Will pensions be issued? Retirement - according to new rules

Perhaps no law in recent years has aroused so many emotions, doubts and concerns among the people. Almost every resident of Russia has his own opinion about the document recently approved by the authorities, and, to be honest, not the overwhelming majority understands and supports this document. Suffice it to recall petitions on the Internet, rallies and single pickets. But it happened. Raise Act retirement age in Russia was approved by the Federation Council and signed by President Vladimir Putin.

From January 1, 2019, the federal document on the assignment and payment of pensions will come into force. Understanding its intricacies and details is useful. The head of the Pension Fund Office in the city of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk region, Tatyana Vladimirovna Cherendina, will help our readers with this.

— The issue of raising the retirement age has not been discussed for a year or even two. And on October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 350, which amends a number of legislative acts. The main event is the increase in the retirement age for women to 60 and for men to 65. And a number of other provisions that we will discuss further.

The current retirement age is 55 years for women and 60 years for men. The new law provides for an increase in this age by 5 years. The same for men and women. The increase will occur in stages - one will be added every year. retirement year. The transition period is planned to be completed by 2028. As a result, the retirement age will increase by the specified parameters, but the requirements for work experience and points will remain the same - at least 15 years and 30 points.

During the transition period—2019 and 2020—for those who reach retirement age at this time, the retirement age will be increased according to the principle of six months a year. For example, if a woman turns 55 in January 2019, she will be granted a pension exactly six months later. If she reaches 55 years of age in the second half of 2019, she will receive the right to a pension in the first half of 2020. And this rule will be valid for two years, both for women and men.

— Meanwhile, there are certain categories of Russian workers for whom earlier retirement is possible. Will there be any changes from January 1, 2019?

— The new law provides for earlier retirement for men who have worked for 42 years or more, and women who have worked for 37 years or more. Such workers have the opportunity to retire two years earlier: for men - at 63 years old, for women - at 57 years old. Today there are not many such people, but their number will grow. Because citizens will understand that in order to earn such experience, they must start working at the age of eighteen. You must be “sharpened” for a long and formalized work activity. By the way, today in Pension Fund Management in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk region, 36 people with long work experience have already applied.

— Northerners have the opportunity to retire earlier. AND new law retains this right. But with certain amendments. Which ones?

— For current beneficiaries who retire early due to work in the regions Far North and equivalent areas, where the retirement age is set at 55 years (for men) and 50 years (for women), it is planned to increase the retirement age to 60 years and 55 years, respectively.

Requirements for the duration of special (northern) experience and insurance period also have not changed. It is still required to work for 15 years in the Far North, and 20 years in areas equivalent to the north.

For northern women who have two children and raised them until they are 8 years old, who have worked in the Far North for 12 years, and in equivalent areas for 17 years, the previous retirement age remains the same - 50 years. And, even if these women move to warmer climes before retirement age, but all the necessary conditions are met (work experience, the birth of two children, their upbringing until the age of 8), the “northern” pension will remain with them.

— But not only mothers from the North will retain the right to early retirement?

— Yes, according to current legislation, women who have five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 receive the right to early retirement. At 50 years old. And this right will be reserved for them. But the new version of the pension law also includes new provisions. For women who have three children and raised them until they are 8 years old, the right to retire comes at age 57. Mother of many children four children can retire at age 56. Women born in 1964 who have such big family, next year they will already be entitled to a pension.

— Professions and working conditions are different. Not everyone is lucky enough to work in a comfortable office with air conditioning; some need to mine coal and pump oil from wells. I'm talking about harmful and even dangerous industries and the people employed in them. They are also beneficiaries when it comes to retirement age. And these benefits remain for them?

— For those who work in professions with harmful and difficult working conditions (according to Lists 1 and 2, “small” lists: logging, sailing crews, etc.) there will be no changes. Their length of service requirements remain the same, and the retirement age will not increase.

Moreover, for those employed in these jobs, the retirement age has become even more preferential. If now, according to the second or “small” lists, the early retirement benefit is 5 years, taking into account the fact that for others the retirement age will increase, but for these categories will not change, they will retire much earlier than the generally established age.

For these professions, there is a need for the employer to conduct a special assessment of working conditions. If these conditions are not met, then special experience is not formed. If a special assessment of working conditions is carried out, and it confirms that the conditions are harmful and difficult, the employer accordingly pays an additional tariff for insurance contributions, then this period is included in the special period of service, and the pension is assigned ahead of schedule.

— How does the law apply to doctors and teachers?

— People in these professions still have requirements for medical and teaching experience. So, medical workers, if they worked in the village, they must for appointment early retirement develop 25 years of experience, if in the city - then 30 years. For teaching staff, the requirement to develop 25 years of teaching experience does not depend on the place of work and residence. Workers in creative professions have their own requirements. But there is a nuance. Now they have the right to a pension immediately after completing their service, without reference to a specific age. From 2019, after the required insurance period has been completed, it will be necessary, as in other cases, to wait until the age increases.

— “Rural” allowance for non-working pensioners. They were waiting for her. And they waited - in the new pension law it is registered. What about details?

— The introduction of the rural supplement was supposed to take place in 2020, but will start working on January 1, 2019. We are talking about an increase of 25% fixed payment, which today is 4983 rubles. It is assigned to non-working pensioner village residents who have at least 30 years of experience in certain agricultural productions. The list of these industries must be approved by the federal government. 10 people have already applied to the Pension Fund Office in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk region for the “northern” bonus.

— For some, due to various circumstances, life develops in such a way that, having reached a respectable age, they have not developed the necessary length of service. And they can only count on a social old-age pension. Have the parameters for receiving it changed?

— The age for assigning a social old-age pension is increasing. Currently, such a pension is assigned at the age of 60 to women, and at 65 to men. According to the new law, there will also be a gradual increase in age: women up to 65 years old, men up to 70 years old. This pension will be paid only to non-working people.

The indigenous peoples of the North still have the opportunity to receive a social pension at the age of 50. But an additional condition is introduced for them - they will receive a social pension only if they do not work anywhere.

“Ultimately, pension perturbations were started for a good purpose - to increase the size of pensions.

- Exactly. In order to increase the size of pensions for existing pensioners. And this increase will not be one-time, but over a number of years. The federal law defines the value of the pension point and the mechanism for its indexation until 2024. For example, if in 2019 a point will cost 87.24 rubles, then in 2024 it will cost 116.63 rubles. Over five years, an increase of 33.7%. The size of the fixed payment has also been determined for the next 5 years. In fact, starting from January 2019, the pension will increase annually by an average of one thousand rubles, depending on the size of the established pension.

“How to apply for a monthly payment for caring for a disabled person,” read our material.

Be careful, this magazine material is current as of November 14, 2018

A number of media outlets have published “sensational” information that the Russian Ministry of Labor intends to abolish the old-age social pension for working pensioners. The draft of the corresponding order was indeed posted on the Federal Portal of Regulatory Legal Acts, but some journalists were apparently too lazy to read it not only to the end, but even to the middle, and some even limited themselves to the title, says PFR representative Kristina Samoilova.

To begin with, I will simply remind you of the mechanism for paying pensions to working pensioners and you will immediately understand whether there are reasons for panic. So, the social old-age pension is assigned to Russian citizens who have reached retirement age, as well as to foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years, if they have stopped working. If citizens continue to work and are subject to mandatory pension insurance, they are not assigned a social pension. At the same time, working pensioners can receive insurance pension.

Currently in Russia, a social pension is awarded to people who do not have enough insurance experience or points to qualify for an insurance pension. It begins to be paid five years after retirement age, but only if the person is no longer working. If, after the appointment of a social pension, a citizen finds a job, then the payment of the social pension to him is suspended.


For many years, the social old-age pension has been paid only to unemployed Russians. So there is no trace of any sensation in the draft order of the Ministry of Labor - it only clarifies some “bureaucratic nuances”, formal procedures, norms that have been in force for many years, enshrined in paragraph 5 of Article 11 of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Security” .

Storm in a teacup

The order has been prepared to implement the amendments made to pension legislation in October of this year and in pursuance of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It clarifies that the payment of social pensions upon employment should be suspended from the first day of the month following the one in which the pensioner went to work. After a person is fired this payment also resumes from the first day of the month following the one in which the resignation letter and documents confirming the fact of dismissal were submitted. The order notes that people declared bankrupt are not deprived of their right to a pension.

At the same time, working pensioners also continue to receive old-age insurance pensions. And no one suggested that they stop these payments.

Now the average social pension is just over 9,000 rubles. In Russia, about 3.2 million people receive it. At the same time, the size of the insurance pension that most Russians receive is on average 14,075 rubles for non-working Russians. Those who continue to work receive 1,100 rubles less - 13,300 rubles. After dismissal, their payments are indexed.

According to the pension reform of the Russian Federation, which provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age for men to 65 years and women to 60, the size of the insurance pension will be indexed by an average of one thousand rubles per year. This will only affect non-working pensioners. Earlier, if you remember, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov noted that it is not yet advisable to change the approach to working pensioners, since they “have higher rates of wage growth compared to the forecasts of the Ministry of Finance.”

Let me also remind you that until 2016, pensions of working Russians were indexed on an equal basis with other payments, but later the increase in allowances for this category of citizens was canceled due to the difficult economic situation. Upon termination labor activity the cost of the pension coefficient increases for all missed indexations. Projects to resume indexation are regularly submitted to the State Duma, but all of them are shelved.

So, as for working pensioners, every year from August 1, they recalculate the size of their pension, that is, a change in the size of the insurance pension due to the pensioner having additional earnings, from which insurance premiums are calculated (paid). In 2017, such pension recalculation affected 11.8 million pensioners. For them, payments increased on average by 168.8 rubles. A year earlier increased pensions 12.9 million pensioners received. The increase in pensions amounted to 149.8 rubles after recalculation.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to a few more points from the draft order of the Ministry of Labor. In particular, it states that a person must be paid any due pensions, even if he was declared bankrupt. And also that if young people study at a foreign university and have lost their breadwinner, they still have the right to a social pension until they reach the age of 23, regardless of whether they entered there on their own or went in a direction in accordance with international treaties of Russia . But this is not a “revolution” either.

Indexation of pensions in Russia from 2019 will be only once, starting on January 1. The law on raising the retirement age in Russia will prescribe a new procedure for indexing pensions from 2019: once a year - from January 1 until 2024. This was announced on October 2, 2018 by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

Increasing pensions for working pensioners in 2019

The procedure for paying pensions to working pensioners significantly different on how they are produced to unemployed citizens. This is expressed, first of all, in the abolition of the annual indexation of pensions to the level of inflation, which the Government no longer intends to restore. In addition, the “frozen” value of the pension point does not allow for a full increase in pensions for working pensioners during the August recalculation.
According to the Government’s plans, from 2019, insurance pensions in Russia will be indexed above inflation - on average by 1000 rubles. in year, which will be realized using the money released from sales pension reform, which provides for a phased raising the retirement age. However, this indexation once again (from 2016) will not affect working pensioners - such an annual increase is not planned for them.
In addition, many Russians are concerned about rumors about the complete abolition of pensions for working pensioners, which began to spread more actively on the Internet against the backdrop of government changes. pension system.
It should be noted that the decision to cancel pensions for citizens who continue to work cannot be implemented on practice. The right of citizens to an insurance pension upon reaching retirement age, due to disability or in the event of loss of a breadwinner guaranteed by the Constitution, therefore, such information disseminated by incompetent sources is unreliable.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019?

No fundamental changes in pension provision for working pensioners in 2019 not expected- for them, the procedure for pension payments will be preserved, which was carried out starting from 01/01/2016, when a moratorium on pension indexation was introduced.
For working pensioners, the value of the pension point and the amount of the fixed payment are “frozen” at the level that was established at the date of retirement or until January 1, 2016. This means that the annual indexation of these values ​​carried out by the Government does not in any way affect the pension provision of working citizens - while they work, their pensions remain at the same level.
The Government does not intend to change this approach, as stated by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Russia Anton Siluanov during his speech on June 27, 2018 in the Federation Council, expressing the Government’s position on this issue. The head of the Ministry of Finance noted that It is inappropriate to change the current approach, since it is fair for certain reasons:

  • According to the Government, the real income of pensioners who continue to work is already growing steadily(even without indexation of pensions). It happens due to high wage growth rates, which according to Rosstat data is observed in last years and is predicted in the future. As an example, the Government notes that in the first half of 2018 alone in Russia there is salary growth by 9%. At the same time, indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners has been carried out in recent years at the level of 3-4%.
  • Upon dismissal of a pensioner, the amount paid to him pension provision will be recalculated - according to the adopted legislation, starting from the next month after dismissal, he will be fully taken into account all missed pension indexations over the years of continued work activity.
  • Based on this, the Government believes that it is advisable to maintain the approach to the payment of pensions to working citizens, adjusted in 2016, since this fully fits into the plans of the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure high growth rates of population income: for those who are not working - due to increased indexation, and for those who are working - only due to increased wages and various benefits (including tax benefits) provided for pensioners.

    What will happen to the pensions of working pensioners in 2019

    Pensions of citizens who continue to work will be increased in 2019 only as a result of recalculation, which automatically produces the Pension Fund from August 1. As a result of such recalculation, an increase in pension will be assigned, which is determined based on from insurance premiums paid over the past year.
    Read also: Beautiful congratulations Happy Police Day 2018 in verse and prose to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, SMS, pictures, postcards, in our own words. Let us note a number of features that affect the size of the increase in August 2019:

  • Insurance premiums paid for the past year of work are taken into account, i.e. in 2019, the formed pension points(IPK) due insurance premiums paid in 2018.
  • Number of points taken into account when recalculating limited to three IPCs, i.e. all accumulated points exceeding this value will only be taken into account in the next year (i.e. 2020).
  • Due to the “freezing” of indexation for working citizens, the cost of one IPC for them is fixed at the level that was established on the date of retirement.
  • Based on this, in 2018 the pension for working pensioners will be increased only from 01/08/2019., and the maximum amount of the increase will be limited to the value of three pension points - i.e. no more than 244.47 rubles. The earlier a citizen receives pension payments, the lower the cost of one IPC is for him, which means the increase will be less than 244.47 rubles. No more changes to pensions for working Russians in 2019. not expected.
    FOR COMPARISON, the Government plans to carry out indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners at a rate exceeding the rate of inflation, which will allow them to increase their size annually on average 1000 rubles. Thanks to this, by 2024 the national average level of pensions for non-working pensioners is planned to increase from 14 to 20 thousand rubles.
    Since there is a moratorium on indexation for working pensioners, such a significant increase in pensions will not affect them. As noted above, the Cabinet of Ministers believes that increasing the incomes of working citizens can be fully achieved by real wage growth, so there is no need to additionally index their payments.

    Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners

    Question about the abolition of pensions for working pensioners has already been raised several times, and in connection with the start of the pension reform proposed by the Government in 2019, it began to be discussed even more actively. However, at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, which took place on July 11, 2018, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrei Pudov said that payments to working pensioners we don't intend to cancel. “No, such a plot is not being considered,” said A. Pudov.

    Entitled to all other pensioners. The state considered this fair to working pensioners and a more profitable option for reducing budget expenses Pension Fund.

    Previously, the government was discussing the issue and receiving specific decisions on this proposal from the Ministry of Finance and other government bodies, for example, it was proposed cancel payment fixed part of the pension. However, on this moment The government did not announce any specific decisions.

    Is it possible for a pensioner to work and receive a pension?

    Upon reaching retirement age, not all citizens want to leave the workplace and spend time at home. On the contrary, pensioners find additional part-time work or remain in official employment.

    IN Russian Federation it is possible to remain in retirement with a monthly payment and work officially, simultaneously receiving a salary with her.

    • The Government's proposal to reduce pensions for working pensioners in order to save the Pension Fund budget, presented back in 2015, did not find support, so at the moment, while continuing to work, the pensioner old age pension is not deprived.
    • However, some citizens applying for a survivor's pension can count on it while continuing to work, in accordance with clause 2, part 2, article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, since this type of payment can only be received disabled a close relative of the deceased who was his dependent.

    The state is trying in every possible way to stimulate the population to more late retirement, refusing payment, offering increase its size.

    Is it profitable to work in retirement?

    Receiving both a pension and salary at the same time is much more profitable and, of course, significantly increases material support pensioner. In addition, by continuing to increase your length of service upon retirement, you can benefit from the fact that insurance premiums and the amount pension savings also increase, which means the payment itself increases. In this regard, an annual recalculation of pension payments is carried out.

    However, at the moment it is known for sure that such decisions will not be made in the near future.

    Survivor's pension if you work

    You can postpone retirement for a minimum of one year, and the maximum bonus factor is accrued for 10 years. Tables of correspondence between the bonus coefficient and the deferment period are posted in the appendices and to the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”. It can be concluded that the longer the deferment period, the higher size future pension provision. For example, if you defer for a year, the pension amount will increase by 6.5%; with a delay of 5 years - already by 40%.