Physical education leisure in kindergarten. Physical education leisure for preschool children and their parents Physical education leisure for preschool children

Physical education is one of the most effective forms of active recreation. Its content consists of physical exercises, which are carried out in the form of fun games, fun, and entertainment. Exercises performed with emotional upliftment have a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and motor qualities (speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, etc.) are developed.

Physical education leisure activities contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, friendship, mutual assistance, develop endurance and attention, dedication, courage, perseverance, discipline and organization.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization and conduct of physical education.

Physical education is carried out in all age groups, starting from the second youngest, once or twice a month. In junior and middle groups for twenty to thirty minutes, in high school - thirty-five to forty minutes, in preparatory school - forty to fifty minutes. They are organized in the afternoon, after afternoon tea, mainly in the open air (in inclement weather in the hall). During the holidays, as well as in the summer, physical education can be carried out in the first half of the day, after breakfast.

When planning leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account such forms of work as a “health day”, a physical education holiday, and vacations. You should not conduct physical education activities on days designated for physical education activities. It is most convenient to spend leisure time with students of the same age group, especially in primary and secondary preschool age. However, it is permissible to combine two same-age and different-age groups.

The effectiveness of this form of work depends on the active participation of each child. Adults should not forget that preschoolers tend to violently express their emotions, especially during games and relay races of a competitive nature. We must not allow children to become overexcited, but at the same time we must be sensitive to their emotional manifestations and not drown out their joyful mood with frequent and unjustified remarks. For example, a teacher, feeling that the children are starting to get overexcited, raises his hand or blows a whistle, pauses, and the children also calm down. Then the teacher in a quiet voice suggests continuing the game.

When conducting physical education outdoors in different seasons of the year, children should be dressed appropriately.

Physical education leisure can be organized on a sports ground, a kindergarten site, in natural conditions of the natural environment: in a meadow, in a forest, on the shore of the sea, river, lake, as well as indoors. When determining the theme and content of leisure, one should also take into account climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. As already noted, physical education leisure does not require much organizational and preparatory work, however, the definition of its topics and the selection of content must be approached creatively. When conducting physical education leisure in different age groups, the teacher faces certain tasks: in early preschool age it is necessary to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich their vivid impressions. In middle preschool age, children are taught to independently participate in competitive exercises, games, and entertainment. At the same time, encourage each child to demonstrate their capabilities. In older preschool age, develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, teach them to take initiative in a variety of activities.

The structure of physical education leisure depends on the topic, assigned tasks and conditions.

Approximate schemes for constructing physical education leisure.

Junior preschool age.

1. Inviting children to the sports ground.

2. Game tasks for the whole group (walk along the bridge, run like a snake between trees and bushes).

3. Outdoor game.

4. Surprise moment.

5. Performing general developmental exercises.

6. General group exercises in a variety of basic movements (walking and running on all fours, climbing a fallen tree).

7. Outdoor game.

8. Low mobility game.

Second option:

1. A surprise moment (the appearance of a literary hero).

2. Performing general developmental exercises with large objects (inflatable balls).

3. Game tasks for the whole group (jump to the bell, climb through the hoop.

4. Outdoor game.

5. General group game exercises (knock down the pin).

6. Awarding with souvenirs.

Third option:

1. Riddle, surprise moment.

2. General group exercise in basic movements (walking on a log,

inclined board).

3. Performing general developmental exercises with small objects (rattles).

4. General group exercises in various movements (jumping over a stream, jumping on one leg along a narrow path).

5 Outdoor game.

6. A calming moment (walking on your toes) or a sedentary game of “Who is Quieter.”

Middle preschool age.

Games with elements of competition should be gradually introduced into leisure activities - “Who can gallop to the horse the fastest”, “Who can fill the bucket with cones the fastest”, “Whose team can line up the fastest”, “Whose car will arrive in the garage the fastest”, etc. When compiling content, you should remember the active participation of each child in games and exercises.

First option:

1. A surprise moment (telegram, meeting with literary heroes).

2. Game task for the whole group (skis through the rope of the gates located at a distance of 5-6 steps from each other).

3. Game exercise for the whole group (carousel on skis around the Christmas tree in concentric circles).

4. Round dance game.

5. Competition between two teams (exercises in balance and throwing at a horizontal target, sled racing, etc.).

6. Awarding the winners and all participants in physical education.

Second option:

1. Invitation to the sports ground..

2. Performing general developmental exercises.

3. Outdoor game.

4. Competition between two teams.

5. Individual competitions.

6. Awards for all participants.

Third option:

1. A surprise moment, an invitation to the hall.

2. Outdoor game.

3. Attractions: individual and group.

4. Outdoor game.

5. Sedentary play.

Fourth option:

1. Enter the hall accompanied by music.

2. Free movements to light rhythmic music.

3. Performing general developmental exercises.

4. A surprise moment (the appearance of a fairy-tale character).

5. Attractions: subgroups of 4-5 people participate.

6. Competition between two teams.

7. Rewarding all children.

8. Free dances to music.

Senior preschool age.

In older preschool age, in contrast to younger ones, physical education leisure is based on competitive games, relay races, where children are divided into teams and captains are chosen. Such games require dexterity, dexterity, and coordination of movements. They encourage children to creatively use their motor experience and to search for an independent solution to the problem.

Games and exercises should be alternated so that in some the participants are full teams, and in others - representatives from the teams. It is advisable to alternate physical exercises with objects and games of a competitive nature. Relay races with round dances and general group outdoor games. When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics each child, his capabilities, motor readiness. It is important that all children participate in games and exercises.

Approximate scheme for constructing physical education leisure.

First option:

1. Greeting the teams.

2. Team competition (games with elements of competition or games of a competitive nature).

3. Captains competition

4. Demonstration performances of teams (general developmental exercises with small objects).

5. Summing up.

Second option:

1. A surprise moment (a letter with an invitation to a sports ground, field, hall)

2. Demonstration performances (exercises with flowers, snowflakes, leaves).

3. General group outdoor game.

4. Relay race.

5. Sedentary play.

Third option:

1.Dance exercises, round dance.

2. General group outdoor game.

3. Attractions.

4. Relay race.

5. Surprise moment.

To create a joyful mood in children. When conducting physical education, it is advisable to decorate the sports ground or premises. It doesn't take much time. The festivity is created by lanterns or flags placed around the site.

Physical education activities end with, if possible, a surprise moment: a treat or awarding with badges. To support children’s interest in physical education, you can talk with them about the past holiday, offer to draw what they liked most, and play games and attractions that aroused the greatest interest on subsequent walks.

Options for physical education

Physical education does not require special preparation; it is based on material familiar to children. It is advisable to spend leisure time with several groups that are similar in age composition. In this case, the active participation of the teacher is necessary: ​​he gives the command, sums up the results, and is a judge of the competition. Music plays a significant role in creating a positive emotional mood among participants. It has a beneficial aesthetic effect on children, reinforcing the ability to move rhythmically.

Physical education activities may differ in content and composition. We suggest considering several options.

First option. Physical education leisure is based on games and exercises that are well known to children. Initially, games of low and medium mobility are offered, such as “The Sea Is Worried”, “Do This”, “Stream”, etc. In them, children are given the opportunity to show their imagination.

Then children participate in attractions, performing motor tasks in a playful way (taking into account the level of DA). Thus, children with high DA are offered games-exercises for balance - “Walk, don’t fall” - and for attention - “Remember your name”, “Collect objects in pairs”. For children with low DA - games-exercises for reaction speed and development of dexterity - “Occupy your house”, “Fishing rod”, “Catch up with me”.

After a short rest (4-5 minutes), children are offered games of lower intensity - for example, “Recognize by voice”, “Carousel”, folk games.

Second option. Physical education leisure can be composed of sports games: basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, towns. Conducting this leisure activity provides for a differentiated approach to participants. Thus, children with a high and average level of DA and good physical fitness are offered more complex elements of sports games, with a fairly high physical load. Children with a low level of DA and with delays in the development of motor skills can be given simpler tasks, with a gradual increase in physical activity.

Children go out onto the playground, greeting each other, and line up in two columns (teams). Next is a greeting from the captains. The judge (educator) gives the task. For the first team (children with a high level of DA) - hit the ball moving forward at a distance of 4-5 meters, trying not to lose it; throw and catch the ball 10 times in a row. For the second team (with a low level of YES) - hit the ball, moving forward a little and trying not to lose it; throw the ball into the basket in any way.

Third option. Leisure activities include: running, jumping, throwing, climbing, crawling on all fours, riding a scooter, cycling, jumping rope. The basis is the principle of an individually differentiated approach to children. The first subgroup (with high DA) performs exercises aimed at developing attention and accuracy of movements (riding a bicycle straight, with turns, in a circle, “snake”). The second subgroup (with low DA) performs a task aimed at developing speed of movement (riding a bicycle in a straight line at different speeds).

Fourth option. Physical education " Fun starts”, which consists mainly of relay race games, which are well known to children. For the first subgroup (with high DA), complex relay races are offered that require attention and precision in execution. For example, the relay game “Build a Pyramid”: children line up in two columns, the first child of each team, at the teacher’s signal, runs into the horse area (one to the left corner, the other to the right) to the designated places where large cubes lie. He looks at the drawing located near the cube, takes a small cube of a certain color from the basket (standing nearby) - in accordance with the drawing, puts it on the large cube and runs back to the end of his column, while touching the one in front with his hand. Each subsequent cube must be placed so as to form the pyramid shown in the figure.

For the second subgroup (with low DA), a simpler relay race “Who can roll the ball the fastest” is offered. Children line up in two columns. The first child in each column stands at the starting line with a ball in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, he rolls the ball along a narrow path made of sticks to the opposite side of the court, catches up with it, hits the ball against the wall and runs with it to his team, passes the ball to the player in front and stands at the end of the column. The next child performs the same actions. Relay games can be repeated no more than 3-4 times, between them it is necessary to take a break (5-7 minutes), at which time ask the children to remember riddles, proverbs, and counting rhymes.

Fifth option. Physical education with musical accompaniment. It develops children's creative initiative, imagination, and emotional responsiveness. First, children perform voluntary movements with ribbons, jump ropes, and hoops to the music. You can also create a dance composition. After 10-15 minutes, a musical signal sounds, the children put the aids back in place and stand in a circle at arm's length. In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball, he quickly moves around the circle and throws the ball to the child, calling a name. If this is the child’s name, then he catches the ball and takes the teacher’s place, but if it is a different name, then the child should not catch the ball. After the game, the teacher offers to listen to melodic music. Children listen while sitting (or lying) on ​​the floor. After listening to music (2-3 minutes), the teacher suggests coming up with a composition or various voluntary movements. Children move to the music (you can offer a fragment from the musical-rhythmic complex “Dance of the Cockerels”, “Dance of the Penguins”, “Dance of the Bear Cubs” learned in class).

Sixth option- physical education leisure, the purpose of which is to solve problems in teaching orienteering.

Orienteering is the ability to quickly move through unfamiliar terrain using a map and compass. A lot of preliminary work is required to carry out this leisure activity.

The process of teaching older children school age elements of orienteering can be divided into several stages.

At the first stage various activities children master spatial orientation, learn to navigate on a map, and they also develop skills in basic movements and develop independence.

The second stage of training is the application of acquired knowledge in different conditions and situations.

Thus, during physical education activities, children can strengthen their ability to navigate in space, find their location and the location of various objects on a map (you can use a compass).

The third stage of teaching children the elements of orienteering includes preparing a physical education festival and holding it as part of health week. The physical education festival can be considered the result of the work done, where children demonstrate their skills. At this stage, there is a close relationship between children, parents and the entire teaching staff.

Seventh option- physical education based on the use of one subject “Dynamic Hour”

The dynamic hour is held after daytime sleep with open transoms. Its goal is to make the transition from sleep to wakefulness more physiological, improve children's mood and increase muscle tone. It can consist of 4-6 exercises that children perform while lying or sitting in bed on top of a blanket. You can replace the dynamic hour complex with self-massage or speech exercises with movements. Before starting the complex, you should turn on melodic music that evokes positive emotions. To awaken, it is advisable to use works by classical composers (W.-A. Mozart, P. Tchaikovsky, F. Chopin, etc.), as well as music that imitates the sounds of nature. Children wake up to music, listen to it for a while, then do exercises in bed, get up and walk along massage mats (“health paths”) to a well-ventilated room (the temperature should be about 17-19 °C). Next, rhythmic or rhythmoplastic gymnastics exercises are performed to the accompaniment of upbeat music. As an option, instead of them, you can conduct a recreational run in shorts and T-shirts around the public premises of the kindergarten: from the group, run up the stairs, through the corridor, through the hall, down the stairs, down the lower corridor back to the group. The complex is completed with breathing exercises. After completing the entire complex, the children get dressed.

The total duration of a dynamic hour is 7-15 minutes. It gives a good healing effect in combination with contrasting air baths.

Eighth option- physical education based on the use of forgotten folk games

Children's life has its own traditions. One of them is the borrowing of games by children from each other, the younger generation from the older one. Who invented these games (“Geese-swans”, “Kite and chickens”, etc.)? When did they arise? They were probably created by the people in the same way as songs, fairy tales, sayings, etc. For this reason they are called folk.

Teachers highly appreciate the importance of folk games. So, P.F. Lesgaft based his system of physical education on folk games. K.D. Ushinsky considered these games the most accessible “material” for children.

Thanks to their imagery, folk games captivate children of preschool and primary school age. The image in the game is not static. The child experiences the incident, the event that makes up the game, emotionally.

The structure emphasizes a single goal and one-dimensional action, which creates the classic simplicity of the folk game. Folk games also have a game concept (“counting table”, “drawing lots”). It introduces the child to the game, helps the distribution of roles, and serves the self-organization of children. We must not forget that “Counting” is also a manifestation of children’s verbal creativity.

A number of children's games are based on combining song with movement. These are round dance games. In such games, the action is carried out in rhythm, words and texts, here the child dramatizes what is sung in the song. The song is closely related to the folk game (G.S. Vinogradova points to game songs as the content of the game). In infant games, it is difficult to distinguish where the song ends and the game begins. The song gradually turns into an outdoor game.

Folk pedagogy perfectly defined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood. At the same time, folk games are very flexible in terms of age. For example, “Zhmurki”, “Cat and Mouse”, etc. are readily played by children of junior, senior preschool and school age.

Folk outdoor games influence the development of will, moral feelings, development of intelligence, speed of reaction, physically strengthen the child. Through the game, a sense of responsibility to the team and the ability to act in a team is developed. At the same time, the spontaneity of the game and the absence of didactic tasks make these games attractive and “fresh” for children. Apparently, such widespread use of folk outdoor games ensures their preservation and transmission from generation to generation.

Related information.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of a teacher.
Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.
strength of knowledge, self-confidence.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Physical education

Physical education is one of the forms of active recreation for children. The introduction of physical education leisure activities into the practice of a preschool institution makes it possible to realize the child’s natural need for movement and to compensate for the deficit of physical activity. The content of leisure time is physical exercises familiar to children, but carried out in a playful form, in the form of fun activities and attractions, which creates a positive emotional background that has a beneficial effect on the child’s body. During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and physical qualities are developed. Leisure activities help to develop in children a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, determination, courage, discipline, and organization.

Physical education leisure in a preschool institution 1-2 times a month, starting from the 2nd junior group. It is recommended to conduct it in the evening (16-17 hours), on days when there are no physical education classes. During the holidays (January) and summer, leisure activities can take place in the first half of the day (9-11 a.m.).

Physical education activities are carried out both outdoors and indoors. The duration of leisure time ranges from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the age of the children. Leisure time should not be prolonged, as physical and emotional fatigue negatively affects children’s health. Younger preschoolers still find it difficult to carry out simultaneous, joint activities in a large group, so at this age leisure is spent only with children of one group. In older preschool age, it is possible to combine two parallel age groups.

At the beginning of the school year, a long-term plan for the preschool institution is drawn up, which includes physical education activities. The topic of physical education activities, timing, location, participants, and those responsible are outlined. Taking as a basis the program material on the upbringing and training of preschool children, when planning leisure activities, the head of physical education must proceed from the conditions of his preschool institution, the age and individual characteristics of the children, their experience, and preparedness.

Due to the fact that physical education leisure is based on physical exercises familiar to children, games learned in physical education classes, and walks, when planning leisure time, the tasks are no longer of learning, but of consolidation and improvement. And health-improving and especially educational tasks come to the fore. Unlike physical education classes, a complex technological chain of preparatory and lead-in exercises is not required. However, one must try to ensure that the movements included in leisure time are aimed at the harmonious development of various physical qualities and there is an alternation of work different groups muscles, the load was regulated.

Physical exercises included in leisure activities should be well mastered by all children. Children who find it difficult to perform one or another exercise should be given individual additional lessons.

Leisure time differs from physical education in all sorts of surprise moments (introducing a character, receiving a letter from someone with a task, presenting small gifts, prizes).

When spending leisure time, the child performs various motor tasks. He behaves more directly than in physical education classes. The relaxed and natural use of motor skills ensures the expressiveness, artistry, and aesthetics of his movements. Physical exercise - The best way formation of relaxedness and beauty of movements. Moderate muscle load improves well-being and lifts your mood.

Physical education leisure develops thinking, imagination, determination, and a culture of feelings (for example, they teach a child to restrain his feelings and desires, to show determination). It develops in children the ability to move to music, an ear for music, and memory. Physical education does not require special training. It is built on familiar material. Entertainment is provided both with one group and with groups of children close in age. In leisure time, the teacher takes the most active part: he gives commands for the beginning and end of a game or motor task, sums up the results, is the main judge of the competition and, with his interested attitude to what is happening, creates emotional atmosphere. Paraphernalia plays an important role in maintaining a joyful mood and creating positive emotions: emblems, medals, pennants, scoreboards, etc.

In terms of content and composition, physical education leisure can be different: it is based on familiar games and game exercises, on elements of sports games (basketball, hockey, football, tennis, etc.), on exercises in basic movements (running, jumping, riding bicycles, scooters, roller skates, jumping rope). This leisure option is a kind of test for the child in mastering the listed types of movements and mastering the correct technique of movements. Physical education leisure can be based mainly on relay race games such as “Fun Starts” or “Call of the Jungle”. This leisure time includes movements learned in physical education classes.

Musical leisure is interesting. The child practices performing movements with objects (balls, ribbons, hoops, etc.) and rhythmic exercises. Such leisure develops creativity, initiative, beauty, grace and expressiveness of movements.

When developing a physical education program, I take into account the following points:

  1. The content of the program is consistent with the completed course. educational material;
  2. Games and exercises varied in motor content and motor characteristics are used;
  3. The placement of games and exercises in leisure activities meets the rules of dosage: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task decreases;
  4. After relay games or other tasks that excite children, riddles, poems, games of low mobility, round dance games are planned, providing a change of activity, but not reducing the emotional uplift;
  5. After frontal games of great mobility, tasks follow in which more resilient children act;
  6. Mandatory musical accompaniment;
  7. Creating game situations in which the child must make his own decisions;
  8. Formation of positive emotions, including through the inclusion of skits, dramatization, guest heroes of familiar fairy tales and cartoons.

When developing leisure scenarios, it is necessary to take a creative approach to choosing a topic and form of implementation.

Based on the theme, leisure activities can be divided into 4 main groups.

  1. Entertaining. “Fun Starts”, “Petrushka’s Fun”, etc.
  2. Cognitive. "Sports Quiz", "Fort Bayard".
  3. Moral and patriotic. "Dad, mom, I am a sports family", "Folk fun"
  4. Developing the habit of a healthy lifestyle. “Sun, air and water are our best friends,” “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

Physical education leisure and holidays allow, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities; take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements he performed, and to rejoice in the successes of others. When spending leisure time and holidays, I involve children in direct participation in various competitions and competitions. At the same time, children behave more spontaneously than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry and aesthetics in movements, which is of no small importance for the development of the personality of each child. Children also participate in leisure activities. Topics and content of leisure activities are discussed with children of senior preschool age, gifts for spectators, elements of costumes, and decoration of the hall are made.

When spending leisure time, much attention is paid to the costume of the heroes. This helps in a matter of minutes to set up children, attract their attention, surprise, stun, depending on the chosen image.

Musical accompaniment is thought out using recordings of children's favorite songs from children's cartoons, popular pop groups, soloists and classical music.

It is important to attach great importance to the artistic expression used in the script. Together with the teachers, poems, songs, and riddles needed on the topic are selected. Some of them are taught by children, some by the presenter, as well as characters invited to the holiday.

Such organization of leisure allows children to achieve complete liberation, manifestation of their independence, imagination, creativity in the choice of movements, and in the feeling of muscular joy.

When spending your leisure time, you can use non-traditional equipment and inventory, selecting it according to the chosen topic, for example: “plumbing” from plastic bottles, an obstacle course - coffee cans, a fun relay race with water - eggs from Kinder Surprise, bumps from foam rubber , flowers made of batting, walking paths made of oilcloth, etc.

When spending leisure time outdoors, it is best to use the natural landscape, sports equipment made from waste material(tires of different sizes, logs). All this arouses interest, joy, and desire in children to move and participate in the game.

In the case when children of different ages are united, it becomes possible to teach children in the process of communication, to understand each other, to empathize with failures, to take care of older ones about younger ones, and to rejoice in successes. In this case, the activities of the spectators must be thought through. This could be participation in a warm-up, a general outdoor game, dancing, performing certain movements while sitting still. It is important not to reduce the emotional uplift of leisure until the end of the action. Prizes and treats will help with this, encouraging the activity of children, because every child is so happy about a small gift.

A significant place in the program of physical education for older children is occupied by games and competitive game tasks (relay races). Relay races allow players to more clearly sense each other’s presence, teach them to take into account the gaming behavior of their partners and interact with them. Psychologists, answering the question: “How does success come?”, answer that it can be achieved through special training. And relay races, sports games - universal remedy for “training for success”, the main advantage of which is that children can make mistakes and correct their mistakes.

In the summer, it is better to spend leisure time in the fresh air, which is certainly very beneficial in terms of health. This optimizes the physical condition of children and strengthens their body. Children come into close contact with natural materials and deeply recognize their native land.

Leisure time with parents:

  • "Dad, mom, I am a sports family"
  • "Great Indian Tribe"

They are very popular in the garden, children, parents, and employees participate in them. The purpose of these holidays is to introduce parents and children to mass physical education.

The cheerful atmosphere of such days is passed on to adults and helps awaken their interest in communicating with their children.

One of the forms of active recreation for children and adults is physical education and sports festival(Appendix 2). It involves a variety of physical exercises combined with elements of dramatization, choreography, singing, quizzes, competitions and attractions.

A holiday is always joy and fun. His anticipation alone can evoke positive emotions in a child. This makes the holiday an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders. It has long been known that a good mood and a life-affirming mood have a high healing power.

The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities.

The process of preparing for the holiday unites the children's team, teachers and parents with unity of purpose and common goals.

During any holiday, a number of tasks are solved, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content, techniques and methods of work are selected.

The culmination of any holiday is a surprise moment: the unexpected appearance of a fairy-tale character and the performance of a short performance. In any case, the performance should be spectacular and fun, accompanied by music and unusual sounds. At the end, it is appropriate to hold a general game of medium mobility (preferably in a circle) like “Carousel”, or organize a mass dance.

The award ceremony should be solemn and fun. Pennants, emblems, souvenirs should be placed in the most honorable place in the group. Such a “victory corner” is a source of pride for the child. Here you can place photographs and drawings on the theme “Our holiday”. This will allow children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements in sports, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

It has become a good tradition in our garden to photograph holidays using photo and video cameras. After the holiday, children and parents look at bright photos and video materials with interest. The memory of participating in the holiday remains with the children for many years.

Moderate physical activity for children is not only useful, but also pleasant. Therefore, in order to realize their motor potential, preschool children kindergarten Physical education classes are conducted, that is, direct educational activities (DEA), and leisure activities designed to accumulate a positive emotional environment in the children's team. Let's consider the features of organizing leisure physical education activities in a preschool educational institution (DOU).

Why do we need sports activities in kindergarten?

Leisure activities in physical education are organized activities for children, built on children performing various physical exercises in the form of a game.

Parents of children often participate in leisure activities

This is interesting. In methodological sources, the concepts of “physical education leisure” and “physical education holiday” are synonymous. However, there are a number of educational theorists who insist that this is not entirely true, and the holiday is a form of leisure time. The compromise between these two points of view is that, on the one hand, a holiday in the broad sense of the word, that is, joy, can describe any leisure activity, and on the other, a holiday (like entertainment) can be a form of sports leisure timed, for example, for some calendar occasion, for example, Children's Day.

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines the goals of physical education in kindergarten:

  • developing interest in sports;
  • consolidation of learned motor skills (for example, preschool children of middle groups master the ability to change from a column to a line, practice hitting the ball from the floor up to five times, etc., therefore, the “Rearrangement” exercise, when two teams of kids do speed 2-3 permutations, and the game “The ball lives in the house”, in which children, without leaving the hoop, hit the ball 3-4 times);
  • development of speed, dexterity of movements, spatial orientation (for example, in the senior group, the program of leisure activities includes the game “Bear and the Bees”, in which “bears”, in the absence of “bees”, climb onto the gymnastic wall for “honey”);
  • fostering mutual assistance (through the inclusion of team competitive games, preparation of theatrical performances, etc.);
  • formation of personal qualities (organization, endurance, determination, discipline, sense of responsibility to comrades).

For a physical education teacher, leisure is a way to implement a person-oriented approach, individually selecting tasks for a child, evaluating the results of his efforts, that is, without delving into criticism, giving the child the opportunity to experience the situation of success from participating in a common cause.

If the goals of leisure activities in physical education are the same for all age groups, then the tasks vary slightly due to the characteristics physical development kids.

Entertainment tasks should be feasible for kids

Table: objectives of holding physical education holidays in different age groups

First youngest
  • encourage the activity of each child (mainly due to the form of holding the event on behalf of a fairy-tale character);
  • practice basic movements (running, walking).
Second youngest
  • develop dexterity and speed of movement;
  • involve in collective forms of organizing games, for example, competitions, “catch-up”;
  • to form ideas about the implementation of the rules of the game (for example, do not peep during the counting process during the game of Hide and Seek).
  • practice the skill of taking the starting position;
  • train a sense of balance in statics and dynamics;
  • develop the skill of forming a column or line;
  • stimulate expressiveness and plasticity of movements (by including elements of theatricality, for example, in the outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf”, in which children, while completing tasks, play the roles of hares and a wolf, giving the images characteristic features).
  • expand ideas about folk sports games (“Gorodki”, “Bilboke”);
  • develop coordination of movements;
  • practice the speed and quality of movements in games and exercises;
  • introduction to seasonal sports games (skiing, sledding) and ball games (football, basketball).
  • expand children's ideas about healthy lifestyle;
  • stimulate the development of the skill to regulate the speed of walking, running and throwing;
  • improve the expressiveness of movements;
  • encourage initiative in developing a scenario and including favorite games in it (in my work I practice holding a leisure activity “Favorite Games”, the content of which is determined by the tasks formulated by the children and the plot basis I have invented).

Types of physical education

Based on the nature of the content, there are several types of leisure activities in physical education.


The main purpose of such events is to entertain children and give them pleasure. The forms of games can be holidays with games and attractions with attributes and music, often with the participation of parents. For example, “Season of outdoor games” (in the middle group), “Physical education holiday for Athlete’s Day” (in the senior group), etc.

Game tasks are designed to improve the mood of children


Competitions are held to foster a sense of healthy competition, stimulate interest in sports, and develop communication skills. The most common form of organizing such leisure activities is a relay race (for example, “Fun Starts”). Competitions are introduced into the educational process starting from middle preschool age.

As T.I. describes Osokin, in the process of physical education of preschool children, it is necessary to solve educational problems: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of motor qualities, instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, and the development of special knowledge.

The main movements in the scientific works of E.S. Vilchkovsky showed that the motor activity of preschool children is a natural need, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the formation of the basic structures and functions of the body, one of the ways to understand the world and navigate in it, as well as a condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

Thanks to the plasticity of the nervous system, motor skills and abilities are formed relatively easily in children. As N.A. describes Bernstein, most movements (crawling, walking, running, skiing, cycling, etc.) are used by children in everyday life for movement, which facilitates communication with the environment and promotes its knowledge. A child, having learned to crawl, approaches the objects that interest him and gets acquainted with them. Children who know how to ski and ride a bike will better understand the properties of snow and wind. When swimming, children become familiar with the properties of water.

Proper exercise has a positive effect on the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones. For example, a child, having learned to correctly throw at a distance using the “from behind the back over the shoulder” method, performs a swing and throw with a greater amplitude of movement of the torso, legs, and arms, which contributes to better development of the corresponding muscles, ligaments and joints.

In the works of A.I. Bykova describes that developed motor skills and abilities allow one to save physical strength. If a child does an exercise easily, without tension, then he spends less neuromuscular energy on its implementation. This makes it possible to repeat the exercise more times and more effectively influence the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as develop motor skills.

The use of well-formed skills and abilities allows one to comprehend tasks that arise in unforeseen situations in the process of motor, especially play, activity.

Research by Z.Y. Adashkeviciene shows that regular physical activity leads to an increased supply of oxygen to vital organs, prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases and muscle weakness, and stimulates a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, a child, having learned how to properly perform a running long jump, no longer thinks about how to jump over the rock in the game “wolf in the ditch,” but about how best to escape from the wolf.

In the process of developing skills and abilities, children develop the ability to easily master more complex movements and various types of activities that include these movements (labor operations).

Motor skills and abilities developed in children under 7 years of age form the foundation for their further improvement at school, facilitate the mastery of more complex movements and allow them to achieve high results in sports in the future. Preschool children need to develop skills in performing basic gymnastics exercises (strength and general developmental exercises, basic movements), as well as sports exercises.

The scope of motor skills and abilities that need to be developed in preschool children is given in the educational program: “From birth to school,” but it can be expanded if appropriate conditions are available in preschool institutions, the preparedness of children, and the qualifications of teachers.

VC. Balsevich describes in children with early age it is necessary to develop motor qualities (dexterity, speed, balance, eye, flexibility, strength, endurance, etc.). To crawl, walk, run, jump, throw, you need to have the appropriate motor qualities. With the development of strength, speed, and agility, the length, height of the jump, and throwing range increase. Endurance allows children to perform physical exercises and walk long distances without getting tired. Accuracy of hitting the target when throwing, accuracy of landing when jumping, adherence to direction when walking and running indicate the presence of a good eye. A child would not be able to perform even basic exercises, not to mention more complex activities, if his basic motor qualities were not developed to one degree or another.

The main task of the teacher when conducting physical education is: creating a cheerful, joyful mood, stimulating the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities, a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions, providing the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the movements performed by him and other children, as well as joy from the success of a comrade.

When spending leisure time, the child performs various motor tasks. He behaves more directly than in physical education classes. The relaxed and natural use of motor skills ensures the expressiveness, artistry, and aesthetics of his movements.

Physical education leisure develops thinking, imagination, determination, and a culture of feelings (for example, they teach a child to restrain his feelings and desires, to show determination). It develops in children the ability to move to music, an ear for music, and memory.

Physical education does not require special training. It is built on familiar material. Entertainment is provided both with one group and with groups of children close in age. In leisure time, the teacher takes the most active part: he gives commands for the beginning and end of a game or motor task, sums up the results, is the main judge of the competition and creates an emotional atmosphere with his interested attitude to what is happening. Paraphernalia plays an important role in maintaining a joyful mood and creating positive emotions: emblems, medals, flags, scoreboards, etc.

Performing physical exercises is associated with active perception of the environment and orientation in it, with the development of sensations, perceptions, ideas, the formation of knowledge, with the manifestation of volitional efforts, and vivid emotional experiences. All this has an impact on improving the child’s abilities and his all-round development.

K.D. Hubert established that a variety of physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the physiological functions of the child’s body, help him adapt to changing environmental conditions, and enrich the child’s experience with new movements. Physical exercises are the leading means of physical education. But only their use in combination with the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors allows us to achieve the greatest healing and educational effect.

The development of the child’s motor sphere is subject to the basic physiological laws of development of the child’s body and, in turn, affects the formation of functional circulatory, respiratory, etc. systems. In the absence of a sufficient number of movements, the development of the child's body will be disrupted. This position is confirmed by the observations of K.D. Hubert, M.G. Ryss, A.F. Tura, M.I. Fonarev, who compared the development of children under different conditions of physical education. Insufficient motor activity causes an imbalance between the high influx of energy substances and energy expenditure during muscle work. The delay in the child's development observed during his hospitalization can also be explained by an insufficient number of movements.

Features of the development of basic movements of children of senior preschool age

Senior preschool age (from 5 to 7 years) is a very important stage in the development of a child, since during this period there is a qualitative and functional improvement of the brain, organs and body systems.

According to N.A. Fomina, during the formation of a motor action, an initial motor skill arises. It represents an action that has not been brought to a significant degree of automation.

In the works of Fonareva M.I. described: the growth of children in the 4th and 5th year of life slows down somewhat compared to the growth of young children and is on average 4-6 cm per year; in the 6th and 7th years of life, the increase in height increases significantly - up to 8-10 cm. This is the first period of elongation. An increase in height in the second half of preschool age is associated with functional changes in the endocrine system (in particular, with increased function of the pituitary gland).

As the child grows, the proportions of the body also change. Thus, by the 7th year of life, the length of the legs increases more than three times, the arms - 2.5 times, and the torso - 2 times compared to their length in a newborn child. At this age, the formation of the structure of the bone tissue of the child’s body basically ends.

The formation of physiological curves of the spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions begins in the 1st year of life and continues until 6-7 years. The skeleton of a preschool child consists largely of cartilage tissue, so it is easily deformed due to unfavorable conditions (improper body position, long standing, sitting, uncomfortable bed, furniture). If you do not take these features into account and do not engage in proper physical education with the child, then postural disorders appear (which negatively affects the function of blood circulation and breathing), and improper bone growth occurs.

During preschool age, the formation of the arch of the foot occurs, for the correct formation of which appropriate exercises are necessary; shoes should only be with heels. In preschool age, there is relatively greater mobility of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint, which is due to greater elasticity of muscles, ligaments and tendons than in adults, muscles develop significantly, especially in the legs, muscles become stronger, and their performance increases.

As A.P. describes Zhidkova, in preschool age there is rapid qualitative development and improvement of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. The respiratory rate decreases to 26-22 per minute, inhalation becomes deeper and exhalation takes longer. In children of this age, significant anatomical and functional changes in the circulatory system occur: the mass of the heart increases, due to which the strength of heart contractions increases and the endurance of the heart increases. The heart rate ranges from 85 to 95 per minute. Arterial pressure almost does not change with age and is 95/58 – 97/58 mm Hg. Art.

As the works of I. Ya. Beznosikov show, further morphological and functional development of the central nervous system is noted in preschool age. The second signaling system is rapidly improving, through which conditioned reflexes to the word are formed. Conditioned reflexes are developed quickly, but are not consolidated immediately, and the child’s skills are initially fragile and easily destroyed. The processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex spread easily, so children’s attention is unstable, responses are emotional in nature, and children quickly get tired. Therefore, for the formation of certain motor skills and their consolidation, a certain repetition and sequence of application of stimuli is required. The development of movements in children is facilitated by physical exercises carried out according to a specific plan. At this age, running, walking, jumping, and throwing improve.

As A.A. describes Blanin running is characterized by lifting both legs off the floor (“flight”). At the age of 5-6 years, especially with training, visible lifting of the legs off the floor occurs in 20% of children; by the 7th year - in more than 70% of children. Good coordination of arm and leg movements when running develops in children faster than when walking: by the 7th year of life, it is observed in more than 90% of children. Gradually, throughout preschool age, the length of the step when running increases, it becomes more uniform, and leg movements are less frequent. At 6-7 years old, running speed increases significantly.

Walking. At the age of 5-6 years, coordination of movements improves, friendly movements of the arms and legs improve in more than 70% of children, and the step becomes more uniform. By the age of 7, almost 100% of children have more friendly movements of their arms and legs, their step length increases, their walking pace slows down, and their walking speed increases over distance. Most children have correct posture when walking.

Jumping. At the age of 5, the length of the standing jump increases, children master the running jump, but they still do not use the swing of their arms enough when jumping, they push off weakly, and sometimes land on their entire foot. Children 5 years old can hop well on one leg in place and moving forward. By the 6-7th year of life, children perform jumps on the spot and moving forward on two legs and on one leg, in length from a place and with a run, in height. They already know how to use arm swings when pushing off; more than 70% of children land correctly (lightly, with bent legs).

Throwing. At the age of 5, most children already have the correct arm swing and body rotation. When throwing into the distance, the direction of the throw is better maintained, and the skill of throwing at a target develops. By the 7th year, with appropriate training, children master the throwing skill well.

Children 4-5 years old, due to improved coordination of movements, are able to stand on one leg, walk on their toes and heels, and walk on a reduced area of ​​support (between lines drawn on the floor, on a bench, on a log at different heights). Children 6-7 years old can perform more varied and complex exercises in balance, both in place and in motion.

At this age, the functioning of the sense organs also improves: touch, smell, taste, vision, hearing.

L.D. Glazyrina found that developed motor skills and abilities allow one to save physical strength. If a child does an exercise easily, without tension, then he spends less neuromuscular energy on its implementation. This makes it possible to repeat the exercise more times and more effectively influence the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as develop motor skills.

Also, in the process of physical education of preschool children, it is necessary to solve educational problems: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of motor and physical qualities, instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, and the development of special knowledge.

Possibilities of physical education leisure in the development of basic movements of children of senior preschool age

As E.N. describes in his works. Vavilova, physical education is one of the forms of active recreation for children. The introduction of such events into the practice of a preschool institution makes it possible to realize the child’s natural need for movement and to compensate for the deficit in physical activity. The content of leisure time is physical exercises familiar to children, but carried out in a playful form, in the form of fun activities and attractions, which creates a positive emotional background that has a beneficial effect on the child’s body. During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and physical qualities are developed. Team games help to develop in children a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, determination, courage, discipline, and organization.

Physical education activities can vary in content and organization.

As Shebeko V.N. describes. Physical education leisure and holidays allow, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities; take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements he performed, and to rejoice in the successes of others. When spending leisure time and holidays, I involve children in direct participation in various competitions and competitions. At the same time, children behave more spontaneously than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry and aesthetics in movements, which is of no small importance for the development of the personality of each child.

When spending leisure time, much attention is paid to the costume of the heroes. This helps to set up children in a matter of minutes, attract their attention, surprise them, depending on the chosen image.

Musical accompaniment is thought out using recordings of children's favorite songs from children's cartoons, popular pop groups, soloists and classical music.

It is important to attach great importance to the artistic expression used in the script. Together with the teachers, poems, songs, and riddles needed on the topic are selected. Some of them are taught by children, some by the presenter, as well as characters invited to the holiday.

This organization of leisure allows children to achieve complete liberation, the manifestation of their independence, imagination, and creativity in the choice of movements.

When spending leisure time outdoors, it is best to use the natural landscape and sports equipment made from waste material (tires of different sizes, logs). All this arouses interest, joy, and desire in children to move and participate in the game.

In the case where children are combined different ages, it becomes possible to teach children in the process of communication, to understand each other, to empathize with failures, to take care of older ones about the younger ones, and to rejoice in successes. In this case, the activities of the spectators must be thought through. This could be participation in a warm-up, a general outdoor game, dancing, performing certain movements while sitting still. It is important not to reduce the emotional uplift of leisure until the end of the action. Prizes and treats will help with this, encouraging the activity of children, because every child is so happy about a small gift.

Significant place in the program physical education For older children, games and competitive game tasks (relay races) are occupied. Relay races allow players to more clearly sense each other’s presence, teach them to take into account the gaming behavior of their partners and interact with them.

In the summer, it is better to spend leisure time in the fresh air, which is certainly very beneficial in terms of health. This optimizes the physical condition of children and strengthens their body. Children come into close contact with natural materials and deeply recognize their native land.

For leisure, notes M.I. Fonarev, exercises are selected that children have mastered in physical education classes, in which they can compete in agility, speed, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

Physical education leisure in a preschool institution is carried out 1-2 times a month, starting from the 2nd junior group. It is recommended to conduct it in the evening (16-17 hours), on days when there are no physical education classes. During the holidays (January) and summer, leisure activities can take place in the first half of the day (9-11 a.m.).

Physical education activities are carried out both outdoors and indoors. Its duration ranges from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the age of the children. Leisure time should not be prolonged, as physical and emotional fatigue negatively affects children’s health.

As described by A.V. Zaporozhets that at the beginning of the school year a long-term plan for a preschool institution is drawn up, which includes physical education activities. Their topics, dates, venue, participants, and those responsible are outlined. Taking as a basis the program material on the upbringing and training of preschool children, when planning leisure activities, the head of physical education must proceed from the conditions of his preschool institution, the age and individual characteristics of the children, their experience, and preparedness.

Due to the fact that physical education leisure is based on physical exercises familiar to children, games learned in physical education classes, and walks, N.N. Kozhukhova found that when planning leisure time, the tasks are no longer learning, but consolidation and improvement. And health-improving and especially educational tasks come to the fore.

Music has a great emotional impact, so it is advisable to play it during physical education. For musical accompaniment, both audio recording and live performance (piano, accordion and other musical instruments) can be used. When selecting works for such events, the head of physical education should remember that the music should be accessible to children in terms of tempo and rhythm. For children, it is better to use songs from the children's repertoire, the text of which should correspond to the theme and content of leisure time.

Leisure activities may include dance compositions, round dance games, songs learned in music classes, and carried out together with the music director.

Leisure time differs from physical education in all sorts of surprise moments: the introduction of a character, receiving a letter from someone with a task, giving small gifts, prizes. These can be origami figures, crafts made from natural materials and plasticine, made by children preparatory group, which are handed over by a fairy-tale hero, or children find it themselves (with the help of an adult). Fruits can also be gifts. You can also have a tea party with treats.

N.N. Kozhukhova describes that when spending leisure time in senior preschool age, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take initiative in a variety of activities.

Children of senior preschool age have a fairly wide range of knowledge and skills. Therefore, intellectual tasks are introduced into leisure activities, elements of mathematics, speech development, and design are used. Includes tasks for the development of mental processes.

Physical education fills a child’s life with emotional, fun physical activity. The child individually and collectively (in teams) participates in fun games with elements of competition, similar to a small sports day. Leisure activities include interesting attractions, dances and dances familiar to the child.

N.N. Kozhukhova describes that physical educational leisure develops thinking, imagination, determination, and a culture of feelings (for example, they teach a child to restrain his feelings and desires, to show determination). It develops in children the ability to move to music, an ear for music, and memory.

Thus, the main task of the teacher when conducting physical education is: creating a cheerful, joyful mood, stimulating the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities, a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions, providing the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the movements performed by him and other children, as well as joy from the success of a comrade.

An essential feature of early childhood is the interrelation and interdependence of the health status, physical and neuropsychic development of children. A strong, physically healthy child is not only less susceptible to illness, but also develops better mentally.

The main task when conducting physical education is: creating a cheerful, joyful mood, stimulating the activity of each child, taking into account his individual capabilities, a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions, providing the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the movements performed by him and other children, as well as joy from good luck comrade. Physical education holidays and entertainment are good because in a playful, unobtrusive and very interesting form, children receive a charge of vivacity, energy, and health.

Such work with preschool children is also valuable because it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, since it has a great influence on the development of the mind, character education, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, awakens interest in self-expression, and contributes not only to better learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

Physical education leisure activities based on basic types of movements

Teaching children basic movements should be inextricably linked with developing their motor activity and independence. This means that the motor skills acquired in classes should be naturally used by children in various life circumstances and play situations. The ability to make a decision in a timely manner, independently choose a method of movement, quickly navigate in space, act decisively and effectively - these are the foundations of motor independence.

As S.O. Filippova describes. The main subject of instruction in physical education classes for children of senior preschool age is rational motor actions, including a system of interconnected movements. Features of motor actions and patterns of formation of motor skills largely predetermine the didactic features of physical education.

Considering the motor activity of children, we could observe it in movements of various forms, in which speed, strength, dexterity, endurance, or a combination of these qualities are manifested in one way or another. The degree of development of physical qualities determined the qualitative side of children’s motor activity and the level of their general physical fitness.

Physical education leisure aimed at developing movements is a form of work; educational tasks are required for them, but leisure should remain a game for the child, exciting and unobtrusive.

“Be healthy, strong, brave!”, “Funny Ball”, “Rival Friends”, “Winter Fun”, “Fun Starts”, “Call of the Jungle”.

Leisure activities were spent with children 1 – 2 times a month

During our leisure time, we consolidated and improved the skills of basic movements: running, jumping, throwing, climbing.

We organized physical education leisure activities based on the main types of movement in the form of entertainment, travel, adventure, which created an emotional mood, encouraged action, and contributed to the formation of teamwork skills, a sense of camaraderie and empathy.

To support children’s interest in physical education, we talked with them about the past event, offered to draw what they liked most, and played games and attractions that aroused the greatest interest on subsequent walks.

Due to the fact that physical education leisure is based on physical exercises familiar to children, games learned in physical education classes, and walks, when planning leisure time, the tasks were not training, but consolidation and improvement. And health-improving and especially educational tasks came to the fore.

Unlike physical education classes, a complex technological chain of preparatory and lead-in exercises was not required here. However, at the same time, we tried to ensure that the movements included in leisure time were aimed at the harmonious development of various physical qualities, the work of different muscle groups alternated, and the load was regulated.

When conducting leisure activities, we adhered to the following conditions. Physical education leisure activities based on the main types of movement were built from three interconnected parts: introductory-preparatory, main and final.

The introductory-preparatory part contributed to the organization of children, creating their mood for the upcoming activity, and gradual preparation for physical activity in the main part of the lesson. The preparatory part of physical education, in addition to greetings, took from 3 to 5 minutes.

The main part of the leisure time lasted from 14 to 26 minutes (depending on the readiness of the children). In this part, the tasks of increasing the functional capabilities of the children’s body, developing strength, speed, and general endurance were solved. In addition, the basic movements were consolidated and the ability to use them in gaming activities was developed.

When performing basic movements, sports exercises, elements of sports games, we made sure that children did not rush and demanded clarity and completeness of movements.

The final part involved a slow run, turning into walking. Its duration was regulated by the teacher depending on the activity of the children, weather conditions and preparedness of children.

In physical education leisure: “Be healthy, strong, brave”, children performed jumping over hoops on two legs, running with a gymnastic stick in pairs, passing the ball while standing in a line, reaching a cone with the ball in progress.

In physical education leisure time: “Funny Ball”, children consolidated their skills in working with the ball. At the beginning of leisure time, they performed walking, running, and a set of general developmental exercises. Rising on your toes, raise your arms with the ball up, turn your torso to the left, turn your arms to the right with the ball forward, squats, arms with the ball forward, bend forward, arms with the balls are extended in front of you. In the main part of their leisure time, children ran with the ball, jumped around the ball, threw a small ball, ran with the ball to the hoop, passed the ball between their spread legs, and jumped on a large ball.

In physical education leisure: “Friends are rivals”, children consolidated the skills of rolling a ball with one foot between objects, running to a cone with a flag in their hands, running in pairs with a hoop to the cone.

In physical education leisure: “Winter fun”: children ran in circles, threw snowballs, ran around the hall, passed the ball from hand to hand in a circle.

In physical education leisure: “Fun Starts”: children ran between the pins like a snake, ran with a ball to a cone, jumped from a hoop to a hoop, ran to a cone while climbing into a hoop.

In physical education leisure: “Call of the Jungle”: children ran to a cone, holding a ball, jumping on balls, running in bags, running on a bench.

Thus, physical education leisure activities based on basic types of movement are not just a set of exercises, but an exciting activity that helps in developing movement skills, overcoming delays in basic motor skills and abilities, as well as developing the basic physical qualities of children. Carrying out physical education leisure activities of various topics and types contributes to the further development of basic movement skills in children of senior preschool age, and they develop the ability to use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers.

Physical education activities "Fun Starts"

As described in the works of N.N. Kozhukhova physical education leisure “Fun Starts” is a form of organizing free time based on relay races and team competitions, aimed at developing the physical qualities of an individual.

We prepared and conducted “Fun Relay Races” physical education activities for the senior group (Appendix 5).

Children took part in relay races with different content and volume of physical activity.

Physical education activities “Fun Starts” attracted children with their intrigue, speed of action and universal participation. This type of entertainment is full of various relay races that require different skills of children.

We actively used competitive games and gaming tasks. They increase physical activity, increase interest in physical exercise, teach children to assess their capabilities and manage their behavior. The success of any team depends not only on the speed of action, intelligence and organization of the players, but also on the responsibility of everyone for everyone.

We spent physical education activities “Fun Starts” in the hall. Therefore, special attention was paid to its design, which corresponded to the theme of entertainment, and the musical accompaniment corresponded to the script.

Music was most widely used at the end and at the beginning of entertainment, when changing lanes, running, and jumping in place. Gymnastic exercises of a general developmental nature, some attractions were also performed with musical accompaniment. We used sports-themed music or rhythmic dance tunes.

Physical education leisure activities "Fun Starts" are full of relay races. For example, children are divided into two teams, each of which is lined up in a column at one end of the room; at the opposite end, in front of each team, there are cones with hoops. The players run out simultaneously, one from each team, run to the cones, thread the hoop, run back, and so on for each team.

The game, at first glance, seems simple. But observations have shown that such a game disorganizes the children; they do not understand its meaning: the children stand in disarray, and, not aligned in the column, they do not have the endurance to calmly wait until 12-13 pairs run in front of them; some run out ahead of time, others, less efficient, linger, and then they are pushed by those standing behind; Children, even before the end of the game, begin to argue whose team wins, and get so excited that after the end of the game it takes a long time to calm them down and organize them.

Children of senior preschool age do not yet have the necessary endurance, the ability to run as quickly as possible, dexterity in passing an object, a sense of responsibility for the team and to the team; They also do not have the ability to objectively evaluate their actions and the actions of others, i.e. those qualities that are necessary for participants in team games.

In such games, participants, one from each team, were measured against speed, dexterity, and accuracy of movements. The winner received a point for their team. At the end of the game, the total points were calculated. The team with the most points was considered the winner.

Work on organizing physical education leisure has shown that elements of competition in the physical education of preschoolers make it possible to encourage them to demonstrate such a quality as determination, i.e. desire to achieve a positive result.

The use of this technique makes it possible to achieve the desired result in developing children’s motivation for motor activities. The values ​​of physical education leisure are learned in the process of communication and interaction with objects of love, affection, sympathy: peers, teachers.

An important condition for the successful conduct of leisure activities “Fun Starts” is the creation of a positive experience, the manifestation of one’s motor capabilities.

While conducting physical education activities, we found that children senior group showed great interest in the physical education activities “Fun Starts.” This version of physical education activities was based mainly on relay races and competition games.

During the “Funny Starts” leisure activity, we organized competitions between two teams. Teams competed in speed, agility, and the ability to perform basic types of movements. We have noticed that when conducting physical education, children learn to restrain their feelings, desires, and show determination.

We assigned an important role in maintaining the joyful mood of children to paraphernalia: emblems, medals, pennants, etc. Since competition games and relay games carry a lot of emotional and physical stress, we included competitions of counting rhymes, riddles, and proverbs. This helped relieve physical fatigue.

Let's look at the example of physical education: “Be healthy, strong, brave!” built on the basis of relay race games.

During my leisure time I set tasks such as:

Strengthen the skills of running in relay races, jumping, hitting the ball in motion.

Continue to develop speed and agility.

Cultivate an interest in sports, a desire to demonstrate your motor capabilities.

Preparation for physical education was as follows: the hall was decorated with paintings with a sports theme, balls, medals were prepared for children and sweet gift, music was selected for each relay race.

For children, music was selected in advance for each relay race, and the character Sportik was introduced. Physical education activities took place in the form of relay races; children were divided into two teams.

The first relay race was to improve jumping through a hoop: “From bump to bump.” The children had to jump over hoops on two legs and return back as well. The children succeeded in this exercise, no one made a mistake, everyone performed the jumps correctly.

The second relay was to consolidate the run: “Fast pair”. The children had to run together with a gymnastic stick to a landmark and run back to their team and give them the stick. This exercise did not cause any difficulties for the children; they completed it together.

The third relay was to consolidate the passing of the ball: “Passing the ball from first to last.” Standing in a line, the children passed the ball to each other, when the ball reached the last child, he ran and stood at the beginning of the line, and so on until the team captain stood back at the beginning. This exercise caused difficulty for the children in that they forgot that they had to run and stand at the beginning of the line and they had to be reminded of this.

The fourth relay was to consolidate walking with a ball in the promotion: “The most athletic.” The children had to reach the cone with the ball while advancing, run around the cone and return back with the ball in their hands. This exercise caused difficulty for the children in the sense that they were still not very good at hitting the ball with one hand, and it kept rolling away from them.

At the end of the relay, the children were given sports riddles. The children were able to answer all the riddles with ease. Also, at the end of the relay, a surprise package was prepared for the children; the package contained sports medals and chocolates.

The children enjoyed the physical education activity and left it happy and charged with positive emotions. Our observations showed that the form of leisure was interesting for children, the exercises were feasible, children were able to demonstrate their motor skills in leisure time, along with the improvement of motor skills, children developed physical qualities: speed, dexterity, etc.

Thus, the pedagogical value of the “Fun Starts” leisure activities lies in the fact that children consolidate the skills of basic movements in an interesting, unusual environment; demonstrate their motor skills; show expressiveness and freedom in movements; develop physical qualities.

Joint physical education activities for parents and children

As practice shows, joint physical education contributes to the harmonization of relations between parents and children, brings them closer, allows them to feel the joy of joint physical activity and establish emotional and tactile contact.

Harmonization of relationships between children and parents during joint physical education activities is achieved through establishing emotional contact between an adult and a child, performing physical exercises in pairs, communicating using words, gestures and facial expressions. The following psychophysical means are also used during physical education leisure: gymnastics for two; problematic situations and creative tasks; outdoor games and play exercises; play self-massage and massage; musical and rhythmic exercises; psycho-gymnastic studies and relaxation exercises. At the same time, children develop and improve their basic motor skills.

The effectiveness of physical education leisure depends on the rational way of organizing children and adults. Most of the time, the preschooler performs tasks together with the parent, while each adult acts as a partner, assistant and coach - helping the child to perform the exercise correctly and insuring him. During physical education, the teacher gives clear instructions, explains and demonstrates the exercise, monitors the correct execution, and pays special attention to the interaction of parents with children.

During our teaching practice, we conducted joint physical education activities for parents and children of the senior group “Call of the Jungle.” We notified family members about the upcoming leisure activity, designed a colorful poster, and the children of the older group prepared invitation cards and presented them to their parents on the eve of the lesson.

Since this type of physical education leisure for children was presented as a holiday for children and parents, we prepared children for leisure activities. In class and outside class, they repeated the basic movements that will be used in relay games. So the children were offered running exercises: speed, obstacle racing. Different types of jumps helped to consolidate jumping technique and develop speed and strength qualities. Children threw bags and balls into the distance, at horizontal and vertical targets; practiced crawling and climbing.

When conducting physical education, we set the following tasks:

Develop physical qualities;

Physical education leisure was based on games - relay races.

1. Game - relay race: “No worse than a kangaroo” was repeated 3-4 times.

2. Attractions that do not carry a large load.

3. The riddles competition was held with the aim of providing children with a break from physical activity and switching to mental activity.

4. At the end there was a big relay race.

In order for physical education leisure to be interesting and exciting, leisure was accompanied by specially selected music. To increase the effectiveness of physical exercises, a variety of physical education equipment was used. The necessary non-traditional equipment is made together with parents.

When conducting physical education activities together with parents, we observed how children performed the basic movements in relay races: running, jumping, throwing, climbing.

Observation during physical education leisure showed that the children coped with all the tasks; they were helped in this by the correct approach to preparing children for joint physical education and the support of their parents. The children's movements were distinguished by their correctness, accuracy of execution, and ability to overcome the obstacle course in relay races. The children showed physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination.

We noted that children and parents were completely interested in the results of the relay races and attractions; the children were happy to show their parents how they could run fast, throw a ball, crawl on all fours between objects, etc. The children demonstrated their motor capabilities and abilities: they tried to perform movements correctly and demonstrate physical qualities: speed, dexterity, endurance.

Thus, joint physical education leisure activities, in close cooperation of the teacher, parents and children, make it possible to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the preschool institution and the family in solving the problems of developing motor skills in children in accordance with age and the requirements of the approximate basic educational program preschool institution.

The organization of interaction between a preschool institution and a family on issues of physical education is based on recognizing the dominant role of the parent as the child’s first educator, creating an atmosphere of trust, openness, mutual respect, as well as recognizing the strengths of the family and kindergarten, which leads to the achievement of a common goal - the harmonious development of the preschooler .

Physical education is relevant for pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age, because They are playful and exciting in nature and help to develop basic movements in children in an unobtrusive manner.

Physical education leisure based on outdoor games is a specially organized activity, sometimes united by one theme, containing a variety of games with rules for various physical activities. These can be games to consolidate one type of movement or several different ones. When spending leisure time based on outdoor games, children consolidate and improve their skills in performing familiar basic movements. Preschoolers learn to take initiative when playing games, competitions and attractions.

For physical education leisure aimed at developing movements, educational tasks are required, but leisure should remain a game for the child, exciting and unobtrusive. Physical education activities based on basic types of movement are not just a set of exercises, but an exciting activity that helps in developing movement skills, overcoming delays in basic motor skills and abilities, as well as developing the basic physical qualities of children.

Physical education leisure activities “Fun Starts” are a form of organizing free time based on relay races and team competitions, aimed at developing the physical qualities of an individual.

The pedagogical value of the “Fun Starts” leisure activities lies in the fact that children consolidate the skills of basic movements in an interesting, unusual environment; demonstrate their motor skills; show expressiveness and freedom in movements; develop physical qualities.

The use of physical education leisure activities ensures an optimal level of development of the main types of movement if the load corresponds to the age characteristics of the children and their physical condition; The tasks are game-oriented and organized according to methodological requirements.


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3. Beznosikov, I.Ya. Physical education and health work with preschool children [Text]: educational and methodological manual / I.Ya., Beznosikov. - M.: Four quarters, 2013. - 166 p.

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15. Kozhukhova, N.N. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions: Proc. Allowance for higher education and Wednesday ped. textbook Establishments [Text]: / N.N. Kozhukhova, L.A. Ryzhkova, M.M. Samodurova; Ed. S.A. Kozlova - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. - p. 198.

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Annex 1

Physical education on the topic:

"Be healthy, strong, brave!"

for senior preschool age

Program content:

Children consolidate acquired knowledge and skills in physical education classes: running; jumping; in an exercise with balls.

Continue to develop speed and agility; practice running, jumping, and hitting the ball while advancing.

Equipment: balls – 2 pcs., hoops – 6 pcs., cones – 4 pcs.

Children march into the hall.

Presenter: Today we are waiting for an unusual sports entertainment.

(there is a knock on the door, Sportik enters)

Sportik: Hello guys, my name is Sportik. Oh, did I get there? I was walking to my country Sportlandia and got lost.

Host: Sportik, you ended up in kindergarten with the kids.

Sportik: I really love sports. All residents of our Sportlandia are also strong, dexterous, and athletic. Listen to the Sportlandia anthem:

Sportlandia, Sportlandia is a fun country

She will make you friends with your favorite physical activity.

If you want to become skillful, dexterous, strong, fast, brave

Learn to love jump rope, balls, hoops and sticks!

That's the secret to health - be healthy, hello!

Sportik: And you guys want to be as strong, dexterous, brave as the inhabitants of Sportlandia, and to achieve this you need to do a warm-up: obstacles, but we’ll start with a warm-up, stand in a circle:

Hand your right hand forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little. We dance boogie-woogie, turn in circles and clap our hands like this.

Move your left hand forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little. We dance boogie-woogie, turn in circles and clap our hands like this.

Put your right foot forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little. We dance boogie-woogie, turn in circles and clap our hands like this.

Put your left leg forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little. We boogie-woogie, turn in circles and clap our hands like this.

Sportik: Well done, and now I suggest you complete the relay race. Host: Now let's see how our children cope with this task. Oh, Sportik, how will our guys compete? Let's divide them into two teams.

Sportik: There are hoops in front of you, you need to jump over them, we will also return back by jumping over hoops. Reade set Go! Start the relay race “From bump to bump”.

Sportik: Well done! And here is the next relay:

Paired with a gymnastic stick, you need to run to the landmark and run back to your team and give them the stick. The team whose guys cross the fastest wins. Start the "Fast Pair" relay race.

Sportik: Well done! We completed the task. Here is the next task:

You need to pass the ball from first to last, standing in a line; whichever team does it faster is the friendliest. Start the “Passing the ball from first to last” relay race.

Presenter: What great guys! We have dealt with all the obstacles, only the last thing remains.

Sportsman: You will need to go to the cone, hitting the ball, run around the cone and return back with the ball in your hands. Start the “Most Athletic” relay race.

Sportik: Well done! You have shown yourself to be fast, dexterous and brave, and most importantly, friendly. You have become the same as the inhabitants of our Sportlandia.

Presenter: Sportik, and our guys also like to solve riddles, but the riddles are not simple, but sports. Sit down on the chairs, now we will solve riddles:

1. Teams kick the ball around the field,

The goalkeeper at the gate was caught by a trickster.

He doesn’t let him score a goal with the ball.

Boys are playing on the field..(football)

2. Either skipping or squatting

Children do...(exercise)

3. Just as there is no soldier without a gun,

There is no hockey player without... (stick)

4. We have only skates,

They are only summer ones.

We rode on the asphalt

And they were satisfied. (rollers)

5. In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is... (basketball)

6. Two planks on the legs

And two sticks in his hands.

If we lubricate the boards -

We'll show you snow extra class!

Winter records are closer

For those who really love...(skiing)

Host: What smart guys you are, you solved all the riddles.

Sportik: Oh, guys, look, the residents of Sportlandia sent us gifts, sports medals. We give you medals for your sporting successes.

Appendix 2

Physical education on the topic:

"Funny Ball"

for children of senior preschool age

Program content:

Creating conditions for emotional communication of children in various situations;

Formation of skills of interaction with each other;

Fostering interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: cards with pictures – 3 pieces, balls of different sizes for each child.

1. Introductory part.

Host: Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Today our competitions are not easy. They are dedicated to one wonderful subject. You can't play many sports games without it. With this item you can become agile, fast and strong. You can find out what kind of object this is if you read the word by its first sounds.

(There are cards with pictures hanging on the wall, on the back of each card there is a letter. Children read, check by turning the cards over.)

Host: That's right, it's a ball. Balls are different. Name what types of balls there are. (children's answers).

Balls can be rubber, leather, small, medium, large, plastic, special balls for different games (basketball, football, tennis...). the balls must be inflated and elastic. Let's pump them up.

Breathing exercises "Pumps"

Educator: today we will play with different balls. But first we need to warm up

Forming in a line, checking posture and alignment; forming a column one at a time. Walking, running, corrective exercises.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a large ball.

1) starting position – main stance, ball in both hands below.

1 – 2 – lift the ball up, rising on your toes; 3 – 4 – starting position.

2) starting position – basic stance, ball in bent arms in front of you.

1 – turn right, ball forward

2 – starting position

3 – turn left, ball forward

4 – starting position

3) starting position – bending forward.

4) starting position – main stance, ball on the floor. Jumping around the ball on two legs (count 1-8), pause, repeat 2 times.


Host: And now we will divide into two teams: a boys team and a girls team.

Come up with a name for your team.

Now let's start the competition. For each relay won, the team is awarded a point. The team that scores the most points wins.

1. Relay race. Throwing a small ball. (training for all children).

Presenter: The captain who throws the ball further will earn a point for his team.

Captains, come out. And we will use a counting rhyme to determine who will start first.

Counting table: We are going to play ball,

Well, who should start?

1,2,3 – you start!

A point is awarded to the team...

2. Relay race "Swap the balls"

(run with a large ball to the hoop in which there is a small ball, change balls; the next child changes the small ball to a large one.)

A point is awarded to the team...

3. Relay race "Pass the ball"

Host: Running fast is common to everyone.

Now let's take the ball in our hands,

We will appreciate the skill of the gear.

(The first child passes the ball back between the players’ spread legs;

The last child of each team runs forward with the ball along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and also passes the ball. And so on.)

A point is awarded to the team...

4. Fitball relay race

(On a large ball you need to jump the entire distance and pass the baton to another team member.)

A point is awarded to the team...

Host: Well, the relay races for the guys are over. Let's summarize.

Presenter: Our competition is over. But we have no losers. We all strive to win, we want to be strong and healthy.

Appendix 3

Physical education on the topic:

"Friends are rivals"

for children of senior preschool age

Program content:

Goal: Create a joyful, festive mood.

1. Develop agility, muscle strength, and endurance in children.

2. Strengthen playing exercises with the ball.

3. Develop an eye.

4. Foster a desire to participate in group games.

5. Create a joyful mood in children during joint activities.

6. Strengthen the ability to participate in team relay races.

Equipment: Baskets, balls, skittles, hoops – 2 pcs, flags – 2 pcs, skittles – 6 pcs.

Music is playing on the sports ground. Children are formed into two teams.

Dunno runs in.

Dunno: Hello, hello everyone! What are you doing here?

Presenter: Hello, Dunno! The boys and I are starting our sports fun.

Dunno: Great! I am very glad that I will be lying in a cheerful stadium.

Host: Guys, do they really lie down and relax at the stadium?

Children: At the stadium: training, running, jumping, competing.


Let's shout loudly, kids!

Our physical education team - hello!

All: Hurray!

Dunno: I wish from the bottom of my heart,

May the results be good!

Guys, are you strong? Brave?

Are there any weak ones among us?

To merry Olympia

Let's go now!

Host: Stop, stop!

But first you need to do a warm-up.

Straighten your back together, we're starting to warm up!

Warm up to music.

Host: Well, let's see whose team is stronger?

1st relay race. Rolling the ball with one foot between objects to a certain point. The child comes back running with the ball in his hands.

2nd relay. Basket. Return back by running between objects.

Dunno: Tara-ra, tara-ra!

I have a game for you!

Outdoor game "Whose circle will gather faster."

Host: We continue our competition!

3rd relay. Running with flags.

Run to a certain place, holding a flag in your hands, then pass it to another player. The team that finishes the relay first will win.

4th relay.

Captains' competition: knock down a pin with a ball.

Host: And now, guys, I will ask you riddles! (Riddles on a sports theme). For each correct answer - a token.

1. I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself,

What gives me health...

2. Both boys and girls

They love us very much in winter,

They cut the ice into a thin pattern,

They don't want to go home.

We are graceful and light

We are curly...

3. To keep your health in order,

4. You hit anyone -

He gets angry and cries.

And if you hit this one -

Jumping for joy!

5th relay:

Two people stand inside a large hoop, holding it in their lowered hands (one after another). They reach a certain object, go around it and run to the finish line.

Presenter: Well done, guys!

You are good with physical education!

You are strong in relay races!

Everyone form a team formation

To present the award!

We count the points and reward the winners and other participants with consolation prizes.

Dunno: Such dexterous athletes

I saw it now.

That's what training means!

Well, simply top class!

Presenter: Hello to all the guys.

And this word:

You have loved sports since childhood!

Be healthy everyone!

Dunno: Long live the best athletes! Well, I have to go, see you later! Goodbye!

Appendix 4

Physical education on the topic:

"Winter Fun"

for children of senior preschool age

Program content:

Goal: Create a joyful, festive mood.

Objectives: Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children. Consolidate the execution of basic types of movements consciously, quickly and deftly. To develop in children the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others.

Equipment: tape recorder, hummock balls, snowballs, rope, large white ball, forest animal costumes.

Children enter the hall and are greeted by Petrushka.

Parsley: “Hello, guys. My name is Parsley. I’m glad you came to visit me. Do you want to play with me today? Then let’s start having fun. Have you seen how cold it is outside! We need to warm up a little.”

Rhythmic gymnastics are performed with sultans for demonstration.

Parsley: “Well, now, are you guys warmed up? Let’s play with you then.”

Game "Snow hummocks"

The “bumps” are laid out in a circle, the children stand behind them. To the music, children begin to run in a circle, when the music stops, the children must take a free “bump”. Anyone who does not have enough “bumps” leaves the game and takes one “bump” with him. The last one left in the game wins.

Parsley: “Well done, guys. And now I’ll see which of you is the most dexterous: girls or boys.”

Game "Attack"

The hall is divided into 2 halves by a rope. Boys stand on one half, girls on the other. Each team is given a basket of snowballs. On command, the children begin to throw the “snowballs” to the opposite side. At the signal, the game stops. Each team collects “snowballs” from its site. The team with the fewest snowballs in the basket wins. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Parsley: “Guys, a guest is coming to visit us, but who he is, you will guess for yourself after my riddle. The coals are eyes, the nose is a carrot, and he holds the whisk deftly.”

Children: "Snowman."

Snowman: “Hello, guys, I was passing by, I heard fun and laughter, I think I should come in and see who’s having so much fun. Guys, can I play with you a little.

Freeze Ball Game

Children are running around the hall, the Snowman has a ball. The Snowman's task is to throw the ball at the children to freeze them. The children's task is to dodge him. Whoever the ball touches immediately “freezes” (keeps arms to the sides, legs apart). Then one of the guys can take on the role of presenter.

Snowman: “Guys, thank you for the joy, but would you like to play my game?”

Ice ball game

Children stand in a circle, leading the circle. The children's task is to quickly pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. The driver's task is to touch the ball while running around the outer circle. Whose hands the ball was in when the driver touched it is out of the game. When the driver changes, the eliminated players stand in a circle.

Attraction "Forest Animals"

Two players are selected. On command, they run to the chair, put on a forest animal costume, and return to the starting line. The one who completed the task first won.

To the music, the Snowman treats the children with candy and gives them medals.

Appendix 5

Physical education on the topic:

"Fun Starts"

for children of senior preschool age

Program content:

Goal: Create a joyful, festive mood.

Activate children's motor activity, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation;

Instill a love of sports and physical education;

Develop endurance and attention in games and relay races;

Create a joyful emotional mood.

Equipment: stopwatch, whistle, skittles, balls (basketball, volleyball), Balloons, hoops.

Children enter the hall to the march.

Presenter: Hello, participants! Hello fans! Hello, dear jury! We are very glad to see everyone at sports competitions! It was not in vain that I said hello to you now, since the word “hello” means wishing each of you health.

Guys, in order to be healthy, what should you do and what should you do?

Presenter: Well done, guys, you need to do exercises. Now let's listen to poems about physical education.

1. To be completely healthy

Everyone needs physical education.

To begin with, in order -

Let's do some exercises in the morning!

And without any doubt

There is a good solution -

Running is good for you and playing

Get busy kids!

2. To develop successfully

Need to play sports

From physical education

You will have a slim figure

Useful for us without a doubt

Everything related to movement.

3. Athletic people are so beautiful

They have so much energy, vigor, strength.

Do you want to be at least a little like them?

Only sport will help you with this

4. Strengthens health and increases success

It will save you from boredom and idleness.

Believe in yourself and achieve heights

Only sport will give you what you dreamed of.

Presenter: Guys, we wish each team not only victories, but also a cheerful mood during all competitions, and also that participation in relay races will be useful in strengthening your health. But any sports distance begins with a warm-up. We, too, will not lag behind traditions and will do a musical warm-up. Repeat after me and don’t forget to smile, because smiling also strengthens our health and helps us set ourselves in a winning mood.

Musical warm-up

Presenter: Well done! Well, well, we've warmed up and it's time for us to move on to the most interesting thing - the relay races! Teams, get ready for the races, take your places!

To the music, the teams enter the site and line up in columns (team name and motto)

To become an agile athlete

We will hold relay races.

Let's run fast, together

We really need to win!

It's time for us to determine whose team is stronger.

Presenter: Speed ​​and dexterity, as well as the correct execution of the relay races will be assessed by a competent jury.

Let's welcome them! (applause sounds)

Relay races

1. Relay "Twisting Run". Sports equipment: skittles. Starting position of the team: one at a time in a column.

Relay rules: at the command of the leader, participants take turns running along a given distance, running a snake around the pins back and forth. The winning team is the one that completes the task first.

2. Relay race “Running with three balls” At the starting line, the first participant conveniently takes 3 balls (football, volleyball and basketball). At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 meter, puts them on the ground.

Presenter: I invite participants to show their ingenuity - to guess riddles about sports.

1. Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal (Goal).

2. I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun

I make the bed

I quickly do... (exercise).

3. If he falls, he will jump,

If you hit him, he won't cry,

He always gallops

Multi-colored round (Ball)

4. There are two stripes on the snow,

Two foxes were surprised

One came closer:

Someone was walking here (Skis)

5. What kind of miracles are these?

Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals,

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer

This is my (Bike)

6. Every evening I go

Draw circles on the ice

Not with pencils

And shiny... (Skates)

4. Relay race “Over the bumps”. Jumping from hoop to hoop (3 hoops at a distance of 1m from each other).

5. Relay race "Crossing". Run to the pin; climb through the hoop and run back.

Presenter: Well done guys, you completed the tasks, and now we will ask the jury to calculate the results of the competition.

Presenter: The most pleasant and exciting moment has arrived, and we give the floor to the chairman of the jury to sum up the results of the competition.

Announcement of results, rewarding participants of all teams with prizes.

Presenter: And now our wonderful athletes will take a lap of honor.

A march sounds. Lap of honor.

Presenter: Today there are no losers at our competitions - everyone won, because the competitions helped children make friends with sports. Friendship won. And friendship, as we know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other and our guests the kindest smile we can and sing a song.

Song "Smile"

Presenter: The competition is over, but friendship with physical education continues.


Appendix 6

Physical education on the topic:

"Call of the Jungle"

for children of senior preschool age

Program content:

Goal: Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Create a cheerful mood in children and adults, bring joy and new impressions from participating in a sports festival;

Improve the skills of basic movements: running, throwing, jumping, climbing;

Develop motor skills;

To instill in children a sense of collectivism and perseverance in achieving their goals.

Equipment: snowflakes, balls, monkey costume, bags, bananas, tables, cubes, balls, cones, tunnels.

Children enter the hall freely.

Host: Guys, we have a lot of guests today. They will support us with applause and their good mood. Say hello to them.

And let's answer the question. What time of year is it now?

Children take snowflakes and spin at the tempo of a waltz, conveying the character of the music.

Host: Yes, there is frost, cold, snow outside the window, and you and I are going to a very hot country, where we will be warm and happy. Want to?

Then we'll fly to Africa

Africa, Africa!


Let's go to Africa

She has been waiting for us for a long time.

We'll see you in hot Africa,

How do the animals live there...

Let's go to Africa soon!

The jungle is calling!

Our planes are ready to fly. Take your seats, you can take your parents along the way.

Children, to the music, with their arms outstretched, run out into the corridor, where they quickly put on yellow and red T-shirts and, together with their parents, pretend to be airplanes, return to the hall, where the scenery changes with the image of the jungle.

Leading: Dear friends, so we arrived in the jungle. Look how interesting it is around. I propose to hold here a sports and entertainment game “No worse than a kangaroo.” I am glad to welcome you to our holiday.

Dance "Changa-changa" Children dance in monkey costumes.

Host: Dear monkeys! We flew into the jungle to warm up and play a fun game of "As good as a kangaroo." I ask you to help me, do you agree?

Two teams are invited to participate in the game: the “Predators” team and the “Herbivores” team.

And now I present the teams.

(Command View).

Captain of the Herbivores:

Let the Predators today

They will become even stronger

Hopes for victory

Let them not be deceived!

Our team "Herbivores"

Wishes you well

Let's shout in honor of our friendship

We are a resounding "hurray".

Captain of the Predators:

We are glad to meet you

Team "Herbivores"

Today we wish you

In wrestling and competitions

Sports enthusiasm

Success and victories

Jungle Predator Team

Physical education sends you greetings!

Host: What do you like to do?


Early morning exercise

The whole family runs out:

Lion, Panther, Monkey,

Crocodile, Giraffe and me.

And always at the call of the jungle

We spend the evenings.

Who is the runner and who is the thrower?

And who is attracted to the game?

Let's argue which of us is faster

Let's argue which of us is stronger

Sports and I are all friends,

We are an animal family!

Host: And now the conditions of the game.

You will need to run to the cone with the ball between your legs.

Well done, everyone played well, and now we begin our relay races. For winning each task, the winning team receives a bone or banana. The team that collects the most bananas or bones wins. And further! Let's agree that you and I will have a battle cry. I will shout loudly: Jungle, and you will answer me loudly, “That’s my name!” Agreed? Then let's go!

Presenter: Pay attention - balls.

1. Our first task.

The team that covers the distance faster by jumping on balls wins.

2. To complete the second task we need scooters. What are we going to do? You need to ride a scooter to the counter, pick up a banana and quickly return, after which the second participant completes the task.

Let's see whose team's bananas will be collected faster. Mothers will cover the distance by jumping in the bags.

Let's see whose team's bananas will be collected faster.

Presenter: Now we’ll give our teams a short break to rest and invite them to solve riddles, the riddles will be about jungle animals.

1. Appeared with a full mane

Because of the greenery of the branches

The predator is proud and beautiful.

He is the “king of beasts” in the savannah.

He looks with a menacing, important look.

His anger is terrible to the beasts.

It's dangerous to stand next to him.

He's big, tough...

2. Kind jungle dweller,

He has big ears.

And the trunk has a huge

But still good and modest.

And the mouse is sometimes afraid,

It's time for us to guess it.

Well, let’s call it together,

We will all guess it today!

3. No need other countries:

Where the jungle is, where the vines are,

Where are the coconuts and bananas?

Home for...


4. Lives in Africa.

He chews grass.

Wears a sailor suit

Black and white striped.

5. Long-eared face

Timidly looks out of his pocket.

How cozy it is in that pocket:

After all, the pocket is on mom’s belly!

This is where the little one lives:

Resting, eating and drinking.

Even though the child doesn’t ask,

Mom carries the baby everywhere.


6. Walks in hot Africa,

The long neck surprises

It's tall, like a closet,

Yellow, with spots...

7.Lives in the desert

Doesn't drink for a long time

Handles the heat easily

It feeds on thorns.


8.A fat man lives in Africa

He has a huge mouth

In the heat he sits in the water all day,

Thinks only about food

He chews tons of grass.



Host: How well you guessed the riddles, you know all the animals. And now the jungle is calling us again!

3. It's hot in the jungle. The animals are tired. It wouldn't hurt to quench your thirst. And in order to get drunk, you need to overcome an obstacle course. You need to run along the benches.

Presenter: musical pause.

Dance "Little Red Riding Hood"

4. I see dangerous tunnels ahead. I wonder whose team will finish them faster.

5. This is a tasty task. You have to crawl to the table with bananas on all fours. But your hands are dirty. What to do? Yes, eating a banana without using your hands. The team that eats and returns faster wins.

6. Attention! There is a swamp ahead; it can only be passed over hummocks. Guys go ahead! The jungle is calling!

Host: Before announcing the winner, there is a musical pause.

You and I woke up early,

We're heading to kindergarten

There are toys, there are animals,

All the guys are expected.

We start the day with exercises,

Here we dance and sing.

And we don’t miss you at all -

We have fun together!

Song "Oh, how good life is in kindergarten"

Award ceremony.

Host: And now we have to sum up the results of our game.

Presenter: We congratulate the winners and thank everyone for participating in our game. And, in general, FRIENDSHIP won. Do you agree? ….

Song about "FRIENDSHIP"

Host: It's time for us to return home. But it is impossible for a plane to land in the jungle; we have gone too far. What to do?

Monkey: A Fairytale Bird lives with us, maybe she can help you?

The Fairytale Bird appears at the tempo of a waltz. (Adult)

Host: Dear Fairytale Bird, can you help us get home?

Bird: I was sitting on the top of a palm tree

And I watched your games,

I couldn’t leave you without gifts,

I brought balloons for the holiday.

The Bird, together with the Monkeys, distributes balloons to the children. To the sound of cheerful music, children with balloons spin, toss, admire and “fly away.”

Bird, Monkeys wave at them.

Physical activity itself is enjoyable. Moderate muscle load always improves well-being and lifts your mood. Physical activity is the best way to relax. Physical education holidays and leisure activities, with the correct selection of the elements included in them, can become an effective means of influencing a child’s personality. They promote the development of thinking, imagination, determination, as well as the formation of a sense of responsibility, teach them to restrain their desires and show determination.



Physical education holidays and leisure in kindergarten.

Physical activity itself is enjoyable. Moderate muscle load always improves well-being and lifts your mood. Physical activity is the best way to relax. Physical education holidays and leisure activities, with the correct selection of the elements included in them, can become an effective means of influencing a child’s personality. They promote the development of thinking, imagination, determination, as well as the formation of a sense of responsibility, teach them to restrain their desires and show determination. Physical education holidays and leisure allow the teacher, without reducing the general emotional state, to stimulate the activity of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics; take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of his actions; not to disappoint with unnecessary comments and criticism, but to give the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of joy from the movements performed by him and other children; rejoice in the success of another.

When spending leisure time, all children are introduced to direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. It is more natural to use those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered, to show a kind of artistry and aesthetics in movements. It is good when physical education holidays and leisure activities are accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s sense of beauty, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a musical work, and develops an ear for music and memory.

The purpose of such holidays is the active participation of the entire children's group, through which the motor preparedness of children and the ability to demonstrate physical qualities in unusual conditions and play situations are revealed. The program includes:

  1. physical exercise,
  2. games with elements of sports and outdoor games,
  3. sport exercises,
  4. games - relay races,
  5. entertaining quizzes and riddles.

Wide use of musical works and gaming techniques(construction script in story form)makes the holiday an emotionally vibrant, memorable event in a child’s life.

Physical education holidays have an effective influence on the formation
child's personality. Cooperative activity, achievement good results team, overcoming difficulties unites the team and evokes a sense of responsibility (individual and collective). Children learn to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, to be able to rejoice in their achievements, to maintain good, friendly friendships.relationships with each other, be considerate and caring towards younger people. They develop a desire to achieve not only high individual, but also team success. At the same time, respect for playing partners and the opposing team develops. The competitive nature of games and exercises at holidays (leisure) contributes to the development of purposefulness, perseverance and resourcefulness, courage, determination and other moral and volitional qualities. Participation in physical education holidays helps children to better understand the importance of systematic exercises in motor actions, achieving the desired results, and awakens interest in regular physical education classes.

Physical education holidays for school groups

Active motor activity of all children at a physical education festival is an important factor in its educational effectiveness. Children tend to have an emotional and motor perception of the competitions, relay races, and attractions that take place at the festival. They often react too violently to the victory and failure of their comrades, shouting very loudly and stomping their feet. Although the children’s desire to support the competitors is understandable. It is still important to be able to restrain yourself and express your feelings more moderately. Adults should not forget about this and strive to maintain reasonable organization and disciplined behavior of children during the holiday. At the same time, you should be sensitive to the manifestations of children, and not drown out their joy with frequent and unjustified remarks. The greatest benefits for the health and strengthening of children come from physical education events organized in the open air. During the holiday, it is necessary to ensure sufficiently high physical activity, subject to rational clothing for children. When holding physical education events indoors, you should be guided by these rules and avoid reducing the time children spend outdoors.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is to hold them in different seasons of the year. Taking this into account, they can take place in a variety of natural terrain conditions. The theme, structure, specifics, preparatory work and design largely depend on the specific location of the holiday. When drawing up the holiday program, determining the theme, selecting the content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specific climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the national traditions of the population of the republic, region, region, district.

It is advisable to highlight several sections in the program where the purpose and objectives of the holiday should be reflected (and on this basis all preparatory work should be carried out); the date and time of its holding, the expected duration, the location of the physical holiday and individual numbers of the program - parades of participants, mass performances, competitions in various types of games and exercises, competitions; identify those responsible for preparing and holding the holiday; indicate the number of participants, age groups of children who will take part in it; indicate which of the teachers and parents will be involved in the work, determine the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions (individual and collective), and encouraging the participants of the holiday.

For example, when drawing up a program for a physical holiday, which is supposed to be held under the motto “We are the future athletes,” it is advisable to indicate the following:

1. The purpose of the physical culture holiday is to promote the mass character of physical culture and sports.
2. Tasks:

  1. Developing children's interest in physical education, promoting creative expression of the physical and volitional conditions of competition.
  2. Fostering a sense of pride in the country's sporting achievements.
  3. Popularization of the importance of physical education among parents.

3. Place and time of the holiday (physical education playground of a preschool institution)

4. Management of the preparation of the holiday.

Composition of the commission: the staff of the preschool institution, including a doctor or nurse
5. Participants of the holiday. Composition: children, teachers, parents.

6. Encouragement of participants (awarding) is carried out according to the principle
"The important thing is not to win but to take part". Memorable badges and souvenirs are awarded to all children.
7. Preliminary work.

8. Distribution of responsibilities: preparation of attributes for games and exercises; production of emblems for teams, commemorative badges for awardees; development of the holiday script, its musical arrangement; children learning gymnastic exercises for performances in physical education classes, selecting and repeating songs and dances, ensuring safety of the festival venue.

9. Preparatory work of the teacher with children: regular mastery of gymnastic exercises during physical education classes and exercises, gymnastics; daily participation of children in outdoor and sports games, sports exercises provided for by the program; decoration of holiday venues. Conducting classes in fine arts on the topic “Sports in our lives”; Design of albums and stands reflecting children's performances at the festival.

10. Organization collaboration with parents: distribution of responsibilities with parents; creating a team from among the parents participating in the holiday, conducting consultations; preparing a place for organizing competitions and attractions, sportswear and costumes for performances, holiday surprises and posters; participation in artistic design, approval of the script and implementation of the holiday program; photographing children.

11. Preparation of a sports facility: creating conditions for children to perform, organizing games, competitions, attractions, and the work of the refereeing team; ensuring safety of equipment.

The given diagram of a physical education holiday is approximate; it should be specified for each holiday, taking into account the tasks and conditions in which it is planned to be held.
Scenario development:One of the most important sections of work in preparation for a physical education festival is the development of a script, which is entrusted to a commission from among the staff of the preschool institution: senior teacher, teacher of children's groups performing at the festival, music director. In the case when children from several preschool institutions unite at the holiday, teachers and music directors of these kindergartens take part in the work of the commission.
During the preparation of the group, the group of employees responsible for developing the script seeks the help of experienced and creative educators, parents, involves them in drawing up greetings, roll calls, competitions, writing poems, and consults with them on other numbers of the program.

The scenario of a physical education holiday is built on the basis of programmatic and methodological requirements for physical, hygienic, aesthetic, moral education preschool children. When developing a holiday script, you should take into account its main idea, the motto under which it takes place. So, for example, for holidays held under the motto “Sun, air and water are ours” best friends", "Health is strength", "We grow up healthy, strong, cheerful", the main objectives are to promote the importance of physical culture, hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, as the most important means of promoting health, hardening, improving body functions, and cultivating interest in children to physical exercise and games.
Games, relay races,
collective performances of children in which they demonstrate how strong, strong, and fast they have become. In literary and artistic material - poems, songs, team addresses to the team, etc. The meaning of morning exercises and fun outdoor games is revealed. It is appropriate to use poems, game images, plot situations that allow you to show in a humorous manner what a negative attitude towards hygiene, neglect of physical education, fear of fresh air, etc. leads to.
The content of the physical education festival largely depends on the season of the year and specific conditions, in which it is held. So, at a holiday in winter, it is possible to use physical exercises and games characteristic of winter conditions - sledding, skiing games and competitions, elements of hockey games, relay races on ice, in the snow, etc. Wide scope for selecting a variety of exercises and games opens up when holding physical education events in the summer outdoors. Under these conditions, it is possible to include in the content of the holiday mass performances by children that require large free space, relay games with running, jumping and running, throwing at a target and at a distance, balance exercises in different conditions, as well as tasks performed on bicycles and scooters, elements of sports games (basketball, badminton, football), fun rides.
When drawing up a scenario for a physical education holiday, no matter where
and under what conditions it is carried out, one should strive to ensure that it is
the content was varied, interesting, created the opportunity for the active participation of all groups of children, brought joy and pleasure not only to the children participating in the holiday, but also to the spectators, children and adults, guests invited to the holiday. When developing a scenario for a physical education holiday, it is necessary to adhere to certain material. The following example will help with this:holiday construction scheme:
1.Opening of the holiday, parade of participants.

The opening of the holiday usually begins with a ceremonial part, participants entering the hall or physical training ground, followed by formation, submission of a report, and greetings

head of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the holiday, a roll call is held and a common song is performed, in which the ideological orientation of the holiday is clearly expressed. The opening ends with the raising of the flag and a parade of participants.

After the ceremonial part - demonstration performances consisting of different compositions of general developmental exercises, which are performed by children in different formations - columns, two circles, squares, in a column or line, diagonally, with various objects: multi-colored flags, flowers, balls, hoops.
The performance of general developmental exercises by a group of children varies little
group or individual performances, in which children show their skills in different types of physical exercises (jumping rope, exercises with long ribbons, multi-colored balls and other objects). Physical education routines alternate with the performance of songs, dance routines, and the reading of poems. Guests invited to the holiday can also perform demonstration numbers: former kindergarten students, students sports schools, adult preschool employees, parents. Games with elements of competition, relay races, various games, types of sports exercises and sports games bring great excitement to the content of the holiday.
Along with small-group games, the festival also organizes mass games that are well known to all children. Entire groups of children, as well as guests and parents, take part in them. Particularly interesting for children are amusement games in which tasks are performed in unusual conditions.
Maintaining interest, creating a good, festive mood contributes to the inclusion of a “surprise moment” in the content of the holiday: the unexpected appearance of Winter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, cheerful buffoons, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Doctor Aibolit and other fairy-tale characters. Their communication with children and guests of the holiday, participation in games, dances, awarding the winners of relay races and competitions enlivens the holiday, attracts attention to what is happening, gives children a lot of fun and joy, and remains in the memory for a long time. In conclusion, the results of the holiday are summed up, awards are given, a general round dance, dancing, and a parade of participants are held.
Preparing children.

All preparatory work with children in groups should be carried out gradually.
The teacher systematically conducts with the children all the forms of work and types of physical education classes provided for by the program: certain types of physical exercises and games included in the content of the holiday are learned by the children gradually, in physical education classes, repeated in morning exercises, walks, by organizing active and sports activities. games. All this is done for the purpose of the physical development of children, improving their motor skills, and nurturing physical qualities. You should not teach your children specific games, exercises, or relay races that will be included in the holiday program. It is advisable to perform some of their elements, in the form of tasks, during classes, walks, but with other aids and in other conditions. Yes, in the process individual work conducted by the teacher, children practice various actions with the ball - hitting, dribbling, passing the ball, one of these actions will be included in the relay race during the holiday.
It is advisable to perform balance exercises in different conditions: on the ground, on a log, on a cube, or on a narrow rail. In the relay race, children easily cope with the task of running across the bridge. Preparations for a physical education festival should be carried out in such a way that there is no need for repeated mass rehearsals.

You should be especially careful when selecting musical works. Expressive, solemn music is selected for the opening of the holiday, and a vigorous march is selected for the parade. The musical accompaniment of various performances should correspond to their character: the performance of general developmental exercises is accompanied by rhythmic, smooth music, and attraction games are cheerful and cheerful. Music directors are instructed to select songs, dances, musical works, learn them if necessary, record individual musical fragments on a medium, and ensure timely broadcast of them during the holiday.
Holiday decoration.

The group responsible for the artistic design of the holiday venues (gym hall, sports ground, swimming pool, kindergarten territory) should strive to ensure that the entire environment evokes high spirits and joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. In the summer, garlands, balls, multi-colored flags, pictures, and posters with sports themes are hung in the kindergarten premises and on the site. The territory of the site is put in order in advance - green spaces are watered, paths are saturated with sand, aids and toys are beautifully placed on the site.
In winter, the area is decorated with snow figures of animals well known to children, fairy tale characters (hare, fox, bear, etc.), paths are cleared of snow, sliding paths are filled, snow structures are put in order (slides, shafts and labyrinths), ski track Children's performance areas in winter are decorated with flowers, flags, pieces of ice, streamers, and tinsel.

The responsibilities of the person responsible for the decoration include preparing announcements for parents and holiday posters.

Children, together with teachers and parents, take an active part in the festive decoration of the premises and territories of the kindergarten. During fine arts classes (drawing, appliqué), older preschoolers can make various crafts (flashlights, multi-colored flags, decorate emblems, badges) to decorate the physical education playground and gymnasium. Children assist the teacher in preparing manuals and physical education equipment, cleaning the area, making costumes for individual characters, and building snow buildings.

1. Judging.

Particular attention is paid to the training of judges. The panel of judges includes: the head, senior teacher, teachers of groups taking part in the holiday, parents who are interested in participating in the holiday. On the advice of the panel of judges, the requirements for performing various numbers of the holiday should be discussed, evaluation criteria should be determined taking into account the age characteristics of the participants in the holiday. As practice shows, the most correct way is to evaluate children’s achievements not by a point system, but by the quality of performance of various motor actions included in the holiday program, as well as the manifestation of the physical qualities of speed, dexterity, good coordination of movements and orientation in space. Members of the panel of judges must be attentive, friendly, and objective. When summing up and analyzing the results achieved in team competitions, games, and relay races, it is necessary to take into account the individual data and capabilities of each person, to note the diligence and honest compliance of the rules by children. It is important to take care of maintaining friendly relations in the team, to prevent cases of disrespect, hostile attitude towards a friend, and arrogance.

2. Holding a holiday.

On the day of the holiday, everything should be ready for it. Colorful design of places for performances, games, and competitions that corresponds to the theme of the holiday should evoke joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The entire staff of the preschool institution takes an active part in this.

3. Host of the holiday.

The host plays an important role during the celebration. They may be an experienced teacher, a senior teacher. The success of the holiday largely depends on the host. He must know well the script of the holiday, the sequence of speeches of all participants, be able to briefly and clearly explain tasks for teams and individual speakers, be active, resourceful, and quickly resolve unforeseen situations. The presenter must be well aware of the characteristics of preschool children, be able to distribute attention, and see children’s reactions to victory and defeat in games, relay races, and attractions. It is very important to cheer up a low-active child in a timely manner and involve him in the performance along with everyone else. Throughout the entire holiday, it is necessary to activate each participant as much as possible, including not leaving without attention the children present at the holiday as spectators, using a moment of humor for this. In the process of managing the course of the holiday, it is mandatory to maintain contacts between the presenter and the panel of judges and coordinated joint actions with it. The celebration must not be allowed to prolong too much. This can lead to overwork of children, loss of interest in what is happening and, as a consequence, violation of discipline. It is important that the actions at the festival change continuously, there should be no pauses between performances, or long periods of thinking over the judges’ scores. The holiday should create an upbeat mood, the maintenance of which depends on the host.

A good impression of the holiday is created at its organizational completion, summing up, and awarding the participants. It is necessary to think in advance about the form of rewarding children for doing exercises well, taking precedence in relay races, resourcefulness and dexterity demonstrated in attractions and fun games. It is important that there are no losers at the holiday, so that every child feels happy from participating in it. It is good if the winners are awarded, taking into account such mottos as “Everyone wins - no one loses”, “The main thing is not victory, but participation”, “Friendship wins”.

Awarding the winners and participants can be the most unexpected. So, in honor of the winners, a song or dance is performed, the participating children receive sweet prizes (they can also be awarded a variety of homemade medals). Children of primary preschool age present flowers to the winners. It is also necessary to note not only children, but also adults who took an active part in preparing and holding the holiday.
Children share their impressions of the holiday in conversations with adults and independently repeat individual exercises, games, and relay races.

Your favorite episodes of the holiday are reflected in drawings, modeling and appliqué. Adults should be attentive to the emotional experiences of children associated with the holiday, maintain an interested attitude towards physical education and sports, and do their best to encourage children to participate in healthy active recreation.

Physical education.

Physical education- one of the most effective forms of active recreation. Its content consists of physical exercises, which are carried out in the form of fun games, fun, and entertainment. Exercises performed with emotional upliftment have a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

During physical education, children’s motor skills are consolidated and motor qualities (speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, etc.) are developed.
Physical education leisure activities contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, friendship, mutual assistance, develop endurance and attention, dedication, courage, perseverance, discipline and organization.

Physical education is carried out in all age groups, starting with the second youngest (you can start with the 1st youngest group) once a month (at an early age 1 time. In the younger and middle groups for 20-30 minutes, in the older - 30-35 minutes, in preparatory school - 35-40 minutes. They are organized in the afternoon. During the holidays, as well as in the summer, physical education can be carried out in the first half of the day, after breakfast.

When planning leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account such forms of work as a “health day”, a physical education holiday, and vacations.Physical activity should not be carried out indays set aside for physical education. It is most convenient to spend leisure time with students of the same age group, especially in primary and secondary preschool age. However, it is permissible to combine two same-age and different-age groups.
The effectiveness of this form of work depends on the active participation of each child. Adults should not forget that preschoolers tend to violently express their emotions, especially during games and relay races of a competitive nature. We must not allow children to become overexcited, but at the same time we must be sensitive to their emotional manifestations and not drown out their joyful mood with frequent and unjustified remarks. For example, a teacher, feeling that the children are starting to get overexcited, raises his hand or blows a whistle, pauses, and the children also calm down. Then the teacher in a quiet voice suggests continuing the game.

Physical education can be organized on a sports ground, a kindergarten site, in the natural environment, as well as indoors. When determining the theme and content of leisure, one should also take into account climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. As already noted, physical education leisure does not require much organizational and preparatory work, however, the definition of its topics and the selection of content must be approached creatively. When conducting physical education in different age groups, the teacher faces certain tasks:

  1. in early preschool age, it is necessary to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich their vivid impressions.
  2. in middle preschool age, teach children to independently participate in competitive exercises, games, and entertainment. At the same time, encourage each child to demonstrate their capabilities.
  3. in older preschool age, develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, teach them to take initiative in a variety of activities.
    The structure of physical education leisure depends on the topic, assigned tasks and conditions.

Junior preschool age.

3. Outdoor game.
4. Surprise moment.

6. General group exercises in a variety of basic movements (walking and running on all fours, climbing a fallen tree).
7. Outdoor game.
8. Low mobility game.
Second option:

4. Outdoor game.

6. Awarding with souvenirs.
Third option:

inclined board).

5 Outdoor game.

Middle preschool age.

First option:

4. Round dance game.

Second option:

3. Outdoor game.
4. Competition between two teams.

Third option:

2. Outdoor game.

4. Outdoor game.
5. Sedentary play.
Fourth option:
1. Enter the hall accompanied by music.
2. Free movements to light rhythmic music.
3. Performing general developmental exercises.
4. A surprise moment (the appearance of a fairy-tale character).
5. Attractions: subgroups of 4-5 people participate.
6. Competition between two teams.
7. Rewarding all children.
8. Free dances to music.

Senior preschool age.
In older preschool age, in contrast to younger ones, physical education leisure is based on competitive games, relay races, where children are divided into teams and captains are chosen. Such games require dexterity, dexterity, and coordination of movements. They encourage children to creatively use their motor experience and to search for an independent solution to the problem.
Games and exercises should be alternated so that in some the participants are full teams, and in others - representatives from the teams. It is advisable to alternate physical exercises with objects and games of a competitive nature. Relay races with round dances and general group outdoor games. When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his capabilities, and motor readiness. It is important that all children participate in games and exercises.
Approximate scheme for constructing physical education leisure.
First option:
1. Greeting the teams.

3. Captains competition

5. Summing up.
Second option:

4. Relay race.
5. Sedentary play.
Third option:

3. Attractions.
4. Relay race.
5. Surprise moment.

To create a joyful mood in children. When conducting physical education, it is advisable to decorate the sports ground or premises. It doesn't take much time. The festivity is created by lanterns or flags placed around the site.
Physical education activities end with, if possible, a surprise moment: a treat or awarding with badges. To support children’s interest in physical education, you can talk with them about the past holiday, offer to draw what they liked most, and play games and attractions that aroused the greatest interest on subsequent walks.


1. Ermak A.A. Organization of physical education.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children.

3. V.N. Shebeko Features of the organization of physical education and health work in kindergarten

4. information site “Everything for kindergarten”.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 14 in Kirovsk"

“Organization and conduct of physical education events and leisure activities in kindergarten”

Compiled by:

Senior teacher MBDOU No. 14

Pokhodenko L.B.

G. Kirovsk –

year 2013

Memo for teachers

Physical education holidays in kindergarten are organized in accordance with program guidelines. Their number during the yearmiddle, high and preparatory to school groups - Twice a year. The frequency and duration (within 40 minutes) varies depending on the age of the children, the conditions of the event, the purpose and content of the holiday.
At the beginning of the year, physical education holidays are planned and their themes are outlined. At the same time, sometimes it is allowed to unite two or three groups of older preschoolers from two or three nearby kindergartens.

Drawing up a program for a physical education holiday.

Preparation for a physical holiday begins with drawing up a program.

It is advisable to highlight several sections in the program, which should reflect:

  1. the purpose and objectives of the holiday (and on this basis carry out all the preparatory work);
  2. date and time of its holding,
  3. expected duration,
  4. location of the physical holiday and individual program numbers
  5. parades of participants, mass performances, competitions in various types of games and exercises, competitions;
  6. identify those responsible for preparing and holding the holiday;
  7. indicate the number of participants, age groups of children who will take part in it;
  8. indicate which teachers and parents will be involved in the work,
  9. determine the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions (individual and collective),
  10. encouragement of holiday participants.

Holiday construction scheme:

1. Opening of the holiday, parade of participants.

2. Demonstration performances of groups, teams, combined gymnastic exercises.
3. The mass part of the holiday with the participation of all children and guests present in games and relay races.
4. End of the holiday, summing up, rewarding, closing of the holiday.

Preparing children.

  1. All preparatory work with children in groups should be carried out gradually.
  2. The teacher systematically conducts with the children all the forms of work and types of physical education classes provided for by the program: certain types of physical exercises and games included in the content of the holiday are learned by the children gradually, in physical education classes, repeated in morning exercises, walks, by organizing active and sports activities. games.
  3. You should not teach your children specific games, exercises, or relay races that will be included in the holiday program. It is advisable to perform some of their elements, in the form of tasks, during classes, walks, but with other aids and in other conditions.
  4. You should be especially careful when selecting musical works. Expressive, solemn music is selected for the opening of the holiday, and a vigorous march is selected for the parade. The musical accompaniment of different performances must correspond to their character.

Holiday decoration.

  1. The environment should evoke high spirits and joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The responsibilities of the person responsible for the decoration include preparing announcements for parents and holiday posters.
  2. Children, together with teachers and parents, take an active part in the festive decoration of the premises and territories of the kindergarten. During fine arts classes (drawing, appliqué), older preschoolers can make various crafts (flashlights, multi-colored flags, decorate emblems, badges) to decorate the physical education playground and gymnasium.
  3. Children assist the teacher in preparing manuals and physical education equipment, cleaning the area, making costumes for individual characters, and building snow buildings.

Methodology for conducting a physical education festival.

1 . Judging.

The panel of judges includes: the head, senior teacher, teachers of groups taking part in the holiday, parents who are interested in participating in the holiday. Members of the panel of judges must be attentive, friendly, and objective. When summing up and analyzing the results achieved in team competitions, games, and relay races, it is necessary to take into account the individual data and capabilities of each person, to note the diligence and honest compliance of the rules by children.

2. Holding a holiday.

Colorful design of places for performances, games, and competitions that corresponds to the theme of the holiday should evoke joyful anticipation of the holiday in children. The entire staff of the preschool institution takes an active part in this.

The holiday must begin exactly at the appointed time. It is important to create a good, calm environment and not allow disruption to the children’s routine.

3. Host of the holiday.

They may be an experienced teacher, a senior teacher. He must know well the script of the holiday, the sequence of speeches of all participants, be able to briefly and clearly explain tasks for teams and individual speakers, be active, resourceful, and quickly resolve unforeseen situations. The presenter must be well aware of the characteristics of preschool children, be able to distribute attention, and see children’s reactions to victory and defeat in games, relay races, and attractions. In the process of managing the course of the holiday, it is mandatory to maintain contacts between the presenter and the panel of judges and coordinated joint actions with it. The celebration must not be allowed to prolong too much.

4. Summing up and rewarding.

It is necessary to think in advance about the form of rewarding children for doing exercises well, taking precedence in relay races, resourcefulness and dexterity demonstrated in attractions and fun games.

Awards and signs of attention can be different: commemorative medals, pennants, badges, diplomas, emblems are used differently.

Awarding the winners and participants can be the most unexpected. So, in honor of the winners, a song or dance is performed, the participating children receive sweet prizes (they can also be awarded a variety of homemade medals).

Pedagogical requirements for the organization and conduct of physical education.

  1. Physical education is carried out in all age groups, starting with the second youngest (you can start with the 1st youngest group) once a month (at an early age, once every 2 months).
  2. In the junior and middle groups - 20-30 minutes, in the senior group - 30-35 minutes, in preparatory school - 35-40 minutes.
  3. They are organized in the afternoon. During the holidays, as well as in the summer, physical education can be carried out in the first half of the day, after breakfast.
  4. It is most convenient to spend leisure time with students of the same age group, especially in primary and secondary preschool age. However, it is permissible to combine two same-age and different-age groups.
  5. We must not allow children to become overexcited, but at the same time we must be sensitive to their emotional manifestations and not drown out their joyful mood with frequent and unjustified remarks. For example, a teacher, feeling that the children are starting to get overexcited, raises his hand or blows a whistle, pauses, and the children also calm down. Then the teacher in a quiet voice suggests continuing the game.
  1. When conducting physical education outdoors in different seasons of the year, children should be dressed appropriately.
  2. Physical education can be organized on a sports ground, a kindergarten site, in the natural environment, as well as indoors.
  3. When determining the theme and content of leisure, one should also take into account climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population.

The structure of physical education leisure depends on the topic, assigned tasks and conditions.

Approximate schemes for constructing physical education leisure.
Junior preschool age.
1. Inviting children to the sports ground.
2. Game tasks for the whole group (walk along the bridge, run like a snake between trees and bushes).
3. Outdoor game.
4. Surprise moment.
5. Performing general developmental exercises.
6. General group exercises in a variety of basic movements (walking and running on all fours, climbing a fallen tree).
7. Outdoor game.
8. Low mobility game.
Second option:
1. A surprise moment (the appearance of a literary hero).
2. Performing general developmental exercises with large objects (inflatable balls).
3. Game tasks for the whole group (jump to the bell, climb through the hoop.
4. Outdoor game.
5. General group game exercises (knock down the pin).
6. Awarding with souvenirs.
Third option:
1. Riddle, surprise moment.
2. General group exercise in basic movements (walking on a log,
inclined board).
3. Performing general developmental exercises with small objects (rattles).
4. General group exercises in various movements (jumping over a stream, jumping on one leg along a narrow path).
5 Outdoor game.
6. A calming moment (walking on your toes) or a sedentary game of “Who is Quieter.”
Middle preschool age.
Games with elements of competition should be gradually introduced into leisure activities - “Who can gallop to the horse the fastest”, “Who can fill the bucket with cones the fastest”, “Whose team can line up the fastest”, “Whose car will arrive in the garage the fastest”, etc. When compiling content, you should remember the active participation of each child in games and exercises.
First option:
1. A surprise moment (telegram, meeting with literary heroes).
2. Game task for the whole group

3. Game exercise for the whole group

4. Round dance game.
5. Competition between two teams (exercises in balance and throwing at a horizontal target, sled racing, etc.).
6. Awarding the winners and all participants in physical education.
Second option:
1. Invitation to the sports ground..
2. Performing general developmental exercises.
3. Outdoor game.
4. Competition between two teams.
5. Individual competitions.
6. Awards for all participants.
Third option:
1. A surprise moment, an invitation to the hall.
2. Outdoor game.
3. Attractions: individual and group.
4. Outdoor game.
5. Sedentary play.
Senior preschool age.
In older preschool age, in contrast to younger ones, physical education leisure is based on competitive games, relay races, where children are divided into teams and captains are chosen. Such games require dexterity, dexterity, and coordination of movements. They encourage children to creatively use their motor experience and to search for an independent solution to the problem. Games and exercises should be alternated so that in some the participants are full teams, and in others - representatives from the teams. It is advisable to alternate physical exercises with objects and games of a competitive nature. Relay races with round dances and general group outdoor games. When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his capabilities, and motor readiness. It is important that all children participate in games and exercises.

First option:
1. Greeting the teams.
2. Team competition (games with elements of competition or games of a competitive nature).
3. Captains competition
4. Demonstration performances of teams (general developmental exercises with small objects).
5. Summing up.
Second option:
1. A surprise moment (a letter with an invitation to a sports ground, field, hall)
2. Demonstration performances (exercises with flowers, snowflakes, leaves).
3. Group outdoor game.
4. Relay race.
5. Sedentary play.

Third option:
1.Dance exercises, round dance.
2. General group outdoor game.
3. Attractions.
4. Relay race.
5. Surprise moment.