A reminder on how to organize summer holidays for children. Safe holiday in summer


  • You are responsible for the life and health of your children during the summer holidays;
  • on preventing children from being left unattended on the water and near bodies of water, as well as in other traumatic places that pose a threat to the life and health of children.
To avoid unforeseen situations with children, we kindly ask you:
  • Strictly control your children's free time. Do not allow them to be unaccompanied by adults in the evening and at night from 22.00 to 06.00;
  • allow swimming in reservoirs only in designated places and in your presence;
  • when a child is in the water, do not take your eyes off him, do not be distracted - sometimes a minute can turn into a tragedy;
  • an adult who looks after children swimming must be able to swim and provide first aid;
  • do not allow children on bicycles to ride on the road;
  • exercise caution and follow all safety requirements when you are with children on a playground or sports ground, on a trip or during outdoor recreation;
  • do not allow children to drive cars and motorcycles on their own;
  • Make children aware of the rules fire safety, behavior in nature (forest, park, river) and on the street!
  • teach to give first medical care in case of accidents!
  • control the place where children are;
  • follow traffic rules, fire safety rules, rules for using gas and electrical appliances;
  • Take special care in the forest due to CCHF (ticks).

Remember!!! The health of your child depends on your constant control, love and care!!! Take care of your children, do not leave them unattended!

A reminder for parents about the safety of children in the summer
In order for children to be rested, healthy and alive, you need to remember a number of rules and conditions when organizing their holidays with parents, relatives, friends (at the dacha or in the village with their grandmother):

  • develop children’s personal safety skills;
  • spend with children individual conversations, explaining important rules, compliance with which will help save life;
  • solve the problem of children's free time;
  • remember! In the late evening and at night (from 23.00 to 6.00 in the summer), children and adolescents are legally prohibited from appearing on the street unaccompanied by adults;
  • Always be aware of where and with whom your child is, control where your children are;
  • do not allow talking to strangers. Explain to your child that he has every right to say “no” always and to anyone if this “someone” is trying to harm him;
  • Explain to children that under no circumstances should they get into a car with strangers;
  • Convince your child that no matter what happened, you should know about the incident, do not get angry under any circumstances, always take his side. Explain that some facts should never be kept secret, even if they have promised to keep them secret;
  • Swimming and playing on the water, in addition to pleasure, pose a threat to the life and health of children. When a child is in the water, do not take your eyes off him, do not be distracted - sometimes a minute can turn into a tragedy;
  • be sure to explain to children that they should not swim alone, or dive in an unfamiliar place;
  • an adult who looks after bathing children must be able to swim, provide first aid, and master the techniques of performing artificial respiration and chest compressions;
  • To avoid becoming a victim or perpetrator of a traffic accident, teach your children the rules traffic, teach them to be extremely careful on the road and in public transport;
  • be careful and follow all safety requirements when you are with children on a playground or sports ground, or on a hike;
  • Learn the rules of riding bicycles with your children.
  • Fire is not a toy!

Be extremely careful with fire. Draw children's attention to the most common cases of fires due to careless handling of fire:

  • children's prank with fire;
  • unextinguished coals, slag, ash, fires;
  • unextinguished cigarette butts, matches;
  • burning of garbage by owners of dachas and garden plots on the edges of the forest;
  • burning grass, short circuit, operation of electrical devices, household appliances, stoves.

An open window is a danger to a child! The net will not protect the child!
Every year, a huge number of children die from falls from heights. Be carefull! Never leave windows open if there is a child at home!
Most often, children between the ages of one year (when the child begins to walk) and 5-6 years old fall out of windows. Why is this even happening? Behind last years the number of plastic windows in our homes has increased significantly; on the one hand, this is good, new windows mean convenience and cleanliness, but, on the other hand, parents must understand the danger that lies in the new window. When we ourselves were children, our houses had old wooden frames, which were quite difficult to open even for an adult. Now the plastic window opens very easily, and if it is also equipped with an anti-mosquito net, then it becomes even more dangerous for the child. He subconsciously perceives the mosquito net as a protective barrier, leans on it and the irreparable happens.

Many parents allow their children to play on window sills - this should not be done so that the child does not get used to the fact that the window and window sill are a place for his games and entertainment.
It seems to you that you are nearby, but the second you are distracted for may be the last in your child’s life!

  • Never use mosquito nets - children lean on them and fall out with them!
  • never leave your child unattended!
  • Install locks on the windows so that the child cannot open the window on his own!

Dear parents, do not forget that your children need help and attention, especially in the summer. Remind your child of the rules of the road every day.
Rules of behavior on the pond
Most families prefer to spend hot summer days on the beaches of bodies of water - lakes, rivers, seas. Adults and children enjoy swimming and sunbathing and breathing fresh air. However, water can be dangerous. Therefore, before traveling to a holiday destination, you should study the following recommendations:

  • do not allow your child to swim without your supervision, especially on mattresses or inflatable rings.
  • Let your child into the water only wearing a swimming vest or arm sleeves.
  • Do not allow children to play games where participants hide under water or are drowned. Such entertainment can end in tragedy.
  • do not allow swimming behind buoys or diving in unknown parts of the reservoir, as stones and tree branches often lead to injuries.
  • Monitor the time your child stays in the water to prevent hypothermia.
  • To avoid sunburn, lubricate your child's skin with special sunscreens.
  • when bathing children during hikes, walks and excursions in the summer, choose a quiet, shallow place with a gently sloping bottom that is clear of snags, algae and silt;
  • children should not be allowed near bodies of water without adult supervision;
  • A bathing child should be continuously monitored;
  • while swimming, prohibit children from jumping into the water and diving from the railing or from the shore;
  • resolutely stop children's pranks on the water.

Fall hazard
Falls are a common cause of bruises, broken bones and serious head injuries. They can be prevented if:

  • do not allow children to climb in dangerous places;
  • install fences on steps, windows and balconies.

In the summer, children's playgrounds, and especially swings, become a high-risk area.
Prevention of injuries in children
Childhood injuries and their prevention are very important and serious problem, especially during the summer holidays, when children have more free time, are more often outdoors and are left without adult supervision.
Despite big variety injuries in children, the causes that cause them are typical. First of all, this is a poor environment, negligence, oversight of adults, careless, incorrect behavior of a child at home, on the street, during games, sports.

Memo for parents

In summer, children spend most of their time outdoors. The holiday should be complete and the memories of it should be only pleasant ones. For this to happen, parents should not forget about the rules for safe behavior of children in recreational areas. Children should also be made aware of these rules.

Relaxation on the water.

Many families spend hot summer days on the beaches of reservoirs. Adults and children enjoy swimming and sunbathing and breathing fresh air. However, we must remember that water can be dangerous. To avoid misfortune, you need to remind

Rules of conduct on the water:

    Children should swim only under the supervision of an adult;

    The child must wear a swimming vest or arm sleeves;

    Children's games should only be above water;

    You cannot swim behind buoys and dive in unknown places in the reservoir;

    The child’s time in the water is limited to prevent hypothermia;

    The child's skin must be lubricated with special sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

If you decide to go outdoors with your whole family

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety rules in such places. Tell your children about the dangers that may await them:

    There may be ticks in such places. Ticks are carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, their bites are dangerous. It is better to dress the child in pants and closed shoes. Moreover, the trousers must be tucked into the elastic band of the socks. It would not be superfluous to treat the surface of clothing with insect repellents.

    Unfamiliar mushrooms and berries growing in the forest can be poisonous. Explain to children that they are not allowed to touch.

    If there are bumblebees, wasps, or bees nearby, then you need to remain motionless. Otherwise they may bite.

    You should not approach animals, they may bite or be very frightening.

    Children should not stray far from adults. Must be visible at all times. Do not leave children unattended - they may get lost.

The task of parents is to properly protect their child at home and in places of recreation. The rules of safe behavior must always be observed and this does not depend on the time of year. Summer probability child injury more. Because of the fear of injury, you should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to relax near a pond or in the forest. You just have to comply certain rules behavior and your holiday will not be overshadowed.

Rules for the safety of children on vacation in the summer:

    Remember that from 10-00 to 17-00 the sun is very active. It is advisable to be in the shade at this time. You should not leave home without a hat. Alternate time in the sun with play in the shade.

    Keep track of perishable items and store them in the refrigerator. You can eat vegetables and fruits only after they have been washed.

    Remind children to wash their hands before eating.

    Teach children to cross the road only when there is a traffic light.

    Remind them of the rules of behavior on the children's playground. Choose safe play areas. Before placing your baby on the swing, make sure it is in good condition.

    Do not allow children to take matches or make fires without the presence of adults. Explain the dangers of such an activity.

    Avoid dehydration. Let children drink purified water more often. On hot days, you can spray water on your body from a spray bottle.

    When purchasing a bicycle, rollerblades, or skateboard, purchase safety equipment. It is mandatory to wear equipment; such precautions will help avoid injury to children.

    In hot weather, you need to choose clothes made from natural fabrics. Dress children according to the weather.

    Remind children that not everything that looks good is edible. You should not put anything unfamiliar in your mouth.

    Remind children about the rules of behavior with insects.

    Swimming in open water is only permitted under the supervision of an adult.

Follow simple recommendations and this will help protect the life and health of your child. I hope my consultation and recommendations will be useful to you during the summer.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 93"

Memo for parents

"Organization of a safe summer holiday"


Aryutina I.E.

Grunyushkina E.A.

Saransk 2016

Anastasia Sibileva
Memo for parents “Preparing for summer holidays correctly”


Red summer is coming! The soul asks to go to the sea, bask on the sand whitened by the rays of the hot sun, listen to the soothing splash of the surf, look at the bright sunny colors of green foliage and colorful flowers, inhale the intoxicating smell of herbs and salty spray.

Let's discuss what you should consider if you are traveling with a baby to make the trip as comfortable and safe as possible.

According to the recommendation of doctors, it is better not to take a child under 3 years of age out of the region in which you live, as climate change may adversely affect his health. Before a long journey, a child over 3 years of age must be shown to the attending physician and dentist to receive the necessary medical recommendations.

Buy your child a children's suitcase on wheels, in which he can put his toys, food, and books. Having your own baggage teaches a child to be responsible. In order not to lose sight of your baby at the airport or train station, dress him in bright colors for the trip.

Traveling by train. The convenience of the trip largely depends on the type of carriage in which you plan to travel. If you are traveling with a small child, then a separate compartment is the best option. More expedient, although much more expensive. Buy all tickets in one compartment.

Traveling by plane. Check with your specific airline as their travel arrangements with small children vary greatly. To make it convenient to travel with a child under 2 years old, you can take a portable basket, car seat or kangaroo backpack into the cabin. Take comfortable, warm clothes with you: it can be much cooler on board than outside. The ideal time to fly is at night. There is hope that the baby will fall asleep and easily survive the flight.

General rule for travelers: small child it’s good where his parents are comfortable. Calm parents mean a calm child. Even if there are conflicts in your family, conclude a peace agreement in advance. Agree to immediately make peace with every quarrel, no matter who is to blame. Your discord will certainly plunge your child into depression, he will also begin to be capricious, and this will make things worse for you, for him, and for all passengers. May your journey be only pleasant.

It is forbidden:

Overfeed your baby before traveling.

Leaving children unattended can lead to an accident.

Letting a child feel abandoned, allowing him to become capricious and hysterical is more tiring for those around him than for his parents.

Allowing a child to climb onto the upper shelves of the train and back is not safe for him or others.

Travel with a child with a cold or an exacerbation of chronic diseases, except for cases when the child is being taken for treatment.

Young children should not suddenly change the climate.


Temporarily exclude dairy and fermented milk products, fatty foods, and carbonated water from the menu.

Mentally isolate yourself from the people around you and focus only on the child, as if you were at home with him.

Take with you a potty with a lid and a set of replaceable bags-liners, like for a trash can, several diapers, a diaper and wet wipes.

Keep a “magic” assistant bag on hand. It should contain everything that might be urgently needed on the road: a first aid kit, spare clothes, a bottle of water, books, markers, favorite food and every little thing that might interest the child at least for a while. A player with headphones and audiobooks helps a lot.

Pack only the essentials in your first aid kit: thermometer, disinfectant liquid, temperature control, absorbents (for intestinal disorders, sea water-based spray, ear pain-relieving drops. Stock up on water, sour juices, mint and citrus candies to “eat up” nausea.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Breathe correctly”“BREATHE CORRECTLY” Speaking about the role of movement, we should touch upon the issue of children’s breathing. The fact is that not only kids, but also many preschool children.

Consultation for parents “Getting ready for school”“Getting ready for school” Preparing children for school is a crucial moment. Many parents ask what to do to make their child well.

Consultation for parents “About summer holidays for children” Summer is in full swing, and it’s time for parents to think about spending their holidays and their children’s holidays, because our children are just like you and me.

Consultation with a teacher - Psychologist for parents “Getting ready for school” A child’s readiness for school is not a simple indicator, that is, one where one can say whether it is there or not. Ready for school.

Master class for parents “Getting ready for school” Goal: to increase the level of practical knowledge of parents taking into account the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Memo for parents “Praise your child correctly” The child has grown up, but he still cannot distinguish good behavior from bad. Therefore, you, parents, must remember that this is the most important thing.

Khmelnitskaya Yuliana
Memo for parents on organizing a safe summer holiday for children

"Let's enjoy the summer"

Summer has come. This is a great time for games and entertainment, but when relaxation brings development, it becomes even more useful.

Summer is a lot of time for casual conversations and activities with your child.

fresh air.

Most families have summer cottages, many go to

vacation, some stay in the city, but everyone has the opportunity to walk with their children,

play with them in nature. It is important to organize games with children that are useful for

developments that expand the child’s horizons and knowledge about the surrounding beauty

Walking in the park, by the river, or just in the yard, you can find many objects and objects of living nature to describe them, write a sentence, come up with a story, or develop fine motor skills.

It is useful to carry out a variety of weather observations, seasonal changes in nature, plants, birds, animals, people. All this needs to be commented on, discussed, and framed as a conversation. New, unfamiliar words to the child should be explained, repeated several times, and the child should be taught to pronounce them clearly.

It is useful to listen to the sounds of the street: the rustling of leaves, the voices of birds, the sounds of the wind,

rain, etc. this develops auditory attention.

While relaxing on the beach or in the park, you can organize experimental experiments to study the properties of water, sand, grass, and dew. Similar activities They expand not only the child’s horizons, but also replenish the active vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

You can come up with games and exercises for adults yourself and offer them

child, the main thing is that any task has an instructive, educational purpose.

Take note


Summer has come! Nature blossomed, the forest, garden, trees in the park changed beyond recognition, became covered with thick green leaves. The sun gets hotter and hotter, the day becomes

Longer and the birds sing incessantly.

Rye is sprouting in the field, lingonberries and rose hips are blooming, and if you see a hive, bees are collecting honey from plant pollen in it.


Haymaking is underway (hay is being cut, blueberries are ripe, strawberries are being poured. And if

If you go to the forest to pick berries, you can pick up a whole basket. Look! There is fluffy “white snow” in the parks in summer! This is a poplar blossoming, and "summer snow"

This is poplar fluff.


The water near the shore of the lake became colder. It's because the days have gotten shorter

and the nights are longer. But the sun still warms like summer. The month of August gives us

a large harvest of fruits, vegetables and delicious berries.

"Organization of a safe summer holiday"

In summer, children spend most of their time outdoors. The holiday should be complete and the memories of it should be only pleasant ones. For this to happen, parents should not forget about the rules for safe behavior of children in recreational areas. Children should also be made aware of these rules.

Relaxation on the water

Many families spend hot summer days on the beaches of reservoirs. Adults and children enjoy swimming and sunbathing and breathing fresh air. However, we must remember that water can be dangerous. To avoid misfortune, it is necessary to remind.

Rules of conduct on the water:

Children should swim only under the supervision of an adult;

The child must wear a swimming vest or arm sleeves;

Children's games should only be above water;

You cannot swim behind buoys and dive in unknown places in the reservoir;

The child’s time in the water is limited to prevent hypothermia;

The child's skin must be lubricated with special sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

If you decide to go outdoors with your whole family

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety rules in such places. Tell your children about the dangers that may await them:

There may be ticks in such places. Ticks are carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, their bites are dangerous. It is better to dress the child in pants and closed shoes. Moreover, the trousers must be tucked into the elastic band of the socks. It would not be superfluous to treat the surface of clothing with insect repellents.

Unfamiliar mushrooms and berries growing in the forest can be poisonous. Explain to children that they are not allowed to touch.

If there are bumblebees, wasps, or bees nearby, then you need to remain motionless. Otherwise they may bite.

You should not approach animals, they may bite or be very frightening.

Children should not stray far from adults. Must be visible at all times. Do not leave children unattended - they may get lost.

The task of parents is to properly protect their child at home and in places of recreation. The rules of safe behavior must always be observed and this does not depend on the time of year. In summer, the likelihood of childhood injuries is greater. Because of the fear of injury, you should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to relax near a pond or in the forest. You just need to follow certain rules of conduct and your holiday will not be overshadowed.

Rules for the safety of children on vacation in the summer:

Remember that from 10-00 to 17-00 the sun is very active. It is advisable to be in the shade at this time. You should not leave home without a hat. Alternate time in the sun with play in the shade.

Keep track of perishable items and store them in the refrigerator. You can eat vegetables and fruits only after they have been washed.

Remind children to wash their hands before eating.

Teach children to cross the road only when there is a traffic light.

Remind them of the rules of behavior on the children's playground. Choose safe play areas. Before placing your baby on the swing, make sure it is in good condition.

Do not allow children to take matches or make fires without the presence of adults. Explain the dangers of such an activity.

Avoid dehydration. Let children drink purified water more often. On hot days, you can spray water on your body from a spray bottle.

When purchasing a bicycle, rollerblades, or skateboard, purchase safety equipment. It is mandatory to wear equipment; such precautions will help avoid injury to children.

In hot weather, you need to choose clothes made from natural fabrics. Dress children according to the weather.

Remind children that not everything that looks good is edible. You should not put anything unfamiliar in your mouth.

Remind children about the rules of behavior with insects.

Swimming in open water is only permitted under the supervision of an adult.

Publications on the topic:

Many parents believe that the main thing is to provide their child with complete freedom during the holidays and allow their child to spend a long time.

Consultation for parents “Possible forms of joint recreation between parents and children” The family has the greatest influence on the development of a child’s personality. Family comes first social environment, in which a person learns the basics.

Activities to preserve and improve the health of preschool children as part of the summer recreation program for children in preschool institutions Raising a healthy child is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy. How to help a growing child realize his or her goals.

Memo for parents “Advice for parents of young children aged 2 to 5 years”“Advice for parents of small children aged 2 to 5 years” 1. The child should wear a hat on the beach and in the water. 2. Explain.

Memo for parents on traffic rules for children of middle preschool age Memo for parents of children of middle preschool age Dear parents! Average preschool age the child must learn: .

Memo for parents on traffic rules. Formation of safe behavior skills in children on the streets and roads Memo for parents The main reason for road tragedies is children’s lack of skills to behave safely on the streets and roads and the ability to observe.

When crossing the road, make sure the traffic light is green. Try to bring the child as close to you as possible, do not move away from him.

Memo for parents on maintaining safe behavior on the streets of a city or town Take your time, cross the street at a measured pace. When going out onto the road, stop talking - the child must get used to it.

Summer recreation program for children at a school health camp Contents Program Passport Explanatory note Purpose of the program Objectives of the program Concept of the program Pedagogical idea of ​​the program Principles.

Image library:

Dear parents, due to the onset of summer period Children spend a lot of time without adult supervision. Your children will be outdoors most of the time, increasing the risk of injury. Talk with your children, pay attention to safety when spending free time on the street and at home, relaxing near reservoirs and in children's camps.

Remind your child of the rules of the road every day. Use appropriate situations for this on the street in the yard, on the way to kindergarten. When you are on the street with your child, it is useful to explain to him everything that is happening on the road with vehicles and pedestrians. For example, why in this moment you cannot cross the roadway, what rules exist for pedestrians and cars in this case, point out the violators, noting that they violate the rules, risking getting hit by moving vehicles.

When going out into nature, keep in mind that when bathing children during hikes, walks and excursions, choose a quiet, shallow place with a gently sloping bottom that is clear of snags, algae and silt. Children should not be allowed near bodies of water without adult supervision. A bathing child should be continuously monitored. During swimming, children should be prohibited from jumping into the water and diving from fences or the shore. Resolutely stop children from playing pranks on the water. You can swim only in permitted places - in bathhouses or on equipped beaches. For swimming, you need to choose a sandy shore, quiet shallow places with a clean bottom.

Constantly remind your child about outdoor safety rules. Forbid him to go far from his home or yard, not to take anything from strangers, to avoid groups of unfamiliar teenagers, not to walk until late in the day, to avoid deserted places, ravines, vacant lots, abandoned houses, barns, attics, and basements. Also, do not enter an entrance or elevator with a stranger, do not open the door to people you do not know, do not get into someone else’s car, and do not hesitate to call people for help on the street, in transport, and at entrances.

It is important to remember the safety rules for your child at home. Do not leave your child alone in the apartment with electrical appliances turned on, block access to sockets, and avoid child contact with a gas stove and matches. Do not leave window and balcony frames open, even with mosquito nets that have unstable structures. Make sure that your child does not use dubious literature and video products. Limit and control your child's online communication.

During children’s recreational holidays in summer camps, draw their attention to the safety of their personal property (cell phones, cameras, tablet computers, etc.), and also hold explanatory conversations with children about the inadmissibility of leaving camps without permission.

Remember, the child takes an example from you, the parents. Let your example teach your child disciplined behavior on the street and at home. Try to do everything possible to protect children from accidents.

Dear parents, report all facts of negative behavior on the part of the administration of children's health camps and playgrounds, as well as facts of concealment of crimes and offenses on their part, to the police!

You can call the police from a landline by dialing " 02 ", With mobile phone: MTS - 112, Megafon andTELE2 Russia – 020, Beeline – 002.

Helpline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Smolensk region - 380535