What is the hCG hormone in the third week? HCG levels by day from conception

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific protein hormone that is produced by the membranes of a growing embryo throughout pregnancy.

The hormone helps the pregnancy proceed properly. It has already been studied to the extent that the optimal hCG norms for weeks of pregnancy have been determined.

This makes it possible to quickly identify all violations during pregnancy.

HCG is the international abbreviation for human chorionic gonadotropin.

This protein substance is a hormone that, within the physiological norm, is produced in significant concentrations only by the tissues of the embryo.

During the synthesis of hCG at short stages of pregnancy, the main role is played by the chorion.

For reference!

The chorion is the embryonic membrane that is responsible for providing the embryo with nutrients.

The biologically active protein compound produced by the organ circulates through the bloodstream constantly, changing its own parameters according to timing.

This explains the fact that, according to the results, it is possible to determine the exact duration of pregnancy using hCG (hCG concentrations should increase during pregnancy by day).

The chemical structure of the enzyme consists of 2 complex chains of amino acids - alpha, which is similar to the pituitary hormones responsible for regulating the synthesis of estrogen and beta.

Beta is a certain specific list of amino acids that makes it different from all other biologically active compounds in the body.

The hCG level plays a significant role not only during gestation.

However, due to this enzyme, correction and regulation of all hormonal processes in the female body occurs during pregnancy.

This is due to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy, the pituitary gland becomes unable to fully correct the hormonal ratio.

The functions of almost all pituitary hormones are transferred to hCG.

In this case, hCG begins to be responsible for the following processes in the female body:

  1. Responsible for the pregnancy to proceed normally.
  2. Is being adjusted an indicator of the concentration of estrogen in the blood in accordance with the needs of the body.
  3. Prevents elimination of the corpus luteum by the body.
  4. Minimizes aggressiveness of maternal immunity towards embryonic cells.
  5. The corpus luteum is stimulated to produce progesterone didn't stop And corresponded necessary indicators (not earlier than the moment until this function is transferred to the placenta).
  6. Provokes characteristic anatomical and physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
  7. Participates during sexual determination in male embryos.

When hCG indicator During pregnancy, the process of synthesis of this hormone changes sharply and is interrupted, the embryo ceases to receive what it needs for further progress in development and further pregnancy becomes impossible.

Preparations with synthetic hCG are used as an ovulation-stimulating agent when preparing a woman for the IVF procedure. These IM injections stimulate ovulation (with hormone injections in the middle of the cycle).

Almost 14% of women are diagnosed with low hCG.

To solve this problem and preserve the life of the fetus, IM injections of a synthetic hormone are prescribed.

When is it necessary to take an hCG test?

Each study has a specific list of instructions that regulate the need to undergo it.

There are also some criteria according to which the information content of the analysis is calculated in each individual situation.

A blood test for hCG is considered appropriate for the following conditions of the body:

  1. Delayed onset of menstrual bleeding, otherwise amenorrhea of ​​any etiology.
  2. Detection of the fact of successful conception at any time, starting from 6-7 days after fertilization.
  3. Diagnosis of pregnancy – multiple pregnancy, ectopic, ectopic or there is a threat of termination.
  4. If you suspect an incomplete medical abortion.
  5. Monitoring the progress of pregnancy - the dynamics of changes, which shows how the hCG level increases. A blood test for hCG is required for all pregnant women at 12-18 weeks.
  6. Detection of defects in embryo formation

Blood test for hCG is one of best methods detection of malignant tumor processes developing on the basis of embryonic cells - hydatidiform mole, chorionepithelioma.


Men may need to take a blood test for hCG if they suspect testicular tumors.

Similar malignant tumors may affect the gastrointestinal tract and ovaries.

Test technique and preparation for it

Detection of hCG concentrations is a rather complex analysis.

In addition, when determining the indicators of this hormone, errors are unacceptable - depending on what the result of hCG is, further actions of doctors will be calculated.

If it is necessary to undergo this test, especially when it comes to hCG analysis during pregnancy, every little detail must be taken into account at each stage of the procedure. There are only three of them:

  • preparatory stage;
  • blood sampling;
  • material research.

Each of the stages is important, since without proper preparation the hormone concentrations may be distorted - a low level of hCG during pregnancy will be diagnosed or it will be overestimated.

Therefore, before donating blood for hCG during pregnancy, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Last meal lit not later, than 8 - 12 hours before the blood test.
  2. Alcohol-containing drinks must be are strictly excluded, as well as smoking (this is also facilitated by the fact of pregnancy).
  3. Excessive exercise stops not later, than 5 days before the test.
  4. Required avoid stress factors on the day of analysis and 7 days before it.

In order to determine beta-hCG, blood plasma is required. It is obtained by taking blood from one of the peripheral veins.

The material must be promptly placed in a centrifuge where the blood cells are separated from the plasma.

Other measures to determine whether hCG is normal during pregnancy or whether there are deviations are carried out using specific reagents.

The test is performed from the 6th day of the delay, only when the hCG analysis shows pregnancy quite accurately. Since hCG increases by day, the more days have passed since the fact of fertilization, the higher the information content, i.e. The hCG rate is directly proportional to the duration of pregnancy.

When the reference value does not correspond to the results obtained, the hCG is below normal or too high, the analysis is repeated after several days.

The results are decrypted only a specialist. Also, depending on the laboratory, the measurement measures and reference concentrations may differ.

It is necessary to clarify these points with a specialist separately. The answer from the laboratory usually comes after 1 day.

In addition to the fact that hCG concentrations can be determined by blood plasma, it can also be determined by examining amniotic fluid and urine.


According to the timing of pregnancy, the reference hormone indicator changes. To simplify the situation, a table of hCG by week of pregnancy was compiled.

When an elevated level of hCG (more than 5 mU/ml) is detected in the blood outside of pregnancy or in men, this indicates some kind of pathological process.

There are several tables of hCG norms during pregnancy by week, since the hCG level in a multiple pregnancy will differ from the usual one.

In a normal pregnancy, the hCG table looks like this:

Duration in weeks Content in blood, mIU/ml
from 1 to 2 25 – 156
from 2 to 3 101 – 4870
from 3 to 4 1110 – 31500
from 4 to 5 2560 – 82300
from 5 to 6 23100 – 151000
from 6 to 7 27300 – 233000
from 7 to 11 20900 – 291000
from 11 to 16 6140 – 103000
from 16 to 21 4720 – 80100
from 21 to 39 2700 – 78100

A woman should start to worry when there is an increased hCG during pregnancy. She should immediately consult a doctor and find out what to do next.

Reasons for increasing hCG

The main thing you should pay attention to is the reasons for the increase in hormone levels, and whether the jump in levels is associated with pregnancy.

But when, during a previously detected pregnancy, hCG levels are higher than physiological norms, this can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Multiple pregnancy can increase concentrations. HCG volumes depend on the number of embryos.
  2. The rate may increase due to toxicosis of varying severity.
  3. When diabetes mellitus occurs.
  4. For reasons of genetic disorders or pathologies of intrauterine formation and fetal progress.
  5. Incorrectly defined period.

Not all of these conditions are dangerous and require treatment.

However, this does not apply to underestimated hCG levels during pregnancy.

Reasons for decreased hCG

The woman is out of condition pregnancy hCG may have an extremely low rate and this is not considered a pathology.

However, reduced hCG levels relative to the norm over the weeks during pregnancy are a problem.

The following factors can contribute to a “fall” in hormone concentrations in the blood during pregnancy:

  1. Non-developing or frozen pregnancy.
  2. Pregnancy of any location outside the uterine cavity (ectopic).
  3. Possibility of spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
  4. Delays in intrauterine embryo formation and its progress.
  5. Post-term pregnancy.
  6. Premature aging of the child's place or fetoplacental insufficiency.
  7. Late fetal death.

Each of these conditions poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

For this reason, a woman needs to seek medical help and undergo the treatment prescribed to her, following all the specialist’s recommendations.

It may turn out that such a result is just a random error. In order to exclude the possibility of unreliable test results, the woman needs to undergo the test again after 2 - 3 days.

Determining an underestimated hCG level after undergoing an IVF procedure always requires treatment, since this indicates an extremely high probability of spontaneous interruption of the process of gestation after artificial insemination.

Ectopic pregnancy and hCG

When a fertilized egg is implanted not inside the uterus, but in any other place.

Often the egg is implanted in the fallopian tubes, and in rarer cases, in the ovaries and cervix.

This condition is life-threatening.

Provided the female body is in normal health, it can be interrupted spontaneously.

However, complications are possible in the form of internal bleeding, which is extremely difficult to stop.

However, if you consult a gynecologist in a timely manner, similar condition easily detected. The tactics of doctors in this situation have already been worked out.

To establish ectopic pregnancy, two studies are used - ultrasound and blood testing for the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin. The most informative in the early stages is the hCG test.

This is explained by the fact that the concentrations indicated during ectopic pregnancy increase slowly and do not correspond to the reference values ​​in the tables.

This is necessary in order to detect a fertilized egg and establish the place of its attachment - in the uterine cavity or outside it.

Determining the location of the fertilized egg becomes possible when hormone concentrations reach 1000 IU/l.

When hCG has reached the required level, and the fertilized egg was not detected in the uterine cavity, it is urgent to determine the location of the embryo. For this, laparoscopic surgery is performed.

An ectopic pregnancy may have some symptoms, which, however, cannot be considered the main factor confirming the disrupted course of implantation of the fertilized egg.

These signs may include the following:

  1. Acute pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation does not start on time.
  2. Pain that manifests itself during sexual intercourse or during vaginal examination.
  3. Sometimes bloody spotting from the genital tract may be present.
  4. A woman may experience serious general malaise, including pre-fainting and fainting states.

These manifestations should prompt a visit to the gynecologist as soon as possible to undergo an hCG test, ultrasound examination and determine the causes of the condition.

Frozen pregnancy and hCG

Sometimes, after pregnancy has been confirmed, all signs of this condition disappear or don't come at all.

This indicates the death of the embryo. However, spontaneous rejection does not occur for some reason.

In this case, there is no increase in blood hCG concentrations, since during a frozen pregnancy this biologically active compound is not produced.

If there is no increase in hCG and a gradual decrease in this indicator, an ultrasound examination is required.

Using the ultrasound method, the absence of a heartbeat in the embryo or an empty fertilized egg is diagnosed.

Factors that can lead to missed abortion are the following:

  1. In cases of frozen pregnancy up to 10 weeks. The cause may be chromosomal abnormalities.
  2. Anatomical abnormalities of the uterus.
  3. Infectious diseases of the mother, most of them, lead to missed abortion due to chronic endometritis.
  4. Frozen pregnancy can occur due to blood clotting disorders, that is, due to thrombophilia.

When intrauterine embryo death occurs, but spontaneous abortion does not occur, medical intervention is required. In this case, an abortion is performed.

It can be produced by several methods, depending on the timing of pregnancy.

In the earliest stages, it is possible to do without direct surgical intervention - the so-called medical abortion.

When pregnancy miscarriage occurs more than once, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the body and identify the cause. The examination should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by her regular sexual partner (the reason for freezing may lie in the man’s health problems).

An hCG test is one of the main studies during pregnancy, as it can show all the main disturbances in the normal course of the gestation process.

Its passage is a mandatory measure, since hCG concentrations indicate not only pregnancy disorders, but also possible anomalies during fetal development.

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes various tests that help determine the normal development of the fetus, identify possible violations of this complex physiological process and, if possible, eliminate them in a timely manner. So, to determine the value of hCG, which can detect dysfunction of the placenta, ectopic or frozen pregnancy and many other abnormalities, a woman donates blood (for a more accurate result) or urine (this is a less accurate analysis). What hCG values ​​are considered normal, as well as what a decrease and increase in this indicator indicates, will be described in detail below.

Normal hCG level for each week of pregnancy

The level of this indicator allows you to judge the normal course of pregnancy and identify deviations, so you should familiarize yourself with its norms at each gestational age.

  • In most normal pregnancies, hCG concentrations below 1200 double every 48-72 hours
Days since the first day of the last menstruation Weeks from day one last menstrual period Events Average hCG value, honey/ml HCG norm, value in honey/ml
26 3 weeks +5 days 25 0-50
27 3H +6D 50 25-100
28 4N +0D delay of menstruation 75 50-100
29 4H +1D 150 100-200
30 4N +2D 300 200-400
31 4H +3D 700 400-1,000
32 4N +4D 1,710 1050-2,800
33 4N +5D 2,320 1,440-3,760
34 4N +6D 3,100 1,940-4,980
35 5N +0D 4,090 2,580-6,530
36 5N +1D 5,340 3,400-8,450
37 5N +2D 6,880 4,420-10,810
38 5N +3D yolk sac 8,770 5,680-13,660
39 5N +4D yolk sac 11,040 7,220-17,050
40 5N +5D yolk sac 13,730 9,050-21,040
41 5N +6D yolk sac 15,300 10,140-23,340
42 6H heartbeat 16,870 11,230-25,640
43 6N +1D heartbeat 20,480 13,750-30,880
44 6N +2D embryo visible 24,560 16,650-36,750
45 6N +3D embryo visible 29,110 19,910-43,220
46 6N +4D embryo visible 34,100 25,530-50,210
47 6N +5D embryo visible 39,460 27,470-57,640
48 6N +6D embryo visible 45,120 31,700-65,380
49 7N 50,970 36,130-73,280
50 7N +1D 56,900 40,700-81,150
51 7N +2D 62,760 45,300-88,790
52 7N +3D 68,390 49,810-95,990
53 7N +4D 73,640 54,120-102,540
54 7N +5D 78,350 58,200-108,230
55 7N +6D 82,370 61,640-112,870
56 8H 85,560 64,600-116,310
9-12 weeks 25,700-288,000
13-16 weeks 13,300-254,000
17-24 weeks 4,060-165,400
25-40 weeks 3,640-117,000

An hCG level less than 5 is considered negative, and all levels above 25 are considered positive. If your analysis showed a value in the range of 5-25 mU/ml, then it needs to be repeated after a few days.

At 10-11 and 14-15 weeks of pregnancy, double and triple screening tests are performed, respectively. They contain hCG as a component and help to identify anomalies and disorders in the development of the fetus.

What is hCG?

Already on the 7th day after fertilization, the cells of the future placenta begin to produce a hormone that protects the baby from the “aggressive” influence of the body of the woman who is the mother. This is human chorionic gonadotropin. It can be detected as early as 11 days after conception using a blood test and 12-14 days using a pregnancy test.

Human chorionic gonadotropin has an effect similar to stress resistance hormones - corticosteroids. It is this that helps a woman endure the stress of the body that is associated with pregnancy, plus it weakens her immunity, thanks to which it prevents the latter from rejecting the developing embryo.

Decrease and increase in hCG levels

It should be understood that no diagnosis can be made based solely on the value of this hormone. For its correctness, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound and determine the b hCG norm again.

However, a decrease in the latter relative to the norm may indicate the following things:

  • threat of spontaneous miscarriage or empty fertilized egg,
  • incorrectly determined gestational age,
  • frozen or
  • delay in fetal development,
  • dysfunction of the placenta.

The increase may be due to

  • the use of synthetic hormones by the expectant mother,
  • some of her diseases and ailments (late toxicosis, diabetes mellitus),
  • hereditary diseases of the fetus or malformations,
  • multiple pregnancy,
  • incorrect gestational age.


The level of hCG during pregnancy may not fit into accepted norms; it may be increased or decreased. There may be several reasons for the increase in hCG levels: from multiple pregnancy to fetal developmental defects.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is an important indicator of the presence of pregnancy and its well-being. This hormone, produced by the chorion, is involved in the regulation of a woman’s hormonal levels and creates conditions for the development of the fetus, therefore an analysis of hCG during pregnancy is highly desirable, and this indicator can be studied several times.

Ideally, the appointment and interpretation of hCG results during pregnancy should be done by an obstetrician-gynecologist to whom you have entrusted your health. However, your awareness on this issue will not be out of place - it is always better when you understand the meaning of what is being done, in addition, in many situations this can prevent trouble or simply calm the nerves, which is very important for a pregnant woman. In any case, remember that in the human body the concept of a norm is always conditional, besides, different laboratories can use different methods and focus on different norms, so do not panic prematurely and Discuss any suspicions with your doctor. Even if you know what is a normal hCG level during pregnancy, do not make your own decisions - there is too much at stake.

How does hCG change during pregnancy?

HCG levels change nonlinearly during pregnancy. During the first 1-1.5 months of gestation, the increase in this indicator is quite sharp - every two days the hCG level doubles. The peak concentration of hCG is in the range of 50,000-200,000 mIU/ml, subsequently decreasing slightly to 20,000 mIU/ml - it remains approximately at this level in the second trimester. In the third trimester, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin increases slightly again, but its increase is not as significant as at the very beginning of pregnancy.

When trying to determine what hCG is during pregnancy and how it changes over time, always pay attention to the starting point. Some hCG tables during pregnancy take into account obstetric dates calculated from the date of the last menstruation, others are based on the dates from the expected conception (ovulation). This explains the frequent confusion in determining the norms: a woman may panic, worried about the insufficient concentration of hCG, while the reason is simply a different calculation of the period.

What are the indications for testing hCG levels?

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy.

If you want to establish the fact of pregnancy at the earliest stages, the hCG analysis is a more accurate method compared to a home test. The well-known strips for determining pregnancy are based on the same hCG, but the medium for the home test is urine, the concentration of hCG in which is significantly lower than its content in the blood, which explains the lower sensitivity.

  1. Violation of placental function.

Pathological pregnancy, in which malnutrition in the uterine-fetal system becomes the leading factor, is another important indication for hCG analysis.

  1. Diagnostics and monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment for certain diseases.

HCG levels during pregnancy become an important sign for determining pathological processes such as, for example, hydatidiform mole and chorionepithelioma. These conditions are rare and their treatment is a complex process, so we will not discuss these conditions in detail.

How to take an hCG test correctly?

  1. You should not take the test earlier than 10-14 days after expected ovulation (conception).
  2. Blood is taken from a vein.
  3. should be taken on an empty stomach, so it is recommended to do it in the morning and not eat fatty foods the night before. In a situation where it is not possible to take the test in the morning, to ensure the reliability of the results, you should wait 4, or better yet, 6 hours after eating, and only then donate blood. In the second case, before the study it is also recommended to avoid eating fatty foods.
  4. On the eve of the study it is better to limit physical exercise.
  5. If you are taking any hormonal medications, you should tell your doctor about this: in some cases, this may significantly affect the interpretation of the results.
  6. If the level of hCG during pregnancy is examined for emergency reasons (for example, a frozen pregnancy), the analysis is taken regardless of food intake - in case of severe pathology of pregnancy, this indicator changes significantly and the result will be obvious in any case.

HCG level: interpretation of results

When diagnosing a pathological pregnancy, a deviation from the norm is considered to be an hCG indicator during pregnancy that differs from the accepted norm by more than 20%, however, in each specific situation, the doctor can interpret the results obtained differently.

In a situation where the level of hCG during pregnancy is measured for early diagnosis, the criteria are different. It is not enough for the hormone level to exceed the normal level by 20%. For a non-pregnant woman, hCG up to 5 mIU/ml is considered normal, but even its fivefold increase is not yet considered reliable evidence of pregnancy. If the value does not exceed 25 mIU/ml, then the result is considered doubtful and the study is repeated after 1-2-3 days.

Changes in hCG levels during pregnancy: possible causes

The norm of hCG during pregnancy is a relative concept, however, in most cases, to determine the pathological course of pregnancy, this indicator can be used as a guide. The hCG value during pregnancy may increase or decrease. Let's consider both options.

When can hCG be elevated during pregnancy?

  1. Incorrect calculation of deadlines. The growth of hCG during early pregnancy is very intense, so a deviation of 5-7 days can already be noticeable.
  2. Multiple pregnancy. The norm of hCG during pregnancy with two or more fetuses differs significantly from the usual indicators, and the more babies settle in the mother’s stomach, the higher the hCG will be and, accordingly, its increase at first will be more intense.
  3. Prolonged pregnancy. This concept differs from the concept of post-term pregnancy by an increase in gestational age not due to any pathology, but for individual reasons. During a prolonged pregnancy, a child is born healthy, without signs of postmaturity.
  4. . It has been observed that women with symptoms of early toxicosis experience a moderate increase in hCG levels during pregnancy. Experts suggest that toxicosis is not the cause of the increase in hCG, but, on the contrary, the characteristic symptoms of toxicosis are the result of an intensive increase in the level of this hormone.
  5. Down's disease in a child. The cause of the pathological increase in hCG during pregnancy with trisomy 21 (Down's disease) is not clear, but an increase in this hormone in combination with the determination of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and ultrasound signs is currently considered a method for prenatal detection of Down syndrome.
  6. Taking synthetic gestagen drugs.
  7. Diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman.

When can hCG be lowered during pregnancy?

A decrease in the level of hCG can be caused either by its insufficient growth, or by the extinction or lack of increase in its production.

  1. Incorrect determination of the gestational age, which often occurs with an irregular menstrual cycle, when the date of ovulation is sometimes difficult to even guess.
  2. Threat of interruption. With this pathology, hCG results during pregnancy are lower than normal by 50% or more.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Non-developing (frozen) pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death. In both the first and second cases, we are talking about the cessation of the vital activity of the fetus - only the timing differs. A decrease in the level below those indicated in the hCG table during pregnancy, along with ultrasound diagnostics, is an important sign of fetal death.
  5. Post-term pregnancy. A decrease in hCG during postmaturity is associated with a decline in chorion function.
  6. Chronic placental insufficiency. Diagnosis of blood supply disorders in the mother-fetus system is largely based on the hCG level, but is not the only criterion for making a diagnosis and determining the severity of the disease.

Remember also that a low hCG level during early diagnosis of pregnancy may be associated with premature testing. IN in this case you need to repeat the analysis a little later.

Now you know how hCG increases during pregnancy and you will be more conscious of the studies that your doctor recommends. If you have doubts about your hCG level, be sure to visit your doctor - this can save you from trouble.

Questions for the article

Weak second line. HCG 01/06/17 - 245. 01/09/17-534. 01/12/17- 796. Is this normal?...

The cycle was delayed, I went to take hCG. Results: 12/22/16 - 82, 12/24/16 -...

Short term (last period was December 2, 2016) I immediately sent...

10/22/2016. Please tell me....

(this is the 26th day from conception 21-23.09.) was 1080, 26.10. I passed the hCG test and it was 18,000...

Is there even a small chance that B. is normal? Expectation...

Many women are familiar with the situation when, when taking the necessary tests to confirm pregnancy, you receive a result encrypted in incomprehensible combinations of numbers and letters. Only doctors can draw a reliable conclusion based on the results of these tests and give a more or less acceptable and understandable answer to the woman - whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

What is hCG?

The abbreviation “hCG” refers to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. This hormone will begin to be released by the tissues of the embryo (or rather, the chorion), immediately after it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and a similar process occurs already on the fourth day after fertilization.

Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, hCG will control the production of hormones in the ovaries, since these hormones determine the normal development of pregnancy - these are progesterone, estradiol and estriol. Human chorionic gonadotropin will reach its highest level in the blood at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. Further, by the end of the first trimester, when the placenta itself begins to produce hormones, the hCG level will decrease and remain at the achieved level during the second trimester.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy takes advantage of the fact that on days 7-10 after fertilization, a significant increase in the concentration of hCG in a woman’s blood begins. This hormone can be determined in the urine of a pregnant woman unchanged, which is why pregnancy test strips require immersion in urine. It is also worth noting that for the sake of reliability, the test should be carried out no earlier than 14 days after conception or expected fertilization (in case the expected period is delayed by three days or more). You should also know that it is preferable to use the first morning urine, since the highest hCG content is retained in the morning collection. And if menstruation is delayed by 7 days or longer, it is not necessary to wait until the morning to perform the test.

It is also noteworthy that when pregnancy occurs, male embryos, which produce human chorionic gonadotropin even before the formation of the placenta, direct a small part of this hormone to create their own genital organs. For expectant mothers, it is also important to remember that an increase in the level of hCG hormone in the body contributes to the intense production of corticosteroids that suppress the immune system. This happens because the body tries in every possible way to reject the embryo, and production dulls such a pronounced reaction of the body. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid contact with sick people, especially if the pregnancy was planned and the woman expects fertilization.

Human chorionic gonadotropin will also have a positive effect on the placenta. This hormone helps to increase the number of chorionic villi, which are extremely necessary for the development of the unborn child. Villi perform several functions: protective– antibodies from the mother’s body penetrate through these villi to the baby, which forms his immunity; gas exchange function– chorionic villi are thin capillaries that supply the fetus with the necessary oxygen and remove carbon dioxide; trophic– it involves access to the baby of water, vitamins and minerals through the placenta; hormonal function– enables the placenta to produce a huge amount of hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

In addition, experts tend to believe that human chorionic gonadotropin is also able to regulate the functioning of the adrenal glands; the hormone forces them to increase the production of glucocorticoids, which have an anti-stress and anti-shock effect. This allows the pregnant woman’s body to adjust and adapt to the stresses that inevitably arise in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Also, to determine pregnancy in the early stages, you can donate blood after 7 days of delay in the current menstrual cycle. In order to identify fetal pathologies in pregnant women, blood should be tested from 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy; other markers (AFP, free estriol) will also be needed.

The structure of hCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is divided into two subunits - α (alpha) and β (beta). The alpha unit has the same structure as the alpha component TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), FSH, (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), while the beta unit (b-hCG) is unique. For this reason, the content of this hormone in the blood or urine is determined precisely by the beta component (b-hCG).

Indications for analysis

For women, indications for testing the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood are suspicions of ectopic pregnancy, assessment of the results of an artificial abortion, determination of fertilization on early, absence of menstruation, diagnosis of fetal defects, threats of miscarriage, suspicion of non-developing pregnancy, suspicion of malignant neoplasms, monitoring the course of pregnancy. For men - diagnosing a testicular tumor.

HCG levels during pregnancy

During the first week of pregnancy, your hCG levels will double every 2-3 days. An intensive increase of 60% in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in two days is also considered normal. Once the level of 1200 mU/ml is reached, hCG will double every 3-4 days. After 6000 mU/ml, doubling will occur every 4 days. Increasing the duration of pregnancy will invariably lead to an increase in the level of hCG: up to 1200 - from 30 to 72 hours, 1200-6000 - from 72 to 96 hours, more than 6000 - more than 96 hours.

In a fertilized egg, the outer membrane (chorion) will begin to actively produce gonadotropin, its content will increase at a fairly high rate: in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the hCG content will double every 2 days. At 7-10 weeks, this indicator will reach its peak, and then begin to gradually decrease, without showing significant changes in the 2nd half of the gestation period. For this reason, the rate of hCG growth during pregnancy allows doctors to judge whether it is normal or lagging. Already at 14-18 weeks, analysis of hCG levels can indicate the development of pathologies. Therefore, re-prescribing this test will serve as reinsurance for the doctor and you should not be afraid of this.

In the case of multiple pregnancies, the level of this hormone will increase somewhat more rapidly - proportionality is maintained in accordance with the number of fetuses. Reaching deadline 8-9 obstetric weeks pregnancy or 6-7 weeks from conception, will indicate a cessation of hCG growth, a gradual slow decrease is observed. A reduced concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin may be due to late onset of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or threatened miscarriage.

HCG norm by week of pregnancy

It is important to remember that the following indicators are not absolute norms, since hCG levels may differ slightly from normal even in completely healthy women. The main thing here is not the level of hCG in the blood, but the dynamics of its growth throughout pregnancy.

Week 3: 5 – 51 mIU/ml;

Week 4: 5 – 425 mIU/ml;

Week 5: 18 - 7.345 mIU/ml;

Week 6: 1.080 - 56.600 mIU/ml;

7-8 weeks: 7, 660 - 228,000 mIU/ml;

9-12 weeks: 25,600 - 289,000 mIU/ml;

13-16 weeks: 13,400 - 253,000 mIU/ml;

17-24 weeks: 4,070 - 165,500 mIU/ml;

25-before delivery: 3,650 - 118,000 mIU/ml.

Deviations from the norm of hCG during pregnancy

Still, there are cases when hCG analysis during pregnancy shows some deviation from the norm in one direction or the other. Of course, this cannot be considered a good sign; an increased or decreased indicator should always be alarming, since this indicates some problems or complications in the woman’s body. The main thing here is to accurately identify the gestational age, because otherwise comparisons with the norm will lose all meaning.

An excessively high level of human chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy is, at best, an indicator of a multiple pregnancy. With such a pregnancy, the level of the hormone will increase according to the number of embryos.

In addition, the level of hCG exceeds the norm in the case of toxicosis, gestosis, fetal development abnormalities, and postterm pregnancy. The hCG level may also be higher than normal if the pregnant woman has diabetes or is taking synthetic gestagens.

Determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is present as part of the so-called triple test - this is a study performed on all pregnant women without exception and allows us to identify the presence of possible anomalies in the development of the fetus before its birth. However, it is important to remember that this research method does not allow making an accurate diagnosis. With its help, you can only identify pregnant women who are at risk, and for whom it makes sense to undergo additional serious examination.

Factors affecting hCG levels

An increase in the level of this hormone in the absence of pregnancy is possible in the case of taking certain hormonal drugs, hydatidiform mole, residual presence of the hormone from a previous pregnancy after an abortion, tumors of the testicles or ovaries, lungs, kidneys, uterus, chorionic carcinoma, relapse of hydatidiform mole and other things.

An increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin during confirmed pregnancy is possible in cases diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman, discrepancy between the actual and expected terms of pregnancy, multiple prolonged pregnancy, early toxicosis, gestosis, chromosomal pathology of the fetus.

A decrease in hCG levels during pregnancy indicates an inappropriate gestational age or an extremely slow increase or no increase in concentration. And a progressive decrease in the level, when the indicator is 50% less than the norm, is possible in the event of a threat of miscarriage, non-developing pregnancy, discrepancy between the real and expected gestational age (probably due to irregular menstrual cycle), chronic placental insufficiency, ectopic pregnancy, post-term pregnancy, intrauterine death fetus (2-3 trimester).

Accuracy of hCG analysis in determining pregnancy

Almost any laboratory tests can be wrong, including the determination of hCG levels. Laboratory testing errors fall into two categories: false positives and false negatives.

False positive response

The main flaw of the study lies in its inaccuracy. Today, experts claim 80% of false positive results, while the official version speaks of 5%. A false positive response is evidence that the analysis revealed high level HCG in a non-pregnant woman.

TO possible reasons false positive result the analysis should include the reaction of the test to substances in the blood of the woman being examined that are similar in nature to the hCG hormone; the production of human chorionic gonadotropin by the pituitary gland of the subject, taking medications with sufficient content of this hormone, tumors that produce this hormone. Also, a false result is possible due to incorrect determination of the gestational age, deviations in the age and weight of the pregnant woman, and diabetes.

In the event that the analysis revealed a high level of hCG, and the ultrasound examination did not determine the presence of pregnancy, the gynecologist will prescribe an additional examination that can determine probable cause elevated hCG levels.

False negative

A false negative response is evidence that the analysis determined an unreliably low level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a pregnant woman. The main reason for a false negative test result is when the test is performed too early.

Frozen pregnancy and hCG

Perhaps the level of human chorionic gonadotropin fell due to a missed abortion. A frozen or regressed pregnancy is one in which the fetus dies inside the womb for some reason. The hormone will stop being produced and, accordingly, the analysis will show a decrease in the content of the hCG hormone. In most cases, if a frozen pregnancy is suspected, the doctor conducts studies over time, in other words, tests will need to be taken several times, then the doctor will be able to clearly determine the specifics of changes in the hormone content in the blood.

However, you should not rush to panic, since it is quite possible that the level of the hormone in the blood is beyond the normal range for a particular period of pregnancy only because the period itself was initially determined incorrectly. This happens quite often, for this reason, in order to reliably determine a regressing pregnancy, the woman will be prescribed an ultrasound examination, because only on the basis of this examination will the doctor be able to make a final conclusion. In addition, in the history of medicine there were cases when, during a frozen pregnancy, the hCG level continued to increase, while other signs of pregnancy had practically disappeared.

Sometimes, the results of the analysis reveal the content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin equal to zero (negative) in a confirmed pregnancy, in this case it can be argued that there was a laboratory error and the woman should have her blood tested again.

Ectopic pregnancy and hCG

A real tragedy for any woman is a doctor’s conclusion about an ectopic pregnancy. In addition to the fact that such a circumstance leaves no chance for the development of the fetus, pregnancy outside the uterus also poses a fundamental threat to the woman’s health and her life. Also, the onset of a normal pregnancy in the future will become problematic; doctors will estimate a favorable outcome at 50%.

Natural pregnancy occurs after fertilization of the egg, followed by its journey through the fallopian tube (where conception occurs) to the uterus and attachment of the fertilized egg to one of the walls of the uterus. However, due to various reasons, the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus and is fixed only on the way to it - most often, in one of the fallopian tubes. Attachment can occur in another place, and then doctors will diagnose ovarian, abdominal or cervical ectopic pregnancy- depending on the place of attachment of the egg.

It is very important to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy promptly and at an early stage, since the fallopian tubes are not designed for fetal development and do not have sufficient elasticity. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancy often ends in rupture of the fallopian tube; this process is accompanied by severe pain and internal bleeding. This situation calls for prompt medical intervention, since there is a threat of death for the woman.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is complicated by the fact that in the early stages it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the course of a normal pregnancy: an ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as a normal, natural pregnancy. In other words, women will experience a delay in their menstrual cycle (it is also possible that they may even have bloody vaginal discharge), painful sensations when touching the mammary glands, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Dizziness, weakness, and even signs of early toxicosis in a pregnant woman are also possible. In addition, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the content of the hCG hormone will increase, or rather the concentration of this hormone, called the “pregnancy hormone,” which is produced by chorion cells (the membrane of the embryo).

HCG level during ectopic pregnancy

Actually, it is the increase in the content of human chorionic gonadotropin that allows pregnancy tests to give a positive reaction. The result of this reaction is a change in the color of the stripes on the test after contact with the woman’s urine. The hCG content in case of ectopic pregnancy will also be revealed on the test positive result. For this reason, a test for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the case of an ectopic pregnancy cannot be a reliable method for diagnosing this pathology: the hCG content must be combined with the results of an ultrasound examination.

At the same time, the level of this hormone, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, will increase, but will be slightly lower than when the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. For this reason, during the test, one of the strips may not be clearly or brightly colored. However, it is possible to reliably assert the presence of this pathology only after confirmation of suspicions ultrasound examination. Therefore, the level of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman should always be under the control of the doctor supervising her.


Upon completion of the embryo transfer procedure, any woman spends an unusually long two weeks immersed in anxious anticipation of whether the embryo will take root or not. These 14 days are also burdened by the fact that doctors will strongly recommend absolute rest and bed rest for such a woman. In this case, the most exciting test for women who have undergone IVF is the test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood.

The level of this hormone in the blood or urine is considered the most reliable indicator of successful fertilization, i.e. the onset of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is the hormone chorionic gonadotropin that will appear in the female body by the time the embryo successfully implants into the epithelium of the uterus. At the same time, it is important to note that the content of this hormone in the blood will significantly exceed its levels in the urine. For this reason, doctors will check the level of hCG in a woman’s body after IVF using blood tests.

If the embryo is successfully attached, the content of the hCG hormone will begin to increase with mathematical progression. And these indicators can tell you a lot. For example, an excessively high hCG level on day 14 should be evidence of a multiple pregnancy, because each fetus causes the hCG level to double. If the pregnancy is ectopic, the hormone level in the first weeks will be significantly lower than normal, more precisely, by a third. And if pregnancy does not occur, then the content level will not exceed 0 - 5. Only in cases where embryo implantation ends with successful fertilization, this indicator will express growth daily.

HCG and the risk of Down syndrome

In order to determine the degree of risk of having a baby with Down syndrome, the observing gynecologist must perform a series of examinations called screening of the first and second trimester. The first trimester of pregnancy (from 11 to 13 weeks and 6 days) requires, among other tests, measuring the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's blood. If the level of this hormone is higher than the norm for this period, there is a risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

Medicines that affect the level of hCG in the blood

The level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood can only be affected by those medications that contain this hormone. These drugs may be prescribed primarily as fertility treatments to stimulate ovulation. If a woman is taking one of these medications, or undergoing a course of ovulation stimulation, she must inform the laboratory where she plans to donate blood for analysis.

HCG during menopause

In a woman who has already entered menopause (after the end of the menstrual cycle), the level of this hormone in the blood may be slightly increased. For example, many gynecologists consider it normal if, during menopause, the level of the hormone in the blood of women reaches 14 mIU/ml, whereas in women before menopause its content did not exceed 5 mIU/ml.

How to get tested for hCG

For maximum accuracy and reliability of the analysis results, it is necessary to follow some rules. The doctor should inform you about the preparation, but it is important to remember that the hCG hormone test during pregnancy must be taken on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to do this in the morning; other times of day are acceptable, provided that nothing has been eaten before for at least 5 hours.

Blood for this test is taken from a vein. The day before donating blood, you should avoid any physical activity, since this is the only way the result will be reliable. It is equally important to remember that if a woman took a course of hormonal drugs before taking the test, they will certainly affect its results, so there is a need to inform the laboratory employee about this.

You should donate blood to test for hCG levels no earlier than two days after your period is missed or on the 12th day after the expected conception. At the same time, the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood can be noted a week after conception, but in this case, the accuracy of the analysis will be low. In order to track the dynamics of hCG growth, it is necessary to donate blood three times, the difference should be at least 2 days and, it is recommended, at the same time. To identify fetal pathologies, tests for human chorionic gonadotropin should be taken from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

HCG levels during pregnancy are one of the most important indicators, indicating, among other things, the normal course of pregnancy; it also contributes to the diagnosis of a variety of pregnancy disorders, even at early stages their development.

One way or another, if the result of the analysis for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin is alarming, do not panic and draw far-reaching conclusions - only a qualified doctor can reliably interpret the indicators, who will explain further actions and, perhaps, recommend taking the test again.

Alternative diagnostic methods

The principle of determining the degree of hCG concentration in the body is also included in the rapid diagnosis of pregnancy, in other words, in home pregnancy tests. The difference in this case will be that there is no need to donate blood, since urine will be diagnosed. Any modern tests are sufficiently sensitive and informative, starting from the first days of a missed period. At the same time, their diagnostic value is certainly somewhat lower than that of the same laboratory blood tests. Also, these methods are carried out for completely different purposes, so they can only complement each other and not replace.

The combination of methods should follow the following tactics: to confirm the presence of pregnancy, diagnosis begins with the use of a conventional rapid test, and then a laboratory one. It is also necessary to donate blood in cases where the test result is positive and there are signs of pregnancy disorders, or there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. It is possible, but not rational, to start diagnosing pregnancy by donating blood for analysis.

Blood test for progesterone to determine pregnancy

There are cases when, in addition to determining the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, doctors recommend donating blood to test for progesterone content. Progesterone is another pregnancy hormone; by its content, doctors determine how successful its development is.

It is generally accepted among most doctors that a progesterone level in early pregnancy above 25 ng/ml is evidence that the pregnancy is developing within normal limits. If the level of this hormone during pregnancy does not exceed 5 ng/ml, then this significantly reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy. An intermediate value of 5 to 25 ng/ml will require repeated measurement after some time.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone released during pregnancy. Using a laboratory blood test, the concentration of beta subunits is determined. Conception can be detected using this method as early as 6-8 days. The hCG test also differentiates a normal pregnancy from an ectopic one. Online calculator HCG will help you with deciphering the blood test. You will be able to track the dynamics of hormone growth indicators and be able to determine the duration of pregnancy.


What is hCG - “beta”?

HCG is a hormone that is produced by the fetus itself, or rather by the fetal membrane of the embryo (chorion). The process begins immediately when the embryo is implanted into the uterus. At this moment, the fetus still looks like a small bubble of liquid, consisting of an embryoblast (from which the fetus will form in the future) and trophoblast (cells that form the chorion).

Under the influence of gonadotropin, the corpus luteum produces hormones that maintain the condition of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) necessary for normal pregnancy. An increase in hCG concentration indicates that fertilization has taken place.

HCG contains:

  • Alpha subunits. They are not determined because they have no diagnostic value during pregnancy.
  • Beta subunits, which make it possible to determine the fact of conception and the period of fetal development.

That is why the term human chorionic gonadotropin in pregnancy tests refers to its beta component.

How do hCG levels change during pregnancy?

For the first time, an increase in beta-hCG levels is detected starting from the sixth day after conception. At first, the concentration of the hormone doubles every two days. Further, the increase in hCG concentration slows down and when the level reaches 1200 mU/ml, doubling begins to occur every 72-96 hours. Upon reaching 6000 mU/ml, growth occurs every 96 hours.

The concentration indicator is not just boring numbers: it helps to determine the gestational age.

After 11 weeks, the hormone in the body becomes less, but its level is still increased. At 34 weeks, a second increase in hCG occurs. This surge, according to scientists, triggers labor. After childbirth, the level of beta-hCG in the blood gradually decreases.

Online hCG calculator

The calculator will help you when deciphering blood tests for hCG. You will be able to track the growth dynamics of Beta-hCG and determine the duration of pregnancy. The results indicated in the tables and the hCG calculator itself are approximate. To determine this hormone, various methods can be used and indicators may vary. Therefore, the analysis is deciphered where it was done. The units for measuring the concentration of beta-hCG are also different. The concentration is indicated in honey/ml, mIU/ml, U/l and IU/l as well as U/l mIU/ml, IU/l. All indicators are the same and do not need to be recalculated. U stands for units, IU stands for international units, mIU/ml and U/l are the English display of units.

Beta-hCG levels at different stages of pregnancy

Days after last menstruation

Gestation period (days/weeks)

HCG in honey/ml



14 (2 weeks)








21 (3 weeks)








28 (4 weeks)








35 (5 weeks)








42 (6 weeks)


Concentration of chorionic gonadotropin at later stages

Duration in weeks

HCG concentration honey/ml

65000 — 155000

67500 — 190000


70000 — 211000


13500 — 63000


1200 — 71000


8000 — 60000


5000 — 55000

Why is a beta-hCG blood test more sensitive than a drugstore test?

Pregnancy tests are not accurate for the following reasons:

  • The concentration of hCG in urine is almost two times lower than in the blood, so even the most sensitive test will give a false negative result in the early stages.
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin tests sold in pharmacies are capricious and may not work correctly. Reasons: inaccurate analysis, expired reagent, improper storage of the test.
  • If you drink a lot of water in the evening or take a diuretic, the test will not detect pregnancy. Tests also give false negative results for kidney diseases.

Every year there are thousands of mothers in the world who for a long time did not imagine their “interesting situation”, trusting pharmacy strips.

How is a human chorionic gonadotropin test taken?

For the analysis, blood from a vein is needed in the morning on an empty stomach. Measurement of beta-hCG concentration is performed no earlier than 3-5 days after a missed period. When taking hormones, you need to inform your doctor about this - they can affect the concentration of hCG.

To diagnose congenital pathologies (perinatal screening), an hCG test is performed at 14-18 weeks. Determination of hCG in men and non-pregnant women () can be carried out on any day.

The concentration of beta-hCG is different from the norm, what does this mean?

Online hCG calculator It only works to detect pregnancy. If pregnancy is not confirmed and there are no others, it is necessary. An increase in the hCG hormone can occur in both non-pregnant women and men. This speaks of (chorionepithelioma, chorionic carcinoma) or testicles. An increase in the hormone is also observed in cancer of the bladder, kidneys, intestines, and lungs.

Excess hCG

Decreased hCG

Multiple pregnancy. In case of twins or triplets, the level is proportional to the number of embryos

Risk of miscarriage


Death of an embryo or fetus

Down syndrome (more research needed)

Frozen pregnancy

The term is incorrectly defined

Placental insufficiency

Post-term pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

Hydatidiform mole

Pregnancy after stimulation or IVF

If a high level of hCG persists after, this indicates an incomplete abortion - incomplete removal of the fertilized egg or an ongoing pregnancy. Gonadotropin levels also increase when taking hormonal medications.

Where to get tested for hCG in St. Petersburg

You can take the test without queues and quickly get accurate results at. When deciphering, specialists take into account all factors that can affect the level of beta-hCG, which eliminates errors. Here you can also explain what to do in a given situation.