Happy birthday to brother-in-law in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to brother-in-law in prose with beautiful words

Congratulations, my brother-in-law! I wish you the most delicious, sweet and chocolate life. May you roll around like a cat in butter. I wish you respect from your colleagues, adoration for your wife, respect for your children and good relationships with your family. I wish you to buy a yacht, plane, limousine, villa and be the most successful. ©

Brother-in-law, happy name day! I wish you well and happiness. May your life be successful. I wish you profitable purchases, friendly neighbors, a lot of... kind words, pleasant wishes, long-awaited gifts. Let everything be fine and nothing spoil the solemnity of the day and good mood. ©

I wish my wonderful brother-in-law a stable salary, career upswings, fulfillment of all innermost desires and striving only for the best. Let your beloved wife give you all her love, attention, care, awe of feelings, tenderness and affection. Always be on top and never be afraid of obstacles along the way. ©

Happy Birthday, my dear brother-in-law, who is also a great friend and practically a brother. I wish you colorful, unforgettable events, magical impressions, more amazing gifts, unique emotions and extraordinary adventures. I wish you immense happiness and good luck in everything. ©

Congratulations on your birth into the world, brother-in-law! Let this day be one of the most memorable and unusual of the year. May everything work out for you and there will be no obstacles in anything. I wish you unlimited attention, happiness, love, joy. Let fate only send pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts. ©

On your birthday, brother-in-law, I want to congratulate you with all my heart and wish you never to give up. May your spirit be strong. Don't turn aside from the path and go towards your goal. I wish you to achieve everything you want. May fate be favorable and send you the necessary means to achieve your goals. ©

Today I had an irresistible desire to congratulate an amazing person - my brother-in-law. On this glorious holiday, I want to wish him with all my heart a fantastic life, a great mood and more positive emotions. Let your luck never leave you, and let a satisfied smile shine on your lips. ©

My dear brother-in-law, on this wonderful holiday, I want to wish you all the best in life. May the happiness in life be endless, simply unrealistic. May your wonderful eyes always shine with clear lights of joy. And may your health be indestructible, Siberian and strong. ©

On your birthday, brother-in-law, may all your long-standing and secret wishes come true. Let the wings of inspiration grow. I wish you hope, faith, a good future, warmth in your heart, understanding, warm sun, blue skies, career success, prospects, creative ideas, talent and undying enthusiasm. ©

I want to wish my amazing brother-in-law a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. You have been like a brother to me for a long time, I value and respect you infinitely. And on this wonderful holiday, I want to wish you great achievements in life, incredible joy, fun, fabulous gifts and compliments. ©

My brother-in-law, on my birthday I want
I wish you one thing:
Just a good mood
And with him you will achieve everything!

Reliable friend and cool brother-in-law -
Fate has awarded a prize!
Men's honor, mutual assistance -
Our sister motto!

I want to try really hard
Become the darling of fate!
Success and love!

Wife's brother, congratulations
Happy holiday to you.
And, of course, I wish
Be good and loved.

To be sincere and honest,
You were always with us, together.
So that happiness is the ceiling,
Receive my congratulations.

Brother-in-law is my wife's brother,
There are no people dearer to us.
You and I are going hunting,
And for difficult work.
Fishing - together again,
It's honor to go to the party.
In the morning, the glass got drunk,
And it’s a completely different matter!
Sociable congratulations.
For you, dear brother!

Today, my brother-in-law,
It's just your birthday!
Accept it, my friend.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you smiles
And eternal happiness!
Fewer mistakes
Less bad weather!

We wish our brother-in-law good health,
There's never too much of it,
Let there be no harsh winters,
So that the ice on the heart melts,
You are always a welcome guest
Come, bro, more often,
For consensus we will find
Wheat elixir of happiness!

Reliable friend and cheerful brother-in-law -
Fate has brought a prize!
Men's honor, helping each other -
Our important motto!
I want to try really hard
Become the darling of fate!
Enjoy life with all your heart,
Good luck and love!

Let me state the bare facts:
Without pressure and marriage contracts
He looks at his wife only with love,
The whole family is happy with his brother-in-law!
Let it always, beyond times and conditions,
Men's health will be strong!
The mood is just great,
And the budget will continue to burst with cash!

May everything in your brother-in-law's life come true!
May your path be joyful and easy
May your home always be filled with wealth
Just don’t forget to invite your friends!
May only warm words await you in life.
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin
Only from love, joy and luck

Accept, my brother-in-law, congratulations,
After all, your birthday has arrived!
And this holiday, as you know,
The most interesting in the world,
Wish You happiness and health,
And I wish you peace again,
So that there is always harmony in the house,
And your life is a priceless treasure!

Brother - wives are like a lightning rod,
Reconciler of warm hearts!
After all, you haven’t known her for a year,
Without you the relationship would be over!
And on your birthday, brother
From grateful me,
Please accept this congratulations!
And know that I am always for you!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Keep the youth of your hearts for people!
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
What you give to people will respond,
And it won’t sink into distant distances,
Will return seven times with love,
And any sorrows will pass!

My dear mother-in-law, happy birthday! I wish you the most pleasant worries and troubles, the most joyful days, the most faithful friends and the greatest happiness in life that is possible. To live to your heart's content, to sing joyfully, to dream from the heart! And so that you always have a great mood in everything!

On your birthday, I would like to wish you always a spring mood, impeccable well-being, sincere smiles and constant happiness in life. May your home never be visited by sadness and grief, may the flame of love and hope always burn. On this day I want to say a huge thank you for my husband, for your son, whom, albeit not without a bit of jealousy, you were able to give to me.

All my wishes come from the heart. And they sound like this: prosperity, joy, light, comfort, warmth, prosperity! May all your days be filled with inspiration and thirst for life! All the best to you!

Tender, beautiful, bright - you are always the most dynamic and bright, you have a trail behind you like a passing comet, making everyone turn around after you. Remain the same swift, impressive, stunning flash, be happy and give happiness in return!

On my birthday, I sincerely and warmly want to wish my dear mother-in-law a wonderful mood, bright moments, memorable events, good health, eternal youth, endless cheerfulness, sincere friends, joyful moments and great happiness! Let every moment bring only good things!

How lucky I am with my mother-in-law is simply beyond words! My dear mother! Happy Birthday. I wish you the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires on this day! And if anything happens, we will always be happy to help bring them to life.

Mother-in-law! Mother!
We may not be related by blood, but we are united by more than blood kinship - we are women and mothers, and we love the same people. And even if we are not always able to peacefully share their attention and time, this does not prevent us from being close people, does not prevent us from feeling each other and understanding each other perfectly. I sincerely wish you warmth and peace in your family! Excellent health and well-being! Sunny mood and unshakable confidence that no one will ever be able to destroy our family!

Congratulating you on your birthday, I want to wish you goodness and prosperity on your life’s journey. Let everyone think that a mother-in-law is not such a close person, but for me you were able to become a second mother. I am grateful to you for your care and support, for the fact that you, as in childhood, take care of your son and always visit our home with good intentions. So let everything work out for you the best way, and health will allow you to do and try a lot more.

I am always glad to see my mother-in-law, because we both love the same man - our son and husband. There is no rivalry or jealousy between us, but mutual understanding, warmth and friendliness. Common concerns about family brought us together for many years. We are allies and keepers of the hearth, two women - mothers of different generations. May our spiritual relationship continue and give both of us joy, feminine happiness and optimism!

To the best mother-in-law in the world, these words: Mom, on this day I want to wish you to celebrate your anniversaries many more times! And may you remain as beautiful every year! To tell you to become better is to say it without thinking, because there’s simply nowhere better! Happy birthday!

Dear mother-in-law, my second mother! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the care, attention and understanding shown to me! On your birthday, I hasten to give you the best words and wishes of warmth, happiness, prosperity, prosperity and joy. May everything in life be as you dreamed, and may fate bless you with goodness!

My mother-in-law is also a second mother, and even best friend. It rarely happens when two women love the same man. But with my mother, everything is different. Thank you for your wisdom, thank you for your support and help. Let your open, kind heart always beat rhythmically and fail, accelerating, only with the most positive emotions.

My dear mother-in-law! No not like this. Dear Mom! I came today, on your birthday, to hug you and wish that the warmth of my family’s hearts will warm you in any bad weather. To only surround you good people. And so that you never feel alone. May your days always be filled with joy. I appreciate your care and attention. I want you to feel my love too. I also wish that all your innermost desires come true, and that your dreams never end. I wish you happiness and good luck, dear, for many years to come!

Happy birthday, my second mother! You really became it for me! I wish you health and simple female happiness! This is exactly what you are missing a little. And everything else is a matter of profit.

On this wonderful day, I hasten to congratulate my mother-in-law on her birthday! And even though we sometimes quarrel, because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not always smooth, you are a dear person to me. Sorry if something is wrong and be happy.

Happy Birthday! I wish you beauty, blossoms, love! Age is not a hindrance for a woman. The main thing is sparkles in the eyes, a good mood and a radiant smile. Dear mother-in-law, look at life with optimism, and it will bring you many more joyful moments.

Today I congratulate my husband’s dear mother and beloved mother-in-law on her birthday and with all my heart I wish her long life and prosperity! Let every day be a reason to smile and dream for a minute, let there be a desire and a reason to show off in front of the mirror and accept a compliment, let there be many more amazing good events in your life, and let there be no sorrows at all!

Mother-in-law? No! My second mother, dear, caring, gentle and understanding, happy birthday! Good health, beloved, warmth, happiness, love. Let there be many pleasant events and all your dreams come true! Thank you for the man of my life - your son!

Dear mother-in-law! You have become my second mother! Thank you very much for taking care of us - your children. Give us your kindness, attention and wise advice. Happy Birthday, I wish you not to get sick, be happy and may your eyes always shine with joy. Let all adversities and sorrows pass you by.

Dear mother-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday - the most pleasant and bright of all wonderful holidays! Let luck smile and delight you with surprises as often as possible. Let ringing laughter sound and radiant smiles shine every day! Let the sunrises give you hopes and bright dreams, and let the sunsets be joyful, because these dreams have come true!


Dear brother-in-law, happy birthday to you. Let your life be like an armored train, rushing forward, not paying attention to attacking failures and problems. I wish you to always achieve your goals and believe in yourself. ©

Dear brother-in-law, on your birthday, allow me to hug you, kiss you in a friendly way and congratulate you on this wonderful day. Let the positivity that shines brightly today from all the spoken words faithfully accompany you everywhere. This will make your life more joyful and brighter. ©

Happy birthday, brother-in-law, our wonderful relative. I wish there were many in your life have wonderful days, there was endless love, wealth and prosperity in the house. ©

I wish you, brother-in-law, to become a real gardener and builder in life. Build a wonderful family and plant a wonderful garden of cute kids. Happy birthday, work hard and drive away laziness. ©

Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law, may the flower of good luck bloom in your life. Each of its petals will carefully protect your life and bring real miracles into it. I wish you full and daily pleasures. ©

Happy birthday, husband's brother, happy birthday, brother-in-law, congratulations and wish you a life full of mysteries that lead to endless happiness. Actively move forward, actively look for what you want in life, actively build all your plans. ©

Happy birthday, brother-in-law, congratulations and I wish that the line of your destiny is smooth and endless. So that you want to look at it, admire it and walk along it, but no one has ever been able to break it. ©

Today the sun woke up earlier and the birds began to sing earlier, because even they know that today is our wonderful brother-in-law’s birthday. We also congratulate you and wish you hot happiness, rich and dense luck, and singing fate. ©

Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law, congratulations with a trembling beating in your chest, because you are a wonderful and wonderful person. We wish that your capabilities improve and surprise even you. ©

Your husband’s mother, who raised him and largely determined the views of your chosen one, loves him just as much as you do. He has to share his attention with her. Of course, in each family, the relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law develops differently: some are at enmity, others are friends, some are neutral. But if maintaining a good relationship is important to you, try to find mutual language, because she also understands that the happiness and well-being of her son depends on you. Name day is perfect occasion to win her over and present her birthday greetings to mother-in-law. Even if the relationship does not work out, basic politeness requires it.

Words spoken from the heart will sound like an impulse from the soul, sincere and sincere wishes will be received positively, and the birthday girl will definitely meet your desire to get closer. A successful congratulatory text is not so easy to find. On the one hand, it should not contain official and dry phrases, since you and the hero of the occasion are already quite close. At the same time, it should not be too playful and familiar, so that it is not regarded as a hidden reproach. After all, even in harmless jokes you can find hidden meaning. A good solution would be congratulations in verse. Rhymed lines will give new colors to ordinary sentences; it is the poetic form that will allow you to more subtly and gracefully express respect for your second mother. You can congratulate her in prose, as tactfully as possible. You can also thank the birthday girl for raising your wonderful husband.

Mother-in-law's prose

thanks for loving son, who became my husband. I wish you health so that you can help us raise children, joy as immunity from problems, and women's happiness. More attention and sincere compliments every day, patience - it also won’t hurt and, sometimes, don’t forget to give some advice for us young people.

Charming mother-in-law, Happy Birthday! Today, on such a festive morning, I want to wish that you would always be as good-natured and cheerful, and that you would always have a radiant smile on your face. May your whole life sparkle with colorful colors, and may your heart never know the bitterness of troubles. Remember that in our family you are the most welcome guest and priceless person.

Finally, this extraordinary celebration has arrived - my mother-in-law's birthday. With the appearance of you in my life, I now have a wonderful adviser, a reliable support. Therefore, I want to wish you positive emotions and human happiness. Let life be filled with wonderful people, and let a radiant smile never leave your beautiful face, because it prolongs life. I also want to say thank you very much for my son.

Let everything beautiful and perfect be fulfilled in your life. Let the sweet, happy life not pass by, and let everything that is bad pass quickly, or better yet, pass you by. Let only care, kindness and love surround you. Happy Birthday to you!

Precious, most beloved and best mother-in-law in the world. I'm incredibly lucky to have you, you kind woman with a big heart, smart, understanding and loved by everyone. Allow me to congratulate you on your name day. And on this bright day, wish you to remain real, sincere and joyful. Always be self-sufficient, decorate this world with your smile. Be healthy, live happily ever after for the joy of everyone around you.

I want to congratulate my second mother on her birthday! Thank you for being able to raise a wonderful son who became my husband. It is very important to us that you feel healthy and happy and that you do not have any serious problems at this stage of your life.

I am much luckier than others - I have two mothers in my life, and I am grateful to fate for such a mother-in-law. I wish you excellent health, excellent mood, many happy years! May your son give you love, care and attention, may your grandchildren give you joy and consolation, and may I be ready to listen, come to your aid, and support you. Enjoy every moment, because life is divine nectar, which is savored slowly!

My second mother, no less dear and beloved! I want to address you on this bright day with trepidation and affection! My dear, may your health only grow stronger over the years, may your thoughts only become richer in goodness, and may the tears from your eyes only drip from happiness. Thank you, dear, for your warmth, care and love. Let your goodness be returned only in the best possible way.