Preventive campaign “Water is a safe territory. Water is a safe territory Water is a safe territory activities in the dhow

"The strategic priority of childhood policy is the formation and development of values healthy image life" was emphasized by the President of the Russian Federation in his message to the Federal Assembly



“Water is a safe territory”

During the period from June 25 to July 1, 2018, the first stage of the “Water is a safe territory” campaign took place on the territory of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk urban district.

The purpose of the action is to monitor compliance with law and order and water safety rules. Informing the population about the dangers of visiting places prohibited for swimming, where boards (full houses) with warning and prohibitory signs and inscriptions are posted, and the inadmissibility of children unaccompanied by adults being near water bodies, because this category today remains the most defenseless against the water elements,as well as being in the water while intoxicated.

Our kindergarten. Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

Children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home. Therefore, the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of independence and responsibility in children. Children must strictly follow the rules of behavior on water, as their health and safety depend on this.

If the child is in game form introduce him to the rules of behavior on the water and on the beach, teach him the skills of swimming and providing first aid to victims on the water, he will remember this and be able to apply it in real life.

We solved the problems of developing norms and rules for safe behavior of children through different types activities.

In order to understand what exactly children know and think about water safety rules, we discussed the following questions:

  • What are the basic rules of behavior on the water in summer period You know?
  • What basic rules for using water bodies for swimming do you know?

Solved problem situations:

  • How to avoid dangerous situations on bodies of water and how to deal with them?
  • How to provide assistance in case of accidents and dangerous cases on water bodies?

Together with the children, we published a leaflet “The ABCs of Water Safety” and made “No Swimming” signs. We watched the cartoons “Lessons of Caution - Reservoirs” from the series “Lessons from Aunt Owl”;“A Place for Swimming”, “Overboard” from the series “The ABC of Safety. Smeshariki". We played a game - a journey “Visiting King Neptune”.

Thus, all activities in a single complex were aimed at developing rules and norms for life and health safety in children.

Only under these conditions can an adult be relatively calm about the child’s behavior in the environment, and hope that in the event of a threat, he will not become confused, and will use all his knowledge and skills in order to take care of the safety of his life and the people around him.

Compiled by: Berezina N.V.


  1. Use of materials from the siteRIA "LENINSK"
  2. Programs “Fundamentals of Child Safety preschool age» for preschool educational institutions by Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B.

3. Burdynyuk O.Ya.; Project “Water safety is important.” S. Chulym, 2017

Summer is a hot time, and it is very pleasant to relax by the pond: sunbathe, swim, go boating. Many families spend evenings and weekends on the river in the summer, go on vacation to the sea or travel by water transport. In this regard, the topic of safe behavior on water bodies becomes very relevant.
As part of participation in regional action“Water is a safe territory”, organized by the main directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region, in kindergarten No. 163 during the summer preventive and promotional work was carried out with children and parents on safe behavior on water and coastal areas of reservoirs during the summer season. Methodologist of the search and rescue service of the MBU "Center for Population Protection" Ivanova O.I. conducted an educational and play program “Water Safety” for children of senior preschool age. During the thematic event, the children were explained the basic rules of behavior on and near a reservoir, and they also became acquainted with the dangers that may arise when being on the water (swimming in an unfamiliar place, boating, etc.) Then a sports relay race took place with using life-saving equipment (circles, balls). During the competition, teams competed in agility and speed. As a result, friendship, of course, won, and all participants received gifts, coloring books and reminders for parents about “Safe behavior on the water.” During the summer, conversations were held in all kindergarten groups and didactic games, a viewing of cartoons was organized on the topics: “Rules of behavior on the water”, “Journey on water”. During the walk, games were held - experiments with water, where children became acquainted with the properties of water. The knowledge gained helped preschool children answer the questions of the quiz “Be careful near water so that trouble does not happen.” The children enjoy playing role-playing games“Rescuers”, “Ship Trip”, “Fishermen”, etc. A stand “Providing first aid to people in disaster on the water” was set up for parents; a photo exhibition “The whole family relaxes at the sea and on the river in the summer heat” was set up together with parents ” and an exhibition of drawings “We relax by the water - don’t forget the rules!”
Carrying out preventive measures helps to focus the attention of preschool children and their parents on the topic of ensuring safety at water bodies, and the knowledge gained will certainly protect their families from tragedies.
(Senior teacher Kulagina O.S.).

The "Water is a Safe Territory" campaign is aimed at ensuring safety, reducing the number of accidents and deaths on water bodies during the swimming season throughout the Siberian federal district. As part of the operation, raids and patrols of water bodies will take place with the participation of inspectors from the Center for State Inspection for Small Vessels of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, representatives of local administration and other services. Inspectors will check the safety of the beaches, organize information work with vacationers, continue to identify violations of the rules for the use of small vessels and check the bases for their parking, and hold special events. Attention will also be paid to the education of children, especially those vacationing in camps with access to a reservoir. Places of unauthorized swimming of people are under special control.

The main goal of the event is to promote safe behavior on the water. The main task of patrol groups is to remind simple safety rules and urge citizens to comply with them.

Seven simple tips on how to behave while swimming so that your vacation doesn’t turn into disaster:

1. For swimming, choose only specially prepared places - equipped beaches and shores of reservoirs. Swimming on “wild” beaches can end in failure - untested bodies of water are full of sharp underwater rocks, snags and other debris.

2. For comfortable swimming, the water temperature must be at least 18°. In this case, the first entry into the water should last no more than 5 minutes.

3. After sunbathing Don't jump into the water right away. It is better to cool down a little in the shade or rub the area of ​​your heart with cold water.

4. Do not swim near whirlpools - it is extremely difficult to get out of them.

5. Try not to swim alone - in case of trouble, no one can help.

6. Do not swim with the help of improvised means - boards, logs, inner tubes: this is dangerous both for you and for others.

7. Do not dive into the water if you do not know the depth and condition of the bottom. A leap into the unknown can end in disaster.

As of July 23, 2016, there are 63 beaches in the region, and 31 unauthorized recreation areas are under the control of GIMS specialists.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Altai Territory reminds: water is a safe territory if you are conscious about safety issues: relax only on official beaches, do not swim while intoxicated, comply with all requirements when driving or being on a small boat. If you have children, then carefully monitor them, do not let them go to bodies of water alone, and also constantly monitor and develop a culture of safe behavior in them. After all, by virtue of their age characteristics They do not yet understand what dangers await them at almost every step.

Of these, parents and teachers come first.”
Makarenko A. S.

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 51" in Tobolsk! Preschool childhood is a bridge connecting our past, present and future. Do you know where your childhood lives? Of course, in our kindergarten, where there is a lot of joy, laughter, children's smiles and dreams. A child in the world of Childhood is the master, the creator, he freely chooses, plans his activities, organizes them, independently regulates relationships with peers, and adults: educators and specialist assistants, friends, partners of your child. Our kindergarten provides a harmonious and comprehensive development every pupil. On the pages of our website we will try to introduce you more closely to the activities of the kindergarten, tell you about the conditions created for the education and development of preschoolers, about the teachers and about the main directions of our work. We hope you find a lot here useful information. And if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them personally in the “Reviews” section.

Yulia Shishova
Preventive campaign “Water is a safe territory”

Municipal state preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Kolosok"

Event plan preventive action

« Water is a safe territory»

Event plan preventive action

« Water is a safe territory»

No. Event Date

carrying out Group name Responsible

1. Posting information in information corners and on the official website institutions: "Rules safe behavior near bodies of water in the summer,” “Providing assistance to victims on the water”. 25.06.2018 Mixed age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

Head of MKDOU kindergarten "Kolosok"

Molodykh T.N.

2 View presentations and video materials: "Water Games",

“Observe the measures water safety» , "Ship", "Luntik" During the week Multi-age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

3. Conversations with students "Precautions and rules of behavior on the water". During the week Multi-age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

4. Conversation with game elements “Lifebuoy and first aid on the water”, During the week Multi-age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

5. Consultation for parents (legal representatives) "First aid on the water"

6. Memos for parents (legal representatives): "Rules safe behavior on the water» , "Dangerous places near bodies of water" During the week Groups of primary, secondary, preparatory preschool age Teachers of groups of primary, secondary and preparatory preschool age

7. Relay « Young rescuers» . 06.26.2018 Mixed age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

8. Gaming fun "Journey to the Lake" 06.27.2018 Groups of primary, secondary, preparatory preschool age Teachers of groups of primary, secondary and preparatory preschool age

9. Gaming fun « Profession Sea captains" 06/29/2018 Mixed age group Senior teacher Shishova Yu. S.

Publications on the topic:

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