Daytime eye makeup. How to do daytime makeup

Women strive every day to look well-groomed, perfect in every detail. To achieve the goal, in addition to clothes and stylish shoes, decorative cosmetics are widely used. The most common everyday option is simple makeup. Its application takes a minimum of time, the result looks natural, natural.

How to look perfect every day

To apply simple daily makeup, you don’t have to visit expensive beauty salons. If you know the basic rules, any novice makeup artist can create light makeup with his own hands. You can master the technique yourself, at home.

To create a light beautiful image it is necessary to even out the relief of the face.

  • Your face will look fresh naturally if you follow a diet and devote enough time to rest. Daily afternoon and evening walks in the fresh air and regular consumption of sufficient fluid are beneficial.

It is advisable to exfoliate your face every 7-8 days and use masks prepared with your own hands at home.

  • Every day it is worth saturating the facial epithelium with nutrients. Daytime and evening creams will help with this, they refresh and make the delicate epithelium beautiful. In addition, to apply light everyday make-up you will need a set of good cosmetics. It is better to choose proven, high-quality products that are gentle on the skin, allowing it to breathe all day long.

What cosmetics will you need?

For DIY application easy simple makeup for every day you will need the following:

    Cleansing milk, gel or tonic to remove impurities from the epithelium. After washing, it will acquire an even matte shade and begin to breathe fully.

    Makeup will sit perfectly after cleansing if you cover your face with day cream.

    The next step is application foundation delicate texture. Its tone should be as close as possible to the natural color of the skin.

Read: Dark makeup for green eyes

    You must have a palette with shadows different colors. It should contain dark and light shades, which will equally well allow you to create daytime or evening make-up.

Shadows can be dry or oily - it all depends on individual characteristics eyelid skin

    You can line your eyes using a contour shade that matches your appearance type. A pencil for eyebrow correction and a palette of shadows are chosen one tone darker than the natural hair color.

    The color of the mascara can be any, it all depends on personal preference. The main thing is that it lengthens the hairs and creates maximum volume.

Classic daily makeup, subtleties of application

The main condition for beautiful everyday makeup– maximum approach to naturalness, natural colors.

    The base for daily light make-up should almost match the natural skin tone. Checking compliance at home is very easy. It is enough to apply a little foundation on the side of the neck, in the area near the ear. If the stain is almost invisible, then it is something that is suitable for every day.

    The best simple makeup for every day is a makeup where the palette of plum shades is in the lead. It is ideal for any eye color, while looking light and impressive.

    Another mandatory rule for everyday make-up is concentrating on one thing. Lips or eyes can become a bright spot, but in no case both at the same time.

Lips or eyes can become a bright spot, but in no case both.

To apply effective everyday makeup with your own hands, you should have cotton swabs, discs, brushes and sponges on hand. With their help, you can draw clear contours at home and correct shortcomings.

Simple makeup application technique

The step-by-step instructions described below will help even a novice makeup artist create simple makeup at home.

For a simple daytime make-up, you should choose a neutral palette of lipsticks.

Examples of simple makeup for different color types

Brown eyes

The ideal daily option for owners of brown eyes is the simplest, discreet make-up. It looks beautiful and highlights the natural beauty of a woman. Do spectacular makeup It’s easy for brown eyes at home, because they naturally have a rather bright appearance.

The minimum that can be done is to apply bronze shadows and highlight the shape of brown eyes with brown or dark gray eyeliner. Finally, you should tint your eyelashes with dark mascara. Owners of brown eyes should avoid brick and terracotta shades, which give the image a sickly look. In the photo you can see make-up options for girls with brown eyes:

Green eyes

Unlike makeup for brown eyes, simple makeup is not so easy for owners of green eyes. The following rules should be observed:

Blue eyes

To the owners blue eyes When creating everyday simple makeup, you should observe a sense of proportion. This will allow you to get a beautiful make-up that will look easy and natural. The optimal palette of shadows is beige, shades of lilac, pink. Mascara can be plum, rich gray. If we talk about eyeliner, blue and lilac options would be ideal.

During the day, you should avoid green, red, and purple shades.

It’s better to leave them for evening make-up, when they won’t look flashy. The photos presented on the site will encourage new ideas:

Any girl can master the technique of simple makeup. The photos presented on the site will help with this. The reward for your efforts will be a flawless appearance, femininity, shining through in every detail.

Every girl strives to look everywhere and “always at 100.” Of course, well-grooming depends to a large extent on correctly selected skincare products. However, let's be honest, decorative means play no less a role, because bad mood, nights without sleep and “those very days” have not been canceled. To ensure yours always looks perfect, follow these simple rules.


To make shadows for daytime makeup look expressive and not crease during the day, use a foundation. Always. This should become your rule, like brushing your teeth in the morning.

The foundation will not only make your color brighter, but will also keep yours looking fresh, and you won’t have to run to the toilet 10 times a day to “touch up” your eyes. In addition, the base will protect the skin of your eyes from dehydration.

For some reason, many girls are afraid to use an eyeshadow base, thinking that silicones are harmful to such delicate skin. This is just a myth. Silicones themselves are inert, that is, they do not affect the skin in any way, simply performing a smoothing function.


To make your eyes look good, it is very important to master the use of corrector. So, day makeup your eyes won't be perfect if you have signs of fatigue or bruises under your eyes. And in the morning, especially on weekdays, very often, looking at yourself in the mirror, you see a tired reflection that wants to go back to bed rather than go to work or school.

Correct use of the corrector will help you in a few minutes make your eyes rested and fresh, as if you had just returned from a resort where you had been relaxing for at least two weeks. To properly correct dark circles under the eyes, apply corrector onto the applied foundation using a thin brush. It is best if it is an ivory or light beige product, in order not only to completely hide imperfections, but also to give the eyes a slight shine.

When there are no bruises or signs of fatigue, you can proceed directly to eye makeup. For a daytime option, choose shadows in natural shades. For brown eyes, choose brown shades and khaki shades. For blues and grays, you can choose beige tones, as well as gold and peach. But those with green eyes can take a closer look at brown and copper shades.


The ability to shade shadows well is the key to successful makeup, regardless of its purpose. However, in daytime makeup, shading plays not just the role of an evaluator of its quality, but is its basis.

The whole point is that in daytime makeup there should be no visible transitions from a light tone to a darker one. The border should be very well shaded, as if the color simply shimmers into more dark options its shade. And on the upper eyelid the color should fade away and blend into the skin.

To learn how to shade shadows perfectly, practice on landscape sheets: using a brush to create the perfect transition from light to dark, so that the transition is not visible, and the color smoothly flows from one shade to another.


Since shadows for daytime eye makeup should be natural, mascara and eyeliner will play the role of bright accents. Choose their color depending on your type: brunettes can use black products, blondes - brown. Brown-haired and red-haired women can choose depending on the image in general.

The best eyeliner option for daytime makeup is eye shadow or pencil. These products create soft lines and muted colors while still making the look pop. They can be applied using a special brush.

Eyelashes in daytime makeup need to be painted over carefully, with just a few strokes of the brush. That is, they should look natural and not be conspicuous. Leave bright eyelashes for evening makeup.

Watch online video Daytime eye makeup

Correct application of daytime makeup requires knowledge certain rules, only then will you look brilliant, and most importantly appropriate, no matter how strange it may sound. Relevance in in this case too important to be neglected, e.g. bright makeup in the daytime it is more likely to discourage your interlocutor than to fascinate and cause delight - it is not customary to wear bright makeup during the day. You can glean the main ones from this material.

How to do beautiful daytime makeup?

At first, . Before applying makeup directly, make sure that the skin is perfectly cleansed and dry - this way, the cosmetics will “lie” evenly and beautifully on your face. Prepare your skin, especially if it is cold outside and you are using powder or foundation. It’s sad, but such cosmetics “dry” the skin and clog pores, so it will be just fine if you apply light cream onto your face and allow it to absorb before using makeup.

Powder or foundation?

It all depends on the condition of your skin and the effect you want. In terms of harmfulness, foundation wins, but regular powder will not give such an amazing effect. By the way, now there are powders that can be used as foundations. The texture is usually very soft and pliable; as soon as you wet the sponge and apply it to the skin, it will glow, the manufacturers promise.

The main secret of this powder is that you don’t need to wet anything, because its texture is such that when you apply the powder to your face, you get the effect of a foundation, it fits so perfectly, but there is less harm to the skin!

Beautiful daytime makeup also depends on your accuracy - the impression is often spoiled by the even contour of the “powder mask” at the hairline - the powder must be shaded very carefully. If you have dark hair, after shading, take a damp sponge and very lightly touch the roots of the hair at the growth line - the sponge will remove grains of powder that could get on the hair.


The daytime makeup technique involves using blush in moderation. However, you only need them if you have pale skin or a rounded face that you want to make visually narrower. To do this, apply blush to your cheekbones and blend thoroughly - the effect is amazing.

The same applies to wide, from the point of view of their owners, noses - darken the side parts (before the beginning of the wings of the nose) a little with blush - bravo, your nose is like a doll's!

Eye makeup

How to properly apply daytime makeup is a burning topic, especially when it comes to. Everything is important here - eye color, cut, and your favorite cosmetics.

1. Blue, gray-blue, light green eyes can become part of the makeup, figuratively speaking, of course. It is important to remember that very dark shadows are not appropriate during the day, but when making up eyes with a light shade, the eyelids still need to be darkened a little - a contrast effect (light eyes will shine if you frame them with a deep shade of gray, for example, leaving the inner part of the eyelid (closer to the bridge of the nose) light).

2. Dark eyes (brown, black) should be framed with light ones, however, a little eyeliner or pencil won’t hurt if you choose a nice light shade of eyeshadow that will also contrast with the eye color.

3. If you are a fan of natural makeup and use only mascara, still get a light beige eyeshadow that is a tone lighter than your skin tone. Thus, by applying eye shadow and mascara to your eyelashes, you will look brighter even with natural makeup - this little trick will emphasize your eyes.

4. Light shadows in the corners of the eyes (at the bridge of the nose) help to visually enlarge the eyes.

5. If your brow line is low and you don't like it, use a light shadow to lighten the top of the eyelid along the brow bone.

6. How to do daytime makeup correctly? The answer is simple - do it wisely! Never combine bright lip and eye makeup. The word "bright", in this case, means highlighting both the lips and the eyes at the same time - this is wrong. You need to choose one thing, and only slightly emphasize the second. That is, focusing on the eyes, it is better to either not touch the lips at all, or just highlight them a little with a transparent gloss, or better yet, with a matte light lipstick that will be no more than one shade darker than your lips.

The same applies to lips: if you choose bright lipstick or lip gloss, then you shouldn’t paint your eyes; mascara is enough.

Pencils and eyeliners

How to apply daytime makeup to look beautiful? Moderately and only, however, this does not mean that eyeliners and pencils should be thrown away - under no circumstances! It’s just that during the day they don’t need to be combined with bright lipsticks and dark shadows, but beautiful arrows and mascara are beautiful, but don’t overdo it - correct makeup daytime should not be very catchy, that is, the arrows should not be sweeping and provocative, but it is best to simply draw an outline upper eyelid and add mascara - your look will become more expressive, and no one will accuse you of vulgar daytime makeup.

Lipsticks and lip glosses

How to do beautiful daytime makeup? Very simple. Someone spends half their salary on a makeup artist, someone goes to courses, and the smartest girls just study simple rules daytime makeup and use them, just like you do now.

It doesn’t matter whether you prefer lipstick or gloss, the main thing is to know when to stop. Firstly, during the day it is advisable to choose a not very bright lipstick, not necessarily light, but not bright scarlet either - such, say, aggressive colors and shades are appropriate in the evening, but not during the day. Secondly, there is no need to turn your beautiful lips, as well as your face, into a canvas for an artist painting in oils - an abundance of gloss on the lips has never made a single girl more beautiful.

It will be useful to watch a video tutorial on applying daytime makeup. This example is really simple, but it looks amazing. See for yourself:

Many women do daytime makeup automatically every day, at best thinking about its combination with their outfit. But properly selected decorative cosmetics decorate and hide minor imperfections and age-related changes. When choosing eye shadow and lipstick, it is important to consider first of all not your clothes, but your eye shade, skin color and hair color. Using the following tips and tricks, you can learn how to do beautiful and invisible daytime makeup.

Basic Rules

To do the right daytime makeup, it is important to consider the following points:

  • before applying makeup, the skin of the face and neck should be cleansed and moisturized, and the lighting should be natural;
  • to make use decorative cosmetics as unnoticeable as possible, while studying the range of foundations, it’s good to settle on a cream-fluid for normal skin or dry, and for oily ones - on loose powder in balls;
  • frequently used winning combinations of shadows and eye colors are as follows: beige and bronze tones suit green eyes, brown and azure are preferable for owners of blue eyes, and purple and golden shadows are most suitable for brown eyes;
  • shadows can be used together with eyeliner, but to avoid overloading the makeup, it is better to limit yourself to two shades;
  • blush should be chosen in a natural tone: peach or beige, preferably a little darker than skin color;
  • It is better to leave the eyebrows unlined, but lightly tint them with a pencil of a similar shade or simply comb them and fix the shape with gel;
  • natural shades without excess shine are also welcome when choosing lipstick.

Basic day makeup

The color scheme used may vary, but the sequence of actions and the choice of means are more consistent. Daytime step-by-step makeup includes the following points:

  • decorative cosmetics are applied to well-cleaned and moisturized skin; you can use a special leveling base that allows you to preserve makeup longer;
  • applying foundation: it is better to do this with a brush, not forgetting about the neck, otherwise the border will be visible; also modern foundations have additional beneficial features, for example, sun protection or a tightening effect, which must be taken into account when choosing;
  • using a concealer to eliminate skin imperfections;
  • setting with powder;
  • face correction using bronzer, highlighters and blush;
  • applying pre-selected products to the eyes, taking into account their characteristics;
  • Complete the makeup with lipstick or lip gloss.

Rules for doing eye makeup

For those who don’t know how to make daytime eye makeup almost invisible and at the same time expressive, there is a simple 4-step technique for applying eye shadow:

  • first, the lightest shade of eyeshadow is applied to the entire eyelid;
  • then, using a medium-sized brush, a darker shade of shadow is applied along the eyelid, covering approximately a third of the eyelid and the eye socket, movements should be directed towards the outer edge;

  • to create a smooth transition between tones, shadows are shaded along the eye socket;
  • Finally, with a large brush, shade the shadows over the entire eyelid to deepen the color, it is better to add it gradually.

Colored mascara is often chosen for daytime makeup: dark gray, dark blue, brown or plum, but black is reserved for evening or holiday options. It is applied only to the upper eyelashes.

But to make beautiful daytime makeup, it is important to take into account the type of eyes, because each option has its own nuances.

Daytime makeup for small eyes

A special purpose of makeup for small eyes is to make them appear larger. This is achieved by strongly brightening the area near the eyes. Concealer and shadows in delicate tones are suitable for this. Make-up begins by covering the entire eyelid with a beige-flesh-tone concealer. If you need to disguise troubles such as dark circles or dark circles, you can use the same concealer. Afterwards, light shadows are carefully applied to the moving eyelid using a soft brush. beige shades. The pale golden color can be used above, under the eyebrows, without forgetting to shade it. To open the eyes, the outer corner is emphasized with a bronze tone, and for greater effect, a thin line of white or beige colour along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid using soft kajal. Complete eye makeup by applying colored mascara only to the upper eyelashes; it is preferable to use plum or brown.

The nuances of makeup for large eyes

Owners of large eyes find it easier than others to apply beautiful daytime makeup; they only need to highlight what nature has given them, using concealer and mascara. There is no need to apply shadow; a liquid concealer is enough to even out the tone and hide minor skin imperfections. Mascara of a dark gray or brown shade is also applied only to the upper eyelashes. If desired, you can add a few lines with a pencil natural shade along the edges of eyelash growth.

Features of daytime makeup for narrow eyes

When performing daytime makeup for narrow eyes, you need to complete the main task: widen them as much as possible. To do this, you should use special techniques. Applying shadows at a slight distance from the upper and lower eyelids can make your eyes appear more open. You should avoid using pencils or eyeliners of a dark or black color, they create the opposite effect: they narrow the eyes. Pencil lovers should take a closer look at the colored options.

Make-up begins in the standard way: by applying foundation to the entire eyelid. After, stepping back a little from the upper eyelid, you need to use beige shadows, shading them thoroughly. On the outer corner of the eyelid, with a small brush, about a third of the line, if desired, you can apply shadows in a darker shade, for example, golden brown tones would work well. It is also possible to draw a thin line under the lower eyelid within the eye, starting from the middle and carefully shade it, but at the same time it is better to avoid accents on the growth line of the upper eyelashes. To create the effect of wide eyes, you need to remember to use a light, soft kajal pencil - white or beige - emphasizing the inner corners of the eyes. Mascara should be used in voluminous brown, gray or dark blue.

Secrets of daytime makeup

In order to always know how to do daytime makeup, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. When choosing a foundation, you need to take into account your natural skin tone; it can be warm or cold. A properly selected product should blend with the natural pigment of the skin.
  2. You can apply the foundation with a sponge or brush, pre-warm it on the back of your hand, remembering to carefully remove the excess with a napkin.
  3. Loose powder will help you create a more natural makeup; it sets foundation well.
  4. In order to correctly apply blush and determine the location of the cheekbones, just smile.
  5. Mascara makes the eyes expressive and is always needed, even if shadows are not used.

The nuances of everyday makeup for those with gray eyes

Gray eyes have the wonderful feature of changing shade depending on the lighting, clothing and shadows chosen. They allow you to experiment with the choice of colors. Almost any makeup suits the owners of such eyes, but daytime makeup for gray eyes requires compliance general rules: Use natural shades. To give your eyes a sparkle, just use a light pink pencil. When choosing shadows, it is better to choose warm shades: beige and caramel are suitable for fair-skinned people, and bronze and gold are suitable for dark-skinned people. Pink shadows are universal, but you need to choose the shade carefully; if you make a mistake, your eyes will look tear-stained.

Daytime makeup for gray eyes does not require a lot of cosmetics, just foundation, eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss. Purely grey eyes are rare, more often gray-green or gray-blue. You can emphasize the shade of your eyes using eye shadow or a pencil of the same color or up to two shades darker. For those who like to experiment, you can paint your lower eyelashes with blue mascara; it will give your eyes a new interesting color, and using silver shadows will add a steely tint.

Features of makeup for owners of dark hair

In order to create the perfect daytime makeup for brunettes, you need to take into account eye color and skin tone.

Girls with light eyes and dark skin are naturally very bright, so it is enough for them to emphasize their natural beauty. For the eyes, it is recommended to choose calm shades of shadows; if you use eyeliner, then dark gray or brown, and make the line thin; a couple of layers of mascara are enough. Peach or pinkish blush will help correct the oval of the face. To complete your makeup, you can apply lipstick or gloss of a muted natural color to your lips.

Daytime makeup for girls with light eyes and fair skin has the same features as the previous one, the only difference is the need to make the eyes more expressive. To do this, you can use shadows of darker shades, and make the eyeliner line brighter and wider, but do not forget to take precautions so that the makeup does not turn out too bright.

Makeup artists advise girls with brown eyes to use pastel colors, which will soften excessive brightness and become an excellent option for daily makeup. You can use eyeliner, remembering to shade it and avoid clear lines. It is better to use double shadows of the same color, lighter shades are applied closer to the inner corner of the eyes, darker ones - to the outer corner, and the border is carefully shaded. It is better to use black or dark brown mascara. Blush and peach or lipstick look good coral color, but for lips you can completely limit yourself to a colorless gloss.

Specifics of makeup for owners of blond hair

Proper daytime makeup for blondes allows you to highlight your natural beauty, hide imperfections if necessary, and look as natural as possible.

Daily makeup involves paying the most attention to the eyes, highlighting them, and for the lips, a light, unobtrusive lipstick or gloss is enough. It is enough to treat the eyebrows with shadows of a similar shade, abandoning the pencil. Eye shadows are selected taking into account the intended outfit and eye color, a good option - pastel shades, for example, milky white, gray, beige, soft green or blue. To add brightness to the eyes, you can use eyeliner or a pencil; they need to be applied over the shadows. Completes the eye makeup with mascara. It is better to choose pink, peach or coral lipstick or gloss. Daytime makeup does not allow too sharp and clear lines; to adjust the contour, you can use a soft pencil, and then powder your lips before applying lipstick.

Using the above tips and recommendations is not at all difficult, and the result will pleasantly please you: properly executed makeup allows you to hide flaws and age-related changes. By experimenting daily within the basic rules, you can find your own ideal option.

A modern woman who takes care of herself understands the importance of not only evening makeup, but also everyday makeup. With the help of a brush, facial features become clear and bright. Correctly selected combinations can decorate the image and make it complete. To shine in life and in photos, let's try to understand the secrets of makeup and find out how to do daytime makeup yourself, exploring the issue step by step.

Experienced makeup artists have determined the rules and sequences for applying makeup. Guided by them, we can divide the process into the following components:
1. cleansing;
2. hydration;
3. applying tone and powder;
4. eye makeup;
5. lip line design;
6. giving your face freshness with blush.


Not to be beautiful makeup without proper facial cleansing. For these purposes, a product suitable for your skin type is selected. And this is important, since the wrong choice can cause redness, irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

When washing your face with water, it will be useful to alternate hot and cold water - a kind of contrast shower.

This procedure will help you wake up, “night” wrinkles will smooth out, and your face will feel fresher. In addition, many fashionistas have become a habit of wiping with an ice cube. Remaining particles detergent removed with tonic.


Applying moisturizer day cream, will protect against dryness and excessive sebum production. The procedure will saturate the epidermis with useful substances and prepare it for applying foundation. The main thing is not to overdo it because... too much cream will have the opposite effect.

A small amount of cosmetic product Apply with gentle movements without stretching the skin. Allow to absorb for several minutes.

The dermis absorbs the required amount, the excess is removed with a napkin.

Applying tone

Evening out skin tone, making it velvety, and correcting imperfections is the main task at this stage of makeup.
The product is chosen as carefully as the cream. To do this, before purchasing, apply a drop of the tone you like to an area of ​​the face and check the color match.