What types of nuts are there? Nuts - benefits and harm, use in folk medicine. Long nuts are called.

Nuts are a group of different fruits consisting of a dry woody shell (shell) and an edible kernel (seed) enclosed in it. In everyday life and trade, the most common nuts include: peanuts (groundnuts), walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds and pistachios.

Nuts are valued as tasty and high-calorie foods, rich in fat, proteins, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

In cooking, nuts are often used in the preparation of sweet dishes (fillings, creams, fillings, etc.), flour confectionery, sauces (for example, nut sauces of Georgian cuisine). The nuts are also used to produce very valuable nut oil, which is used in cooking, in the food industry and for technical purposes. Nuts in their natural form are widely used as a favorite dessert.

Peanut(ground, or Chinese, nut) - the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family; in the CIS it is bred in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Georgia, and Armenia. Especially a lot of peanuts are sown in China (hence the name “Chinese nut”).

Peanuts are harvested in late autumn by pulling the bush out of the ground along with the beans (the beans develop in the ground), then the beans (pods) are dried and stored in a dry room.

Peanut fruits are elongated cylindrical fruits, 2 to 6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter; On the outside, the beans are covered with a shell (skin), inside of which there are 1-2 large dicotyledonous kernels (seeds). The peel makes up about 25% and the kernel makes up 75% of the total weight of the nut.

Roasted peanuts are used as a delicacy, as well as in home cooking and in the confectionery industry for making cakes, pastries, halva, sweets, and various sweets; it is also salted and served with champagne

Most peanuts are processed into peanut oil, used for food and industrial purposes; The cake obtained as a by-product when squeezing oil is used in the confectionery industry to make chocolate (mixed with cocoa), halva and other products.

Peanut nut flour is used to make muffins, biscuits and other products for diabetics.

Walnuts(Volosh) - the fruits of a tree of the nut family, growing in the southern regions of the CIS. They are collected in their mature form, when the outer shell dries up, cracks and a nut falls out of it, consisting of a hard shell with a kernel enclosed inside; the core is divided by 2-4 incomplete septa.

The collected nuts, after being shelled, are dried in the sun or in dryers, which helps in their storage.

According to the degree of hardness and the amount of shell, walnuts are divided into thin-skinned (shell thickness is up to 1.5 mm, the kernel weighs about 50% of the total weight of the nut) and thick-skinned (the shell is thicker than 1.5 mm, the kernel weighs 30-35% of the total weight of the nut). The size of the nuts is from 3 x 2.8 cm to 5.5 x 4 cm, and the weight is from 8 to 15 g.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin C (up to 85 mg%). There is especially a lot of vitamin C in unripe nuts (up to 3000 mg%), which is much higher than the content of this vitamin in all fruits and berries. Green walnuts are used to prepare various medicinal vitamin preparations, confectionery products and to make jam.

Walnuts are sold whole (in shell) and shelled (kernel).

Crushed, crushed, chopped walnut kernels are used to prepare some salads (from apples, celery, etc.), as well as to prepare many dishes, sauces and gravies.

Walnut kernels, fried with salt, are served with champagne and grape wines.

We offer several recipes for dishes made from walnuts.

Peanut sauce. Crush the walnut kernel with garlic, add salt and ground red pepper, chopped onions or green onions, parsley, mix all this thoroughly and dilute with vinegar (to taste). The sauce is served as a gravy for various dishes.

For 100 g of walnut kernel: 100 g of onions or green onions, 50 g of parsley, garlic, vinegar, salt, ground red pepper - to taste.

Nut filling (made from walnuts or other nuts). Grind the roasted nuts with butter, powdered sugar or waffle crumbs until a thick mass is formed.

This filling is used for cakes, pastries, pies and other products.

Pine nuts— the fruits of the Siberian cedar, or, more precisely, the cedar pine, which grows mainly in Siberian forests (cedar forests), are less common in the northern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Pine seeds (nuts) are enclosed in cones, each of which contains up to 100 seeds. Cedar bears fruit in 3-4 years. Nuts are usually collected in September-October, before frost, since nuts harvested after frost are poorly stored, become moldy and acquire a bitter taste.

Two types of pine nuts are available for sale: taiga - small (6-9 mm), in a reddish or dark brown shell, and larger, so-called kondovy, 7-13 mm in size, differing from taiga in its angular shape and light brown color. and a stronger shell; The kernel accounts for about 45% of the nut's weight.

Pine nut oil is extracted from pine nuts, which is used primarily for making confectionery. The cakes obtained by pressing the oil are used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, halva, etc.

Fresh and especially dried pine nuts are consumed fresh as a delicacy.

Hazelnuts- fruits of shrubs, less often trees, of the birch family, growing in forests in continuous thickets almost everywhere in Ukraine and the CIS. In the northern and central regions, hazelnuts are smaller (0.5-1.0 g) than in the south (1-2.5 g).

The kernel makes up about 40% of the nut's weight and is rich in fat and protein; used to produce high-quality oil that has good nutritional properties and is widely used in the confectionery industry.

The hazelnut kernel is used raw as a delicacy, as well as in whole and crushed form in home cooking and confectionery production for various types of culinary products.

Hazelnut- a cultivated or garden variety of hazelnut; widely cultivated in the southern regions - in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, the North Caucasus and Central Asia.

In accordance with the shape and size of the nuts, they are divided into 2 groups in trade: badem hazelnuts - with larger nuts, 2.5-3.0 x 1.5 cm in size; Kerasundian (curly) or half-hazelnuts - with small nuts, 1.6 x 1.5 cm in size. Each of these groups is sold in shells and without shells.

Like other types of nuts, hazelnuts serve as a valuable nutritious food; consumed raw, used in home cooking and in confectionery production.

Almond- the fruit of the almond tree; grows wild in Central Asia and produces fruits with a bitter kernel and a very hard shell.

Almonds with a sweet kernel are grown in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia; divided into hard-shell and soft-shell; in the latter, the shell is easily crushed by hand. More valuable are soft-shell almonds, their kernel is larger. Almonds ripen in August-September.

The almond fruit has an elongated ovoid shape, laterally compressed, ranging from 10 to 60 mm in length. When ripe, the outer shell dries and cracks, releasing the nut. A nut consists of a shell and a kernel (seed) enclosed in it. The outer shell makes up 25 to 48%, the shell 37 to 50% and the kernel 11 to 17% of the fruit's weight.

Almonds are sold in shells (almonds), as well as shelled (almonds).

The almond kernel contains valuable essential oils that give the almond kernel a specific aroma. Bitter almonds are distinguished by a high content (from 2 to 4%) of a glucoside - amygdalin, from which, when ground with water, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is formed. Therefore, bitter almonds can be eaten only in very small quantities (up to 5-6% of the total amount of sweet almonds) and used only for flavoring confectionery products.

Sweet almonds are eaten fresh; in the confectionery industry - in the production of cookies, cakes, marzipan, caramel fillings, as well as for the production of very valuable edible almond oil. Bitter almond oil is obtained from bitter almonds for special technical purposes.

Pistachios- a genus of plants (trees or shrubs) from the sumac family, grow in Transcaucasia, Moldova, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, in Central Asia.

The fruits are small, weighing from 0.6 to 1 g, have a thin but hard shell, cracking in half, from which two fall out - the cotyledon core (seed) is greenish in color, with a thin brown peel. The kernel accounts for about 48% of the nut's weight.

A very valuable edible oil used in confectionery production is obtained from pistachios.

In cooking, pistachios are used in grated or crushed form (in halves) in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, creams, etc., they are also added to some meat dishes, in poultry puree soup; preparing duck and chicken stuffed with pistachios. Pistachios are served toasted and salted with champagne and strong dessert wines.


To remove the thin skin from the nuts, soak them briefly in cold salted water. Then rinse and dry.

To make it easier to peel the almonds, pour boiling water over them for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cold water and dry.

c If you roast the nuts in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 200 °C, their taste and aroma will improve significantly.

If the walnuts have dried out and lost their characteristic taste, keep them, without breaking them, in lightly salted water for 2-15 hours. The kernel will regain its consistency and taste.

To remove the skin, place the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and place in a very hot oven for a few minutes. Under the influence of high temperature, the skin bursts and separates from the kernel. Then it is cleaned as usual, peeling between the fingers. Hazelnuts must be stored in a cool, dry place, otherwise they will quickly go rancid.

Pistachios are sold with the shell cracked; it can be easily removed; the skin is removed in the same way as with almonds. Pistachios should not be heated for a long time, otherwise their color will deteriorate.

Peanuts have a hard but fragile shell that can be easily removed with your fingers after roasting.

Nuts(see photo) are a universal and useful product. Even in ancient times, ancient tribes used nuts to suppress strong feelings of hunger. This fruit is truly rich in vitamins and mineral trace elements that fill the body with missing substances. Each nut fruit is in a hard shell, which protects the edible part of the nut from various damages.

How many types of nuts? Today, there are about fourteen different varieties of the product, which we will talk about in more detail below.

Types and names of nuts with photos

What types of nuts are there? By the word “nut”, many mean the fruits of some fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, consisting of a fairly hard shell (that is, the shell) and an edible kernel.

In science (botany), which studies plant life, there is a clear formulation of what a nut is. This is a fruit that does not open and has a pericarp, which contains either a nucleolus or a seed. Nuts also include hazelnuts and hazel.

In botany, the nut family also stands out, the representatives of which look like a nut, but do not belong to it.

The main and more famous varieties of nuts are the following:

  1. Peanut. Also called groundnut. Unlike other varieties of nuts, peanut fruits appear deep underground. But this does not scare agricultural technicians. Entire plantations cultivating this crop have been thriving for many years. One plant can bear more than forty fruits. Peanut fruits love warmth, sunlight and a small amount of moisture. The plant bears fruit for four to six months, depending on the type of crop. The harvest begins with the arrival of the autumn months. What are the benefits of peanuts? The fruits of this plant help improve memory and attention, increase blood clotting, and promote rapid restoration of strength during illness and after overexcitation.
  2. Brazilian nut. Externally, the nut fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a coconut, but as soon as you crush the shell, oblong-shaped grains will be hidden in it. Some claim that this type of nut is the most delicious of all varieties. The fruits of the Brazil nut grow on the tallest tree called "Bertolecia", which grows in the Amazon forests. This type is also called cream nut. The benefit of Brazil nuts is that the edible fruits of the crop help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, nervous disorders, and normalize glucose levels in the body. It is also recommended that children eat Brazil nuts in order to grow better and faster.
  3. Water chestnut. This agricultural crop grows in lakes and reservoirs with weak currents and lives only for one year. New plants are attached to the bottom using last year's plants. Very often, this type of nut is used in an unconventional method of treating various diseases..
  4. Walnut. The fruits grow on a tree that reaches almost twenty-five meters in height. The plant bears fruit from September to October. All walnuts differ from each other in shape, size, taste and shell hardness. Some trees can live for about four hundred years and continue to bear fruit. There are also types of walnuts, such as “dessert”, “elegant”, “abundant”, “fruitful”, “aurora”, “dawn of the east”, “ideal”, “giant”. The benefits of walnuts affect almost all organs of the human body. The most important aspect is that these fruits have a beneficial effect on brain function. Walnuts should be consumed for anemia, to strengthen the immune system, and also to lower blood pressure. But these are not all the advantages of walnuts. We will describe in more detail in the section below.
  5. Chestnut. Although there are quite a few varieties of chestnut, only the sweet chestnut fruits are suitable for consumption. In cooking, such fruits are often baked over coals. Of course, chestnut cannot exactly be called a nut, but due to its nutritional value, the plant is comparable to nuts like walnuts. There are several types of chestnut nuts: European seed, Japanese, Chinese soft and horse chestnut. The latter, unlike the previous ones, is inedible and is used exclusively for pharmacological purposes. The beneficial properties of chestnut lie not only in the fruit itself, but also in the inflorescences of the plant, its leaves and bark.
  6. Pine nuts. The edible fruits are hidden inside a dense cone growing on a cedar pine tree. The product is used to make healing oil, various tinctures, decoctions, and pine nuts are also used in cooking. There are four types of pine nuts: “European” (characterized by an oblong shape), “Korean” (the fruits look like corn kernels), “American” (large in size and easily peeled from the hard shell) and “Siberian”. The benefit of pine nuts lies in the content of vitamins and other useful components inside the fruit that are necessary to maintain health. These nuts are very useful for pregnant women to eat.
  7. Cashew nuts. Nuts grow on quite powerful trees, whose fruits look more like some exotic fruit rather than nuts. Cashews are characterized by a pink shell and an elongated shape that looks like a pear. You will not be able to remove the shell from cashews, as from a regular nut, since the shell contains a toxic substance (kardol), which can cause poisoning or burns. To get rid of the substance, experienced specialists heat treat the nut. Only after this the peeled cashews reach store shelves. The benefits of cashew nuts are due to the fact that the fruits help maintain nails, skin and hair in normal condition.
  8. Coconut. It is the fruit of the coconut palm, which is a large nut with a fairly hard, fleecy shell and white, sweetish pulp. There are two types of coconuts you can find in the store: green and brown. The first type is considered unripe; inside the coconut contains more milk than pulp. But in the second form it’s the other way around. The green type is used for the production of coconut flakes and milk. Coconut has invaluable benefits. It is good for vision, digestion, immunity and heart.
  9. Macadamia. The trees on which nuts grow can bear fruit for over a hundred years. It takes about seven months for the fruits to ripen. The shape of the nut is round, the shell is quite strong, from which it is very difficult to free the kernel. For this reason, macadamia nuts are not cheap. Growing this type of plant is also not easy. Trees are very sensitive to strong gusts of wind, as well as pest attacks. Macadamia nuts taste somewhat like hazelnuts. In cooking, the fruits of the nut are mainly used to make various sweet desserts, as well as salads in which seafood is placed. The benefits of macadamia nuts are many. Due to the fact that the nuts contain palmitic acid, macadamia has a beneficial effect on the skin. From the oil of this product, preparations are made that increase blood circulation while smoothing out wrinkles, and also strengthen hair follicles.
  10. Almond. The fruits are oblong and slightly flattened, one end of the nut is pointed, the kernels are covered with a brownish skin, and the inside is light. There are two types of almonds: sweet and bitter. The first type is oval-shaped, slightly oily, and is used in cooking for making desserts. The shells of sweet almonds are used to make cognac, and almond milk is made from its seeds. The bitter type of almond nut is used to make almond oil and is not suitable for food. As for the benefits of almonds, the product can be eaten to prevent the development of a heart attack, to enhance male potency, eliminate hangover symptoms, and improve brain activity.
  11. Nutmeg. The fruits grow on a twelve-meter evergreen tree. Such nuts are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, medicine, and also in tobacco production. The taste of nut fruits is spicy, slightly pungent, and in rare cases bitter. The following types of nutmeg are distinguished: Malabar nutmeg, fragrant nutmeg and silver nutmeg.
  12. Pecan. Quite often pecans are compared to walnuts, saying that both nuts are the same. But that's not true. Pecan kernels are softer, there are no partitions inside the shell, and their shape resembles olives (for this reason, pecans are also called olive nuts). These trees love moist, hot air. North America is considered the birthplace of the pecan. In cooking, the product is used to make cookies, pies and salads. What are the benefits of pecans? Doctors say that such a nut can prevent the growth of cancer cells. Pecan also reduces muscle cramps, makes tissues quite elastic, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart.
  13. Pistachios. The fruits can grow either on a bush or on a tree, which can reach 4 meters in height. Fruiting of the plant can last up to four hundred years. When the fruit is fully ripe, a click is made, which opens the shell. Inside the hard shell there is a greenish kernel (the brighter the shade, the tastier the fruit). Pistachio nuts have great benefits for the entire body. By eating the product, you can get rid of the feeling of hunger and invigorate your body for the whole day.
  14. Hazelnut. Nut fruits grow on a bush or on a ten-meter tree. Hazelnuts are characterized by an oblong cylindrical shape, bloom in March and bear fruit in September. Although nuts are high-calorie foods, they are quite healthy. The benefits of hazelnuts are due to the presence of vitamins and minerals in the fruit. Nuts can be eaten for anemia, during pregnancy, for older people, to lower cholesterol.

As you can see, there are different types of nuts that differ from each other not only in name, but also in shape, color, size, and taste.

Beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of nuts have a wonderful effect on the entire body system. The benefits of nuts largely depend on what is included in the fruit, namely vitamins (A, B and E) and mineral components (phosphorus, iron, selenium, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium).

The calorie content of nuts is quite high, so along with the benefits, the product can also cause harm to health.

Let's consider the benefits of nuts for the human body.

The benefits of nuts for women. For example, almost all types of nuts will be useful for pregnant women. You are allowed to eat no more than fifty grams of nut kernels per day. In the third trimester, you can eat nuts, but not more than three times a week.

Walnuts will be beneficial for breastfeeding. During lactation you can eat no more than four kernels per day. For the first time, you should try to eat one kernel. If the baby feels good, then you can continue to eat nuts.

The benefits of nuts for weight loss. If you are on a diet, you can eat oatmeal in the morning, mixing it with nuts. For lunch, eat a handful of almonds. For dinner, make a green salad, adding some nut kernels. When losing weight, eating only nuts at night is not allowed. Pine nuts are especially beneficial for women.

The benefits of nuts for hair are invaluable. In cosmetology, various compositions based on nuts are made, giving curls shine, elasticity and strength.

What are the benefits of nuts for men? To increase potency, it will be useful to eat pine nuts, which contain a mineral such as zinc, which stimulates and maintains potency, and also affects the formation of testosterone inside a man’s body.

Nutmeg is also useful for men, helping to relieve fatigue and prevent too rapid ejaculation.

Nuts are also good for athletes. The product helps restore strength after physical training and strengthen muscles. Athletes who are gaining weight should eat about thirty nuts per day. But such a volume will need to be eaten in several doses. The most beneficial types of nuts for athletes are:

In addition, nuts are good for the liver, heart and brain. It is also very useful to eat nuts for people with diabetes and oncology, as well as for children over three years of age (a child can eat a handful of nut kernels per day, but no more).

However, nuts have some contraindications. Since this product is a rather heavy food, you are allowed to eat no more than thirty grams per day, otherwise symptoms of poisoning may appear. Nuts can also be harmful to those who are allergic to this product or are overweight.

Below is a video about the benefits of walnuts.

How to select and store?

How to choose the right nuts? This issue should be approached more thoroughly, considering each type of product separately.

How to choose a Brazil nut? When shaking the fruit inside the shell, no sounds should be heard. Ripe fruit should be heavy. The top shell of the shell should be smooth, without any damage. Good Brazil nut kernels should be firm, crisp, smooth in texture and brightly colored.

How to choose inshell walnuts? The shell should be wrinkled, without dents, cracks or dirt, light brown in color, and dry. When you tap two nuts, a clear, loud sound should be produced. The kernels are colored golden and should not be oily.

How to choose shelled pine nuts? The surface shell of the nucleolus should be uniform, without spots. All cores must be the same size. Also, the fruit should be moderately dry. The darkening of the tip of the nucleolus indicates that the nuts have been lying around for a very long time. If we consider an unshelled cedar nut, then it should have a black spot on it, which indicates that there is a kernel inside the shell. If there is no speck, then the inside of the nut is most likely empty.

How to choose a coconut? The outside of the shell should be uniform, that is, without cracks, dents, chips and various contaminants. If you shake the nut, there should be a loud splash of the liquid inside. After cracking, the pulp should come away from the shell normally.

How to choose nutmeg? The surface of the nut shell must not only be clean, but also dry, without any damage. A good fruit is quite dense and heavy. When the core is pierced, essential oil should flow out, which indicates the freshness of the product.

How to choose almonds? Inside the shell, the nucleoli should not stick to each other. The surface of the edible part of the product must be clean, dry, and free of mold or other contamination. In addition, a high-quality nut should not have wrinkled or dark kernels. The almond shell should not be covered with dots, cracks or scars.

So, we figured out how to choose the right nuts. Now you need to find out how to store nuts at home.

Any type of product should be stored exclusively in a dark, dry and cool room (temperature should not exceed twenty degrees Celsius). Before removing the nuts, they must be thoroughly washed from dirt and dried, and then placed in cloth bags. How long can I store nuts in shell? The shelf life depends both on the fruit itself and on the air temperature. For example, walnuts are stored for about a year at a temperature no higher than 14 degrees Celsius. Brazilians can be stored at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees for about a couple of years, and nutmeg for about nine years. Pine nuts are stored for six months at temperatures up to 18 degrees. The shelf life of coconut and chestnut is three months if the room temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. Almonds are stored for a little more than a year at a temperature of eighteen degrees, but the shelf life of peanuts at such indicators is exactly a year. Hazelnuts are stored for four years at a temperature not higher than 12 and not lower than 3 degrees.

How to store nut kernels? It is best to store shelled nuts in a glass container with a lid. The room should be sufficiently dark, cool and ventilated. Shelled nuts can also be stored in both the refrigerator and freezer.

Let's consider how long you can store shelled nuts in different places.

Types of nuts

Storage room

Dark and cool place



Walnut, pecan

6 months

More than 12 months

Hazelnuts, hazel

From 2 to 4 weeks

6 months

Just over 6 months


12 months

12 months

9 months

6 months

9 months


9 months

12 months


8 months

12 months

More than 12 months

It is generally not advisable to store peeled coconut for long periods of time. It is advisable to consume it two days in advance if the product is stored in the refrigerator.

Use of nuts

Various types of nuts have found their use both in cooking and in folk healing. In what dishes this product is used, as well as how nuts affect health, we will consider below.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, not only nut kernels are used, but also shells, leaves and even partitions. Let's consider several recipes for treatment with nuts.


Method of treatment

Varicose veins are treated with nutmeg. You will need to crush one nut to a powder state. You should eat a teaspoon of nutmeg powder in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating.

To treat goiter you will need walnuts and vodka. To do this, you need to chop a handful of green walnuts (the peels can be left), then pour into a dark glass container and pour three hundred milliliters of vodka into it. Leave the liquid for about two months in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After the specified time, the infusion should be filtered. Drink a teaspoon of the composition three times a day, thirty minutes before eating.


In folk medicine, prostatitis is treated with walnuts. You need to pour ten ground nut kernels into a glass container and pour liquid honey (you will need about two hundred milliliters). In the morning on an empty stomach you should eat three teaspoons of this composition.

Stomach ulcer

Walnuts and honey are used to treat ulcers. You will need to grind about five hundred grams of nut kernels in a meat grinder, then the same amount of carrots. Then you need to melt five hundred grams of butter in a bowl. As soon as the butter melts, add carrots to it, stir and cool. Then add nuts to the carrot-cream mixture, and then pour in five hundred milliliters of honey (preferably liquid). The finished product should be eaten a tablespoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The benefits of pine nut tincture are manifested in many ways. For example, pine nuts in alcohol help strengthen the immune and vascular system. To make the tincture, you need to thoroughly wash and dry a kilogram of nuts. After this, the peeled kernels need to be placed in a glass container and poured with a liter of vodka. The composition is infused for a couple of weeks in a dark room. Then the tincture needs to be filtered. Drink a tablespoon twice a day about half an hour before meals.

The benefit of foods such as dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, honey and lemon is that they help improve heart function. To make the mixture, you will need to grind three hundred grams of dried apricots, walnut kernels, prunes, raisins and the pulp of one lemon in a blender. You also need to add one hundred grams of rose hips and hawthorn to the mixture. After this, you need to pour four hundred milliliters of honey into the mass and mix thoroughly. Place the medicine in the refrigerator for ten days. Eat a tablespoon three times a day an hour after eating.

Tincture of walnuts on the partitions helps get rid of colds, relieve fatigue and warm up. To prepare the tincture, you will need to remove the membranes from twenty-five walnuts, put them in a glass container and pour half a glass of moonshine. The liquid should infuse in a dark room for about two weeks. Then the infusion should be filtered. Take ten drops three times a day (it is advisable to dilute the tincture in a tablespoon of water). The treatment procedure lasts up to three weeks.

In cooking

The use of nuts in cooking is determined not only by the beneficial properties of the product, but also by its taste. Nut kernels are mainly used for preparing various dishes, sauces, desserts and seasonings.

How to use nutmeg in cooking? This product is used in sweet baked goods, cocktails and alcoholic beverages. Nutmeg also serves as a natural flavoring for cakes, curd masses, candies, puddings, pretzels, cakes, muffins, cookies and pastries. In addition, nuts are used for cooking compotes, preserves, making jam and marmalade. In some countries, nutmeg is added to boiled rice, soup and vegetable salad.

Pine nuts are used in cooking as a topping for vegetable salads, for making chicken, turkey, and pesto sauce. Pine nuts are also added to sweet pastries and desserts.

Pine nut oil is also used in cooking. This product is used to season vegetable salads, meat and fish products are marinated in it, and cedar oil is also used for preservation.

In addition, walnuts are also used in cooking. The kernels are added to sweet and savory baked goods, protein shakes, salads, soups, and meat products. Walnut oil is seasoned with vegetable and fruit salads and added to sweet pastries.

As you can see, nuts are not only tasty, but also quite a healthy product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body system.

Walnut is one of the oldest food products. Mentions of him are found in epics, legends and myths of all cultures of the world. The product also occupies a special place in Slavic folklore. Our ancestors also noted its special nutritional properties. This product is stored for quite a long time, and for many centuries it has been used as a preparation for the winter. There are many types of nuts that differ from each other in size, shape, taste and growing environment.

Product Definition

Nuts are the fruits of shrubs or trees. They are a box that consists of an edible core and a shell - the shell.

According to botanical definition, a nut is an unopened fruit with a pericarp, inside which is a seed or kernel.

There is a whole family of plants - nuts. However, the crops only look like nuts, but are not biologically nuts.

There is also a whole family of nuts that look like nuts, but, from a botanical point of view, they are not. Popular nuts(types and names):

  • Nuts - walnuts, Manchurian, black, bitter nuts, hazelnuts;
  • Birch - hazelnuts, hazel, Turkish walnut;
  • Beech trees - plane tree, chestnut, acorn.

There are many other varieties, among them earthen and. It is noteworthy that it is the fruit and seed of plants.

Classification and features

There are hundreds of varieties of nuts, but there are several dozen that are edible and used for food. It is worth highlighting the most popular species that humanity cultivates industrially. These nuts can be found on store shelves:

  • Peanut, or . The plant is a legume. This is a high-calorie product containing a large amount of useful substances, for example, antioxidants, vitamins, acids. The product was widely used in the United States during World War II as a solution to food problems. Currently, peanuts are used to make desserts, snacks and first courses.
  • Brazilian nut. The product is less popular than peanuts, but it is worth paying attention to its beneficial properties. The product contains a lot of fat, but this minus is compensated for by vitamins A and B, microelements (selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). Brazil nut is a strong aphrodisiac. Useful for children for growth and proper development. It is believed that two nucleoli per day will replenish the supply of micro- and macroelements in the body.
  • The water chestnut is an annual plant that grows mainly along the banks of rivers and lakes. The bush is attached to the bottom with the help of last year's fruits. Often the current carries it to the shore, where it continues to develop. All parts of the plant are used as a traditional medicine in the treatment of the urinary system, dyspepsia, allergies and gallbladder diseases.
  • Walnut is very popular in the southern regions of Russia and Greece. The kernels are used for cooking (meat dishes, desserts and sauces). The product is rich in fats, acids, vitamins and microelements. Green fruits contain large amounts of iodine. It is recommended for use in cases of weak immunity, anemia, as well as in lactating and pregnant women.
  • Hazelnut. It is a shrubby plant that grows both in the wild and in the garden. Hazelnuts are good for the body, just like other types of nuts. All possible diseases of the central nervous system, stabilization of metabolic processes, increased immunity are only part of the body's problems that the kernels of this fruit will help to cope with. It is widely used in cooking as an additional ingredient for preparing dishes.
  • Chestnut is not a nut, but due to its nutritional value it is still considered one. There are many varieties, but only large, sweet chestnuts are eaten. In the culture of many countries, fried fruits have become a traditional Christmas dish.
  • Pine nuts. One of the healthiest products. It contains many useful substances. Moreover, cedar is a panacea for many diseases. In folk medicine, not only nuts are used, but also pine needles, shells, bark, and resin. They say that the famous Siberian health owes its strength to this coniferous plant. Based on the kernels and shells of nuts, infusions and teas are made that have miraculous properties. Used for preparing salads, main courses and drinks.
  • Cashew nuts. This is a product that has relatively recently entered our lives. However, thanks to its taste, it won love. The product contains a small amount of fat, but is rich in carbohydrates and mineral compounds. This allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.
  • Pecan is a large nut. With regular use, the activity of the cardiovascular system is stabilized. It is extremely rich in protein, so it is recommended for use in the diet menu. Unsaturated fatty acids displace “bad cholesterol”.
  • Pistachios. Nuts perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger. The product contains amino acids, mineral compounds of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Snacks, first and second courses, and desserts, including marzipan, are made from pistachios.
  • Macadamia nuts are large white nuts. They grow on relict trees and mature in about 7-8 months. This is a rather expensive product, which is also used in folk medicine.

Nuts have many beneficial properties. Despite their high calorie content, they are a must-have food even for those who want to lose weight. Not everyone knows the varieties of nuts, limiting themselves to the ability to distinguish a hazelnut from a cashew or walnut. Each nut variety is characterized by a large amount of useful substances. Eating all nuts is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Each of them contains a certain set of useful substances that a person needs. There are many recipes for every taste, the ingredients of which can be nuts.

Pecan is one of the valuable and healthy nuts

Varieties of nuts: general characteristics

At all times of human existence, nuts have been the main component of the daily diet. Their main advantage is the presence of nutrients, which are the reason for the high calorie content of the product. Nuts are complete protein substitutes for vegetarians and those who follow a healthy diet. This is due to the fact that nuts have a better quality of fatty matter than animal products.

All types of nuts are grown in difficult conditions due to:

  • intolerance to sudden temperature changes;
  • demands on climate and weather;
  • lack of fertility at low or high points compared to sea level;
  • the need for a brightly lit room;
  • need for frequent watering;
  • the need to fertilize the land twice a year with high-quality mineral and phosphate fertilizers.

There are real nut lovers who grow these trees. Farmers know that some species contain more nutrients than fruits or vegetables. They have a long shelf life due to their thick skin. List of types of nuts:

  • cashew nuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnut;
  • Brazilian;
  • water;
  • cedar;
  • cola;
  • macadamia;
  • nutmeg;
  • pecan;
  • pistachios, etc.

To maintain the level of fat in the body, it is enough to consume a small handful of any of the above varieties of nuts every day. An excellent solution would be to combine them for a varied diet.

After a week, you can notice positive results: improved mood, easy awakening in the morning and falling asleep at night, no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and others. To properly create a diet yourself, you need to know what nuts exist and become familiar with their properties.

Brazil and walnuts

Useful properties of kola nut

Kola nuts grow on evergreen sterculia trees. Their average height is 15–20 meters. Outwardly they resemble chestnuts due to their oblong leaves. During flowering, beautiful yellow flowers and star-shaped fruits appear.

Like other nut trees, cola trees begin to bear fruit only after 10 years. Farmers who grow this variety average about 40–50 kg of nuts annually. Kola nuts contain more caffeine than coffee beans, which increases energy levels. Research on these nuts has shown that they affect the human body in the following ways:

  • improve brain function;
  • increase the level of concentration on the object;
  • increase productivity;
  • relieve tension and fatigue, etc.

Fresh kola seeds are filled with water, proteins, fats, essential oils, cellulose, starch, theobromines and other substances. They speed up the process of digesting food in the stomach due to an increase in the amount of special acid. Eating kola nuts helps cope with bronchial diseases, diarrhea, hepatitis, and rheumatism.

Girls need to know that cola accelerates the growth of hair and nails, improving their quality and appearance. Oils do an excellent job of regenerating functions, making the skin smooth and elastic.

Kola nuts contain more caffeine than coffee

Using cashews in cooking

This nut is never sold in shell, which makes it different from other possible varieties. Due to the nature of cultivation and the outer shell of the fruit, it is always served only after processing and peeling.

Cashews are consumed raw and roasted. Based on this characteristic, there are such differences between them:

  1. Raw cashews are added to warm salads, fish dishes, desserts, and sauces.
  2. Roasted nuts have a pleasant sweetish taste. They are an excellent component when creating creams or flavorful sauces. They are used to decorate confectionery products. The most popular accompanying food product during frying is salt.

Another known use is processing into a sweet butter that tastes like peanut butter. The advantage is that it contains a small amount of fat compared to other nuts. This quality is very much appreciated by girls who want to lose weight.

Cashews should be purchased as whole nuts. This will increase their shelf life. If they are sold in closed containers, they can be stored for about a month.

Even allergy sufferers are allowed to consume cashews, because they have antibacterial, antiseptic and tonic properties.

Nut classification

Nuts are a separate group of food products. In science, nuts are the fruits of plants of the nut family, and in cooking they are edible parts of plants, mainly fruits, seeds, and cuttings.

What types of nuts are there?

Fruits from the order Beeceae

1. Hazelnuts belonging to the Birch family. The fruits are true nuts!

1) Hazelnut (hazel)- a delicious treat. The nut has a high nutritional value, so it easily replaces meat during fasting periods and in the diet of vegetarians.

2) Hazelnut (Lombard).

3) Turkish nut (bear).

To find out whether it can be eaten or not, shake the fruit:

  • if the nut rattles, then it is spoiled;
  • If the nut is held tightly in the shell, then it is ready for consumption!

2. Typical nuts, which are divided into edible (Walnut family) and inedible (Beech family).


1) Walnut- one of the most common types of nuts both in consumption and in cultivation.

Places of growth:

  • Caucasus;
  • Crimea;
  • Middle Asia;
  • Moldova.

Beneficial features:

  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • fights skin diseases;
  • heals wounds;
  • increases mental abilities.

2) Pecan- a type of nut that tastes like a walnut. Homeland of growth - USA.

Beneficial features:

  • Increased hemoglobin levels;
  • increased attention;
  • increase in performance.

4) Manchurian;

5) Bitter nut.

Inedible - not considered nuts in cooking

1) Chestnut;

2) Beech nut;

3) Acorn.

Nuts from other orders

These nuts are not true nuts, or incorrectly called nuts.


1) Almonds(family Rosaceae) - the seed of the almond tree.

It is native to Western Asia and North Africa. There are two types of plants:

  • bitter almonds, from which a spicy aromatic oil is obtained;
  • sweet almonds.

What are almonds used for?

  • As a seasoning in various dishes.
  • Almond shells are used as a coloring for wines and in the production of cognacs.
  • Almond oil is used as a skin care product.
  • To add to perfume.
  • To treat diseases:
  1. insomnia;
  2. cough;
  3. headache;
  4. seizures;
  5. anemia.
The Sumacaceae family is divided into the following species:

1) Cashew- a cutting of the fruit of the cashew tree, and not a nut at all!

Cashews are never sold raw because they require long and difficult processing - roasting over fire, since the nut shell contains resin that causes skin irritation.

Cashews can be stored for a long time:

  • up to 7 months in container;
  • 1 year in the freezer.

2) Pistachio- a close relative of cashew.

How can you tell if a pistachio is ripe? ABOUT The edge should be slightly open at one end. HI eat the greener the nut, the riper it is.

Family Legumes

1) Peanuts (groundnuts)- a fruit of the legume family.

It is a nut with a thin pinkish skin, located in pods with thick walls.

The homeland of this species is Latin America.

Peanuts are a very nutritious and healthy nut because they contain unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of protein, carbohydrates and sugar.

2) Fenugreek.

Family Lecithisaceae

1) Brazil nut- famous for its highest content of selenium, which, when consumed daily, has a powerful immunomodulatory effect.

2) Paradise nut.

Family Proteaceae

1) Macadamia.

2) Chilean hazelnut.

3) Philippine canarium(Burzeraceae family).

4) Tropical almonds(Combretaceae family).

5) Malabar chestnut(Malvaceae family).

6) Mongongo(family Euphorbiaceae).

Palm family

1) Coconut- a tropical fruit that differs from other types of nuts by its large size and the presence of liquid. Used:

  • to restore strength;
  • for the treatment of inflammation.

2) Seychelles walnut(royal).

Pine nuts

Pine nut(Pine family) - the seed of a cedar pine cone. It was named nut because it has a nutty flavor and oiliness.

Everyone knows that pine nuts are a medicine that can cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many of us buy pine nuts in shelled form. But to extend their storage time, experts advise following the following rules:

  1. buy pine nuts unshelled and from trusted sellers;
  2. Store in tight, sealable containers:
    1) in the refrigerator - about 2 months;
    2) in the freezer - up to 4 months.

Real nuts and imaginary “nuts” diversify the human diet and are an excellent source of trace minerals that are beneficial for health and the treatment of many diseases.