The newborn cries all day. Do we understand a baby without words, or why does a newborn baby cry? Crisis of three years

I want to talk about how important it is to have a realistic view of young children. In the modern world, few babies are born, and young parents very often have a vague idea of ​​the process of growth and development of the child. Unfortunately, today's grandmothers are not experts in this matter. After all, today's mothers and fathers were most often raised by Soviet nurseries and kindergartens, and knowledge on raising a child was limited to one book by Dr. Spock. The question I decided to answer clearly demonstrates this problem. Before us is an inquisitive, well-developed baby and a mother who suffers in many ways precisely because her ideas about small children diverge from reality.

QUESTION: Our respect and respect for you, Larisa! I’m screaming for help, I just don’t have any strength left, and my nerves are on edge. The neurologist shrugs, advising us to survive this period. Only now the period has been painfully drawn out and is driving us crazy. The problem is the following...

My son is now 1 year 7 months old. He constantly cries, is hysterical, yells around the clock! This crying began at 4 months, when my milk disappeared, and, at the insistence of “kind” grandmothers and relatives, I began to feed the baby goat milk(of course, diluting it with water). There was such an opportunity, they brought it to us from the village. Soon rashes began on the face and body, the pediatrician at the clinic treated us for atopic dermatitis and allergies, without taking into account what I was feeding the child! In general, we were treated correctly, but fed incorrectly!

This continued until 11 months, until the rashes on the face and body turned into pustules. Constipation began, the child screamed from morning to night, the nights were filled with constant waking up, every hour he woke up and demanded a bottle, sucked 3 bottles of milk per night. The child was silent only on the street when we were walking. Fortunately, the climate of the Krasnodar Territory allows it; without exaggeration, we simply lived last summer on the street (and ate and slept), returning home only before going to bed at night.

At 11 months, we decided to have the child examined at the Diagnostic Center by pediatricians and a neurologist. After appropriate tests, we were diagnosed with an allergy to goat and cow milk protein. They prescribed a diet and special hypoallergenic mixture. The neurologist prescribed Atarax for us to drink for 1 month to calm the baby’s frayed nerves. After 2 weeks, the results were obvious - the skin cleared up, my son became calmer, and began to smile. We continue in the same spirit to this day - we feed correctly, following all the recommendations, the formula is still at night (hypoallergenic). But the problem with screams and hysterics remains!!!

It feels like this has become a habit for the child. He has now grown up and screams for everything, to study, to learn something, he doesn’t want to learn. He perceives only his desires. Learning to eat on your own, sit on the potty, take off basic clothes, play educational games, wash your face, brush your teeth - basic things that children do with interest and enthusiasm, we don’t want to do. Let's go wash, he just plays with the water, and I wash him myself, there is not even a hint of independent action, he doesn't even touch his face with his hands. If I turn off the water, he starts yelling. He would stand there all day, playing with water. Then he demands to go with him to the balcony to feed the pigeons. I put a chair so that he can see, and he himself throws some bread to the birds. It is also impossible to distract a child from this; he would stand for days and feed the birds. Screaming, I pick him up and carry him into the room.

Let's start breakfast! Only if the TV is on and only if there is a tablet nearby - we have time everywhere! And eat porridge, and watch TV, and play on the tablet. He doesn’t listen to me on the street, he runs wherever he wants. My absence doesn’t scare him either! No matter how many times I hide behind a stroller or behind a tree, he doesn’t look for me and doesn’t cry. If he finds a cat, a puddle, or pebbles, he will touch and jump until the last moment, until the cat runs away, until the puddle disappears, until his hands are dirty from the stones and sand up to the elbows.

My child has no limits, no inhibitions, if he gets busy with something, he won’t calm down until he gets bored! The child is obsessed! What he likes to do, he does with pleasure, but he doesn’t accept us at home and is constantly hysterical. The furnishings of the house leave much to be desired. We know very well that all the neighbors hear all his screams, thinking that we have a madhouse, that the family is probably “sick.” From 4 months until now we have not spent a day in silence. I described to you a small part of what is happening and how my son behaves.

Perhaps I will be judged and scolded for such words, but I do not fully feel the joy of motherhood, being constantly depressed from these screams. Everyone at home happily runs off to work, but I am left alone with my noisy baby and don’t know how to raise him further, how to explain him, how to instill in him perseverance, skills, etc. Larisa, help me figure this out! We will all be very grateful to you!
Best regards, Ksenia.

ANSWER: Hello, Ksenia! I understand your condition very well, and I want to help!

I’ll say right away that your son has no problems. He is developing beautifully and does everything exactly as a baby should do at his age! The problem is that you, Ksenia, were not quite ready for motherhood, or rather, you painted the wrong picture of motherhood for yourself. You, like many other women, were little aware of how a child usually develops physically, intellectually, and most importantly, emotionally, and therefore your expectations are not met.

A small example: You write that your son is “obsessed”, and I, being well versed in age characteristics psychological development, I think that he is very inquisitive and an enthusiastic student the world child! Why do you think that playing special educational games will be more useful for him than playing with pebbles, sand, puddles, or communicating with a cat and pigeons? And where have you seen one-and-a-half-year-old children who happily, and most importantly, exactly at the moment when their mother asks them to, wash themselves, sit on the potty, brush their teeth and carefully eat with a spoon?

You complain that your child cries very often. In the first year of life, this was most likely due to improper feeding and allergies. After all, all the skin elements you described caused severe itching, and itching always causes overexcitation of the nervous system. Hence the baby’s irritability and tearfulness. All that remains is to feel sorry for him and you, because you, Ksenia, had to endure all this! It's a pity that you didn't contact a consultant. breastfeeding and they didn’t establish natural feeding in time, but that’s all behind us, and there’s nothing that can’t be fixed.

As for the second year of life, I believe that today’s children’s cries and whims (as you regard them) are largely due to the fact that you have inflated demands on your son’s development. You expect skills from him that he is not yet ready for, and you don’t want to notice the good that is in the child! You need to learn as much as possible about the psychology of young children, otherwise your entire childhood, as well as your son’s adolescence, may become a complete disappointment for you!

The situation is also aggravated by your depression and the fact that you have to be left alone with the boy for a long time. How did it happen that other people close to the baby do little with him? Where are his father and grandparents? You, Ksenia, definitely need to rest and spend time without your child.

I also advise you to seek help from an experienced psychologist, because uncorrected postpartum depression can drag on for many years. I believe that you simply do not have enough emotional strength to withstand the rapid development of a baby, and that is why you “demand” complete obedience from him, which, rather, is inherent not in the process of raising children, but in training young animals. Sorry for speaking out so harshly, but I see a similar approach from many parents and I understand well that this is not so much their fault as their pain!

I wish you all the best! I really hope that you will seek help from a psychologist, read good books on child psychology, and you will find it easier and more joyful to raise your son.

Best regards, Larisa Sviridova

If you have encountered a similar problem, share your experience in the comments.

From the moment of birth, the most key signal for a child until he learns to speak normally and explain himself in words is crying. IN early age it belongs to the universal mechanism of communication, with it the baby expresses the whole palette of his feelings and emotions, demonstrates his desires and emotions. It often happens that a newborn often screams and cries, giving no peace to himself or his parents. What could be causing sleep problems and his cries? How to recognize a child’s signals and promptly eliminate their causes?

Table of contents:

Development of crying and sleep problems

For a newborn baby, crying is a way to signal any unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensations.

When a newborn is healthy and well-fed, nothing bothers him; he spends most of the time in the first weeks of his life sleeping. Therefore, for the most part, through crying, the child expresses his emotions, complains of poor health, and parents should not ignore such signals.

But young parents often do not understand why the child screams, sobs inconsolably and cannot fall asleep. Gradually, over time, they already distinguish the source of problems by the intonation and strength of the cry, its tone and the behavior of the baby. There are relatively simple and easily remediable causes of lack of sleep and crying, although more serious, painful and dangerous conditions are quite possible.

The main causes of crying in newborns

There are completely physiological and obvious reasons for crying in children, because of which he cannot sleep. These include:

When applied to the breast or when the baby is given a bottle of formula, he calms down and becomes quiet. Infants can also quench their thirst by latching on to the breast, and for this, breastfeeding babies need to be given water in a bottle. At first, until an approximate feeding rhythm has been established, the baby may often cry when he is hungry.


It is important not to ignore the baby’s demands, waiting for a certain hour for feeding, otherwise the crying will turn into hysterics, during which it will be extremely difficult to calm and feed the raging baby. If the baby is immediately understood and fed on time, he usually falls asleep.

Crying and sleep problems when overstimulated

Most often, a child cannot sleep and screams or cries due to overexcitation. His nervous system is very vulnerable and immature; it often needs rest in order to restore efficiency, control the functioning of all organs and systems and develop.

Exhaustion of nervous processes occurs the sooner the younger the baby is.


If, simultaneously with fatigue, the child received too many new impressions and emotions, this will lead to even greater fatigue of his nervous system. As a result, the child cannot sleep, although he is very tired, which is why he screams, cries and cannot calm down. As a result, hysterics are formed with choking screams and cries, which greatly frightens parents.

It is important to avoid overwork and hysterics, monitoring the condition and well-being of the baby. This can be achieved by observing a strict daily routine, where there will be enough time to sleep, all the necessary hygiene procedures and all the conditions for a comfortable stay and falling asleep. This is a cozy and clean room, well ventilated, with a comfortable temperature and humidity. You should not create crumbs of ideal silence for sleep from birth; he should sleep under normal family living conditions, this will help make sleep less sensitive and intermittent.

To prevent the child from becoming overexcited, doctors do not recommend his presence in noisy and mass events, concerts and on long trips. It is worth at least for the first time to protect him from a large number of guests and strangers. This will not only give the child peace of mind, but will also protect him from unnecessary encounters with infections, which can also disturb sleep and lead to crying.

If the child is tired after visiting guests, has not slept for a long time and has started screaming, you need to pick him up, put him to your chest, rock him in your arms and calm him down. Some children benefit from tight swaddling or wrapping in a blanket, while others benefit from a warm bath, which relaxes and soothes the baby.

Sleep problems and crying in bowel disorders

Often a child cannot sleep and constantly cries due to problems with natural needs - defecation or urination. Many children may cry or whine before emptying their bladder, even if there are no health problems, simply not understanding what is happening to them and being frightened by this fact. In this case, there is no need to worry; usually there are light whimpers followed by wetness of the diaper. However, sleep disturbances and constant crying, wiggling of legs and screams when urinating, or strong straining before wetting your panties are an alarming sign. This may be a sign of abnormalities in the structure of the urinary tract, inflammation in the area of ​​the bladder walls, and in boys, problems with the penis and its structure.

If a child is constantly restless, the process of urine excretion leads to screaming, and the body temperature also rises, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested (at least general tests).

Often, problems with bowel movements also lead to sleep disorders and crying with screams. Especially against the background of artificial feeding, which leads to incorrect selection of the formula, inaccurate dilution, or lack of fluid in the body. Defecation is especially unpleasant if there are cracks in the anus, due to straining and dense stool. In this case, the baby will toss and turn and groan, wince and scream loudly, especially against the backdrop of a long absence of stool. Because of screams and constant fruitless attempts, the baby sleeps poorly, his tummy is swollen, and it is important to consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the causes of constipation.

Poor sleep and crying due to colic

In the period from approximately three weeks of age to three months, when the intestinal wall gradually matures and the formation of microflora occurs, many children suffer from diseases that literally plague some children and deprive them of rest and sleep. Colic is not a disease, it is a temporary and transient phenomenon associated with the accumulation of gases in the intestines. They stretch the intestinal loops and irritate pain receptors, which creates spasm and discomfort, especially in the late afternoon, when the nervous system is already tired and irritated. Against the background of colic, the child often sleeps poorly, wakes up crying and screams, evening time periods of crying can last up to several hours until the spasms and pain subside.


Signs of colic will be sharp crying and screaming with tucking in the legs and straining, redness of the face, bulging of the fontanel, sometimes with transitions into hysterics. The cry is sharp and loud, painful, with arching in the arms, tension in the abdomen.

It is important that parents know how to help their baby to alleviate his condition. You need to massage the tummy, bend the legs to help expel gas, carry him in your arms with his tummy down, rock him and soothe him. If colic has become daily and severe, sometimes you can help with medications that a doctor can recommend; they are selected individually; they do not always help and not all children.

Temperature disturbances as a cause of crying

If adults, having a perfect thermoregulation system and the ability to dress or undress according to the weather, do not suffer much from temperature fluctuations, then for newborns it is serious problem. They are extremely uncomfortable both in freezing and overheating conditions, but they cannot unwrap themselves or dress warmer, and therefore they sleep poorly and cry. At an early age, hypothermia is dangerous, if it is severe and prolonged, and for this it is necessary for the baby to be undressed for at least half an hour in an extremely cool room, or even in the cold. In other cases, with mild freezing, children, by waking up, screaming and crying, actively moving their legs and arms, activate their metabolism and warm up. This is a defense mechanism. After they have calmed down and warmed up, sleep returns to normal.

But overheating for a child is much more dangerous than slight freezing, since in this case the protective mechanisms do not work, especially if there is thick swaddling or a large amount of clothing carefully put on the baby by mothers and grandmothers.

Overheating leads to braking metabolic processes, immune suppression and impaired brain development.

During the newborn period and the first six months or so, the sweating mechanisms are imperfect, and the baby cannot fully cool the body. Then sleep suffers, the baby cannot fall asleep and screams, cries, and blushes. In the area of ​​skin folds, against the background of overheating, there may be diaper rash and prickly heat throughout the body, which only increases the discomfort and suffering of the baby. Itching and pain of the skin, redness and the risk of infection further disrupt sleep and constantly provoke crying. In this case, it will be constant and monotonous, on one note, with the transition to whimpers, or flow into hysteria.

Restless sleep and crying

Many parents are extremely concerned about their children's poor sleep, with constant waking up and crying in their sleep, after which it is difficult to put them back to sleep. This is due to several reasons, usually easily removable and not dangerous, but requiring the attention of mom and dad. This:

You should not wait for the baby to fully awaken and scream; you need to immediately respond to his signals by picking him up and calming him, putting him to his chest or giving him a bottle or pacifier. This will help you not go into hysterics and calm down, falling asleep peacefully.

External causes, discomfort and crying

If the baby is not hungry and not tired, and he cries and does not want to sleep, the reasons for this may be quite banal inconvenience from wet diapers, a leaky or overfilled diaper, or chafing seams of clothes. It is important to timely select diapers by size, so that they do not press or rub the delicate skin, and also change them in a timely manner so that stool and urine do not irritate the perineum and do not lead to painful sensations.

Painful Causes of Sleeping and Crying Disorders

May cause poor restless sleep or difficulty falling asleep, as well as tantrums and crying. skin diseases, or . Thus, against the background of skin pathologies and allergic rashes, severe itching of the skin usually occurs, which simply does not allow one to sleep, the child screams, rubs against the crib, worries, his condition can be alleviated by consulting a doctor and determining the cause of the skin lesion, using local or systemic drugs against inflammation and itching, allergies.

In most children, teething begins after six months, but some may experience this phenomenon earlier. Therefore, one of the leading problems in the second half of the year, which leads to hysterics, crying and sleep disorders, is discomfort in the gum area with itching, swelling and unpleasant sensations. Often the baby puts everything in his mouth, tries to chew toys and sucks his fists, he has a lot of saliva. In these cases, special cooling teethers, dryers, rubber toys, as well as the use of teething gels for severe anxiety can help.

What are the dangers of frequent crying and sleep disorders?

Many parents and the older generation do not see anything wrong with their children’s crying, letting them “scream it out” and making no attempt to calm them down. This is not a physiological method of dealing with crying, whatever the reason, especially if the child also sleeps poorly.

Crying loads and overstimulates the nervous system, threatening the development of “rolling” with periods of respiratory arrest and acute brain hypoxia. This will have an extremely negative impact on the development of the child, leading to nervousness and anxiety, difficulties in learning and disinhibition of arousal processes.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

Why is my child constantly fussy and crying? This question is relevant for parents of babies and children preschool age. Therefore, we want to look at this problem in more detail.

Why is a child naughty?

Most mothers and fathers are faced every day with a child’s reluctance to eat, sleep, get dressed, go to kindergarten or for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to comply with the proposed demands, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various illnesses, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow a daily routine, feed, drink and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child requires attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented by increasing the time of communication. A mother's love is as important to a little person as air. If he does not receive the right amount of attention, he will “pull” it in every possible way. Therefore, there is no need to wait for the baby to start hysterical. Just leave what you are doing, turn off your phone, the Internet and hug your child. Play with him, ask for news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man understands perfectly where the parents’ pain points are and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad pay off their whims financially, then the child will quickly learn to use new scheme. It is very important to teach a child to negotiate and look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature has designed it in such a way that a child’s crying evokes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, because sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a little person. If a child cries all the time, then you need to understand why he does this.


Many parents remember the age from birth to three or four months with horror. Why is the child constantly capricious and crying during this period? The following reasons can be identified:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or the artificial formula does not suit him. If a child does not gain weight well, doctors recommend starting additional complementary feeding.
  • Colic is thought to be caused by gas in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or ear infection - a doctor will help eliminate this problem. And the mother must promptly report any problems that have arisen and changes in the baby’s behavior.
  • Wet diapers - many children react sharply to untimely change of clothes. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your child’s clothes on time.
  • Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after being held.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why a child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and respond to his needs immediately.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he faces the first prohibitions. Children often react very violently: they scream, throw things, and stomp their feet. If parents are aware of age-related characteristics, then, to the extent possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child (1 year) screams and cries? Baby is naughty various reasons. So first you need to define them:

  • A child is capricious due to illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and expresses his protest in a way that is accessible to him.
  • Protests against overprotectiveness- wants more freedom, refuses clothing offered or returning home from a walk.
  • Strives to copy his parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you will be able to constantly be nearby, and at the same time teach your baby to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control causes the child to have bouts of crying. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly carry out your will.

Don't forget that there are also invisible reasons for children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly capricious and cries only because his temperament is of the weak type. This means that the baby quickly becomes overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to manage his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor his daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most docile children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have problems sleeping, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when a child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, a child must learn new rules of communication and interaction with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that affect his independence and freedom of action.
  • Mastering speech - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that the baby can actively move and play during the day. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, has a hard time experiencing family conflicts and quarrels between adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a crisis phase. Therefore, it is so important to treat his personal problems with understanding and respond to them correctly.

Crisis of three years

The new stage of the baby’s development is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he becomes aware of himself as an individual, and the pronoun “I” appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed. Therefore, he “takes revenge” on his parents with tears and screams. What should I do? Psychologists advise you to come to terms with the situation and just get through it.

What to do if your child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds his own solution to the problem. The chosen path will not always lead to positive result, and sometimes even worsens the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to see a doctor

Experts consider it normal for a baby to show his dissatisfaction two or three times a week. If a child is constantly capricious and cries, and even more so throws real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.

In this article:

The most common problem new parents face is the constant crying of a newborn baby at the age of 1 or 2 months. The child is very small and he cannot yet express in words his feelings and needs for anything. Maybe something hurts him? Or does he just want to eat? How to learn to determine why a newborn is crying? Why does a 1-2 month old baby cry in his sleep? How can I calm him down, and should I see a doctor about this?

Reasons for crying

In fact, there are many reasons why newborn babies cry a lot. The most common of them are:

  • hunger;
  • colic;
  • climatic conditions in which the child is located.

Basically, the baby cries because of the hunger that he experiences. Today, most inexperienced young mothers adhere to a strict feeding schedule, which they believe has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Perhaps they were told about this in and upon discharge from the maternity hospital. Yes, that may be true. But the problem is that the newborn’s ventricle is very small and, accordingly, he eats little. And sometimes he does not have enough milk that he consumed during feeding in order to wait for the next “portion”.

Therefore, it is extremely important to feed the child not according to time, but according to need. If a newborn baby is crying, checking whether he wants to eat or not is very simple. It is enough to place a bent little finger on the corner of his mouth. If he starts turning his head towards the finger and opening his mouth as if he wants to grab it, it means the baby is hungry. It's time to calm him down and put him to the chest. A baby who is 1 month old will eat, quickly fall asleep in his mother’s arms, and hunger will not bother him in his sleep for the next couple of hours.

Colic is the second reason why crying infant. His digestive system has just begun to master its “new role.” As a rule, colic bothers the baby during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of his life, in some cases it can last up to 6 months. If a child who is 1 or 2 months old constantly cries, know that the whole problem may lie precisely in this.

Identifying the crying of a colicky baby is just as easy. It is impossible to confuse it with any other. The child screams very loudly, kicks his legs and literally chokes from crying. The face becomes red, almost blue. In this case, in order to calm the crying child, it is necessary to give the baby a massage and give medicine (today there are a huge number of medications, which help relieve a newborn from colic), or give him dill water.

Another reason why an infant cries is the climatic conditions in which he is located. Small children sometimes cry because they cannot stand extreme heat or cold. Each child is individual, so it is necessary to create exactly those climatic conditions in which your baby will feel comfortable.

The following method will help you determine whether your baby is hot or cold.:

  • take the child by the hand;
  • place your fingers on your wrist;
  • if the wrist is cold, then the baby is cold, it needs to be wrapped up more tightly; if it is hot or wet, it is hot, the baby needs to be undressed.

Another reason why a baby cries is the negligence of parents who are simply too lazy to change the baby’s diaper once again. An adult feels uncomfortable in wet clothes, and a baby whose diaper is full also feels discomfort. Check frequently to see if your baby has had a bowel movement. If an “accident” occurs, deal with it immediately to calm your baby. By the way, for the same reason, a child may experience irritation in the groin area and in the folds, which can cause the baby not just discomfort, but severe pain and itching. If there is redness in the groin area, try to minimize the use of diapers and often treat the baby's skin with special creams.

Also, postpartum complications can cause crying. Often, young mothers during childbirth cannot direct their strength in the right direction, that is, when they push, they begin to sulk, but in the wrong direction (in the face), due to which the baby’s passage time through the birth canal increases. As a rule, at this moment in most cases the child experiences anemia (lack of oxygen), which negatively affects his nervous system. Because of this, the newborn may sleep poorly, flinch at every rustle in his sleep and constantly scream. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist who will conduct a thorough examination of the baby and prescribe appropriate treatment. After completing the medication course, the baby’s nervous system will improve, it will be easier to calm him down, and crying will not disturb the parents so often.

Very often, parents are faced with such a problem when a newborn baby cries every time he urinates and begins to sound the alarm. In fact, there is nothing scary here, this is a child’s usual fear of what is happening. He cannot control the process itself; he gets scared when he starts writing, as a result of which he begins to cry. But you still need to consult a doctor and take urine tests. Because sometimes there are times when a baby cries because pain when urinating, which may be associated with:

  • with infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • or with an incorrect position of the foreskin.

Painful sensations when urinating may also indicate a high concentration of urine, which, passing through the urinary canal, causes irritation and burning.

When an infant cries and has a frequent increase in temperature (the norm for a newborn is 37.2 C), it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in an infectious disease that requires urgent treatment.

But our children do not always cry because of hunger or pain. Sometimes they just need their mother's presence nearby. Before birth, the child was one with her, and now it is very difficult for him to get used to the new life. The baby needs his mother's presence nearby and feels her warmth and care. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil your child, take him in your arms more often, put him to your breast more often, put him to sleep in your arms to calm him down, talk to him. This will help the baby calm down and fall asleep quickly. Your care and warmth will definitely return to you in the future!

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep?

If a baby constantly cries in his sleep, then you should first inspect the baby’s sleeping place. Perhaps something is preventing him from sleeping, for example, the sheet is twisted under him or he is lying on the pacifier.

Also, the reasons for crying in a dream can be night colic, which prevents the baby from sleeping, teething (for some children, teeth begin to erupt at 3.5 - 4 months), or the banal absence of the mother nearby.

If a child constantly cries in his sleep for 1 - 2 months, but nothing bothers him, maybe you should think about co-sleeping? The baby will feel calm next to his mother, especially since he will always be able to eat without forcing you to get up if he is breastfed.

How to calm a crying baby?

First, you need to find out why the baby is crying, and only then begin to calm him down. If the reason for crying is a feeling of hunger, feed him, even though not even 2 hours have passed since the last feeding.
If colic is the cause, give your baby medicine and massage. And it is done as follows:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • put your hand on his stomach, your palm should completely touch his stomach;
  • mentally draw a horseshoe on his stomach, the ends of which are directed downwards;
  • With smooth hand movements, follow the trajectory of the horseshoe clockwise.

If this massage does not help your baby, then you can use another massage. However, it can only be performed from 1 month:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • bend both legs at the knees so that they touch the stomach;
  • With smooth movements, move the child’s legs first to one side, then to the other. The legs should be pressed tightly against each other and to the stomach.

If these methods do not help, you can use a gas outlet tube. However, you should not abuse it, since the body can get used to the mechanical method of getting rid of gases and then it will be difficult to establish this process.

If a baby who is 1 or 2 months old is crying and you have tried everything possible, but nothing helps, perhaps the reason is not colic. Try placing a heating pad on your baby's tummy, making sure it's not too hot! Give your child dill water or fennel tea.

Carry the baby in your arms, press him with your stomach. Sometimes both gentle rocking and “dancing” can calm a crying baby. Some children find relief from waltzing, while others find relief from marching. Try holding your baby in different positions - vertically, horizontally, belly down. Perhaps you will find exactly the position in which the baby will feel relief.

But remember that the reason a baby cries a month may not only be colic or climatic conditions. If your child is restless and cries frequently, it is best to take him to the doctor. At an appointment with a specialist, you can find out why your infant is crying and make sure that there are no or no diseases.

Useful video about the reasons for a newborn's crying

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 04/29/2019

From the moment a baby is born until he begins to speak, crying is the main way of communication. This is the only way he can show what he wants, complain that something is bothering him, something is getting in the way. It happens that a baby cries not because of discomfort, but because of whims, but if the crying is accompanied by a lack of sleep, then parents should take it very seriously and quickly identify why the child is worried.

Features of baby crying

The baby's first cry is his cry immediately after birth. It is a protest against separation from his mother. Based on the strength of this cry, doctors draw conclusions about the viability of the child and his state of health. A newborn cries often, but over time he begins to cry less often, and the mother can already understand what exactly the baby requires.

It is important to know that crying is harmful to the baby! It does not train the lungs and does not strengthen character, but on the contrary, it weakens the nervous system and deprives one of confidence in the safety and friendliness of the world around us. Prolonged crying can lead to the formation of an umbilical hernia.

Older children may cry due to whims, but this does not apply to one-month-old babies. The crying of a child who is only a month old is a reaction to a real problem. Therefore, you need to react to it immediately - take the baby in your arms, rock, soothe.

Why does the baby cry and not sleep?

A one-month-old baby may have trouble sleeping and cry constantly due to hunger. Even if he has eaten recently, there is a possibility that he is not full. This happens when a baby is placed incorrectly at the breast. He takes only the nipple into his mouth, without the areola, the milk flows poorly, he gets tired and falls asleep hungry. Hungry crying sounds demanding and intermittent.

Even if the child is full, his sucking reflex could remain unsatisfied. If the baby is breastfed, then he himself tries to satisfy this reflex, often and for a long time lying at the mother’s breast. Formula-fed babies need pacifiers.

Parents of formula-fed children should carefully monitor the amount of food their child eats. The formula from the bottle begins to flow immediately and flows out quickly (not like milk from the breast), so the baby quickly gets full, but continues to suck the formula to satisfy the sucking reflex and as a result overeats. Overeating after eating can cause stomach pain and disturb sleep.

Why one month old baby cries after feeding? The baby’s digestive system is not yet strong and is in the phase of development and adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding world. Indigestion can be caused by foods consumed by a nursing mother. Due to the mother's abuse of gas-forming foods (cow's milk, legumes, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber) or as a result of the baby swallowing air during feeding, bloating occurs in the tummy. It becomes hard and painful sensations appear. Many children suffer from colic, which begins at one month of age and ends after 3 months. Some experience it earlier, some later, but for all, colic completely stops by six months - the beginning of the period of introducing complementary foods.

The baby swallows a large amount of air during feeding when it is not applied correctly to the breast. This happens due to an uncomfortable feeding position. Artificial babies swallow air if the hole in the nipple of the bottle is too large. After feeding, you need to hold the baby in a “column” position. By the way, an incorrectly selected mixture can also cause colic, as, in fact, breast milk if the child is intolerant to it.

Colic can be a sign of serious diseases of the stomach or intestines (gastrointestinal defects, enterocolitis, fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis).

With colic, the child begins to cry sharply and piercingly, clench his fists, his face turns red, his tummy becomes hard, he begins to twist his legs (either pressing them to his stomach, or straightening them completely). To help the gases escape faster, you can put a warm heating pad or an ironed diaper on your tummy. You can take a flax seed and sew it into fabric, making a small pillow. It needs to be ironed on both sides and applied to the sore tummy. Flax seed retains heat longer than just regular fabric.

When a baby is sick, he does not sleep and cries constantly. It could be colds. Then the baby will have symptoms such as elevated temperature and nasal congestion, cough. A one-month-old baby can get a gastrointestinal infection. In this case, the sick baby may experience diarrhea and vomiting.

Sleep disturbance and the occurrence of painful sensations accompanied by crying are observed with increased intracranial pressure.

The baby suffers and does not sleep all day while teething. Such cases are rare per month, but they still happen.

In order for your child to sleep well, you must constantly ensure that he is clean and dry. Some children do not react at all to a wet, full diaper, while others cannot sleep peacefully in such a situation.

Parents should not choose a diaper brand based only on advertising or advice from friends. This hygiene item should be selected individually for the baby. It is better to try several brands to find the perfect diaper - one that absorbs well, does not sting, does not rub, does not press, does not leak liquid, does not cause irritation and diaper rash. If there is discomfort from wet diapers, the baby cries persistently and pitifully.

A one-month-old baby does not sleep and cries due to discomfort from uncomfortable baby clothes (with seams inward or restricting movement), loud sounds, bright light, stuffiness or cold.

If a child sneezes and actively moves his legs and arms, it means he is cold; if his face turns red and he begins to sweat, it means he is hot. Parents can rule out the occurrence of most of these negative factors in advance. They must constantly maintain the required temperature (up to 22 degrees) and humidity (at least 60%) in the baby’s room, ventilate and wash the room every day, dim the lights (thick curtains) before going to bed, and try not to create sources of loud and harsh noise. Of course, it is not possible to foresee everything in advance, so the regular noise of a drill or hammer from a neighboring apartment where renovations are underway can become a problem.

If a month-old baby does not sleep, then the reason for this may be a feeling of loneliness and defenselessness. The baby needs to constantly feel the mother’s warmth and smell nearby, and hear his native voice.