Summary of a lesson on the topic “wonderful drop” in the second junior group. Organized educational activity (complex game lesson) “Droplet” in the younger group Summary of an open lesson

Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type "Sun" in Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan"
Abstract open class in English on the topic:

Compiled by:
English teacher
1 qualification category
Malyashova R.Z.
Topic: “DATING. TOYS." Educational, educational and developmental objectives: 1. Expanding the horizons of children, cultivating interest in a foreign language.
2. Teach how to perform the necessary actions, develop observation skills.
3.Teach to understand foreign speech. Objectives: 1.Repetition of learned vocabulary and speech patterns. 2.Development of dialogical speech skills in the form of games and dramatization.
3.Development of monologue speech skills in the form of a description of a toy.
4.Repetition of songs on English language. Form of training: group, individual. Equipment: toys, stereo system, discs, cassettes.

U.Good morning, children!
D.Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning we are glad to see you.
U.How are you?
D. Fine, thank you.
U. asks various questions: What is your name? What is your surname? Are you fine? Are you OK?
D. My name is…. My surname is… I’m fine! I'm OK!
2.Updating previous knowledge.
*Repetition of colors
The teacher points to the pyramid, the children first name the colors in chorus
then one at a time.
U.What color is it? D. It’s white, blue…..
*What are these toys called in English?
U. points to the toys, the children call them in English: a ball, a doll, a car, a flag, a mose, a cat, a dog, a bear, a hare, a fox…….
U. asks the question What is this? D. answer: This is a ball. This is a doll…….
*Physical training minute.
1 student is called to teach the lesson. Children pronounce in chorus and carry out commands and counting. Then they sing the song “Are you sleeping?”
*Game "Cat and Mouse".
U. suggests staging the “Cat and Mouse” dialogue in English.
Hello Little Mouse!
Hello Little Cat!
Little Mouse, Little Mouse
Where is your house? Little Cat, Little Cat I have no flat, I’m a poor mouse, I have no house. Little Mouse, Little Mouse, cam into my house! Little Cat, Little Cat, I can't do that, you want to eat me! Bye, bye! *Description of your favorite toy. Children take turns coming out and describing their favorite toy. This is a dog. The dog is big. The dog is white. I like my dog.
*Let’s sing the song “Cobla”. Children sing a song in English. *Dialogue game “In the store”. Characters: seller and buyer. P. Hello! What do you want?
Pok. Hello! Give me a car, please!
Etc. Here you are!
Good bye!
*Tale about yourself.
I'm a girl. My name is Aliya. My surname is Diyarova.I’m 7 years old.I like to play, I like to sing.
*At the end of the lesson, children stand in a circle and perform the English song “In&out” with movements.
*Summarizing. The lesson is over, good bye!

Yulia Alexandrovna Zakharova
Lesson notes in the second younger group"Magic Drop"

Open lesson summary

at 2 younger group on environmental education

« Magic drop»

Etc. sod-e: introduce children to the properties of water (transparency, taste, consolidate children’s ideas, where in Everyday life they meet with water, arouse children’s interest in this topic, give the concept of caring for water, consolidate the concept of the color blue, make children want to draw a river, consolidate the ability to use a brush and paints, develop thinking, speech, cultivate neatness, feeling collectivism.

Materials for occupation: Demo: Doll- droplet, poster with a drawn river, umbrella.

Dispensing: Cups of water and juice (14 pcs., cocktail straws (14 pcs., gouache paint of blue color, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Move classes: Children, today an unusual adventure awaits you and me, but first, let’s say why we need water? (answers children: drink, wash, water flowers, wash the floor, etc.). We cannot live without water. Water can be very different, it’s like enchantress, can turn into rain. Snow, dew, ice. Rivers, lakes. The seas are all water.

As you and I know, rain is also water.

Children, do you know the game? "Sun and Rain"? Let's play it with you (on signal: "Rain!" hide under an umbrella).

While we were playing, someone came to us. This droplet(doll in blue dress With blue hair) . Let's say hello to the doll- Drop by drop, who came to tell us a lot of new things about water.

Children, please come to the table. You see that there are glasses of water and juice on the tables. Look, they put straws in the cups. Please answer, is the straw visible in a glass of water? What about juice?

This means the water is clear, but the juice is not.

Now let’s try through straws which tastes better, juice or water. (Children take turns trying the water, then the juice). They conclude that the water is not as tasty as juice, the water is tasteless.

For that. So that we can safely drink water, it must be protected. It is necessary to close the water on time, not to let it out just like that, not to throw garbage into the river, not to wash cars and bicycles in the river, etc.

Now let's take a little rest. Poem with massage "Rain":

Rain, rain, droplet - Knock with fingers

Water sabre. along the hips.

Puddle cut, cut, cut - Make writing movements

I cut a puddle with the edge of my palm

Didn't cut it. On the hips.

And I got tired and stopped. Stroking your feet


And in this there is something in the magic box. Yes, there's a game here "Who lives in the water?", let's play.

Well, now our It's time for the droplet to go home, but she doesn’t know how to get back to the river. Let us help her, and for this we need to draw a river. (Children paint the river with blue paints).

Our The droplet thanks us, now she can return home to the river. During our trip we learned a lot about water.

Bottom line classes: What have we learned? What kind of water is there?

And also Droplet liked it, as you were doing, she wants to treat you with sweets, which are also called « droplet» .

droplet says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Publications on the topic:

“Magic Droplet” - Guys, Droplet came to visit us today (show droplet). A droplet is a particle of water, and there are such particles.

Complex lesson in the second junior group “Magic Path” Goal: To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s story, to arouse interest in the character of the fairy tale, to develop a sense of rhythm, to form.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the 1st junior group “Little Drop”. Summary of GCD in the 1st junior group "Little Drop" Goal. - Introduce children to the properties of water: warm, clear, cold, clean.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the preparatory speech therapy group “Magic Drop” Topic: "Magic Drop". Age: senior. Direction: " Cognitive development" Educational activity: “Physical development”.

Summary of a lesson on experimentation in the second junior group “A Cheerful Droplet Visiting the Children” Objectives: To form children’s ideas about the properties of water (flowing, pouring, shimmering, transparent, warm, cold). Develop perception.

Lesson notes for the second junior group “The Magic Button” Progress of the lesson: Educator: When you get ready to get dressed - You can’t do without me. Adults and children know - I’ll button up everything in the world. What is this? (Children guess.

Target: expand children's knowledge about water and its importance for life.


Educational: consolidate children’s understanding of the conditions of water; introduce the water cycle in nature; expand your vocabulary.

Educational: develop knowledge about the world around us, stimulate curiosity, an active attitude towards the surrounding reality;

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards water and its economical use.

Equipment and material: umbrella with ribbons and droplets, sponges, plates of water, bubble, handouts for application.


There's a knock on the door. Masha comes in all wet.

Masha was going to visit Mishka and fell into a puddle. How do puddles appear? Where does the rain come from? And to hide from the rain we need..... umbrella.

Guys, look at my umbrella: it’s magical, it has multi-colored ribbons and droplets. Whoever takes a drop will go on a journey. Do you want to go to fabulous trip with drops?

Turn us into droplets!

(Children hold on to the droplets and move in a circle to the music)

Let's tell Masha a fairy tale about a droplet (the fairy tale is accompanied by drawing a story).

“Once upon a time there was a drop. Once she was sitting on a cloud with her friends, but suddenly lightning flashed and thunder struck. The droplet got scared and, jumping off the cloud, flew down along with the other droplets. Having fallen to the ground, they formed a puddle. Now the droplet and her friends began to swim and have fun in the puddle.

After the droplet ended up on the ground, she didn’t have to play in the puddle for long. It began to get colder outside, the puddle gradually froze - and the droplet turned into a piece of ice. Her friends dressed up in beautiful dresses and fell to the ground like snowflakes. The droplet became bored when the puddle froze, because now she could not move.

It became increasingly warmer, and soon the puddle melted, and the droplet could float freely again. But the days became hotter and hotter, the sun became hotter and stronger, the droplet became very light and flew upward, and in the sky with its girlfriends they formed a white fluffy cloud.

The droplet sat on its cloud and dreamed of returning to earth again.”

A droplet is a particle of water, and water has a lot of such particles - droplets. And they all look alike. Do you know where water lives and what it can turn into in nature? (Children's answers)

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's called a glacier in the mountains.

We are used to the fact that water

Our companion always!

(The poem is accompanied by a slide show)


Drop one, drop two,

Very slowly at first.

And then, then, then,

Everybody run, run, run.

We will open our umbrellas

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

(Accompanied by movements through the text)

Experimental activities:

Let's try to show how rain happens. The sponges in front of you are clouds. For now, ours are light; there is no water in them. You have water in your plates. These are our rivers, seas, oceans. Let's put the sponges in water. Now they have become heavy, all the droplets have returned to the cloud. And now it will rain from the cloud.

TRIZ-Game “We are droplets” (empathy)

The teacher is a mother cloud, and the children are her droplet children. The children surround their mother-cloud, jump around her, and dance in a circle. Then she lets them go for a walk on the ground, gives instructions to behave well, water the plants, wash the ground and return back. Children scatter to the sides, then gather together, stand one after another, forming streams (there should be several streams). Then, at the teacher’s command, the streams join together (double rows), forming a river. The river flows into the ocean - the children make a wide circle. Mother Cloud reminds them that they are droplets and calls them home. The children spin around, one by one returning to the cloud. The circle is closed. The game takes place to the sound of rain.

Look, droplets, here's another cloud!

Children's attention is drawn to a sheet of Whatman paper on which a cloud is depicted, and to the droplets that are not glued on. If you lift the leaf, the droplets scatter.

Let's raise the droplets and help them return to the cloud.

Children perform appliqué to musical accompaniment.

A cold, frosty wind blew, and the droplets turned into snowflakes.

I apply glue to the droplets, and the children glue pieces of cotton wool.

Let's ask for an umbrella to turn us into kids, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Our friend, the umbrella - one, two, three!

Turn us into kids!

Music sounds - ringing, cheerful laughter.

Guys, who laughs so fervently? Let's get a look.

Look, these are soap bubbles! The droplet met the soap and turned into multi-colored, bright bubbles (playing).


So you found out what kind of magician she is. In order for the droplet to be friends with us and never run away from us, let's treat water with care.

Today a little sorceress came to visit us. Slide

Do you know what a drop is? This is a particle of water. All water consists of such small droplets. Slide

But the droplet came for a reason, she wants to play with you and find out if you know what water is for? Slide

That's right, guys, we need water to drink, cook, wash, and do laundry. Do you know how to do laundry?

Finger gymnastics-"Wash".

I will help my mother

I will wash my own clothes:

(with three fists touching each other)

I wash my socks with soap,

(run your fist over your palm)

Fists rub tightly

(with three fists touching each other)

I'll rinse my socks deftly

(move your hands left and right)

And I'll hang you on a rope.

(raise your arms up, bend your hands)

V. -Oh, what great fellows, real helpers for mom.

And now the droplet wants to play the game “Where the Water Lives” with you. Take the droplets and place them where the water lives.

Well done! Yes, water can turn into rain, dew, ice and snow.

Physical education lesson “Rain”

The droplet sorceress invites you to experiment a little today and travel to the land of knowledge. Put on your aprons and come to my table.

1 experiment “Water - liquid”. Give the children two glasses: one with water, the other empty. Suggest carefully pouring water from one to the other. What happens to the water? Why is it pouring? Water flows because it is liquid. So what kind of water? Because water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid.

Experiment 2: “Water has no smell.” The teacher invites the children to smell the water. Children, what does the water smell like? It doesn't smell right at all. Pure water has no odor.

Experiment 3: “Water has no taste.” The teacher invites the children to take a straw and taste the water. Children, tell me, does water have taste? That's right, pure water has no taste. But when a person is very thirsty, he drinks water with pleasure and, to express his pleasure, says: “What delicious water!”

Experiment 4 “Transparent water” Children, go to the tables and look carefully at each of your glasses and tell me what color the water is? Guys, the water is clear, throw a button into your glass. Can you see the button? If the button is visible, what kind of water is it? Do you guys know that water can be colored! Look, if I add red dye to my glass (I do), I get red water. The water became colored, became colored. Now you add paint, what happens (I ask everyone). Children, can you see the buttons? And why? Guys, the water has become opaque, you can’t see anything through it. Physical exercise “Droplet” Guys, you are great today. You already knew where water lives, and now you know what kind of water there is - clean and dirty. What water should you not drink, what water should you not wash your hands with, water your flowers with, or what fish should you not live in? Right. Humans, animals and plants only need pure water. And you and I must save water, not pollute it, not get dirty. But the water in the tap is not entirely clean. We simply cannot see with our own eyes what is in such water. For this you need a special microscope device. As we grow up a little, we will definitely get to know this device. And now I want to tell you that you should never drink tap water, because it contains germs. If you drink this water, then... That's right. You and I must drink boiled water. To do this, water is poured into a kettle, the kettle is heated on the stove, the water boils, and after it cools down, we can drink it. And you and I drink only boiled water. Right?

Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group.

Topic: “About little Droplet.”

Goal: develop cognitive activity younger children preschool age, give them an initial understanding of the meaning of water.


1. familiarize children with the properties of water: transparent, clean, wet, dirty;

2. bring children to the understanding that plants, fish, and people cannot live without water;

3. develop children’s speech, enrich their vocabulary;

4. instill respect for water, each other and everyone around you;

5. development of communication skills necessary for communication;

6. provide children with emotional satisfaction from play activities;

7. development of imagination, motor skills, development of tactile sensations.

Educational areas:


Through communication with adults and peers, learn new information: knowledge about water, its properties; enrich the vocabulary needed on this topic. Participate in situations of verbal communication: build a dialogue, the ability to tell in a few words and sentences about objects and phenomena.


Shape elementary representations about the basic properties of objects, develop skills and highlight individual characteristics of water, develop children's experimentation, including transformation.


Stimulate the development of interest in joint games, develop the ability to communicate, and observe certain elementary moral norms and rules of behavior.

Material: image of a Droplet, several images of water droplets, an aquarium with fish, indoor flowers, a pipette, watering cans, a decanter of water, cups.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher and children are included in the group.

Educator. Guys, we have guests today, let's smile at them and say hello. Now take your seats.

Educator. Guys, do you like to listen to stories? I'll tell you a story about a drop of water. Want to listen?

Once upon a time there lived a small drop of water. Where there was a drop, there was water. And where there was water, everyone was fine. The fish were happy to swim in the water, the plants and flowers were happy to grow. And you and I can swim and drink water.

And here Droplet herself came to visit us. (the teacher shows an image of a droplet and attaches it to the board)

Children, oh, what happened this morning, I forgot to tell you -

As soon as I entered the kindergarten, a droplet came to me.

The poor thing cries, is sad, and then says to me:

“The children forgot to turn off the tap, and all the droplets floated away!”

And I said in response: “No, there are no such children here!

We don’t waste water, we save water!”

Did I say that correctly? Are you saving water? (yes) Are you talking in vain? (no) Well done.

Educator. And now I want to introduce you to our Droplets’ friends, the same little droplets. Put your palms up.

(Children put their palms up, the teacher drips a drop of water from a pipette onto each child’s hand)

Educator. Now each of you has your own drop on your palm. Let's play with her.

(The teacher invites the children to blow on a drop and roll it on their palm)

Educator. Guys, tell me, what did your hand look like after the droplet sat on it? (wet)

Educator. Do you know who cannot live without water?

Children. Yes, fish, plants, all animals and people need water.

Educator. Let's take a walk around the group and see where our little sisters live, what they do with us, and what benefits they bring. And we will celebrate with beautiful paper drops. Let's hurry to the fish. Let's see if they have water?

Children approach the aquarium. Watch the fish swim.

Educator. What are the fish doing? (swim) That's right, they swim in the water. What kind of water? (clean, transparent) Is it possible to take water from the fish? (no, they will die) but will one drop be enough for them? (no, fish need a lot of water) Can fish live in dirty water? (no) That's right, no one needs dirty water. Let's play like fish.

The fish splashed happily

In clean, fresh water.

They will bend and unbend.

They will bury themselves in the sand.

We squat so many times

How many fish do we have here?

Children approach indoor flowers.

Educator. How are indoor flowers doing here? Oh, their land is dry, they’re probably thirsty. What do we need to do, guys? (water them) Will one drop be enough for them? (no) Do you know how to water flowers? (from a watering can)

Watering flowers.

Educator. Let's take a watering can and pour water into it.

We will water the flowers with a watering can, grow up quickly.

(children pronounce the words together with the teacher)

Educator. Guys, what do flowers do with water? (drink it)

Right. (attach a droplet) Let's move on.

Educator. Where else do our guest’s little sisters live? What do they do with us and how do they help?

(go to the toilet room)

Educator. Why is water needed here? (wash, wash hands)

Let's show the droplet how we wash ourselves.

Water, water, wash my face.

To make your eyes sparkle.

To make your cheeks blush.

To make your mouth laugh.

So that the tooth bites.

Attach a droplet.

They approach the doll's corner.

Educator. Does our doll have a droplet? (Yes, to wash toys, wash dolls’ clothes)

Educator. Let's show Droplet how we wash the dolls' clothes.

Let's wash cleanly and thoroughly

Shirt, jacket and T-shirt,

Sweater and trousers.

Oh, my hands are tired. (perform finger exercises)

Educator. Well done! Let's leave a little here too. Let's move on.

They approach the carafe with water and glasses.

Educator. Who is this water for? (for us) Do you want something to drink? (those who wish drink water) Is it possible to drink dirty water? (no, why? (answers)

Attach a droplet.

Educator. Look, Droplet, how many little droplet sisters live in our group who bring us benefit. Let's guys take another look at where our droplets live.

Why do we need water?

How should you save water?

Educator. Dear Droplet, we promise with the guys to take care of your sisters, not to waste water in vain, to use it for its intended purpose. Our guys also prepared poems for our guest.

Have you heard about water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,
And in the water tap.
We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't drink.

I dare to report to you -

We can't live without her.

It's boiling on the stove,
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea.
We don't notice her

we are used to the fact that water is
Our companion always.
Educator. Guys, Droplet says thank you and leaves, but will return to see how her sisters are doing. And from me, thank you guys for your activity and good behavior.

Result: children are familiar with the properties of water; understood that plants, fish, animals, and humans cannot live without water; began to treat water, each other and everyone around us more carefully.