Marriage of a Russian and a Ukrainian. Ukrainians in Russia

Getting married is once and for all! © thinkstock

From early childhood, many girls simply dream of marrying a foreigner and moving to distant lands. Google produces results with multimillion-dollar queries: “marry a foreigner” and for some reason only a few hundred links with the topic “I want a Ukrainian.”

The current situation in the country, of course, has changed things a little, but not by the most in the best possible way. Now Ukrainian women are proud of Ukrainian men, but they are still in no hurry to marry them and calculate from which country it will be more profitable to exchange their spouse’s salary (preferably in dollars).

The main reason that girls give in marriage agencies is the search for a better life abroad and the unreliability of Ukrainian-made men.

“Girls who have been “battered by life” hope that somewhere out there they will be able to start all over again and luck will definitely smile on them. Your pages in in social networks they prefer to lead on English language(so that foreigners understand what is written in the profiles), and also post explicit photos, which will help attract prey faster.

But, as they say, “It’s good where we are not.” We, of course, try not to give too much hope to our clients, but demand requires supply,”— Elena, an employee, shared with us marriage agency.

Many Ukrainian women also take advantage of the fact that girls of Slavic appearance are popular with foreigners. But our men should not despair. We decided to prepare this material to prove to girls: “Ukrainian men are worth marrying.”

“You won’t need to go to another country, and you will be able to see your relatives.” Often girls who marry a foreigner leave the country and cannot return for a long time. Even if you move to another city, you can take the train and go home to visit at any time.

— Not all Ukrainian men have salaries in hryvnias. Many professionals are paid in dollars and euros.

— You will definitely have a similar mentality and traditions with a Ukrainian. It is much easier to start a relationship with someone of the same faith as you. This is a huge plus, because few people can boast of large family holidays.

— You can open horizons together with your loved one. If you marry an Italian, then Italy will become your second home, and you will no longer be able to tell your friends about how you vacationed in Italy. Don't miss your chance to go on vacation to Italy.

- You will have fewer problems with formalizing your relationship.

Dear girls, I am writing to you as a girl who also does not yet have a stamp in her passport. You shouldn't look for happiness somewhere over the hill. Perhaps your loved one is somewhere nearby! Look around and you will definitely find your happiness.

The Russian chooses borscht, the Ukrainian chooses stability

“Over the last four months of 2014, the number of marriages of Russians with Ukrainian citizens has doubled” - official statistics from the Civil Registry Office. What will happen at the end of the year? What is the reason for this interethnic marriage boom? "MK" tried to find out exactly what circumstances provoked unprecedented excitement— the hunt for Russian citizenship or real feelings.

In the first quarter of 2014, 1,652 marriages between citizens of Ukraine and the Russian Federation were registered in Moscow. The forces between the sexes were distributed approximately equally: about 700 smart lads found a wife in Moscow, while a little more than 900 people took Ukrainian wives. Numbers are numbers, but the trend emerged at the very beginning of spring, when one brave girl from Moscow announced to the whole country that she was ready to give her heart to a resident of the then Ukrainian Crimea.

“I’ll marry a Sevastopol man”

The story of the acquaintance of Muscovite Alina Solovyova and serviceman from Sevastopol Denis Ptichka excited the entire Internet this spring. On March 1, at a rally in support of the residents of Sevastopol in Moscow, a girl was holding a poster with the eloquent inscription “I will marry a Sevastopol resident.” Photos from the rally instantly spread across the Internet. And a few days later, in response to Alina’s call, a photo of Denis from the Crimean checkpoint with a response poster appeared on the Internet: “I am a Sevastopol resident! I agree!"

I am Russian, but I was born and raised in Sevastopol, so in Moscow, my friends and I were very worried about the fate of the city and the whole of Crimea,” explains Alina Solovyova. “We posted photos from the rally on social networks and somehow began to forget about it. Suddenly, on the eve of our departure for the Crimean referendum, my brother called me and said that a young man had appeared on the Internet with an answer to my marriage proposal. This really touched me and I decided to find him; from the picture it was clear that he was serving at one of the Sevastopol checkpoints.

Unfortunately, when Alina arrived at the checkpoint, Denis was not there, but the girl left a note with her coordinates. In the end, the young people met in Moscow and really liked each other. Despite the fact that while Denis is serving in Sevastopol, and Alina lives in the capital, the girl is happy and communicates with her new acquaintance by phone and Skype. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning Great love, which arose due to the prevailing recent months situation in Ukraine.

Love without borders

According to employees of the civil registry office, the increase in the number of marriages between Russians and Ukrainians is primarily due to the desire of people who have been together for a long time to legalize their relationship in order to help their other half quickly obtain Russian citizenship. After all, marriage to a Russian citizen allows Ukrainians to obtain a passport with a double-headed eagle according to a simplified scheme. IN in this case people who had a good life in a civil marriage put a stamp in their passport in order to erase the barriers placed between them by the Ukrainian authorities. This happens especially often in areas that border on Independence Square, since in these areas there are especially many migrant workers from the southeastern part of Ukraine.

 Nikolai and I met three years ago, we’ve been living together for a year now civil marriage in my apartment in Moscow - explains 26-year-old Anna Petrova. - Kolya worked as a manager in one of the travel companies in Rostov-on-Don, and I stayed with relatives there the whole summer. He himself is from the Donetsk region, but he came to work with us in Russia, since in Ukraine the salaries are cheap and it is very difficult to live on them. And Nikolai also needs to feed his parents, who remained in their homeland.

Before the famous events on the Maidan, the couple did not have any problems. Anya, as a wife, went with Nikolai to his parents, and they also visited Moscow more than once. The main problems began with the confrontation between Donbass and the Kyiv authorities and the ban on the entry of a number of Russian citizens into the territory of Independence

Of course, Anya and I were going to get married in the future, but we wanted to first save up more money to arrange a real wedding. beautiful wedding. But fate decreed otherwise, says Nikolai. - Anya, seeing what a nightmare was happening in my homeland, began to persuade me to start obtaining Russian citizenship. The last straw was that Anya was not allowed into the Donetsk region with me to visit my relatives for Easter. I tried for a long time to explain to the border guards that she was my fiancée - there was only one answer - there was no stamp, there was no evidence. As a result, I left alone, and Anya had to return home. Upon my return, I made an official proposal to my beloved, and we are getting married in a month. I love my country, but what should I do if it has become extremely dangerous to live in it, and it’s impossible to really earn money? I hope, over time, it will be possible to transport my parents to Russia. According to the stories of young people in the Rostov region, where they met, there are many Russian-Ukrainian couples who, for the same exact reasons, have already gotten married or submitted an application to the registry office. Perhaps there is a big plus in the current situation, because the authorities have long been fighting to preserve the classical institution of the family, so that children are born in an official marriage. In addition, according to sociologists, even before the sad events in Ukraine, the most common interethnic marriages in Russia were unions of Russians and Ukrainians. And Russian-Ukrainian families can be considered mixed only formally, since the majority of Ukrainians working in Russia are so Russified that their origin is revealed only upon presentation of a passport.

Marriage without obligations for borscht

However, it is not necessary to say that all marriages are created out of love. A search engine query - “fictitious marriage with a Ukrainian” - returns a thousand pages. All kinds of message boards are full of messages like: “I offer a fictitious marriage to a woman to obtain Russian citizenship. I’m 51. I can’t offer any other relationship.” Or: “Girl, 25 years old, never married, no children, living in Moscow region. Marriage for your goals. For a generous reward accordingly."

But there are also marriage altruists: “I’m not married, I’ll help beautiful girl move from Ukraine to Russia and complete all the documents. No money needed. If only she could cook borscht.” Special sections “Ukrainians” have appeared on popular dating sites. Moreover, the scandalous dating site “Ukrainian in every home” that appeared on the RuNet created a lot of noise. On it, girls from Ukraine were invited to move to live with a man from the Russian Federation. The site works intermittently and looks more like a joke. But, as the developers assure, its services are fully used real people.

A similar trend is observed not only in Russia: the influx of Ukrainian brides and grooms has also been noticed in Europe. True, in the West they still love brides more. According to Ukrainian services, in the first three months of 2014, the same number of girls married Europeans as in the whole of 2013 - 1,200.

The Ukrainian wife is the best in the world, - Irina Savko, director of the Kyiv marriage agency, sincerely believes. - This has long been a recognized fact. Our European grooms appreciate Ukrainian women for their unpretentiousness in everyday life - they do everything around the house themselves and love children. What else does? So, we are not complaining about the lack of suitors. We charge a European 450 euros for access to the database.

The agency specializes in European marriages, since brides and grooms from Russia, as a rule, do not need mediation services. Irina admitted that with the beginning of the Kyiv events, her business slowed down. Europeans are afraid to go to Kyiv, engulfed in revolution. But brides from the capital of Ukraine and other cities are happy to pack their bags for Europe.

It's not like people are running away from here. Come to Kyiv and see for yourself - everything is calm and good here,” says Irina Savko. “It’s just that many found the situation convenient to fulfill their long-standing dream - to get married successfully and receive European citizenship.

What Ukrainian girls standing out at the international brides fair for a long time is nothing new. They are beautiful, quickly adapt to any environment and instantly master all languages. Marina is from Dnepropetrovsk and has been happily married to an English citizen for ten years:

Richard is 30 years older than me. At the time we met, he was already divorced for the third time, so he has something to compare with. The first thing I did was kick out all the housekeepers. I clean and cook very well myself, and there is no extra money in the family budget. In England, economy is valued. When the children were born, I called my mother to help. We don't need strangers in our house.

An English husband dotes on his Ukrainian wife. However, the prim society of Foggy Albion for a long time did not want to accept the newly baked lady into its ranks.

Of course, in Russia it would be much easier for me. I felt the most intense passions when the children went to school,” Marina recalls. “The mothers from the class turned their noses away from me and laughed at my accent. But nothing! I didn’t pay attention to this and began to actively participate in the life of the school: I baked cupcakes for fairs and cleaned the garden. It was appreciated. As a result, I celebrated my 30th birthday with my English friends.

Sociologists - both Russian and Ukrainian - expect that the trend of interethnic marriages involving Ukrainian citizens is unlikely to decrease until the end of the year.

Marriage registration is a very responsible procedure, especially if one of the parties is a foreigner. In this case, the newlyweds will face certain difficulties regarding the application of special legislation, collecting documents and obtaining permits. The most relevant today is marriage with a citizen of Ukraine on the territory of Russia in 2019 - despite a certain crisis in relations, citizens still find chosen ones from close countries.

The rules for registering family relationships in Russia are determined by the provisions of the Family Code. He does not exclude the possibility of marrying a Ukrainian or a citizen of any other country, or even a stateless person. This, however, requires compliance with special rules.

Yes, Art. 156 of the Family Code determines that marriage on the territory of Russia is formalized in the form and manner established by Russian family legislation. But at the same time, the conditions for marriage are determined for those getting married by the laws of the country whose citizenship they have at the time of registration of the relationship. In addition, the requirements of Art. 14 IC regarding circumstances preventing the conclusion of an alliance. Thus, not only domestic, but also foreign legislation must allow a union with a foreigner.

If a person is stateless, then when registering a marriage, in terms of the conditions for its conclusion, the legislation of the country in which he permanently resides is applied to him. If he permanently and legally resides in Russia, despite the lack of citizenship, family ties are formalized according to Russian laws.

Required documents

To determine what documents are needed at the registry office for the marriage of Ukrainian citizens with Russians, you need to refer to Art. 26 Federal Law “On acts of civil status”. According to it, those getting married must submit a joint written application, along with which they are provided:

  • copies of citizens, as well as their translation into Russian;
  • documents issued by the executive authorities or the embassy of the country whose citizenship the foreigner has, on his ability to marry a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming the absence of other existing marital relations;
  • a document confirming the legality of the stay of a Ukrainian or a citizen of another country on the territory of the Russian Federation (,).

By general rule, all foreign documents are subject to legalization. However, documents for registering a marriage with a citizen of Ukraine, according to Art. 13 of the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations do not require additional certification - it is enough to have a certified translation.

Place of registration

Provisions of Art. 25 Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status” allow you to conclude marital relations with foreigners, including Ukrainians, in any registry office on the territory of the Russian Federation, based solely on the desires of the spouses themselves. At the same time, due to the need to obtain documents from embassies, there is no better solution than to register a marriage with a citizen of Ukraine in Moscow. In this case, future newlyweds will be able to contact any wedding palace in the capital.

The situation will become somewhat more complicated if the foreigner has the citizenship of another country that was not part of the Commonwealth with Russia. Despite the requirement of the law, the internal regulations of the civil registry authorities allow registering relations with such foreigners only in the Civil Registry Office No. 4, located at Moscow, st. Butyrskaya, 17.

In addition, the newlyweds can register their marriage at a foreign embassy, ​​but in this case this will be done according to the laws of that country.

Dual citizenship and marriage

The issue of dual citizenship is regulated in great detail by Russian legislation. So, according to Art. 62 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen of Russia has the full right to have citizenship of another country in accordance with federal law. According to Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, this does not entail the loss of Russian citizenship - even if the wife is a citizen of Ukraine, and the husband is a citizen of Russia who has a Ukrainian passport, he will still be considered by the authorities of the Russian Federation as a citizen of Russia.

The Russian legislator treats foreign documents of Russians in the same way, recognizing on the territory of the Russian Federation documents issued exclusively by Russian authorities. The provisions of Part 3 of Art. follow this logic. 156 of the IC, according to which, even if a citizen of the Russian Federation has a different citizenship, exclusively Russian legislation applies to the rules of marriage.

Moreover, Russian family legislation also considers the possibility of dual citizenship for a foreigner registering a marriage with a Russian citizen. Thus, if a person has several citizenships of foreign countries, when registering his marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, in terms of the conditions for marriage, the legislation of the country he deems necessary is applied to him.

Fictitious marriage with Ukrainians in the Russian Federation

In cases where spouses formalize a relationship in Russia without specific intentions of starting a family, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 27 of the IC, the legislator recognizes such unions as fictitious, which makes it possible to recognize such bonds as invalid, however, only in court. Signs of a fictitious family relationship are almost always obvious: “newlyweds” do not have children, do not lead a common life, and usually do not even live together, without maintaining the appearance of family relationships.

Such marriages are usually concluded for selfish purposes: a Russian citizen who enters into a fictitious marriage with foreigners, including Ukrainians, receives a financial reward, the amount of which is usually at least 100 thousand rubles. A foreigner, in turn, can be guided by such benefits as:

  • obtaining the right to a pension;
  • legal residence and employment in the Russian Federation;
  • evasion of military service;
  • participation in preferential federal programs for young families.

Meanwhile, the most common reason for entering into a fictitious marriage, where the husband is Ukrainian and the wife is Russian, is to obtain citizenship.

Fictitious marriage and Russian citizenship

Among many foreigners, including Ukrainians, there is a widespread belief that marriage to Russians gives the right to automatically obtain Russian citizenship. However, this is not true - Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” does not provide such a basis for acquiring citizenship. At the same time, family relations with a Russian citizen provide for some simplifications regarding the procedure for obtaining citizenship.

As a general rule, to obtain Russian citizenship, a foreigner must live legally in Russia for at least 5 years. In case of registration of family ties with a Russian given period reduced to three years.

Thus, to obtain citizenship through a fictitious marriage, Ukrainians must:

  1. Legally cross the border with the Russian Federation, and then register with the migration authorities within a week.
  2. Register a marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation in compliance with all the above conditions.
  3. Obtain the right to temporary residence in accordance with Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated April 22, 2013 N 214.
  4. After a year, obtain a residence permit, which is issued in accordance with Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated April 22, 2013 N 215.
  5. After three years from the date of registration of the marriage relationship, a foreigner receives the right to obtain Russian citizenship. The decision is made within a year from the date of filing the application.

Let us note that if the fictitious union is declared invalid by the court, the decision to issue Russian citizenship on this basis may also be cancelled.

Other ways for Ukrainians to obtain Russian citizenship

In addition to a fictitious marriage, Ukrainians can obtain Russian citizenship in general procedure, having legally lived in the Russian Federation for 5 years, while having a residence permit. However, simplified options are also possible. Thus, a Ukrainian will be able to obtain citizenship in a simplified manner if:

  1. has certain achievements in science or culture;
  2. Russia is interested in his professional qualities;
  3. asks to provide ;
  4. is a refugee;
  5. one of his parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  6. is disabled and has adult children;
  7. has a child who was left without the care of a second parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  8. is engaged in business activities with an annual turnover of more than 10 million rubles.

In these cases, the period for consideration of the application is reduced to six months.

Divorce from a Ukrainian

According to Art. 160 IC, divorce from a citizen of Ukraine in Russia is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. As established by Art. 16 of the Family Code, the basis for such termination may be the death of one of the spouses, recognition of him as dead, or a statement by one or both spouses.

Article 18 of the Family Code provides that divorce is carried out in the registry office as a result of the mutual consent of the spouses. If there is none or they have minor children, divorce is carried out through the court. A similar procedure for divorce, according to Art. 21 of the IC, also applies in cases where one of the spouses, despite the absence of claims and objections, does not appear at the registry office and refuses to submit an application.

According to Art. 160 IC, if a citizen of the Russian Federation lives outside of Russia (for example, in Ukraine), he can terminate ties with a Ukrainian in a court of the Russian Federation or diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation. The dissolution of a marriage concluded in the Russian Federation is subject to state registration - from the moment it is carried out, the union of the spouses is considered dissolved. This fact is confirmed by appropriate evidence.

Registration of marriage with a foreigner in Russia: Video

April 2016 – ... Lawyer migration portal website.

Representatives of foreign states can count on receiving a passport of a Russian citizen in a shorter time frame than is established for obtaining citizenship on a general basis. The grounds for submitting documents and obtaining citizenship under a simplified scheme are for the categories of persons specified in Art. 14 Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. How to get married?

One of the grounds for receiving it under simplified conditions is marriage to a Russian citizen.

I am Ukrainian, my future wife is Russian

If possible without a certificate, what actions will need to be taken. And one more thing, he was already married to a Ukrainian citizen, the divorce certificate is in our hands.

Hello! Please tell me. I live with a Ukrainian man and we want to get married. He doesn’t have a migration card. Is it needed at the registry office? To be honest, I don’t remember if it is needed there, but registration at the place of stay is definitely needed (the so-called

spine with cells)

To obtain a passport of a Russian citizen, persons who have reached the age of 18 and speak Russian must fulfill a number of basic requirements: If a person wishes to obtain a Russian passport, but has a criminal record, then authorized officials will be forced to refuse his application. The first stage of the obtaining procedure is obtaining a temporary permit to reside on the territory of the Russian state.

Russian citizenship by marriage: what are the features of the process

Today you can obtain Russian citizenship by marriage quite quickly and without unnecessary formalities. The first thing you need to know is that the mere fact of creating a family, sealed in the registry office, does not lead to a change in the citizenship of one or both spouses.

It is only the basis for going through a simplified legalization process.

How long after marrying a Russian can I obtain Russian citizenship? I am Ukrainian and have lived in Moscow for 14 years.

You have the right to receive the Russian Federation in a simplified manner if you belong to the category of persons whose citizenship is granted in a simplified manner. These are the following persons (Article 14 of the Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ): 1. Adult, capable foreign citizens and stateless persons: - who have at least one parent from the Russian Federation and live on the territory of the Russian Federation; - who had USSR citizenship, lived and live in states that were part of the USSR, did not receive these states and, as a result, remain stateless; - who are citizens of states that were part of the USSR, have received secondary vocational or higher professional education in educational institutions RF after 07/01/2002.

Married to a citizen of the Russian Federation, how to obtain Russian citizenship

We’ll look at how a Belarusian can get a Russian passport using this scheme later in the article. Simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship: Video How can a citizen of Belarus obtain Russian citizenship? The Russian Federation can be obtained in a simplified and general manner.

Obtaining the Russian Federation in these procedures is regulated by Articles No. 14 of the Law on the Russian Federation. the review period of which is up to six months and article No. 13, the review period of up to one year.

Russian citizenship by marriage for Ukrainian citizens

Registration of citizenship by marriage is carried out on the basis of Decrees of the President and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

There are also a number of directives and regulations of the Federal Migration Service that must be followed. a) The marriage union must meet the requirements of two countries - Russia and a foreign state. In other words, he must follow the main postulates family law: the age of the newlyweds, parental consent, traditions associated with polygamy, monogamy, etc.

The procedure for obtaining it is regulated by the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.

Marriage with a citizen Russian Federation is the basis for a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship if this marriage is at least three years old. Other grounds for obtaining citizenship in a simplified manner. or to obtain it in a general manner, you can find it here: In particular, you should be interested in Art.