What is best for stretching shoes? How to stretch shoes that are too tight: several effective ways

Universal shoe stretching options

There are several ways to treat tight shoes that are suitable for products made from different materials (genuine leather, substitute, suede, ). These stretching methods are also the safest for all possible models, except for fur-lined boots.

Special softening agents for shoes. They are applied to the problem areas on the inside of the shoes. (If the shoes are made of genuine leather, then you can apply it on the outside as well). Immediately after treatment, shoes should be worn with tight socks until the desired areas dry and take the shape of the foot. This stretching option can be repeated several times to achieve best result.

Stretching with castor oil It is also a universal way to treat tight shoes. After treating with oil from the inside, you need to walk around in shoes for several hours. The oil softens problem areas, so the shoes acquire the exact shape of the foot. This method is inconvenient because after the procedure, shoes that are greasy from the inside must be thoroughly cleaned. You can replace the oil with an alcohol solution (one to one with water), cologne, and even kerosene. But this method is even more inconvenient, since the smell after treatment will persist for a long time.

How to stretch leather shoes

Products made from genuine leather are the strongest and most durable. Therefore, they will be able to withstand more aggressive methods of influence. For example, high and low temperatures.

When exposed to high temperatures, natural leather can expand and become softer. You can heat your shoes with a hairdryer, or hold them over boiling water for a while. Heated shoes should be worn until they cool and dry completely. Warm skin immediately takes on the desired shape and retains it for a long time. After the procedure, to prevent the skin from drying out, you should treat it nourishing cream for shoes.

Shoes made of genuine leather can also be stretched under the influence of low temperatures, using the freezing method. First, plastic bags are inserted into the shoes (2 bags each, in case the bag breaks). Then water is poured into the inner bag. You need to make sure that large folds do not form inside the shoes; to do this, the bags should be straightened out as much as possible. Water should completely fill the space inside the shoe. The bag of water is tied and the other is left open. In this position, the shoes are placed in the freezer at least overnight. As the water freezes, it will gradually increase in volume, stretching the shoes.

After treating your shoes in one way or another, you must apply cream.

As a rule, shoes made of genuine leather can wear out on their own after a few weeks of wear. Therefore, perhaps there is no need to rush into such radical stretching measures.

How to stretch shoes made of artificial leather or substitute

It is much more difficult to stretch such shoes than natural ones. When exposed high temperatures Such products fall into disrepair. Therefore, you need to act more carefully. The most effective and safest way to stretch is to fill it with damp paper or cloth. The fabric (paper) needs to be moistened in hot water, quickly wrung out and filled with the inner space of the shoe. When filling shoes, you need to very carefully design the shape so that there are no distortions or deformations. Shoes with padding should dry completely, away from heat sources. This will take quite a long time. But, after drying, the shoes will retain their given shape.

If non-natural shoes rub your heels, you can rub the inside of the heel with paraffin or laundry soap.

How to stretch boots

For boots without fur lining, you can apply the same stretching methods as for shoes.

And boots with lining can be treated with leather softeners or oil only on the outside. Most safe way- put on several pairs of socks (for greater effectiveness, you can soak them in hot water) and wear them like this for several hours. The procedure will have to be repeated several times, since it is impossible to wear wet winter boots with fur lining until they dry completely. After taking off worn-out boots, you need to immediately stuff them with paper or pieces soft fabric. You need to dry your boots in natural conditions, away from heat.

How to stretch suede and patent leather shoes

Such products can only be processed from the inside. Any impact on the outer surface may damage the shoes.

You can only use stretching methods with a soft, gentle effect without temperature loads. It is best to wear shoes in warm, damp socks (pre-soaked in hot water) until completely dry. In addition, you can also use padding with damp paper or cloth.

Shoes made of suede are quite elastic, so they can be broken in simply by wearing them frequently at home. After some time, it will fit perfectly to the shape of the leg.

How to buy shoes correctly

How to avoid unwanted surprises when buying new shoes:

  1. In the morning, almost every person's leg is more refined than in the afternoon. Throughout the day, tired legs swell a little. Therefore, it is better to buy new shoes in the afternoon. Shoes purchased in the morning may turn out to be very tight in the evening.

  2. When choosing a new pair of shoes, you also need to pay attention to fullness, width and instep. Perhaps the model you like in the right size will not fit other parameters. If your shoes are too narrow, don't buy a size up. Sliding back and forth can cause calluses on your feet.

  3. After buying a new pair of shoes, you shouldn’t immediately go outside in them. Before this, you need to spend some time wearing new clothes at home. If you feel discomfort, shoes that have not been worn outside can be returned or exchanged for a more comfortable model.

When stretching shoes in conditions, you need to act with extreme caution. You can only stretch your shoes by half a size without damaging them, no more.

Shoes made of genuine leather lend themselves best to stretching. It is almost impossible to stretch shoes or sandals made of textile fabric; strong impact will only disrupt the structure of the material.

Cracks may appear on shoes made of leatherette after freezing or simply wet processing. Shoes made from low-quality, poorly treated leather after wet treatment will become even tougher and warp when dried.

Very expensive shoes Don't stretch it yourself. It is better to go to a workshop that uses special shoe lasts of different sizes.

Bad purchase

I am sure that every person has encountered the fact that a purchased pair of shoes, which fit so perfectly in the store, ends up being a little tight. I don’t really want to return a new item I’ve already loved so much, but I don’t really want to rub my feet either. Therefore, you need to know a few tricks on how to stretch your shoes at home. Having learned some rules, you can correct some of the flaws in the purchased pair and wear it with great pleasure. Just stretching the shoes lengthwise should not in any way ruin them.

How to stretch shoes at home, method No. 1

This method is quite simple and very common among our population. In general, you need to lubricate the inside of the shoes that you are going to stretch with alcohol, or, if there is no alcohol, vodka can easily replace it. The next thing to do is to put it on your legs and moisten the top again with the same intoxicating liquid. And in such a “wet” state you need to walk for several hours. And what is important is not to lie down or sit. This way, in addition to stretching the shoe, you will soften it significantly.

How to stretch shoes at home, method No. 2

The most primitive method, which is probably known even to children. You need to break in your shoes with a wet sock. Only wool socks are suitable for this, as they are thick.

They need to be soaked in warm water and put on your feet, then put on the shoes that you want to stretch, and walk like this for several hours. The results will not be long in coming; the purchased pair will no longer rub your feet.

How to stretch shoes at home, method No. 3

This method can only be used on leather shoes. The essence of this method is to pour boiling water over the couple. Next, you need to drain the water, and as soon as the shoes have cooled, you need to put them on and wear them until they are completely dry. It is better not to experiment with other materials, as they simply will not withstand this stress. IN the best option they will become stained or, at worst, unusable.

More options

There is also a special stretcher for shoes, which you can buy at a shoe store or in special departments of the supermarket. Most often it comes in the form of a spray or foam. But in this case you need a special stretcher that looks like a wooden leg.

In general, you need to apply the purchased product to your shoes and put them on a stretcher, or, as a last resort, break them in yourself. You can also use wet newsprint, which is stuffed tightly inside and left until completely dry. Another option: take a towel soaked in hot water, wrap a pair of shoes in it and leave it for a while.

If the pair of shoes you bought begins to cause discomfort while walking, there is no need to panic and rush to the store to return the purchase. Use the methods described above and you will be able to wear your purchase without any problems. But remember that if the shoes are made of artificial materials, then it is better not to use methods that use boiling water or any other aggressive liquid.

The question of how to stretch shoes is relevant if you bought a pair that is too tight or if the shoes have become stiff and uncomfortable after storage. Before we discuss ways to stretch a tight pair of shoes or boots, you need to know the following:

    the best result is possible on products made of genuine leather;

    textiles and leatherette may lose shape and color;

    the optimal way to stretch is to use special tools;

    Damage to products resulting from stretching is not covered by the warranty.

How to stretch your shoes yourself at home

In this case, there are three options:

    Temperature effect.

    Treatment with liquids.

    Mechanical stretching.

Temperature effect. Turns on heating or cooling. If the heel or sock is pinching, the problem area can be heated with a hairdryer until the skin is noticeably softened, and then put on with a sock and worn until completely cooled. You can “freeze” narrow shoes by collecting water in a durable plastic bag, putting it in the shoe and placing it in the freezer. Water expands as it freezes and stretches the skin. After defrosting, it is also recommended to wear shoes with socks at home for a while.

Treatment with liquids. You can use plain water, alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids (vodka, cologne), vinegar. You can stretch a new pair by thoroughly moistening it with alcohol or water from the inside and wearing it with a sock until it dries completely. You can quickly stretch your shoes by dipping them in boiling water and then putting them on your feet with a sock until they dry. A budget-friendly and effective way is to walk in the rain - if you plan to walk a lot in bad weather, wear a pair that presses.

Mechanical stretching. It involves stretching the skin using a pad or newspaper. If your shoes are tight in a particular place, you can gently stretch this particular area with your hands, after thoroughly moistening it with alcohol. Or treat the inside of the product with water or alcohol and fill it tightly with newspapers. You can wet the newspaper. Leave until completely dry. Repeat if necessary. If you need to carefully stretch a new pair, this is the safest way.

If the purchased pair is critically small, it is better to return it to the store. We also recommend using the services of professional shoemakers if the product is expensive or has complex tailoring.

Many people are interested in how to stretch shoes at home. This is a fairly complex task that requires great care. To achieve good results, you need to choose the right method, taking into account the material from which the shoes are made. To solve this problem, you can use folk recipes and chemicals. You can also use mechanical methods or contact professional craftsmen.

There are many reasons that make a person stretch their shoes:

  • I liked the shoes, but they didn’t have the right size;
  • The size fits in length, but is tight in width;
  • presses in length and in width is within normal limits;
  • becomes cramped in the evening;
  • shoes shrunk after the rain.

There are many ways to break in shoes. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can turn to professionals. The workshop will increase the size using special equipment.

How far can you stretch

With the correct use of special means and devices, shoes in the instep can be increased by 2 sizes. The same result can be achieved with the width of the product. However, it is important to take into account the material and its structure. As shoe sizes increase in length, things get a little more complicated. Natural leather models are considered the most pliable. They can be increased by one size. Leatherette shoes can be expanded no more than half a size.

How to stretch


This product can be used to stretch a specific area of ​​the shoe - the toe or heel. It is worth treating shoes with a tampon or cloth, which is recommended to be soaked in alcohol. It is rubbed into the necessary places. The product is then put on and worn until the liquid evaporates.

Instead of alcohol, vinegar will help make your shoes larger. Its concentration should not exceed 3%. However, only the inside of the shoe is treated with the product.

Boiling water

To expand the boots, they can be soaked in boiling water. This method is used for shoes made from natural or synthetic material. This method is good for using as a leather substitute. This material is sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Pour boiling water inside and pour it out immediately. After this, you should put on thick socks, and then wet boots. Walk for 20-30 minutes. After this, the boots should be removed and dried thoroughly. Before the procedure, it is better to remove the insole, since there is a risk of reducing its size.

Castor oil

This product can make shoes made of dark leatherette look bigger. It is better not to use castor oil for light-colored shoes, as it may leave stains. It is recommended to treat areas that are under pressure with oil from the outside. Then it is recommended to put on and wear the shoes. Excess product is removed with a napkin.

Small grains

This remedy is used quite rarely. To stretch a model of shoe made of natural or artificial leather, you should pour cereal inside. Wheat or barley porridge will do. Then you should pour some water and keep it for 24 hours. Due to this, the grains will increase in size and help stretch the shoes.

After the specified time has passed, you should remove the cereal and dry the shoes away from heat sources. If the grain is difficult to remove, you should rinse your shoes with water.


To stretch your shoes, you can use the freezer. This safe method, which does not cause deformation of the shoes. However, it should not be used on patent leather as it may cause cracks. Also, do not put moccasins, sneakers or sneakers with white soles in the freezer. The influence of low temperature will make it yellow.

First, sealed bags are placed in the shoes. You should pour water into them and tie them. Place the shoes in the freezer and leave for a day. Then the boots should be taken out and defrosted at a temperature of 20 degrees. When the ice thaws a little, the contents should be removed. Dry the shoes and try them on. If it was not possible to achieve the expected effect, the procedure is performed again.


This method is suitable for synthetic materials. Faux leather melts when exposed to hot air. Thanks to this, it can be given the required shape. To begin with, you should put thick socks on your feet, and then shoes. Direct a stream of hot air from a hair dryer to the front of the model. When it warms up well, you should walk around the room. It is important that the shoes cool completely. To enhance the effect of the hair dryer, you can pre-wet your socks. However, the shoes will need to be dried.

Army method of stretching

This is a simple and affordable way. To do this, take your socks, moisten them with hot water and wring them out to get rid of excess moisture. Wear tight shoes over socks. Walk around in it until your socks are dry. Then dry the shoes using newspapers. Under the influence of the liquid, the skin can be stretched and given the shape of a leg.

Soap and paraffin

These products are suitable for different types shoes They make it possible to increase the size of shoes made of nubuck or leather. The materials are also used for patent leather and artificial leather. To do this, the inside of the boots should be rubbed with paraffin or soap. Then it is recommended to put them on and wear them to the required condition. The substances help form a special layer inside the product, which makes it easier to put on and take off shoes.


To stretch tight shoes, hold them over steam. Then it is recommended to put on the shoes and walk around. The heat will cause the skin to stretch. To improve this process, you should use thick socks.

Cowboy way

In the Wild West, grain was used to stretch leather boots. They poured it into shoes and poured water. During the night, the cereal absorbed water and swelled, which contributed to the stretching of the skin. In the morning, the filling was taken out of the shoes, wiped and worn until dry. This method can still be used today. However, it is not suitable for lined shoes.

Spray with alcohol or beer

If you wet the inside of your shoes with alcohol, they will become softer. When choosing a drink, it is not recommended to use products with dyes. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the shoes. To get rid of the aroma of alcohol, you should use shoe deodorant. Spray with alcohol or beer should carefully treat the tightest areas.

Features of working with different materials

When choosing a stretching method, you should take into account the material from which the product is made. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Genuine Leather

Leather shoes are easy to adjust. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Boiling water will help you adjust your shoes to your feet. It is enough to pour it into your shoes and immediately pour it out. When the shoes have cooled down a bit, they should be put on. It is recommended to wear a pair until completely dry.
  2. Take thick bags. Also great air balloons. It is recommended to place them in shoes and fill them with water. Place in the freezer overnight. As the water turns into ice, the size will increase.
  3. Alcohol or vodka would be a good remedy. It is recommended to treat shoes on all sides with this substance. Particular attention is paid to the heel. Then the product should be put on warm socks.
  4. Put on socks and new shoes on top. Walk in them for several days. This will help improve the shape of the shoe a little. It is better to wet your socks.
  5. Buy a special stretching spray. Treat the shoes and let them dry.
  6. To break in new boots, it is recommended to dampen them using a towel. To do this, it is recommended to soak it in boiling water and squeeze it well. Wrap the product in the material and leave for 5 hours. The towel should be moistened periodically.


Artificial leather does not stretch well. If you overdo it, it may crack. To avoid such problems, you should use proven means:

  1. Vaseline will help you break in leatherette shoes. This product is used to treat shoes from the inside. After a few hours, you should wipe the shoes with a napkin and walk around in them for 30 minutes.
  2. Moisten old newspapers with water and put them in your shoes. It is important to ensure that their shape does not change during the filling process. It is worth taking out the material after drying.
  3. Pour grain into the boots, and then fill them with water. Leave overnight. In the morning, it is recommended to pour out the cereal and wear shoes for 1 hour.


The material is leather that has undergone special treatment. As a result, it acquires a soft consistency. Suede shoes It is elastic and resistant to moisture. To distribute it, you can choose the following methods:

  1. Gradually wear out the houses. It is best to wear shoes without additional means. Suede is considered elastic material, which stretches well.
  2. To speed up the process of increasing size, shoes should be moistened from the inside and put on wet socks. You can use beer instead of water.
  3. More modern methods Special pads and sprays are considered. They can be bought at shoe stores. It is important to ensure that the products are suitable for suede.
  4. It is recommended to use a damp flannel cloth for the boot tops. It should be placed in an unbuttoned boot, and then ironed.
  5. Vinegar or vodka would be a good remedy. It is recommended to mix them with water before use.

Polished leather

These shoes are difficult to adjust. Its size can only be increased in width. In any case, you should be careful. The material may lose its shine and even become cracked. Safe recipes include the following:

  1. Combine alcohol and water. It is recommended to do this in a 2:1 ratio. Soak thick socks in the solution and put shoes on them. Walk around the house until your socks and shoes are dry. This will take 2 hours.
  2. You can use an ordinary hair dryer. They are advised to thoroughly warm the shoes from the inside and put them back on their socks. If you hold the hair dryer for too long, the polish may lose its shine. It is worth considering that the manipulation must be repeated periodically.
  3. The most effective way would be to use rich cream and pads. To begin with, the inner surface of the shoe should be treated with cream or Vaseline, after which it is worth inserting the last inside. You can also wear shoes with warm socks. When using the cream, you should pay Special attention problem areas – toes and heels.


To stretch dermantine shoes, you can use the following means:

  1. Grind the laundry soap and mix with water to form a paste. Apply inside shoes and leave for 6 hours. Remove the composition with a washcloth and put shoes on socks. To maintain the achieved result, the shoes should be filled with paper and left overnight.
  2. Potatoes work well. To do this, you need to peel several root vegetables, wash them and, wrap them in paper, put them in your shoes. As the vegetable dries, the shoes will stretch. Finally, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.


It is difficult to increase the size of such shoes. A good result would be an increase in volume by a few millimeters. To increase the size of textile shoes, you should walk down the street in wet weather, then stuff them with newspapers and leave them to dry.

You can also use the thermal method:

  • place shoes over a bowl of boiling water;
  • fill it with damp paper;
  • put wet items to dry at room temperature;
  • After drying, the newspaper should be pulled out.


Regular rubber does not stretch. If the boots are made of polyvinyl chloride, they can be stretched. To check this, just touch an inconspicuous area with a hot object. If it starts to melt, you can try to increase the size.

To soften the material, just fill the boots with boiling water. It should be left for a couple of minutes so that the polyvinyl chloride softens. Wear boots over several pairs of socks and fill a container with cold water. As the water in your boots cools, you should drain it and immediately put on your shoes. After a few minutes, lower your feet into a basin of cold water. This will help the material harden.

How to stretch some parts

Sometimes there is a need to stretch not the entire product, but only a certain fragment of it. Typically discomfort occurs in the heel or toe area. The instep or boot may also be affected.

Back too hard or narrow

If the back of your shoes chafes, you can freeze them. To do this, fill the sock with dry newspapers and place a bag of water in the heel area. Place the product in the freezer. As a result, the heel will expand, but the toe will not be deformed.

You can also lubricate the heel with Vaseline or oil. After which it is recommended to wear the product and walk in it for several hours. This will help increase the width of the product.

An ordinary solid deodorant is also considered a good remedy. They are recommended to rub the heel from the inside, and then put the shoes on their socks. Walk in them until the back gets bigger.

Too narrow toe

If the product presses on your fingers, its front part should be lubricated with Vaseline. You can also use cream. Then the shoes are put on socks and walked in them for several hours. Place bags of water in a sock and put them in the freezer. An effective remedy is the use of newspapers or hot water. For patent leather shoes Soap or paraffin will do.

Boot top

If boots put pressure on your shins, there is a risk of problems with the clasp. To enlarge the product in this area, it is recommended to use wet newspapers. They should be stuffed tightly into your boots. You can also put bags of water inside and put them in the freezer.

A good solution would be to use a special device.

On the rise

To enlarge the model in this area, you will need cereal. First, you should put bags in your heels and toes, then pour in cereal and a little water. Place the product in the freezer. Then it should be pulled out. When the ice has melted a little, the contents can be taken out.

How to break in new shoes

To break in new boots or shoes, you can use the following tips:

  1. It is not recommended to immediately go outside wearing new clothes. Narrow model worth wearing at home. It is recommended to walk in it for several hours a day.
  2. If the first method does not bring results, you should take the shoes to a workshop. In just a few minutes, a specialist will stretch them to the required size.

Using special stretchers

To achieve a quick effect, you should use special stretchers. They come in the form of sprays or foams that are sold in shoe stores.


Such products are perfect for independent use. To do this, it is enough to treat problem areas with a chemical composition.

Salton Professional Complex Comfort

This product is suitable for leather models. It helps increase size and correct shape. The composition allows you to get rid of discomfort when wearing boots or shoes.


This universal remedy, which is used for any materials. It can even be used on velor and nubuck. It is worth treating the product from the inside with foam, and then putting it on the sock. The composition has a pleasant citrus aroma and can replace deodorant.


This product is used for genuine leather and suede. Thanks to its use, the product becomes more comfortable and soft. The composition is easy to apply: just spray it on the outside and inside of the shoes. Then you should put them on and walk for half an hour.

Barcode Comfort

This good remedy which promotes stretching various models. The use of the composition helps to increase the size in those places where the shoes are too tight. The product softens the material and increases its flexibility. It is used for all materials - leather, suede, nubuck, velor, textiles.

Olvist 2095ES

This is an effective product that stretches leather shoes and helps correct their shape. The composition can also be used for suede and nubuck. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Damavik Shoe Stretch Spray

The composition quickly corrects certain areas that cause discomfort. With its help you can increase the length and width of the product. After the procedure, it is possible to obtain lasting results. The composition does not lead to destruction or deformation of fibers.


This product increases shoe size. It can be used on the skin. With the help of the substance it is possible to make rough areas softer. To apply the composition, it is enough to treat the inside of the shoes and walk around in them.

Mechanical stretch

For this purpose, special pads are used. They are usually made of wood and have a screw mechanism that helps regulate the expansion force. Volumetric stickers are sold with the pads. They help to precisely correct problem areas.

Before placing the last in the shoe, it should be adjusted. Otherwise, there is a risk of increased stress and seam divergence.

How they do it in workshops

To quickly increase your shoe size, you can contact to a professional master. It will do the following:

  1. Before stretching begins, the specialist will measure the client’s leg and determine the scope of work.
  2. Choose the optimal method for adjusting shoes to your feet.
  3. Most often, experts try to solve the problem in a comprehensive way. To do this, several stretching methods are used at once.

There are many ways to help increase your shoe size. To achieve good results, you need to choose the right stretching method. This is done taking into account the material from which the shoes are made. To solve the problem, you can use folk recipes or chemicals.

Hello everyone. Many people are familiar with the torment of new shoes. Best ways You will find how to stretch your shoes a size larger in this article.

Special means

At the store you decided that the shoes were just your size, but at home you had difficulty putting on a new pair? There is no need to despair, there are excellent ones traditional methods, which will help to “fit” any shoes on your feet.

This problem can be solved in a workshop. They have special pads that will cope with any trouble. But we still need to get to the workshop, so we’ll try to solve this problem ourselves.

Purchase special stretching products from the store, such as Salamander, Oke, Twist, Kiwi or Silver. They will help soften tight leather shoes a little.

  1. Apply the product liberally to problem areas of the product, inside and out (for suede or patent leather, only on the inside), then put the shoes on with terry socks.
  2. March in them for about 1 hour until the foam or spray dries completely. Sometimes this procedure has to be repeated two or three times.

Home and folk remedies

Many generations have dealt with shoe troubles at home. Vodka, alcohol or cologne softens leather shoes well.

  • Dilute the alcohol-containing liquid with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Generously wet the new pair on all sides.
  • Put it on your socks.
  • Spend an hour or two around the house.
  • An alcohol-containing liquid can be used to “soak” a size larger.

Carefully! Unstable paint on a colored product may deteriorate. Rub the cotton swab in alcohol on the most inconspicuous area, and observe whether any paint remains on the cotton swab.

If shoes that have already been worn become too small, they can be softened with Vaseline, castor or vegetable oil. Process it in a way you already know and distribute it. If the oil is not absorbed, then after an hour, remove it with a cotton pad. This technique is also suitable for leatherette products.

To prevent the shoes from pinching your toes, coat them on the inside with 3% vinegar. Then spray the outside with any shoe stretching product. Does the strong smell of vinegar scare you? It will disappear so quickly that it won’t even have time to cause you trouble.

Most often the heel or toe. Take a regular white candle, rub the problem area in the evening, and leave it until the morning. In the morning, remove the paraffin. If your heel is rubbing, first treat the heel with alcohol, put on socks, walk around until the alcohol evaporates, then wipe it with soap or a candle.

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Newspapers are not just for reading

The most popular folk method the width of the new clothes is damp newspapers. It is especially suitable for processing fabric products, as well as leatherette products that are not afraid of moisture.

  1. First, wet the new thing well.
  2. Then stuff it tightly with crumpled newspapers.
  3. Leave it to dry.
  4. Every 3-4 hours, be sure to remove newspapers that are saturated with moisture, otherwise the shoes may change their shape.
  5. Change newspapers until the pair dries completely.
  6. Dry your shoes in natural conditions, avoiding sunlight, away from heating. Avoid radiator drying.

To expand a pair that is too narrow using this method, hold it over a pan of boiling water for 10-15 minutes so that the steam reaches the inside, then stuff it with newspaper. In this way you can wear tight shoes in the instep.

This method is too aggressive, so don't risk expensive boots, choose a more gentle method.

Stretching winter boots and boots

A winter pair can be stretched in the freezer, and in cold weather - on the balcony. In the evening, place a plastic bag in your shoe, fill it with water, and leave it until the morning. It is better to fill 2 bags for each specimen, while the bottom bags should be tied, and the top ones should remain open.

The water in the bags will fill the shoes from toe to heel; when freezing, it will slowly expand and stretch the shoes, both in width and in length.

In the morning, wait until the ice thaws and remove the bags. The method is effective, but it should not be used for expensive new clothes, as well as for summer shoes. The sole may crack.

A leather pair can be “polished” with hot air.

  1. Use a hairdryer to heat the product for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Immediately lubricate the pair with shoe stretching agent.
  3. Place on a terry sock.
  4. After cooling, repeat the procedure again.
  5. Do this procedure as many times as possible until the new item becomes larger.

Using laundry soap

Is it possible to stretch boots using? It turns out that it is possible! In order to “plant” the leg artificial leather, you need to apply a soap solution. It softens artificial material well:

  • Grate the soap.
  • Moisten with water to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste inside to problem areas in shoes.
  • Leave for five to six hours.
  • Remove the paste with a damp sponge.
  • Put on socks.
  • Wear until completely dry.

Advice. Salton promo aerosol works well on artificial leather.

Steam bath for suede

If a beautiful new thing made of suede is too tight, then arrange a steam bath for it as follows:

  • Place a damp cotton cloth inside the pair.
  • Pour 1.5 liters of purified water into a wide saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Place a colander over the container.
  • Place the suede shoes in a colander with the soles facing up.
  • Hold for no more than 2 minutes.
  • Take out the cloth and walk around in your shoes.

Is it possible to stretch rubber shoes? If you bought rubber boots, but you made a mistake with the size, then it is best to ask to exchange them for another pair, because it is impossible to stretch them.

How to stretch children's shoes

Children's shoes are stretched in the same way as adults. The problem is that not all methods are good for children. But the most ancient method will help you out.

Wet woolen socks in warm water, put them on your child’s feet, and then put on sneakers or boots. Let the child walk in them for 2 hours, positive result will not keep you waiting. If this does not help, then the shoes are too tight and do not fit your child.

Dear friends, tight boots are not a reason for disappointment. Choose a method and wear the most comfortable shoes.