Wash white canvas sneakers. How to clean white sneakers - useful tips for all occasions

Many people today wear white sneakers in almost any weather. It is quite natural that quite a large amount of dirt accumulates on them. It eats into the material, so the question is quite vital.

There are two ways to clean sneakers and remove dirt from their surface:

  • manually;
  • using .

Before you begin removing dirt, you need to make sure that the sneakers are washed from fresh dirt. If there are black stripes or stains on the surface, then getting rid of them is quite easy - just rub it with an ordinary eraser.

It is worth noting that before starting any cleaning procedures, you should first remove the laces.

The fact is that they can simply interfere with the normal removal of dirt. If they are made of colored fabric or other material, they can paint the sneakers.

  1. White sneakers can be easily cleaned of dirt using the most ordinary toothpaste. For this they take toothbrush with soft or medium bristles and gently rub it in toothpaste on areas of shoes where there is contamination. When the cleaning process is completed, remove any remaining toothpaste with a damp cloth.
  2. There is a proven recipe with which you can easily deal with even the most difficult stains. You need to take vinegar, washing powder, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. All these ingredients are mixed to form a thick paste. In order to clean sneakers with this composition, take the same toothbrush. It should be remembered that this method is not suitable for cleaning every material. For example, it will clean leather sneakers perfectly, but the mesh surface can be seriously damaged due to this composition.
  3. If the methods discussed above do not help, then resort to various oxygen-based bleaches. Dry solutions are diluted with water to the desired thickness, and liquid solutions can be used immediately. Wipe the sneakers with a soft cloth soaked in this liquid and see what the result is.
  4. There is a method for how to wash white sneakers, but you will have to invest some money in it and purchase special paint for shoes white. Unfortunately, this method is also only suitable for owners of leather sneakers. Rag products cannot be bleached using this method. This composition is simply applied to the surface of the shoe and left to dry for some time.
  5. There is another way to clean white sneakers: take standard baking soda, liquid soap and toothpaste, in principle, you can add vinegar to it. All these compositions are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then they try to whiten the sneakers using a toothbrush. To consolidate and improve the effect, after such mechanical cleaning, place the shoes in a basin with soapy water. There, the sneakers should be washed and rinsed under running water. Then they are dried outdoors.

It is worth noting that there are times when in order for it to regain its attractive appearance.

The sole is part of the shoe, which is not very easy to bleach, since it is where the lion's share of dirt falls. Moreover, its textured surface does not allow it to be cleaned in the same way as the upper part of the sneaker.

To return the sole to its original appearance, you can use one of the following methods.

  1. Prepare a solution from oxygen-based bleach. The product is placed in a basin and sneakers are placed there, making sure that only the soles are submerged. The shoes are left there for about a couple of hours. After removing it from there, the sole can be further whitened using a small toothbrush and running water.
  2. Take a cotton pad, acetone and vinegar. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions. Use a cotton pad over the entire surface, carefully treating all difficult areas.
  3. You can use citric acid. There is no need to dilute it, but it is better to work with gloves so that the acid cannot corrode the skin of your hands.

If such methods do not help clean the stains, then resort to washing.

To whiten white sneakers by washing, you can use one of the methods. You can clean them in the washing machine if it has a “sports shoes” mode. Not every model of washing machine has this mode.

In normal mode, cleaning sneakers in a washing machine is unacceptable, because there is a possibility of completely ruining them.

If it is not possible to put shoes into the washing unit, then wash them by hand.

In order to bleach sneakers, pour warm water into a small basin, dissolve the required amount of washing powder in it and place the sneakers there.

Shoes are washed several times, and at the end they should be rinsed in clean water. This must be taken into account when you are going to clean your sneakers, since the presence of even a small amount of washing powder in the water where the shoes will be rinsed will lead to the formation of yellow stains.

If the surface of the shoe has absorbed a certain amount of dirt, it will not be possible to deal with it with just one wash. To get rid of stains, take a cotton swab dipped in gasoline and wipe the area. After the dirt is gone, wipe the sneakers with wet wipes to remove traces of gasoline. Shoes are thoroughly washed and dried.

How to reliably clean insoles?

A large number of bacteria accumulate in the insoles, the waste products of which become a source of unpleasant odor. You need to clean the insoles from dirt and sweat, but first remove them from the sneakers.

It is not very easy to return the insole to its original appearance - they take laundry soap and thoroughly lather it, after which they go over it well with a toothbrush. After washing off the soap, they evaluate how well the insole was bleached.

If this was not done the first time, the operation is repeated. If necessary, dry the insoles using standard household cleaning equipment.

How are sneakers dried?

To return white sneakers to their original appearance, you should properly dry them in an apartment. To ensure that the shape of the shoes does not change, it is necessary to stuff them with toilet paper or paper towels before drying. They do not contain dyes and also absorb moisture well.

It is undesirable to use newspaper for these purposes due to the presence of paint in the paper, and also because the paper is stiffer and is not able to completely fill the volume of the shoe.

If substances with various types of flavorings were used during the cleaning process, then before drying, tangerine or orange peels, and they do it literally for a couple of hours.

If the unpleasant smell still remains after cleaning, you can put small pieces of peeled potatoes inside the sneakers. It will perfectly absorb all foreign aromas.

In the warm season, light-colored shoes, especially white sneakers, are very popular. This model is not only surprisingly comfortable and trendy, but also looks quite stylish. Manufacturers care about the consumer, so they produce similar shoes from breathable materials, such as jeans or other durable fabric. Sneakers are worn in spring and summer, in rainy weather and slush. White shoes get dirty very quickly, which causes a lot of inconvenience to their owner. How to clean fabric? This can be done at home different ways. In this article we will tell you which ones exactly.


How to clean white canvas sneakers with toothpaste? Excellent results can be achieved using regular toothpaste with a whitening effect. Such a remedy is available in every home. First you need to clean the shoes from dry dirt, remove the insoles and unlace them, and then wash them in the usual way. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add a couple of drops of lemon to your tooth powder or paste.

After this, the product must be applied to a brush or a piece of foam rubber, then rubbed over the entire surface of the sneakers. You should also spread the mixture on the sole and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse the product well; in case of heavy contamination, repeat the procedure several times. Let the water run off and hang the sneakers to dry.


Dust, dirt and heavy rains can ruin appearance favorite shoes, ordinary soda will help fix this problem. This product is available in almost every kitchen. So, now you will learn how to clean white sneakers with soda. For this procedure you will need simple baking soda, water, hydrogen peroxide, an old toothbrush, and a bowl. It is best to wash sneakers in good sunny weather so that they dry faster.

Brush off any large pieces of dirt from your shoes. Mix 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda, half a spoon of water and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl until a thick mass is homogeneous. Free your sneakers from laces and insoles. Then apply the solution to the fabric. Then brush gently with a toothbrush, without overdoing it. Apply another layer over the entire surface of the shoes; the laces can also be dipped into this mixture and mixed thoroughly. Take your sneakers outside; a balcony or window sill is suitable for this. They should be exposed to bright sunlight, the hotter the better. The sun will help the solution return your shoes to their original appearance. It is advisable to leave them in this position for some time; usually 4 hours are enough for the paste to dry and crack.

When the rescue solution has completely dried, tap your shoes against each other. This will help you shake off any remaining dried paste. Use a toothbrush to clean your shoes. It’s immediately noticeable that the sneakers have become several shades lighter. Now you can lace them up again and go for a walk.

Liquid soap

There is the most common way to clean white fabric sneakers by hand from stains and yellow spots. To do this, you need a stiff toothbrush and regular liquid hand soap.

First, remove the laces so as not to interfere, and take out the insoles. You need to pour liquid soap onto the brush and carefully wipe the stained area with diligence. Then wash off the resulting foam with a damp sponge. After this, you should rinse the shoes in water.

Available means

How to clean white fabric sneakers at home? Use the available products to help restore the snow-white appearance of your favorite shoes and remove stubborn stains. You can use the method with regular table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. First, you need to shake off your shoes and clean them of dry dirt. Remove the insoles and remove the laces. We dilute a cold soap solution and soak the shoes in it for a short time. During this time, we make the mixture as follows: take table vinegar and regular baking soda in equal parts, stir well. Using a foam sponge or other device, apply to the entire surface and leave to react for several minutes (do not forget to spread the mixture on the sole). Particular attention should be paid to heavily polluted areas. Then rinse with plenty of water; as you cleanse, the procedure can be repeated. After the water has drained, hang the shoes to dry.

How to clean white canvas sneakers manually with baking soda and peroxide? You can mix washing powder, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice until thick. Then apply the resulting composition using a toothbrush to the fabric surface. Also don't forget about the sole. Pay special attention to heavily contaminated areas. Brush and rinse off the soapy solution with running water. Rinse well and dry.


The old, proven method of cleaning fabric shoes using ammonia gives excellent results. First, wash your sneakers as usual and dry them. Wipe the areas of the fabric that have not been washed with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia. Repeat the procedure until stubborn stains disappear.


How to clean white canvas sneakers? A regular lemon can be an excellent alternative to bleach. Cut the fruit in half, take one half and thoroughly wipe the surface. If the shoes are very dirty, you need to rub the stains again and leave for 25 minutes. After cleaning, be sure to rinse your sneakers in warm water.

Chlorinated bleach

To destroy yellow spots, use Dilute it in cool water in proportions of 1:10 and soak the sneakers for 30 minutes. Then you need to wash the shoes in the usual way and dry them.

Lemon juice and baking soda

How to clean white canvas sneakers from stubborn stains, such as grass? A mixture of lemon juice and baking soda will help us here. You need to mix these substances, apply to heavily contaminated areas, and leave for 30 minutes. Then simply wash the shoes with soap.

Laces can also be soaked in this composition. Rinse them thoroughly in cool water and dry them upright.

Vinegar + peroxide + powder

How to clean white fabric sneakers from yellow stains? There is another sure way. You can clean your shoes using regular table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. These products will help remove even old stains and return the white shine to yellowed sneakers.

If the shoes are not too dirty, you can add vinegar and peroxide to the washing powder when washing. This will give you a snow-white result. After washing, rinse thoroughly and then dry.

To avoid stains, it is recommended to rinse fabric shoes thoroughly with cold or cool water. You should not use warm and hot water, as it may simply turn your shoes yellow. Drying is only allowed if you can use old laces for this. After the water has drained from the shoes, fill them with crumpled paper. This will help keep you in shape. Under no circumstances should you dry sneakers by placing them on radiators, coils or other electrical home heating appliances.

In the washing machine

How to quickly clean white canvas sneakers? Can they be washed in a washing machine? Make sure your shoes are well made. If the manufacturer is questionable, you run the risk of having to assemble your sneakers in parts after washing, the shoes may become stained, and permanent stains will appear due to poor quality material. But if you still decide to machine wash, first shake off and knock off any pieces of dirt. Then rub stubborn stains with a solution of baking soda and liquid soap in equal proportions and wash. Dry your shoes in a vertical position.

An excellent whitening effect can be obtained using laundry soap. To do this, dip the edge of the piece in a small amount of water and let it soak a little. Take your shoes, remove all light dirt and soak them in cold water for 10 minutes. Then, using an old toothbrush, try to thoroughly soap the sneakers in heavily soiled areas, distribute the soap over the entire fabric surface, and smear the soles. You can immediately soap the laces. Leave to soak for 15 minutes. Then wash as usual and rinse in plenty of cool water.

We remove dirt from the sole, hide scratches and abrasions

But the whiteness and original appearance of the sole can be restored with the help of Vaseline. It will hide scuffs and scratches and restore its attractiveness. Vaseline should be applied exclusively to the surface of the sole, avoiding contact with fabric areas of the material.

In this state, you need to keep the sneakers for 10 minutes, then remove the residue with a damp cloth. Scratches on the surface of the sole can be easily removed with nail polish remover and acetone. To do this, soak in the product and rub the scratches until they disappear completely. If dark stripes have unsuccessfully formed on the surface of the sole, they can be removed using a special shoe eraser.

White sneakers and sneakers look very stylish, but they get dirty easily. Any minor dirt, stain or scratches on the white material immediately become noticeable and catch the eye.

How to prepare sneakers for cleaning

First of all, you need to clean the white soles of your sneakers from dirt and sand. To do this, take a soft cloth and soak it in a warm soapy solution. To prepare the solution, add liquid soap or grated solid soap to warm water and stir the mixture until foam appears. You can use shoe cleaner instead of soap.

To clean white soles, soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the surface. Remove dirt and sand between the relief elements using a soft brush or an old toothbrush. Then wipe the sole with a damp, clean cloth and dry with a dry cloth.

If there are yellow spots or streaks on the white sole, use chlorinated bleach. Dilute the product in cool water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and lower the sole so that the fabric does not get into the bleach. Keep the product in the solution for half an hour and then start cleaning.

You can also use white to clean the soles. It whitens perfectly, removes dirt and scratches. However, this is an aggressive product that can damage the material.

Therefore, whiteness cannot be used for fabric, it can only be used for rubber soles. Dilute a small amount of the product in water and use a stiff, old toothbrush. Dip the brush into the solution and remove dirt.

Once you have cleaned the sole, remove the insoles and laces. These items are washed and dried separately. Then you need to decide how to clean your shoes.

The most accessible, economical and gentle method is to wash or clean white fabric sneakers by hand. This method will preserve the material of the products. However, you can wash your sneakers in a washing machine, but strictly following the rules and recommendations.

12 ways to clean white sneakers

  • A toothbrush and soap are the most common way to clean white shoes from yellow stains and stains. Take a hard or semi-hard old toothbrush and liquid hand soap. Pour liquid soap onto the brush and scrub the yellow spots thoroughly and vigorously. Then wash off the soap with a soft damp cloth and rinse the sneakers;
  • Instead of soap, you can use plain whitening toothpaste. Apply the paste to the surface with a brush and leave for twenty minutes. Then rinse the shoes thoroughly in cool water;
  • Mix laundry detergent, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the material using an old toothbrush and clean the surface. Then rinse off the composition in clean cool water;
  • Ammonia is an old proven remedy for removing dirt and stains. First, wash your sneakers by hand and dry them. Then soak a cotton pad in ammonia and wipe the stained areas until the stains disappear;
  • Grass stains or stubborn and stubborn stains can be removed using a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. Mix the components, apply the composition to the contaminated areas and leave for twenty minutes. Then wash the sneakers with powder;
  • White sneakers are often cleaned with baking soda and peroxide or vinegar. Soda is mixed with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar in a ratio of 2:3. The result should be a foamy thin paste. Thoroughly wipe off stains and dirt with the product and rinse the shoes in cool running water;

  • An alternative to bleach is regular lemon. Cut the fruit in half, take one part and wipe the surface of the shoes. Severe stains and dirt can be rubbed with lemon juice and left for about twenty minutes. After using lemon, be sure to rinse your sneakers in clean, cool water;
  • Vaseline can be used to clean soles. It will eliminate scuffs, dirt and scratches, and return the product to its whiteness and attractive appearance. Apply Vaseline to the surface, avoiding fabric areas, as the product may leave light stains on the material. Leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with a damp cloth;
  • Scratches on the soles of sneakers can be effectively removed using nail polish remover and acetone. Soak a cotton pad in the product and rub the scratch until completely removed;
  • You can use a special shoe eraser to remove dark streaks, scratches and scuffs. These are soft and effective products that will delicately clean your sneakers. Moreover, they do not contain any chemical components, so such erasers are absolutely safe;
  • Take special powders, cleaners and stain removers for fabric shoes;
  • If stains and dirt cannot be removed, use special shoe paint. Choose a product that matches the color of your shoes and paint over the stains as indicated in the instructions.

Is it possible to wash sneakers

It is recommended to wash sneakers by hand. To do this, clean your shoes with an old toothbrush and liquid soap or washing powder, then rinse the shoes thoroughly in cool water so that no marks remain on the material. detergent. Otherwise, soapy streaks or yellow streaks will remain on the surface. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Use only cold and cool water for washing and washing! In warm and hot water, white sneakers will turn yellow. Always wash laces and insoles separately and remove them before cleaning. For machine washing, do not use regular washing powder. Do not use abrasive detergents or chlorine-containing bleaches for washing.

If you plan to wash your sneakers in a washing machine, be sure to make sure that the materials of the shoes are of high quality. Otherwise, the shoes will fall apart or get damaged in the process, and the fabric will simply tear. Before machine washing, clean the surface and sole with a brush. If this is not done, the white material will take on a gray tint.

The prepared shoes are put into a bag or case for washing or wrapped in a pillowcase so as not to damage the drum with parts of the sneakers. By the way, each product can be placed in a light old sock.

Wash the sneakers on a delicate cycle at 30-35 degrees without spinning and with an additional rinse. For machine washing, use special powders, shampoos and liquid compositions for washing shoes.

How to dry and care for white sneakers

After washing, the sneakers are hung or placed on vertical racks. When the water has drained, crumpled newspapers or paper are placed inside and the products are put away in a dry, warm and well-ventilated place until completely dry. Do not thread the laces or insert the insoles until the sneakers are completely dry! You need to dry your shoes as open as possible.

During drying, it is advisable to install the products close to the radiator or the sun. But the products should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Do not place shoes on a radiator or radiator and dry them in a dryer. Otherwise, the material will deteriorate, and the sneakers will become deformed and lose their shape.

After each wear, wipe and clean the soles, and then put the shoes on the balcony to air and dry. Try to remove stains and dirt immediately after they appear, since after two or three days it is almost impossible to eliminate defects by washing or cleaning. IN in this case shoes can only be painted over.

White sneakers are considered an indispensable wardrobe item among all fashionistas. They are worn with dresses and sports pants, with jeans and skirts. Comfort and style are the perfect combination that can be achieved by wearing a pair of white Converse sneakers. The only downside to white shoes is keeping them clean. After the first weeks of wear, everyone is wondering how to wash white sneakers from dust, dirt and stains. This is not an easy task, but with some ingenuity, you can easily keep brand new rag shoes white.


Before washing white sneakers, you need to perform certain preparatory operations. Clean the soles of dirt, stuck pebbles, chewing gum and other debris. If you throw shoes with dirt on the soles into the washing machine drum, the fabric will look even dirtier after washing. The white sole is difficult to clean from traces of dirt. To do this, use an old toothbrush and detergent. Regular laundry soap is perfect for this. It is advisable to wash the soles before the main wash.

If possible, remove insoles. In some sneaker models, the insoles are not removed. Since sneakers are often worn on bare feet, the insole gets dirty especially quickly. Be sure to remove the laces. They are washed separately. Laces often have stains from the metal rings they are threaded through.


Hand washing is a safer and more economical way to clean dirt from sneakers. Firstly, you do not risk breaking the drum of the machine, and secondly, it is more gentle on shoes.

For hand washing use:

  • dry or liquid powder;
  • vinegar;
  • shampoo;
  • soda;
  • lemon juice.

Powder + vinegar

Regular powder does not always cope with washing rag shoes. It removes dirt, but does not remove yellowness. To make rag sneakers look like new after washing, you need to use a mixture of washing powder and vinegar for washing. Take 50 g of powder, add 3 tbsp to it. bite and some water. Stir until thick foam forms.

Sneakers must first be cleaned of noticeable pieces of dirt and dust. Apply powder foam to the fabric and sole. Rub in with a sponge or old toothbrush. Leave the shoes for 30 minutes to allow the dirt to loosen. After the specified time, vigorously scrub the sneakers with a brush to remove all dirt. The powder must be washed off under running water. If the powder is not washed off well, yellow stains may remain on the fabric. It is better to dry shoes in a warm room or outside.

Shampoo (or liquid powder) + vinegar + lemon juice

To get rid of dirt embedded in shoes, you need to use detergents in combination with acid. Connect 3 parts liquid powder, 2 parts table vinegar and 1 part lemon juice (can be replaced with a bag citric acid). All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Apply the mixture to the stains and leave for 15 minutes. After this, clean the entire surface of the shoe, not forgetting the sole. You need to rinse off the shampoo under running water so that there are no streaks or stains left on the fabric.

Sneakers with a thick rubber toe hold their shape well and are not afraid of deformation after drying. Softer shoes should be filled with paper. You cannot use newspapers or sheets from glossy magazines. The paint will instantly transfer to the light-colored material. Never dry your shoes on a radiator. The best way drying - hang on the balcony or in a warm room.

Machine washable

Machine washing does not require any time and is the preferred way to care for shoes. It should be remembered that such a procedure can seriously damage the washing machine, leaving dents on the drum or breaking the glass window. It is especially dangerous to wash Converse All Stars size 45 sneakers, as they are heavy.

How to wash sneakers in a machine:

  • Scrub dirt from the sole, toe, and fabric of the boot. This can be done using wooden stick or toothpicks, dry shoe brushes.
  • Remove the laces and take out the sole. If the sole is glued, moisten it with water and soap it with laundry soap in advance.
  • Pay attention to the presence of pronounced spots. They need to be pre-soaked with detergent. The choice of product depends on the nature of the origin of the contamination.
  • Place the sneakers in a special shoe washing bag or in an old pillowcase.
  • If the machine does not have a special mode for washing shoes, set it yourself. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, it is better to cancel the spin mode.

Tip: it’s better to wash sneakers together with a couple of old towels so that they don’t hit the walls of the drum so much.

Grass spots

After a walk in the forest or park, white shoes will certainly leave not only dust, but also green stains from the grass. They cause fear among housewives because they cannot be washed with regular washing powder. To easily wash green “drawings”, use a mixture of soda and citric acid. Mix both powders in equal proportions, add a little water to get a thick paste. Rub the mixture with your finger into the grass marks and leave the shoes for 20-25 minutes. After the specified time, you can put the sneakers in the washing machine.

The sole has turned yellow

After prolonged wear, rubber soles often develop unpleasant yellow spots. They can be removed using any chlorine-based product: bleach, plumbing cleaner and scale remover. Prepare a weak solution of bleach (1 part chlorine, 9 parts water). Pour the solution into the bottom of the basin. Place the shoe at the bottom of the basin so that the solution covers only the rubber part of the shoe. In 20 minutes you won’t recognize your own shoes – the soles will shine white.

Special methods

The use of toothpaste and brushes in cleaning sneakers is widespread. Some young people do not recognize any other way to clean their favorite shoes. There is one condition - the paste should not contain dyes. Using toothpaste, you can wash both the sole and the fabric part of the sneakers.

Pre-soak your shoes in warm water. Leave for 5 minutes. Apply the paste to the dirtiest areas of the boots and the sole strip. Take an old toothbrush, spread the toothpaste evenly over the entire surface of the shoe, Special attention pay attention to the sole. After 20 minutes, rinse off the toothpaste with cold water.

Some people prefer to wash their sneakers using laundry soap. Despite the unattractive smell and color, it carefully performs its main function. Laundry soap contains a high percentage of alkali. This helps remove yellowness and various types of stains from the fabric.

How to care for your soles

It is believed that it is the sole of a sneaker that reveals its real age. If yellow or brown spots appear on the white stripe, the shoes become unusable. The sole must be properly cared for to maintain its whiteness.

  • Old grease or paint stains can be removed with gasoline or kerosene. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in the “fuel” and apply it to the stain for 15 minutes, and then vigorously rub with the same cotton pad. Gasoline can just as easily be replaced with pure medical alcohol.
  • Vaseline will help get rid of stains. Apply greasy cosmetic product onto the sole, leave for 15 minutes, then remove with a dry cloth. Along with the grease, stains and traces of dirt will disappear.
  • Acid helps remove most contaminants. If you urgently need to remove stains from the sole of your sneakers, buy a lemon. Rubbing the rubber with a slice of lemon will remove all dirt.
  • Stubborn stains can be removed with acetone. It will help wash off paint, fuel oil, grease and other stains. Simply apply it to a cotton pad and wipe off dirt like nail polish. nail plate.
  • Most stains on the rubber sole can be removed with a regular pencil eraser. This method can be used not only at home.
  • If you managed to stain a white sole with an unknown substance that cannot be removed, use white paint to mask it.

Using the suggested tips, you will return your sneakers to their previous condition. The laces, soles and fabric will glow with cleanliness. Wear white shoes, it's stylish, bright and fashionable.

Sharik from Prostokvashino has little understanding of fashion, because he believes that even our students don’t wear sneakers in winter. This is exactly what they wear in sneakers - both in winter and in summer, and generally all year round. And not only students, but also everyone who follows fashion trends, regardless of age and gender. White sneakers have become especially popular lately. They turned out to be surprisingly versatile and easily fit into almost any look, be it with shorts or a skirt, not to mention the ubiquitous jeans. The most inventive stylists managed to combine white sneakers with dresses and sundresses. But not a single fashionista has escaped the common problem: white sneakers, like any light-colored item, quickly get dirty. It is, of course, more difficult to wash white shoes than dark and non-staining ones. Moreover, fashionable sneakers strive to lose their dazzling whiteness and become gray, yellow, brown, but not white. So is it possible to keep them in their original form or at least wash white sneakers so that they become bright and snow-white again?

How to wash sneakers? Features of cleaning white sneakers and preparing for washing
Sneakers are sports shoes, although they are not the most durable. Unlike sneakers, classic sneakers are made of textile material and have a simple rubber sole. By and large, cotton, canvas, denim and other dense fabrics on the surface of sneakers can be washed mechanically. However, most manufacturers strongly do not recommend washing sneakers in a machine. Why? Yes, because even the highest quality products may not withstand intensive washing and spinning, and the sole of the sneaker will peel off from the top. Therefore, owners of sneakers, especially fashionable and expensive ones, tend to take the manufacturers’ word for it and not take risks and not wash white Converse sneakers and other branded shoes in the washing machine. How to be? You'll have to clean your white sneakers by hand.

Whitening sneakers is not that difficult, given all their features. In particular, the difference in shades between the sole and the fabric surface, and also pay attention to the laces. In some cases, if white sneakers are heavily soiled with earth or other difficult-to-wash substances, it is easier to replace the laces with new ones than to wash them. Fortunately, white laces for sneakers are not expensive at all and are sold in any shoe store. But if you decide to keep your white sneakers with their “original” laces, be sure to unlace and remove them before washing the sneakers. Soak the laces in a bowl of warm soapy water with some bleach; it won't harm them even if you leave them for a few hours. And white sneakers without laces also wash better, because more of their surface will be exposed. If your washing machine has a gentle wash mode without spinning, then you can take a chance and wash white sneakers in it.

It’s even better if the machine manufacturer has provided a special mode for washing sports shoes. But even in this case, you should take care of the washing machine itself. In particular, carefully check the condition of the shoe sole. Most branded sneakers have an intricate pattern consisting of many grooves. While walking down the street, small pebbles and other debris get stuck between them. If these little things, invisible at first glance, get into the drum of a washing machine, they can seriously damage the washing machine. Therefore, before washing your white sneakers, remove all the pebbles and clean the soles with a stiff brush. Only after this can you wash the sneakers in the machine with any powder, preferably with a bleaching effect. You can even turn on the pre-soaking function, then even at low intensity mode, washing your sneakers will be more effective. But if your washing machine does not allow you to take into account all the nuances of washing shoes, or you are afraid of damaging the sole and/or decorative elements of the sneakers during the washing process, you will have to wash your white sneakers by hand.

How to clean white sneakers by hand at home
You can wash white sneakers at home, although depending on the nature of the dirt, you will have to work hard. For example, if you quickly clean your sneakers from dirt after rain, the process will be relatively easy, and there will be no trace of dark stains left. Old dirt is a completely different matter! It is difficult to wash white sneakers from yellow stains, and sometimes, despite all your efforts, yellowness can still be visible here and there. Hence the conclusion: you need to wash white sneakers as soon as possible, without waiting for the dirt to eat deep into the fabric and/or turn yellow rubber sole. In order not to waste time, remember the best and most effective ways cleaning sneakers:

  1. You can quickly and easily wash white sneakers by hand without large and dark stains. To do this, dissolve a handful (the exact amount depends on the volume of water and is indicated on the packaging of the detergent) of washing powder with a bleaching effect or regular powder in a bowl of hot water, adding bleach to it. When choosing a bleach, carefully read the composition and use only so-called “oxygen” products that do not contain chlorine. It is better to wash white sneakers with stickers, appliqués and other decorative elements not with ordinary powder, but with one intended for children's clothes. This powder will replace baby soap, crushed on a kitchen grater.
    Before immersing your sneakers in a soapy solution, remove the insoles from them so that they can be washed better. Soak the sneakers and insoles for at least half an hour. If this time does not seem enough to you, extend the soaking to two hours. But there is no point in keeping your shoes in water longer; it may even damage your sneakers. After soaking, rinse them clean water under the tap, paying attention to the area above the sole, at the heel and around the lacing. Do not be lazy to thoroughly rinse the soap from the fabric so that after drying, yellow stains and stains do not appear on the white fabric. Dry your sneakers on outdoors like any other clothing. Use clothespins or simply place the sneakers on the balcony until completely dry.
  2. You can also remove stains from white sneakers without soaking. To do this, you will need ready-made bleach or a bleach mixture, prepared yourself from a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of soda. Cover the table or floor with several layers of newspaper and prepare cotton swabs (they can be replaced with small pieces of foam rubber or an old toothbrush). Wear rubber gloves. Soak a cotton swab or toothbrush in bleach and apply it liberally to stained areas of the fabric. Leave for a few minutes and then scrub vigorously with the same brush. Be sure to wipe the cloth along the joint with the sole, even if there is no noticeable dirt there. Otherwise, after cleaning, this area may appear darker than the bleached areas.
    Once the stains are removed, take new cotton swabs and use them to rinse off the bleach with clean water. To remove the bleach completely, rinse your sneakers in running water while wearing gloves. The final result will be visible only after the sneakers have dried. Do not try to speed up this process with a hairdryer or heating device to white fabric did not turn yellow. Place wet, slightly wrung-out sneakers on a balcony or windowsill, or hang them on a clothesline. If some stains are visible after drying, repeat the entire procedure using a more concentrated bleach.
  3. You can bleach sneakers that have no pronounced stains, but the original whiteness has disappeared, without washing. To do this, use toothpaste at home. It is not at all necessary to use an expensive product with a whitening effect - all toothpastes clean fabric equally well. What you shouldn't do is use paste bright color and/or containing inclusions. The best option would be tooth powder diluted with a small amount of water, if you can find it in modern stores. Protect your hands with rubber gloves, and use a foam sponge to wash dishes instead of a toothbrush. Your task is to apply toothpaste or powder to the yellowed sneakers as evenly as possible, over the entire surface of the fabric.
    Fashionable white sneakers are often worn on bare feet, so they turn yellow not so much on the outside as on the inside. Keep this in mind when bleaching your shoes, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain. Apply toothpaste to the fabric and the inside too. After this, leave the treated shoes for half an hour, after which do not rinse, but carefully wipe off the remaining toothpaste with a clean, damp foam sponge. By the way, instead of toothpaste, you can use a special foam for cleaning shoes, but the price of this product is higher, although the effectiveness is the same. If you want to enhance the effect, add a few drops of lemon juice to the tooth powder, and after cleaning, keep your white sneakers in the sun: ultraviolet light will provide them with additional whitening.
  4. The most powerful detergent for washing white sneakers is prepared at home from available ingredients. Use it only if other measures have failed. In a ceramic (not metal or plastic) bowl, mix hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of washing powder into this liquid and mix until smooth. The finished mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Using an old toothbrush or any foam sponge, with protectively gloved hands, apply this whitening paste to and around the stains. Do not keep it for too long so that the bleached fabric does not differ in color from the main surface of the sneaker. After 5-7 minutes, wipe off the product paper napkin, and then rinse the sneakers thoroughly in clean water under the tap.
The only way to wash white sneakers is to use gasoline, kerosene and other oily liquids to clean them. Instead of the expected bleaching, they can leave even more noticeable and indelible stains on the fabric surface. So, if for some reason none of the solutions suggested above suits you, it’s better to take your white sneakers to a professional dry cleaner. Although, by and large, the difference in this case will only be in price and in your peace of mind. Because folk remedies for home cleaning of fabric shoes, they are in no way inferior to industrial ones in terms of efficiency. So feel free to wash and bleach white sneakers with your own hands so that they do not lose their original appearance and look stylish and bright.