What medications can pregnant women take? Medicines during pregnancy: how not to make mistakes

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in a woman’s life. On the one hand, waiting for a baby is filled with bright emotions and joy, on the other hand, it is accompanied by concern for the health of the unborn son or daughter. The most intense experiences are usually associated with the beginning of pregnancy. In the first trimester, an active restructuring of the female body occurs, its adaptation to a new position, while the embryo itself rapidly grows and develops. At this time, he is more vulnerable than ever: stress or adverse effects can easily provoke.

This is why pregnant women are sometimes wary of routine medical examinations and procedures - they are afraid of harming the baby. However, for his own good, it is necessary to keep the situation under control and carefully consider what is prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy. During the examinations, parents receive a detailed picture of the health and development of their baby from the very beginning of his life, which will allow him to avoid many problems in the future. In addition, a comprehensive examination is important to monitor the condition of the woman herself. The purpose of our article is to tell you what tests expectant mothers undergo and what vitamins are prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy.

Read in this article

Timely medical examination - for the safety of the health of mother and child



In the first trimester, women undergo the following blood tests:

  • general;
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • biochemical;
  • on glucose levels;
  • to detect HIV infection;
  • to detect hepatitis B and C;
  • to the Wasserman reaction (diagnosis of syphilis);
  • for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  • coagulogram (determining the level of blood clotting);
  • to detect anemia (anemia).

Those registered not only undergo tests in the early stages of pregnancy, but also visit an endocrinologist, therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, neurologist and other specialists as part of a medical examination.

In addition to the above types of studies, doctors also prescribe prenatal biochemical screening, known as a “double test,” at 10–14 weeks. The expectant mother is asked to donate blood for the hormones beta-hCG and PPAP-A; this procedure allows us to determine the risks of the baby developing congenital pathologies. In a number of diseases (Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc.), the level of specific substances in the blood increases, and a specialist can judge the degree of risk of having a child with a defect. However, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based only on biochemical screening data. Additional measures are required - invasive diagnostics and ultrasound.

What vitamins are especially important in the first trimester?

Calcium is necessary for the growing fetus for the development of the skeletal system, nervous system, heart, muscles (1500 mg per day). This trace element is found in dairy products, cabbage, and many berries. To prevent its deficiency in the body, expectant mothers are prescribed medications such as Calcium Gluconate tablets, Calcium active, Calcium D3 Nycomed. A woman’s consumption of fresh foods rich in vitamins and nutrients is the key to a successful pregnancy and a quick return to good shape after childbirth.

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Pregnancy, of course, is not a disease. However, this condition often requires the use of certain medications. In addition, the usual means of combating the disease may now be undesirable for you. Therefore, the usual composition of your home first aid kit should be replenished with the following components.

1. Multivitamins

A pregnant woman needs more vitamins, and even a balanced diet during this period cannot fully satisfy the body’s need for vitamins and microelements. It is best to take multivitamin preparations designed specifically for pregnant women. A doctor will help you choose such a drug. However, if various complications occur during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe you the following medications in addition to the multivitamins you take:

  1. folic acid- vitamin B9, which is recommended to be taken until the 12th week of pregnancy, since its deficiency can lead to anemia, blood clotting disorders, and fetal malnutrition. A sufficient amount of folic acid will ensure the correct formation of the fetal neural tube, from which the baby’s nervous system will then be formed;
  2. vitamin E performs an important protective function in the body, fighting free radicals - metabolic products that destroy cells; in addition, it helps to relax the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, thereby preventing its interruption;
  3. During pregnancy, the need for gland, because this microelement is part of hemoglobin, which ensures the delivery of oxygen to the body not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. It is quite difficult to satisfy this need by simply adjusting the diet;
  4. calcium ensures proper growth and formation of fetal bone tissue. If calcium is supplied in insufficient quantities from food, it is “taken” from the mother’s bones, which leads to a disruption of their structure - osteoporosis, deterioration of the condition of the teeth. Therefore, in some cases, pregnant women are recommended to take calcium supplements. Often such preparations also contain vitamin D, which helps improve the absorption of incoming calcium.

Your doctor will determine the right dosage and duration of taking these medications, because they are individual for each woman and depend on the severity of pregnancy complications.

2. No-shpa

This antispasmodic drug, which is used during pregnancy to increase the tone of the uterus. The effect of the drug is based on relaxation of the muscle muscles of the uterus. Clinical studies have proven that no-spa does not have an adverse effect on the fetus. Doctors recommend having this drug with you and using it if there are signs of increased uterine tone (painful sensations in the abdominal area, when the uterus becomes hard and dense and does not relax for a long time). It is recommended to take no more than 6 tablets of no-shpa per day. Before you start taking no-shpa, you should consult your doctor, since this drug cannot be taken if you have symptoms of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

3. Suppositories with papaverine

They have an effect similar to no-shpe and are used to enhance its effect, since both of these drugs interact, increasing the duration of each other’s therapeutic effect. Suppositories with papaverine - rectal, i.e. are inserted into the rectum, the frequency of their use is determined by the doctor.

4. Laxatives

During pregnancy, bowel problems often occur, which interferes with normal digestion and metabolism. If a corrective diet does not help, mild laxatives can be used, e.g. Guttalax. This drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and does not affect the fetus.

5. Drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Constipation that often occurs during pregnancy can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the anus and rectum in the form of painful nodes and lumps that begin to bleed during bowel movements. Rectal suppositories and cream can be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy Hepatrombin, suppositories with novocaine. While taking these medications, the hemorrhoids will become smaller and the pain will go away. In addition, hepatrombin will also have a preventive effect: its use sharply reduces the risk of relapse of the disease.

6. Immunity boosters

You can use it if you have a cold means that enhance immunity. These include, for example, a drug containing interferon, which helps fight bacterial and viral infections, Viferon. It should be noted that a dosage of 150 thousand ME is suitable for pregnant women.

7.Oxolinic ointment

To prevent ARVI and influenza**, especially during epidemics, you can use a remedy such as Oxolinic ointment. It is placed in a small amount into the nose, lubricating its mucous membrane. The action of oxolinic ointment is based on the fact that it prevents the introduction of the virus. It is recommended to use oxolinic ointment before planning to visit crowded places, as well as in the autumn-winter period. You can use the balm in the same way. Vitaon.

8. Soothing agent

In the first half of pregnancy, taking into account the peculiarities of changes in the excitability of the nervous system, for example, increased tearfulness, irritability, and in the second half of pregnancy, taking into account frequent insomnia, you may find it useful sedative. In this capacity we can recommend Valerian and Motherwort(they can be used in the form of tablets, extracts, decoctions of dry herbs). You can use the drug Novopassit, which is based on herbs and does not contain alcohol.

9.Remedies for heartburn

Often appears in the second half of pregnancy heartburn, because The increasing size of the uterus “props up” the diaphragm and stomach, as a result of which the outflow of bile is disrupted: it is thrown into the stomach and esophagus. This problem can be eliminated by taking pills Rennie or Almagel.

10.Headache remedies

The question often arises: can a pregnant woman take medications for headache? It should be remembered: enduring a headache is much more harmful than taking painkillers (of course, if the headache is not regular, but occasional). If you are experiencing frequent, painful headaches, they may indicate the development of some disease, and you should consult your doctor.

If such a reason is excluded, we can accept pain reliever. Most studied for its effect on the pregnant woman and fetus paracetamol and drugs based on it (for example, Panadol). In small doses or for a short period of treatment, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

11. Antihistamines

During pregnancy, due to changes in immune status, there is a high probability of experiencing certain allergic reactions, even if you have never encountered this disease before. In this case, such well-known drugs as Suprastin, Claritin.

In conclusion, let us remind you: you can use any medications only after consulting a doctor and with extreme caution - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Nadezhda Zaretskaya

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

Medicines and pregnancy are, in the full sense of the word, a painful issue, since expectant mothers still need to be treated, only this is done under the supervision of a doctor, or with medications approved for the term. Let's talk about how to choose the right funds and at the same time control the risks of treatment.

Forewarned is forearmed!

To avoid complications, adhere to the following safety principles:

  • During the first 3 months, when the laying of organs occurs and there is a high risk of fetal pathology and failure, try to exclude any medications, regardless of whether pregnancy is on the list of contraindications or not;
  • At an appointment with a doctor, when planning or already at term, discuss all your concerns regarding the prescribed treatment, encourage the attending physician to look for alternatives that are safe for the health of the fetus;
  • If you are undergoing treatment, if possible, avoid taking 2 or more drugs at the same time unless absolutely necessary;
  • Do not refuse treatment if there is a real threat to your life or the development of a severe form of the disease;
  • Look for a specialist you trust, attentive and knowledgeable about the properties of the drugs.

If you are planning to have a baby

Taking medications when planning a pregnancy should also be taken responsibly. Tell your gynecologist during your consultation about your current treatment, taking dietary supplements (dietary supplements), vitamins, herbal teas or tinctures, using ointments and medical procedures, if you are currently undergoing any.

There is some possibility that treatment components and certain substances may reduce your chance of becoming pregnant or compromise the development of the embryo.

However, this does not mean that the necessary treatment from a gynecologist-obstetrician should be rejected: in the case of hormonal correction, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in some other cases, conception without therapy, including pharmaceuticals, is impossible. The main thing is that it must be prescribed or approved by your leading gynecologist.

Medicines allowed during pregnancy

We offer you a short list of some groups and types of substances that have received a safety mark today.

Drugs approved for pregnant women:

  • anticonvulsants: magnesium sulfate;
  • antiemetics: metoclopramide, pyridoxine;
  • for diabetes: insulin;
  • antiallergic: chlorphenamine, triprolidine;
  • vitamins: ferrous sulfate, potassium chloride.

Relatively safe substances are those that do not cause complications or pathologies when taken for a short time in small doses.

These include:

  • for pain: paracetamol, ketoprofen, diclofenac;
  • against blood clotting: heparin, dipyridamole;
  • antidepressants: fluoxetine, sertraline, amfebutamon;
  • antibiotics: acyclovir, clarithomycin, metronidazole;
  • cough: dextromethorphan;
  • tranquilizers: buspirone.

Cold medicines during pregnancy

Colds and flu are already unpleasant, and if you are expecting a child, they are also problematic - which tablets and syrups are ok and which are not?

It’s good if ARVI passes without a high temperature, but what to do if the thermometer shows higher and higher levels? And how can you safely relieve an unbearable runny nose and debilitating cough?

Naturally, the main blow to a cold or flu should be dealt with folk remedies, just be careful with herbal teas - some medicinal plants may be contraindicated for you, for example, juniper berries or strawberries.

It is also not recommended to get carried away with your favorite raspberry jam in tea, although you need to eat a lot of it to cause harm.

Don’t steam your feet, don’t do an enema, but also don’t allow complications in the form of a secondary infection of the throat or nasopharynx, because a runny nose can turn into sinusitis or sinusitis, and a cough can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia. Then you can’t do without antibiotics, and that’s the last thing you need.

A therapist should select medications for fever during pregnancy; in extreme cases, bring it down with drugs containing paracetamol, which is relatively safe, unlike aspirin.

It is better to fight a runny nose by rinsing the nose with salted water, gargling with a weak solution of iodine, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus. It is allowed to use nasal sprays (Euphorbium Compositum, Nazivin, Pinosol), and a suitable medicine for the throat during pregnancy would be Givalex, Orasept, Ingalipt.

Mukaltin, Bromhexine (after consultation with a therapist), Bronchicum in the first trimester, and later Stoptussin and Falimint will help eliminate the cough. Do not take codeine syrups, which may cause respiratory depression in the fetus.

Why are some medications prohibited during pregnancy?

Illicit drugs can negatively affect the development of the fetus, cause miscarriage, freezing, premature birth or postmaturity, as well as cause illnesses and defects in newborns.

These include all MAO inhibitors, aspirin, warfarin, diethylstilbestrol, barbiturates, chloroquine, lithium, phenytoin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiates, benzodiazepine anxiolytics, vaccines. Large doses of corticosteroids, vitamin A analogues and anticoagulants are also prohibited.

Taking tetracycline antibiotics, as well as chloramphenicol and doxycycline in later stages leads to various problems in the newborn - from heart and vascular defects to weakness of the skeletal system.

What to do if in doubt

If a doctor has prescribed a drug for you, and his instructions indicate that pregnant women should take it with caution, or the pharmaceutical company has no data on the effect on the fetus, do not be alarmed and, most importantly, do not deceive your doctor that you are being treated, but in fact even did not start for fear of harming the child.

It is better to additionally tell the doctor about your concerns and listen to what rationale he will give for prescribing the drug.

If you still have doubts about which medications you can take during pregnancy and which ones you can’t, and it is impossible to consult a doctor at the moment, try either asking the pharmacist at the pharmacy, or finding detailed instructions for the drug that is causing you concern on the Internet.

It is important to understand that in the text of the instructions, contraindications often mean that the safety of the drug is relative, that is, condition monitoring and/or corrective therapy is needed to avoid side effects.

It is very important before using any medicine during pregnancy to study all possible options for the effect of this drug on the body of the expectant mother and on the body of the child itself. After all, pregnancy is a period in the life of every woman when another life develops in her body, and at this time you need to be very careful about taking any pharmacological medications. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and then tissue growth and differentiation continues, which also requires increased attention to taking any medications. The fetus is an agent foreign to the woman’s body, because it contains 50% of the information from the father. The woman’s immune system perceives it as to some extent an antibody, therefore, until the formation of her placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is no placenta as an individual protective mechanism and the fetus is very vulnerable. This condition of a pregnant woman contributes to a change in all the reactions of the female body, which could previously have been normal. That is, the pharmacological transformation reactions of drugs also occur differently, which can thus significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to medications that did not exist before may occur. Therefore, the issue of a differentiated approach to the choice of medication during pregnancy is very important, and it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before using the medication.

There are cases in which visiting a doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether she can take this or that medicine. In such cases, for example, with a headache or toothache, or with high blood pressure, some kind of quick medicine should be used as a rescue drug until you can see a doctor. In this case, you need to know some features that need to be taken into account and the drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Allowed pills during pregnancy

It is very important to take pills only with the permission of your doctor, but of course, there are times when it is not possible to consult a doctor, so you need to know which pills you can take for certain conditions. The most common problem that arises is pain, which can be caused by dental pain, colds, headaches, but in any case this is a very unpleasant symptom. Very often, women during pregnancy experience headaches, which may be associated with lability of blood pressure or hormonal functional changes. In any case, a headache is one that is difficult to tolerate and requires taking a painkiller. Naturally, it is important to find out the etiology of such a headache. It is imperative to measure blood pressure, and if a headache is a symptom of its increase or decrease, then the treatment tactics are different. But first aid, before diagnostic measures are taken, may be taking medications. What painkillers can you take during pregnancy? These include two main groups of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, preference is given to paracetamol, as the least harmful drug from this group. But there are some features of the use of paracetamol at different stages of gestation.

Paracetamol in the early stages of pregnancy, in particular in the first trimester, should not be taken. During this period, the process of formation of the main vital organs of the child occurs, as well as the formation of the placenta, which is a barrier to harmful factors. Therefore, taking any medications, including paracetamol, in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly not recommended. Although it does not have a pronounced teratogenic effect, the possible harm is high. As for taking paracetamol during pregnancy in the second trimester, fetal tissue growth also occurs here, but there is a formed placenta, which in some way protects the child. Therefore, if indicated, it is possible to take paracetamol in the second trimester. Paracetamol during pregnancy in the third trimester has the least harm, since all the child’s organs are formed, and we are talking about the fact that intense pain syndrome has a stronger effect on the fetus than paracetamol. Therefore, taking paracetamol in the third trimester is the most favorable option. It should also be taken into account that children's paracetamol during pregnancy has a lower risk of complications due to the lower dose, so preference should be given to this drug.

If we talk about the analgesic effect, then for headaches a drug from the group of antispasmodics, papaverine, can be considered more effective and less harmful. The drug has myotropic antispasmodic properties, which is realized due to the effect on the muscle fibers of arterial vessels, and this also leads to their expansion and reduction of pressure. This is how the analgesic effect of papaverine is realized for headaches, as well as for other spasmodic pains. An additional effect of the drug is its tocolytic effect, which allows its use in complex therapy in pregnant women. Also, papaverine is not harmful during pregnancy, since its active substances and metabolites do not have a direct toxic effect. Therefore, if the question arises about what tablets you can take for a headache, preference should be given to antispasmodics - papaverine or its analogues.

When a headache occurs due to high blood pressure, it is necessary first of all to relieve high blood pressure, since it threatens pregnancy complications. Therefore, it is imperative to know the level of pressure and how much to reduce it. Tablets for blood pressure during pregnancy that can be taken are an advantage of centrally acting antihypertensive drugs. These include clonidine and dopegyt, and dopegyt is the drug of choice. The drug is taken in 250 milligram doses, starting with the smallest dose, that is, one tablet. Nifedipine can be considered a second-line drug and a means of quick relief for high blood pressure. It shows its effect in 40-60 minutes, which can be the initial stage of therapy, and then it will show its effect, maintaining pressure throughout the day. If Nifedipine is not available, then labetolol can be taken as a beta blocker, but as a backup drug. Thus, Nifedipine will show the most pronounced effect, which is why it can be recommended for blood pressure in late gestosis in pregnant women.

What medications can pregnant women take? Almost every woman who is expecting a baby has to think about this question sooner or later. Although expectant mothers pay increased attention to their own health, it is not always possible to protect themselves from diseases. During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman’s body that do not have the best effect on her immune system. This makes her more susceptible to colds and viral infections. In addition, pregnant women often complain of headaches, pressure surges, constipation, etc. The difficulty of treating such patients is that many medications have a negative effect on the baby’s intrauterine development, so expectant mothers are prohibited from taking them.

The list of medications approved for use by pregnant women is not that long. It includes drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the developing fetus and are unable to affect the course of pregnancy. But, despite their apparent safety, they all have contraindications. A woman should not take them on her own without first consulting her doctor. Expectant mothers should remember: even the most harmless medications can harm the baby, so you should not get carried away with them. You should only take pills when you really can’t do without them. It is not advisable to take medications in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the internal organs and systems of the unborn child are being formed.

Headache medications

No pregnant woman is immune from headaches. Having decided to take a pill for the head, a woman should remember that most of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Aspirin can cause a miscarriage, cause the development of cardiac and pulmonary pathologies in the fetus, and negatively affect its growth. In addition, it can cause complications during pregnancy, lead to post-term pregnancy and severe birth bleeding.

Analgin is no less dangerous during pregnancy. The drug negatively affects the blood composition of the fetus, and with frequent use can cause changes in its cardiovascular system. Analgin is especially dangerous in the first months after conception and a few weeks before childbirth.

What pill can a expectant mother take if she has a headache? The safest medicine in this case is Paracetamol. Although there is currently no data on the harmful effects of the drug on the fetus, doctors have found that the drug penetrates the placenta. Because of this, paracetamol can be taken only when its benefit to the mother is justified. The dosage of the medicine for a pregnant woman should be selected by the attending physician. Paracetamol is recommended to be taken to relieve headaches, fever caused by a viral infection or cold.

High blood pressure medications

Hypertension during pregnancy is not uncommon. It is very dangerous for an expectant mother to walk with higher than normal pressure, as it can lead to placental abruption, delays in fetal development, and in some cases provoke asphyxia and death. What can a pregnant woman take? Almost all antihypertensive medications have a negative effect on the child, so taking them on your own is strictly prohibited. Approved drugs include:

  1. Nifedipine (in addition to normalizing blood pressure, it is often used in gynecology to reduce the tone of the uterus and can cause rapid heartbeat in the mother and fetus).
  2. Methyldopa (not prescribed during the period from 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy due to the negative effect on fetal dopamine receptors).
  3. Labetalol (if used regularly, it can cause delays in the intrauterine development of a child; it is prescribed in the absence of a therapeutic effect from treatment with Methyldopa).
  4. Hydrochlorothiazide (increases the likelihood of hypokalemia and decreased blood volume in the newborn).
  5. Metoprolol, Bisoprolol (reduce placental blood flow, increase the risk of hypoglycemia in newborns).

As you can see, there are no absolutely safe antihypertensive drugs for pregnant women. To minimize the risk of taking such medications, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. Women suffering from hypertension need to know that during pregnancy it is strictly contraindicated to reduce blood pressure with drugs such as Diltiazem, Veroshpiron, Reserpine, as well as all ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers.

How to cure a cough, runny nose and sore throat?

Treatment of colds and viral infections in pregnant women has its own characteristics. If, against the background of the disease, the expectant mother has a wet cough, then to facilitate the discharge of sputum, she is allowed to take Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Doctor Mom, Herbion, breast milk, decoctions of coltsfoot and thermopsis. All of these medications can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. For dry cough in the first trimester it is allowed to take Bronchicum, Sinekod and Stodal, and in the second and third trimesters - Stoptussin, Libexin, Falimint. All of these drugs will be effective only if their use is agreed upon with the doctor.

If you have a runny nose during pregnancy, it is forbidden to put vasoconstrictor drops into your nose (Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Vibracil, Otrivin, Farmazolin, etc.). If a stuffy nose constantly bothers you, then therapists recommend rinsing it with saline solutions such as Aquamaris, Aqualor or Humer. These preparations are based on purified sea water and are safe for expectant mothers. For a severe runny nose, the doctor may prescribe the patient nasal drops consisting of herbal ingredients. The most popular of them are Pinosol drops.

A woman expecting a child should not use sprays and gargles that contain alcohol (for example, Stopangin, Yox, propolis tincture) to relieve a sore throat. Miramistin and Chlorhexidine gargling solutions, as well as Lugol's solution intended for lubricating the throat, will help get rid of sore throat and pharyngitis. Laripront and Lizobact can be taken from lozenges. They are created based on the enzyme lysozyme and do not penetrate the placental barrier. Any lozenges for a sore throat are prohibited medications during pregnancy and should not be used under any circumstances.

They try not to prescribe antibiotics to expectant mothers because of their harmful effects on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Throughout pregnancy, Tetracycline, Streptomycin and Levomycetin are contraindicated, as they can cause serious pathologies in the baby’s body.

An antibacterial drug that can be prescribed to women starting from the 12th week of pregnancy is Amoxiclav. A doctor can prescribe it to a patient only if her condition raises serious concerns. It is unacceptable to take any antibiotics on your own.

The following medications are approved for use by pregnant women:

  1. For allergies, expectant mothers are prescribed Diazolin or Tavegil.
  2. If you have regular constipation, Duphalac will help cleanse your intestines. If stool retention occurs rarely, you can use glycerin suppositories. Senna-based laxatives are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  3. To treat hemorrhoids, women are prescribed suppositories or topical creams that have an analgesic effect and relieve swelling in the anal area. These drugs include Procto-Glivenol, Anestezol, Anuzol.
  4. As a sedative for a pregnant woman, you can take valerian tablets. But the expectant mother should not take tinctures of valerian and motherwort, as they contain alcohol.

A pregnant woman should remember that she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the unborn child. For this reason, if any health problems arise, a woman should not self-medicate; she should consult a doctor as soon as possible.