How to stretch a blouse at home. How to stretch things that have shrunk after washing

Sometimes, due to carelessness, you can wash this or that item incorrectly, which can cause it to shrink a lot. What to do in this case? Throw away a jacket or sweater after washing? But such extravagance would be unnecessary; clothes are not cheap now, and it’s especially a pity if the item is a favorite. You can try to restore it. But remember that you should not hope that the thing will be the same as at the beginning.

If your clothes shrink after washing, you can try to return them to their original size.

It will change, but you can still return it to the previous size. There are fabrics such as cotton and wool. They may shrink after the first wash. If you purchase such an item, then take a size larger.

Wool products sat down

Woolen threads stretch with difficulty, so restoring a sweater or jacket after an unsuccessful wash will not be easy, especially if only natural threads were used to knit them. But it's still worth a try. If the threads contain viscose or cotton, the chances of restoring a shrunken item are much greater. What exactly should you do if she sits down?

There are several ways to solve the problem. Let's look at the most accessible and popular ways to achieve what you want.

Wet and stretch

  1. Wet the sweater in a basin with water temperature up to 30 °C. He should lie there for a short time, 5-10 minutes.
  2. Gently remove excess water without squeezing.
  3. Place a woolen sweater or jacket on a flat surface and remove excess moisture with a towel. Cover it with another towel. Stretch (make sure that the item remains symmetrical), straighten it using clothespins, and secure it. Iron needles or other devices should not be used, because... rust marks may remain.

A wool hat can be stretched on a jar

Rinse with a special solution

  1. To put things in order, prepare a bowl of water (5 l). It must be filled with water room temperature.
  2. In this water - ammonia (3 tbsp) + vodka or cologne (1 tbsp), + turpentine (1 tbsp).
  3. Place your wool sweater or cardigan into the solution and leave for half an hour or 40 minutes.
  4. Then you need to rinse them. Water is at room temperature. Under the influence of this solution, the wool fibers of the sweater will become softer and more elastic, and it will stretch more easily.
  5. Stretch it and secure it.

Have you lost a light sweater or a white cardigan and want to return it to its original shape? What to do then? Then hydrogen peroxide will come in handy. But it is not suitable for dark or multi-colored products, because... then their color will change.

  1. Take 10 liters of cold water, put 20-30 ml of hydrogen peroxide in it.
  2. Dip a sweater or jacket into the solution and rinse the item in it, stretching it.
  3. Leave the laundry for 1.5 - 2 hours. How longer thing lies in the solution, the greater the chance that it will recover.
  4. Place on a flat surface and stretch.

Hydrogen peroxide will help restore light and white clothes

Wool powder and freezer

  1. Buy a powder that is designed for washing wool. It is sold in stores.
  2. Dilute it in water. Leave the sweater in the solution for half an hour or 20 minutes.
  3. When it is thoroughly soaked, you need to rinse it and squeeze it out.
  4. Place in a bag and put in the freezer. He should be there 24 hours.
  5. Spread a cloth to absorb moisture and lay out the items to dry.

How to stretch a cotton item

Cotton is the most common natural material, popular and relatively inexpensive. But, if you washed or dried such an item incorrectly, it could shrink after washing. What to do in this case? There is no need to be upset, because... the cotton can be returned to its original shape and the clothes will fit you. Vinegar will help you with this.

Vinegar treatment

  1. Take vinegar and pour it into some container. Soak a sponge in vinegar.
  2. Spray the item with vinegar until it is absorbed.
  3. Wash it in washing machine.
  4. Hang to dry, it should stretch.

Vinegar solution

Take 1 glass of water and dilute 1 tsp in it. vinegar (if the item is large, then more solution, but in the same proportions). Wet the item. Place it on the fabric and stretch it, pressing it down at the edges with something heavy.

Or another option. Take 10 liters of warm water and pour 3 tbsp. vinegar, soak the item for half an hour. Lay your cotton-containing clothes on a towel to dry and stretch them evenly.

If it's a T-shirt, put your hands inside the T-shirt towards the hangers and pull the same way as the edges.

Vinegar helps stretch cotton items

Hair conditioner

A girl who takes care of herself has hair conditioner in her house. And it can be used to stretch cotton.

  1. Wet and wring out the item.
  2. Place it in the basin. Pour conditioner on top, it should be saturated.
  3. Stretch, rinse, remove excess water.
  4. Place the item in the bath and wipe it with a sponge soaked in vinegar, while stretching it.
  5. Machine wash it.

Processing of viscose and knitwear products

After washing, items made from other fabrics may shrink: viscose, knitwear, mixed synthetic materials. What to do in this case?

Soak the item in a bowl of water and leave it like that for a while. Then put it in the washing machine. Choose the “gentle wash” function, with temperatures up to 30 degrees. When the machine wrings it out, the clothes will stretch. You need to dry your laundry in a vertical position; before drying, stretch it thoroughly to its original size.

Another way to restore an item after washing is to apply high temperature. Lay the item on the ironing board and cover it with a damp cloth. Take the iron and go over the fabric, stretching it.

Have you ever had to deal with a situation where a T-shirt or dress has shrunk and ended up being slightly out of size after washing? By violating well-known rules, we often find ourselves in situations that are unpleasant and bring discomfort - this also applies to washing.

By neglecting the instructions that the manufacturer creates for us and leaves on the tags, we end up with a damaged or shrunk item. Many modern housewives are wondering: what to do if the item shrinks after washing?

This problem has remained relevant for many years: what to do if your dress or T-shirt shrinks? How to bring shrunken curtains back to life? When asking such questions, look for the correct answers to them.

Regardless of whether the item is wool or silk, it can always be restored if you listen to the recommendations of experts.

There are many reasons why your dress, T-shirt, shirt or even pants may shrink. The most common of them are presented below.

If you choose the wrong washing temperature, the fabric may lose its structure as a result. In addition, the mechanical impact of the “washing machine” will have a detrimental effect on cotton and knitted clothing.

Do not despair ahead of time, because you can always find a way out of every situation, even the most deplorable one. Sit back comfortably and try to remember all the recommendations of professionals that can be useful to you in a situation when your T-shirt, dress, curtains and other things suddenly shrink.

Correcting the situation and returning the fabric to its original form is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Clothes and shoes that have shrunk after improper washing can be restored using basic techniques.

Depending on how advanced your case is, you can try several rescue options, or you can use just one, and it will be a winner.

A shrunken dress or other wardrobe items can be stretched in eight ways.

  1. When a wool T-shirt or shirt shrinks, it is wise to soak it in cold water after washing. It will take some time - about 15 minutes - for the thing to adapt. After this, remove it from the container, do not twist it - just shake it - and lay the item on a flat surface. Don't miss the moment! The dress can be stretched with your hands even before it begins to dry, thereby giving it the shape that you need. The silk can also be adjusted periodically to prevent it from returning to a shrunken position.
  2. There is another option that involves soaking in water, but a wool T-shirt in in this case will not unfold - you will need to put it on yourself when wet. If you want to stretch an item and can still afford to wear it wet until it dries, use this tip.
  3. Silk and wool are quite finicky fabrics that can cause difficulties. In this case, you can use a folk remedy: add a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water and place the item there for two hours. After this, curtains or clothes are not wrung out, but simply laid out on a towel.
  4. A T-shirt made from combined fabrics or synthetics can also be easily restored. Here you can soak your clothes in cold water and then put them in the washing machine - choose a delicate wash and cold water. It will be possible to stretch the thing in this way if you do not add powder.
  5. Cotton curtains will stretch if you prepare a vinegar solution for this procedure. Using this method, you will achieve the desired results. It's simple: soak a clean rag in vinegar and gently rub the fabric with it. When finished, hang the curtains by hanging them on one side to allow them to stretch.
  6. Silk can be stretched and using folk remedies. It’s still the same vinegar, but we change the technology: take 3 tablespoons of vinegar per 10 liters of water, mix and immerse things in it for about 20 minutes. Next, we take out the clothes: if they are curtains or outerwear, you can squeeze it out a little, but while they are drying, do not forget to regularly adjust and shape the fabric that you need.
  7. There is also an absolutely opposite option, when curtains or silk can be affected not by low temperature, but by high temperature. Of course, most people believe that heat is the main problem that causes our clothes to shrink, but if you do it right, you are guaranteed positive result. What to do? We first soak the silk in cold water, and then iron it hot and stretch it as we need.
  8. If your clothes cannot be ironed for some reason, use steam. Carry out all the steps with the precision described above, but do not iron the items, but treat them with steam.

Advice! Having carefully studied all the technologies that can be used to stretch items that have shrunk after washing, do not forget about preventive measures.

There are situations when it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences for a long time and painfully.

Prevent fabric shrinkage

Of course, you can say that having the necessary knowledge, you are not at all afraid of any shrinkage. But why waste your time and energy trying to deal with shriveled things if you can prevent this from happening in the first place?

Experts advise:

  • Always pay attention to the tags on clothes before washing them. By adhering to the recommendations described, you will not be able to fit into your favorite dress;
  • try to wash at a temperature of about 30 degrees - no higher. Take care of your things and they will last long in return;
  • It is better to buy woolen clothes a size larger, since after the first wash they will shrink in any case.

You shouldn’t go to extreme measures and then frantically look for a way out of the situation - it’s much easier to take care of your things right away. But if an unpleasant situation happens to you when the fabric shrinks after washing, don’t despair - now you know exactly what to do!

Many of us are familiar with this problem: when trying on a pair of sneakers in a store, they seemed to fit perfectly, but later it turned out that they were a little too tight. But sports shoes, first of all, should be convenient, comfortable and practically not felt on your feet. After all, not only the effectiveness of training, but also our well-being and even the health of our legs depends on this.

Even a short stay in shoes of a smaller size can lead to loss nail plates on foot!

How to solve this problem? Of course, you can return the product to the store and exchange it for a larger size - fortunately, by law we have the right to do this within two weeks after purchase.

But what to do if the product was purchased on sale or two weeks have passed since the purchase? Is it possible to stretch your sneakers yourself or is it better to buy new ones?

Experts say that it is quite possible to stretch high-quality sneakers by approximately half a size, because the materials from which they are made can be stretched. Today we will talk about this in our article.

How to stretch sneakers?

Very often, experts themselves recommend purchasing sports shoes that will be a little too small for you, because after a short wear they stretch a little. Manufacturers, as a rule, include a special stretching spray with their product.

But! Do not forget that you can only stretch sneakers in width. This cannot be done in length, since the fastening seams cannot be stretched. Therefore, if you put on your shoes and realize that your toes are resting on the toe, do not even try to change the length, but rather try to return the product to the store or sell it yourself - fortunately, today this can be easily done via the Internet.

To expand your new sneakers, spray the spray inside, put on thick socks (you can use thick terry ones), put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for half an hour or an hour. This procedure needs to be done several times in a row, and then they will become much more convenient, and the appearance will not suffer at all.

Note! For leather items, use a spray designed for leather. Leather sneakers cannot be treated with a product adapted for leatherette.

But what to do if the spray did not help enlarge the new product? How can you stretch your sneakers at home?

Ice "therapy"

One of the most popular and affordable ways to expand sports shoes made from both natural and artificial materials is regular ice.

We all know from a school physics course that when water freezes, it increases in volume, and therefore this property will help stretch the product. To do this, prepare two strong plastic bags. Immediately check them for holes. Place the bags in your sneakers, fill them completely with water, tie them tightly, and place them in the freezer. After a day, take out the products, wait 20 minutes and then take out the bags of water.

We use the hot method

You can also stretch your shoes using the exact opposite method, by applying boiling water to them. Just pour boiling water inside and wait 10 minutes. But this method is only suitable for products made from genuine leather, which tends to soften and expand under the influence of high temperatures.

Leatherette leatherettes can be hopelessly damaged by boiling water - they will not only lose their attractive appearance, but will become deformed.

If you are afraid of ruining the appearance of your shoes, use steam instead of boiling water. Hold the product with the soles up over a pan of boiling water for a few minutes, and then put on your shoes and walk around like this for an hour and a half.

You can also wet terry socks with warm water, put them on, put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for several hours. For the procedure to be effective, it is advisable not just to walk, but also to squat with your heels off the floor: this way you will kill two birds with one stone - adjust your shoes to the right size and prepare for the workout.

If a hard heel is pressing or you feel discomfort in the toe area, hold the sneakers over steam, then carefully knead the problem areas with your hands. If the material does not give way, lightly beat it with a smooth hammer. But, of course, this should be done carefully, since in this way you can deform the product and ruin its appearance.

We use physics and chemistry

Many people use regular newspapers for these purposes. Of course, you won’t be able to stretch your shoes a full size this way, but it’s quite possible to make them more comfortable.

Stuff the sneakers tightly with damp newspapers and leave until the paper dries completely. You need to dry them in natural conditions; under no circumstances should you place them on a radiator or use a hair dryer.

If you cannot stretch your sneakers at home using temperature and mechanical action, use the chemical method. As a rule, it allows you to achieve a significant effect.

There are several options:

  • wipe the inner surface with a cotton swab soaked in 3% table vinegar - this will help soften and stretch the material;
  • Rub on the inside of soles, heels and socks Castor oil or drying oil (treatment with hot drying oil, in addition, helps prevent the passage of moisture inside);
  • generously moisten the inside of the sneakers with medical alcohol, and then wipe them thoroughly with softened laundry soap high fat content (at least 72%). Particular care should be taken to treat those places that caused discomfort when wearing products - backs or socks;
  • treat the material on the inside of the products with kerosene, then walk in them for half an hour;
  • Spray the outer and inner surfaces with regular glass washing liquid, put on thick socks, put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for at least an hour.

You can stretch leather sneakers at home using a hair dryer and vegetable oil. Hold the products under a stream of hot air for one minute, lubricate them with vegetable oil, put on thick socks and walk around the apartment for 30-40 minutes. Blot the remaining oil with napkins.

Radical measures

If all of the above methods did not bring success, and there is no way to return or exchange the product, do not despair! The situation can be corrected mechanically - using special wooden blocks (form holders) equipped with a screw mechanism for forceful stretching.

You can purchase such pads in a specialized store. Give preference to blocks made of wood (preferably cedar, beech or birch). Plastic mold holders are characterized by fragility and fragility.

You will need



Do not dry knitted items on hangers. Do not soak jeans for a long time before washing. Don't dry your jeans on yourself. This is unpleasant and unhealthy.

Helpful advice

If your dry jeans become tight after washing, put them on while lying down. After a while, get up and walk around. Try to make active movements with your legs: bend your knees, sit down, do squats.


  • cotton jeans

You bought a sweater, but bad luck - it still turned out to be a little too small for you. “If it were half a size larger, it wouldn’t be worth the price,” you think. Don’t despair. The sweater can be stretched.


Squeeze lightly until item is damp but not wet.

Leave the conditioner on the items for a few minutes.

Wet the sweater again, then rinse in lukewarm water and wring out.

Video on the topic


Natural wool contains casein, which gives it elasticity. At temperatures above 70% it is “welded”.

Never dip your sweater in hot water. He will sit down even more!

Helpful advice

If you have a lot of time and you don’t mind the inconvenience of walking in wet clothes, put a wet sweater on yourself. This way it will take the desired shape as it dries.

If you have very little time, but you need a perfectly fitting sweater immediately, try steaming it thoroughly. To do this, lay the sweater on an ironing board, moisten the areas you want to stretch very well with water, and iron it with an iron. In this case, the wool can be slightly stretched.

This can happen to anyone - they forgot to change the cycle in the washing machine, didn’t check the load, and now - your favorite woolen sweater has shrunk hopelessly! And the cotton T-shirts and new jeans that were beautiful just yesterday! You know for sure that you haven’t gained an ounce of weight, so why don’t they fit you like before? Don't despair, it can still be easily fixed!

You will need

  • - Cork board
  • - buttons
  • - baby shampoo
  • - towel
  • - gauze
  • - iron
  • - vinegar
  • - sponge
  • - automatic dryer or washing machine with dryer


The most simple option return sweater The normal size without rinsing is to put it on yourself and wear it at home for a couple of days. During this time, it will stretch and return to its normal appearance, after which you can safely wear it in public.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Avoid improper drying in the future. The best option is to dry on a hanger with periodic squeezing of excess water.

In life, you can often come across the fact that your favorite T-shirt turns out to be a couple of sizes smaller after washing. in this case? Is your favorite thing really destined to go to the trash heap? Take your time. There is one effective way, which will help stretch the T-shirt and return it to its original size.

You will need

  • - basin for washing;
  • - a piece of gauze or thin cotton fabric;
  • - iron;
  • - clothespins for drying clothes.


Pour some warm water into the washing basin at a temperature of no more than 40°C. Soak the shrunken T-shirt in water for 10-15 minutes.

After this time, manually wring out the T-shirt and shake it lightly. If your T-shirt is , then do not wring it too hard. This can damage the inscription and cause it to lose its original appearance, wear out and disappear over time.

Using an iron and gauze (thin cotton fabric), steam the T-shirt on both sides alternately, stretching it slightly, but do not dry it completely. Be careful with the lettering if it is on the T-shirt. It's best not to iron it at all, as the high temperature of the iron can ruin its appearance.

Hang the slightly damp and steamed T-shirt, neck down, on the drying line using clothespins. Pull it again from all sides and let it dry completely.

Carefully choose the material of the product. This is necessary in order to avoid excessive shrinkage in the future. Also, when making a purchase, you should pay attention to the product’s resistance to deformation. To do this, grab the T-shirt by the opposite edges and pull in different directions. Then release. A high-quality T-shirt will return to its original shape and will not shrink when washed. If the T-shirt remains stretched, then after the first wash it will lose its appearance. This is a cheap t-shirt and not worth buying.


Remember that there are T-shirts made from material that is not machine washable. Such items should only be washed by hand. Therefore, before washing your T-shirt, carefully read the information on the label. All washing parameters for this product should be described there.

Helpful advice

A quality cotton T-shirt usually shrinks no more than 5%. Therefore, it is better to buy a T-shirt one size larger.


  • stretched t-shirt

With the onset of the new season, we take stock of our closets and mezzanines and discover a lot of things that we would hate to throw away and can no longer wear. Many knitted sweaters and cardigans lie around unused because the sleeves have stretched out or a small hole has appeared, but if you feel that these items could still be used for their intended purpose, then you can try to fix them.

You will need

  • - An old sweater, perhaps more than one;
  • - pieces of multi-colored felt;
  • - needle and thread;
  • - decorative buttons.


If you need to correct the size of the product, then open the old things from which you sew and, combining the parts, sew a new pullover from them, or.

Transform a thick sweater with different color– use brown to make a false fastener bar and a tree trunk. From yellow, orange, and green pieces, cut out the leaves that are still hanging on and that litter the autumn soil in abundance. Choose wooden buttons - they will fit perfectly into this picture!
Imagine yourself, because you can depict anything - cool animals, bright flowers, geometric figures, arranged as in a kaleidoscope.

You can fix a jacket or cardigan that has stretched out and does not look very presentable by making a one-color appliqué on it. Fancy and bright panels, as in the previous version, are not entirely suitable for work clothes. But you can quickly and easily create delicate flowers from openwork petals and decorate an old jacket with them. The result will impress your friends - they will probably also want to update their old knitwear.

If you just need to disguise a hole or stain in one place of the product, then you can again do this with the help of colored felt. Cut out various petals and fold them into a flower in the right place - that’s all, all that remains is to carefully sew on all the details. Instead of felt, you can use pieces of suede and leather, create a complex applique using beads, sequins and other decorative material.

A dark blue smooth sweater will turn out to be very fashionable and stylish if you complement it with details in nautical style– metal buttons with nautical symbols, sewn in two rows. Between them, sew white parts with red ribbons, depicting the uniform sewing of a naval jacket. The main thing in this version of the alteration is to find suitable large buttons.

Video on the topic

Probably every housewife has had the opportunity, at least once in her life, to neglect the valuable instructions written on the labels. And this inattention led to rather disastrous results. A chic, favorite sweater that once fit you perfectly suddenly turned into something like a woolen top, exposing your midriff and with three-quarter sleeves. Of course, it’s a shame, but you shouldn’t despair. After all, even the clothes have shrunk, you can return them to their shape (of course, not the same, but close to it).

First of all, when buying a sweater, you need to study the label. If it states that the item consists of more than 50% wool, it is better to play it safe and purchase more than what you need (1 position). In this case, you won’t have to forget about the new thing after the first wash. Do not forget that woolen items can only be washed in cold water.

If trouble does occur and the item shrinks after washing, you need to try to stretch it. Don't expect it to look like when you bought it, but at least you can.

You can rinse the wool item in cool water and wring it out a little. It should be dried in a horizontal position so that it does not stretch under its own weight. To do this, spread the item on a clothes dryer or on a table (after laying down a terry towel or oilcloth). During the drying process, do not forget to periodically stretch the shrunken pieces of clothing in the desired direction. When the wool is almost dry, you should hang it on hangers.

Fill a basin with water at room temperature, add hydrogen peroxide there (the ratio of the parts should be: 1-2 tablespoons of peroxide per 10 liters of water). Then rinse the shrunken woolen item in the resulting solution. Don't forget to stretch the item in the right places while rinsing. Swallow it in the water for as long as possible. Then leave the item to soak in the same water for about an hour and a half. After the specified time has passed, take out the clothes, remove excess moisture and lay them out to dry on a horizontal dryer or table (don’t forget to also lay out a terry towel). Every hour it is necessary to additionally stretch the washed product.

Another way to stretch out shrunken clothing is to expose it to high temperature. To do this, you need to spread it on an ironing board and cover it with damp gauze on top. Try to press down on the iron with one hand, carefully ironing the item, and, at the same time, pull it out from under the iron with your other hand.

Video on the topic

Often after washing sweaters a problem arises - it decreases in size. And it would be nice to make it a little larger, at least half a size, and stretch the sleeves a little. This is quite possible to achieve even with a new sweater, if it turns out to be a little out of size.

You will need

  • - warm water (30 degrees);
  • - hair conditioner;
  • - vinegar;
  • - large basin.


Heat the water to 30 degrees, but not higher, and soak the sweater in it for 5-10 minutes. Gently squeeze out excess water so that it does not drip, but the item should remain damp. Do not twist the sweater, otherwise it will become deformed.

Gently begin to stretch each area. sweaters, decreased in size. If the fibers do not stretch, leave the sweater for a while longer, then repeat the procedure. After stretching the product to the desired size, rinse the sweater in plenty of warm water (30 degrees). After this, soak it for 10 minutes in a solution of water and vinegar (about 50 grams of vinegar per 5 liters of water). Squeeze out a little water and stretch the sweater again to the desired size.

On a flat surface, lay out a terry towel or fabric that easily absorbs moisture. Gently lay the sweater on a towel and leave to dry in this position. When almost all the moisture has evaporated, carefully stretch it and wait for it to dry completely.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If the sweater is made of natural wool, never dip it in hot water. It is also undesirable to change the water temperature during washing, since this is what contributes to the shrinkage and matting of fibers. And the sweater shrinks in size.

Many of their owners face the problem of shrinkage of woolen products. This happens if things are washed in too hot water, the washing powder, the washing and rinsing mode in the washing machine are selected incorrectly. The drying method also matters. Therefore, the question is how to stretch a shrunken woolen sweater, is quite relevant.

You will need

  • - hangers;
  • - iron;
  • - gauze;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - vinegar;
  • - ammonia;
  • - vodka;
  • - turpentine.


Wet the whole sweater except for the neck and shoulders. Wrap it in a towel for 5-10 minutes to absorb moisture. Under no circumstances should you twist the item. After this, try to stretch it down and to the sides and hang it on the trempel to dry. But first wrap the hangers with something soft so that the item does not become deformed.

Get wet sweater in cool water, wring it lightly in a towel, and then leave it to dry horizontally. You should periodically approach and stretch sweater in width, incl. and his sleeves. When almost dry, hang it on a hanger for airing.

Turn on the iron and add more steam water. Separately, fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar. Spray sweater and start treating it with hot steam without touching the wool itself. While it is hot, quickly stretch it and, in a stretched state, without letting go of your hands, cool it.

You can try stretching sweater, steaming it with an iron through a damp cloth - gauze or cotton sheet. But remember that this should be done at a low temperature so that the item does not “shrink” even more.

Rinse sweater in cool water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (2 tbsp per bucket of water). Stretch it when rinsing. Then leave the item in this water for an hour or an hour and a half. Then take it out, squeeze it lightly and dry it on a towel, stretching it periodically.

Try to soak the shriveled sweater in a vinegar solution (1:2), and after an hour, boil it. In some cases, the wool item stretches.

If you place sweater for an hour in this solution: 5 liters of water with the addition ammonia(3 tbsp), vodka (1 tbsp) and turpentine (1 tbsp), and then rinse in cool water, you may also be able to stretch it. In this case, the wool becomes more elastic, and you can try pulling it out.

A not entirely pleasant, but in many cases an effective way to stretch a thing is to put it on yourself while wet and dry it that way. If possible, you can use a mannequin. Just remember to tie the weights evenly across the sleeves and hem.

Also very good way stretch favorite sweater- this is to first draw its pattern on a hard material (for example, a blanket) and baste a wet item to this pattern. You will do especially well if sweater It is knitted or crocheted at home and can be ripped apart by drying each piece separately on a blanket.


If a woolen item has shrunk or become matted, you will not be able to return it to its original appearance. This is the nature of wool. You have a chance to correct something only if the material from which the sweater is knitted contains synthetic fibers or if the percentage of shrinkage was small.


  • wool sweater shrunk

If sweater after washing it decreased by size, you can try to return it to its original appearance. A new wash in more gentle conditions, gentle stretching and proper drying will help restore a damaged item.

You will need

  • - soft detergent;
  • - conditioner for delicate fabrics;
  • - terry towels.


Carefully inspect the damaged item. A sweater made of natural wool or a model containing a large amount of wool fibers does not tolerate machine washing well. Hot water is also harmful to woolen clothes. If the pullover is hopelessly rolled up and the structure resembles a felt boot, most likely it cannot be saved. But slightly reduced in size sweater with the addition of cotton, viscose or synthetic fibers is possible.

To restore the item, you will have to wash it again, preferably by hand. Dilute a mild detergent, gel or powder, suitable for wool, in a basin. The water should be slightly warm - no higher than 40 degrees. It's important not to wash it so much sweater how long to properly wet it and soften the fibers. Rinse the item in water at the same temperature with added fabric conditioner for delicate fabrics.

Remove excess water by squeezing sweater. Don't twist it. Roll the damp item into a thick terry towel. If the pullover is very voluminous and made of thick fluffy threads, you will need two towels.

When finished, lay it out sweater on a flat surface. Gently stretch the fabric with your hands, returning it to its original shape. Handle especially carefully openwork models. Pull out the sleeves until they are the same length. Flatten the bottom line.

A sweater can shrink due to the fact that it contains natural wool, which, if improperly washed, decreases in volume. When purchasing a sweater that contains more than 50% wool, it is better to take one size larger. Woolen items should never be washed in hot water. But if trouble does occur and you washed the sweater incorrectly, there are several ways to correct the situation.

Wet the woolen product in cool water and dry it in a horizontal position, systematically stretching the product in width. When the sweater is almost dry, hang it on hangers.

Rinse the product in water at room temperature, after adding hydrogen peroxide (for 10 liters of water, just take 1-2 tablespoons). While rinsing, stretch the product in the desired direction. Then leave the sweater in the same water for about an hour, then wring it out and dry it, laying it on a towel and constantly stretching it during the drying process.

One of the most simple ways is that immediately after washing you need to pull out the sleeves of the product, holding it by the shoulders, and then dry it in a horizontal position, laying it out on a towel.

If you only need to stretch the sleeves of the product, you can put the sweater on an ironing board, cover it with wet gauze and, stretching the sleeves, go through the iron.

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Tip 12: What fabrics and types of knitwear shrink after washing

Knitwear has great advantages over other types of fabrics. It is especially suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle, as it perfectly absorbs moisture, is conditioned, and does not cause allergic reactions.

Knitted dress will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the figure and will not restrict movement. A woman in such an outfit will not feel any discomfort.

Modern fashion designers widely use knitwear to create their clothing collections.

Knitwear also has some disadvantages:

First of all, this is the easy cutting of knitted fabric with a needle while sewing the product. As a result, the loops descend. Thus, the service life of a particular knitted product is reduced.

Washing knitted items requires great care, since during the washing process the clothing can stretch across the width if the product is sewn and the fabric is cross-cut. Other knitwear can shrink along the length.

Types of knitwear

It should be noted that any knitted fabric that has been dry cleaned can also change its size, here are some of its types that change their shape after washing:

This is a stretch fabric based on knitted weaving, consisting of various fibers - silk, polyester, wool, cotton and others. Jersey is used to make underwear, shirts, etc. The fabric quickly loses its original shape after washing in hot water. It also easily forms pellets.

It's incredibly lightweight and breathable. knitted fabric, made of cotton. It is natural and hypoallergenic, making it ideal for sewing children's clothing, including newborns. In addition, T-shirts, blouses, nightgowns, pajamas and sportswear are made from it. Interlock fabric is sensitive to the washing process, so to clean it you need to use either the delicate mode of the washing machine or hand wash.

This is a type of cotton knitwear that has a fleecy surface on the reverse side - fleecy. This is the fabric used for sewing sportswear, sweatpants and blousons. Sweatshirt items can easily be damaged if dry-cleaned incorrectly.

Elastic knitwear
This fabric has convex stripes of facial loops on both sides. Used for piping armholes, necklines and cuffs. You can find blouses and dresses made of elastic knitwear. After washing or dry cleaning, items often stretch out.

A fabric made of cotton or linen that has extraction loops on the front or both sides - pile. Due to its ability to easily absorb moisture, as well as the softness of the material, it is used for sewing towels, rugs, as well as various women's clothing for home. After washing or dry cleaning, it shrinks significantly in size.

Many knitted items shrink after washing. There are several ways to return such products to their previous size at home.

Make a solution of acetic acid based on the calculation of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Soak the shrunken item in this liquid. Lightly wring out the product without twisting it and lay it on a horizontal surface, for example, on an ironing board. Stretch the item to the desired size, secure with pins and leave until completely dry.

If you wash, iron and dry cotton items incorrectly, they can become deformed, shrink and shrink in size. In addition, clothes may be small to begin with. In this case, you can stretch the product to the desired parameters. But should be used safe ways so that the clothes do not deteriorate and do not shrink even more. In this article we will look at how to stretch a cotton item correctly.

Seven ways to stretch a cotton item

  1. Soak sweaters or other cotton items in cool water, then put them on yourself or someone with large size clothes. The product must be worn until completely dry;
  2. Take water with a temperature of 30 degrees and add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak cotton in the mixture for one to two hours and then put the clothes on yourself. Continue this way until completely dry. As a result, the material is stretched across the body to the desired size;
  3. Add a tablespoon of turpentine and vodka, three tablespoons of ammonia to water with a temperature of up to 30 degrees and stir. Soak cotton items in the resulting solution for half an hour, then rinse in clean, cool water and lay on a horizontal surface with a terry towel or sheet. Leave the product to dry. While it dries, periodically stretch the material with your hands. With this treatment, the fabric will become more elastic and stretch;
  4. White cotton can be soaked for 30 minutes in water mixed with milk. After the procedure, the product is rinsed in clean, cool water and laid out horizontally on a towel or sheet. Leave until completely dry, periodically stretching the fabric with your hands;
  5. Soak a sponge in 3% vinegar and wipe the product, while stretching the material in the desired directions. After this, you need to wash the clothes in the washing machine on a delicate cycle with the addition of bleach. Or soak things in a solution with vinegar. To prepare the composition, mix three tablespoons of 5% vinegar and ten tablespoons of cool water. Soak the clothes for two to three hours, then wash as usual and rinse thoroughly with the addition of fabric softener;
  6. To lengthen short sleeves or stretch the jacket lengthwise, hang a small weight on the item after washing. This method is suitable not only for cotton, but also for wool, viscose, knitwear;
  7. If clothes are not made of 100% cotton, but contain admixtures of other fabrics, they will stretch after washing in an automatic machine. Pre-soak items for 15 minutes in cool water. Then you need to wash the product in a washing machine on a delicate cycle at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. Hang the washed clothes on soft hangers and leave to dry naturally. While it dries, periodically stretch the desired areas.

A universal method for stretching a cotton item

Place a T-shirt or other item of clothing in warm water. Wait until the material is completely saturated with water and add a quarter cup of hair rinse or conditioner or baby shampoo. Stir the mixture, smooth the blouse and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Then rinse the item thoroughly to ensure that the conditioner is completely rinsed out. Otherwise, the T-shirt will become covered with a sticky residue or streaks will remain on the dried item. Lightly wring out the product and lay it on a horizontal surface, placing a terry towel or sheet on it.

To stretch the sweater in width, lightly pull the fabric in the right places in different directions, putting your hands inside up to your elbows. To stretch the product in length, you need to stretch the shrunken item between the bottom and neck in opposite directions, also putting your hands inside up to the elbows. Pull the fabric equally in each direction. Hair product and warm water will soften the fibers of the clothing and they will begin to stretch.

If you do not want the design or print to stretch, iron the area with an iron before stretching. At the end of the procedure, lay the stretched product on a towel, if necessary, place something heavy around the edges and leave until completely dry. To stretch your chest and abdomen, place a heavy object inside your clothing.

How to stretch cotton using an iron

Wet your shirt, tank top, or other cotton item completely so that every fiber is saturated with water. Lay the product on the ironing board and pull it with your hands in the desired directions. Set the iron to minimum or medium temperature and iron the cotton with force, while using your other hand to stretch the material in the desired direction.

Iron the item in each direction, pull the item in all directions. Do these procedures from the front and back sides. Then lay the item horizontally on a terry towel or sheet. Stretch to the desired size and place a heavy weight around the edges. Leave clothes to dry in the fresh air.

What to do to prevent cotton items from shrinking

To prevent cotton items from shrinking, you need to wash the material correctly. Before washing, ironing or stretching clothing, be sure to read the label and follow the recommendations. Before washing, turn clothes inside out and fasten zippers and buttons.

Wash thin items at a temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees, as in hot water thin cloth sits down a lot. Thick and durable cotton can be washed at 90 degrees. The permissible washing temperature is indicated on the clothing label.

Do not use water with a large temperature difference for washing and rinsing. Otherwise, the fabric will become deformed and shrink. For washing, choose products that match the type and color of the material. Be sure to sort items by type and color of fabric. Wash dark, white and colored items, synthetics, natural and delicate materials separately.

Dry natural cotton items in a horizontal position. By the way, 100% cotton is easier to stretch than materials with impurities. Do not dry clothes on a radiator, near electrical appliances or in direct sunlight.