If the child constantly cries. Newborn does not sleep and screams: possible causes of the problem

The cry of a newborn can cause panic and despair in inexperienced mothers. Over time, of course, a woman begins to distinguish the shades of a cry and after a month she can already say exactly what her baby is “signaling” about. Let's figure out why a child may cry and what you can do to quickly calm your child down.

Basic needs

One of my friends - experienced mother- she once told me: “The baby only needs to be dry, well-fed and have mom nearby.” Actually, that's true. When a child starts screaming, first of all, look at the clock - when did he eat? Couldn't he be hungry already? In any case, take it in your arms and continue to figure out what's going on.

If you have determined that the reason for the tears is not hunger, check your baby's diaper. Children make it clear when the diaper is full and it’s time to change it.

Be sure to remember these three simple steps when you rush to the aid of a little crybaby. It often happens that she seemed to be feeding an hour ago, and she literally just changed the diaper, but the little one is stuck. Check again - is it dry? It happens that the diaper has slipped and the baby has urinated. And again you will have to change clothes.

Oh that belly

After about three weeks, such a misfortune appears in the baby’s life as (aka gas). How can you tell what they are? The child, for no apparent reason, begins to scream and cry loudly, arches strongly and blushes. By the way, sometimes he exhibits the same behavior when feeding - you know, most likely, his tummy hurts. This can last from 10 minutes to several hours. Colic often occurs in the evening or at night.

I wrote earlier that medications for bloating (Espumizan, Infacol, dill water) should be stocked up in advance. But sometimes they don’t help 100%. What can mom do? Bend and lift your baby's legs - this exercise will help the harmful gases escape. Try placing it on your tummy - on yourself or on the crib. Wiggle it. Rock it some more. And patience, patience, patience...

Milk misfortunes

I once had a strange situation. The child cried for a long time for no apparent reason. My husband and I decided that it was colic and gave the baby dill water. And we would have remained in the dark if the pediatrician, whom we decided to call, had not asked how many milliliters the child eats at one feeding. How to breastfeed correctly intestinal colic. I was sure that the baby was getting enough milk - it seemed like he was “hanging” on the chest for a long time. The very next day we rented a scale, and then it turned out that the baby was eating a little more than half the norm, and I didn’t have as much milk as I thought. It turns out that all this time the child was screaming from hunger, so if your child is exclusively on breastfeeding, and you can’t really understand why the baby is screaming, weigh him more often before and after eating.

Sometimes the baby starts crying while suckling. Maybe it's the gas trucks again. Another option is a lack of milk; the child is angry that there is not enough food being produced. Or, on the contrary, there may be too much milk, the baby does not like too strong a flow, he does not have time to swallow and chokes. Express a little or offer another breast, depending on the situation.

Other troubles

Unfortunately, not a single baby in the world is immune from illnesses. Therefore, if you have the slightest doubt that your baby is completely healthy, immediately contact your pediatrician. Remember, in a child’s body the disease develops much faster.

However, if everything is fine with your baby and he just whimpers periodically, don’t stress yourself out. Maybe he just communicates this way or asks to be held by his mother!

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Article last updated: 04/18/2019

After many months of waiting for the baby to be born, mother and newborn were finally home. However, literally after a few days, parents have to look for an answer to the question of what to do if the child constantly cries. Maybe something hurts and he needs to urgently call a doctor or can he solve this problem on his own?

Why might a newborn cry?

Many parents learn to understand without words what may be causing their baby to cry. In some families, not only mothers, but also fathers achieve complete mutual trust with the baby. However, due to the fact that the mother spends much more time with the baby than other relatives, plus she also breastfeeds him, they develop a special bond.

In this case, understanding between parents and baby usually improves by two or three months. Whereas in the first weeks the newborn and parents get used to each other. That is why each subsequent month, the process of raising and understanding the child seems to the mother much easier than the first weeks after birth.

Despite the fact that every baby is different, there are several most common reasons for newborn babies crying:

  • hunger;
  • discomfort from heat or cold;
  • stomach pain.

Most common cause The reason why a child constantly cries is hunger. To understand whether this is really so, you can touch the corner of his mouth with your finger. A hungry newborn will begin to turn his head, opening his mouth and trying to grasp his finger. This baby needs to be fed immediately.

The newborn usually expresses discomfort from heat or cold in the form of a prolonged whimper. You can check the child’s condition by touching his hand in the wrist area (if you feel the baby’s fingers, you can draw the wrong conclusions). If the wrists are too cool, the child should be warmed up. If the wrists are sweaty and too hot, it is necessary to remove excess clothing from the child.

We should not forget that in the heat newborns feel much worse than when hypothermic. This point must be taken into account when dressing your child for a walk or at night.

What to do if your child constantly cries from tummy pain?

It's rare that parents manage to avoid colic - it bothers the baby in the first months. The cause of pain in the tummy, which prevents the child from sleeping well and the parents from fully resting, is the digestive system that has not yet become stronger and has not established itself, because it only begins to function after birth, digesting food.

A newborn may scream and cry a lot from such abdominal pain. He may fall into hysterics from crying, kick his legs, draw them in and strain them a lot. He even turns red from crying so hard. Such crying from colic is difficult to confuse with crying caused by other reasons.

It is very difficult to help a child get rid of this problem. You can try to put your baby to the breast, but if the newborn starts crying after eating, this method most likely will not help.

In some situations, you can use a gas outlet tube. It is sold in almost all pharmacies. The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • the baby is placed on his side;
  • the thin end of the gas outlet tube is lubricated with baby cream (vaseline is also excellent) and inserted into the anus (approximately 1 cm);
  • the other end of the tube is lowered into a container filled with water (for example, a glass).

In the case when the cause of a child’s strong crying is gases accumulated in the tummy, bubbles will appear in the glass. In addition, the use of a straw promotes bowel movements, which can also alleviate the child’s condition.

At the same time, you should not use the gas outlet tube too often. If your newborn cries too often, a tummy massage may be helpful. This method also helps get rid of gas and colic. When massaging, you need to gently press on the tummy, massaging it in a circular motion.

After feeding the baby, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to burp the trapped air. This is important in preventing the accumulation of gases in the intestines. During the feeding process, as well as after finishing feeding, you need to hold the baby upright. For this purpose, you can put it on your shoulder for 3-5 minutes. However, it should be noted that not in all cases this procedure can relieve and prevent problems with colic in babies.

What to do when massage, regurgitation and a gas tube do not bring results? You can try to place the baby on his tummy, placing a heating pad under him, after wrapping it in a towel or diaper. Before placing your baby on the heating pad, you need to make sure that it is not too hot. Some newborns benefit from dill infusion.

If all options have been tried, and the newborn is still crying, you need to try to calm him down in other ways. And colic will go away after a few months when the digestive system works properly.

To calm the baby, you can rock him or dance while holding him in your arms. Some kids like it when an adult’s dance movements resemble a waltz, others like it when the dance looks like a march. You can hold the baby in different positions - upright, on his tummy, placing him on your lap or placing him on the stomach of an adult. Most children like to be placed on the arm so that their head is located on the elbow, and their tummy is warmed by the palm of their mother or father.

From two months of age and older, babies begin to cry from fatigue. Then the baby may suffer from the fact that he cannot sleep as a result of overwork. This is due to excessive emotional overstimulation, which parents should help the baby reduce. To calm down and fall asleep, he needs to be rocked, sung a lullaby, given a pacifier, or put to the breast by his mother.

From the moment a child is born until the appearance of speech cry- this is the main way the baby tries to convey to us his desires and requests. Cry infant - this is his “ ” with you: this is how he communicates what is bothering him. Proverb “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry” confirms the opinion of modern pediatricians. Crying is bad for children! It is this meaning that is embedded in the well-known proverb, and not the desire to occupy the child in any way so as not to distract the parents.

Cry does not train the lungs and does not build character - forget about it! On the contrary, it weakens the baby’s nervous system and deprives him of confidence that the world safe and friendly. And also Crying for a long time can be harmful to your health baby literally and cause the formation of an umbilical hernia.

Baby's first cry- This is the baby's first cry after birth. The biological meaning of the first cry is an attempt to resist separation from the mother, this is a message to the world about protest against changes in the environment. A similar reaction occurs in some mammals, especially infant primates. One way or another, the viability of a newborn is judged by the first cry. The peculiarity of the first cry - loud, weak, sluggish - is a criterion for assessing the condition of the newborn. Babies cry very often, but the more parents communicate with their child, the more they get to know each other, the less duration, frequency and intensity of crying. During the day, the baby cries the most, usually between 16 and 20 hours.

Over time, you, like me in my time, will learn to distinguish all the multifaceted shades and intonations of your child’s cry. So, why is he crying infant ?

Why is the baby crying?

Hunger or desire to take mother's breast (suckling reflex). The most frequent crying is during the newborn period. You will quickly learn to recognize it by its characteristic, demanding shade. This crying, as a rule, is intermittent, it is separated by several pauses, during which the baby carefully observes your actions and concludes whether they hear him or not. Usually " hungry cry“occurs no earlier than 2 hours after feeding, but no one guarantees that the baby will not want to eat his mother out of turn.

Crying because the diaper is full. “Hungry” occurs less frequently: my children, for example, did not pay attention to such trifles. However, some people clearly do not like this and may cry persistently. Such crying is usually plaintive.

- Crying “I want to sleep.” Occurs after 3 months and not in all children. Crying “I want to sleep”- This is often a whining, capricious or offended cry. The baby is tired, he doesn’t want to play, communicate, or look at anything anymore, and demands to put him to bed. Rarely do babies know how to fall asleep on their own and, as a rule, need a special bedtime ritual.

Feeling of discomfort due to bright light, uncomfortable clothing, cold, loud noise. It is clear here that the mother must guess what the child is telling her and immediately eliminate the cause of the discomfort.

Fear because mom is not around- the desire to cuddle up to mom, to feel protected.

Reaction to weather changes. Kids are very sensitive to atmospheric phenomena and even the phases of the moon; they very sensitively feel changes in atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms and other natural phenomena.

Pain and physical ailments. Understand whether it is baby crying a consequence of some illness, only a doctor can. Well known to those skilled in the art Features of children's crying with intestinal colic, increased intracranial pressure, teething.

— The greatest problems are created for mothers in crying at intestinal colic . It is accompanied by intense clenching of the fists, straightening of the legs, and redness of the face. The baby either presses his legs to his tummy, or sharply straightens them (kinks). The tummy is swollen. A whole range of measures to relieve intestinal colic will help here.

What to do when a child cries a lot?

You need to respond to the baby's crying as quickly as possible. Take him in your arms, rock him, put him on your chest. Take turns eliminating all possible inconveniences. Need to calm the crying person in any available way. In the arms of his mother, the baby quickly calms down. But the mother herself must remain calm so that her confidence is transferred to the baby. Soon you will be able to easily distinguish cry #1 from cry #8 :-)! By the way, trust your baby to your dad more often. I noticed that my husband’s son calmed down faster in his arms than mine. Apparently, men react less sharply to baby crying and pass on their calmness and goodwill to the children. Don't be afraid that your baby will get used to your hands. Crying at this age is a reflection of a real problem. The baby is experiencing stress, so the parents’ task is to alleviate his condition in all available ways. , when the sleep-feed-wake pattern has formed, reason for crying can be determined based on what time baby is crying.

How to calm a crying child?

7. Sing a lullaby or other song.

8. Distract with an unusual sound in your own performance: the sound “Tr-r-r-r-rrrr!” helped my children a lot. They were distracted and stopped crying instantly. True, the method did not last long, only about a month.

9. Place a soaked breast pad in the baby’s crib or stroller. breast milk. This will give the baby the feeling of his mother being nearby.

10. Give a pacifier, if, of course, he takes it.

11. Give some water to drink.

12. Walk rhythmically and sing at the same time. For my eldest son, this was a fail-safe method of getting him to sleep.

13. Give the child to dad, grandma, grandpa, etc. “Change hands”, in a word.

14. Jump like a bunny in front of him. Helps older infants. As soon as Daniel started screaming, I asked the elder Emil to jump. The kid just laughed with delight!

15. Spin around or suddenly sit down with the baby in your arms.

16. Bring your baby to a house plant. Living leaves and flowers will certainly interest him.

17. Ride in a stroller, sit in a child seat.

18. Take it outside or to the balcony if it’s a warm season and you don’t need to dress first.

19. Start the hanging mobile and let him watch the toys spin.

20. Children are also interested in the lamp-projector of drawings with illumination on the ceiling. If you have one, use it in the dark.

21. If you suffer from colic, put the baby on your lap with a warm diaper, or carry it in your arms with your palm under the baby’s tummy, while the head lies in the crook of your elbow.

22. Instead of a warm diaper, which instantly cools down, I used flax seed sewn into a linen bag. Iron it on both sides; the seeds retain heat for a very long time.

23. Massage your tummy clockwise, tuck your knees towards your tummy.

24. A warm bath may help.

25. If nothing helps relieve colic in a child, give the baby a gas tube (it is better to use not a pharmacy version, but a small rubber bulb, which should be used to cut off the “butt”) and release the gas. This will 100% help.

What helped your child calm down quickly? Dear mothers, if you have your own methods, how to calm a child, be sure to write about them in the comments! Thank you very much!

All children cry from the very first day of birth, and mothers try to calm down. They put the baby to the chest, rock him, change the diaper, talk... But sometimes everything turns out to be useless. The baby does not stop crying and the young mother, not knowing what to do, leaves him alone in her room in order to somehow come to her senses and waits for the moment when the baby gets tired of crying and falls asleep.

From this day all family members begin talk and walk as quietly as possible while the child sleeps, fearing that he might wake up again and start crying, and they will not be able to calm him down. As soon as the baby starts screaming, the whole world collapses for them. They remember all the advice from pediatricians that if an infant cries, it means he wants to drink, eat, sleep, because of a wet diaper, stuffiness, heat, cold, abdominal pain, and so on.

However, sometimes even well-fed, healthy and clean child screams as if he specifically wants to wear out his parents. Is it possible in such cases to leave a child to cry for educational purposes?

Pediatricians And psychologists We are firmly convinced that you cannot leave crying people alone in a room, the consequences can be catastrophic! During prolonged crying, the child experiences severe stress, under the influence of which cortisol is released in his body, which has a toxic effect on the child’s brain.

Memorization abilities and learning for children, whose parents often left them to cry, is noticeably lower than those whose mothers and fathers, while crying, took them in their arms, rocked and rocked them, without losing patience. Moreover, psychotherapists say that if parents do not console an infant and he cries for hours before going to bed, his nervous system becomes hyperactive and his body weak. Such children often get sick, suffer from breathing problems, sleep disorders, appetite problems and excessive sweating.

The child will never cry without a reason. So instead of panicking or getting angry, try to understand what is bothering your baby. He perceives his needs as a threat to his existence. If he is hungry, it seems to him that he might die if he is not given the breast right away. For the first 4-5 months, crying is the only way for a child to communicate his needs, anxiety and pain. By crying, he not only asks for help, but also wants to relieve tension.

If the parents don't calm down or intervene too late, the child experiences a feeling of abandonment and uselessness.

It's definitely hard to console baby when he cries and his parents have already tried everything to calm him down. Especially if he doesn’t sleep at night and the parents are tired and there is no strength left. “Well, let him cry! I won’t indulge him anymore!” - they think. It seems to them that no one can become a good mother or father with such a child. Friends and relatives support them. “At night we simply did not pay attention to the fact that the child was crying, and after a while he stopped crying and no longer bothered us at night,” they say, calling on parents to follow their example.

Listen to advice girlfriends, grandmothers And relatives who do not have pedagogical knowledge is extremely wrong. All people, regardless of age, need love and comfort. The child is crying for help. If those around him do not respond to his cry, then he perceives this as a lack of love. How better parents calm the child, so he will become self-confident and grow up more independent.

To find mutual language With baby A lot of patience is required from parents. There will be moments when a tired mother is ready to cry with her child because she is unable to calm him down. Even in this case, you should not leave the child alone to cry; ask his father, grandmother or other family members to help calm him down. Usually, infants are capricious, expressing their needs, for about 1.5 - 2 months, and then parents begin to understand him and guess the moment when they need to intervene so that the baby does not cry so much that it is impossible to calm him down.

With parents who don't left babies behind cry, but tried in every possible way to calm him down, after a few months the crying begins to differentiate. Now the child cries only when she is really hungry, scared or in pain. The calmer parents behave when they hear their baby crying, the faster their baby calms down. The relationship between parents and infant is clarified during their “threesome dance.”

If parents are not taken out equilibrium the child's cry, the baby also begins to understand that he does not need to cry loudly to get something, but just needs to be patient a little.

The better parents understand their baby, the less he cries. Calm parents have a calm child. He does not require the constant presence of his parents next to him, but lies in his crib and plays with toys for hours, being confident that he is loved and dear. When he sees his mother, he does not cry, but smiles. Therefore, to prevent an infant from crying, young parents need to behave like adults themselves - not to get angry, not to panic, but to imagine how your infant feels, take him in your arms and press him to your chest, despite the fact that you are already very tired.

9 months of gestation are behind us, the long-awaited meeting with the baby has arrived. The birth of a baby is a joy for parents, but this joy is often overshadowed by the crying of the baby. Mom and dad are rushing around in bewilderment, why is their child bursting into tears? After all, he can’t say anything. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for the little man's crying? How can you help him? How to calm down?

The main thing in the article

Why does a newborn cry?

The little man has just come into this world and everything around him is alien and incomprehensible. The only thing that is important to him now is satisfaction of his needs and a comfortable existence.

There are many reasons for a baby to cry: a feeling of hunger, a wet diaper, an uncomfortable room temperature, or a banal desire to attract attention.

At first, parents are simply perplexed, what does the child want? But over time, they begin to distinguish and understand the reasons that cause crying. After all, the baby shows his emotions in the form of crying in different ways with each “problem”; he still cannot do it any other way. The timbre of the sound produced, volume and even intonation change.

Typical reasons for a crying baby

A newborn baby expresses its emotions, both positive and negative, through crying. Through it, he communicates his feelings and needs. So, let's try to highlight the typical reasons why all newborns cry.

  • Reason #1: Hunger. The most common crying is due to hunger. It is usually accompanied by redness of the face and stretching of the arms upward. In addition to satiation, the baby experiences a feeling of satisfaction and security when being near the mother’s breast.
  • Reason #2: Air. Yes, air is a fairly common cause of crying after hunger in newborns. It is swallowed during breastfeeding and bothers the baby. Therefore, after each feeding it is necessary to hold the newborn in a “column”.
  • Reason #3: Pain. Very often the cause of crying is pain. This could be colic (flatulence), an inflamed ear, stomatitis, numbness of the body from lying in one position, teething and much more.
  • Reason #4: Dirty diaper. Changing a diaper in a timely manner eliminates not only crying, but also irritation. skin under him. The discomfort experienced causes the newborn to call “for help.”
  • Reason #5: External stimuli. Heat or cold affects the baby. He feels discomfort and begins to show his “indignation” through crying.
  • Reason #6: Can't poop. This problem is common among artificial children. A fairly high density of formulas for feeding causes constipation in the baby.
  • Reason #7: Lack of attention. There is a very close bond between mother and newborn. The baby, feeling her warmth, calms down. Therefore, very often, with the help of crying, he tries to get closer to his mother.

Baby cries in his sleep

It happens that the baby is dry and fed, but cries in his sleep. What can cause a baby to cry?

Of course, all of the reasons listed above can serve as a reason for crying in a dream, but most often babies cry because they experience emotions that come in a dream.

Scientists have long proven that infants dream. It is emotional dreams that usually cause crying. An unusual event for the baby can provoke such a dream. The psyche of a newborn is just beginning to develop, and a visit to the grandmother, new faces of belated relatives, vaccination in the hospital can cause a storm of emotions that the baby will experience in a dream.

If a child’s crying in a dream is not caused by painful sensations, then it is quite enough to go to the cradle and stroke the baby, gently pat him on the bottom, calm him down with words or a lullaby. He must feel that his mother is nearby and that she will protect him. This usually helps and calms the baby.

Baby cries when feeding

If a baby cries while eating, then there are basically four reasons for this behavior.

  1. Inflammatory process in the mouth. It could be thrush (a white coating all over the mouth). It can be seen with the naked eye. Treatment of the disease will eliminate crying while eating.
  2. Ear pain (otitis media). When swallowing, the baby feels strong painful sensations and cries. You can check whether the ear is the culprit by pressing on the tragus. If the ear hurts, then when you press the child will twitch and cry even more. Contact your pediatrician, he will prescribe drops for your baby.
  3. Nasal congestion. This condition prevents the baby from breathing while sucking at the breast. To feed the baby without crying in this situation, rinse and drip the nose.
  4. Abdominal pain. In this case, the newborn is restless and pulls its legs towards its tummy. To avoid crying in this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain (colic, air, constipation) and eliminate it.

If the baby first actively sucks for 2-3 minutes and then starts crying, then the reason may be the lack of milk. If you are faced with the problem of lack of milk, you can find out how to establish breastfeeding in the article:

Sharp crying of a baby: causes of discomfort

Sharp or spontaneous crying of a newborn in the first months of life can be caused by external stimuli:

  • A sudden bright light appeared. To avoid such “hysterics” at night, use dim lights. Do not turn on the main light in front of your baby if the room was dark before.
  • Loud noise. This could be speech, TV, a fallen frying pan, etc. Try to protect your baby from loud sounds, capable of frightening him.

Over time, the baby’s nervous system matures and he stops reacting with sharp crying to the above stimuli. The task of parents is to protect the newborn from external stimuli and create comfortable conditions for the life of the baby.

What to do if the baby is pushing and crying?

Of all the possible causes of pushing and crying, you should pay attention to the two most common.

  1. The child has colic. Then the crying and efforts are accompanied by redness of the face.
  2. Constipation. Such symptoms and the absence of bowel movements (normally up to 3 months this occurs 3-7 times a day) indicate constipation. As mentioned above, this is a fairly common problem with artificial babies.

For reference: If a breastfed baby does not poop for several days, but the gases pass and the baby behaves normally, then there is no need to worry. This is fine. It’s just that mother’s milk is completely absorbed by the child’s body.

What to do and how to help the child?

At colic. They usually begin in the first month of a child’s life and “torment” the baby for up to 3 months, while the digestive system “ripens”. You can help your baby by doing the following:

  • Place the baby on his tummy before eating (15 minutes before).
  • Massage your newborn's tummy clockwise with your palm around the navel. Such circular movements with light pressure will help the air move “towards the exit”.
  • A warm diaper during cramps will soothe the pain. Fold the diaper into a square and heat it well with an iron. Place a warm diaper on the baby's belly, press his tummy to you and carry him.
  • Dill water or special medications will also help to minimize the manifestation of flatulence. Usually these are drops from flatulence (Colikid, Espumisan, Bobotik, Plantex, etc.).

If the reason for crying and pushing is constipation, then the following tips will help mom:

  • If you are breastfeeding, reconsider your diet: it must contain fermented milk products.
  • Give your baby water more often. Dill water also helps in this case.
  • Do exercises. When the baby is lying on his back, press his legs, bent at the knees, to his tummy and press lightly.
  • Warm baths are relaxing and promote bowel movements.
  • After consulting your doctor, help your baby poop. This can be done with the help of drugs (they should be prescribed by a pediatrician) or in acute cases with the help of an irritant. For a child lying on his back, the legs are raised and an ear cleaning stick dipped in sea buckthorn oil or a thermometer is lightly pressed on the anus. This method is used in exceptional cases when the child cannot poop on his own.

Baby cries often and a lot: alarming symptoms

Typical causes of crying are easily eliminated:

  • hungry - feed;
  • wet - change clothes;
  • frozen - put on clothes, etc.

After eliminating them, the baby should calm down and fall asleep. If this doesn't happen and that's it possible ways You have tried to calm the baby down (bath, carrying, rocking), that is a reason for concern.

Alarming symptoms that cause crying include:

  • Malaise and pain. A child’s crying causes illness: these can be colds (ARVI, influenza), inflammatory processes (skin dermatitis, miliaria, otitis media, etc.). In such cases, treatment is necessary.
  • Bloating, constipation. The constant “inability” to poop indicates improper metabolism or digestive problems. The cause of frequent constipation should be clarified in the hospital.
  • Infant migraine. All children suffer from intracranial pressure, but, like adults, they experience it differently. Very often sensitive children cry in windy or rainy weather. If such bouts of crying continue quite a long period, then contact your pediatrician.
  • Teething. This process may be accompanied by headache, fever, severe salivation, and fever. The child at this time is irritable and capricious. But as soon as the little white tooth cuts through the delicate skin of the gums, the baby will return to its normal (previous) state.

Strong crying in a baby: how to react?

Crying is harmful for little children! The grandmothers’ statements: “he will cry and stop” or “let his lungs develop” are unfounded. After all, the constant crying of a child weakens his nervous system and can provoke the appearance of an umbilical hernia. Therefore, it is simply necessary to respond to crying. If the cause of the whims is hunger or a wet diaper, then feed and change it. Eliminate all other discomforts that trigger crying.

Take your newborn in your arms; he should feel warm and protected. Don't get irritated when your baby cries, as your emotions will rub off on your baby. Even if you have an argument with your spouse and feel emotionally irritated, do not pick up the child. First, calm down and only then approach him. Otherwise, you will end up with a crying baby and will not know what the reason is.

The prevailing misconception “The child will get used to the hands” is not reality, and the first three months of the hands are where it is warm, cozy and calm. Take your newborn in your arms and don’t be afraid that he will get used to it.
After the first three months, the colic will go away, the sleep-walking-feeding-wake pattern will improve and the baby will cry much less often and “on purpose.”

We find out the reasons for crying by its nature

Over time, all mothers begin to distinguish between their child’s cries and understand what exactly he wants. And for those mothers who are still at a loss as to why their baby is crying, we will give identifying definitions of each cry.

  • Hungry cry- loud, drawn-out, gradually turning into a choking cry. When picked up, it begins to look for the chest, making movements with its head and arms.
  • Calling cry– the baby cries for a few seconds and calms down (waiting for the parents’ reaction). After 30–40 seconds the action is repeated again. If the baby is left unattended, then the periods between cries decrease and the result is one continuous cry.
  • Crying with discomfort(dirty diaper or body numbness from lying in one position) - this sound is more reminiscent of squeaking, whining and grunting. It is accompanied by fidgeting and attempts to get rid of the cause of discomfort (crawl to a dry area).
  • Painful cry– loud, booming, of equal intensity. The mother can even hear notes of despair in the child’s cry.
  • Crying before bed- It’s more likely not crying, but whimpering. These are smooth plaintive screams with yawning and squinting.

How to calm a baby?

Initially, you should find out the cause of the crying and eliminate it. The following steps will also help:

  1. Use the pacifier. If the child takes it, it makes the calming process much easier. The sucking reflex calms the baby.
  2. Place it on your chest. Even if the baby is not hungry, still pick him up. 85% of babies calm down near the chest. Many mothers save themselves from crying during colic this way.
  3. Pick it up, rock it and soothe it. A very effective way to calm down. The baby can be pumped up or carried in a column.
  4. Talk to your child. Affectionate intonation has a calming effect. Sing a lullaby.
  5. Distract your child cure the problem with a bright toy or a new item.
  6. Take a warm bath with chamomile. She calms and relaxes.
  7. Go outside with your child. Children love to walk and usually do not cry during walks.

What did you do to calm your child? Share your experience with young mothers in the comments.