Notes on femp in preparatory. Notes on femp nodes in the preparatory group on the topic: "fun mathematics"

Abstract open class mathematics

in the preparatory school group

"Dunno's Helpers"

Program content:

Educational area"Cognition".

1. Reinforce with children quantitative and ordinal counting within 20;

count down within 10.

2. Continue teaching how to solve and invent problems

3. Continue to formulate the concept - “problem condition”, “question”, “solution”, “answer”.

4. Consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.

5. To consolidate the idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day, days of the week, the names of the months, and the seasons.

6. Practice orientation on a sheet of squared paper

7. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.

8. Promote the development of logical thinking and attention.

9. Develop the ability to listen and the desire to help.


    Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

    Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.


    Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.

Demo material: Dunno doll, envelope with a letter, envelopes with tasks;

Handout: For each child, a sheet of checkered paper and colored pencils, simple pencils, numbers, a white sheet of paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, we have guests today. Let's quietly greet them.

Children: Hello!

Guys, today when I came to kindergarten, I saw this unusual envelope on the table, there was a letter from a fairy-tale character. Try to find out who it is? (Children answer). Well done! This is a letter from Dunno. It says that a misfortune occurred in the Fairy Tale City. An evil wizard bewitched it, now the sun doesn’t shine there and it’s dark outside all the time. Little runts in despair, the evil spell can only be lifted by children who can count well, solve problems, and are ready to help.

Guys, do you agree to help the residents of this city? Then let's complete the first task.

1 task:“Repetition is the mother of learning”!

Educator: The first task is in envelope number 1.

Well, what, guys? Shall we help Dunno?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: (Addressing one of the children) please bring envelope number 1.

(the child brings an envelope; the teacher takes out a piece of paper with the assignment from the envelope and reads it).

Guys, the task is called“Repetition is the mother of learning.” You and I need to answer a few simple questions, it shouldn’t be difficult, because we went through all this with you in our classes.


1. Name the seasons - 1st child

2. Name the months of the year - 2nd child

3. Count up to 20 – 3rd child (one, two three….)

4. Count ordinal count up to 10 – 4th child (first, second, third...)

5. Count backwards from 10 to 1 - 5th child

6. Name “even” numbers up to 10 – 6th child

7. Name “odd” numbers up to 10 – 7th child

8. Name the days of the week - 8th child.

9. Name the number following the number 3.

10. Name the neighbors of the number 8.

11. What number is between the numbers 8 and 10.

12. Name which number is greater than 3 but less than 5.

13. After what number does the number 6 come?

14. Name the number preceding the number 4.

15. Name the number following the number 7.

Educator: Well done! You answered the questions well. And the next envelope with the task is already waiting for us.

And this is task number 2.

Ilyusha, please bring envelope number 2.

Task 2:"Compare the numbers" (work at the board).

Guys, Dunno asks, what signs for comparing numbers do you know? (more, less, equal).

In the next task we need to correctly compare the numbers.

3 and 5 11 and 20 18 and 18

6 and 6 16 and 8 14 and 9

4 and 7 15 and 3 13 and 12

Well done guys, you completed this task!

Task 3:“Find the extra word.”

Let's see what's in envelope No. 3.

Guys, the task is called“Find the extra word.”

I name the words, and you name which one is superfluous and why.

1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, morning.

3. Summer, autumn, winter, Sunday.

4. Morning, evening, night, day, month.

Well done guys, you have overcome another obstacle. Now let’s rest a little so that we can solve other tasks the same way.

Physical education minute:

On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted, (we pretend to draw)

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (wash my face)

And on Thursday I played football (running in place)

On Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping)

I danced for a very long time (spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)

I rested the whole day.

(children sit down, hands under cheek - fall asleep)

4 task: "Magic box."

Guys, look what Dunno brought us, it’s not an envelope, but a whole parcel. Oh, what an unusual package, what is written on it? Dunno's magic box, I wonder what's in it. Guys, there are logic problems in the box. Who can tell me what parts the task consists of?

(Condition, question, solution, answer).

Well done, now let's get to work (takes problems out of the box, children say the answer).


    Five kittens are digging sand

Three are sunbathing in the sun,

Two are bathing in ashes.

How many are there? Tell me?


2. Four mice are tiny,

Very friendly girlfriends

We went out into the field for a walk,

Five more came running,

They sang very well

There were all of them exactly...


3. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (0 - the glass is empty)

4. There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in the vase. How many tulips were in the vase? (There were only 3 tulips in the vase)

5. So the hedgehog has some friends in mind

Invite to anniversary

I invited two bear cubs,

Three rabbits and five squirrels.

Count quickly

How many friends does the hedgehog have?


Blotter and notebook,

And a pen to write with

And an elastic band to make stains

Cleaned it up carefully

And a pencil case and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

How many things are in the briefcase?


7. Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda

Volleyball team.

Zhenya and Igor for now -

There are two substitute players.

And when to learn,

How many of us will there be?


8. Arranged by Andryushka

Two rows of toys.

Next to the monkey -

Teddy bear.

Together with the fox -

Bunny oblique.

Following him -

Hedgehog and frog.

How many toys

Did Andryushka arrange it?


9. A squirrel sits on a cart,

She sells nuts.

Little fox-sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-bellied bear,

Bunny with a mustache,

Who needs a scarf?

Who cares,

Who cares?

How many nuts did the squirrel sell?


10. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one granddaughter)

Educator: Well done! All of you were good at solving logic problems. And now I want you to solve ordinary problems (frontal survey).


1. “There were 4 apples hanging on a branch, 2 apples were picked. How many apples are left hanging on the branch?

2. “Mom bought 7 pears, Misha ate 4 pears. How many pears are left on the plate? (3)

3. Six funny bear cubs,

They rush into the forest for raspberries,

But alone baby is tired,

Left behind my comrades

Now find the answer

How many bears are there ahead?

Educator: And again you did it! Well done! Katya, try to make up your own problem (the child is making up a problem).

5 task"Draw a figure":

Let's see what's in envelope No. 5.

The task is called “Draw a figure”. Before we begin the task, let's remember what shapes there are (working with the poster “Geometric Shapes”). Now let's get down to the task. You have a blank slate in front of you, you and I know geometric figures, guys, you should take your colored pencils and get ready to complete the following tasks.

1. Draw a red triangle in the upper right corner.

2. Draw a blue square in the lower left corner.

3. There is a green circle in the upper left corner.

4. In the lower right there is a yellow rectangle.

You are getting closer and closer to defeating the evil wizard! Let's move on to the next envelope.

Task 6 is called"Get the number 10."

We need to get the number 10 from 2 smaller numbers. Let's help Dunno and try to cope with this task (frontal survey).

Task 7“Solve examples.”

You guys are great! You completed all the tasks correctly today, but

you need to deal with the last building.

And the task is that we must solve examples:

3+3= 8-5=

7+2= 9-4=

6+1= 4-2=

Well done boys! How well you cope with tasks.

You are all tired, I suggest you rest a little:

Finger gymnastics:

There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders,

To grab and to saw,

To take and to give,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Well, did you guys have a rest?

Next task.No. 8 “Draw a figure.”

Let's not waste time. Move your notebooks and place a pencil on the red dot. Begin. 4 cells - right 2 cells - up 4 cells - right 5 cells - down 4 cells - left 2 cells - up 4 cells - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 3 cells - up, 2 cells to the right.

Educator: What happened?

Children: Key.

“Guys, we have defeated the evil wizard. Well done, you completed all the tasks correctly, helped Dunno and the little residents of the Fairy Tale City. I am very glad that you are such smart and capable children, ready to help at any moment. Guys, let's remember what obstacles we faced today? What tasks did you perform? Which of the tasks did you find most difficult? Did you like the lesson? (Children answer questions). Guys, do you know what the best grade in school is? Of course 5! I suggest you evaluate yourself. I have numbers 5 and numbers 4. Think about how you worked today, whether you completed all the tasks and give yourself a grade.”

Educator: Sasha, why did you rate yourself 4? (child's response) Well done, you acted honestly.

(Junior teacher brings a parcel from the postman).

Oh, and we received a package again, and a letter for it (The teacher reads the letter).

“Children, thank you very much for your help in our salvation! Without you we would have died. You performed the tasks very well and defeated the evil wizard. Now in our fairy-tale city the sun is shining again and the flowers are blooming. In gratitude, I, along with other shorties, give you these sweets.With love, your Dunno.”

(Sweet prizes are given to children).


Direct educational activities By formation elementary mathematical submissions V preparatory To school group.

"Journey to the Land of Mathematics."

Parkhomenko Tatyana Ivanovna,


Continue to teach children to compose and solve arithmetic problems using a picture, highlighting its component parts (condition, question, solution and answer, laying out their solution using numbers.

Develop orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper, performing actions as directed by the teacher.

Strengthen the ability to take measurements using a ruler.

Exercise children in naming the days of the week and their sequence.

Develop children's cognitive interest, logical thinking, memory, creative imagination.

To consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes and the ability to isolate them from the general picture.

Materials and equipment: letters to the word “Well done!”, pointer, invitation letter from the Fairy of Knowledge, drawing of a hare from geometric shapes, carpet graph "Voskobovich".


Sheets of paper in a cage, a pen;

Numbers from 1 to 10, signs +, -, =;

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, game techniques, clarifications, surveys.

Introductory part: (children stand on the carpet).

Guys, we have guests today, say hello to them and let's try to be attentive and answer questions well.

Guys, I came to kindergarten today and found an invitation letter addressed to you. Let's read it. I wonder what's in it?

The teacher reads the letter:

"Hello children! I know that you are smart, attentive, and have learned a lot. Want to test your knowledge? I invite you to go to my favorite country of mathematics. I have prepared tasks for you. I hope you can handle them." - Fairy of knowledge.

I wonder, guys, what will we travel with today? How do you think?

Educator: Now we’ll check which of you guessed right! Take some squared leaves and a pen. Please note that the beginning of our drawing is marked with a red dot. Let's place the handles at the beginning of the path, on the red dot. We listen carefully to the commands and carry out the task.

Graphic dictation: 5 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 2 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 2 cells to the left, 1 cell up, 2 cells left, 1 cell down, 3 cells left, 1 cell up, 2 cells left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 2 cells up, 3 cells right, 2 cells up.

Educator: What did you do? What are we going to travel on this time?

Children: Car! (Car).

Educator: What is our car missing?

Children: wheels.

Draw the missing wheels.

Did everyone cope with this task?

(children's answers)

Educator: You tried very hard, you were attentive. And this must be noted! For every task you complete, you will receive a letter. At the end of the lesson, we will see which word can be formed from the letters received.

Just great! For the first completed task you receive a letter, not just one, but two at once - "M", "O"

Did you find out what these letters are? Name them. (children answer).

(They go out onto the carpet)

Educator: Guys, each of us will be the driver of our own car, let's start our cars.

“R-R-R” - let's go!

Educator: So we got to the city "Fun logic puzzles"! Let's see who can figure it out the fastest and give the correct answer. We agree not to shout from our seats, but to raise our hand. Answer when I ask you.

1) Lena plays hide and seek with her friends. Suddenly she notices that 8 legs are visible from under the partition. How many children play hide and seek? (5)

2) In the living corner of the garden there live 2 canaries and 5 fish. How many animals are there in total? (no one).

3) If a chicken stands on one leg and weighs 2 kg, how much will the chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (2 kg)

Educator: You tried very hard, and for this I give you another letter "L"

What letter is this?

(children answer)

Educator: Let's move on. City of Arithmetic Problems. The knowledge fairy sent pictures and offers to create tasks based on them. Let's remember what the task consists of? (condition, question solution answer). Let's look at the first picture.

Who are we going to write a problem about?

(about birds). What condition will we get? There were 5 birds on the branch, and then 1 more flew in. What would the question sound like? How many birds are there on the branch? What will be the solution? Express the solution to the problem in numbers. Read the decision. We will now check whether you solved the problem correctly.

Let's create another problem. Who will this task be about? (about ducklings). What condition will be in the problem? 10 ducklings were swimming on the lake. 2 ducklings swam to the shore. What question will be in our task? How many ducklings are left swimming on the lake? Ask the children where the condition is, the question, and what the solution to this problem will be. Post the solution to this problem. Read the solution. Did this happen to everyone? We will now check whether you solved the problem correctly.

Great! You turned out to be smart and attentive! For this you get one more letter "ABOUT"

Educator: Let's play the game “Name the missing number”, “Name the previous (subsequent)”.

Playing with a ball, children stand in a circle.

And you get the next letter "D"

Let's remember what letter this is.

Educator: Well, the next task of the Fairy of Knowledge awaits you and me. First, solve the riddles.

1. He has been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right

All four sides

Same length (square)

Why do you think it's a square? (all sides are equal)

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

Who am I, friends?

Call me. (circle)

Why do you think it's a circle? (no corners)

Three sides, three corners,

Answer who am I? (triangle)

Circle, square, triangle. What is this? Geometric figures.

Which others do you know (oval, trapezoid, cube, ball, polygon).

What do you think the name of this city is?

Children: City of geometric shapes.

Educator: Great! You are great at completing tasks.

For this I give you one more letter "C"

Let's remember what letter this is.

Educator: The guys in the city built new houses. The fairies of knowledge need to help resettle the residents correctly on the floors. But to do this you need to split into two teams. And while one team will resettle the residents, with the other we will play another game.

The fairy of knowledge has got her geometric figures mixed up, help me find the extra figure.

Game "Fourth wheel".

I am very pleased with your knowledge and skills. And I give you a letter... (s)

Educator: Our journey around the country has come to an end. "Mathematics". Let's return with you to our kindergarten. Hold hands, close your eyes and count together from 10 to 1. Here we are in our group.

– Did you enjoy traveling today? What did you like most? Why?

Let's make a word from our letters? What word did you get?

"Well done" .

And because you did well today, I give you an exclamation point. You really earned this title today! Let's clap each other and say goodbye to our guests.

Summary of GCD on the formation of elementary

mathematical representations V preparatory group

"Merry Count"

Goals: - consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10 (forward and backward counting);

Learn to solve simple addition and subtraction problems, highlight a condition or question in a problem, write down the solution to a problem using numbers and signs;

Practice composing a number from two smaller ones;

To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, days of the week, and children’s ability to navigate on a plane (sheet of paper);

Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Materials, tools, equipment: pictures of a hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, hare, fox; cards with numbers from 0 to 10, cards with a number series (0 – 10) for each child, “Number House” cards for each child, square sheets of colored paper and geometric cardboard figures for each child, pens, pencils.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizational moment

There are four seasons in a year, and they are all friendly.

Guys should know these four times!

Guys, name the four seasons.

What time of year is it now? (Winter) What month? (December)

December is the first winter month! Name the second one. (January) Third. (February)

What's the date today? (December 5th) If today is the 5th, what was yesterday? (4th) Will there be tomorrow? (6th)

What day of the week is it today? (Thursday) If today is Thursday, what day of the week was yesterday? (Wednesday) And tomorrow? (Friday)

Today we will go to an unusual mathematical zoo!

  1. Mathematical warm-up from the hedgehog

The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden!

He gave the most rosy thing to the squirrel.

The squirrel happily received the gift.

Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate. (Two)

Two mice entered the apartment

We decided to try some cheese!

Then the girlfriends appeared -

Three little gray little mice.

The cat was sleeping on the roof at that time,

Not knowing about this feast.

Well, count how many mice there are

We ate the left cheese. (Five)

Here are eight bunnies walking along the path,

Two people run after them.

So how much is there along the forest path?

Hurrying to school bunnies in winter? (Ten)

How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Zero)

If you eat one plum, what remains? (Bone)

Who has more legs: a duck or a duckling? (Equally)

How many tails do four cats have? (Four)

  1. Didactic game with a squirrel (number series)

Squirrel invites us to play the game “Name the Neighbors”.

5 people take cards with the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and stand in a row at a short distance from each other. Other children take turns coming to the table, where cards with the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are laid out, take one card at a time, find their place in the number line and name their neighbors.

Then the children sit down at the tables and after finger gymnastics(see below) enter the missing numbers in the number series (0, 1,…, 3, 4,…,…, 7,…, 9,…)

Finger gymnastics

Thick and big finger

I went to the garden to pick plums.

Index from the threshold

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate -

He knocks plums off the branch.

Nameless eats

And the little finger is a gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground!

  1. Task from the wolf (composing a number from two smaller ones)

The wolf has prepared for us these unusual two-story houses: on each floor there live numbers - neighbors, who together give the number of the house. Populate the houses with numbers:

2 = … + … (1 and 1)

3 = … + … (1 and 2; 2 and 1)

4 = … + … (1 and 3; 3 and 1; 2 and 2)

5 = … + … (1 and 4; 4 and 1; 2 and 3; 3 and 2)

6 = … + … (1 and 5; 5 and 1; 2 and 4; 4 and 2; 3 and 3)

7 = … + … (1 and 6; 6 and 1; 2 and 5; 5 and 2; 3 and 4; 4 and 3)

  1. Musical physical exercise
  2. Problems from the bunny

Three little pigs were walking on the lawn. Autumn has come and it's time to build houses. Nuf-Nuf went to build a house. How many piglets are left to walk on the lawn?

Repeat the problem statement. What is the question in the problem?

There were three little pigs, one got away. Are there more or fewer piglets? (Less)

What sign will I put? (Minus)

We write down the solution to the problem: 3 – 1 = 2

Answer the question with a complete answer (There are two little pigs left to walk on the lawn)

The second problem is dealt with in a similar way:

Four mushrooms grew under the Christmas tree. It rained and two more mushrooms grew. How many mushrooms began to grow under the Christmas tree?

  1. Assignment from the fox

The fox had beautiful scarves with a pattern, but the rain washed away the whole pattern from them. Let's help the fox decorate the scarves.

Place an oval in the upper left corner and circle it.

Place a square in the lower right corner and circle it.

Place a circle in the upper right corner and circle it.

Place a triangle in the lower left corner and circle it.

8. Summing up

Well done boys! You worked very hard today, the animals are very happy with you and have prepared a surprise for you: delicious vitamins so that you grow up healthy and smart. And the cunning fox hid a box of vitamins in our group, but left a hint: from the starting point at the window (with your back to the window), walk 6 steps forward, 5 steps to the right, 2 steps forward, 3 steps to the left, raise your hand up and take the box from the shelf .

Abstract of GCD in mathematics in the preparatory school group "Little Wizards"

Semenova Svetlana Petrovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution “ Kindergarten“Ladushki”, Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region
Purpose: the notes may be useful in the work of preschool teachers
Subject:"Little Wizards"
Target: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts using ICT, TIKO-design
- Improve counting skills within 10
- Continue to form temporary representations
- Develop the ability to independently find ways to solve constructive problems
- Develop the ability to examine a diagram, recognize a figure, divide a diagram into its component parts
- Develop logical thinking
- Develop fine motor skills hands
- Exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper in a square
- Develop attention, memory, imagination, search activity and intellectual initiative
- Develop the ability to work in a team and in subgroups
- Cultivate a desire to do good deeds
Equipment and material: interactive whiteboard, TIKO constructor, coloring pages with numbers (from 1 to 10, one number per sheet) and letters (on the back of the sheet with numbers), colored pencils, hoop, outline diagrams of animals, cards with examples (pass), box with magic wands.
GCD move:
I Organizational moment.
- Guys, do you want to show our guests how you can beautifully color numbers? Then come to me and stand so that the numbers are in order. Let's count straight and reverse order from 1 to 10. Now show the colored letters on the other side of the sheet. Guys, we have a word! Read it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 slide (live sound)

Scientist Raven: “Hello, friends! I am the Scientist Raven from the fairyland of TIKO. All residents of this country love to play. But one day an evil sorcerer cast a fog over this country, and all the inhabitants disappeared, their games disappeared. Only little wizards who are not afraid of challenges and love to play more than anything else can destroy witchcraft. Help!"
- Guys, who loves to play more than anything in the world? (Children) What should we do, guys? Do you want to help the inhabitants of a fairyland? Aren't you scared?
II Main part.
- Before going to the country of TIKO and not getting lost there, let’s get our bearings in time. Do you agree? Then let’s sit down on the carpet.
- What time of year is it now?
- How many seasons are there in total? Name them.
- What autumn months do you know?
- What month is it?
- Which of the autumn months is it?
- Which autumn month is the warmest? Why?
- Which autumn month is the coldest? Why?
- What will happen when November ends?
- How many days are there in a week? Name them.
- What day of the week is it today?
- What do you guys think, are we ready to go to the fairyland? And we will get there through a hole in space. (they crawl through the hoop). Find your place on magic stones. (sit on chairs)
2 slide. - And here is a magical country.

and before us is 1 test of “Opposites”.
3 slide. If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table)

4 slide. If the road is wider than the path, then the path... (narrower than the road)

5.6 slide. If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread... (thinner than the rope)

Slide 7 If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil... (shorter than the ruler)

8 slide. If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother... ( younger than sister)

Next test. “Name the neighbors of the numbers” 5, 2, 6, 8, 7.
“Think quickly, don’t guess, answer questions”
- How many ears do 3 old ladies have?
- How many paws do 2 dogs have?
- How many horns do 2 cows have?
- How many tails do 7 cows have?
Slide 9

- There is a wide river in front of us. How to get to the other side? An evil wizard has destroyed the bridge, and some planks are floating in the water. It is dangerous to cross such a bridge. What to do? (insert signs between numbers<, >, =)
2 < 5 < 8 > 7 = 7 > 4 < 6 > 3
10 slides.

We crossed the river over a bridge and found ourselves in a flower meadow. Flowers invite us to relax in the clearing. In order not to get lost on the way, we will repeat the directions of movement.
Physical exercise.
This is the right hand, this is the left hand.
On the right is a noisy oak forest, on the left is a fast river.
We turned around and now everything was the other way around:
On the left is a noisy oak forest, on the right is a fast river.
Has my left hand become right? No!
This is the right hand, this is the right foot,
Our ear is right, but this is our right eye.
This is the left hand, this is the left foot,
Our ear is left, but this is our left eye.
We use our hands - clap, clap, clap.
We kick, stomp, stomp, stomp.
Let's knock on our knees, smile and remain silent.
11 slide.

Here in front of us is an enchanted forest. The evil wizard shrouded it in fog, and the inhabitants disappeared, leaving only shadows. But Scientist Raven has 5 scientific laboratories with numbers (show), where you can reconstruct all its inhabitants from the shadows. Do you want to work in scientific laboratories? Scientist Raven has prepared a pass for each of you to his laboratory. (examples without answers). But how do you figure out who should go to which laboratory? What do you guys think? (solve the example, the answer is the laboratory number) 2-1= , 1+1= , 2+1= , 2+2= , 3+2= .
- Those who have found their laboratory can start working. (work in scientific laboratories with the TIKO constructor)

Let's see who you got? (bear, fox, hedgehog, deer, squirrel)
- If you cast the spell correctly, the animals will appear on the SCREEN.
- Well, we have broken the spell of the evil wizard.
12 slide.

A castle appeared. Here is the item that will turn you into real little wizards. But there are many doors in the castle, and we don’t know which door contains the magic item. What to do?
13 slide (live sound)

Uch. Raven: “Guys, I’m giving you a hint on how to find the right door. Remember! You need to walk 4 steps to the left, 4 steps down and 3 steps to the right. Good luck!
- Remember, guys? Let's repeat. Close your eyes and imagine the path of travel.
Slide 14

Before us are the doors of the castle and the roads. How are the roads marked? The roads are all the same color, but the doors are different. The blue dot is where we are now. Follow the path along the arrows with your eyes, remembering the instructions of the Scientist Raven. So, behind which door is the magic item? (behind the white one). Well, let's open the white door and find the magic item. (they open the white door in the group leading to the locker room, they find a box)
III Final part. Well, we are at our cherished goal. We have gone through many tests. Which tasks did you like best and why? Which ones did you find difficult?
Are you ready to turn into real little wizards? Then open the magic box. What's there? ( magic wands). Choose your sticks. Let's check the magic of your wands. Create your own spell. Together, on the count of 1,2,3, we wave the wand.
Slide 15 (all completed tasks appear on the screen).

Summary of an open lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory group

Improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper;

Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes;

Perceive the task by ear;

Lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks;

Continue to develop and use basic computer skills;

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the ability to give reasons for one’s statements;

Develop fine motor skills, stimulate children's creative initiative;

Develop ingenuity, memory, imagination, coherent speech;

Cultivate interest in mathematics, independence, friendly relations, neatness;

Cultivate kindness and a desire to help someone who is in trouble.


Sheets in a cage;

Simple pencils;

Application with houses;

Counting sticks;

Dienesh blocks.

Guys, we have guests today. Let's quietly greet them.

Children: Hello!

Vs: Now let's greet each other.

Let's stand side by side

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Vs: Guys, Buratino came to me asking for help. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio took the golden key from him and hid it in deep space, help him get it.

Vs: And what kind of transport we will go on, try to guess:

This bird has no wings

But one cannot help but marvel:

As soon as the bird spreads its tail -

And will rise to the stars.

(Answer: Rocket)

Vs: Guys, you are great. But the rocket itself cannot fly; it must be assembled. And the computer game “Tangram” will help us with this. What figures will we use to assemble the rocket? (The rocket consists of triangles, squares, rectangles)

Children's answers.

Vs: Now the rocket is ready. We begin the countdown 10,9,8,7….. Let's fly. ( Running in a circle)

Vs: The first planet "Geometric". Look, everything around looks like various geometric shapes. Let's look around and find objects that look like triangles, rectangles and circles. ( children place figures next to objects)

Do you know that figures can not only be drawn, but they can be made from counting sticks. Let's try to post it:

“Make 2 identical triangles from 5 sticks”

“Use 5 sticks to make a square and 2 identical triangles”

“Use 7 sticks to make 2 equal squares”

Place all the geometric shapes in your homes. (Dyenesha blocks, hoops with diagrams)

Vs: The next planet is “Computer”. On this planet we need to complete tasks on the computer. Guys, you need to color the triangles yellow, squares are in green, small circles are in red, and large circles are in blue. Good luck! (children are given a task in the Paint program to paint over different geometric shapes, different colors)

Whoever has completed the task, look carefully with your eyes at the colored markings on the screen, follow with your eyes from the green to the red mark, and then from the blue to the yellow. Now your eyes are rested.

Vs: Let's continue. You need to try really hard. Find two ladybugs with the same number of points on the back. Select them one by one using the mouse.

Vs: The next planet is “Unknown”. It is necessary to build houses on it and populate it with inhabitants.

Count from left to right the third house, put a dot in the middle.

Draw triangular roofs for all the houses below this house.

In the tallest house, draw as many round windows as I clap my hands.

Count the fourth house from right to left and draw 1 rectangular window in it.

Draw a bird in the upper left corner.

Vs: So the planet became “Alive”

Vs: And this planet is “Attentive”, it is on it that we will find what we need.

There's a plan here. Let's not waste time. Move your notebooks and place a pencil on the red dot. Begin. 4 cells - right 2 cells - up 4 cells - right 5 cells - down 4 cells - left 2 cells - up 4 cells - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 3 cells - up, 2 cells to the right.

V - l: What happened?

Children: Key.

Vs: You guys are great, you amazed me with your ingenuity. Pinocchio can now pick up his key.

Vs: It's time for us to return to Earth.

Lesson summary:

    Guys, what did you have to do to help Pinocchio?

Which tasks did you find difficult?

What tasks did you like?