Lesson summary "Writing a small letter "p"". Files

Big book of secret knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Fortune telling Schwartz Theodor

Writing the letter "p"

Writing the letter "p"

Capital "P"

Pressure is of greatest importance when writing the letter “p”.

Thin lines drawn with light pressure and slight rounding (Fig. 2.128). Such writing speaks of weakness, receptivity and suspiciousness.

Rice. 2.128. The letter is written in thin lines

The letter “p” with strong pressure, especially in the upper stroke (Fig. 2.129), in contrast to the previous meaning, speaks of severity, stubbornness, perseverance, but also some suspicion.

Rice. 2.129. The letter is written with strong pressure

Compressed, narrow letter “p” (Fig. 2.130). To those qualities that depend on pressure, the narrow letter adds self-doubt and frugality.

Rice. 2.130. The letter "P" looks compressed

Lowercase "p"

The lowercase “p” written with strong pressure (Fig. 2.131) indicates developed imagination and a penchant for literature.

Rice. 2.131. The lowercase “p” is written with strong emphasis Light pressure can also indicate depravity.

From the book The Big Book of Secret Knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Fortune telling author Schwartz Theodor

Writing the letter “zh” Graphologists rarely pay attention to this letter, so there are few interpretations of its spelling options. The main attention is paid to writing connecting strokes and the size of the middle line. Thus, a long middle line (Fig. 2.73) indicates

From the author's book

Writing the letter "z" This letter is also not always used in handwriting studies. The main focus is on the top loop (or lack thereof) in the capital "Z" and the bottom loop (or lack thereof) in the lowercase "z". Thus, a lowercase letter "z" with an elongated lower part, but without

From the author's book

Writing the letter “i” Capital “I” The beginning of the letter is rounded and resembles a semi-oval (Fig. 2.77, 2.78). People, so writing a letter“I” are endowed with an excess of imagination, originality of actions and thinking, perseverance, and often sublimity of the soul. Rice. 2.77. Start of letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter “th” In the writing of this letter, like the letter “e”, it is not the letter itself that matters, but the dash above it. The letter “th” gives more information about the owner of the handwriting when it is in the middle of a word (lowercase) than at the beginning (uppercase). A dash with weak pressure (Fig. 2.85)

From the author's book

Writing the letter “k” Capital “K” The letter “K” with pressure and a long stroke down, closed at the top in the form of a loop or a hook wrapped inside (Fig. 2.90). Usually this indicates such character traits as firmness, prudence, determination, but isolation and

From the author's book

Writing the letter "l" The letter "l", like the letters "zh" and "z", is rarely analyzed. It is generally accepted that it gives little information about the person writing. Nevertheless, let us pay some attention to it. The more pressure it is written (Fig. 2.94), the more sensual and tender the person.

From the author's book

Writing the letter “m” The differences between writing the uppercase and lowercase “m” are only in the size of the letters, so we will not consider them separately. For analysis, you can choose any letter “m” - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Straight, without curves, second line

From the author's book

Writing the letter "n" Capital "N" Quite concisely written; the transverse stroke is arched, slightly elongated when connected, at the beginning of the letter there is a small hook at the top and/or bottom (Fig. 2.110, 2.111). This primarily indicates such a quality as timidity. If it works out

From the author's book

Writing the letter “o” Capital “O” The letter looks like an open oval with a line going down into the middle (Fig. 2.117). Such careless writing of the letter indicates active, fast people. Their excess energy often means they are too hasty, but in general the writing of the letter "O"

From the author's book

Writing the letter “p” Capital “P” The greatest importance when writing the letter “p” is pressure. Thin lines drawn with weak pressure and slight rounding (Fig. 2.128). Such writing speaks of weakness, receptivity and suspiciousness. Rice. 2.128. Letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter “r” This is one of the most interesting letters for graphology. It is believed that this is one of the first sounds that humans learned to pronounce. It served as a warning of danger or a sign of threat. This letter has many functional purposes. No wonder

From the author's book

Writing the letter “c” The slanted letter “c” with pressure in the middle, without decoration (Fig. 2.139) is characteristic of the handwriting of harsh and stern people. Skeptical people who are not prone to sentimentality and emotionality often write this way. Rice. 2.139. Slanted, unadorned letter “c” Small C

From the author's book

Writing the letter “t” Capital “T” The first two sticks merge together, and the upper stroke is strongly separated and directed upward (Fig. 2.143). This spelling indicates a sympathetic, religious, merciful person. Rice. 2.143. The first two sticks merge together, and the top one

From the author's book

Writing the letter “u” Capital “U” Distinct, rounded, unclosed at the bottom, the initial stroke is very thin, sometimes almost imperceptible (Fig. 2.150). Such people are speculative, inquisitive, and distinguished by their love for the elegant. Rice. 2.150. Distinct, with light pressure With light

From the author's book

Writing the letter “ts” Essentially, the letter “ts” in its writing resembles the letter “i” with a loop in the lower right part. Therefore, to some extent, its analysis coincides with the analysis of the letter “i”. On the other hand, very often the drawing of a loop coincides with the lowercase letters “u” and

From the author's book

Writing the letter “sh” The main importance when writing this letter is the pace of writing and the roundness of its constituent elements. The letter “sh” with a large initial hook, all elements are equally even, rounded at the bottom, without underlining (Fig. 2.164). This spelling indicates

Subject: Letter lowercase letter"P"

Target: learn to write lowercase letters P , correctly place letters and words in a line, Tasks:

Develop fine motor skills hands, eye, spelling vigilance, phonemic hearing;

Promote development healthy image life and relieving fatigue in the classroom, for better learning of the material;

Cultivate accuracy in work and interest in the subject.

During the classes:

1.Organizational moment.

Every day - always, everywhere,

In class, in play

We speak boldly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

What is the name of our lesson? What writing rules do you know?


. 1. Place the notebook on a slant.

2. Sit on the edge of a chair, fist passes between the desk and chest, legs together.

3. Grasp the handle correctly, tilting your head slightly.

2. Updating knowledge.

What letter did we learn in reading lesson? What is she like? Describe the letter.

A game. Substitute the first sound “P” to the words:

Ulya is a bullet,

Alochka - stick,

ears are guns,

Olechka - Polechka,


Olya-Polya, l

Ozhka - bowl, etc.

Repeat words with the P sound.

Tanya, Panya, bathhouse

Galya, Tolya, Kolya

Achka, Tick, stick

ears, guns, tops

citro, bucket, coat

3. Setting a goal, defining a topic.

What will the topic be? Target?

Let's make a plan for our work:


Learn to…


4. Analysis of letters, comparison of printed and written letters.

What does the letter look like? How are the letters similar?

Introducing lowercase letter writing.

We go down along an inclined line, go up along an inclined line, go off with a tubercle to the left, go down along an inclined line, perform a rocking chair.

Letter on the board.

We write the letter for the count in the air. Letter by arrow.

5.Writing in a notebook using dots.

I'll open my notebook

And I’ll put it down with an angle,

I won’t hide it from you, friends,

I hold my pen like this.

I’ll sit up straight, I won’t bend over,

I'll get to work

Under the teacher’s comment there are 2 letters, the rest ourselves, we add three more letters.


Find the letter and circle the best one.

Try to keep all the letters like this.

6. Physical exercise.

We've worked hard, let's rest.

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward,

Left, right turn.

Three bends, stand up straight.

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone.

7. Conversation about professions

What profession names are written in the notebooks? Who is a carpenter? Who is the captain?

What professions do you know starting with the letter P?

Fill in the missing word, people's professions.

Paints the walls for us (painter),

Makes tables (carpenter)

The singer sings songs to us,

Engaged in trade (seller),

The medicine will be given to us (the pharmacist),

The bread will be baked in the bakery (baker),

The shoemaker will sew the boots,

Will put out the fire in a moment (firefighter),

The car carries a load (the driver),

A miner works in a mine,

In a hot forge (blacksmith),

Who knows everything - well done!

How many of you remember the professions in which the sound [p], [p"] occurs?

8.Writing words. Who is a carpenter? Who is the captain?

Independent work

9. Lesson summary. What was the goal of the lesson? What letter did you learn to write?

10. Reflection.

Filling out the “Achievements” ladder

Red color - Everything is clear. No questions

Blue color - There are unresolved issues.

Yellow color - nothing is clear.

Thank you for the lesson.

Writing lesson

1 class

Subject. Letter of capital and small letters P, p.

Goals: create conditions for developing the skill of writing the letters P, p; develop the ability to copy from printed and written texts; develop phonemic hearing; develop the skill of self-control. Create conditions for a favorable psychological climate.


Presentation, electronic supplement to the textbook;

Use of a board, computer, projector, image of a rooster, example of writing a letter, elements of the letter T, books for exhibition design (tales about a rooster).


I.Org.moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, good afternoon!

First of all, we drive away laziness

Don't yawn in class

And work and write.

Fairy-tale characters come to our lessons, they come to us for a reason, and today we have a new guest.

Listen to the riddle and tell me who he is?

Tail with patterns, Boots with spurs,
Little white feathers,
Red scallop.
Who's that on the peg? (Petya Cockerel)

Look, guys, how happy the Cockerel was that you recognized him.

Petya, Petya the Cockerel

He immediately straightened the comb.

Petya asks for the letter “p”

Write beautifully.

Why did he choose "p"

Were you able to guess?

What kind of “P” should he learn to write?


(Petya – nickname, name of a cockerel)

So, what letter are we going to learn to write today?

II.Assimilation of new knowledge.

1) Explanation by the teacher. (SLIDE 1)

Consider a sample of the capital letter P. Describe the direction in which your hand moves when writing the letter P. ( The letter P consists of four elements. We begin writing the capital letter P just below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We draw the line down, cross the top line of the working line, and draw further down. Almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round it up to the left, slightly rising above the bottom line of the working line.

We start writing the second element just below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We draw the line down, almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, round it to the right, bring it to the bottom line of the working line and go up to the right to the middle of the working line.

The third element - the top one - is written from left to right. We start writing with a slight rounding, and then draw a straight line to the right.)

2) Demonstration by the teacher on the board.

3) Letter in the air.

4) - Now let’s get ready to write in the notebook.

(choral speaking)

I'll open my notebook

and I’ll put it in the right way

I won't hide my friends

I hold my pen like this.

I’ll sit straight and won’t bend over,

I'll get to work.

(Children write P)

III. Consolidation.

Guys, Petya even took the letter with him, but along the way the letter fell apart. Let's help him collect it.

(children collect the letter T)

Guys, Cockerel was in such a hurry that he mixed something up and brought the wrong letter. What letter did he bring us?

How did it happen that he mixed up the letters?

How are the letters similar?

How are they different?

What to do to make the letter P?

(remove one element)

What other letter is hidden in the letter T, and P? (G)

Physical education minute.

We've worked hard, let's rest.

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward,

Left, right turn.

Three bends, stand up straight.

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone.

IV. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Working with a sample of the lowercase letter p.

1) Explanation by the teacher. (SLIDE2).

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter p. Describe the direction in which your hand moves when writing the lowercase letter p. ( The lowercase letter p consists of two elements. We start writing the first element from top line working line, move down to the bottom line of the working line.

We start writing the second element from the middle of the working line. We lead it up to the right, rounding it, bring it to the top line of the working line, round it and lead it down; slightly short of the bottom line of the working line, we round it to the right, bring it to the bottom line of the working line, draw the line up to the right to the middle of the working line.)

2) Demonstration by the teacher on the board.

3) Letter in the air.

4) Independent work (1-4 lines).

Exercise for the eyes.

V. Consolidation.

1) Game “Live Sounds”.

And now I propose to play the game “Live Sounds” with the word “Petya”.

Inviting children to a game.

Name the first sound;

Name the percussion sound;

Name the third sound;

Name the vowel sound found in the second syllable.

Each student takes a cube of the color that matches their sound and remains in its place.

Output to the board:

Leave an unstressed vowel sound in a word;

Come out stressed vowel sound;

We ask the board for the first soft consonant;

Exit the third consonant soft sound;

At the board, students line up according to the order of sounds in a word. Students in the class check the correctness of their construction.

2) Selection of words for the model.

Look at word patterns. How are they different?

(They differ in the first sound.)

Read the word for the second diagram. (Port.)

- What sound will we replace? Name a new word. Write it down to the left of the diagram.

Similar work with the words beam-stick.

3) Dividing words into groups. Work in pairs.

Read the words, name the letters on the following lines. Define the task.

(Divide the words into groups and write down: words with a voiced consonant next to letter B, b, words with a voiceless consonant - next to the letter P, p.)

4) Read the sentence.

How many words does it have?

Which word is capitalized?

What comes at the end of a sentence?

5) Independent work.

Write down the sentence using the example.

Make up a word, write it down.

Write the printed words in written letters.

VI. Lesson summary.

What letter did we meet today?

What did you find out about this letter? What did you learn about the sound [p]?

We learned to write the letter p. Look at the pages where we worked today and mark those lines on which the letters were especially successful for you and turned out especially beautiful.

7 Reflection

I have red, green and blue stars on my table. I really want us to have fireworks now. But the fireworks are not simple, but magical. Come to my table and choose one star. If you had a good time, it was interesting and everything worked out well in the lesson, then take a red star; if it was not very interesting and not everything was clear, then take a green one, and if it was really difficult, then take a blue one. Come to me. On the count of three, we’ll make a fireworks out of stars and see which color stars have more.

Educational: 1. Teach how to write the lowercase letter p, compounds and words with this letter.
continue work on the development of the articulatory apparatus and phonemic hearing;
Developmental: Develop phonemic hearing, imagination, memory, speech, logical thinking; clarify and enrich
lexicon; development of muscle memory; development of tactile memory; spelling vigilance.
Educational: To cultivate accuracy when doing work in notebooks, interest in writing lessons.
Equipment: elements of letters, cash register of letters, handouts “Letter p”, syllabic cards, pictures “What does it look like?”
letter”, velvet paper templates “p”, cards.
1.Organizational moment
Attention, check it out, my friend,

are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place, is everything in order,
Pens, books and notebooks,
We will respond actively
To behave.
So that dear guests
They wanted to come again.
2. Updating basic knowledge.
A) Repetition of learned letters.
Game “Find out the letter.” (on the board the letters are half covered with a sheet of paper, guess the letters using the remaining parts
Name the vowels. Name the consonants.
Game "Syllables have become naughty."
On the board re selo ra ka vol saro ki
Make up the words: /village river fox crayfish/
3. “Rules of beautiful writing.”

Instruction on the position of the copybook on the desk when writing, on the ability to correctly hold a pen when writing, on the correct posture
while writing.
4 . Reporting the topic and setting the learning objectives of the lesson
Today in the lesson we will learn how to write the lowercase letter p, syllables and words with this letter.
5. Hand warm-up and exercises in drawing and shading
A. Exercise for fingers.
Here are the guys at their desks
(Spread your fingers wide).
They got as naughty as kittens.
(We move our fingers)
Rubbing the desks with your fingers,
As if they were scratching with their paws.
(Rest the pads of your fingers on the desk)
Our fingers are like kittens
We also decided to play.
(Knock with our fingertips
by desk)
What clever guys!
(Fingers “struggle”)
How can you scold them?!
B. Exercise in drawing and shading.
What letter did we study today? What sounds does it represent?

6. Comparative and critical analysis of all letter options
A) Introducing the written word. Analysis of the written letter.
See what the written letter p looks like. How is it different from the printed one?
B) Element-by-element analysis of letters
How many elements does a letter consist of? Which ones?/straight slanted short line and slanted line with a curve at the top and
at the bottom/.
Which written letters have elements that resemble the written letter p?/n, K,r,t/
C) Constructing a letter from elements
Game "The letter crumbled"
Guys, help me, please! The written letter p crumbled into separate elements. Who will help me collect
D) Commented demonstration by the teacher on the board
We start on the top line of the line. write a straight line to the bottom line, repeat to the middle of the line, repeat line
smoothly deflect to the right, not reaching the top line a little, make a rounding to the right, touch the top line,
lower the straight line down and, not reaching the bottom ruler a little, make a rounding to the right, touching the bottom ruler.
Showing and writing to count: p - razidvai;
D) Formation of a visual motor image of the letter ( Tactile memory)

 The teacher gives the children templates on which velvet or fine sandpaper (acts as an irritant)
the written letter p is glued to the nerve endings of the finger. Children use the index finger of their right hand to feel
letter in the direction of writing.

 Together with the teacher, writing letters in the air.
Take the pen in your hand (as if you are now writing the letter p in a notebook) and repeat the movements after me. Teacher
turns his back to the class and shows the movements of writing letters, commenting on them.
 “Writing” with a wet finger on the board; “writing” with a finger on the palm;
I’ll open my notebook and put it on an angle,
I won’t hide it from you, friends.
I hold my hand like this
I’ll sit straight and won’t bend over,
I'll get to work.
7. Practicing writing a new letter in copybook
8. Reading and writing according to the pattern of syllable mergers, pay attention to the connections:
pa po pi pu pi pe
Emphasize soft fusions.
9. Writing words with a new letter.

1. Read the words in the copybook. What is the difference? /accent and vowels/.
Make up a sentence using the word saw. /The saw is sharp. Mom drank juice./ /Note that the first word means and
subject and action/.
Change the word so that the stress falls on the vowel and. /drink/
Pay attention to the connection of the consonant letter p with the vowel i. What is it like? /top/
What about a vowel letter and a consonant letter l? /lower/ The consonant letter l and the vowel letter a are also connected by a lower connection.
Recording a word with commentary.
Read the second word. /sang/. Make a proposal. /Katya sang a song/. How many syllables are in this word? /2 syllables, because
that 2 vowels: sang/
Pay attention to the connection of letters. Write this word down.
Physical exercise.
We sat and wrote, our body muscles were all tired.
They stretched and yawned, their backs all bent together.
And now the legs will dance: they run along the path
Quickly quickly - top, top, top.
And clap your hands - clap, clap, clap.
Raise your legs higher and bend your knees,
They reached with their chin.
And they smiled at each other.
We turn everything with our heads
And we continue our lesson.
10. Working with the proposal.

Read the first sentence. How many words are there in this sentence? /3/ What word do you think fits the diagram? /saw/
How many syllables are in this word? /2/ Which syllable is stressed? /second/ We pronounce the first syllable /ppppiiiiii/. How many sounds we
do we hear? /2, they formed a soft fusion of the consonant sound [p,] and the unstressed vowel [ie], color it with a green pencil/.
We pronounce the second syllable. /llllaaa/ /We hear a solid fusion of the consonant sound [l] and the stressed vowel [a], color it blue
pencil/. Let's write this word down.
Read the second sentence. How many words are there in this sentence? /3/ What word do you think fits
How many syllables are in this word? /2/ Which syllable is stressed? /first/ We pronounce the first syllable. How many sounds do we hear? /2, they
formed a soft fusion of the consonant sound [p,] and the stressed vowel [e], color it with a green pencil/. Say the second one
syllable. /llllaaa/ /We hear a solid fusion of the consonant sound [l] and the unstressed vowel [a], color it with a blue pencil/.
Let's write this word down.
11. Attention task.
 Find identical groups of letters and underline them.
pppp pppp pppp pPPp pppp pppp pppp
 Find hidden words among the alphabetic text:
stick, gun, saw, shelf and underline them.


12. Summary.
What letter have we learned to write? / lowercase consonant p/ How many elements does it consist of? /out of 2x/ Write this
consonant in the air. What did you like about the lesson?
Thank you for the lesson.

MOU – Secondary school No. 7,

city ​​of Mtsensk, Oryol region.
Teacher primary classes highest category:

Kirpicheva Marina Nikolaevna.
Writing lesson in first grade.
Subject. "Capital letter letter P and lowercase letters P".

Goals. Continue working on writing letters P, p and connections with these letters; teach children to write words and sentences with completed letters; learn to divide words into syllables, do sound-letter analysis of words, divide sentences into words; learn to write with commentary and copy from printed text; instill the skills of correct, accurate writing.

Educational materials. “Propis-3 to the Russian alphabet” (authors V.G. Goretsky, N.A. Fedosova); word schemes; sentence diagrams; drawings of fairy-tale characters; set of syllables; a set of words; dolls from puppet theater; “medals” for evaluating children.
During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating knowledge.

Teacher. Came to visit us Kesha (look at the application ). On the way he met Pinocchio (look at the application), who brought you gifts. Buratino wanted to congratulate you on the end of the first quarter and the onset of the first holidays. But the fox Alice and cat Basilio (look at the application) intercepted Pinocchio and took away his gifts.

You will be able to find your way there if you correctly and accurately complete all the tasks offered to you along the way by fairy-tale characters.

III. Preparing to write.

Kesha looks at how you properly prepared for the lesson.

  1. The notebook lies tilted.

  2. Sit on the edge of a chair, fist passes between the desk and chest, legs together.

  3. Grasp the handle correctly, tilting your head slightly.
IV. "Propis", p. 5

1. Bye Kesha flew, he scattered elements of some letters. Can we hit the road if we find out what these letters are?

  1. Circle the elements of the letters.

  2. Assemble the elements into the letters P and p.

  3. Write them in frames.

  4. Give an analysis (indicates a consonant sound, voiceless, hard [p] and soft [p"]

  5. Teacher. Why did this letter appear at Kesha's?
Children. He P O P wow, P bird, his body is covered P eryami.

In these words you can hear the sounds [p] and [p’]

2. Teacher. A difficult road lies ahead of us. It will help us get through it hedgehog. Why do you think?

Children. He rolls around in a ball.

  1. Exercises for the hand: road, pattern in the air, hedgehog needles.

  2. Trace the pattern carefully in your notebook, starting with the arrow.
3. Before entering the city, Carlson meets us ( look at the application).

Help him open the lock on the gate, since he forgot the code to it.

  1. The combination of the letters “P” and “p” is one line.

  2. Code: propeller. (Carlson has a propeller, and the spelling of this word has 2 letters “p”).
4. Teacher. Look who it was who scattered words on our way?

Children. Dunno.

Teacher. Let's help Dunno (look at the application) quickly collect words and free your way.


I always lay in my backpack,

I lost the letter somewhere...

Then they washed me away with water.”

(Pen - nal, pe - na).

On the board there is an analysis of diagrams: choose the right words for the diagrams.

Teacher. We need to find a word, a profession of a person who works in a canteen, restaurant, etc. and can feed us delicious food.

(Po′ – in A R).

A analysis of the scheme: match the schemes to the words, find the desired scheme.

In the copybook: diagram analysis, coloring.

A lyz words (by′ – inA R).

Teacher. Why is this word written with a capital letter and in the middle of the line?

Children. This is the title.

Teacher. Complete the word in the sentence with a small letter “p”.

Analysis proposals according to the scheme:

  • How many words?

  • What is the first, second, third?

  • How do you write the first letter in a sentence?

  • What comes at the end of a sentence?
5. Physical education moment.

6. Teacher. On the way we meet Mouse (look at the application). He invites us to dinner at his home.

Reading in words: Mom is making soup.

Analysis offers:

1) Find a sentence diagram:

2) Drawing a diagram.

3)Write in capital letters with comments on the board and in a notebook:

Mom is making soup.

Analysis offers:

Teacher. Who is the sentence talking about?

What is being said?

Why can these sentences be called a story?

7. Teacher. Let's move on. Guys are coming towards you, guess what their names are?

Le Pav on the face of Vo on
Children. Lena and Pavlik.

Teacher. What letter are names written with?

Read the question in the copybook.

Children. Who drank kvass?

Copybook entry with commentary: Pavlik drank kvass .

Compilation proposals from words on the board.

Lena drank kvass.

What about Lena and Pavlik?

Lena and Pavlik drank kvass.

Teacher. How are the words different? drank And did you drink?

Children. Endings.

8.Teacher. So we approached the house. We are greeted by Pinocchio . Something happened to his key. He will need our help.

P. lka p.lka p.lka

(Shelf, file, shelf).

2) Name the meanings of words.

3) What item will we need?

Children. File.

Stick - for a cat and a fox.

Shelf - a place where gifts are kept.

9. Fox Alice and cat Basilio asking for forgiveness (dolls from a puppet theater).

10. Summing up the lesson. Presentation "medals" made from different applications.
Application to the lesson.
