Calculation of a military pensioner's pension per year. How is a military pension calculated?

Military pensions are paid certain categories of citizens, which includes:

  1. military personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other military structures;
  2. fire service workers;
  3. employees of authorities controlling the distribution of narcotic drugs;
  4. when working in the structures of the penal system;
  5. while serving in National Guard units.

To receive maintenance from military units, one of the following is required: conditions:

  • certain length of service military service, the duration of which is 20 years and more;
  • having a length of work experience 25 years, of which 12.5 years carried out in the performance of official duties (if the reason for dismissal is reaching a certain age, health problems, reorganization of the department).

A service member can become a recipient of one of the following types pension provision:

  • for length of service;
  • due to disability.

Disability payments are carried out in cases where health problems arose while the citizen was in service or within a period of up to three months from the date of its completion. It is possible to assign payments if disability is recorded later than the specified period, if it was caused by an injury or disease acquired during service.

  1. the presence of a fixed amount of pension points (in 2017 this value is 11,4 );
  2. duration insurance period, not taken into account when assigning payments by military departments (more 8 years when applying for content in 2017);
  3. reaching a certain age;
  4. appointment pension payments from the military department.

The value of pension points is fixed in pension system. This indicator directly depends on the amount of insurance premiums received at the place of employment.

The length of service includes periods of working activity, as well as some other cases (temporary disability, caring for the elderly or children with disabilities, etc.).

Requirements for experience and score adjusted annually. Their total value will be 15 years And 30 points respectively.

A serviceman has the right to become a recipient of payments from the Pension Fund ahead of schedule. To do this, one of the established conditions must be met:

  1. work in certain areas (in difficult or harmful conditions, in textile, mining industry, etc.);
  2. when fulfilling social requirements (raising a disabled child, working in the northern regions, etc.).

Military pension calculator

Calculation military pension produced according to the formula:

B = (50%*D + 3%*D * T) * P , Where

IN- amount to be received monthly;

D- the amount of a citizen’s allowance established at the federal level depending on rank and position;

T- the number of years spent in service in excess of the minimum service of 20 years;

P- reduction factor, amounting to 72,23% for 2017.

If a citizen has mixed experience, then payments are calculated as follows:

B = (50%*D + 1% *D*T) * P

All variables included in the formula remain the same.

When assigning disability support, the calculation formula will take a different form:

B = D * P * K , Where

IN- amount to be received;

D- amount of monetary allowance;

P- reduction factor;

TO- an indicator depending on the cause of disability and the assigned group.

Meaning TO upon receipt of disability as a result of injury is 85% (for groups 1 and 2) or 50% (for group 3). If the disability is caused by a disease, then the value of K is taken equal to 75% (for groups 1 and 2) or 40% (for group 3).

Payments are increasing in the presence of the following circumstances:

  1. presence of dependents (no more than three disabled relatives are taken into account, for whose maintenance the serviceman is responsible);
  2. reaching the age of 80 years or having a disability of group 1;
  3. with participation in the Second World War;
  4. when living in the northern territories;
  5. having a certain length of service in the northern regions.

Military pensions are increased through indexing. When the reduction factor and salary levels for military pensioners change, payments are recalculated.

Military pensions in 2017

Pension payments from military structures increased in 2017 due to adjustments to the reduction coefficient. Its effective value was 72,23% . As a result, the indexation of payments reached 4% .

Initially, it was envisaged that material support for this category would be provided according to the inflation rate, which is further increased by 2% . However, due to crisis trends in the country, the Presidential Decree establishing this rule was suspended.

Military pensions in 2017 may be increased due to an increase in salaries for persons in military service. Previously, their increase was carried out in 2015.

As reported last news, this issue was under consideration in the State Duma. If the decision is positive, salary increases could occur from October 1, 2017.

The amount of indexing is also unknown yet. According to preliminary information, the increase in payments will be 2%.

An example of calculating payments to a military pensioner

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Egorov has been performing official duties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 25 years. This entitles him to receive military payments.

Egorov D.A. has the rank of captain and 5th tariff category. The soldier's salary was 31,668 rubles.

The calculation of pension payments will be:

31668 * 50% + 31668 * 3% * 5 * 72.23% = 14868.11 rub.

Egorov D.A. has a dependent son aged 16 and a daughter aged 20, who is a university student. If there are two dependents, the increase in pension payments will be 64% of social pension. This type of pension has a fixed value, which in 2017 is 5034.25 rubles.

The amount of the increase will be:

5034.25 rub. * 64% = 3221.92 rub.

The total amount to be received will be:

14867.97 rub. + 3221.92 rub. = 18090 rub.

Since the place of residence of Egorov D.A. is the Altai Territory, the resulting value must be adjusted by the current coefficient of 1.4:

18090 rub. * 1.4 = 25326 rub.

Procedure for receiving military pensions

The pension fund and the military commissariat at the place of residence have the right to issue pensions to military personnel. Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, as well as other equivalent structures, is issued according to a similar procedure. The laws on social and pension security establish a special procedure for obtaining a military pension:

  1. Resign due to length of service by submitting a completed sample report to the military unit.
  2. Register with the commissariat at your place of residence, attaching the relevant documents (length of service or disability).
  3. Request a monetary certificate at your place of service (since 2014 it has been sent to the military registration and enlistment office).
  4. Obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of accruals.
  5. Contact the military registration and enlistment office with an application, attaching a complete package of documents to obtain a certificate.
  6. Receiving a pension is the same as for ordinary pensioners.

The entire set of bureaucratic procedures takes from 2 to 3 months and depends on the speed of obtaining a monetary certificate for a military personnel.

List of required documents

To apply for a military personnel pension, you will need a fairly voluminous package of necessary documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • military ID with a mark of service and dismissal;
  • prescription of the unit in which the person served as assigned by order;
  • personal file from the unit's archives;
  • monetary and clothing certificate;
  • photograph of the established sample;
  • SNILS;
  • employment history;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Most of the documents are stored and received in the unit where the serviceman served.


  1. Pension payments to military personnel are made by the department where they were registered during the period of their duties.
  2. Military personnel have the right to receive transfers for length of service, as well as upon confirmation of disability.
  3. To assign seniority pay, a certain length of service is required.
  4. The pension fund makes payments to military personnel if established conditions are met.
  5. Pension payments are calculated using the formula.
  6. The amount of funds to be received is affected by the amount of the assigned allowance and the change in the reduction factor.
  7. If the length of service exceeds the minimum value, then an additional pension payment is made.
  8. Military pensions increase when certain circumstances are confirmed (the presence of dependents, service in the northern regions, etc.).
  9. The size of payments for this category increases with changes in salary amounts and the reduction factor.
  10. In 2017, payments to military pensioners increased by 4%.
  11. A subsequent increase in pension provision may occur due to an increase in the amount of monetary allowance

The most popular question and answer regarding military pensions

Question: How does the fact of employment affect the transfer of a military pension?

Answer: Pay pension funds suspended, if a citizen resumes military service. After its completion, the amount receivable is recalculated if the length of service or salary has changed. A military man's earnings may change due to promotions, working in special conditions, performing dangerous tasks and other factors.

If the citizen continues labor activity in the civilian sphere, this fact does not affect the payment of a military pension. If you have length of service and the amount of pension coefficients, this will allow you to receive insurance coverage in the future.

Many people are interested in how a military serviceman’s pension is calculated in 2017, and what the pension subsidy for military personnel consists of.

Important:It is worth considering that all military pension calculators allow you to make an approximate calculation of the size of the length of service pension, taking into account some additional allowances.

When you figure out how to work with such a calculator, you will understand the principle of calculating a military personnel’s pension in 2017.

Using the calculator, you can track changes in the pension subsidy for military personnel depending on the rank and corresponding salary, various allowances, which are calculated as a percentage of the pension rate, taking into account the total amount of service time, benefits, and more.

The formula for calculating a military personnel's pension consists of the following components:

  • OVD - salary for a military position,
  • OVZ - salary according to military rank,
  • NVL – bonus for length of service.

For military personnel whose service life was 20 years or more: 50% is added to the received salary value - for service of more than 20 years, or for each additional year over 20 years another 3% is added, but in total this value should not be more than 85% of the calculated cash grant.

A separate percentage for military personnel with 25 years of work experience: this is 50% of the established salary + 1% for each year over 25 years.

How to use the calculator

Working with an online calculator is not that difficult. The calculation principle is based on answering several key questions.

Questions to answer:

  • Salary by position - you must select an item that would be equal to your monthly salary in accordance with your position during military service (for calculation, the calculator offers salary values ​​established by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2700 dated December 30, 2011). Some calculators offer this in the paragraph, select the value of the tariff category:

  • Salary by rank - this question involves choosing the salary received per month, accrued in view of the assigned military rank;
  • The bonus for qualification categories is an additional item, when selected, the ATS for qualifications increases. Who has the right to take it into account: a military flight test personnel, a parachutist, an on-board technician and engineer, an air gunner-radio operator. This surcharge increases the ATS coefficient within 20-40%. This type of allowance appeared in January 2012;
  • Long service bonus - from the proposed options, find the column with the corresponding value, how many years you have served, the percentage bonus will depend on this;
  • The size of the pension is a percentage dependence of the length of service (preferential length of service), calculated as 50% for 20 years + 3% each additional year;
  • Year of calculation of accruals.

What else can affect the size of your pension?

The main part of the pension is calculated using the formula presented above.

However, for some, additional allowances may be included in the calculation of a serviceman’s pension in 2017, for example, a certain amount for good service or an additional payment for the regional coefficient may be added to this payment (which is not, for example, in).

If a serviceman lives in a region where a regional coefficient is established, then regardless of the place of service and where the pension pay was assigned, the amount of payments will be calculated taking into account the territorial allowance.

Also, an increase in the formula for calculating a military personnel’s pension is taken into account if he lives in an area with normal conditions, but has served for 15 years or more in territorial areas Far North or in areas equivalent to it for more than 20 years.

This type of allowance is established and regulated by Art. 48 of the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I.

About a possible increase in pension benefits

According to regulatory legal acts, the need to indicate in the calculator when calculating the pension the year of accrual is due to the fact that, starting from 2012, the basic amount of allowance (54%) for military pensioners is subject to indexation every year.

The annual increase must be 2%, even if active military personnel's salaries have not been increased, until this figure reaches 100%. In 2017, this percentage will be 64%.

Compared to previous years, additional changes were recently made to the formula for calculating a military personnel pension, according to which the calculation of the pension should be such that the amount of payments becomes proportional to the amount that the employee received within 5 years. recent years services.

This is a pretty good innovation. A plus to everything is the new decision of the authorities - an increase in pensions for military personnel by 1-2% from the beginning of 2017.

News about military pension

Despite all the laws and regulations drawn up and due to the fact that the country’s economic sector is under the influence of the crisis, it is already predicted that the abolition of primary benefits for military pensioners is possible, despite the development of favorable events. What does it mean?

This suggests that an increase in military pensions can be achieved by depriving them of other privileges, for example, preferential travel on transport, receiving free vouchers to sanatoriums, incomplete payment of land taxes, part of which is compensated by government funds, as for example, at .

Important:It is not yet known by what percentage pension payments to military personnel will be increased in 2017, but the issue of the number of indexations is being considered, which may occur not twice a year (in January and November), but once.

The question of calculating the pension of a military man in 2017 is indeed relevant today, all in an unstable time for the country; it is very important for pensioners to know that they did not spend years of their lives in vain, defending and preserving their homeland, and their work will be adequately paid.

And for new pensioners, an online calculator will always help to pre-calculate their future pension. military pensions in Russia

Former military personnel represent a special category of citizens applying for pension payments. The official duty of these people involves a constant risk of life and health, therefore, with retirement in more early age than what happens in civilian life, they can count on more significant support from the state. How will pensions for military pensioners be increased in 2019? Should we expect them to increase and to what extent? IN latest news, as well as the general mechanism for calculating military pensions, we will try to understand in this article.

What is known about the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2020 - latest news

Persons applying for military pension, in Russia today there are more than 2.5 million. This number includes not only former military personnel, but also employees of internal affairs bodies equivalent to them, employees of the fire department, the National Guard, federal departments of special purpose, etc. In accordance with legislative framework, the recalculation of the size of military pensions is in direct correlation with the increase in salaries of career military personnel.

Thus, in 2018, army salaries increased by 4% - for the first time in the last 5 years. Due to this, there was an increase in military pensions. As previously reported, in the period from 2018 to 2020. the increase will occur annually: 01/01/2018, 10/01/2019 and 10/01/2020 - and each time the payment amounts will be indexed by 4%. In the country as a whole, the cost of indexing military pensions in 2018 cost the budget more than 3 trillion rubles.

Another important change affected the government pension agent. For a long time, it was the country's oldest financial institution that acted as its sole leader. However, according to the decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2017, the payment of pensions to military personnel and persons equivalent to them is no longer required to be made at the place of residence in one of the representative offices of Sberbank.

The procedure for calculating a military pension

For the calculation, several criteria must be taken into account:

  • Year of birth of the former military personnel;
  • His position and military rank;
  • Military experience;
  • Long service bonus;
  • A year of retirement.

The procedure for calculating length of service for calculating a pension is quite extensive, however, in addition to military service itself, it may include:

  • Periods of participation in hostilities;
  • Service in remote and hard-to-reach areas;
  • A special type of activity (for example, the liquidation of the last accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or service related to nuclear weapons).

It doesn’t make much sense to worry about calculating your pension on your own. The serviceman will only need to contact the commissariat to initiate the start of the pension process. What documents will you need to provide? First of all, a passport, personal file and prescription, military ID. The latter must indicate that the person on duty has no debts to the department and has surrendered the weapons he has. Based on the results of submitting documents, the serviceman is registered, and then the procedure for calculating his pension begins.

Please note that length of service is not the only basis for pension payments. They can also be claimed by a person with a disability, as well as wives and widows of military personnel. For each category of citizens applying for a military pension, they are required to provide their own set of documents. Its list should be clarified at the military commissariat or pension fund RF.

Despite the ongoing recalculation of pensions in favor of military personnel, this category of citizens has an additional opportunity to increase their income. It is associated with early retirement, because a military pensioner finds himself free from service while still of working age. In his new life he can earn seniority, required for a civil pension, which is a minimum of 5 years. To receive insurance pension payments, a former military personnel must be (55 years old for females, 60 years old for males).

How will pension supplements for military pensioners change?

The authorities are initiating an increase in a number of allowances, which will take place on April 1. The values ​​depend on the amount of the old-age social pension, which is 5653.72 rubles:

Pension supplements for military pensioners

Type of military pension supplement

The amount of the surcharge as a percentage of the calculated amount

Group 1 disability

Upon reaching 80 years of age

If you have dependents

Towards a disability pension due to military injury. Women over 55, men 60

WWII participants without disabilities

Combat veterans