How to save hair after keratin straightening. Keratin hair straightening cocochoco - “reanimated even irreversibly burned hair, made it soft, manageable and beautiful

Students come to the INOAR Academy every day for master classes. Some of them are still learning the basics of keratin straightening. Others already have hairdressing experience behind them. And this experience is not always positive. In any case, both of them always have a lot of questions. Let's answer some of them.

What mistakes can a specialist encounter when performing keratin straightening?

Often, after training, masters still do not have enough experience, and they make some mistakes:

  1. Excess composition (more than normal). If during the procedure more than the norm is applied to the hair (Moroccan Hair Keratin / G-Hair Keratin / BotoHAIR), the procedure will become uncomfortable, the procedure time will double, the hair will become greasy and quickly get dirty.
  2. Wrong choice of iron temperature.
If the wrong temperature is selected, the procedure will be ineffective. For achievement positive result observe temperature standards:

Does keratin “eat” hair color?

If all the rules for performing the keratin straightening procedure are followed, especially with regard to temperature conditions and hair coloring conditions before and after the procedure, then keratin does not affect the color. After the procedure, due to the fact that the hair is saturated with oils and nutrients, the cuticle closes, light reflection and shine appear in the hair. Because of this, the hair appears half a tone lighter.

Which irons are suitable for keratin straightening treatments?

In order to perform the keratin straightening procedure efficiently, you need to choose the right iron.

  • The iron must have temperature control up to 230 degrees.
  • The power must be at least 50 watts.
  • The ironing plates should be ceramic, titanium or tourmaline coated.
  • When purchasing an iron, make sure that the plates are pressed together tightly.

In what direction should the strand be pulled during the keratin straightening procedure?

Maintaining the angle of tension of the strand during keratin straightening is very important. In order to preserve the client’s natural hair volume as much as possible, it is necessary to pull each strand perpendicular to the head: at the back of the head we pull it towards ourselves, at the top of the head - upward.

How often can I repeat the keratin hair straightening procedure?

Keratin straightening is a hair healing procedure. Repeated procedure will not damage the hair, but we must remember that the volume of the hair cuticles is limited, filling them is possible only to a certain level. If the client wants to repeat the procedure or the previous procedure was not taken for any reason, then the interval between two keratin straightening procedures with Moroccan Hair Keratin and G-Hair Keratin is one month.

How to do keratin straightening for hair that is severely damaged at the ends?

The ends of the hair are usually worn out by styling, and this is the most damaged area of ​​the hair. Therefore, when performing keratin straightening, you should treat them as carefully as possible.
During keratin straightening, the first three to four times the specialist should press the iron firmly - along the roots and middle of the hair, lightly - at the ends. Then we stretch the entire length of hair from roots to ends with strong pressure on the iron.

When to wash off Moroccan Hair Keratin: after an hour or immediately after ironing?

It takes 15 minutes for the hair to cool down after the master has ironed it. However, if you don’t want to wait, you can blow them with cold air from a hairdryer for one or two minutes. After this, feel free to rinse the mixture from your hair and apply the mask.

Can masks and conditioners from other companies be used after keratin straightening?

Correctly selected products for home care allow you to preserve the beauty of your hair for a long time. INOAR home line products contain the same ingredients as INOAR professional straightening products. This allows you to increase the duration of the straightened hair effect up to six months. Therefore, we recommend using home care products from INOAR.

The haircut does not have a strong impact on the procedure. What is more important is the general condition of the hair and scalp health. Hair follicles that are too weakened may not be able to withstand the severity after the procedure.

Try to bring your health back to normal, and only then undergo keratinization to avoid any risks to your hair and appearance generally.

What strands are they used for?

Thick, fine, damaged hair becomes very tangled when washed or worn loose. Keratin hair straightening can save it from constant injury by styling methods, and also help beauties save time for more important things.

First of all, any type of hair with which the master begins to work is processed, the sebum is washed off skin head, hair is washed and gently dried, and then the process of applying the composition occurs. Keratin can transform even the most damaged hair and give it a new, beautiful life.

Pros and cons for different curls

Can blondes straighten it?

People with colored hair can have their hair straightened. This is especially recommended for dyed blondes, whose hair, burned through bleaching, looks lifeless. After the procedure, the hair becomes soft and smooth, as if it had never been subjected to aggressive influence.

Some keratin compositions have an extremely beneficial effect on colored hair, giving the color new colors, creating a healthier and more laconic image.

How to do it with extended curls?

Keratinizing strands after extensions is possible, but this is a very complex and time-consuming process that can only be performed by an experienced professional. The difficulty lies in the uneven structure of the hair, so the specialist needs to be extremely careful when selecting the product, because it is important that the entire appearance of the hair is uniform.

Synthetic braids are more difficult to straighten. This is a more labor-intensive process that is fraught with a lot of pitfalls for inexperienced craftsmen. Therefore, if you have strands of extensions, choose a specialist with experience so that the result ultimately leaves only a pleasant impression.

The best result can be achieved if a specialist applies one composition to natural hair, and the other for the extended strands.

What is the result on the bleached ones?

Most often, negative reviews can be heard from owners of thin or bleached hair. The result is not as long-lasting as salons that advertise their keratin hair straightening services claim. Of course, it all depends on your hair type. But still you should be careful after any procedures that affect the condition of your hair. Consult with a specialist who will select a drug for you that can make your hair more vibrant and will not harm it.

Keratin on thin strands

It is not recommended to perform the procedure on thin, brittle and weak hair due to the fact that weakened hair follicles may not be able to withstand the weight that will occur after straightening.

In this case, your hair may simply start to fall out. And their recovery will be tedious and long.

Before you start using keratin, you should treat your hair by consulting a trichologist.

Application of the composition to bleached curls

The use of a composition with keratin after any experiments with hair is possible. Including after lightening. The main factor is just how much damage your hair has suffered. If it's just minor damage, keratin will help smooth it out and give your hair an even more beautiful and renewed look. But if lightening has become stressful for you, then it is better to wait until the scalp returns to normal and only then start straightening.

Description of the procedure and before and after photos


Often girls with short hair have more problems with styling, because unruly hair requires a lot of attention and time. But keratin can help them find the look that will no longer irritate the charming fashionista. The main thing is to maintain volume. To do this, it is better to step back a little from the roots when applying the composition to your hair. And then you will get beautiful, healthy hair that won’t look like you didn’t wash your hair.

And to those young ladies who want short haircut, but not sure what with curly hair this is possible - the solution is in keratin.

By straightening your hair with this product, you can easily try on the most daring and eye-catching look that will captivate not only you, but also those around you.


Long hair often has the ability to fluff at the ends and split ends. To achieve the best possible effect from keratinization, you should trim unruly ends before applying the product, and then you will be able to appreciate the new, fresh and bright look with a perfectly smooth hair surface.


Curly and curly hair Before the procedure, they look extremely voluminous and lush, sometimes like a lion’s mane. Thanks to keratin, hair initially acquires a less voluminous, well-groomed, smooth appearance, but with residual waves.

If your hair is very curly, then even the strongest composition will not be able to straighten it absolutely in one straightening phase.

When repeated, the hair will shine and shimmer with a mirror shine., giving you the unforgettable pleasure of a new look.


It is difficult to overestimate the help of keratin in the fight against unruly hair. The development of the composition has helped many women take a break from daily styling, without losing their beauty and gaining a lot of time to do what they love.

Everything you wanted to know about one of the most popular hairdressing services! What are the quality criteria for this procedure, what results can be expected from it, how to care for your hair afterwards and many other questions are answered by the top stylist of the Alexander Todchuk Studio beauty salon. Ira Sanchez.

Ira Sanchez Top stylist of the beauty salon "Alexander Todchuk Studio"

1) In fact, “straightening” is just a marketing ploy, and the procedure is initially aimed at restoring and treating hair.

Composition with keratin under influence high temperature temporarily “sealed” in the hair structure, filling it with shine, strength and, at the same time, straightening it. Marketers decided to focus on this pleasant “side” effect. But if you have strong and elastic curls, after keratin straightening they will not turn into perfectly straight ones. They will be more obedient and curly. Initially curly hair will become wavy, and wavy hair will become straighter. And only on naturally straight hair, this procedure will give the result of a perfectly smooth, flowing hair sheet with a glossy shine.

2) After keratative straightening, special care is required.

Firstly, you need to limit yourself to using regular shampoos, give preference to sulfate-free ones. Secondly, you will have to give up any oils and masks for several months. Oils make the hair structure heavier, and masks loosen the cuticle and help wash out keratin. How long the result of the procedure will last depends on your lifestyle. If you go to the pool, wash your hair often, or are going on vacation where you will swim in salty sea water under the scorching rays of the sun, the effect will not last long.

3) If you dyed your hair the day before, keep in mind that after keratin straightening it will become half a tone lighter.

Plan the procedure in advance and notify your colorist about it. If you are dyeing your hair along the entire length, choose a shade slightly darker than usual. This rule applies to the palette of dyes for both blondes and brunettes.

4) If you dye your hair, do it before, not after the procedure.

In this case, the hair color will last longer, since the dye pigment is sealed along with the keratin. But if you apply dye after keratin straightening, the effect of the procedure will immediately decrease. The exception is if you only dye your hair roots. In this case, you can be completely calm about the result, since the master always applies the keratin composition, stepping back from the roots by 3-4 cm.

5) Keratin straightening cannot be done independently at home.

This is one of the most technically complex procedures, requiring high professionalism from the master and strict adherence to the rules for applying the composition. Experience is also very important in this matter. If your stylist is excellent at cutting and dyeing hair, but is new to keratin straightening, it is better to refuse the procedure. The slightest mistake in drawing up the proportions of the composition and its application, exposure or ironing - and at best there will be no effect from the procedure.

6) If after the procedure the hair did not improve, but rather deteriorated, in 90% of cases the reason for this was the hairdresser’s mistake.

After application, the keratin must be “sealed” at a temperature of 230 degrees. If the master applied too little keratin composition or did it unevenly along the length of the strands, then these 230 degrees burn the hair itself. In this case, instead of recovering, they will be further injured.

7) If after keratin straightening the hair becomes “oily”, quickly gets dirty and visually loses volume, it means that the procedure was performed technically incorrectly.

Hair can become “greasy” if the hairdresser made a mistake in the amount of keratin composition, applied too much of it, or overexposed it. The most important thing in this procedure is the refined technique of execution. step by step instructions. For example, the amount of product that is suitable for voluminous hair and thick hair, for fine hair will be too “heavy”.

8) The result of the procedure largely depends on how many times the master irons each strand of hair.

In some cases, 4-5 times are necessary, but if the curls are too tight and elastic, you may need to repeat this 8-10 times. An individual approach is required.

9) After keratin straightening, you can do a variety of styling and use any styling products.

Do you want to go back to curls again? You can safely curl your curls or, conversely, straighten them even more. Curlers, curling irons, straighteners, hair dryers - you can use any tools you are used to. This will not affect the effect of the procedure.

10) Keratin straightening has no effect on hair growth or hair loss.

The composition of the product does not come into contact with the scalp. As I already said, it is applied 3-4 cm away from the roots. If you suddenly feel like your hair is falling out more, look for other reasons.

11) Keratin straightening does not affect the thickness of the hair shaft; after the procedure, the hair will not become thicker.

Keratin will make your curls more shiny, elastic, restored and smooth. They will stop frizz from humidity, become more manageable in any styling, curls and curls will straighten. But their numbers will not increase. The impression of volume is created by enveloping the hair with a keratin composition. And if you initially have porous and severely damaged hair, in this case, the restoration effect will be most noticeable.

For several years now keratin hair straightening is a “nightmare” for professional hairdressers and trichologists who value the constancy of their clients, and a “gold mine” for the majority of “hair industry workers” who successfully sell an expensive procedure under such a “tricky” name.

The dream of every second girl is to have her hair shine, like in the advertising of products from the PANTENE company. To do this, in their opinion, you need to take only one step: Cocochoco keratin hair straightening, for example.

I studied a lot of professional hairdressing salons and chemical forums, as well as a lot of reviews from ordinary clients of beauty salons who managed to do this procedure. Let's look at a short excursion into the essence of the procedure

If you come to the salon with brittle, split ends, especially if it is also curly, then in most cases you will be offered a keratin hair straightening procedure. The main "trump card" in the beliefs of a “specialist” (in quotes) – the word "keratin". It acts in the most magical way on the brains of sufferers, tortured by daily hour-long styling with straightening irons and expensive ampoules, to at least somehow correct the situation of the terrible condition of the hair.

Quote in the salon:

“The point of straightening with keratin is to saturate the hair with protein”

Keratin straightening GUARANTEES perfect smoothness and styling, plus luxurious shine “ala Pantina advertising” and “sealed”, NOT split ends, hair ends.

And yet YES! You this is what you will get immediately after the end of the procedure.

What happens next?

In 90% of cases, hair after keratin straightening"give" results similar to these:

and with this:

Want to know "why"?

Then let's “move away” from superficial advertising texts about the products included in the keratin straightening procedure, like this:

AND Let us consider in detail the compositions and technology of the keratin hair straightening procedure.

⇒ straightens unruly hair
⇒ and gives them a mirror shine

And if we understand a little about the “mirror shine” of hair: it depends on perfectly smooth cuticle scales, which reflect light, due to which it is created optical glow effect, then with straightening everything is more difficult...

The hair straightening procedure was created by chemist-technologists for the “needs” of African-American hair type: hard, springy and very curly.

The structure of our hair, genetically endowed by nature, is unique and beautiful. The task of a true hairdressing specialist is don't kill your hair, “selling” a short-term “wow-effect” to an incompetent client, and “hooking” him on permanent “home support”, but on the contrary, teach how to properly use and care for your natural structure.

At the same time, the hairdresser wins many times more: healthy and beautiful hair V long period– the key to a “healthy” and long-term relationship with the client. And “regular” and satisfied customers, as you know, guarantee of constant and reliable income.

In my next post I will show how I do the keratin hair reconstruction procedure at home...)))

Hair loss after the procedure can be caused by several reasons:

  1. weakening of the bulb: it becomes difficult to hold very heavy hair;
  2. the product applied to the hair contains chemical compounds, such as the carcinogen formaldehyde, which over time destroys the hair’s own keratin layer, causing it to become depleted;
  3. improper care, in particular, too frequent washing(more than once a week) sulfate-containing shampoos, use of “brute force” - curling irons and flat irons, elastic bands, hair clips, visiting a bathhouse;
  4. ending up with an unqualified specialist who burns your hair with an iron and uses cheap products. A high-quality product should contain at least 40% sheep wool protein, which can saturate and strengthen hair, while inexpensive analogues include artificial keratin, which dries hair, and even then in tiny quantities - 5-10%, but they are replete with chemicals;
  5. hair fell out initially;
  6. The patient had scalp diseases.

Attention! The amount of formaldehyde should not exceed 0.2%, as it causes irritation to the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, even possible damage, severe skin irritation, and difficulty breathing. For this reason, keratin straightening cannot be done during pregnancy.

What to do if hair falls out after keratin straightening?

If your hair begins to fall out significantly, you should consult a trichologist who will conduct an examination and recommend care.

You can try recovery yourself, but You need to follow some recommendations:

  • avoid using previously unused medications, as the skin is extremely sensitive during this period and may react with even more hair loss;
  • after consulting a doctor, take vitamins;
  • Healthy food;
  • Do not injure yourself with elastic bands: it is better to wear your hair loose.

How to consolidate the result?

Finished goods

It will help to consolidate the effect of keratin and maintain hair. pharmacy cosmetics. It is possible to use shampoos, the range of which is significant. The most famous:

  1. Natura Siberica– for tired and weakened hair, Protection and Shine for colored and damaged hair, Neutral for sensitive skin heads - have mainly plant components and, in particular, Altai sea buckthorn extract, rich in vitamins; The brand has received ICEA certification.
  2. Estelle, restoring strength and shine to hair; The downside is that it hardly forms foam and is quickly consumed.
  3. "Grandmother Agafya's Recipes"– Black anti-dandruff shampoo, Homemade shampoo for every day, Anti-hair loss shampoo based on five soap herbs and burdock infusion.
  4. Logona– with bamboo extract, volume with honey and beer, anti-dandruff with juniper oil.
  5. Macadamia Natural Oil Gently cleanses and vitaminizes the epidermis and cuticle.

When choosing a shampoo, you need to make sure that it does not contain sulfates that wash out the keratin. In addition, sulfate-free products are easier to wash off with water, so the hair is less damaged and does not cause allergies.

The names of these substances:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Ammonium Laureth Sulfate).

They are usually 2-3 on the list of shampoo ingredients. Instead, they are allowed to have:

  • sarcosinates;
  • acylglutamate;
  • cocoglucoside;
  • lauryl glucoside;
  • coco sulfate.

Such shampoos cannot be supplemented with other products.

It is also possible to purchase balms, for example, the Mulsan brand, which do not contain preservatives and have a pleasant smell.

Another option is masks that strengthen hair, for example:

  1. LOreal Professionnel mask and oil.
  2. Fiber Force from Schwarzkopf for the restoration of severely damaged curls.
  3. Curex Therapy by Estelle.

All of them have many positive customer reviews.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine also offers ways to preserve hair after keratin straightening. Among them:

Master's hands

You can also improve the condition of damaged hair in a beauty salon.

  1. Hair elumination involves staining with Elumen with restorative properties that strengthens the roots. The effect lasts up to 2 months.
    • Pros: hair is shiny, protected from bad weather, volume increases.
    • Minus - impaired breathing of the hair due to the formation of a film, there are contraindications - damage to the scalp, allergies, long hair(due to weight).
  2. When glazing, glaze with ceramides is applied to the hairs., which makes them smooth and light. Disadvantages – after applying the product you cannot dye your hair, it itself is quickly washed off.
  3. Shielding– creating a thin film that nourishes and moisturizes dull and unruly hair. True, in a month the carriage will turn into a pumpkin again.
  4. In the case of biolamination, the head is covered with a cellulose-based product, protecting from the sun, wind, moisture, sea salt.
    • Other advantages are safety due to the absence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
    • Cons: fragility, price.
  5. Lamination will help quickly restore hair, when, as a result of applying proteins, vitamins, and minerals to the hair as part of medicinal products, they are strengthened, and a thin film eliminates minor damage and unevenness and protects from the external environment.
  6. Another option is collagen restoration, as a result of which the hair receives collagen protein, which recreates and improves its structure.

Thus, the causes and methods of eliminating the problem of hair loss after keratin straightening are varied, but when choosing treatment you need to rely, first of all, on the advice of specialists.