What kind of guys do girls like? What kind of guys do girls like - ten qualities of a real man



We are almost sure that your bed is rarely empty, but sometimes every representative of the brutal sex asks the question - what kind of guys do girls like?

According to statistics, there are more women than men. It would seem that representatives of the stronger half can relax and finally give up trying to become real machos. However, girls - as always, contrary to logic - are for the most part very selective, which means that a man needs to make a lot of effort to become the one and only. Therefore, each of them, at least sometimes, asks the question - what kind of guys do girls like?

For her, a man is ready to be:

1. Romantic - that is, able to express their feelings, capable of strong emotions and experiences, unpredictable, spontaneous. In a word, breakfast in bed, which has become a textbook, does not lose its relevance to this day. Of course, you can hire a private jet, as Brad Pitt does (according to Angelina Jolie), and fly around, enjoying the view of the city and its surroundings - if opportunities allow. Well, in the absence of such, a girl will appreciate any pleasant and unexpected surprise if it is made with love.

2. Cheerful, with a sense of humor. Moreover, laughter in the style of American comedies when someone falls or gets into an awkward situation is not an option. Subtle irony (including in relation to oneself), lightness, and the ability to turn any unpleasant situation into a joke are an invaluable advantage of a man, according to girls. But women are unlikely to tolerate ridicule of themselves.

3. Faithful - a quality that goes without saying. A guy who looks around at other girls or (even worse) talks about their merits is not worth attention. We are not talking about betrayal in the traditional sense at all, just like seemingly innocent flirting at a party. If Hugh Jackman, more than once recognized as the sexiest man on the planet, is faithful to his wife Deborah Lee Furnes, who is fourteen years older than him, then the requirement of fidelity is quite feasible.

4. Honest. Although many girls are still disingenuous in this matter - it is unlikely that they would really like to know all the details of the personal and working life of their chosen one. And men’s embellishment of their own achievements is also not a great drawback, according to the fair half. Much more important is sincerity - feelings, words and relationships.

5. An interesting conversationalist, which means smart and well-read. It is unlikely that a girl will be inspired by constant conversations about football, cars or endless bearded jokes. But looking up at your chosen one, admiring his knowledge and listening with bated breath to instructive and entertaining stories - is there at least one girl who would be against it?

6. Generous - and we are not talking about the amount of money (contrary to popular belief), but about the ability to spend it and not spare it for your loved one. Just as Alec Baldwin, for example, did not regret, who at the very beginning of his acquaintance with Kim Basinger took upon her obligation to return nine million dollars to the producers - a penalty for refusing to fulfill the terms of the contract concluded during the filming of the film “Elena in the Box”.

And at the same time the man:

7. Self-confident is a quality somewhat different from self-confidence. A man who knows what he wants and knows how to achieve goals, who respects himself and those around him, is able to inspire respect - unlike a narcissistic narcissist who has no reason for such a reverent attitude towards his own person.

8. Well-groomed. The opinion that a real man should be only slightly more attractive than a monkey - fundamentally wrong. Yes, external beauty, the presence of correct facial features and beautiful figure not so important, but cleanliness, taking care of clothes and appearance are high on the list of women's priorities.

9. Has an interesting hobby. You can safely remove gambling and computer games from the list of men's hobbies approved by women. Everything else is encouraged to one degree or another, as it demonstrates an extraordinary, enthusiastic nature. Whether it's playing golf like Justin Timberlake, collecting combat tartan skirts (Sean Connery's hobby) or just fishing on weekends - a man who has a decent hobby has every chance of becoming interesting to a girl.

10. Finally, he is just a real man. But this definition does not fit into single schemes and cannot be explained generally. After all, every girl has her own real man - the same, one and only.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts” (A.P. Chekhov). It’s hard to disagree with this expression. When meeting someone, the first impression is very important. It consists of several factors, but the most important thing is appearance and communication. People are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their intelligence. This 100% applies to dating between a man and a woman.

How do men determine sympathy for the opposite sex? Most often on an intuitive level, on the subconscious. How else can we explain the fact that people often fall in love with partners who are clearly not their type or taste. Often partners choose those candidates who they initially did not like at all. What kind of girls guys like - statistics, of course, will tell you.

But you should not rely on dry data, they do not always coincide with reality. Human feelings have no standard frames or patterns. They are unpredictable, spontaneous, and sometimes very contradictory.

What kind of girls do guys like, statistics

what kind of girls do guys like statistics

“To each his own beauty” (Cicero). Before talking about the most popular characteristics of girls, it is worth noting that any requirements in this matter are very unstable, changeable, individual and fickle. Even a child will say that “There is no friend according to taste.” The sympathies of men are so diverse that this can only make you happy. After all, everyone deserves love, not only blue-eyed, long-legged blondes, but also modest girls with curvy figures.

“When the heart rejoices, the face blossoms” (Basily the Great). The only quality in girls that absolutely all men talk about is their cheerful disposition. In marriage, in everyday life, or simply in relationships between a man and a woman, a sense of humor is of great importance. It’s always pleasant to communicate with cheerful people, it’s easier to smooth out conflicts and just live. Easy, relaxed, cheerful communication is pleasant for any man. Coming home after a hard day at work, each head of the family expects a warm welcome, a delicious dinner and a pleasant conversation. And of course no one wants to have a “saw” wife.

“A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket” (Bernard Fontenelle). In second place in the ranking of female virtues, beauty takes pride of place. Men love with their eyes. Men love beautiful women. Many people stroke their pride when they have attractive companions next to them. For some, this is a burden because of their own jealousy; there are times when beauty is fear and uncertainty, some kind of complex for a man who has a beautiful girlfriend.

“Don’t look for beauty, look for kindness” (Folk wisdom). Every person, when creating a family or building a relationship, wants to be confident in the future, wants peace and happiness. It is very important for a man to be understood and accepted as he is. Such a feminine quality as kindness is highly valued. All men know how to feel kindness; it is embedded in the subconscious. Most likely, this is due to the fact that from childhood our mothers feel sorry for us and love us. In later life, kindness becomes our need.

“Of the two, the most beautiful is the one who did not open her mouth in front of us” (Cornel Pierre). In our young years, passion and emotions bubble up within us. With experience comes calm, everyone settles down and understands that living in harmony with your partner is much more pleasant than proving to each other every time who is right and who is wrong. Mexican passions are relevant in the candy-bouquet period, but in the family you want peace and quiet. No man wants to listen to the tantrums of eccentric hysterics. He wants smiles, warmth, respect and understanding.

“Beauty will attract attention, but intelligence will come in handy.” ( Popular proverb). An intelligent and wise woman will always find an approach to her man. She even uses his shortcomings to her advantage. A smart wife can always be a good catalyst for a bright start and great success for her husband. She will be a worthy match for a successful and purposeful man. The ability to carry on a conversation or remain silent at the right moment is highly valued by a man. If a girl knows how to use her mind profitably, it will never hinder her.

What type of guys do all girls like? Perfect guys! by Demidko

What kind of guys, men do you like in terms of appearance?

We are almost sure that your bed is rarely empty, but sometimes every representative of the brutal sex asks the question - what kind of guys do girls like?

6. Generous - and we are not talking about the amount of money (contrary to popular belief), but about the ability to spend it and not spare it for your loved one. Just as Alec Baldwin, for example, did not regret, who at the very beginning of his acquaintance with Kim Bassinger took upon her obligation to return nine million dollars to the producers - a penalty for refusing to fulfill the terms of the contract concluded during the filming of the film “Elena in the Box”.

7. Self-confident is a quality somewhat different from self-confidence. A man who knows what he wants and knows how to achieve goals, who respects himself and those around him, is able to inspire respect - unlike a narcissistic narcissist who has no reason for such a reverent attitude towards his own person.

9. Has an interesting hobby. You can safely remove gambling and computer games from the list of men's hobbies approved by women. Everything else is encouraged to one degree or another, as it demonstrates an extraordinary, enthusiastic nature. Whether it's playing golf like Justin Timberlake, collecting combat tartan skirts (Sean Connery's hobby) or just fishing on weekends - a man who has a decent hobby has every chance of becoming interesting to a girl.

Photo: Chris Willis flickr.com/arcticpuppy

You will be surprised, but women and men answer this question differently. Men think that women are primarily interested in such parameters as broad shoulders, pumped-up breasts, large height, firm butt, dark eyes and a large penis. But what kind of appearance do women really like? Let's turn to research.

Men and women think differently about what kind of appearance women like

When asked what kind of appearance women like, representatives of both sexes gave similar answers. But their ideas still differ in some ways. The answers partially coincide: according to representatives of the fair sex, the most attractive male appearance features are buttocks, height, beautiful eyes and, again, great masculinity.

Of course, it is quite difficult to change height and eyes (although it is possible with the help of plastic surgery), but with the size of the penis everything is simpler - penis enlargement is possible using a variety of methods that give almost anyone a chance to become a little like a porn star.

Now let’s turn to more specific research and analyze every detail of a man’s appearance.

Do girls like beards?

In the course of research conducted at Northumbria University (research center), it was found that images of bearded men simulated on a computer give the impression of brutality and adulthood. Such men, according to the interviewed participants, are excellent for long-term relationships.

The computer model of a male face with light stubble was rated as “a man suitable for both light flirting and serious relationships.

Men without a beard at all were perceived as unmasculine and younger.

Perhaps it makes sense to grow a beard so that girls will like it more?

What kind of face do girls like?

It turned out that the ideal face, which evokes associations with good human qualities, is triangular in shape, dark, with plump, symmetrical lips and slightly defined cheeks. No information was found on the attractiveness of a prominent jaw to women, as is commonly believed among men.

What kind of body do girls like?

The palm is held by the athletic and fit figure (82%), the next most popular is the “jock” figure, and the most unpopular was the slightly plump, slightly plump figure.

Only 8% of girls called the type of bodybuilder attractive, and in the middle weight. So the stereotypes about brutal beauty did not stand up to criticism.

Overweight and thin men gained 5% each.

Attractive man always smiles

Handsome men's faces with a smile evoke associations with success, sociability and good upbringing.

So, we conclude: a handsome man, according to women, should be of an athletic build, but not a “jock,” with smooth skin without strong wrinkles and a smiling expression on his face. The face itself should be triangular in shape, with high cheekbones and full lips.

In the next article, read what women love more than good looks and a large penis.

What do girls like?

What kind of male faces do women like?

According to psychologists, they have discovered the secret of male beauty. Researchers say they now know exactly why some male images are so popular among women. It turns out that in this sense all individual traits play a certain role. Interesting? READ HERE AND NOW:

Obviously, the number of women in whom Clint Eastwood evokes maternal feelings is not large. Still would. The hard squint of steel, piercing eyes. Rough chin. A hard smile of thin lips. This is the face of a man who is capable of protecting his home, capable of disarming the scoundrels in the saloon with one glance. However, his ability to show tenderness raises some doubts. Now let's look at Paul McCartney. He has doe eyes, chipmunk cheeks and a teddy bear chin. However, hundreds of thousands of girls around the world could not be mistaken at the same time. There is no doubt that Sir Paul is a very attractive man. The faces of Eastwood and McCartney represent two opposite poles among the types of male faces, each of which, according to psychologists, causes its own characteristic psychological reaction.

People with childish facial features evoke the same reaction that children evoke: you want to feel sorry for them and educate them. Men with rugged facial features, on the other hand, exude energy and sexual power.

That's the conventional wisdom, but an essay published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology by three researchers led by University of Louisville psychologist Michael Cunningham argues that differences between male appearance types may answer one interest Ask: “How do men attract women?”

Referring to a number of experiments in the field of human behavior, the researchers put forward a highly controversial theory, which they called the “Multiple Motives Hypothesis.” It says that the most attractive are the faces that contain the best parts of both extremes (Eastwood/McCartney, Serebryakov/Lagutenko). If large eyes, a medium or small nose, which can be classified as a childish type, are combined with a powerful jaw and wide cheekbones, borrowed from a courageous face, this combination becomes lethal. In other words, women are attracted to faces that can satisfy both maternal and procreative instincts. Women want a man they can hug like Sir Paul and cling to like Clint Eastwood. Women love Robert Redford (big eyes, powerful jaw) more than Michael Jackson (no chin). Women like Mel Gibson more than Al Pacino (his nose is too big). O.J. Simpson and Tom Selleck also get the highest scores according to the proposed theory.

Of course, this hypothesis is not about true love at all. The formation of strong couples in which partners are truly devoted to each other is ensured by a lot of factors, an attractive face is just one of these factors. In addition, this hypothesis has nothing to do with the figure, which obviously plays a big role. It is about the impression formed by photographs, chance encounters, or a fleeting glance eye to eye. This study is dedicated to individuals who are able to “press a button”, form a hint of interest, and make their legs feel like cotton wool. This study is about the "wow" effect that some men's faces have on some women.

The researchers made a number of conclusions. For example, they claim that these standards of attractiveness have no geographical, cultural or racial boundaries. IN different countries women may be attracted, for example, by completely different male builds, however, in men's faces women's preferences will be the same. Moreover, psychologists believe that the results of the experiment will allow them to calculate the components of male attractiveness. They can predict, to the nearest hundredth of a millimeter, what the most attractive eye size is, what the most attractive nose shape is, and so on.

How close are we to knowing what the most attractive male face looks like?

“This is an interesting theory, and there is an interesting hypothesis behind it. However, this is a very controversial point of view. There may be some universal principles of male attractiveness, however, I would not be 100% sure that they were determined in this study.".

says Brandeis University psychologist Leslie Zebrovich, who works on similar topics.

The idea that people's faces can be divided into different types and that these types, in turn, can evoke different emotional responses, is not new. For example, Zebrovich has used similar concepts (manly face/baby face) in studies of social relationships. People with baby faces are more naive, more submissive, they are warmer, more honest, and physically weaker. People with brutal facial features, on the contrary, subconsciously seem stronger, more cunning, more dominant.

Throughout his courtroom research, Zebrovich repeatedly found that the more childish a defendant appeared, the more lenient and acquittal sentences were for intentional crimes. However, this type of defendant was often found guilty when the crime involved negligence or negligence. For a macho, the opposite situation is true.

Coningham's research attempted to determine how such emotional reactions to certain facial features correspond to masculine attractiveness in the eyes of women. To find out, he used his female colleagues, who were asked to rate the attractiveness of a man in a photograph using various scales. The researchers then classified the faces into 25 categories, then carefully measured the size of each facial feature to determine how its size correlated with the owner's overall rating of attractiveness.

What kind of girls do guys like? Statistics

Almost every girl knows that men or guys first of all pay attention to a woman’s appearance. After all, the male sex loves first of all with the eyes. A face, figure, well-groomed body and neat appearance arouse the sympathy of the opposite sex. In this regard, women constantly take care of themselves, take care of their hair, apply makeup, do manicures, hairstyles, and many other procedures, so as not to lose the attention of the opposite sex. .

Many people are mistaken in thinking that if they are with a man for many years, then he stops paying attention to women’s shortcomings. In fact, the male sex notices absolutely everything that is in its horizons, this is nature and nothing can be done about it, no matter how hard one tries. In order not to lose yourself in the eyes of a man, you must first eliminate some common shortcomings in many women, namely:

- you should constantly monitor your body hair, that is, your armpits, legs, and, of course, intimate places should be at their best;

- don’t apply too much bright makeup, it scares guys away;

- no need to dye your hair bright rich colors, it is better to apply gentle, not flashy tones, or shades that are more to the taste of men;

— you should definitely monitor the condition of your hands, they should be well-groomed and gentle;

- you should monitor your own smell, especially since this moment There are enough cosmetics sold to eliminate sweaty discharge;

- it is necessary to monitor the oral cavity, eliminate odor, resorting to daily brushing of teeth with toothpaste and dental floss; if necessary, today there are also all sorts of mouth fresheners, because a girl’s kiss should leave indelible romantic feelings, and not scare away with its sharp, unpleasant odors ;

- keep your clothes tidy, they should be clean, ironed and fresh, as old clothes and an unkempt appearance will scare off anyone, you don’t necessarily need to dress in some original, expensive outfits, you can dress simply and stylishly;

— you shouldn’t put “kilograms” of cosmetics on your face; any guy will like light makeup;

- you should pay attention to your gait, because many guys pay attention to this first of all, because hardly anyone wants to meet a girl who has a clubfooted gait, watch the height of your heel, because the gait should be stable, not funny;

- you should monitor the elasticity of your body, excluding cellulite;

— shoes must be well-groomed and clean;

- a girl should not be vulgar and rude, and she should also exclude cigarettes and alcohol from her daily routine, because guys will definitely not like such girls.

What kind of girls do guys like? Statistics show that ladies with a natural orientation attract the attention of men, and long legs and hair simply drive men crazy. Lush breasts will also not be left without male attention. According to statistics, red-haired girls in short skirts attract undeniable attention. But it should be noted that nice legs and short minis will not affect the girl’s hair color.

Statistics also say that guys like blue-eyed blondes and brown-eyed brunettes, so many girls buy colored lenses for themselves, even if their eyesight is good. Some even try to imitate the actresses men love. They apply the same makeup, do the same hairstyles and dress in similar clothes, and the result is not long in coming, male attention is right there. But what kind of girls guys like, the statistics of blondes or brunettes cannot be said with certainty, since there are many different factors in this regard.

It should be noted that most men prefer thin girls rather than busty fat girls. Especially the male sex likes a flat stomach and waist. Therefore, many of the girls exhaust themselves with long workouts and go on strict diets. Men are absolutely not interested in what kind of physical activity their lady will exhaust herself with; the visual result is important to them. What kind of girls do guys like? Character statistics indicate that docile, calm and compliant ladies win a man over almost immediately.

Of course, men undoubtedly like girls who have a cute face, dimples, a neat nose and big eyes with long eyelashes. Most men prefer to admire a girl’s clean face without applying cosmetics, and also without pimples or acne. As a rule, first of all, a man looks at the face and when meeting you, you can immediately understand whether the guy likes the girl or not. Therefore, first, you should be attentive to the condition of your face.

Oddly enough, many guys like girls because they have an interesting and unusual logic. This attracts a man, because it is not for nothing that there is an expression that every woman has her own zest, which a man with immense impatience wants to discern and understand. You can often hear men mocking girls for hours of getting ready. Although then they admire their appearance, as well as the aroma emanating from shampoo or perfume, and the ridicule disappears immediately.

Undoubtedly, it should be noted that if a guy likes a girl, he will win her affection by any means. He is ready to go through any tests in order to earn the favor of his chosen one. But if a man is put off by some peculiarity in a girl, then no matter what she does, she will not be able to win the man’s favor, which cannot be said about guys.

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that a well-groomed lady with good manners will always be admired by men, and if you add natural beauty, that is, beautiful features and figure, then the success of such a girl is simply guaranteed. But it should be noted that in order to attract male attention, many girls are capable of great feats, for example, walking like a lady.

Applying masks physical exercise, makeup, haircuts, clothes and many other procedures every girl goes through to attract the attention of men. After all, the female sex loves it when a guy admires her lovely body, smile, and hair. And for this she tries to do everything possible and impossible. And, of course, there is no such girl in the world who was liked by everyone without exception, so each one is special in her own way. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary rules that will help attract male attention.

What kind of guys do girls like from a physiological point of view? Detailed analysis of the main points.

For girls, appearance is not the main thing!

Many scientists agree that for women, men who would be the protector of the family are of paramount importance. good husband and father. Therefore, girls pay less attention to appearance; the inner content of a person is much more important to them.

When examining the brains of female students, it was revealed that when thinking about a loved one, the hippocampus is activated, which is not responsible for sexual attraction, but for memory. Therefore, it is logical to assume that women analyze a potential partner, that is, they are interested in the man’s character.

Now let me give you an example. Who more often writes to friends on the Internet about their problems? Does he tell you everything down to the smallest detail? Sitting in the kitchen in the evenings, discussing the object of love? That's right, women. They are more sensitive than men and remember every detail: the day you met, the song you danced to, what you gave her, how you answered the phone, how you helped in difficult times, what you promised, and so on. Memories are needed to further evaluate the man and understand whether he is suitable for passing on her genes to children. In other words, the choice to start a family is in favor of reliability.

But, in addition to the above, status is important during mating games. From the point of view of evolution, you will agree that it is important for future descendants not only to have parents, but also to have conditions for survival. Therefore, a respectable, authoritative, wealthy man will be a priority.

But still, physiology comes in second place.

So, we have made it clear that girls make a choice in favor of self-confident and purposeful guys, but you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

This attitude dates back to the primitive era, because such males are the best breadwinners. In addition, from the point of view of the evolutionary process, tall people are considered to be more progressive.

Interesting fact: the height of the human race is increasing, over the past 50 years the growth figure is 8 cm, and in the next half century, our height will increase by another 5 cm.

Advice: if you want to increase your height, know that 86% of the male population suffers from stooping. Therefore, perform special exercises, for example, doing dumbbells and stretching more often.

According to statistics, only 15% of women are attracted to a pumped up, perfect body, but 69% of respondents like a body with a small amount of fat deposits!

Interesting fact: Dr. Sam Adzanki found that a man's blood in his body contains increased levels of estrogen, which protects against cardiovascular disease.

Advice: fullness should be moderate, calculate ideal weight can be done using the classic formula WEIGHT=HEIGHT-100. If there is an excess of 15%, then sexual inhibition and health problems occur.

The most important indicator of sexuality, since physiologists are of the opinion that the more developed the gluteal muscles are, the better the quality of sexual intercourse and the chances of fertilization increase.

Advice: Periodic squats will help increase the sexuality of the fifth point; after a few months of training, the effect will be purely positive.

Women associate facial hair with brutal men, more suitable for serious relationships; in the opposite case, the parallel is drawn with youth and inexperience. But the most advantageous option is light stubble, which, according to survey results, seems to be the most attractive to women.

You should also not grow a beard, according to an Oxford Journal study, such men seem more aggressive, but, on the other hand, in fact have a higher social status

According to research from the Bavarian University of Regensburg, the sexiest are those with dark skin and a triangular face shape, without excess fat, cheeks, etc.

In addition, women are attracted to full, symmetrical lips, dark eyebrows and eyelashes, high cheekbones, a prominent chin and a well-defined jaw.

For example, in the photo, according to the sample, the most attractive is the face on the left, the least attractive is the one on the right.

The most pleasant (for 82% of girls) is the figure in the middle. The first and second types are liked by 8% and 5% of the respondents, respectively.

Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once! This applies to adults as well. A positive emotion transforms your face, friendliness makes your interlocutors feel comfortable around you and is undoubtedly the key to success!

Interesting fact: according to statistics, 79% of women believe that when they first meet a man, they try to look at his face, which should hint at male strong-willed character traits, good manners, integrity, courage and even a sense of humor. Afterwards, the gaze moves to the hands - from them one can judge a man’s abilities in bed, since intimacy is impossible without the help of hands. It is believed that a woman in her subconscious draws a parallel with a feeling of security. 75% of female representatives, examining the hands of a man, even indulge in erotic fantasies - namely the very caress that will come from these hands. The figure of the chosen one is also at the forefront: 66% dream of an inverted pyramid-shaped physique (wide shoulders and narrow hips).

To please a girl you don’t have to be, say, a rich macho. Why be cunning, most men are not like that at all. Girls understand this very well, which is why what they value most in the male gender is masculinity and the willingness to take responsibility for their words and actions. Each of us deserves to live in a comfort zone. If a girl feels your strength, masculine energy, confidence, care, then she won’t care about beauty standards. The main task of a man is to protect his beloved. Be a support and support for her, let her feel like she is behind a stone wall. And she definitely won’t find anyone better than you!

What kind of girls do guys like?

Girls love to discuss guys, and they, in turn, are not at all against drawing up standards for girls.

Which girls do guys find the most attractive? The answers here can be completely unpredictable, because the world is full of paradoxes. Let's figure out together the question of what kind of girls guys like.

This observation is interesting: men under the age of 20 are not at all against their girlfriend using foul language, smoking, or drinking alcohol. Some guys even welcome such qualities as depravity and rudeness.

Over the age of 20, men's views change dramatically, and all the qualities mentioned above become completely unacceptable. Of the drinks, only champagne and wine are allowed (and then only on holidays), a cigarette becomes the biggest evil, and obscene language should not be heard from the lips of an ideal girl.

No matter how strange it may sound to many, men still value the soul in a girl. Affectionate, gentle, caring, sympathetic, romantic and kind girls can easily claim the title of ideal.

Of course, the first impression is an important factor for many. According to representatives of the stronger sex, a girl should be bright so that she immediately stands out from the general gray crowd.

If, for example, a guy is suddenly drawn to a girl whom he meets for the first time on the street, just passing by, then this, of course, can be called “love at first sight,” but in fact it will be a combination of gestures, facial expressions and smells of the girl, which the man’s subconscious will perceive and interpret in his own way and send a signal to the brain indicating “like” or “dislike.”

You may be surprised, but “painted dolls” were sharply criticized by men, however, men are also not delighted with gray mice. It turns out that something in between the first and second is closer to the ideal.

Of course, it’s no secret that a girl must have some zest. A girl should be cheerful, with a sense of humor, successful and moderately bitchy, because without this it’s boring to be with a girl.

But seriously, it doesn’t matter at all what qualities characterize a girl. The fact is that every woman is ideal for a specific man who needs her. And here it makes absolutely no difference whether she is a brunette or a blonde, mischievous and sociable or thoughtful and serious. She is who she is, and he will love her for that!

In the struggle for beauty, try to remain a girl, and not become a man.

This is what men like most about a woman's appearance.


Different men have different standards female beauty, but they all agree that a girl must be well-groomed.

If you think that a man does not see whether you are caring for yourself or not, you are wrong. Men may not see something in particular, but they are pretty good at making comparisons. Therefore, just being attractive is not enough. A man should understand that in 20 years you will look good. Remember firmly - it is necessary.

This means:

  • Clean, fresh and ironed clothes.
  • Clean hair.
  • Regular hair removal.
  • White teeth, pleasant breath.
  • Nice smell.
  • Fit figure.


In second place in popularity among male responses. Unfortunately, none of the men interviewed could really explain what he meant by naturalness. But many people spoke about something that clearly does not fit this definition and makes a repulsive impression:

  • Too long, bright manicure. Almost everyone we interviewed said that a girl should definitely take care of her nails. But at the same time, the majority spoke out sharply against too long, false nails. In addition, if you want to please a man, we do not recommend choosing nail polish in too bright colors.
  • Too much cosmetics. In general, men are not against cosmetics, but they say that the rule here is: “the less, the better.” Too much cosmetics produces a sharply negative impression on the male sex.
  • The smell is too strong or cloying. Perfume should also be used wisely. The majority spoke out against too harsh and sweetly cloying aromas.
  • Too much tattoos and piercings. Modern men like tattoos on women’s bodies, but only non-aggressive ones: birds, butterflies, flowers, calligraphic inscriptions. But skulls, bright patterns, multi-colored stars and the like will most likely not be to their taste. Same thing with piercings. One extra hole will only count towards the score. But if you have broken everything that is possible, this begins to be alarming.


Most guys admitted that they are not at all attracted to “tomboys”. If this is your type, we advise you to slightly change the style and add femininity to the image. This means that you need:
  • Diversify your wardrobe: add skirts and dresses to jeans and shorts and alternate them regularly.
  • Avoid swear words. This turns men off. Everyone.
  • Less alcohol and cigarettes. This not only produces a repulsive effect, but also seriously harms your health.
  • Refuse aggressive behavior. If you are used to going ahead in any situation, you need to change your tactics. Young people more often fall in love with modest and feminine girls than with active and courageous girls.

What do men like most about a woman's character?

Let's move on to the main positive character qualities that attract a man to a girl.

  1. The ability to understand, accept and empathize. This is not about care or guardianship. It's about listening, asking the right questions, showing the man that you are on his side and will always support him.
  2. Having your own interests. Independence. Boundaries. A woman should have her own territory, from which she takes emotions and brings them to the family. A man draws emotions from a woman and spends them outside the family. Such a law of nature. If you are completely attached to a man, his business, life, interests, your relationship will suffocate very quickly.
  3. Sense of humor. Self-irony. A girl who cannot laugh at herself will soon turn into a complex hysteric. Men know and feel this.
  4. Self-esteem. If you don't value yourself, you won't be valued. A man feels an inner core. This is what we often call breed, what you pass on to your children. For most guys this is important.
  5. Culinary talents. The Internet says that "no matter what you marry, it will still want to eat." Nobody forces you to be chained to the stove, but being able to feed him and his friends is your responsibility. Men really love to eat delicious food, believe me.
  6. Fantasy. In leisure, sex, communication, judgments, ideas, decisions. Do you ever get bored with yourself? If yes, then believe me, so does he. Improve this skill as much as possible, it is possible. Dream, set creative goals, buy relevant literature, experiment...
  7. Optimism. There is a very small category of men who love sufferers. The rest don't want to wipe your nose every minute because of stupid things. Either look for your unique copy from the minstrel Middle Ages or learn to look at the world with a smile and good expectations.

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What guys don't like about girls


There is probably nothing worse than this. Even if your appearance allows you to make Adrian Lima, Angelina Jolie and Miss Universe cry with envy and wipe each other’s tears, obsession practically deprives you of your chances of long-term and serious relationship. There are too many of you. Your things, girlfriends, relatives, conversations, SMS, questions, gossip, more conversations, and the worst thing - questions. Where were you? Who did you sleep with? What to wear? When you come? Where are you going? In general, obsession manifests itself in several forms:
A) Excessive talkativeness. We talk just to show that we are nearby, to get attention, a reaction. The man tries to find a use for our chatter and, of course, he rarely succeeds. Therefore, over time, complaints akin to “he doesn’t hear me!” arise. Naturally! You are already white noise for him, nothing more. If you want what you say to have value for a man, be silent more, weigh your words, leave gossip to your friends, and empty complaints to your mother.

B) Excessive guardianship. At some point, a woman develops a maternal instinct towards a man. This happens for several reasons:

  • the first passion begins to slowly fade away, and the woman compensates for the decrease in sexual intensity with guardianship. There is a smooth replacement of one role with another;
  • a woman consciously takes on the role of a mother, wanting to control the man as much as possible through hyper-custody;
  • In a relationship with a man, a girl compensates for the lack of children when she is ready for them. This is the most plausible reason, but it is also dangerous. Children will appear, but the pattern of relationships between a man and a woman may remain the same, already broken.

Remember! Men don't sleep with moms. This is unnatural. Learn to feel the fine line between care and excessive, suffocating care. Even if the man eventually fell for it, why do you need a son instead of a husband?

B) Total control. Among my friends there are a fair number of paranoid individuals. First of all, this is the result of a “control” relationship. Some do not allow their partner to take a step without reporting or even warning in advance, others password-protect all addresses, phones, computers and cover their tracks even after going for milk. Out of habit. In the article “” we have already figured out that you really do not have the ability to completely control your partner. Therefore, we remember that a pit that has been jumped 90% is still not considered to have been jumped, and we give the men freedom to breathe, rest, and so on. Of course, there should be boundaries that are comfortable for both of you, but without electric barbed wire.

Dependent and helpless

At the beginning of a relationship, your confusion is endearing, your forgetfulness is funny, your timidity is exciting. The candy-bouquet period is very decorative for the moment when you are running in the rain, in a light dress, of course, without an umbrella. And then he gives you mulled wine, feeds you from a spoon, wraps you in a blanket and is touched by how charmingly you wrinkle your nose when you sneeze.

For real family life this scenario is not good. A man, of course, is your protection and support, but you must also behave adequately. A man should see you as a partner whom he can rely on in difficult times, and not as a beautiful and sweet fool who will be corrected by the grave. Sometimes a man needs help, advice and shelter. If it's not you, it will be someone else. A friend of mine claims that the most annoying thing about a woman is the exclamation “Oops!”


I don't know what comments are needed here. Men don't want to marry hysterical girls, even very beautiful ones. “If she’s doing this now, what will happen after the wedding?”

Useful video on the topic:

The work is endless. Good luck everyone! Listen, I’ve already given you so much advice, who’s having a bachelorette party, should you invite them, or what?

It’s worth saying right away that if you think that we are talking about a cool appearance that speaks of wealth and the presence of greenish paper in your pockets, you are deeply mistaken! No normal girl judges guys based on how much money they have in the first place.

Here is a small list of parameters that will tell you what girls like in guys and how to begin to meet these parameters even more.

Returning to the girls who only want their money from guys, it must be said that attentiveness is yours. main friend. Every day there are more and more b?%?s who just need clothes and gifts. The impudence sometimes reaches the point that they do not work off the money they receive at night!

1. Attentiveness and punctuality

Are you still wondering what kind of guys girls like in appearance? It's time to stop thinking about the sad thing - the lack of appearance and move on to thinking about more real things. If you do not shine with beauty, then you should not make a tragedy out of it and rush to extremes: it would be best to work on strengthening your other qualities.

Girls really like it when people pay a lot of attention to them, when they are given gifts nice words and compliments, emphasizing how beautiful and beautiful they are. You can make a small jealous remark to the girl, for example: “I don’t like how that guy looked at you” - and that’s it! Half the battle is done. The girl already knows that she cares about you and all thoughts are only about her.

Girls like guys who are caring and respectful. Give your lady attention - and she will certainly reciprocate. The most important thing is not to overdo it!

In psychology this is called “ Rule of reciprocity" And in common people - the boomerang rule. It doesn’t work 100%, because there are exceptions to every rule, and in some cases nature is simply powerless - you cannot generate sympathy in every girl. Girls like attentive guys not only for their appearance, but primarily for their character.

2. Mental capacity and erudition

Agree, to understand what girls like in guys and how their brains work, you can imagine yourself in their place. Do you like dumb girls, regardless of their hair color? Doubtful. It’s the same with girls - they don’t like dull and uneducated guys who can hardly put two words together, the conversational limit of which does not go beyond stories about how he ate and went to study in the morning. Girls usually try to avoid such dubious personalities.

Therefore, advice to guys is to read a lot of books, they develop your imagination and significantly enrich your vocabulary. And you need to read fiction, not technical!

Reading is that very accessible benefit to every person, capable of working miracles. When you read, you significantly enrich your brain and force it to work actively, thanks to which it develops and strengthens your intellect.

3. Altruism and generosity

Generosity is enough sensitive question and here it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise you will never be able to understand what kind of guys a girl likes in appearance and taking into account other qualities. Appearance is by far the most important parameter; the main impression is made by manner of communication, intelligence, and so on. After all, people are only greeted by their clothes.

Remember that if you are overly generous in the initial stages of communicating with a girl, she can easily sit on your neck and dangle her legs from there. Be extremely attentive and careful, at the first meetings you do not need to pay for girls in a cafe and so on. What if they suddenly ask, “And you won’t even pay for me?” - then the best solution would be to get up and leave silently. Many girls like guys with money, despite their appearance, so it’s best to avoid them - they are mostly dynamos and do not always take good care of their body.

If you liked a girl and after the first meeting you found yourself in an awkward situation with paying the bill and she asked if you would pay for her, you need to answer her in the same way. Pay only for yourself and direct your cruiser to another target.

In order not to wonder about what kind of girls guys like and what exactly they like, it’s enough to always be yourself and not worry. Then everyone can like you!

As the proverb says: you meet people by their clothes, and therefore, first of all, the opposite sex pays attention to the style of clothing, and here, contrary to the popular belief of the weaker sex, a very small number of men like clothes that are too bright or short. Strange as it may seem, the main thing that attracts men in clothes is moderation and restraint; it is by appearance that a man begins to talk about the character of a girl. By the way, the same goes for makeup. Most guys like a neutral, daytime look.

Well-groomed skin. This includes not only the skin of the face, but also the hands. In order for it to be attractive, it must be silky, clean and well-groomed.

Figure. Many young ladies believe that in order to attract guys they must have the figure of Angelina Jolie. But here's the paradox: in fact, very few men like this type of figure. The vast majority like the moderate type, that is, when there is no abundance of fat folds, but at the same time the bones do not stick out. It all depends on the height and type of figure, as well as on how the girl feels.

Smile. It is from the first smile that you can interest a guy and he will like you. Therefore, smile more often.

But it’s not just your appearance that can make a guy like you; your character, or rather his traits, also plays a big role here.

Character Traits That Guys Like

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that any person, regardless of his gender, never attracts attention if he constantly gives others despondency, stress and always complains about his life. And vice versa: the more cheerful a person is, the more people he attracts to himself, and guys are no exception here.

Secondly, as strange as it may sound, it is smart girls that attract guys. After all, there is always something to talk about with them, she keeps the topic of conversation going. Thirdly, the most popular are those ladies who have some elusive piece of charm. And it’s especially good if such a piece is closely connected with kindness and empathy. After all, for some reason, it is girls endowed with such character traits that always attract guys, and adult men too.

But you shouldn’t think that if a girl likes a young man and she is endowed with all these traits, then he will definitely reciprocate your feelings. After all, all of the above traits are generalized, and each person has a certain range of qualities that he himself possesses, and which attract him to people similar to him. But still, with the above-mentioned character traits and appearance features, young ladies have a much greater chance of becoming attractive to guys.

2. What kind of guys do girls like in appearance?

No matter what anyone says, it is the appearance that first catches the eye, and because of how a person looks, most of us decide whether we like this person, whether we want to continue communicating with him or not. Contrary to the common misconception that only guys are interested in the appearance of their significant other, girls also pay very much attention to this aspect. And therefore, a fairly large number of young males are interested in what type of guys exactly external signs is the most attractive to ladies.

The most attractive types of men for girls

First, we need to talk about the psychological types of the most attractive men:

Romantic. Every girl dreams of romantic evenings, breakfast in bed and flowers given for no reason. That's why such men attract girls. They are always extremely helpful, constantly compliment their companion and never forget to congratulate her or give her a gift even without any reason. By the way, one of the varieties of a romantic is a caring guy, but you are unlikely to expect gifts and flowers from him for no reason. Guys like this dress up classic style and they speak like heroes of old novels.

Foreigner. Everything unknown beckons and that is why most girls are attracted to foreigners. Moreover, most often this is expressed externally: an unusual style of clothing and an original accent.

Bad guy. Most often, he is betrayed by a defiant style of clothing and a disdainful attitude towards others. His entire behavior, combined with his appearance, screams of his bad behavior and reputation.

Botanist. He attracts girls with his education, standard strict appearance and the fact that he knows everything about everything.

But not only the appearance, or rather the style of clothing attracts girls, Special attention they also pay attention to a person’s appearance, namely his face, figure and gestures.

The most attractive types of male appearance for girls

According to girls, the most beautiful eyes are those of men who have brown and green eyes, hair color is either blond or brown-haired, but for some reason they don’t particularly like brown-eyed and red-haired men (although, of course, not everyone does). As for height, it should fluctuate in the range of 175-190 cm. Most of all, girls like guys with an athletic build, but at the same time, the body should not be a big pile of muscles. Besides, strange as it may seem, most girls like it when guys have plump lips.

It's no secret that all guys pay attention to female hands, girls do the same. They all like it when a guy has clean, soft hands with neatly trimmed nails. In general, we can say that the most attractive guys should look like this: height 180 cm, weight 85 kg, blond or brunette with plump lips, well-groomed hands and an athletic physique. Many girls, like guys, like it when their partner has a small belly, but just a small one.

Of course, everyone has their own taste and preferences, but these are the types that are most attractive to the opposite sex.

Qualities that guys like in girls

A lot of people are interested in the question of which girls guys like best. Namely, tall or short, plump or thin, sad and cheerful, with long hair or short, dressing provocatively or modestly, vulgar or quiet, educated and intelligent or, on the contrary, not particularly developed. In order to understand this, it is best to conduct a comparative analysis.

By character

Guys prefer girls who like to talk a lot and at the same time on any topic. There is always something to talk about with them, and there is absolutely no time for boredom. In addition, self-confident girls who are able to independently defend their opinions and never try to assert themselves by demonstrating the shortcomings of others are considered more attractive. In addition, most often guys pay all their attention to creative ladies who are engaged in some kind of art. Another character trait that attracts guys like a magnet is kindness and compassion. Every guy is Small child, and at heart he is small and defenseless, and therefore he wants affection and kindness.

Another character trait that is quite rare is honesty. Guys don't like flattery and deception. The more honest and truthful a girl is with him, the more attractive she is to a guy and the more he will appreciate her.

Another trait, not even of character, but of personality, is thriftiness. Yes, guys love business girls who take a pragmatic approach to management household, cook delicious food and keep it clean.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their appearance?

There are two things about a woman's appearance that instantly attract the attention of the opposite sex: eyes and lips. Guys like the girls most who have big, wide eyes, but what color they are is not so important. The main thing is that these eyes are slightly emphasized and attract attention.

As for the lips, they should be plump and not bright red, but rather soft pink or neutral. Most guys like lips that have a dewy appearance and a defined contour. Achieving this effect is extremely simple with a pencil and glitter.

A figure with a shape attracts the greatest male attention hourglass, that is, with rather rounded shapes. Another interesting fact is that guys prefer miniature girls, but girls, on the contrary, try to find a soul mate who has a rather impressive size. A great way to get a guy's attention is to smile. Only she should not be playful and defiant, but open and honest. As for the general appearance, everything about a girl should be harmonious: makeup, clothes and hairstyle. Males like those girls who have smooth and silky skin, a well-groomed body and who are always in a great mood.

But the most important thing that guys pay attention to is the presence of a twist. This zest can lie in anything: in gestures, manner of dressing, speaking, and even just in a glance. The main thing to remember is that everything should be in moderation.

What kind of girls do guys like according to statistics?

For some reason, many ladies allow themselves to believe that a guy who may later become a husband or will remain just a pleasant impression from the past should love his girlfriend for who she is. And therefore, after they have won their prince, they stop taking care of themselves in detail, and this is their main and fatal mistake. But the statistics are inexorable, and it says that guys like those girls who take care of themselves in detail, and this applies to even the smallest details.

Therefore, it would be a good idea for all girls to find out which girls guys like according to statistics.

What kind of girls do guys like or basic rules of self-care?

Now it’s the 21st century, and this means that a girl should be very attentive to the presence of hair on her body, or rather to its absence. There are quite a lot of different hair depilation products in stores and every girl can choose what suits her.

Many men are very sensitive to the length and color of a girl’s hair. Statistics on this matter say the following: guys attract the most attention natural shades hair. Their length should be approximately shoulder length. But bright and unusual shades of hair, according to statistics, on the contrary, only scare men away. But every young man will definitely pay attention to the cleanliness of his hair, and it should never be greasy under any circumstances. If it is not possible to wash your hair, then you need to use dry shampoo, which will instantly put your hair in order.

Hands are the part of the body that men immediately pay attention to after their face. They must be perfectly clean and well-groomed, without peeling varnish or burrs. To do this, it is not necessary to visit several times a week nail salon You can also do a manicure at home.

Men also attach great importance to the smell that comes from female body. There is not a single person who likes the smell of sweat. Therefore, it is imperative to use deodorants every day and eau de toilette, but in the summer, it is advisable to carry refreshing sprays with you.

You shouldn’t neglect new clothes either. It doesn’t have to be super trendy, the main thing is that it suits the girl, emphasizes the strengths of her figure and hides her flaws. But most importantly, it should always be crystal clear. No guy will express sympathy for a girl who wears dirty or torn clothes.

As statistics say, you should not use an abundance of cosmetics, the main thing is that the skin is clean and makeup should only slightly emphasize natural advantages.

You need to exercise to keep your body in good shape. after all, an obese and saggy body does not adorn anyone.

You should always monitor your shoes for their integrity and cleanliness. Only in this case does the girl have every chance to please the guy.

Statistics are an inexorable thing and therefore its facts cannot be neglected. If a girl ignores most of the above points, then it is absolutely not surprising if her boyfriend starts paying attention to other girls who strictly follow all these rules.