The ideal woman's body. Ideal body proportions

In a question like feminine attractiveness, it is difficult to express clear opinions. What seems beautiful to one man may seem repulsive to another. However, of course, there is a type of female figure that is recognized by almost everyone as the most optimal. When we say “I want an ideal figure,” we usually mean the notorious “90-60-90” formula, although such parameters are not required. The thing is that the ideal female figure is a harmonious figure. Different parts of the body should not be considered separately. When a man says: I like girls with big breasts, this does not mean that he will find a woman weighing 90 kg with a bust size of five attractive. And when he says: I love long legs, this does not mean that he will want to date a basketball player.

Every man has his own answer to the question of what is the ideal figure for a girl. But today we will try to find out which parameters are the most universal, and most importantly, how to get closer to the ideal. There are several main types of female figures. Each of them has its own merits and for some is the ideal figure of a woman. But each type also has its own problem areas, which are worth paying close attention to. So, let's try to find out what the ideal female figure looks like from the point of view of most men, and what type of figure your own is.

What an ideal figure looks like: proportions and sizes

There are several aspects of a woman’s appearance that a man pays attention to first. A subconscious assessment of attractiveness occurs, and not every man can rationally explain the results of this assessment. Here are the features that make up the ideal figure for a girl:

  • Thin waist and rounded wide hips. Such proportions tell a man that the woman is ripe for childbearing, but does not yet have offspring. That is, she is a subject of increased interest for him from the point of view of procreation;
  • An expressive bust with a thin waist and graceful arms. There is a lot of controversy over the supposedly widespread attraction among men to slender women with large breasts. One thing is for sure - a lush bust is a subconscious stimulant, since it signals readiness to feed offspring. Breast size 3-4 with a thin waist will seem attractive to the vast majority of men. Those of them who believe that the ideal figure for a girl is a bust of size 2-3 combined with a slim body simply belong to the psychological type “man-dad”. And those who love very lush breasts, more than size 4, belong to the “man-son” type;
  • Long legs, or rather legs that are longer than half the height. If a girl is short and has short legs, this is perceived at the subconscious level by a man as a stop signal. Because these body proportions are more similar to children's than to women's. This means that the girl is not yet old enough to procreate.

From all of the above, we can conclude what the ideal figure proportions are: medium-sized breasts, thin waist, rounded and wide hips, expressive buttocks, legs longer than half of the total height. But not every girl looks like this; moreover, there are world-famous and recognized beauties whose proportions do not fit the description of the ideal female figure. Below we will look at the main types of female physique using the example of famous actresses, singers and models.

Typology of female figures

Let's start, perhaps, with the ideal figure of a woman - with the “hourglass”. Very few people have this physique by nature, but almost everyone strives to get closer to it. The ideal figure has the following proportions: the waist is very thin and expressive, the stomach is tucked, the shoulders and hips are the same width, while the circumference of the hips and chest is approximately the same. That is, we come to the ideal figure for a girl, which we have already written about above. If the breasts have beautiful shape, and the legs are long enough, the ideal of beauty is obtained. To the type " hourglass» include Sophia Loren, Scarlett Johanssen, Marilyn Monroe, Monica Bellucci.

Many people consider the ideal figure of a woman to be “pear” type. This body type also includes a defined waist, wide rounded hips and protruding buttocks. However, the shoulders are narrower than the hips, and the chest is most often 2-3 sizes, although there are exceptions. Pear women are usually of medium or short height, have thin bones, and graceful necks and arms. But the legs can be full and short, but this is not necessary. A pear may well be the ideal figure for a girl; suffice it to say that this type includes Beyoncé, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Christina Aguilera.

But the “banana” figure is rarely considered the ideal figure for a girl. This is when the shoulders and hips are the same in width, while the waist is very poorly defined, and the buttocks hardly protrude from the back. Such girls most often have tall stature and an athletic build. They have one undeniable advantage - long legs. If a banana girl is not overweight and plays sports, she can look very attractive. An insufficiently expressive waist and a small bust can be hidden with the help of well-chosen clothes and underwear. The banana type includes such famous beauties as Milla Jovovich, Keira Knightley, Penelope Cruz, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz.

Another not entirely ideal figure for a girl is the “carrot”. It differs from a banana in that the shoulders are much wider than the hips, and the arms are usually strong, long and muscular. The waist is poorly defined, the legs are slender, and the chest is small. Many professional athletes, as well as top models, have this figure. Famous carrots include Demi Moore, Jessica Biel, Paris Hilton, Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron, and Uma Thurman. The female figure with expressive shoulders and narrow hips is now very fashionable, although it cannot be called feminine.

Ideal figure in 10 minutes: myth or reality

There are many so-called “quick” sets of physical exercises, which you can do every day to keep yourself in good physical shape. Just type in the search engine the query “ideal figure in 10 minutes” and you will find all the popular options. However, we will not give examples of exercises here without seeing your figure and knowing about your problem areas. If you have firmly decided for yourself: I want an ideal figure, take the trouble to first consult with a professional trainer. If you mindlessly perform any exercises you see on the Internet, you can increase the disproportion of your figure.

Another important point is that no matter how much we tell ourselves: I want an ideal figure, and no matter how much we work out in the gym according to an individual program, it is impossible to remake what is given by nature. The width and length of your bones will not change, and your body's tendency to store fat in certain areas will remain the same. Therefore, you should understand that the ideal figure for a girl is the figure that you have if you love yourself.

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Hello everyone, everyone, everywhere! Triangle, rectangle, oval - no, we are not having a geometry lesson, I just decided to look at a very interesting ladies' topic - the ideal female figure, what is it like? In it we will look in detail at what body types there are, what are their features and fundamental differences from each other, and we will also study the issues of anthropometry and correct proportions. The article will be useful not only to those who want to know what an ideal female figure looks like, but also to those who are interested in building it.

So, everyone is assembled, so we can start, let's go.

Anthropometry: the ideal female figure

As I said earlier, it's time to take care of the young ladies. Well, because... The stronger sex is already aware of theirs, then it remains to educate our faithful companions, i.e., on this “formal” issue. You girls. Ideal female figure and types female figures (next article) very interesting topics, because based on this information you can always choose the right wardrobe for yourself, create the right one, and determine how close (or far) you are from the ideal.

Well, let’s dive headlong into issues of body composition and the theory of various numbers and anthropometry tables.

For women with body types, everything is much more complex and curvy. I specifically chose this wording because... their somatotypes go beyond the three known ones: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. Or rather, it would be more correct to say this - all those calculations that are associated with the above-mentioned trinity are applicable to them, plus they have their own specific “tricks” relating to some geometric shapes and fruits. Completely confused?...well, let's figure it out, but first a few words about ideal proportions.

Standards female beauty during 20 centuries have changed dramatically: “plump” women with their rounded shapes were in fashion, there were graceful young ladies with smooth curves, and, of course, thin women with their angular features. What am I telling you, I’d better demonstrate it clearly.

This concerns modern standards, but in Leonardo da Vinci’s theory, individual volumes do not play any role, the most important thing is their correct ratio. Any woman (and for a man, and even for a dog) the cherished numbers “90-60-90” are known, which are considered to be the single unified standard of female beauty. Most ladies strive to “adjust” their centimeters to these frames.

Indeed, according to Da Vinci's drawing - "Vitruvimen" (person in circle), ideal body proportions are considered when the distance from the ground to the upper edge of the pubic symphysis is half the figure, to the nipples - 3/4 . Those. It turns out that the male one resembles a triangle, and the female one resembles an hourglass. In the “90-60-90” standard, the chest and hip volumes are equal, and the waist-to-hip ratio does not exceed 0,85 – coefficient of endocrine balance.

However, it is worth understanding that the numbers are not the standard of ideal female proportions; they are just one of the most favorable and advantageous ratios that emphasize your femininity. In other words, “90-60-90” is not golden symmetry and not a panacea for everyone; it does not take into account the different types of female constitution (not a set of laws :)), genetic data.

Ideal female figure: three body types

At all, female body addition represented 3 main types:

  • asthenic (thin-boned, 1) – an analogue of ectomorph;
  • normosthenic (normosseous, 2) – analogue of mesomorphs;
  • hypersthenic (big boned, 3)- analogue of endomorph.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Asthenic type

Typical representatives are thin. They have long limbs, thin bones, little “meat” (complete absence of fat deposits), poorly developed muscles. They are energetic, agile in nature and light in weight (with growth 165-175 cm, it barely reaches 45-50 kg). A regimen of enhanced nutrition does not lead to weight gain for a long time; any kilogram is difficult to achieve. Metabolism (metabolic processes) proceeds quite quickly, i.e. energy is spent faster than it is accumulated.

Most often, representatives of this type have narrow hips and a thin waist. The most prominent representatives include: Keira Knightley, Kate Moss, Nicole Kidman, Tina Turner.

Normosthenic type

The most correct type, from the point of view of the ratio of the main body dimensions. Correct proportionality in the volumes of the chest, waist and hips. There is “meat on the bone” (it just turned out to be cannibalistic somehow :)). Much more effective (compared to ectomorphs) muscle mass is gained. Metabolism is normal (average speed), subcutaneous fat is quite easily lost from aerobic activity (all types of cardio). The most beautiful female figures are those of this body type.

Representatives of this type include: Halle Barry, Monica Bellucci, Melanie Griffith.

Hypersthenic type

The most massive women, both in terms of weight and bone width. They have wide hips, large breasts, medium shoulders and a thin waist. Often have short stature (short limbs). Those. These are such “downed” young ladies. Metabolism is quite slow, so they gain fat faster than muscle. They look very feminine and sexy. Typical representatives: Marilyn Monroe.

To determine your approximate body type, you need to take a meter and measure the circumference of your wrist. For each type it is different, in particular: asthenics - 16 cm, normosthenics – 16-18.5 cm; hypersthenics – more 18.5 cm.


It should be borne in mind that most often, according to some measurements, a person goes beyond his typical category - this is normal, you just have a mixed body type. Highlight the main (predominant) signs and build on this when creating a training program, nutrition plans, etc.

Anthropometry is not only the body type, it is also the correct weight, height, leg length and, of course, the chest-hip-waist ratio. We'll talk about all this further.

Ideal female figure: height and correct legs

Height is one of the few indicators that cannot be trained. It is customary to talk about the following gradations of growth in relation to women:

In general, for the asthenic type, the range from 168 before 172 cm, for wide/norm boned from 166 before 170 cm. From the point of view of correct proportions, height and leg length are in a certain ratio. In particular, if the length of your lower limbs is less than half your height, then you are “short-legged” :), if more, then the proportions are met. I think a reasonable question has arisen - how much more? For asthenics - on 6-9 cm, for normosthenics – 4-6 cm, hypersthenics – on 2-4 cm.

Note (example):

Body type – normosthenic, height – 170 cm, ideal leg length = 89-91 cm.

The length of the legs should be measured from the neck protrusion femur (see image).

In addition to the length of the legs, some of the components that determine its “correctness” are:

  • leg diameter in calf;
  • diameter of the leg at the ankle;
  • leg circumference at the hip.

The table of ideal forms is as follows:

The last parameter, which also contributes to the “quality” of the legs, is their crookedness, or rather, the presence of three gaps. They are determined as follows: stand in front of the mirror in a “physical training” position - heels together, toes apart. You should observe three gaps: the first is closer to the hips at the top ( 1 ) ; the second - under the knees ( 2 ) ; the third - in the ankle area ( 3 ) . In other places, the legs should converge, together.

Let's move on to the next parameter.

Ideal female figure: p correct weight

Probably the most “painful” characteristic that is monitored by girls almost every day. Tell me what girl doesn't want to reset at least 1-2 kilogram? Young ladies are very sensitive to weight gain and try in every possible way to keep it at a constant level. We all know very well the standard formula for calculating correct body weight:

Body weight = human height – 110 cm (for women).

However, this is too simple a formula that takes little into account (for example, she does not take into account body type, age, etc.)(body mass index, BMI)– the most progressive option.

BMI = weight (kg) / [height (m)] 2

The results are compared with tabular data.

For example: age – 25 years, height – 170 cm, weight – 75 kg. BMI = 75/(1.7*1.7) = 25,95 – the upper limit of normal body weight.

We must not forget that body weight also depends on a person’s age. For women aged from 15 before 40 For years, there have been special tables of weight and height ratios by body type (see table).

The given coefficients are nothing more than the ratio of weight (g) to height (cm), and show the most preferable parameters with age. For those young ladies who have problems with mathematics and don’t really want to bother with numbers and calculations, the following graph will allow you to determine your weight category.

Ideal weight is, of course, good, but the “correctness” of the figure is also affected by the level of subcutaneous fat, which must be in strict proportion. On average, the “ideal” body fat percentage for women should be between 14% before 24% . To measure the level of subcutaneous fat, you need to go to the pharmacy and buy a “fat caliper” - a caliper device. After this, stand up straight and trace the fat fold on your stomach. (2 cm to the right of the navel, vertical fold) and measure its thickness, ideally it should be 1-2 cm. Instead of a caliper, you can use a regular meter, but the results will be less accurate.

Well, we’ve reached the most “delicious” female parameters, namely...

Chest, waist and hips

The correctness of the physique and the degree to which a man’s jaw drops when he sees a woman :) largely depends on her circumference. All these indicators are usually called in one word - whites. Especially for you, my beauties, I have compiled a summary table of body types (see table).

If we consider all these figures in percentage terms, it turns out that the ideal proportions can be considered those in which the waist volume compared to the hip volume is 60-70% . Those. waist volume (cm) divided by hip volume (cm) and the coefficient should be 0,6-0,7 .


I'll give you a couple of examples ideal women in terms of waist-hip ratio: Venus de Milo 0,7 ; Kylie Minogue 0,7 (63/89) ; Claudia Schiffer 0,67 (62/92) ; Marilyn Monroe 0,61 (56/91,5) .

Medicine has its own view of the ideal whites; it is believed that the coefficient of endocrine balance = 0,85 - this is the indicator in the ratio of waist circumference to hips, which indicates the “correctness” of the figure (both from aesthetic and medical points of view).

Because Girls are big fashionistas, and I first mentioned the wardrobe, it would be unforgivable on my part to ignore such a topic as shopping, or rather, correctly taking all the necessary measurements of your body. Therefore, I decided to provide a complete measurement map. Looking at her; You can easily take the required measurements and confidently choose your wardrobe (and not only in Russian stores).

So, we have considered the issues of anthropometry and the “golden three” of the main body types, but the shapes of our women are so diverse that they simply do not fit into any strict framework, and therefore we will consider the most popular types of female figures, but in the next full article.


Today we got to know what the ideal female figure is. Let me give you a small “philosophical” summary.

Due to the dominance of glossy magazines, fashion channels and plastic “surgeon-editors” - Photoshoppers, modern woman feels a little (or maybe a lot) not comfortable, i.e. divorced from reality. It seems to her that she is losing on all fronts to the “retouched” divas from the cover. Yes, perhaps this is so, but no one is stopping you from changing and acquiring your own individuality and zest. Well that's it necessary tools for change I will literally provide you with it in the following articles. So we follow the newsletter and monitor the mail :).

That's all, I was glad to write for you, dear girls. See you again!

PS. Let’s not pass by the already boring sharing buttons with friends and actively click!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.


The ideal female figure, what is it like? To answer this question, consider:

What is 90-60-90?
Women's body types?
How to find out your type and get closer to the ideal?
Ideal figure, according to men. What makes up the idea of ​​canon?

What is 90-60-90?

There are no excursions into history here. Let us remember Leonardo da Vinci and Aristotle just once, as those who are guilty of the emergence of a boring standard. It's still trending. And this is a modeling trend. And in the modeling business they are guided by their ideas about beauty. As in any professional affairs, beauty is calculated in conventional units. The “90-60-90” standard is utilitarian in nature - the item looks better on a hanger, so it is easier for the buyer to consider the pros and cons of the product.

Women will be indignant and say: “What about those millionaires who choose fashion models as their wives?” Calm, just calm. The wife of a millionaire is both status and work. And marriage is a political act, therefore:

The millionaire's chosen one has an idea of ​​public life not from magazines, but from her own experience.
She looks and looks her best.
Has weight in society.

There are exceptions to the rules. But if the viewer sees together an aging millionaire and a young model who does not have feminine charm, then he understands: this marriage is more likely than a union of loving hearts.

Ideal parameters of a female figure. Sex symbols past and present

If we take into account that tolerance from the stated ideal - 2 cm, then modern film stars are far from it.

(92:60:86, with a height of 162 cm and a weight of 56 kg). Men went crazy for her in the 50s. Some still consider her the ideal of femininity, and representatives of both sexes.
Stunning Audrey Hepburn (87:50:86, height 170 cm and weight 45 kg). You can't measure strength people's love, but, according to subjective feelings, Audrey is more loved than Marilyn.
Let's fast forward 30 years (to the 80s) and look at - 91:61:86.5, with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 54 kg.
According to surveys, in the 90s men went crazy for being thin - 84:58:89 with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 48 kg.
The limit of dreams today – (98:64:89 with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 47 kg)

The list causes controversy and controversy, but these are the ideal parameters of a female figure. If you ask some men, they would put Jolie in place of, for example, Scarlett Johansson. But we'll talk about Scarlett later.

Ideal proportions of a female figure? They don't exist

Surprisingly, this is true. We divide women into three types:

Narrow bone - Kate Moss and Keira Knightley. Long arms, long legs, they are thin, sometimes they seem sick, but they are fine. A fast metabolism allows them not to gain weight. They have a lot of energy and are constantly on the move. Their height is average or above average (from 165 to 175 cm), and they cannot boast of weight (from 40 to 50 kg); they also have not heard anything about muscle mass and body fat.
Normal bone – Halle Berry, . These women are closest to the cherished numbers, and everything is normal for them: metabolism, muscles and fat deposits. They gain and lose weight easily if they exercise regularly. A dream, not women in terms of metabolism. But you shouldn't be jealous. Everyone has their own destiny.
Big bone – Scarlett Johansson and Marilyn Monroe. They have large breasts and wide hips. Not very big shoulders and a small waist. The length of legs and arms that girls cannot boast of. If the conversation were about a man, he would be called stocky.

A simple way to determine your type: take a tape measure and measure your wrist with it. If up to 16 cm - a narrow bone, 16 - 18 - normal, more than 18 - wide.

Conclusion: ideal proportions of a female figure? They don't exist. Women belonging to different types, despite their wishes, cannot change places. If we imagine a fantastic situation in which Johansson wanted to become Moss, then nothing would have worked out for her due to physiological reasons. And then one more conclusion: the most ideal female figure is a matter of taste. If we venture to put forward a hypothesis, the debate will not cease for two or three weeks. As for the photo of the ideal female figure, the options are varied.

The most ideal female figure is the one that exists in perspective

Body structure, metabolism, limb length depend on nature. But the woman chooses the form herself. A woman does not surrender to the mercy of nature. How to achieve the desired ideal? The tested paths are:

Proper nutrition includes two processes: healthy foods a bet is made, and harmful ones are either ignored or their consumption is minimized. Less soda (lots of sugar) and fast food, smoked and fried foods. And it’s healthy to eat like this: porridge for breakfast. Drink more water. Despite the sacred two liters per day, which is recommended everywhere, we will limit ourselves to one and a half liters. Don't forget: vegetables and fruits also contain water. Less flour and sweets, but you can’t completely refuse buns. Sweets are needed for mood and brain function. Meat, chicken, fish. Kefir, cottage cheese, eggs.
Cardio exercise is a must: “lose weight” and “move” are almost synonymous. Gym three times a week.
Say no.
Psychological factor. Life brings joy. and the houses are resolved and do not disturb the woman. Existence is filled with harmony and unity with the world.

You can’t lose weight for the sake of numbers, for the sake of lost kilograms. It also happens that a woman, by all parameters of her type, is in excellent shape, but does not suspect it. She thinks she has problems with being overweight.

Formula for calculating healthy weight: waist volume is 0.6 - 0.7 hip volume. Medical coefficient - 0.85.

The ideal figure, according to men

What men love depends on cultural characteristics and personal history - the image of the mother. A person is brought up in a culture, and it tells him what is “good” and what is “bad”, gives him an aesthetic canon. There are 50 thousand people living in the world - Padaung. Among them, a woman's long neck is considered a sign of wealth and beauty, but a European will never agree that they are beautiful, unless he loves the exotic.

The individual history of a person says: a man is looking for a woman who is like his mother. But if you move away from the mass of possible individual variations, then one peculiarity is noticed: in the minds of women, she is ideal - she is thin, and men see her next to her with wide hips, large breasts, and short stature.

The question of what the ideal figure is, according to men, is asked by a woman not in order to get a real answer, but in order to once again make sure that she has problems with excess weight. The invented standards of 90-60-90 still neuroticize women. Women cannot accept themselves as they are, but they should.

January 11, 2014, 11:01 In the modern world, the proportionality of a woman’s figure is determined by height, the ratio of the torso and legs, as well as the position of the waist. Not only the visual perception of a person, but also the choice of silhouette, as well as styles and models of clothing, depends on the resulting numbers. So, for example, with the help of clothes you can adjust your height, add a couple of centimeters to your legs, raise or lower your waistline.

In this article:

Don't know your body type? Take the free test..

To determine the proportions of your figure, you need to stand in front of a full-length mirror and take the following measurements:

  • » Step 1. Determine how proportional your height is. To do this, measure the height of your head from the chin to the crown. According to canonized proportions, your height should be 7-8 of these distances. If this figure is close to 9 or higher, then your height will be considered high for your physique. A woman's height is considered low if it is less than 155 cm (for Russia).
  • » Step 2. Determine the position of your waist. The waist is the narrowest point on your torso. It is usually located a few centimeters above the navel.
  • Method 1. Waist proportionality is calculated using the formula: Your height/8*5. The error can be up to 2 cm in any direction. Measure your distance from the floor to your waist. If the resulting distance is less than the number obtained by the formula, then your waist is too high. If your number is greater than the number from the formula, then your waist is low. If your number differs from the number from the formula within 2 cm in any direction, then the waist is considered proportional.
  • Method 2: Place one palm under your chest and the second palm under your first palm. If both of your palms fit between your chest and waist, then your waistline is low. If you only fit 1.5 palms, then your waistline is proportional. No more than one palm under the chest to the waist indicates a high waistline.
  • Waist circumference. In addition to the position of the waist, you can also calculate the proportionality of your waist circumference relative to your height according to the table below:
    HEIGHT (cm) Waist circumference (cm)
    149-150 55
    151-152 56
    153-154 57
    155-156 58
    157-158 59
    159-160 60
    161-162 61
    163-164 62
    165-166 63
    167-168 64
    169-170 65
    171-172 66
    173-174 67
    175-176 68
    177-178 69
    179-180 70
    181-182 71
    183-184 72
    185-186 73
  • "Step 4. To determine how proportional your legs are relative to your height, you need to measure their length from the side of the femur to the floor and know your body type (asthenic, normesthenic, hypersthenic). With an asthenic physique, the legs are proportional if their length is more than half the height by 6-9 cm, with a normosthenic physique by 4-6 cm, and with a hypersthenic physique - by 2-4 cm. It happens that proportional legs do not seem long. This is usually due to the high seat height.
  • » Step 5: Determine your seat height. Seat height is the distance from the waist line to where the legs grow. As a rule, this parameter is measured while sitting. Sit on a hard chair with your knees bent at right angles. Measure the distance from the waist line to the surface of the chair. The seat height is considered proportional if it is approximately 1/4 of the circumference of your hips. A seat height of more than 1/4 is considered large, less than 1/4 is considered small. Below are recommendations for each case.
  • » The theory of the golden ratio and ideal human proportions
  • » Body types: asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics
  • » Types of female figures: A, X, T, H, O, I
  • »

Standards for a woman's proportional physique

Currently, our country also uses standards for the proportional physique of a woman, compiled at the end of the 19th century by Dr. A.K. Anokhin.

According to these standards, per 1 cm of a woman’s height there should be:

  • » neck - 0.18-0.2 cm;
  • "arm (shoulder) -0.18-0.2 cm;
  • » leg (thigh) - 0.32-0.36 cm (maximum);
  • » leg (calf) - 0.21-0.23 cm;
  • » chest (not bust) - 0.5-0.55 cm or more;
  • » pelvis - 0.54 cm (minimum) - 0.62 cm (maximum);
  • » waist - 0.35-0.40 cm.

Multiply your height (in centimeters) by the numbers above. And then take the appropriate measurements of your body parts. Based on the results, you will understand how well you are within the norm.

On our website you can also calculate how proportional and graceful your figure is:

If your figure is far from ideal, don’t worry! It is important to understand what proportions you have are broken and select clothing models based on this. Below are recommendations for each case.

How to dress if you're tall

Girls who are too tall and want to appear a little shorter to others should adhere to the following rules:

  • » apply horizontal lines in the cut and design of clothes;
  • » use color blocks in clothes ("colorblocking" technique): jacket, blouse, skirt or trousers different colors visually reduce height;
  • » use those proportions in clothes where the top is larger than the bottom, for example: top 2/3 + skirt 1/3;
  • » Avoid long, tapered silhouettes, short sleeves (3/4, etc.) and short trousers (Capris, etc.), as well as miniskirts.

How to dress if you're short

If you are too short (below 155 cm), then the following rules will help you add a couple of extra centimeters up:

  • » try to dress in a single color or in a monochromatic color scheme;
  • » wear heels;
  • » use those proportions in clothing where the top is less than or equal to the bottom, for example: top and bottom 1:1; top 1/3 + skirt 2/3; top 1/4 + skirt, trousers or dress 3/4, etc.
  • » feel free to use a shortened length in all styles and models of clothing: 3/4 sleeves, 7/8 trousers, capri pants, miniskirts, etc.
  • » Clothing styles for short women

How to dress with a high waist

If you have a high waist, you need to visually lower your waistline. To do this, include in your wardrobe:

  • » skirts and trousers at the hips;
  • » skirts and trousers without a belt;
  • » long jackets and blouses;
  • » blouses and shirts untucked.

If the seat height is low and the waist is high, these recommendations should be supplemented with the use of volume and pattern in the leg area.

If the seat height is high and the waist is high, we can also recommend wearing high heels, and combine long jackets and blouses with narrow skirts and trousers, and do not overload the leg area.

How to dress with a low waist

If you have a low waist, you need to visually raise your waistline. To do this, include in your wardrobe:

  • » belts and tucked-in blouses;
  • » short blouses and jackets;
  • » non-fitted dresses or dresses with a belt;
  • " high heels.

If you have a low seat height and low waist, you can also recommend wearing long jackets with short skirts or tight trousers, and not overloading the leg area.

With a high seat height and low waist, you can pay attention to details such as pockets in the hip area, wear clothes in the same color from the waist down, and also do not overload the leg area.

What is your body type?


Body type test

What is your body type?



Body type test

What is your body type?

First of all, you should pay attention to works of art. Artists, sculptors and photographers have always tried to capture the ideal female body. But if you look at the creations in different eras, you will see that the parameters of the models are completely different. In recent times, beauty lies in the slenderness of the body, and earlier artists painted countless portraits from models with rather curvaceous figures. It would seem that these are completely opposite parameters. But there is General characteristics, allowing us to determine the degree of ideality.

The key to perfection

Weight and body type can be one indicator of ideality, but the main phenomenon is that a woman will have an ideal figure when she is proportional. Symmetry has always been a sign of ideality. That is why today the most attractive women are those with an hourglass body. In such women, the volume of the chest and hips is approximately the same; the waist should be noticeably narrower than the hips and chest. Body symmetry is associated with health. Accordingly, men consider such women ideal for procreation. But there is no ideal physique in the world. Nature intended for each person to have asymmetry, thereby differing from others and having individuality.

Ideal female body parameters, according to men

For men, the ideal female body is a figure that seems optimal for procreation. Wide hips indicate the possibility of easily giving birth to an heir. Ideal should be 2-3 sizes. Legs should not be short, since short legs are associated with childhood.

Definition of the ideal body

Leonardo da Vinci studied proportions for a long time. In the course of his scientific work, he concluded that the ideal waist should be no more than 70% of the hips. The length of a woman's legs is considered ideal when it exceeds 50% of her total height. According to statistics, women with a height above 176 cm are considered very tall, 168-175 cm - tall, 157-167 cm - average height, 151-156 cm - below average height, and below 155 cm - short.

The Quetelet index will allow you to determine the correspondence between weight and height. And the absence of excess fat at the waist can be determined in a simple way. Above the navel, you need to pull back the fold of the fat layer; if its thickness is less than 2 cm, then the waist does not have excess fat.

Whether body proportions are ideal can be determined using a formula created by scientists. To determine the coefficient, you need to measure the volume of the hips under the gluteal fold, then divide this volume by the sum of the volumes of the lower leg, shoulder and neck. The ideal result should be in the range of 0.54-0.62.