Autumn Kuzminki - signs and proverbs: features of Autumn Kuzminki. Autumn Kuzminki - signs and proverbs: features of Autumn Kuzminki Day of Kozma and Demyan

Municipal budget educational institution secondary school No. 6


Scenario extracurricular activity

for 5th grade parallel

"Kuzminki - about the autumn wake."

Prepared and conducted:

History teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 6

Bichurova Svetlana Alexandrovna.

G. Kamyshin


1st presenter - Hello, dear guests! We are happy to see you. And we gathered here for no reason, but for the sake of the holiday!

Who knows what holiday it is today?

2nd presenter – November 14 has long been a holiday in Rus', which was called “Kuzma-Demyan - handicraftsmen, chicken coops.” According to the folk calendar, Saints Kuzma and Demyan were famous as craftsmen and workers, patrons of blacksmiths and women needlewomen.

3rd presenter - and the saints themselves were called God's blacksmiths. Among the people they were known as unmercenary, because... they made plows and distributed them to cultivate the land. Russian peasants affectionately call the forged iron chain Kuzma.

4th presenter But the patronage of Kuzma and Demyan was not limited to this. They were also revered by the common people as guardians of chickens, which is why rural Rus' also called this day a chicken holiday. They always fried kochet and chicken, served prayers in chicken coops and sprinkled them with holy water, believing that the chickens would not get sick later. They also cooked porridge and noodles.“Kuzma - Demyan,” the peasants said, sitting down to a meal, “come to us to slurp porridge.”

1st presenter - In the minds of our ancestors, the rooster and hen always had magical power. Therefore, Kuzminki is sometimes called “chicken holiday”, “chicken name day”. It’s not for nothing that people say “Father Kuzma-Demyan is a chicken god”, “Kuzminki is a chicken name day”, “On Kuzma-Demyan - chicken on the table”.
2nd presenter - Kuzma and Demyan are also known as patrons of the family hearth. The day dedicated to their memory was especially revered by girls. It was believed that Kuzma and Demyan patronized weddings, that with their hammer on the heavenly anvil they forged a marriage chain, and then helped families live in harmony, in peace. In the villages the girls called out:

Father Kuzma - Demyan,
Bring us a wedding
Firmly - firmly,
To the gray head,
Until a long beard.

3rd presenter - In some places there was a custom: on this day the girl is considered the mistress of the house, prepares food for the family and treats everyone. For three days in Kuzminki, the girls rented a room, arranged a gathering (each brought flour and other products) and prepared treats, receiving the guys.Chicken noodles were served as a treat of honor.

4th presenter - People simply called this day Kuzminki. Moreover, they said: “Kuzminki - a wake for autumn”, “Kuzminki - a meeting of winter.”

1st presenter - Many folk signs were associated with this day.

2nd presenter - On this day they noted what the weather would be like in winter.

3rd presenter - A snowy day on Kuzminki promises a big flood next spring.

4th presenter - If on “Kozmodemyan” the leaf remains on the tree, then next year there will be frost.

1st presenter - On this day, the first fragile winter path is established, as evidenced by sayings and proverbs:

“Demyanov’s path is not a path, but only a winter crossroads,”

“Kuzma-Demyan will be chained, it won’t be unchained until spring,”

“Demyan, petrify the water.”

“Kuzma-Demyan is a blacksmith who forges ice on land and water.”

2nd presenter - From Kuzma-Demyan, women take up the buckle closely and turn to the saints, asking them not to lag behind in their work from those who started it earlier: “Father Kuzma-Demyan! Compare me, the late one, with the early ones.”

3rd presenter - Despite the fact that the Kuzminki holiday is named after men, it is considered feminine and maiden.

4th presenter “A proverb said about the house in which the holiday was celebrated: “Whoever lets Mother Kuzma-Demyan celebrate will have grace in his house.”

1st presenter - For three days, the girls rented a room, organized a gathering - a “ssypchina” for a feast, dressed up, waited for the guys and sang, danced in circles, and played games.

(threatens) Oh, well! When Kuma comes, he’ll make everyone smarter!

SKETCH 2 godfathers (godfather Matvey, 2 godfathers)


2 godfathers - At home!

1kuma - What is he doing now?

2kuma - He's lying down!


2 godfathers - Head!

1kuma - Go, Kuma, to Senechki, give him some seeds.

1kuma - Is grandfather Matvey at home, Kuma?

2 godfathers - At home.

1kuma - What is he doing now?

2 godfathers - He's lying down.

1kuma - What hurts him, Kuma?

2 godfathers - Hangers!

1kuma - Go, Kuma, you go to the store, give him Vaseline.

1kuma - Is grandfather Matvey at home, Kuma?

2 godfathers - At home.

1kuma - What is he doing now?

2 godfathers - He's lying down.

1kuma - What hurts him, Kuma?

2 godfathers - Belly!

1kuma - Go, Kuma, to the cellar, give him a burdock!

1kuma - Is grandfather Matvey at home, Kuma?

2 godfathers - At home!

1kuma - What is he doing now?

2 godfathers - He's lying down.

1kuma - What hurts him, Kuma?

2 godfathers - Heels!

1kuma - Take some mints, Kuma, and steam his heels!

1kuma - Is grandfather Matvey at home, Kuma?

2 godfathers - He’s gone, he ran away!!!

1st presenter – After the game, boys and girls compete in reciting boring fairy tales in one breath - works of folk humor, nursery rhymes, or, as they were also called in Rus', buffoons:

1 - Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a courtyard, there was a stake in the courtyard,

There is bast on the stake; shouldn't I say it first?

2 - There was a man Yashka, he was wearing a gray fur coat, a buckle on the back of his head, a rag on his neck, a hat on his head - is my fairy tale good? Listen first!

3 - A crane and a sheep walk around your finger. They ate a stack of hay - should I say from the end?

4 - In one swamp there lived a frog whose name and patronymic was Kvakushka; The frog decided to jump onto the bridge, sat down and tied its tail in the mud! She tugged, tugged, tugged, tugged - she pulled out her tail and tied her nose; tugged, tugged, tugged, tugged - she pulled out her nose and tied her tail; tugged, tugged, tugged, tugged - she pulled out her tail and tied her nose...

6 - Fedul! Why are you pouting your lips?

Yes, the caftan burned!

Is it possible to fix it?

Yes, there is no needle!

How big is the hole?

Yes, there is only one gate left!

1st presenter -In the evening, at gatherings, they made a stuffed animal of Kuzma: they stuffed his pants and shirt with straw, attached a head, and girdled the stuffed animal with a sash. They started singing, dancing, and certainly played so-called “kissing games.” After the holiday was over, the stuffed animal was taken out of the house, undressed and pulled apart, the doll was danced and burned.

And we invite you to take part in our holiday, attend gatherings, play funny Games, have fun.

A knock is heard on the door, guests (two girls) appear.

Girls: Is it possible, mistress?

Mistress: Come in, come in!

Girls: Hello, hostess! Will you let us in for a get-together?

Mistress: Let me in, how can I not let you in, because Kuzminki is a girls’ holiday.

Girls: Will you let it go for the whole winter?

Mistress: How will you pay? Your tea gatherings won’t cost me cheap: there’s rubbish in the hut, but there’s plenty of fire and warmth!

Girls: A what do you need?

Mistress: Yes, quite a bit.

A cartload of firewood, a can of kerosene, half a pound of wheat, three courses of peas, a jar of honey, a pot of butter, and a penny of money!

girls : (laugh): That's a little! Okay, we know about this custom, we brought everything from home(give pots to the hostess).

Mistress: That's okay, that's good! Come.

The girls run away, the hostess also leaves the stage.

The poem is read by the presenters

On the ruins, in the light

Or on some logs

There were gatherings

Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?

Or under the bright sky

They talked and sang songs

Yes, they did a round dance.

We treated ourselves to good tea

With honey, obviously without sweets

As we do now, we communicated

There is no life without communication.

How did you play? On the burners!

Eh, the burners are good!

In a word, these gatherings were a celebration of the soul.

Rest is not trifles -

Time for games and news,

Let's start gatherings

Opening up gatherings

For friends and guests!

The Host and Mistress enter to the accompaniment of Russian folk music.

Master: Hey, good people! Should you sit at home today and look out the window? Are you feeling foggy, sad, and sad today?

Mistress: We will be glad to see you as a guest, a big holiday awaits you, a joyful holiday. According to ancient custom, they are called Kuzminki.


From all doors
From all gates
Come quickly
Hurry up, people!

Mistress: Hello, dear guests!
Come in, make yourself at home!

Master: We have a word and a place for everyone.

Mistress: Oh, the table will be rich today, pouring in and sharing.

1st girl: There's porridge and flatbread!

2nd girl: And pies and eggs!

3rd girl: And here the chicken is waiting for you, they always baked chicken for Kuzma-Demyan.

Mistress: Yes, Kuzminki - chicken name day.

4th girl : We walked around the whole village, everyone is preparing for the holiday, no one is working on this day.

Mistress: Where else are our guests?

Master: Soon, soon they will be!

Mistress: In the meantime, while they are gone, sit down to do your needlework and start spinning winter yarn. Yes, ask Kuzma and Demyan, because they are our patrons, to help us not lag behind in our work from those who started it earlier.

Girls: ( in unison ) Father, Kuzma - Demyan!
Compare me, the late one, with the early ones!

1st guest: The spinning wheel is not God, but it gives you the shirt!

2nd guest: Don't be lazy to spin, you'll dress well!

3rd guest: The lazy spinner doesn’t even have a shirt.

There is a knock on the door and more guests come in.

Master: Come in, dear guests!
Honor for the guest, joy for the owner!


We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting,
We are not starting the holiday. We have prepared some fun things for you to suit every taste:
To whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song.

One of the guests offers to play forfeits. Everyone gives the presenter something: a hairpin, a ribbon, a belt. Everything is put into a basket and mixed. One of the presenters turns away. Another presenter takes out one forfeit and asks: “What should this forfeit do?” The presenter comes up with a task that the owner of the forfeit must complete.

At this time, one of the guests walks among the girls, looking closely at the needlework.

Boy: (flirting) - Clever girl, dear, welcome the spindle,
look at your handiwork.

Young woman: (angry ) - The path is near you, pass by us.

Boy: I spent the whole conversation, I didn’t find anyone more beautiful than you, I came to your mercy. You see for yourself, I’m standing in front of you, admiring the handicrafts.(Sits next to the girl) .

Mistress: The guys came to admire the skills of their chosen ones. After all, it was from Kuzma and Demyan that women began to take up winter work in earnest. Which ones exactly? Who knows?

(He conducts a game with the audience on the knowledge of winter women's works. Those who correctly name the works receive tokens. Whoever has the most tokens wins a prize).

Mistress: Our girls are jacks of all trades.
They can spin, knit, and embroider.
Here is Kuzma's village, and here is Demyan's
(those present are divided into two parts of the hall) . Come out with one needlewoman from each village to show off your skill and skill.

Mistress: We'll rewind the yarn into balls, but where is it? We were in a hurry to go to the holiday, but on the way we probably got lost.(Addresses the audience)
Farmers, look in your outskirts. As soon as you find it, pass it along the rows to your fellow villagers-competitors. And the girls must quickly wind the yarn into balls. Whoever winds up the ball the fastest wins.

( Spectators find skeins of yarn attached to the bottom of the chairs, pass them along the rows to the girls, and they begin to rewind. A song is playing. The song ends, the work stops. Whose ball is bigger, that girl wins. She is awarded a prize).

1st: Oh, the boys are coming!

2nd: And Kuzka is with them!

3rd: Come out to meet the boys!

(Guys with an accordion walk up to the stage.)

Guys: Good afternoon, winch pullets!


Hello, if you're not joking, -
Well done guys, funny daredevils!

- Girls, you girls, where do you get your money?

- In the summer we take berries,
We spin a little bundle from Kuzma.

(they start singing ditties).

My spinning wheel doesn't spin
The wheel doesn't turn
Can't wait to sit down
He's probably angry.

Just like our guys,

from afar, like kings

Wearing white shirts

varnished boots.

Embroidered towel
Roosters, ducks
I was waiting for my dear
For hours, minutes.

My little one has

bad filly:

She stood by the mountain

she was eaten by mosquitoes.

Don't stand in the threshold, my dear!
Not a great honor for you!
Come, sit on my bench -
There's a place for you!

(They let the guys into the hut and sit them on a bench).

Mistress: Come in, welcome guests, admire the work of the bridesmaids. Here is the porridge, our food, piping hot. Help yourself, dear guests, to what God sent you.
To our Kuzenka, the silverless man, the biggest spoon.
Whoever works, eats the same way.
Kuzka is a well-known worker, but who will move him?

( He invites a guy from each village and holds a “Kashedov” competition.)

Mistress: What an outstanding eater, for sure, and a notable worker. This is to prevent your appetite from spoiling.(Gives the winner a prize) .
Have you eaten, are people kinder? Aida, play!

(One of the girls starts a song, they start a round dance. The hostess slowly walks around the hut, takes a closer look. Stops in front of the one who likes her.. They hug, kiss three times, bow to each other, and the chosen one goes further and chooses his chosen one, etc.) d.)

One of the guys: I also invite our viewers to have fun, let's play cockfighting.

Game "Cockfight".

The players come out into the outlined circle. They put their hands behind their backs and use their shoulders to try to push each other out of the outlined circle.

Mistress: You stretched your legs and arms, but forgot about your head?
I have riddles that are so tricky,
Whoever guesses the riddles will become a scientist.

"Guess a riddle".

1. She rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.(Autumn)

2. An armless, legless old man built a bridge across the river.(Freezing)

3. They grow in the summer and fall off in the fall.(Leaves)

4. It’s black and small, but there’s a lot of food in it: they’ll cook it in the water and the kids will eat it. (TOasha)

5. The hut is new - there is no tenant, a tenant appears - the hut will fall apart.(Egg)

6. Scarlet hat, non-woven vest,caftanpockmarked. (Chicken)

7. Not a king, but wearing a crown, not a hussar, but wearing spurs, doesn’t look at his watch, but knows the time. (P fuck)

8. It flew through the forest, fell into the water, but did not gurgle.(Feather)

9. Sits on a spoon, legs dangling.(Noodles)

10. Just in the fist, the red barrel, if you touch it, it’s smooth, And if you bite it, it’s sweet.(Apple)

11. In haymaking it is bitter, but in frost it is sweet, what kind of berry?(Rowan)

12. Two sisters are green in the summer, by autumn one turns red, the other turns black.(Currant)

13. Low, but prickly, sweet, but not odorous. If you pick a berry, you’ll rip off your whole hand.(Gooseberry)

14. Was a green dress satin, no, I didn’t like it, I chose red, but I also got tired of this - I put on a blue dress.(Plum)

15. Little red nesting doll, little white heart.(Raspberries)

16. In a hanging cradle, in the summer the forest dweller sleeps. A colorful autumn will come - it will fall on a tooth.(Nut)

17. I’m sitting on the mansion, small as a mouse. Red as blood, tasty as honey.(Cherry)

One of the girls: (runs in with Kuzma in his arms) Oh, oh, oh, come here quickly! But Kuzenka froze and died!

(Crying sounds for Kuzma)

1st girlfriend : Where are you going, my dear, Kuzenka?

2nd girlfriend : Yes, he dressed up so red!

3rd girlfriend : Yes, I washed myself so white!

All: Yes, what a long journey he went on!

1st girlfriend: Yes to the edge we will carry Kuzma

2nd girlfriend: We'll light a hot fire near Kuzma

3rd girlfriend : Our dear Kuzenka is on fire at the edge of the village!

1st girlfriend : So that spring comes to us after a snowy winter.

All: So that the harvest is good, Kuzenka come to us next year.

1st girlfriend : It’s like a holiday on Kuzminki was not a wedding, but a wake

All: In the red summer in the generous autumn

Mistress: It's over fun party in honor of the glorious masters Kuzma and Demyan, and with it autumn. I wish you a good mood for the whole winter, study well, work hard.

Goodbye, until the next gatherings!

All participants of the holiday are invited to the dining room to taste chicken noodles.

Other holiday names: Handicraftsmen, Unmercenaries, Kuzma and Demyan, God's blacksmiths, Kozma and Demyan Chicken coops, Kuzma and Demyan - handicraftsmen, Father Kozmodemyan, Chicken name day, Chicken holiday, Chicken death, Girlhood holiday, Meeting of winter.

In the views of the Eastern Slavs, on this day they say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. In the Russian Empire, the day of Kuzma and Demyan was celebrated more by girls - they rented a hut and celebrated “chicken name days”.

Cosma and Damian (Kuzma and Demyan) were brothers. Their mother raised them in Christianity, and they preached this faith in hometown. When the brothers reached adolescence, they were sent to study medicine. Imagine the surprise of many when they began to heal people doomed to death from illnesses. However, they did not take payment for their efforts.

One day they cured a woman of a fatal illness, and she, in gratitude, in the name of the Lord God, asked Kuzma to accept 3 eggs from her. He could not refuse her and accepted the gifts. Then his brother was offended by him, saying that Kuzma had broken the vow they had made and forbade them to bury themselves next to him.

After their death, Christians began to think about fulfilling Demyan’s will. While they were racking their brains, a camel appeared in the crowd, which the brothers had once saved. He spoke in a human voice and ordered to put them together, since Kuzma did not accept the woman’s gifts for selfish reasons. So the brothers were buried in the same grave.

Traditions and rituals on Kuzminki autumn

The main traditions of November 14 - parties, end of wedding season, spinning, blacksmiths are not allowed to work.

— Saints Cosmas and Damian were considered the patrons of the family hearth and blacksmiths, and therefore it was a great sin to work in the forges on that day. According to popular beliefs, these saints themselves were engaged in blacksmithing, forged plows and distributed them to people for cultivating the land. In folk riddles, a forged iron chain was called Kuzma: “Kuzma is knotty, it cannot be untied.” The last weddings were played out on Kuzma (Cosma) and Demyan (Damian) - the happiness of the young people was forged.

— On November 14, it was customary to feed the yard, the spirit that watches over livestock. If the yard servant was “dashing”, offending animals, then they performed the following ritual: they sat astride the yard yard’s least favorite horse, rode it around the yard, while waving a broom and shouting: “Father yard man, don’t ruin the yard and don’t kill the animal!” Another broom was dipped in tar and waved a little lower, hoping to hit the yardman on the bald head, with such a mark the dashing spirit would run out of the yard.

— Kuzminki was a peasant celebration of the completion of threshing. On this day, porridge was prepared from the new harvest grains. A frat party was held with all kinds of treats and the obligatory beer, which was brewed that same day from early morning by elderly men and women. A separate hut was allocated for the holiday, and food for the bartchina was collected throughout the village, and the peculiarity was that some of the food had to be stolen from someone.

“Everyone knew about this custom, so housewives deliberately left eggs, milk, potatoes and other products unattended on the table in the hut, so that it would be easier to “steal” them. On Kuzminki, a girl of marriageable age became the mistress of the house. She prepared ritual food for the whole family and treated everyone. According to custom, the first meal on this day was a hard-boiled egg, which, according to beliefs, protected people from infertility. Another must-have dish on the tables was chicken noodles.

— Chicken name days were celebrated on Kuzma and Demyan. Those who were richer sent chickens as gifts to their poorer relatives. On this day, peasant women brought chickens as a gift to the boyarinas (wives of landowners), and they, in return, presented them with ribbons. It was customary to keep such “petition chickens” in high esteem - feed them oats, barley and never kill them. And the eggs they laid were considered medicinal.

Signs and sayings for autumn Kuzminki

  • Kuzminki - meeting winter.
  • If the weather is warm during the day, then winter will be warm.
  • If it snows, then in the spring the river will overflow.
  • If on Kuzminki autumn trees If the leaves have not been completely shed, then the winter will be severe and the harvest will not be harvested.
  • Kuzma-Demyan with a nail, Nikola with a bridge.
  • Kuzma-Demyan will shackle, it won’t be unchained until the red spring.
  • Kuzma will forge, and Mikhailo will unforge (there was often a thaw on November 21).
  • Kuzma-Demyan is a blacksmith who forges ice on land and water.
  • Frost is coming from the forge from the Kuzma-Demyanov forge!
  • Father Kuzma-Demyan is a chicken God.
  • Kuzma and Demyan are planning a wedding.
  • Usually there are moderate frosts on this day.
  • In the evening the frost weakens - leading to cloudy weather the next day.
  • The rooster stands on one leg - it means frost.

The Legend of Kuzmodemyan

Kuzmodemyan, the old people say, was the first man with God since the world was created. This Kuzmodemyan was the first blacksmith and made the first plow in the world. There were no plows then; he was the first to invent them. His forge was 12 miles away, it had 12 doors, 12 hammers.

In those days, in the forest wilds and impassable slums and swamps lived a many-headed and winged Serpent. There was a difficult agreement between the people of our land and the Serpent: people had to send a maiden to him every year to be killed. Where the Serpent appeared, people perished like grass under the feet of cattle, and like millet in the sun.

One day, a blacksmith was forging the first plow when a man-eating snake flew to the forge, chasing a victim. Kuzmodemyan hid it in his place and locked the thick iron doors of the forge. When the Serpent found himself at the very forge, the blacksmith suggested to him: “Draw a hole in the door, then I will put it on your tongue.” The snake is licking the iron door of the forge, and at this time the blacksmith is warming up his tongs. When the Serpent stuck his tongue into the hole he had licked, the blacksmith grabbed the Serpent by the tongue with red-hot pincers. Feeling that he was losing strength, the Serpent suggested: “let’s make peace: let there be half of your light, and half of ours... let’s share.” To which Kuzmodemyan replied: “It’s better to plow up the light so that you don’t climb over to our side to take people - take only your own.” He harnessed it to the plow he had forged and began to plow a giant furrow on it. He plowed a smooth furrow all the way from the Chernigov province straight to the Dnieper. And where they passed there remained a rampart with a ditch on the southern side, which still exists today. As he roared all the way to the Dnieper, the snake became very tired and thirsty. Having finally reached the water, the Serpent drank and drank and burst.

Name day November 14

David, Ivan, Adrian, Peter, Alexander, Denis, Fedor, Dmitry, Sergey, Kuzma.

On this day, believers honor the memory of the unmercenaries Kuzma and Demyan. The Eastern Slavs said goodbye to autumn and welcomed winter. In some Russian provinces they prepared for the holiday in advance. Other names of the day:

  • Autumn Kuzminiki;
  • Day of Kuzma and Demyan;
  • Kuretniki.

During the calendar year, people celebrate two holidays called Kuzminki. Today, November 14, Orthodox Christians celebrate Autumn Kuzminki.

According to the folk autumn calendar, the time is allocated from the Second Savior to Kuzminki. The last weddings were played out on Kuzminki - forging happiness for the young. Saints Cosmas and Damian were considered as craftsmen and patrons of the family hearth, blacksmiths, and therefore it was a great sin to work in the forges on this day. From Kuzma and Demyan, who were considered the patrons of all handicrafts, women sat down to spin winter yarn and, turning to the saints, asked for help in keeping up with those who began spinning earlier: Father Kuzma - Demyan! Compare me, the late one, with the early ones.

Kuzma and Demyan - holy unmercenaries

Cosmas and Damian of Asia, known to us as Kuzma and Demyan, lived in the second half of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th centuries. They were miracle workers and healers, living in the territory of Asia Minor. Exact dates births and deaths are unknown.

Kuzminka's holiday signs and proverbs: a girl's holiday

Despite the fact that the Kuzminki holiday (November 14) is named after the men Kuzma and Demyan, it is considered a feminine, maiden holiday. These holy brothers, whose names have long merged together and become Russified, are called in the villages funny and illogically - “Mother Kuzma-Demyan.”

Kuzminki was also a girls' holiday. On this day, the girls got together and prepared the table, and in the evening they invited single guys to visit. The obligatory dish was porridge. Kuzminki continued “until light”, and then the guys, having finished with the treat, went to steal other people’s chickens. Chicken slaughter time. Usually a chicken was kept in a peasant's yard for two years. During this period, she laid almost 400 eggs - two-thirds of her productivity assigned to her by nature for her entire short, on average six-year life. Therefore, every autumn housewives tried to replenish the chicken coop with “pulls”, and the “overaged” ones were sent to the table.

  • If Kuzma and Demyan shackle the river, then Mikhailo (November 21) will unbreak it.
  • Cold on Kuzma - Demyan - warm on Mikhail.
  • Kuzma - Demyan's path is not a path, but a crossroads in winter.
  • For Kuzma and Demyan, a leaf on a tree means frost in a year.
  • If the leaf remains on the tree, then next year there will be pestilence.

Signs November 14th Day of Kuzma and Demyan.

  • The river will not be frozen in winter until today.
  • Usually there are moderate frosts on this day.
  • In the evening the frost weakens - leading to cloudy weather the next day.
  • A rooster stands on one leg - it means frost.

Tkachuk Lyudmila Sergeevna, technology teacher
Naumova Olesya Borisovna, technology teacher

The project was implemented during and after school hours by students in grades 5-9, their parents, and teachers.

In Rus', on November 14, a holiday was celebrated, which was called “Kuzma-Demyan - artisans, chicken coops.” This is old Russian folk holiday, harvest festival, Rod festival, first winter holiday, early winter. On this day, the first fragile winter path is established, as evidenced by sayings and proverbs:

  • "Demyanov's path is not a path, but only a winter crossroads,"
  • “Kuzma-Demyan will be chained, it won’t be unchained until spring,”
  • "Demyan, petrify the water."

People simply called this day Kuzminki, and they also said:

  • "Kuzminki - about the autumn wake",
  • "Kuzminki - meeting winter."

This holiday is in honor of the holy brothers Kuzma and Demyan - patrons of fertility, marital happiness and protectors of chickens.

In Rus', the holiday was celebrated after the completion of harvesting work. The hard suffering is behind us. The bread is harvested, the flax is pulled. Long winter gatherings begin, during which the girls not only spun, weaved, and embroidered, but also sang songs, told fairy tales, solved intricate riddles, and sometimes the work was interspersed with games and dancing.

On the day of Kuzma and Demyan, a brotherhood was held. The girls organized a “pile up” and invited the guys.

The ritual food was porridge and chickens. In the minds of our ancestors, the rooster and hen have always had the magical power to bring happiness and fertility. Therefore, Kuzminki is sometimes called “chicken holiday”, “chicken name day”. No wonder people say:

  • "Father Kuzma-Demyan - chicken god"
  • "Kuzminki - chicken name day, girl's holiday"
  • "For Kuzma-Demyan - chicken on the table."

Despite the fact that the Kuzminki holiday (November 14) is named after the men Kuzma and Demyan, it is considered a feminine, maiden holiday. These holy brothers, whose names have long merged together and become Russified, are called in the villages funny and illogically - “Mother Kuzma-Demyan.”

Many Kuzminki rituals are associated with interesting Christian history. The brothers who lived near Rome in the third century had the gift of healings from God. They treated and cast out evil spirits with just the name of Christ. Only for faith, without payment or reward, in full accordance with the commandment: “Freely you have received, freely give.” One day the brothers brought a dying woman back to life, and she asked them to accept three eggs as a sign of gratitude. The doctors refused. Then the woman came secretly to Damian and by God conjured him to accept the eggs in the name of the Holy Trinity.

For the sake of such a great oath, Damian agreed. Kosma heard about this, thinking that his brother had broken a strict vow, and was so saddened that he bequeathed not to bury him with Damian. When, after the simultaneous death of the saints at the hands of an envious pagan doctor, people were deciding what to do with the bodies, a camel suddenly appeared, once saved by healers from rabies, and spoke in human language so that they would not doubt and bury the brothers together. They say Damian is guilty because he accepted three chicken eggs for the sake of God.

That is why the ritual food at Kuzminki is chicken noodles, chicken (the heart of the kochet from the Kuzminki dinner goes to the weakest in the family). So Kuzma-Demyan began to be revered not only as the giver of fertility, marriage organizers and teacher of women's work, but also as the patron of chickens. Hence, chickens are indispensable companions of wedding ceremonies. Kurnik is a ritual pie served to young people.

Historically, narratives describe how on November 14, in Moscow on Tolmachevsky Lane, women with chickens gathered around the Church of Kosma-Damian. In the villages, housewives called the priest to serve a prayer service in front of the chicken coops and sprinkle the chickens with holy water. Then they sent chickens as gifts to their relatives, the girls carried the birds to the boyar’s courtyard with a petition to the lady. Such “petition” chickens were held in high esteem. They were fed oats and barley and were never killed. The eggs they laid were considered healing.

On Kuzminki, girls tell fortunes about marriage with the help of a rooster and chickens. They scatter woven golden rings made of straw interspersed with grain across the floor, noting which is whose. Birds peck at the rings of those girls who are destined to get married soon.

Previously, parents arranged a maturity test for their daughter-bride. On November 14, her mother gave her the keys to all the storerooms and allowed her to take whatever she wanted from the food supplies. The daughter herself prepared food for the family and served it. festive table. By this pleasure, the father and mother judged whether the girl was ready to get married, whether she was thrifty, and whether she knew how to greet guests.

There was a proverb about the house in which the holiday was celebrated: “Whoever lets Mother Kuzma-Demyan celebrate will have grace in his house.”

In front of Kuzminki, the girls collected the bulk for the feast, dressed up, waited for the guys and sang:

Mother Kuzma-Demyan
I walked along the Senechki,
Collected nails
I forged the wedding!
Forged firmly and firmly,
To the gray head,
Long beard!

According to popular belief, Kuzma and Demyan are considered masters of blacksmithing. People believe that they are the ones who forge plows and chains and distribute them to those who especially honor them.

  • “Kuzma cannot be knotted, but cannot be untied.”

According to legend, saints and wedding rings are forged.

  • "Kuzma-Demyan comes to our wedding with a holy hammer."

The marriage chains (ties) that connect two people on November 14th cannot be broken, since the holy brothers have a light hand.

Arouse great interest among students folk signs associated with this day.

  • "Snowy day on Kuzminki - a big flood next spring"
  • “If the leaf of Kozma and Demyan remains on the tree, then next year there will be frost,”
  • “Kuzma will forge, and Mikhailo (November 21) will unforge (Mikhailovsky thaw)”,
  • “Kuzma-Demyan’s forge is not great, but ice chains are forged in it for all of holy Rus'.”

Project goals:

  1. Increasing the social significance of school and the socialization of children. School is a place where children, their parents and teachers come. We want to organize lessons so that students, their parents and teachers can not only actively communicate. But everyone can also find something of their own interest in the process of studying the material and organizing the holiday. Moreover, choose the type of activity and become the organizer of this activity.
  2. Introduction of elements of the national-regional component into the curriculum as part of the basic standard general education on technology (service labor) for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  3. Implementation of the author's program by Naumova O.B. and Tkachuk L.S. “Labor training and productive work in grades 5-9 with in-depth study of the arts and crafts of the peoples of the Siberian region.”

Tactical goals:

  1. Realize an idea - through knowledge folk traditions to restore family foundations.
  2. Implement the mission - increasing the social significance of the school as a center of educational and leisure activities, uniting into a single educational process activities of students, parents and subject teachers (technology, history, literature, music, rhetoric).
  3. Increase significance educational field“Technology” in the educational space of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 91.
  4. Coordinate and organize all interested parties in the organization of the educational and cognitive process, socially approved and emotionally valuable leisure.

Target group:

  1. School students and their parents.
  2. Residents of the neighborhood.
  3. School and district teachers.


  1. Babunova I.V. “Technology” 56th grade, “Lesson plans” based on the textbook edited by V.D. Simonenko Volgograd, ed. “Teacher” 2003
  2. Barlina Z.I. “Russian House”, Nizhny Novgorod, 1994.
  3. Eremenko T.I. “Album of patterns for embroidery”, Moscow, “OLMA-PRESS” 2001.
  4. Magazine “School and Production”, No. 1 2001, No. 4 1994.
  5. Gold placers. Russians folk proverbs and sayings. Krasnoyarsk, “Krasnoyarsk production and publishing plant “Offset”, 1993.
  6. History of the costume. Textbook for students of lyceums, schools, colleges. Rostov - on Don: “Phoenix” 2001.
  7. Kaisarov A.S., Glinka G.A., Rybakov B.A. “Myths of the ancient Slavs. Veles' book." Saratov, “Nadezhda”, 1993.
  8. Krupskaya Yu.V. "Technology" Guidelines, 5th grade. Moscow, “Venta-Graf” 2005
  9. Marchenko A.V. “Handbook for technology teachers”, Moscow, “Astrel” 2005.
  10. Pavlova M.B. and Pitt D.” Educational area “Technology”. Theoretical approaches and methodological recommendations.
  11. Pavlova M.B., Pitt D., Gurevich M.I., Sasova I.A. “Technology”. Project method in technological education of schoolchildren”, Moscow, “Venta-Graf” 2003.
  12. Pankeev I. “From christenings to funerals. Customs, rituals, legends of the Russian people. Moscow, “Eksmo”, 1997.
  13. Sasova I.A. “Technology” 5th grade. Collection of projects. Teacher's manual. Moscow. “Venta-Graf”, 2004
  14. Collection of normative and methodological materials on technology. Moscow, “Venta-Graf” 2004
  15. Simonenko V.D. “Textbook “Technology”, grades 5-9. Moscow, “Venta-Graf” 2001
  16. Sycheva L.V. “Embroidery”, Gorno-Altaisk, MP “Alternative”, 1991.
  17. Furletova O.I. “Encyclopedia” Machine embroidery" Moscow, Scientific publishing house “Big Russian Encyclopedia”, Moscow, 1999.

Kuzminki autumn


Kuzma and Demyan - handicraftsmen, Meeting of winter, Kurya name day

Cosmas and Damian (church)


first meeting of winter




girls in Ssypchina celebrated the Kuzminsk party


ritual of appeasing the Brownie in the Yaroslavl province

Other names

Rituals of the day

The Legend of Kuzmodemyan

Sayings and signs

Kuzminki autumn (Kurya name day) is a day of the national calendar among the Slavs, celebrated on November 1 (14).

According to the Eastern Slavs, on this day they say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. In Russia, the day of Kuzma and Demyan was celebrated more by girls - they rented a hut and celebrated “chicken name days”.

Among the Catholic Slavs, All Saints' Day: this day and the next are holidays in remembrance of the souls of deceased relatives, who, according to legend, return home at this time.

Other names

Kuzma and Demyan, Kuzma-Demyan - handicraftsmen, Kuzma, Demyan, Blacksmiths, Father Kozmodemyan, Kuzminki. Chicken holiday, Chicken name day, Chicken death, Handicraftsmen, Kozma and Demyan Chicken coops, Autumn Kuzminki, Chicken coops, Chicken coops; “Kuzma i Dzyamyan” (Belarusian), “Kuzma-syakach” (woodland), “Doctors, Vrachevi” (Serb.), “Bezmitni Vrachevi” (Serb.), “Sveti Vrach, Kuzma and Demian” (Bulgarian. ), “Shine on Vrachove, Doctors, Doctor-bezmitniche” (Bulgarian).

On this day they are revered, among others: by the Orthodox Slavs - Cosmas and Damian, and by the Catholic Slavs - the Cathedral of All Saints; whose names appear in the names of the day.

Rituals of the day

Cosma and Damian (Kuzma and Demyan) - Christian saints, patrons of crafts, marriage, poultry; are also revered as unmercenary doctors.

They pray to Cosma and Damian for mental and physical healing, for enlightenment of the mind, learning to read and write and for help in difficult studies, for the love and peace of spouses, for the protection of the family hearth.

On this day, chickens celebrated their name day. This old custom was known in Moscow. There, in Tolmachevsky Lane, beyond the Moskva River, women gathered around the Church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and held prayer services after mass. Rich people sent chickens as gifts to family and friends. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar's courtyard and petitioned them to present them to their boyar "for a good life." In response, the noblewoman gave the peasant women ribbons for their ubrusnik (headdress). Such “petition chickens” were kept in a special way: they were fed mainly on oats and barley and were never killed. The eggs that these chickens laid were considered healing. In the Yaroslavl province, on this day in the villages they killed a rooster (“kochet”) in barns. The owner chose a rooster and cut off its head with an ax. “Kochetina” legs were thrown onto the roof of the hut so that there would be chickens. The rooster itself was cooked for lunch. In the Voronezh province, peasants always fried “kochet” (rooster) and chicken, served prayers in chicken coops and sprinkled them with holy water.

In Russia, the day of Kuzma and Demyan was considered a girl's holiday and was widely celebrated. For a day, or even three days, a hut was rented where they were going to celebrate the Kuzma party; the girls went from house to house, collecting food for dinner, and also brewed beer together. If a bride girl was present, she was considered the mistress of the house. These “Ssypchins” were organized for themselves, but in the evening they invited guys, a musician, and then the fun began - joint games, songs, dances, courtship and “grooming.” So-called “kissing” games were usually played. The gathering could continue until the morning. When the treat ended, the guys could go “on the hunt” - stealing the neighbor’s chickens. Such thefts, according to the existing tradition, were not condemned by fellow villagers.

The obligatory dish for such a party was chicken noodles, other chicken dishes, and porridge. Saints Kuzma and Demyan were called “chicken coops” and “chicken gods” (cf. Chicken God), and the day of their memory was called “kochetyatnik”, “chicken holiday” and “chicken name day”. Priests were invited to serve a prayer service in the chicken coops, then the priest sprinkled holy water on the poultry. On this day, chickens were slaughtered so that the farm would have poultry throughout the year. The meal usually began with a prayer: “Kuzma-Demyan - silver! Give birth, Lord, so that there will be squeaky birds.” There was a belief: if a chicken bone breaks during dinner, then next year an ugly chicken will hatch.

In some areas there was a custom according to which a girl of marriageable age would prepare various chicken dishes for the family and treat everyone who came to the house. Chicken noodles were served on such a table as an “honorable” treat. In some villages, Kozmodemyansk beer was brewed for honest guests.

Many rituals and actions that girls performed on this day were correlated with wedding rituals and the idea of ​​​​changing the status of representatives of an adult girl group.

The rooster here can be compared with the emblem of the sun - the noted festive ritual of sacrificing a rooster on Kuzma-Demyan merged with ritual food, the main one of which was chicken.

In the Yaroslavl province, on this day they addressed the servant who looked after the livestock. If there was a dashing servant in the yard who liked to misbehave, then the owner took a broom, sat on a horse that the servant did not like, rode it around the yard, waved the broom and shouted: “Father, the servant! Don’t destroy the yard and don’t destroy the animals.” After this ritual, the courtyard should calm down. Sometimes the broom was dipped in tar with the intention of marking a notch on the bald head of the yard. It was believed that with such a mark the dashing brownie ran away from the yard.

In the Penza province of Gorodishchensky district there was a custom of “funeral of Kuzma-Demyan”: “in a fat hut the girls prepare a stuffed animal, that is, stuff it with straw men's shirt and trousers and attach a head to it; then they put a “chapak” on the scarecrow, gird it with a sash, put it on a stretcher and carry it to the forest, outside the village, where the scarecrow undresses and there is a merry dance on the straw.”

In Belarus, on this day in some villages, young people at parties made a straw effigy of Kuzmydemyan. He was dressed in men's clothing, they attached a phallus from red material, sat him in a place of honor at the table, treated him and treated himself. A girl sat next to the scarecrow and they “got married, had a wedding,” and performed ditties on a love-erotic theme. At the end of the evenings, the guys took the scarecrow outside the village, took off its clothes, and burned the straw.

U southern Slavs Kuzma and Demyan are revered as healing saints. In their days, Qurban was inflicted, women refrained from work so that no one in the family would get sick, they baked bread and distributed it “for health.” Kuzma and Demyan are considered their patrons by healers, healers and herbalists.

The Poles believed that on this day the souls of the dead visited their homes, they left windows and doors open for them, food and drink on the table, and also brought them food to the cemetery; in the evening they were afraid to go to church, since it was believed that the dead themselves came there to celebrate mass. Czechs and Slovaks also visited the graves. Baked buns (Czech) dušičky, duše) were distributed to the poor or given to carolers who went wishing for a big harvest. In northern Slovakia, memorial notes and the same number of tows of combed flax were served in the church, believing that one soul would grab hold of each tow and escape from purgatory. In Benet Slovenia (in the southwest of the country), the custom of caroling is known for women who sing special “carols” (Slovenian) on this day. dušne kolednice).

The Legend of Kuzmodemyan

Kuzmodemyan, the old people say, was the first man with God since the world was created. This Kuzmodemyan was the first blacksmith and made the first plow in the world. There were no plows then; he was the first to invent them. His forge was 12 miles away, it had 12 doors, 12 hammers.

In those days, in the forest wilds and impassable slums and swamps lived a many-headed and winged Serpent. There was a difficult agreement between the people of our land and the Serpent: people had to send a maiden to him every year to be killed. Where the Serpent appeared, people perished like grass under the feet of cattle, and like millet in the sun.

One day, a blacksmith was forging the first plow when a man-eating snake flew to the forge, chasing a victim. Kuzmodemyan hid it in his place and locked the thick iron doors of the forge. When the Serpent found himself at the very forge, the blacksmith suggested to him: “Draw a hole in the door, then I will put it on your tongue.” The snake is licking the iron door of the forge, and at this time the blacksmith is warming up his tongs. When the Serpent stuck his tongue into the hole he had licked, the blacksmith grabbed the Serpent by the tongue with red-hot pincers. Feeling that he was losing strength, the Serpent suggested: “let’s make peace: let there be half of your light, and half of ours... let’s share.” To which Kuzmodemyan replied: “It’s better to plow up the light so that you don’t climb over to our side to take people - take only your own.” He harnessed it to the plow he had forged and began to plow a giant furrow on it. He plowed a smooth furrow all the way from the Chernigov province straight to the Dnieper. And where they passed there remained a rampart with a ditch on the southern side, which still exists today. As he roared all the way to the Dnieper, the snake became very tired and thirsty. Having finally reached the water, the Serpent drank and drank and burst.

Sayings and signs

  • “Wszyscy Święci, zima się kręci” (pol.) - Winter coincides with All Saints.
  • Kuzma-Demyan is a blacksmith who forges ice on land and water.
  • Father Kuzma-Demyan is a chicken God.