At the finish line: preparing for childbirth. Standard procedures during childbirth Shaving before childbirth

An exciting moment lies ahead. The family will become larger by one more person. Parents, thinking about what needs to be done before giving birth, make a list of important things. The main thing is not to miss anything. Troubles are classified as pleasant. They will be remembered for a long time.

Organizational aspects

Certificates and papers for the maternity hospital are prepared in advance. Starting from the second half of the term, they are constantly carried with them. Even if a gynecologist diagnoses contractions at 38 weeks, labor can begin early for many reasons. She shouldn't take Mom by surprise.

What you need to do before giving birth:

  • prepare documents;
  • to pack.

A passport and insurance policy are required. Don't forget the exchange card with the ultrasound results. If possible, make a copy. If the original is lost, obstetricians will not know how the pregnancy proceeded. The list of required papers varies depending on the chosen maternity hospital and the presence of a partner.

So, what documents to take with you:

  1. passport;
  2. compulsory medical insurance policy;
  3. exchange card;
  4. birth certificate;
  5. power of attorney to represent the interests of the mother during labor;
  6. direction, if the establishment has been chosen in advance;
  7. contract, when the procedure takes place under a contract;
  8. during partner childbirth, tests of the husband, fluorography.

Store all documents in a separate folder. Conduct a check so that at the last moment it doesn’t turn out that something is missing. Pack bags with things for your child and yourself.

The package should contain:

  • washable slippers;
  • phone plus charger;
  • a bottle of still water;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • fitball when he is not in the maternity hospital;
  • baby diapers;
  • baby clothes.

If the husband is present during the birth process, additionally take:

  1. shoes;
  2. disposable suit;
  3. mask;
  4. thermos with drink;
  5. sandwiches.

When the time of childbirth approaches, mothers think about where to go through the process. The choice is often based on the opinions of friends and relatives. Reviews do not always reflect the real situation; they rely on a subjective vision of the situation plus emotional overtones. Therefore, the gynecologist invites the mother to visit the establishments herself, meet the medical staff, and evaluate the conditions.

Don't forget about preparatory courses. You are allowed to visit them together with your husband. During classes, experienced obstetricians teach mothers how to breathe properly and talk about various positions that make contractions easier. They also introduce mothers to the basics of motherhood.

Mother's preparation

Women experience a whole range of indescribable feelings before the start of labor. They don’t sleep at night, they worry, they are afraid of the upcoming event. Physiological changes in the body begin. The stomach drops. Weight is lost. Water breaks prematurely.

At such moments, you should not panic. Call a doctor and get ready. Some people manage to get their nails done while waiting.

What is done before childbirth in the maternity hospital:

  • give an enema;
  • shave;
  • if necessary, massage the perineum.

An enema is an unpleasant procedure, although it is painless. It is carried out so that the contents of the intestines do not come out when pushing begins. The child moves through the channels, applying pressure, clearing his way.

It is possible to do an enema before childbirth at home or entrust the manipulation to a nurse. Experienced mothers advise beginners to use products containing glycerin instead of the “classic” option. Microlax microenemas and suppositories are considered the most popular.

The second procedure necessary before labor is getting rid of pubic hair. If it doesn't bother you big belly, do it yourself. Otherwise, the nurse will perform the manipulation immediately after the woman in labor is admitted to the hospital.

Some people wax their hair. Go to the salon. They will do it inexpensively and quickly. The main thing that should be observed is sterility. If you have not resorted to such depilation before, do not start before giving birth. Painful manifestations of the first time are pronounced.

The perineal massage procedure is performed in the “lying” position. The day before, take a warm shower to relax your muscles. Process skin covering oil, pour it over your fingers. Gently insert the large and medium ones inwards, moving them 3 cm. The movements should be pressing, but soft downwards, from the sides. Do stretches for 2 minutes. If pain occurs, stop the massage manipulation. Acupuncture before childbirth helps relieve unpleasant spasms. The acupuncture method affects active points without damaging the skin.

Certain preparation is required for a caesarean section. It takes place in the maternity hospital 3–10 days before the planned intervention. An obligatory item is an ultrasound, laboratory tests of blood and urine. Eating is prohibited 12 hours before surgery. A cleansing enema is given twice; the night before and in the morning 3 hours before cesarean. To prepare the surgical site, hair is removed from the groin area. The method of pain relief is selected.

Waiting for a baby

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the woman in labor goes to maternity leave. There is a lot of free time. Some don't know what to do with themselves. Others are in exciting troubles.

What to do before giving birth at home:

  1. prepare a dowry for the baby;
  2. clean the apartment;
  3. arrange a children's room;
  4. apply for benefits.

One of the important and pleasant things for an expectant mother is preparing for the birth of her baby. Before the maternity hospital, you need to purchase everything you need. By the time you are discharged there will be nothing to worry about.

Dowry means:

  • cloth;
  • diapers;
  • bed dress;
  • care and hygiene products;
  • stroller;
  • Car seat;
  • bath;
  • scales;
  • furniture.

If the mother suffers from superstition, leave the purchased items in storage with a friend, or the husband will take care of the preparations after the wife is sent to the maternity hospital. Everything will have to be done in a short time. Purchasing, delivery, and arrangement take time.

It is necessary to arrange the nursery before the birth. Cleaning the apartment is also included in the list of necessary activities. If there is a separate room, it is prepared in advance. At first it will be a project on paper. Then comes the stage of joint thinking and ideas are put into practice.

Before the arrival of the newborn, general cleaning is done. Dust is wiped off. The floors are being washed. Plumbing fixtures are disinfected. It is not necessary for mom to do household chores. All household members are able to get involved in the work.

Registration of benefits and other papers related to the birth of a baby cannot be done in advance. Therefore, write down the reception hours of organizations and addresses where you will have to contact later. Make a list of required information. This will save time. Having arrived at the hospital, a woman thinks only about a favorable delivery. It is important to listen to the advice of your obstetrician and follow them. Then the process will go without complications.

What to do in the maternity hospital before giving birth:

  1. soothing massage;
  2. counting contractions, intervals between them;
  3. selection of a comfortable position;
  4. breathing adjustments.

It’s good when a loved one is nearby during uterine contractions. The presence itself has a calming effect on the woman in labor. He will also be able to convey to the mother the words of the medical staff, which are not clearly perceived by the woman’s consciousness.

As you can see, there is a lot to do before giving birth. So those women in labor who claim that on recent months There will be nothing to do while carrying a child. Don't worry if labor starts prematurely. Feel free to shift all the worries about preparing to welcome your baby onto the shoulders of your husband and other household members.

First of all, a couple of months before giving birth, you need to collect things that will be useful to you in the maternity hospital. Place everything in plastic bags. Bags, as a rule, are not welcome in medical institutions. It is worth noting that each maternity hospital has its own list of necessary things. Some require you to bring the minimum - things for the newborn and hygiene products for you, while others ask you to take much more with you to the birth. And in order not to carry extra cargo with you, it is better to check in advance with the medical institution where you are planning what exactly to take with you. Separately fold and place on top of the bag things for the newborn that will be put on him immediately after birth - a diaper, socks, a vest, a cap.

Day "X"

On day “X”, when contractions begin or your water breaks, when going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to take your exchange card and passport with you. In order not to change into clothes for a long time, you can immediately take off the excess at home and go to the hospital in a robe. After the doctor on duty examines you and sends you to the maternity ward, do not rush to put all your things out of the bags. Here you will stay only a few hours until the baby is born. Then you will be taken to the postpartum ward. So, only bring out things for the baby and things you will need during labor and delivery.

As a rule, in maternity hospitals, the medical staff themselves offer women in labor equipment that helps them endure contractions more easily - a fitball, a small mat that can be laid on the floor, a low chair for a duck. If you haven't been offered one, ask the nurse. Walk more, this will make it easier for the baby to go down the birth canal. In advance at your mobile phone download the special program “Contraction Calculator” and note the frequency of contractions in it. Using such a program is much easier than writing down the time in a notepad. This will help the obstetrician monitor the intensity of labor.

Be prepared for the fact that the medical staff will not be constantly with you, especially at the first stage, when the dilatation of the cervix is ​​small. The obstetrician will periodically visit you to check on you, and nurses and aides will occasionally check in to make sure that the birth process is going as expected. And most of the time before pushing you will be with your contractions. If you are afraid to be alone in the room, take your partner to the birth - your husband, mother or girlfriend.

During contractions, a woman experiences terrible pain, many panic, expectant mothers scream at the top of their lungs, call for help, demand. There is no need to panic and rush around the room. Save your strength, you will need it later.

It is also very important to establish contact with the obstetrician delivering your baby. There is no need to be afraid to tell him about your feelings and experiences. An experienced doctor will always reassure and dispel all your doubts, and tell you how to facilitate and speed up the birth process. Don't hesitate to tell your obstetrician if you have a really bad urge to go to the toilet. If the dilation is already large or full, this is a sure sign that the baby is about to come out.

In some maternity hospitals, expectant mothers are offered a choice of positions for childbirth - sitting in a special chair, lying on their back or side, sitting on a special chair, standing. If you feel that in a certain position you feel the pushing more strongly, consult your doctor about whether you can take this position. But don't insist if the doctor doesn't allow it. Listen to what health professionals tell you and follow their recommendations without question.

The task of the expectant mother is to give birth healthy baby. And this largely depends on the woman’s mood for childbirth and her behavior in the maternity hospital. Don’t think about the pain, think about meeting your baby soon. And then you will not be afraid of any difficulties.

When going to the maternity hospital, an expectant mother expecting her first baby usually experiences anxiety. The many incomprehensible procedures that await a woman in the maternity hospital, like everything unknown, cause some anxiety. To dispel it, let’s try to figure out what medical personnel will do and why at each stage of childbirth.

Childbirth in a maternity hospital. Where will you be sent?

So, you started having regular contractions or your amniotic fluid began to break, in other words, labor began. What to do? If at this time you are in a hospital in the pregnancy pathology department, then you need to immediately inform the nurse on duty, and she, in turn, will call a doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist on duty will examine and decide whether labor has really begun, and if so, he will transfer you to the maternity ward, but before that they will do a cleansing enema (an enema is not given in the case of bleeding from the genital tract, with, full or close to it opening of the cervix, etc.).

In the case when labor begins outside the hospital, you need to seek help at the maternity hospital.

When hospitalized in a maternity hospital, a woman passes through a reception block, which includes: a reception area (lobby), a filter, examination rooms (separately for healthy and sick patients) and rooms for sanitary treatment.

A pregnant woman or a woman in labor, entering the waiting room, removes outerwear and goes into the filter, where the doctor on duty decides which department she should be sent to. To do this, he collects a detailed history (asks about health, about the course of this pregnancy) in order to clarify the diagnosis, trying to find out the presence of infectious and other diseases, gets acquainted with the data, conducts an external examination (detects the presence of pustules on the skin and various kinds of rashes, examines the pharynx) , midwife measures temperature.

Patients who have an exchange card and no signs of infection are hospitalized in the physiological department. Pregnant women and women in labor who pose a threat of infection to healthy women (without an exchange card, who have certain infectious diseases - acute respiratory infections, pustular skin diseases, etc.) are sent to an observational department specially designed for these purposes. Thanks to this, the possibility of infection of healthy women is excluded.

A woman may be admitted to the pathology department when the onset of labor is not confirmed using objective research methods. In doubtful cases, the woman is hospitalized in the maternity ward. If labor does not develop during observation, then a few hours later the pregnant woman may also be transferred to the pathology department.

In the examination room

Once it has been established which department the pregnant woman or woman in labor is being sent to, she is transferred to the appropriate examination room. Here the doctor, together with the midwife, conducts a general and special examination: weighs the patient, measures the size of the pelvis, abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus above the womb, the position and presentation of the fetus (cephalic or pelvic), listens to its heartbeat, examines the woman for the presence of edema, and measures arterial blood pressure. pressure. In addition, the doctor on duty performs a vaginal examination to clarify the obstetric situation, after which he determines whether labor is occurring, and if so, what its nature is. All examination data is entered into the birth history, which is created here. As a result of the examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis, prescribes the necessary tests and prescriptions.

After the examination, sanitary treatment is carried out: shaving of the external genitalia, enema, shower. The scope of examinations and sanitization in the examination room depends on the general condition of the woman, the presence of labor and the period of labor. Upon completion of sanitary treatment, the woman is given a sterile shirt and gown. If labor has already begun (in this case, the woman is called a woman in labor), the patient is transferred to the prenatal ward of the birth block, where she spends the entire first stage of labor until pushing, or to a separate birth box (if the maternity hospital is equipped with such). A pregnant woman still awaiting childbirth is sent to the pregnancy pathology department.

Why do you need CTG during childbirth?
Cardiotocography provides considerable assistance in assessing the condition of the fetus and the nature of labor. A cardiac monitor is a device that records the fetal heartbeat and also makes it possible to monitor the frequency and strength of contractions. A sensor is attached to a woman’s stomach, which allows the fetal heartbeat to be recorded. paper tape. During the study, the woman is usually asked to lie on her side, because when standing or walking, the sensor constantly moves away from the place where it is possible to record the fetal heartbeat. The use of cardiac monitoring allows for timely detection of fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and labor anomalies, assessment of the effectiveness of their treatment, predicting the outcome of childbirth and selecting the optimal method of delivery.

In the birth block

The birth block consists of prenatal wards (one or more), delivery wards (delivery rooms), an intensive observation ward (for observation and treatment of pregnant women and women in labor with the most severe forms of pregnancy complications), a manipulation room for newborns, an operating unit and a number of ancillary rooms.

In the prenatal ward (or maternity ward), details of the course of pregnancy, past pregnancies, childbirth are clarified, an additional examination of the woman in labor is carried out (physique, constitution, abdominal shape, etc. are assessed) and a detailed obstetric examination. Be sure to take a test for blood type, Rh factor, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, and conduct a urine and blood test. The condition of the woman in labor is carefully monitored by the doctor and midwife: they inquire about her well-being (degree pain, fatigue, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, etc.), regularly listen to the fetal heartbeat, monitor labor activity (duration of contractions, interval between them, strength and pain), periodically (every 4 hours, and more often if necessary) measure blood pressure and pulse of the mother in labor. Body temperature is measured 2-3 times a day.

In the process of monitoring the birth process, the need for vaginal examination arises. During this study, the doctor uses his fingers to determine the degree of opening of the cervix and the dynamics of the fetus’s movement along the birth canal. Sometimes in the maternity ward, during a vaginal examination, a woman is asked to lie down on a gynecological chair, but more often the examination is carried out while the woman in labor is lying on the bed.

A vaginal examination during childbirth is mandatory: upon admission to the maternity hospital, immediately after effusion amniotic fluid, and also every 4 hours during labor. In addition, there may be a need for additional vaginal examinations, for example, in case of pain relief, deviation from the normal course of labor or the appearance of bloody discharge from the birth canal (one should not be afraid of frequent vaginal examinations - it is much more important to ensure complete orientation in assessing the correct course of labor). In each of these cases, the indications for the procedure and the manipulation itself are recorded in the birth history. In the same way, the birth history records all studies and actions carried out with the woman in labor during childbirth (injections, measurement blood pressure, pulse, fetal heartbeat, etc.).

During childbirth, it is important to monitor the functioning of the bladder and intestines. Overfilling of the bladder and rectum prevents the normal course of labor. To prevent bladder overflow, the woman in labor is asked to urinate every 2-3 hours. In the absence of independent urination, they resort to catheterization - the insertion of a thin plastic tube into the urethra through which urine flows.

In the prenatal ward (or individual maternity ward), the woman in labor spends the entire first stage of labor under the constant supervision of medical personnel. Many maternity hospitals allow the presence of the husband at the birth. With the beginning of the pushing period, or the period of expulsion, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room. Here they change her shirt, scarf (or disposable cap), shoe covers and place her on Rakhmanov’s bed - a special obstetric chair. This bed is equipped with footrests, special handles that need to be pulled towards you during pushing, adjustment of the position of the head end of the bed and some other devices. If childbirth takes place in an individual box, then the woman is transferred from a regular bed to Rakhmanov’s bed, or if the bed on which the woman was lying during labor is functional, it is transformed into Rakhmanov’s bed.

During an uncomplicated pregnancy, normal births are performed by a midwife (under the supervision of a doctor), and all pathological births, including fetal births, are performed by a doctor. Operations such as C-section, application of obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction of the fetus, examination of the uterine cavity, suturing of soft tissue ruptures of the birth canal, etc., is carried out only by a doctor.

For medical questions, be sure to consult your doctor first

Comment on the article "Standard procedures during childbirth"

It’s stupid to blame the Lord God. but you can do it yourself if there are reasons for it. For the second birth, I especially blame myself - I should have not let out snot in response to loud growls and threats, but showed firmness - sent all these would-be paramedics to the garden at once, so that their brains wouldn’t float, and if they didn’t listen, then they would threaten with a gun . because these bastards only thought about their own skin, and not about our birth. They didn’t care that I was already 8 cm dilated, and the road was long and full of potholes, that I would suffer there and that the child could get hurt. but simply for them, transfer to the maternity hospital is the same “standard procedure” that everyone in this system is accustomed to and has forgotten how to act outside of them. and it would be better for us, in those conditions, to stay with our husband and give birth ourselves. I can’t say that this is also the limit of my dreams, but this is precisely the situation that is non-standard. and these idiots from the system did not know how and did not want to act in a non-standard situation and give birth themselves. They would rather put us at even greater risk - they put us in a car to the maternity hospital, just to wash their hands. what about us? Is it your own fault for getting so far? Well, not everyone can live by the Kremlin wall! Well, we HAD to live like this and spend our pregnancy there in the wilderness. Well, it wasn’t possible to settle near a maternity hospital or even near a normal home midwife. and that we now do not have the right to live and give birth? That’s what they told us in the maternity hospital - you don’t have it, they say. and in this situation, when the human factor is resting, only the Lord God can save the situation.

2007-06-08 08.06.2007 14:20:08,

I really hope you have luck with the doctors this time too! you see: it turns out that any birth, be it at home or in a maternity hospital, is largely a matter of luck, because everything cannot be foreseen. but some things are, of course, possible. Anyway. try to find a normal midwife, for example. but I repeat once again, looking at the title of the original topic: the hospital system itself, the approach to childbirth in the maternity hospital as a whole, does not suit me in many ways! This whole conveyor belt, which pulls someone out of the other world, but doesn’t have time for someone and doesn’t want to show a little more attention in order to pull them out, help them, work for a healthy 5 points - no, it’s enough to just save life. everyone chooses for themselves, there is risk everywhere. Some people are ready to increase the risk to health for the sake of less risk to life, while others need everything or nothing. In addition, for me personally it would be simply painful and humiliating to undergo all these described preparatory and postpartum standard procedures. and some people are not very affected by this, or some people resign themselves due to character or simply because they do not know how to avoid all this.

2007-06-08 08.06.2007 15:57:08,

The described technology of obstetrics, although it is standard and generally accepted, causes me a feeling of deep disgust - I don’t want to give birth like that!!! Why an enema, why cut off the umbilical cord right away, why does a child need a warm table if he has a mother? Why stick your hands into the vagina every 3 hours, ask how many times I urinated, measure my temperature every 5 hours, especially when you want to sleep after giving birth? It so happened that one of my friends gave birth to a child at home purely by chance (she didn’t wait for an ambulance), it was her second birth and she had something to compare with - at home everything turned out much easier and the child was born healthy and she herself felt better. I was very worried that I gave birth to a child while squatting on a not-so-clean floor - and then I realized it was easier and more physiological to give birth while squatting...

Of course, I'm afraid to give birth like this without outside help, at home, but I’m no less afraid of the maternity hospital. Now I’m looking for a modern, trustworthy clinic, where I could calmly give birth without unnecessary intervention, in a normal room, and not in a tiled birth block.

2007-07-14 14.07.2007 21:08:17, Tanya

They looked at the chair before giving birth. But somehow neat. I waited, having read the conference :), terrible pain, but everything was very tolerable. After the birth there was no deep examination for sure. There was some kind, but not deep-eyed, I think I would remember him :). The episiotomy was sutured under local anesthesia. When they started sewing, I involuntarily twitched, like a cramp or something (but not from pain) and created a small tear for myself. The only problem was that they pressed on the stomach to help give birth, because... My baby was quite healthy, but I had 1st degree pelvic contraction. But, thank God, everything ended well. They pressed once (I didn’t feel any pain at all) and I gave birth to the baby in two attempts.
Now I am of the opinion that during childbirth, first of all, you need to rely on God (or whoever believes in whom), then on yourself, and only lastly on the doctors. Well, if the birth is natural, of course. If surgery, then you automatically fall out :)

2007-06-08 08.06.2007 16:52:07,

Regarding sterility, I can’t resist. I gave birth in 2003, paid. Upon admission, they gave me a sterile shirt and dressing gown, in which I spent two days. They wore them to the toilet, to the corridor and to the cash register to pay extra. She gave birth in them. But the panties were torn off furiously (even before the birth). It’s better to let the diaper fall to the floor. And in the delivery room, two steps away from me, there stood an old, broken bed covered with a centimeter layer of dust. My husband was given a robe that smelled of sweat and was stained with someone's blood. They forced me to change my shoes into slippers, and my shoes were standing right there, almost under the maternity chair. There was also a bag with things that had previously been on the subway with me. In the same bloody robe, the husband took his son in his arms for the first time. But then, in the ward, I was branded with disgrace for hanging my robe (my own, ironed one) so that it touched the back of the crib! The fact that I picked up the child in the same robe does not count!

2008-03-07 07.03.2008 13:46:14, Vika

and it pains me to read how girls wander through all sorts of procedures and then cry from the suspicions of genetics or ultrasound. I just consider it my duty to tell people my example, when the doctor’s not even suspicion and reinsurance, but their confidence - it was a fatal mistake. Such cases are not isolated, unfortunately. and how many are simply not known for the simple reason that the girls believed the diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy and went for curettage? no child - no problem. ideal reinsurance: (maybe those who sent me to the first B. for an abortion after an ultrasound also wanted to help me? Otherwise there is so much hassle with children! :((NO! It would be unfair to look for excuses for such cases. not All doctors are like that - even a hedgehog can understand it. But I, among other things, am presenting here a generally alternative approach to pregnancy and childbirth, and I often take my arguments from personal experience. Do I have the right?

2007-06-08 08.06.2007 15:43:18,

My first home birth was described in detail, even twice - an abbreviated version in the reg with a link to a detailed one in LiveJournal, where all the background, heroes, motives and cause-and-effect relationships are. AND WHERE DOES IT WRITTEN THAT I decided to give birth there myself without everyone and did not prepare for childbirth at all??? NO! I found a home midwife, who, by the way, also didn’t just go out for a walk, but has three higher educations, including medical and psychological, plus extensive experience in delivering births in different conditions, including in a maternity hospital in a team. and we prepared for this birth together well in advance and long ago. but, by the way, her colleagues survived her time from the maternity hospital - probably for their unconventional thinking and for their ability to take responsibility. Doctors are not gods, but they often try to make people believe in themselves as gods. But I’m also not saying that all are bastards.

2007-06-08 08.06.2007 15:08:20,

There are 65 reviews in total.

In fact, you won’t be bored during this period, because there is so much to do before giving birth!

Childbirth – most important event in a woman’s life, for which, of course, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Moreover, the concept of preparation for childbirth includes not only such important aspect, such as attending courses for future parents, but also the practical side of the issue: choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery, preparing the necessary documents, buying a dowry for the baby and many other necessary matters.
In order not to forget anything and do everything on time, it is convenient to make a list of “good deeds” in advance. Cases and tasks that to the expectant mother must be completed before childbirth, can be divided into two lists. The first will include everything that needs to be prepared directly for childbirth and the maternity hospital. The second list will consist of important things that need to be done before the birth of the child, since then there may not be enough time and energy for them.

Preparing for childbirth

Choosing a maternity hospital. This issue should be approached in advance and with all seriousness. It is advisable that the maternity hospital be located not far from home and meet your expectations of comfort. Positive reviews and recommendations from friends can also be selection criteria. Be sure to consult with the doctor who is caring for your pregnancy: in case of some peculiarities of the course of pregnancy (Rh-conflict - the production of antibodies in the body of a Rh-negative pregnant woman when carrying a fetus that has a positive Rh factor, which leads to the destruction of its red blood cells, perceived as foreign; multiple pregnancy) or the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, diabetes, hypertension) you need to choose a maternity hospital with the appropriate specialization. It is important to draw up own performance about the maternity hospital; To do this, you can call the nearest maternity hospitals and personally clarify the key points:

  • Maternity hospital specialization.
  • Availability of pediatric intensive care unit.
  • Conditions of stay in the prenatal, maternity and postpartum departments (number of beds in the ward, availability of shower and toilet, additional amenities).
  • Possibility of partner birth and visiting in the postpartum ward.
  • Shared or separate stay with the child in the postpartum ward.
  • Possibility of concluding a contract and choosing a doctor.
  • Things and documents necessary for hospitalization.
  • Dates of preventive treatment (“washing”) of the maternity hospital.

Having chosen one or more of your favorite maternity hospitals based on the results of such a “survey,” you need to go to each of them and see everything with your own eyes: the admissions department, the discharge report, photographs of the maternity hospital departments in the reception hall, take a tour if they are held at the maternity hospital - this is a separate payable service, for which you do not need to enter into a contract. You can talk with doctors in the emergency department, employees of the help desk or insurance company of the maternity hospital, and, if possible, with patients and their relatives. It is advisable that on these trips you are accompanied by someone close to you (husband, mother or friend who gave birth). To complete the picture, you can look at photographs or video material on the maternity hospital website. A personal visit will help you form a more objective impression of the maternity hospital and finally make your choice.

Unfortunately, the likelihood that you will be able to give birth in the chosen maternity hospital depends not only on your desire, but also on the number of places in the maternity hospital that may be occupied. Therefore, if you want to get to the maternity hospital you like at any cost, you should think about a contract form of obstetric care.

Conclusion of a contract for childbirth. If you decide to reserve a place in a specific maternity hospital or prefer individual management childbirth and more comfortable conditions of stay, you need to conclude a contract for childbirth in advance. In most maternity hospitals, a contract for commercial services is concluded from the 36th week of pregnancy; however, the price, validity period and range of services provided may vary significantly. Some forms of contracts provide only the conditions of increased comfort in the maternity ward and postpartum ward, but do not include individual conditions of medical care. Other options include the possibility of choosing and replacing an individual doctor, observation, examination and tests in the prenatal and postpartum period. The duration of the contract also differs: only for the duration of the hospital stay, from payment of the contract until discharge from the maternity hospital, for a month or more from the date of conclusion of the contract (such a contract includes prenatal and postnatal monitoring of the patient’s health and the birth itself). In order to choose the optimal conditions, it is necessary to consider in advance the possible options for commercial services, call the maternity hospital insurance company and talk with an agent, drive up and carefully read the terms of the contract, and only then conclude a contract for childbirth.

Preparation of necessary documents. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, you will need a passport, a compulsory or voluntary health insurance policy and an exchange card. Ask your doctor to check that the “exchange” contains the results of all necessary tests and examinations (blood type and Rh factor, tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis for each trimester, general analysis and biochemical tests of blood, urine, smear on vaginal flora, ECG, ultrasound and CTG, examination by an ophthalmologist, dentist and therapist). An exchange card is an important medical document containing all the necessary information about the health characteristics of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy; this medical information helps the maternity hospital doctor to get a complete picture of the patient and choose the right tactics for childbirth.

If you were observed in antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks with the same doctor, he will provide you with a birth certificate (usually issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy), which should also be taken to the maternity hospital and presented upon admission for childbirth. When observed in a commercial clinic, a birth certificate is not issued, since it is used only in the field of free medical services. This document was created to assess the effectiveness of the provision of medical services in the structure of obstetric care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance (compulsory health insurance). The absence of a birth certificate should not give the expectant mother a reason for concern: it does not in any way affect the possibility of choosing and hospitalization in a maternity hospital. If upon admission to childbirth there is no birth certificate, it can be issued at the maternity hospital.

Check with the maternity hospital's help desk to see what additional documents may be needed: sometimes the reception department will ask you to provide photocopies of your passport and insurance policy. If you are planning a partner birth, you need to prepare a birth contract, if necessary, and also clarify what tests are needed for the presence of a partner (for example, the results of fluorography and tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and their expiration date. Having prepared all the necessary documents for childbirth, put them in one file in advance and keep them in a visible place so as not to look for them when getting ready for the maternity hospital. After the 36th week of pregnancy, it is better to carry all of the above documents with you at all times.

Collecting the “alarm bag”. Everything you need for your stay in the maternity hospital should also be prepared in advance, so that you don’t forget anything in the bustle of the last preparations. Things for hospitalization should be divided into two parts - for the maternity and postpartum wards, placing them in two clean plastic bags. Before you start packing, check again the maternity hospital’s requirements for things for hospitalization and make a separate list for each department.

In the nursery bag you need to put washable slippers, a bottle of still water for rinsing your mouth, chapstick, moisturizing spray or cream, wet wipes or toilet paper; Some maternity hospitals allow you to take your own clothes (robe and nightgown, cotton socks), mobile phone, player, photo and video camera. If you are planning a partner birth, you need to clarify the list of things for your partner in advance and put them in a bag for childbirth. Your birth partner will definitely need washable slippers and clean socks; If the maternity hospital does not provide special clothing, you can take a clean T-shirt and cotton trousers or purchase a disposable medical suit at the pharmacy.

For the postpartum ward you will need packaging sanitary pads, a pack of disposable panties, a pair of nursing bras, a breast pump, nipple cream, toiletries(comb, Toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo and shower gel), hair dryer and, if necessary, cosmetics. For your baby, you need to take a small package of disposable diapers and wet wipes. If the maternity hospital allows you to use your own clothes for newborns, you need to pack another bag with a dowry for the baby (according to the list recommended by the maternity hospital). Usually for a baby it is recommended to take 4-5 knitted overalls and the same number of bodysuits, a pair of knitted gloves and socks, and a knitted hat. There is no need to take diapers and bedding - they are provided by the maternity hospital. All items must be washed and ironed. After completing your preparations, put a list of the things it contains in each bag: this will make it easier to pack before leaving the hospital.

Choosing a route to the maternity hospital. In order to avoid problems on the way to childbirth, if possible, study your route to the maternity hospital in advance. Just in case, make several options for the road to the maternity hospital, taking into account possible traffic jams and unforeseen difficulties. Take the time to drive through each route option and record the travel time to choose the best route. Remember the exact address of the maternity hospital and options for access to it - in case you need to call a taxi. And of course, check with your doctor in advance and be sure to write down the telephone number of the “obstetric ambulance”, because it may be necessary to call a specialized team.

What you need to do

Dowry- one of the most important and most enjoyable tasks for a future mother. The concept of a child's dowry includes clothes, linen (diapers and bedding), hygiene and care products, a stroller, a car seat, a bathtub, scales, necessary furniture (for example, a crib, a changing table) and much more. You need to take care of collecting a dowry for the baby before the birth, because by the time of discharge, everything you need should already be at home. If the expectant mother is superstitious, purchases for the baby can be stored with relatives and friends or even in a store until the birth (some stores for mothers and babies offer storage services for purchased goods), but then the care of delivering and preparing the dowry falls entirely on the shoulders of relatives and is carried out in too short a time - during the stay of mother and baby in the maternity hospital. But you need to have time to bring everything (and sometimes buy it!), disassemble and arrange it, wash it, iron it and sort the linen and clothes... It’s better to do everything in advance and calmly, especially since preparing a dowry for the baby gives the expectant mother a lot of pleasure!

Items for discharge for mother and baby It’s also worth preparing ahead of time. For this significant event you will need beautiful clothes and cosmetics for the mother and, of course, a special trousseau for the newborn. To discharge the baby from the maternity hospital, you must use overalls. If the baby is in an envelope or blanket, then you will not be able to secure it in child car seat, which also needs to be purchased for discharge. Carrying a baby in your arms in a car is very dangerous, since even in the event of a minor accident and low speed, it will be very difficult for the mother to hold the child. Under the overalls, the newborn wears a bodysuit or knitted overalls, a hat, socks and mittens. In addition, you need to prepare wet wipes, several disposable diapers and a couple of diapers for the baby. For yourself, you need to prepare clothes that take into account changes in your figure: the belly after childbirth does not disappear immediately, so outfits purchased at the beginning or middle of pregnancy are best suited. In addition, on the way home you may need to feed your baby, so it is more convenient to choose a top with a cutout or buttons. It is better to put things for discharge from the maternity hospital in a bag in advance, label it and include a list of things.

Setting up a nursery and cleaning the house are also included in the list of necessary things. It is necessary to discuss in advance where the baby will live for the first months of life, and to arrange as conveniently as possible the part of the house that is destined to serve as a “children’s room” (this can be a separate room or a place in the parents’ room). First on paper, and then in practice, you need to arrange the crib, changing table, think about where hygiene items, clothes and underwear for the baby will be stored. Perhaps this will be a chest of drawers for children's things or a dedicated space in the closet. Before the arrival of a newborn, the house must be thoroughly cleaned: you need to vacuum and wash the floors, wipe off the dust, wipe down the furniture, wash the plumbing -
and this, of course, is not my mother’s concern at all! These responsibilities can and should be transferred to household members; however, in order for everything to be completed in full, correctly and on time, it is worth preparing instructions for cleaning the house in advance.

Preparation of benefits and other documents plans associated with the birth of a child, unfortunately, cannot be carried out in advance. But if you make all the necessary inquiries before giving birth, make a list necessary documents, write down the addresses and office hours of organizations, the procedure for obtaining benefits and other important papers will take much less time!

Visit to a beauty salon- an equally important item on the list of “prenatal activities”. In the first months after the birth of a child, a young mother often does not have enough time to take care of herself, so on the eve of giving birth, you can think about a comfortable haircut that does not require complex styling. In addition, in preparation for childbirth, you can get a manicure and pedicure without using nail polish and choosing a short nail length.