Pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from April 1. Pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Let us recall that back in December last 2017, former employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs received an indexed pension. The structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is constantly being restructured in order to optimize and improve work.

On increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from February 1, 2018 by 2,500 rubles; employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to count on various benefits

Based on legal provisions Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired can count on the following monetary payments:

— long-service pension;

- old age pension;

- disability pension.

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Currently in Russia there are about 1 million people who work with the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the structure is subject to constant changes and reorganization - employees are fired and the Ministry of Internal Affairs merges with other structural divisions, as happened in 2016, when the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Penitentiary Service joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, let us remind you that the Russian Guard was removed from the control of the police and now it has its own powers and organizational and legal framework.

Today, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes the following organizations:

On increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from February 1, 2018 by 2,500 rubles; the pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were indexed by 4% last year 2017

To assign a long service pension to persons who are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, it is necessary to meet several conditions, such as having the necessary length of service and having the required retirement age. For retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the time spent studying and the period of work in other law enforcement organizations is counted towards their length of service. Concerning latest changes Regarding pension accruals for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their pensions were indexed as of January 1, 2018. The indexation rate was 4%.

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Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are puzzled by the upcoming changes in their department, which have been predicted since 2015. Rumors about reform are circulating in the press again pension provision security forces. The changes have not yet entered into force, but the bill has already been prepared and is being prepared for consideration. What awaits pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, we will consider in this material.

Reasons for reform

In accordance with the May decree of the President of the Russian Federation on national development goals N 204, the Government needs to halve the poverty level by 2024 and achieve an increase in life expectancy to 78 years. To comply with instructions from above, officials are looking for ways to save public funds and replenish the budget. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive increased wages and pensions, which at least to some extent compensate for the dangerous and difficult conditions of their work. But there are not enough government funds to provide for all units of law enforcement agencies and retired pensioners. The reason for the planned changes is the deficit of the state treasury.

Increased length of service

The need for global pension reform has been declared for several years now. Along with increasing the retirement age of “civilian” employees, an increase in the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also being considered. It is expected to raise it from 20 to 25 years. This proposal was made by Economy Minister Siluanov back in 2015, but was not accepted.

According to analysts, the implementation of a wide range of social and economic reforms will take place in 2019. Apparently, starting this year, a bill on increasing the length of service of law enforcement agencies, whose pensions are regulated by a separate law dated February 12, 1993, N 4468-1, “On the pensions of persons who passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 4468-1).

Review of the bill

IN explanatory note It is indicated that these changes are aimed at retaining valuable experienced personnel in the service, as well as in order to increase the amount of subsequent state support.

According to the bill, the total number of years required to receive a service pension will be 25 years. This applies to all law enforcement agencies - military, police, drug control services and the Federal Penitentiary Service.

An employee of the above departments must have at least 20 years of service if he was dismissed due to:

  • illnesses,
  • recognition of unfitness for service by a special commission,
  • reaching the age limit,
  • as a result of reduction.

This is a new paragraph, it is included in Part 1 of Article 13 of Law No. 4468-1.

The good news is that the superannuation rate is also increasing. If now it is 50% of the salary upon reaching 20 years of service (Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1), then with the adoption of the law it will be 65% of the salary with a subsequent increase of 3% annually, but not more than 85% (in This part of the law does not change).

Article 14 will also be supplemented with a clause on the assignment of benefits to employees dismissed due to illness, incompetence and layoffs after 20 or more years of service. They are entitled to a pension of 50% of their allowance, with a subsequent increase of 3% annually.

The second section of the bill concerns only the military and amends the chapter of Law No. 306-FZ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel...”, it talks about a salary increase that increases with length of service.

The third section is devoted to the entry into force of the provisions of this document and applies to all categories of employees. It states that when employees of departments are dismissed before January 1, 2019, the conditions for receiving a pension according to the previous version of the law are preserved - that is, 20 years of minimum service.

When will it take effect

The bill's details do not indicate the date of entry into force, but the text of the document mentions January 1, 2019. This suggests that if this act passes all readings in 2018, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin to take effect in 2019. Considering that in June 2018 the government begins to agree on a law on increasing retirement age ordinary citizens, we can expect that in the second half of the year similar issues regarding law enforcement agencies will be considered.

Types of pensions

According to Art. 5 of Law No. 4468-1, employees in the service of the state have the right to choose which pension they receive - or for disability, if it occurred as a result of professional activity. In addition, department employees are entitled to a regular pension. According to paragraph 6 of Article 3 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, they have the right to receive insurance pension simultaneously with a specialized pension.

To do this, the following general conditions must be met:

  1. Age (60 for men, 55 for women);
  2. Length of service outside law enforcement(in civilian life) - at least 9 years in 2018 and 10 years in 2019;
  3. Points awarded by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation according to a certain system (minimum - 13.8 for 2018).

Other changes in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

There is information in the media about upcoming changes in the structure of internal affairs bodies in 2019, but they are not based on official sources. However, on January 1, 2018, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On amending the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 No. 300 “On some issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” came into force. According to the new instructions, the number of staff of internal affairs bodies should be 894,871 people, which is 10 thousand less than in the version of the decree adopted in 2016.

It follows from this that the workforce will be reduced, and in what ways is still unknown. There are several reform proposals:

  • merger of the penitentiary service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • removal from law enforcement personnel medical institutions and their transfer to the system of the Ministry of Health;
  • merger of the patrol service and the traffic police;
  • promotion to civilian positions of employees whose work is not directly related to law enforcement activities: psychologists, accountants, personnel officers.

Issues related to pensions always arouse increased interest. The issue of improvement is resolved annually financial situation persons of retirement age. Indexation and compensation are the main mechanisms used to cover current inflation. At the end of December 2017, the State Duma considered all issues related to upcoming payments to persons who have reached the appropriate age and received the right to a well-deserved rest. The State Duma adopted amendments that regulate the size of indexations. What changes await military retirees and law enforcement officers equivalent to them? Will police pensions increase? Latest news The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will please those who have already retired: an increase in 2018 is planned and approved. Corresponding changes have already been made to the laws regulating the activities of Pension Fund, and signed by the President.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have left active service are equated to military personnel and are allocated in a separate category in the structure of the Pension Fund. Special calculation and accrual rules have been developed for them. social payments and benefits. And this is fair - for many years, police officers have been risking their lives and health every day. Upon reaching the required retirement age (from overall experience minimum 25 years and after serving in police departments and units for at least 12), ex-siloviki have the right to receive a state social security. For the calculation, a special methodology is used, which takes into account:

  • salary size;
  • duration of service (including time of study in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • allowances provided for each category of law enforcement officers.

Calculations are carried out taking into account the accepted current coefficient, increases for length of service and other important factors. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, persons who served have the right to receive a special police pension:

  1. In the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: departments, investigation department, police department (in transport), headquarters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special forces centers and departments.
  2. In operational bureaus and operational search departments.
  3. In transport departments.
  4. At the traffic police department.
  5. In departments at the FMS and FSKN bases.

After completing their careers in the structures listed above, ex-employees receive a special status - pensioners, equal in rights to military personnel. And they have the right to a special calculation system taking into account the adopted reduction factor (this indicator changes annually). Police pensions in 2018 will be calculated taking into account a reduction factor of 72.23%. This information is important for those who are just finishing their career in law enforcement agencies and structures. What to expect for those who have already retired? The State Duma approved indexing, which will increase payments to security officials who previously retired.

Calculation of pensions for retired police officers

According to the amendments made to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, already from January 1, 2018, ex-siloviki can count on an improvement in their financial situation. Corresponding changes have already been made to Article 56 of the Law of the Russian Federation on pension provision for military personnel and persons equivalent to them, and they will receive more. In 2018 you should count on:

  • indexation by 4% (starting from January);
  • thirteenth payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles;
  • changes in accruals for police officers who left service in the period from 2016 (they will be calculated a pension according to new scheme, since due to the difficult economic situation, indexation was not carried out for retired security forces during these years).

Will there be any more police pension increases? The government discussed the need for additional indexation for this category. The law has not yet been adopted, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that another recalculation will be carried out in April 2018. So far, the official authorities have not approved this bill, but do not rule out additional indexing if the economic situation in the country is favorable.

What payments are ex-policemen entitled to?

According to current legislation, this category may be assigned different types provision:

  • for length of service;
  • for disability (regardless of age and length of service);
  • to families of police officers upon loss of a breadwinner.

The system for calculating payments to security forces occurs in accordance with approved laws and takes into account many factors (experience, salary, stay in a combat zone and other important factors). The only category that should not expect an increase are pensioners who continue to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The law on working pensioners adopted by the State Duma does not provide for compensation of their pension benefits in 2018. They will receive wages and earn PF points. And they will be able to use the right to indexation only after retirement.

Increasing the amount of payments is a pressing issue for pensioners, in particular for former employees of authorities. A few months ago their size increased by several percent. However, one aspect remains unclear - will indexation be carried out in October 2018, as originally planned?

What awaits military pensioners from October 1, 2018

This year, several legislative initiatives on this issue were adopted, including:

  • According to Article 49 of Federal Law No. 4468-1, pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased by 4% from January 1, 2018.
  • Payments have been increased since February 2018 for two categories of citizens: for disabled people who were injured, there was an increase in the monthly allowance by 2.5% based on Federal Law No. 181; Federal Law No. 5 regulated an increase in the indicator for combat veterans with a similar percentage.
  • In April (from April 1) of this year there was an increase in payments for social pensions by 2.9%. Articles 16, 17 and 45 of Federal Law No. 4468-1, Article 16 of Federal Law No. 4468-1 affected people with disabilities, those who have dependents, and citizens who have reached the age of 80.
  • From April 1, 2018, a recalculation will be carried out, as a result of which the daily allowance for disabled people with military injuries should increase by 4%.

One of the factors influencing the size of the payment is the reduction factor. It is a temporary measure introduced with the help of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ at the suggestion of the State Duma. Determined on the basis of Article 43 of Law No. 4468-1. Designed for several decades (about 23 years).

This coefficient was introduced due to the unstable economic situation and budget deficit. 2010 and 2011 were significant years for retirees, as their salaries increased significantly. It was planned that some pensions would also be recalculated. An amendment to the law on January 1, 2012 radically changed the situation - a reduction factor was included in the formula. Its initial value was 54%. Thanks to mandatory annual increases, today it stands at 72.23%. In 2018, its increase is not planned due to increased salaries for military personnel and payments to pensioners.

The coefficient is not used when calculating payments to employees of the Prosecutor's Office, federal civil servants, military judges, and employees of the Investigative Committee.

The reason why many hope for an increase in the figure in October is an interview with Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shevtsova. During a conversation with a correspondent of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, she said that pensions in 2018 (from January 1) will increase, the next point of growth is expected on October 1, 2019 and a year later. In all three cases the increase will be 4%.

The fact is that initially the first stage of indexation was planned for early October 2017, but Putin later said that payments should be made no later than January 1, 2018, so that the indexation of all other EDVs would occur simultaneously.

That's why last news on this issue are as follows: as of October 1, 2018, indexation is not planned.

At the end of October 2017, Vladimir Putin informed the Government that it was necessary to index pensions and simultaneously increase salaries for government employees. The federal budget, designed for the period from 2018 to 2020, assumed similar changes. In addition to this, a law was adopted according to which Sberbank of Russia is now not the only bank making such payments.

Let us note once again that the first indexation occurred on January 1, 2018, then the procedure was carried out on April 1, 2018. Military pensions will increase again from October 1, 2019. The same thing awaits employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020.

It turned out that indexation will be carried out every year for the next 3 years, and this year it has already taken place. Therefore, no changes are expected on October 1 of this year. Insurance payments were also indexed, and the age of a sufficient length of service was increased.