It is possible to hide the fact of pregnancy. Can a pregnant woman hide the fact of pregnancy when applying for a job?

In the near future, activists are going to appeal to the State Duma with a proposal to introduce criminal liability for concealing pregnancy. The head of the “For Security” movement, Dmitry Kurdesov, will send a corresponding proposal to the Chairman of the Committee on Family, Women and Children, Elena Mizulina. He believes that criminalization will help prevent the killing of newborns.

“Recently, cases have become more frequent when mothers abandon their newborn children or even kill them,” Dmitry Kurdesov explains to Metro. “If they know that they are responsible for the baby from the moment of pregnancy, there will be much less such crimes.”

According to the head of the “For Safety” movement, if all women are required to register during pregnancy, this will also help identify those who anonymously drop off their babies at clinics or hospitals.

The police are sometimes powerless in cases where women hide their pregnancy, give birth at home and get rid of the child, notes Dmitry Kurdesov. “Therefore, a system must be established: first, the girl’s mother takes her to the clinic, then, after receiving a passport, she registers her. If a girl visits a private clinic, she will simply have to provide the clinic to which she is attached with a certificate stating that other specialists are monitoring the pregnancy.

Home birth

The punishment for women who “hide their pregnancy from the state” has not yet been decided.

We are discussing this project with lawyers,” notes Dmitry Kurdesov. - And now it’s difficult to say exactly what the punishment for concealing a pregnancy will be - a year or two, or whether it will be a fine. The point is that a woman must realize that she is responsible for her child from the moment of pregnancy.

In Moscow alone, according to statistics from the registry office, about 1,000 children are born at home every year.

Gail Hart, midwife and independent researcher: “It seems that similar “initiative groups” in America and Russia are in constant contact and pass on ideas to each other on how to better control the reproductive sphere of citizens. Two states have already introduced a rule enshrined in law - pregnancy and childbirth have received the status of “diagnosis”. And since it is recognized that the birth of a child is a kind of “disease” and a “medically dangerous condition,” then all births must take place strictly in a medical facility and under the supervision of a doctor. And such a law is presented to the public as a good initiative: caring for the rights of the child and fighting crime. I am scared and sad to hear about such initiatives in Russia. Such laws deprive a pregnant woman of all rights. Just like a child! A woman can no longer control her body. Medical care becomes compulsory. And no one asks the child at all. And without any scientific evidence! Look at the UK, the Ministry of Health has carefully studied research on the safety of home births and now women are strongly advised to pay attention to the opportunity to give birth naturally and at home, so as not to expose the child and themselves to increased risk when giving birth in a maternity hospital! It's sad what's happening. Alas, both politics and medicine are becoming hostages of various kinds of beliefs... It’s hard to believe, but today it is becoming possible to cancel, for example, the teaching of the theory of evolution in school under the slogan of protecting religious beliefs. No one is against such bans in certain schools attended by children of believers, but I don’t understand why absolutely all children are deprived of the right to receive scientific knowledge because of the religious beliefs of a certain group of citizens? It's the same in medicine! Many doctors sincerely believe that childbirth is outside medical institution dangerous and, in general, that childbirth itself is an extremely dangerous event, at the same time, many doctors consider it “their business” and do not want to share “clients” with anyone

Information: Dmitry Kurdesov - leader of the public movement "For Security" Head of the security company BORS

The article uses materials from

Ruslan Trofimov, legal consultant of the International Public Organization MAMA: Another attempt to interfere with the institution of the family. In 2014, they wanted to change Article 48 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, but it didn’t work out. And now, but from the other side, and even harshly into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Let's figure it out.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly states that men and women have EQUAL rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for their implementation. Conception, pregnancy and childbirth are the same rights and freedoms. In our country there is Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 323 “on the fundamentals of protecting citizens”, Article 19, Part 5, Section 8, refusal of medical intervention and Article 20, Part 1. A necessary precondition for medical intervention is the provision of informational voluntary consent. Moreover, the intervention is not only real physical, but also oral, that is, consultation.
I'll explain it in simple language. A man has the right to refuse medical care? According to the above articles of laws. YES! We ask, can a woman refuse? And again, YES! And we operate with the indicated laws. The laws do not indicate that conception, pregnancy and childbirth are a separate type of health! And to exclude this right from medical care will speak of a PARTIAL RESTRICTION of WOMEN’s rights. Which directly will violate our Russian Constitution. And even more so rights and freedoms. The proposal to include a message about pregnancy in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is nothing more than another attempt by interested parties to get their hands on everything related to conception, pregnancy and childbirth. But! You have to understand that if they accept it, this is the first step towards control over the family. Which will also free up the hands of juvenile justice, etc.

Most women who have gone through 9 months of pregnancy will definitely tell you what symptoms they had, how they realized that they were in such a delicate position, and what processes accompany the development of the fetus in the womb. But it happens that a woman finds symptoms of pregnancy, but the doctor does not detect the fetus - this is a false pregnancy. In history, such a condition was encountered in Princess Alexandra Romanova. And there is another condition: a baby is already developing in a woman’s womb, but she doesn’t know about it, there are no symptoms of an “interesting” position - this condition is called hidden pregnancy.

What is an undetected pregnancy?

Many people view the concept of an invisible (hidden) pregnancy with slight skepticism, believing that it is impossible to miss and not notice such a delicate and magical condition. But that's not true. As practice shows, often a hidden pregnancy is such only until a certain time. Why does this happen?


  1. There is no usual rapid weight gain.
  2. There is also no increase in the abdomen.
  3. There are cases when a woman is admitted to the hospital with white stretch marks in the lower abdomen, or at the beginning of labor - these are exceptional cases that are more typical for more fat girls and women.

Basically, an invisible pregnancy manifests itself already at 3-4 months. Experts note that many pregnant women say that they had suspicions, but because of spotting bleeding, few people think of taking a pregnancy test, especially if pregnancy was not planned and is not expected.

The main symptoms of hidden pregnancy

As already noted, there are no special changes that you immediately notice, for example, morning toxicosis. There is also no cessation of the menstrual cycle, and the woman simply does not think about possible pregnancy. And yet, it is quite possible to suspect such a condition.

So, what symptoms can indicate that a girl has a hidden pregnancy:

  1. From the side of menstrual flow. They become spotting rather than bleeding.
  2. Reducing the volume of bleeding. That is, menstruation becomes scanty, usually women quickly notice this moment.
  3. Minor weight gain. Most often, women complain that they don’t eat much and simply gain weight. Some even try to lose those unwanted pounds in the gym or through diets. It is worth noting that such things negatively affect the condition of the developing fetus, especially early stages.
  4. The expectant mother, most often, begins to notice rapid fatigue. Even if the number of tasks and their intensity remains the same or becomes less, the woman still notes that she begins to get tired much earlier, sits or lies more. Most often, this condition is mistaken for overwork.

There is a frequent urge to urinate, but only a scanty amount of urine is released. The growing fetus puts pressure on the pregnant woman’s bladder, causing a desire to urinate, while at this point a rather small volume of urine accumulates in the bladder itself.

Possible mental instability – mood swings. This symptom is characteristic of the vast majority of pregnant women. Experts explain such mood swings by the fact that the female body is being rebuilt and the woman’s hormonal background is changing. Now everything is aimed at protecting and bearing healthy offspring.

These and other signs may indicate pregnancy.

Specialist gynecologists-obstetricians recommend that if you have any suspicions, do a pregnancy test or get tested and be sure to contact your doctor. In addition, it is difficult to identify the so-called risk group. Scientists cannot yet identify the causes of this type of pregnancy, such as hidden pregnancy. At the same time, we can safely say that the latent type of pregnancy is absolutely safe, the fetus develops according to the same laws as during pregnancy accompanied by classic symptoms.

What to do if you have had your period but suspect pregnancy

Often, patients come to the doctor with suspicions of an “interesting” situation, but at the same time they also note that their periods continue to come. Many of them are made wary by bloody discharge, which is still observed from the usual menstruation.

If there is a suspicion of a hidden pregnancy, girls need to:

  1. Take a pregnancy test. Keep in mind that in the initial stages (several days) the test may not show anything.
  2. Get tested for hormones. Classical analysis in in this case is an analysis for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is produced by fetal tissues 7-8 days after conception.
  3. At a period of 1-2 weeks, hCG test results can vary from 25 to 155 mU/ml, during pregnancy of 2-3 weeks - from 101 to 4870 mU/ml.

If suddenly the analysis shows negative result, or hormone levels are zero, this may indicate the presence ectopic pregnancy. If this result occurs, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the uterus with appendages.

As already described, hidden pregnancy ceases to be such in the early stages, up to 12 weeks, sometimes a little later, up to 15 weeks. By the term “early periods,” experts mean the period of pregnancy from conception to 12 weeks. This is one of the important periods in fetal development.

Early pregnancy: how to determine how long it is

Why is it still necessary to know how early a pregnancy is considered? In addition, pregnant women who contact a gynecologist to register their pregnancy may be given a benefit for early registration. Perhaps the amount is not the largest, but such help from the state is also worth a lot, especially since the expectant mother should initially take care of her health and her child.

This knowledge makes it possible to:

  1. Monitor normal fetal development.
  2. Warn possible consequences toxicosis in a pregnant woman.
  3. At an earlier stage, identify any pathologies of the fetus and, if possible, reduce them to a minimum.
  4. If necessary drug treatment mother, the duration of pregnancy is also taken into account.

There are medications that can be taken in the first months, and there are those that are strictly prohibited during this time.

What is hidden pregnancy (video)

We can conclude that knowledge of what periods pregnancy is divided into is important aspect life of a pregnant woman. A lot depends on this: what drugs you can take, what vitamins you should take for the health of the child and your own, what drugs and what physical activity it is better to avoid, what negative factors affect the condition and development of the fetus in each of these periods.

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What do we know about pregnancy? Nausea, back pain, unusual taste preferences - even children and men know about this. Did you know, for example, that newborn babies can cry? Or that the absence of kneecaps immediately after birth is just a common myth? Are you ready for the appearance of spots on your face and body during this wonderful period?

website I have collected the most unusual facts about pregnancy, childbirth and newborns, which mothers in playgrounds and doctors in antenatal clinics will not tell about.

  • Carrying a child for a whole year is not a myth. Normally, 266 days, or 38 weeks, pass from the moment of conception to birth. However, in reality, the numbers may differ significantly up or down. Thus, Beulah Hunter spent 375 days in an interesting position. Her fetus developed more slowly than usual, and therefore the pregnancy took more than a year, but ultimately ended with the birth of an absolutely healthy girl.
  • During pregnancy, the uterus increases almost 500 times, but already about 2 months after birth, the organ returns to its normal size. Figuratively, the size of the uterus before and after pregnancy can be represented in the shape of a peach and half a watermelon.
  • In the 3rd trimester, the placenta produces more estrogen per day than the glands of a non-pregnant woman for 3 years, and during the entire pregnancy - more than during the rest of life.
  • During pregnancy, a woman may increase not only her waist and chest size, but also her leg size. This is due to a number of reasons: the accumulation of excess fluid and its retention in the body expectant mother; softening of ligaments caused by hormonal changes; increased pressure on the arch of the foot due to weight gain.
  • Babies know how to cry even before birth - in the womb. A new skill appears in the fetus in the 3rd trimester and is a reaction to vibroacoustic influence. An ultrasound may show movement, wrinkling of the nose, twitching of the eyebrows and rapid breathing.

Probation period Many employers try to test employees for professional suitability. And at the same time, women on the subject of pregnancy, signing with them a contract for the provision of services for a period of three months, with a promise to subsequently sign an employment contract and formalize the woman. How legal is this? In principle, there is nothing illegal here. This is a kind of probationary period. Should you report pregnancy when applying for a job? Should you report pregnancy when applying for a job if you have already been officially registered? Undoubtedly. Already in the second trimester, you will begin to frequently visit consultations and various specialists, as well as undergo tests and go for ultrasounds. And after your exposure, the attitude of the team and management will most likely change.

What happens if you hide your pregnancy when applying for a job?

But you can create conditions for her to leave on her own, although it’s also not entirely legal. Pay for the answer Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions Is a probationary period established when hiring a person demobilized from the army? The pregnant woman was transferred to light labor under Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Shift 7 hours. The work schedule is flexible (January - 77 hours, February - 63 hours) The pregnant woman was transferred to light work according to Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Shift 7 hours. The work schedule is flexible (January - 77 hours, February - 63 hours) Vacation was used before going on maternity leave. According to Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is written that we have the right to paid leave, but the HR department says we do not have the right. According to Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the statute of limitations is not 3 months, but 1 year.

Dismissal during probationary period

Unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited. Any direct or indirect restriction of rights or the establishment of direct or indirect advantages when concluding an employment contract depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence ( including the presence or absence of registration at the place of residence or stay), attitudes to religion, beliefs, membership or non-belonging to public associations or any social groups, as well as other circumstances not related to the business qualities of employees, are not allowed, with the exception of cases in which the right or obligation to establish such restrictions or advantages is provided for by federal laws.


I want to hide my pregnancy when applying for a job

ChuHraj ​​Nov 6 2015 11:56 2 # excuse me, did a woman give birth to you? [anonymous 87232] Nov 6 2015 11:59 2 # not allowed! Pregnant women are a protected category of citizens in this regard. Seventh_Heaven 6 Nov. 2015 11:48 # medical examinations cancelled? you wanted to save money - now suffer. Alioshaanic Nov 6 2015 11:36 1 2 # pregnancy is not indicated in the medical examination Vladychitsa_morskaya 6 Nov.

2015 11:48 2 # During a medical examination they only indicate that the person is healthy. And the pregnancy is not indicated [anonymous 62618] Nov 6 2015 11:42 # medical examination is not a prerequisite for absolutely all categories I want_to get married 6 Nov. 2015 11:40 # Medical examinations, doctor’s certificates + good legal service and security service will protect the company from pregnancy scams. Those who save should pay twice. I agree. Regata Nov 6 2015 11:40 4 # “Pregnancy scammer” Screwed, of course.
mustachioed muzzle 6 Nov.
Essentially, the relationship is born out of an employment contract. The fact of hiring is fixed in the order. Accordingly, the application is an extra document.
Nevertheless, its design has become firmly established in practice. When applying for a job, the applicant is asked to write an application in free form or according to the model that is used at the enterprise.


A single form has not been approved at the state level. If you were not provided with a sample, please provide the following information in your application:

  • name of the employing organization;
  • position and structural unit;
  • date of hire;
  • special conditions and nature of work (for example, part-time or part-time).

The application should be written to the head of the enterprise. It must be signed by the employee. He should also indicate the date of registration.

Possible reasons refusals We have already talked about refusals.

Can a pregnant woman hide the fact of pregnancy when applying for a job?

In addition, I repeat once again, there is no probationary period for pregnant women, can you draw a conclusion? [anonymous 87232] Nov 6 2015 11:32 # You are off topic. The probationary period has already been set - read the topic carefully! And it was established for one reason - the applicant hid the fact of pregnancy.


And don’t worry about “any court”; courts don’t work according to a template. Regata Nov 6 2015 11:35 4 # In my opinion, you are off topic.

Read TC and judicial practice [anonymous 87232] 6 Nov. 2015 11:50 # We are talking about a specific situation, and not about TC. Regata Nov 6 2015 11:58 2 # Let's take a specific situation.

If it were different, the question would be posed differently. [anonymous 62618] Nov 6 2015 12:14 # And for me, the author wrote it so readably. We ourselves were in a similar situation.
However, by virtue of the law, you will be required to be allowed to attend all medical events, not be overworked, and, if necessary, be provided with easier working conditions. And, of course, before maternity leave you will have to be paid and paid maternity benefits.

In accordance with the procedure established by law, a pregnant employee will receive a certificate of incapacity for work and write applications for the appropriate leave. Illegal agreementAnother trick of the employer, which we immediately note, has no basis legal grounds, is an agreement not to become pregnant for a certain period of time.

Even if you signed such a document, remember that it has no force, which means that the truth will be on your side in court proceedings or when contacting the labor inspectorate.
Advice to companies - have your own doctor and/or an employee of the regional Ministry of Health on staff, who will help you out by collecting medical information on the applicant on key issues - pregnancy, alcoholism, drug addiction. You can always find out what medical registration a person who came to your company was/is on. Regata Nov 6 2015 11:54 7 # You write all sorts of nonsense. No one has the right to give anyone information about a person’s health without his consent. Have you heard of medical confidentiality? [anonymous 62618] Nov 6 2015 11:58 1 1 # ha ha ha, the cops also shouldn’t give information to the security guards about whether they have a criminal record, for example, but they do. Unofficially, but they don’t take the person. It’s the same with your medical confidentiality - everything is bought, it’s a matter of price. [anonymous 51254] Nov 6 2015 14:36 ​​1 # I've been laughing at you for half an hour already Lady_of the Sea 6 Nov.

Motion_love Nov 6 2015 11:52 1 # Answered above. Regata Nov 6 2015 11:55 3 # I already laughed Motion_love Nov 6 2015 11:57 # You can be fired during a probationary period, that’s why it’s a probationary period. (Added after 3 minutes) Moreover, she hid the pregnancy. If she had not hidden it, then you would not have set a probationary period for her (according to the law), and you would simply have hired her/or not hired her. And since the very fact of pregnancy was hidden and thus a probationary period was established, it is possible to fire.

(Added after 7 minutes) Let the company’s lawyers work and prove the fact that the woman knew about her pregnancy when applying for a job and deliberately hid this fact (she went to doctors before getting a job). Regata Nov 6 2015 11:06 7 # A pregnant woman can be fired only in one case - the liquidation of the enterprise.
You can apply for the necessary benefits through your social security office after the birth of your baby, after quietly serving your pregnancy at home, doing, for example, freelancing or directly preparing for your own pregnancy. important event in life. Injections to terminate pregnancy in the early stages Today, the media constantly talks about in various ways protection during intimacy. From early youth they say... Obesity during pregnancy Many will agree that extra pounds have never graced a woman. This is why most women try to watch their figure so that...

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