How to put a patch on jeans between your legs. DIY patches for jeans

Sometimes your favorite jeans get torn in the most unexpected places. I especially feel sorry for expensive branded jeans, which, it would seem, will not be demolished... And you won’t even raise your hand to throw them away, and you can no longer wear them like that. Sad pictures with awkward patches – wedges from grandma’s times – come into my head... Plans to alter my son’s jeans, take him to the country... and still it’s a pity...
Fortunately, everything can be fixed if you have any sewing machine, and you have minimal skills to work on it.

One of the conditions for success is to choose the right threads. Threads are suitable for regular polyester No. 40. The choice in sewing accessories stores is very large. For example, “Ideal” or “Dor tak”. We'll select it like this. Let's choose a suitable color, wind a little bit of thread on your finger, and apply this “winding” to the fabric. The two colors should be almost the same, then the darning will be almost invisible.

We will also need adhesive fabric. It is sold in fabric stores and is quite inexpensive. Comes in white and black.
Now turn the jeans inside out. We cut out pieces of adhesive fabric and apply them to the places where we will do the darning.

We glue our blanks. This will make the darning process easier. The iron must be hot enough. The side with glue is rougher to the touch. Place the patch with the adhesive side on the jeans and slowly iron the pieces, pressing them well. Wait a minute, let it cool and set well.

Darning can be done on any household machine using reverse (reverse motion); even the oldest sewing machines have this function. Set the stitch length regulator to 2.8 -3.0 mm.

We darn slowly at first. Let’s “block” the impulse with a wide zigzag, similar to a cardiogram, moving the line forward and backward. The edges of our “cardiogram” should not be smooth, then the darning will be less noticeable and more natural.

Now we darn very carefully the place of the gust itself and the neighboring areas. If it is inconvenient to darn with large lines, work with small sections, connecting them with smooth transitions. If white threads are knocked out between the lines, point the needle directly at them until they are noticeable. By the way, if the gust is large and there are a lot of threads sticking out, you can trim off the excess, but do not cut off all the threads until there is a complete hole; it is better to leave the base. Although restoration is possible even with the complete absence of threads, it is a little more difficult.

IMPORTANT: the darning will look more natural if you sew in the direction of the pattern, and not in the direction of the hem of the fabric!

Sew carefully, in parallel, without rushing. The result will please you. The skill will gradually appear, and the process will take you no more than 15 minutes. Once the darning is done, turn the jeans inside out and trim off any excess glue.

After the job is completed, the jeans should be steamed using water and cloth. Your diligence will be rewarded. Jeans will last you a long time. It’s especially nice when your family looks at the completed work for a long time and cannot immediately find the darning)

Probably everyone has had such a situation when their favorite jeans began to tear and fray from frequent wear. It’s no longer possible to wear such things, but it’s a shame to throw them away. To repair your favorite pants, depending on the degree of their tear, you can patch or sew them up. To ensure that you don’t have to part with your favorite pair of trousers and that they don’t lie “dead weight” in your closet, we will tell you how to make a patch on jeans between the legs.

Sew in the insert

This is the most common and reliable method that can cope even with fairly large holes and abrasions. Today there are several quite simple ways sewing in a patch.

Method No. 1

You will need the following materials:

  • Threads that are as close as possible to the color of your jeans;
  • Threads identical to those used to sew the product;
  • Scraps of fabric that will serve as patches - they should be similar to the color of your trousers;
  • Tailor's marker or chalk;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

Important! For brave and extraordinary individuals, you can use scraps of leather or a completely different fabric.

In order to put a patch on jeans between your legs, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

  • First, you need to wash your jeans and iron them well.
  • Cut out the pieces of the required sizes. They also need to be washed and ironed.
  • Open the crotch and back seams at the top (approximately to the middle).
  • Using a ruler and marker, mark the piece on the front side that will be cut out later.

Important! The rubbed area should be located exclusively behind the cutting line.

  • Make a seam allowance of about 1-1.5 centimeters. To do this, draw another line parallel to the first.
  • Cut out the damaged tissue along the first line.
  • Attach the cut piece to the second leg and do the same operation: draw a marking, add an allowance and cut it out.

Important! Be careful, as the cut pieces and seam allowances must be exactly the same.

  • The next step is to create a pattern for the patch. To do this, the cut piece must be attached to thick paper and traced exactly along the contour. You should also not forget about the seam allowance for the jeans.
  • Cut out all the necessary parts.
  • Transfer the pattern onto the denim and cut out the patches.
  • Place the top and bottom of the patch face to face. Sew it to the jeans along the seam allowance line.
  • Stitch the edges and trim off any excess.
  • The lower part of the seam on the front side must be turned back and one or two lines are sewn with threads identical to those with which your jeans were sewn.
  • Place the finished patches on the back of the jeans face to face and stitch them together.

Important! At this stage, you need to carefully ensure that both sides coincide with each other and are on the same level.

  • The edges should be finished with a zigzag stitch.
  • Unscrew the inserts along the front side, lay a seam along them with delay threads, and wrap it.
  • Sew the middle back seam and secure the end of the previously opened one.
  • Sew along both sides with seam thread and secure the ends.
  • You should mark the crotch on your jeans.

Important! If the jeans are also frayed at the seam, you need to draw a line so that the abrasions are hidden by the seam.

  • Scribble crotch and sew with topstitching thread.

Important! For this method, an excellent option would be patches that are made from the same jeans. You just need to shorten them slightly, and use the cut pieces to repair the hole or scuffs.

Method No. 2

You will need:

  • A patch for a patch;
  • Threads in the color of the fabric;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Scissors.

Operating procedure:

  • Cut out a piece of denim that is slightly larger than the hole or fray. It should completely cover the damaged area.
  • Turn the jeans over to the wrong side and sew the hole with a zigzag stitch. You must make the seam in such a way that there is no longer a hole there.

Important! Before stitching, you should pay attention to the direction in which the grain of the denim is located. The line should run parallel to them.

  • Attach a patch to the wrong side.
  • Sew it to the product using a zigzag seam.
  • Turn the jeans right side out and sew the hole with a straight stitch.

Important! A straight stitch should be sewn using a sewing machine in a reverse motion.

  • If the threads of the jeans are visible, this means that the stitching frequency is not enough. So you can add a few more seams.
  • Turn the jeans inside out and cut off the excess edges of the patch.

Important! You can stitch the patch to the top. This way you will get rid of the ill-fated hole and get an extraordinary decor.

Method No. 3

This method is much simpler than the previous ones. But despite its lightness, it allows you to repair jeans worn between your legs so that the result is an almost invisible patch.

You will need:

  • Iron;
  • Special patch fabric (can be purchased at a sewing store);
  • Threads in the color of the trousers;
  • Sewing machine.

Operating procedure:

  1. Straighten and smooth out the damaged area on the jeans.
  2. Using an iron, attach the patch fabric to the inside of the pants.
  3. A zigzag stitch should be applied on the front side. Try to make stitches directly along the weave, repeating the texture of the material.

Important! To ensure that the finished patch is not noticeable, you should stitch the seam back and forth. First you need to do this across, and then along.

Sew up frayed jeans

Repair frayed jeans between your legs in other ways.

For this you will need:

  • Non-woven fabric;
  • Threads in color;
  • Needles;
  • Iron;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Scissors.

Let's start fixing the pants:

  • Take your jeans and measure the fray or hole.
  • Measure a piece of non-woven fabric equal in size to the damaged area of ​​the trouser fabric.
  • Apply the interlining to the worn area on the wrong side of the product. Iron it with a hot iron.
  • Check the strength of the attached interlining.

Important! If the interlining lags behind the fabric after ironing, it should be ironed again.

  • Next, you need to use a sewing machine to stitch the damaged areas. If the hole or abrasions are minor, then you can finish at this stage. Otherwise, you still have to apply an additional patch and stitch it.

Important! The machine seam must be longer than the damaged area and extend beyond it.

What to do if your jeans can no longer be repaired?

  • If your jeans are beyond repair and you just can’t part with them, you can turn them into ultra-short shorts, which are at the peak of popularity this season. Add a few more holes, fringe, embroidery or other decorative accessories to them. This way, you will become the owner of an ultra-fashionable item, and it won’t even occur to anyone that previously these were old, worn-out jeans.
  • If you have sewing skills, you can alter your denim trousers into a skirt or bag. The remaining fabric can be used for a hairpin, strap or decorative patches.
  • If the above options do not suit you and you would like to keep the product in its original condition, you can add additional holes and scuffs to your jeans. This way you will create a completely new design without changing their shape.

Important! As a last resort, you can install at least some patches and use this item exclusively at home, for example, during repairs.

Video material

Scuffs and holes on jeans located between the legs are a very difficult to reach place that cannot always be sewn accurately. But it is still possible. You just need to be patient and begin the rather monotonous work. The main thing is not to forget to put into practice the above advice from our specialists. Thanks to them, you can not only repair your favorite pants in a short time, but also extend their life for at least a few more seasons.

I love and hate stretch jeans. I like them because they fit my figure well, don’t hang like regular jeans, and fit nicely, but they have a significant drawback. Stretch jeans are not as durable and tend to wear out quickly.

Last month, two of my favorite pairs of jeans frayed right between my legs. And this is just after I altered the buttons for a perfect fit. I was very upset, not only because these are my favorite jeans, but also because now I will have to visit a bunch of stores before finding a replacement.

Stitching stretch jeans is a little more difficult than regular jeans. At first I tried to make a regular inner seam, but it only lasted for a couple of days.

And then a “brilliant” thought came to me :) why not use old stretch jeans for repairs?

No sooner said than done.

Step 1: What you will need

  • A pair of damaged jeans
  • Another pair of unwanted old jeans or a scrap of material from them
  • Needle
  • Polyester thread of the required color
  • Pins
  • Scissors

If you're frugal enough, you probably have an unwanted pair of jeans in your closet. suitable color. I'm not so perspicacious and always threw them away, I won't do that again!

You can definitely do a better job than me if you can find a pair of repair jeans in the same color. As you can see in the photo, my color is slightly different.

It is highly advisable to use a thread made of polyester; it stretches very well, while a thread made of 100% cotton will most likely not withstand the load. You can easily find them on sale here at reasonable prices; in extreme cases, you can order them from China.

Stage 2: Patch

Approximately determine what size patch you will need to hide the hole in your jeans. I recommend cutting the patch taking into account the direction of the grain. (For example: if the fabric on jeans has a more horizontal direction than vertical, then cut the patch taking this into account.)

I didn't experiment much with the shape of the patch; as you can see, it has smooth edges. You can get creative and make it any shape you want.

Securely secure the patch with pins. A secure mount will make your task easier. You could probably use special glue, but I didn’t because it would make sewing by hand more difficult.

Fold the thread in half, the length of the thread is approximately equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the tips of the fingers. If you have beeswax, you can rub it on the thread. This will help it not get tangled and it will be easier to pull through the fabric.

Pass the needle only through the patch from the inside. Initially, do not thread the needle through the jeans and the patch at the same time - the knot inside the jeans will be very inconvenient. It would seem that a small nodule is not a big deal, but when it rubs on your skin throughout the whole day, it will begin to seem simply huge.

Stage 4: Sew up the edges

Usually, before sewing the edges around the entire perimeter, I grab the patch on several sides to secure it.

Try to make miniature stitches - up to 3 mm from the hem, with an interval between stitches also up to 3 mm. In the photo above you can see what it looks like.

After you reach the end, make a tight knot, again between the patch and the jeans.

Stage 5: Strengthen the hole

This step is optional, but I decided to sew it up just in case because it will prevent the hole from coming apart and will hold the middle of the patch firmly against the surface of the jeans. Ordinary stitching around the perimeter of the hole.

Don't forget to make a knot between the patch and the jeans.

Here. The results were beautifully repaired jeans! 😆

Reading time: 5 minutes

Jeans that have lost their former appearance are so integrated into life that it is impossible to live without them, and there is no desire to look for new ones. There is no need, with the appearance of a small crack, to change the status of the pants, assigning the stigma of “garden” clothing. If you wish, you can change everything, because there are many ways to sew up a hole in jeans so that they do not lose their appearance, but become even better. It all depends on your sewing skills, imagination and patience.

Everything in nature has a limited lifespan. And this does not mean that the item - clothing or household items - must be written off and sent to a landfill. In the world, the method of transforming old and unnecessary things that breathe only a drop of life is in great demand. Beauty does not lie in creating something new, but in recreating what has been lost through correction and improvement. It would seem that denim material is particularly durable, but it also wears out and becomes unusable.

Not all jeans are the same weight. More often, models that have been treated with strong chemicals are subject to wear. These pants include “varenki” and light-wash jeans. When the color tone of the house changes, under the influence high temperatures and bleaches that destroy fibers, the fabric structure becomes thinner. Subsequently, this leads to damage to the material, which affects the further attitude towards the product. It's better to stop using washing machine.

A hole in jeans appears on fabrics of different densities, and more often, the area between the legs becomes thinner, where not only abrasions occur, but also a tear in the seam itself.

Sew up jeans with a straight tear without patching

The area of ​​the pants where the patches and decor look awkward can be sewn up using thick threads, preferably cotton or synthetic. The main difference between the methods of how to properly sew up a hole is the size of the hole.

  • The small tear is stitched.
  • Large abrasions are being patched.

In the first option, it is enough to connect two opposite edges of the gap, after cutting off the protruding threads that interfere with the process. It is important not to increase the size of the hole.

When sewing a gap between the legs, the stitches are applied one after another, along the length of the tear, it is important not to sew the material close to the edge, which will aggravate the situation by fraying the area of ​​the hole. After the length of the cut is filled with stitches, you should proceed to longitudinal stitching (perpendicular to the previous line). It will turn out to be some kind of variation of a mesh patch. For this manipulation, loop or overcast seams are used.

The same method of working with thread by hand as in repairing a small tear can be used for a wider hole. However, the smaller the gap, the better the final result without the use of patches, therefore, before work, the scale of the work is assessed and if the volume exceeds the permissible level, a different method is used. The main thing when sewing is to correctly determine the direction of the denim fibers and follow this position.

In the process, it is necessary to avoid haste and lay each stitch evenly and close to the previous one. It is undesirable to have even a small distance between the threads, which can ruin the efforts made.

For camouflage large sizes holes, a patch is prepared that is larger in size than the hole and, it is important that it is the same color. The process itself is not too complicated:

  • Initially, the ends of the prepared piece are processed, sweeping the edges so that the fabric does not unravel;
  • Excess threads are removed from the pants and the edges of the tear are aligned;
  • a prepared patch is applied to the inside and hooked in the direction of the fibers of the denim pants;
  • Stitches are applied across the entire area of ​​the hole, as in the previous version, which makes the patch invisible. To do this, it is important that the color of the threads matches the color of the product itself.

Repairing a denim product using a machine

The process of repairing pants can be simplified by using a sewing machine instead of the manual method in the following ways:

  • Patch with a hidden seam.
  • Fill a hole in your jeans with a piece of stuff.

The process of both methods is similar at the very beginning, the only differences are in the final processing.

  • First, processing is carried out to remove unnecessary threads and irregularities.
  • The product is turned inside out and, stepping back from the edge of the hole about 3 cm, is processed along the contour. Of course, if you use an overlocker, the result will be much stronger, but with the manual method, the salary will lie so that it is not visible.
  • As a patch, you can use either adhesive fabrics or a special “web” that holds the materials together.
  • It is necessary to apply the patch so that there is a “web” between it and the jeans, then use a heated iron to glue the fabrics together.

At this point, the methods differ; with a hidden seam, it is necessary to stitch along the entire perimeter of the patch, after which the jeans are turned right side out, where a zigzag seam is applied. Excess threads are carefully removed, and this is where the repair ends.

When using the piece, after turning the pants right side out, the perimeter of the patch is sewn, which allows you to mend the hole in the jeans less noticeably. The first line goes straight, why, the reverse mode on the sewing machine is turned on. The lines should be placed close to each other. The process ends when the stitches cover the area of ​​the torn area.

It is important to stitch not only the patch, but also the adjacent edges, and in the absence of a special mode on the machine, the product is turned in the desired direction manually.

Upon completion, excess fringe is removed from the front side, and the darned area is ironed.

In addition to the above methods of how to close a hole, there are more modern ones that use not the masking method, but decoration. You can cover a hole in your jeans beautifully using multi-colored patches or openwork ribbons sewn on the back side. Also, today the method of embroidery on denim is popular, which will help to beautifully beat the situation. All you have to do is come up with a picture or find it on the Internet, and then decorate the small hole with colored threads.

Not in all cases it is necessary to sew up jeans at the knee; you can carefully trim the hole and the fringe around it, which will add audacity to the pants and the owner a desire to experiment.

If you have basic skills and a bit of creativity, it becomes possible to change the image beyond recognition, and from boring old clothes create a style that is incomparable to any model available on the market. The decision on how to correct the situation with gaps lies solely with the person himself and on obtaining the desired result. Before you start correcting the situation, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the variety of methods and choose the most suitable one.

Jeans are a part of the wardrobe that has firmly entered into modern life and lives outside of fashion. This stylish and durable type of clothing is practical and comfortable.

How to sew up a hole in jeans? There is no reason to throw away your jeans, even if a rip suddenly appears. Let's figure out how to give jeans new life.

How to mend on a typewriter

You need a piece of fabric the size of a hole, a square of interlining of the same size, threads that differ in color, or tone on tone.

Using a machine, we make stitches in one direction, then in the opposite direction, and so on across the width of the hole. In place of the gap, it looks like a thick piece of threaded fabric appears. The contrast will add originality to the sewn area.


If you apply patches by hand, use plain threads. Patch the hole in such a way that the edges appear torn. The work is delicate, place small stitches close to each other, imitating the connection of denim threads. Indistinguishable from machine work.

Choosing needles and threads to sew up a hole in jeans

The machine will require standard household coils. Get advice from the store where you will buy. And for hand darning we take a thicker household version. You can find out which thread size is suitable in the instructions on the needle packaging. Seamstresses recommend using 11 (75) and 14 (90) for jeans. Holes between the legs require increased tightening, which means it is better to choose the appropriate numbers of cotton and synthetic bobbins.

Patch or applique

Sewing stores have a huge selection of appliques. It's fashionable and original. The applique sometimes even “fits the theme” hides the hole. Only seamstresses recommend not only gluing the picture according to the instructions, but also stitching it for strength.

Damage to denim can be corrected using any type of material. Leather inserts, braid, decorative elements, and pockets look original. Even lace never goes out of style.

Hole on the butt

You can fix the problem using a typewriter or manually. To hide the hole that appears, take a patch - a piece of the same denim fabric. We sew from the inside out. Place a piece on the tear, press it with adhesive cloth on top and then a layer of denim on top to iron it. Iron until the layered area turns into a single piece. Sew on the front side using a wide, large zigzag. Tie knots on the reverse side and trim off the excess piece.

Hole in the knee

How to sew up a hole in jeans near the knee? To make it more comfortable to sew in a visible place, we rip the jeans along the side seams. Iron the adhesive fabric over the hole. You can stitch using the “stitching” method on a machine. When we restore the semblance of wear, we select threads according to shades. It’s even easier to hide a hole on children’s jeans: sew and decorate a patch.

How to sew a hole in jeans between the legs

There are usually two problems: jeans that are frayed between the legs or a seam that has come apart. Both put a person in an awkward position, so it is advisable to correct it with jewelry. Choose a thick thread. Using your hands, make horizontal stitches over the hole, first down, then back. When the horizontal hole is filled with stitches, we begin to move vertically over it, inserting the needle between the sewn threads. It’s as if we are weaving new fabric in place of the lost one.

Jeans repair: how to restore the hem

In the same way, it is not difficult to remove a torn hem or a hole in the knee. We rip out the damaged area, smooth it out and apply dublerin in several layers. Choose threads in color. A hoop is needed to secure the darning area. Turned inside out, sew them with a stitch in the forward and reverse directions close to each other. This creates a dense area in place of the hole. And we finish the work by folding it along a new line: tucking it, stitching it, removing the shaggy places.

How to remove a hole in a pocket

We will mend the holes in the corners of the pockets. First, we’ll push the lining to the corner. From the inside we glue a piece of fabric onto the glue web. We darn in a familiar way. While the pocket is protruding, the lines can still be barely discerned by the eye. When we sew along the previous line, the darned area will be completely hidden. If the hole is small, cover it with applique or do embroidery. Required:

  • A scrap of fabric or lining, maybe jeans
  • Glue web
  • Threads of identical shade
  • Safety pins for pinning
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Patch

The patch is made from scraps of fabric, or the jeans themselves when shortened. It is cut out a little wider and longer than the size of the hole, so that there is something to grab with a needle. First baste by hand, then machine along the seam.

How to sew up a hole in jeans without a patch

This is the most unusual and creative way to bring your favorite thing back to life. Fantasize, because there are no rules in this method. Today the stores are full of all kinds of creative items:


  • Lace
  • Beads
  • Rhinestones
  • Thermal drawing
  • Acrylic paints
  • Application
  • Embroidery threads


You can arrange rhinestones and beads around the hole in such a way as if it was intended at the factory. Today, scuffs and holes are in fashion, and the way to decorate them is a matter of imagination. Lace inserts or frills, self-adhesive pictures, buttons will make the item brighter and more feminine. The rhinestones are glued on with an iron, the beads are simply sewn on. A completely new way is to paint with acrylic on a stencil. The kits are sold in stores.

If you are a jack of all trades, come up with your own embroidery: a pattern in which the hole is simply not visible or is skillfully woven into the design.

Jeans can be easily turned into shorts

We determine the length of the future shorts, leave another 5-7 centimeters of fabric for hemming by eye and cut it off. Of course, it would be more accurate to put it on, draw a line and cut along it. Shorts can be flat, with an upward slope at the hips. It depends on the drawn pattern that you will work with scissors on.

Classic - shorts 12 centimeters above the knee

Beach shorts look stylish with guipure or frayed edges. It is better to make it from narrow, figure-fitting pants.

Bermudas are called knee-length pants. To shorten it, it is preferable to take wide jeans, or cut it into capri pants, which is also fashionable.

Even not entirely clear, measured and cut lines can be corrected by decorating them with decorative elements.