizing it are suitable. They must contain the necessary vitamins, as well as hyaluronic acid.

If some elements of rashes systematically appear on your skin - pimples and blackheads - the cream you choose should include antibacterial components. Older women are well suited for creams with a lifting effect, the application of which allows you to tighten the skin, making it more elastic.

The second principle involves seasonality. When using foundation, it is advisable to take into account the climatic factor. In particular, creams labeled with at least SPF 8 will help protect the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation.

Third rule: the shade of the base used should be organically combined with your skin tone. This is the only way you will achieve a natural and natural result. To decide on your choice, you need to take a drop of cream and apply it to the side of your neck. After that, wait a few minutes and then evaluate the result. Your choice should fall on the shade that blends best with your skin. In this case, it will also be a slightly lighter tone than your face, which will refresh it somewhat and disguise minor flaws.

Required tools and materials

You can apply foundation to your face using various sponges and brushes, or with your bare hands. Some women combine these and other methods, focusing on achieving a specific goal. This allows you to level out the disadvantages that each application method has.

Working with brushes

If you use products with a liquid consistency, brushes will be the most successful solution. Their use will allow you to efficiently treat hard-to-reach areas around the eyes, nose, and eyelids. A flat brush made of synthetic fibers will allow you to apply foundation on your face more economically.

Application with sponges

Using a sponge, you can apply products in different layer thicknesses and densities. When using a damp sponge, you can achieve a thin and light coating, and using a dry sponge you can eliminate even quite significant flaws. In addition, the makeup itself will last a long time.

Working with fingers

Makeup done without tools can be used as an everyday solution. It is easiest to manipulate with your fingers, with their help you can treat any area, easily distribute the cream over the skin to create a picture of natural naturalness.

It is especially worth noting the effectiveness of using your hands when working with mousses and sticks. It is also convenient to use your fingers to paint eyelids and treat skin on other parts of the body.

By using foundation with your hands, you can significantly save on the consumption of this product. The quality of work performed in this way will always be at its best.

Application technique

To learn how to perform a procedure efficiently and achieve the desired goal, you need to practice and acquire certain skills. However, after some time, you will definitely develop a solution that suits you, and learn how to carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently.

Before applying foundation to your face, you need to properly prepare your skin. If necessary, remove any remnants of previous cosmetics, use toner and moisturizer. If you have dry skin, do not forget to not only moisturize it, but also provide it with the necessary nutrition. You can apply the base layer only after the base has completely dried.

To perform the procedure, provide yourself with high-quality lighting. This will make it possible to eliminate minor inaccuracies immediately, and will also allow you to determine the need to use color correctors, which are applied under the foundation.

A heated product will be much easier to use when applying it and blending it over the surface of the skin. To do this, apply the product to the back of your hand, and from there you should take it with a brush, sponge or finger of your other hand and apply it to your face.

It is better to do this pointwise - a drop on each conditional zone, which can be the cheeks, chin, forehead, tip of the nose. Movements when applying the product should begin from the central part of the forehead and go towards the ears and chin. If you apply the product in the opposite direction, you will get an uneven distribution of the cream in areas of small wrinkles and folds.

Applying foundation to your face is not enough - now you need to blend it well. Our main task is to make sure that color boundaries and transitions are not visible. This is especially true for areas around the ears, neck and hairline.

We talked about how to apply foundation, and to make your makeup even more mesmerizing, read our articles on how to properly paint your eyes and lips, as well as many other useful things.