Keratin hair extensions. The opportunity to have chic long curls: Italian hair extensions

Sometimes I get asked such specific questions - what keratin do you work with, is your keratin high-quality, or, alternatively, how to choose high-quality keratin?

If in the description of the master’s work you come across refractory Italian keratin, then you definitely need to clarify what percentage of slipping strands or how long the hair lasts before correction? If the specialist responded with a percentage of slipping strands of 30% or a wear period before correction of 1.5 - 2 months, then something is wrong here, either with the master, or the keratin is not what the master claims. The problem is that keratin granules do not say Made in Italy and they are usually supplied simply in packages that you will not see, and even if they show you, you will not be able to tell whether it is Italian or Chinese. In addition, I can say that even the highest quality keratin in the hands of a bad master will work poorly and the combing will remain at the level of 30%. In addition, the keratin in the original Italian packaging may in fact be of poor quality, and an inexperienced specialist may continue to blindly trust the Italian guarantee until all the clients’ hair falls out.

Keratin is produced in a great variety by completely different manufacturers from Europe and China. It all looks about the same - translucent small granules with a diameter of about 1 mm and a length of about 2 mm. Those. By looking at it, neither you nor the master will ever understand what quality of keratin is used, even if you examine it in ultraviolet light.

What types of keratin are there?

  • Italian original - high quality, but quickly deteriorating.
  • Keratin from European manufacturers is usually of good quality.
  • Chinese plastic - cheap and low quality
  • Chinese is close in quality to European

Some masters use Chinese plastic keratin, which is relatively cheap and holds the extensions tightly. It would seem that everything is fine, but... Due to its exceptional density, such keratin destroys the hair in the process of wearing it due to the fact that it is not very flexible and the hair simply breaks off at the attachment points and during correction it is extremely difficult to remove, as a result the hair is severely injured. However, clients often have a good impression of this keratin because... You can wear it for a very long time, the timing of correction may be delayed by more late date, and the client, as a rule, simply does not see the loss of his hair. Another type of keratin, this is keratin from Italian manufacturers - it is plastic, wears well and is easily removed without damaging the hair, but by the end of the second month of wearing it begins to collapse and you are simply forced to make a correction. In addition, again I want to note that Italian keratin from different manufacturers also differs in quality. I had to experience the consequences of using low-quality Italian keratin. My Italian partner convinced me for a long time that this is the best keratin in the world, which is used by the most prestigious salons around the world. Keratin was much more expensive and packaged in original Italian packages and delivered from Italy; in fact, it brought me and my clients a lot of grief in the form of an increased percentage of slipping strands and increased combing. As a result, this Italian supplier was blacklisted by me and I had to return to keratin from a supplier that had been proven over the years.
The optimal type of keratin is the one that is flexible and wears for a long time, but calculating it from all the types of keratin on the market is quite a difficult task because no manufacturer or supplier will ever say that its keratin is bad and will not refer to specific properties and terms - as a rule, we are talking only about price.

It takes a good master years, hundreds of heads of clients, thousands of tails to calculate the optimal keratin, and believe my experience, no master, under pain of the most terrible torture, will ever reveal the secret - which keratin is the best!)

To summarize, I can say that when it comes to choosing keratin, it is better to trust good master which will choose keratin through a process of trial and error.

Curl extensions with keratin are a popular method for a quick transformation. You can use it with minimal interruption to restore your hair. But the material for extensions must be from the original manufacturer and of high quality. Only in this case, the wearing of additional strands will be without incidents in the form of their frequent loss.

What it is?

Keratin used for hair extensions is a synthetic polymer substance. It is refractory and resembles a drop of resin, which allows you to attach additional hair to your family with its help. Real keratin is hypoallergenic and does not cause any harm to the hair and scalp. It attaches easily, holds well and can be easily removed using special fluid and tools.

Characteristics: color, refractoriness, shape, price

With the development of such a direction as keratin hair extensions, manufacturers are offering more and more varieties of material:

Fake gel bio-composition

The problem of low-quality hair extension material is acute in the beauty industry. Most often, silicone or Chinese plastic is sold under the guise of the original.
Both options cause irreparable damage to the hair. But the plastic at least holds them well during wear, although they are difficult to remove. Also, during wear and correction, it compresses the strands, causing excessive fragility due to its inelasticity and excessive density.

If you come across “keratin” made from silicone, then such granules require additional processing, cutting off the excess. The hair secured with it begins to fall out almost immediately or after the first wash. Dyeing such a hairstyle will lead to its complete destruction, whereas the original material allows coloring without consequences.

A new product in the world of fakes is vitaminized keratin. Working with a company offering this product is immediately excluded. The fact is that the material for extensions is a polymer.

And the production technology, as well as the chemical properties, do not allow it to be filled with substances beneficial to hair.

How to choose good Italian granules?

Sometimes fakes are so good that even an experienced craftsman cannot distinguish them from the original. But, at a minimum, you can weed out outright consumer goods using:

  • visual inspection - high-quality keratin should have a bluish tint and not be cloudy (does not apply to colored and powdery materials);
  • checks under ultraviolet lamp, in this case keratin should glow.

Of course, even the above methods do not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not purchase a good fake instead of the original. But as one of the ways to protect yourself, they are quite suitable.

Check out visually how high-quality keratin should glow in the video below:

Which capsules are better?

Convinced of the importance of using quality materials, the question arises, where to get them? You can ask trusted craftsmen who have been working for a long time. Alas, if they are not good friends, they are unlikely to reveal a professional secret. Therefore, the main way is to order products from specialized companies and gradually select the highest quality keratin from the options provided by the manufacturers.

On my friend's blog as possible get rid of hair on the body FOREVER?! Her daughter brought her some kind of cunning depilator from abroad that works on the principle of tweezers, she literally used it once, and her hair NO MORE GROWING!!!

There are two types capsule extension hair: hot extensions (Italian technology, English technology, microcapsule extensions) and cold extensions (Spanish technology).

Italian technology

Ready-made strands are used, the ends of which are already sealed in keratin capsules. During the procedure, the master heats the capsule using special tongs, thus soldering the artificial strand of hair to the natural one.

For a full hairstyle, ideally you need at least 125 strands. You can choose several colors to make your hairstyle look stylish and individual. The duration of wearing hair extensions can be up to 6 months.


  • strong fastening of the strands virtually eliminates hair loss;
  • long-term wearing;
  • possibility of multiple corrections;
  • withstands strong temperature changes and high humidity;
  • can be increased by short hair, including bangs and temples.


  • due to the strong fastening, your own hair may fall out, experiencing greater stress;
  • Hair may become tangled at the attachment points.

English technology

This technology can be called classical. The extension process is quite complex and painstaking. Organic resin and a glue gun are used to attach donor hair.

The master collects natural hairs into small bundles, the thickness of which is selected depending on the desired effect. The master bears full responsibility for a successful result.

For an amazing effect, it will be enough to extend 100 - 150 strands with a length of 30 to 70 cm. The extensions are done on your own hair with a length of 6 cm. The duration of wearing hair with such extensions reaches 3 - 4 months.


  • if done correctly, the size of the soldering does not exceed a grain of rice, they are completely invisible, even to the touch;
  • By independently forming the buns, the hairdresser can give the hairstyle the desired density.


  • the procedure takes a long time;
  • if done unprofessionally, hair may fall out and capsules may slip from their hair;
  • It is not advisable to expose capsules to temperature changes;
  • the size of the capsules is larger than in Italian extensions;
  • Extensions cannot be applied to short hair or bangs.

Spanish technology

This is a cold extension, during which the strands are attached to natural hair glue. New hair will last up to 4 months, after which it is recommended to make a correction that will allow you to wear it for some more time.


  • after drying, the glue turns white, this method is not suitable for dark hair;
  • extensions are possible on hair from 10 cm;
  • not suitable for weak and brittle hair;
  • there are many restrictions on care.

Microcapsule technology

When adding extensions, a standard hair bundle is divided into several parts, and tiny capsules are used for attachment, which are heated with a glue gun. This type of extension does not weigh down the hair and is suitable for those with weakened, thin and brittle hair. This method is ideal for extensions on short hair (from 3 centimeters).


  • suitable for weak, thin and fragile hair.;
  • the connection of natural and donor hair is almost invisible;
  • suitable for short hair.

All types of extensions have both pros and cons. It should be understood that modern extensions have the most gentle effect on your hair. With a professional approach, you don’t have to worry about possible damage and hair loss.

Which type of extension is better to choose?

Italian technology Suitable for almost all girls, with the exception of those with thin and weak hair. Strong fastening with a keratin capsule can create additional stress on weakened hair follicles.

English technology suitable for those who are ready to sacrifice extra hours of their time for the sake of beauty. The good thing about this type of extension is that the hair mass can be distributed more evenly, creating the illusion of additional thickness and volume.

Spanish technology suitable for girls with blond hair, glue capsules allow you to make barely noticeable adhesions.

Microcapsule extension can be considered the most universal, the procedure allows you to get stunning long and thick hair even for those with short or weak hair.

Capsule extensions last from 2 to 3.5 hours, depending on the thickness of your own hair and the number of strands that need to be extended. Microcapsule extensions can take up to 4.5 hours.

What is the difference between extension capsules?

Keratin capsules They look like small plates and consist of a substance that is part of human hair and nails. Keratin has excellent adhesive properties, which allows the donor hair to be firmly fixed. The capsules are transparent, the adhesions take on the color of the hair.

Resin capsules made of refractory resin of organic origin containing natural keratin. When done correctly, the spike does not exceed the size of a grain of rice. The fastening is quite reliable and practically eliminates combing. There are capsules that can take on hair color and change it after coloring.

Adhesive capsules allow you to get small flat adhesions that are barely noticeable on the hair. However, when the glue dries, it turns white, so extensions using such capsules are recommended for fair-haired girls.

What to do if your hair falls out? To get started, we recommend visiting the website of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. This article reveals a method by which you can fight hair loss. FOR FREE, without harm to the body.

How to care for hair extensions

There is an opinion that caring for hair extensions is very difficult, but natural hair also requires special care. long hair. The only difference is that you follow a number of recommendations that will keep your new hair in perfect condition.

How to comb hair extensions

  • wide-toothed comb;
  • starting from the ends, gathering the bulk of the hair into a ponytail with your hand;
  • avoid tangling of fasteners;
  • comb hair at the roots.

How to wash hair extensions

  • You only need to wash the scalp with shampoo; the hair is cleaned while rinsing with water;
  • care products should not come into contact with adhesions;
  • You need to nourish the donor hair with a special mask or hair oil.

How to dry hair extensions

  • Before going to bed, hair is collected in a braid;
  • Hot styling products (hair dryer, tongs, curlers) should not come into contact with hair attachment points.

Popular brands of hair extension care products include: Barex, Sati (Italy), Hair Talk (Germany).

How often and how and how often hair correction is performed

Your own hair grows, and the attachment points of the donor hair recede over time. The need to make a correction is brewing, approximately 2-3 months after extension.

The capsules are softened with a harmless solution, after which the master removes the strands using special tongs. Remains of keratin or resin are removed from the hair, after which the head is washed with shampoo with a degreasing effect. Then the hair is re-extended; donor hair can be used many times.

When to remove hair

With proper extension and proper care hair can be worn for a whole year, after which the material requires replacement. However, it should be understood that wearing hair extensions for a long time has a negative effect on your own hair.

A conscientious hairdresser will always advise taking a break if the client’s own hair has been damaged while wearing hair extensions. Those with weakened and brittle hair are advised to wear hair extensions for no more than three months in a row. After which you should undergo a course of restoring your hair and nourishing your scalp.

By the way! I advise you to read 5 tips on how to smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate skin for 147 rubles. from Cosmopolitan magazine based on an interview with Moscow cosmetologist Anna Dovgan.

Keratin is a type of protein that makes up our hair, skin and nails. Keratin is also present in internal organs and glands. Keratin is a protective protein. It is smaller than other cells in our body and prone to scratches and tears.

Keratin is obtained from the feathers, horns and hair of various animals and is used in hair care products. It is believed that since keratin is the building block of hair, taking creatine supplements and foods high in creatine will help strengthen hair and give it a healthy shine.

For humans, keratin is defined as the fibrous structural protein of hair, nails and epithelial cells, contained in the uppermost layers of the skin. For animals, the definition of keratin is the same, with the only difference being that animals have more parts of the body that are rich in this substance: hooves, horns, fur and feathers. Simply put, keratin is the building blocks for our hair, nails and skin. Some varieties of keratin also regulate vital cellular activities such as protein production and cell growth.

There are two types of keratin proteins: alpha keratins and beta keratins. Our skin and hair contain alpha keratin. A distinctive feature of keratin is the presence of a large amount of cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. Human hair is approximately 14 percent cysteine. There is another organic substance comparable in strength to keratinized tissue - chitin. Chitin, among other things, makes up the shells of lobsters, shrimp and insects. When it comes to our hair, keratin is one of the strongest and most important building blocks for our curls, no matter how long they are.

Benefits and results

People who use keratin products note that their hair becomes smoother and more manageable. The effect varies depending on the initial condition of the hair, its natural thickness and what kind of keratin products are used. Keratin smoothes out the cells that intersect to form stray strands of hair. Layers of cells called the hair cuticle theoretically absorb keratin, resulting in hair that looks vibrant and shiny. It is also believed that thanks to keratin, curly hair is less frizzy, easier to style and straighten.

Methods of application

Salon keratin treatments

Sometimes called a Brazilian keratin treatment, this time-consuming keratin treatment involves several steps. Before hair is dried and straightened in a salon, formaldehyde is applied to it. After applying the product, do not wet your hair for several days. Afterwards, in the salon, all remnants of the first product are washed off and the second is applied to “fix” the straightening effect. As experts say, this effect lasts up to 12 weeks.

Serums, shampoos and conditioners with keratin

Serums, shampoos and conditioners with keratin cannot promise the same as they do. salon treatments. However, manufacturers of such products claim that they help make hair more resistant to damage, as well as restore strands burned by various styling products and dyes. The composition on the packaging of such products contains “keratin hydrolysates”. In 2013, researchers () concluded that active ingredients keratin are potentially an effective ingredient for strengthening hair.

Keratin Supplements

Keratin supplements can be found at almost any health food store. They are produced in powder or capsule form. However, such supplements are not without risk. Excessive consumption of them can lead to excess accumulation of protein in the body.

Possible risks and side effects

Salon keratin treatments involve the use of large amounts of formaldehyde. Some hair salon workers note that after a couple of hours of working with keratin restoration products, they began to bleed from the nose and experienced breathing problems. These levels of formaldehyde exceed the national safety standard for chemical exposure by five times. ()

For this reason, pregnant women should avoid such procedures. Also, people who are sensitive to formaldehyde and have respiratory problems should avoid keratin straightening.

Does keratin straightening harm your hair?

Brazilian keratin straightening is a semi-permanent hair straightening method in which a liquid keratin complex and preservative solution is temporarily “locked” into the curls using a hair straightener. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in a salon, and it takes from one and a half hours, depending on the length of the hair. Usually the effect lasts about three months. Keep in mind, if you have fine, straight hair, then you shouldn't even think about keratin straightening. “Ideal candidates” for this procedure are people with frizz and/or curly hair with a dense, hard texture.

The main concern is that Brazilian keratin straightening involves too many products with formaldehyde. The International Agency for Research on Cancer as well as the National Toxicology Program classify formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen. According to an interview with the vice president of research working group Environment Jane Houlihan, the potential dangers of hair straightening products are very current and widespread: ()

We checked 41 of the most popular salons and found that almost all of them offer hair straightening services. After careful research, we have come to the conclusion that almost 100% of Brazilian keratin straightening services involve the release of formaldehyde.

Our body itself produces some formaldehyde. However, in salons we inhale formaldehyde, which can be extremely dangerous to health. This substance is found in tobacco smoke, in the air around unvented, fuel-burning appliances such as gas or wood stoves, and in the salon during keratin straightening treatments. We advise you to seriously think about this, because this method of hair straightening is dangerous not only for your health, but also for the health of your hairdresser. ()

Keratin hair extensions The best way turn liquid and rare hair into thick and long hair.

Keratin is a synthetic polymer preparation. The resin helps attach the strands to your own hair. Keratin extensions are performed on the basis of Asian, European or South Russian strands. You can purchase them yourself in advance before the procedure.

When purchasing, consider the following points:

  1. Required amount.
  2. Hair quality.
  3. Quality of keratin capsules. If the hair in the capsule is not evenly distributed, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Types of keratin extensions

  1. Hot (Italian, English, American, micro extensions).
  2. Cold build-up.

Stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent research into hair care products has revealed a horrifying figure - 97% of well-known shampoo brands damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But that's not the worst thing! These chemicals enter the blood through the pores and are carried throughout internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend that you avoid such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the Mulsan Cosmetic company. The products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics The shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

Keratin extension technology

After keratin extensions, you can tint, paint, or use any styling method.

Extension tools

  1. Hair extensions.
  2. Shampoo.
  3. Clamps. Scissors.
  4. Comb with wide teeth.
  5. Iron, hair dryer.
  6. Special heating tongs.
  7. Micro forceps.
  8. Protective plates.
  9. Hot razor.
  10. Hook for hair extensions.

Italian method

The extension strands are attached to the root part of the hair using curling irons with a thermostat. It takes about three hours to build up.

Advantages of Italian extensions

  1. Easy care for hair extensions.
  2. The quality of hair extensions does not change when visiting bathhouses, swimming pools, or swimming in the sea.

English method

The necessary additional strands are created by the master who carries out the procedure. Using a heat gun, keratin resin is applied to the strand. This method is not entirely practical and is rarely used. When it is carried out, burns to the head are possible, and the places where the strands are attached are noticeable.

American method

Similar to Italian. The differences are as follows:

  • extensions are attached to the underside of the hair;
  • the strands are reused during extensions, shortening a little each time they are attached.


  1. Reusable.
  2. Neat and natural appearance hair.

Micro extension

The technology is carried out according to Italian methods. The differences are as follows:

  • for micro-extensions, small (2-3 mm) capsules are used;
  • with micro extensions, strands can be attached in the areas of the parting, bangs and temples, which is impossible with the Italian extension method.

Micro-strands are attached using a special device.

Benefits of micro extensions

  1. The strands have a natural appearance.
  2. They hold firmly.
  3. They wear for a long time.
  4. Extension is possible in any zone.
  5. Ideal for hair of any color and length.

Contraindications and warnings

  1. The extension process is quite long.
  2. Thermal effects on hair.
  3. Perms and frequent straightening of hair with an iron can damage the capsules.
  4. You cannot use the keratin extension method if you have oily hair or hair loss.
  5. Care after extensions excludes the use of products based on silicone, oils and acids.

Cold keratin extension technology

The extension is carried out by exposing the bond capsule to ultrasonic waves coming from applicator forceps. Ultrasonic energy, after penetrating the capsule, is transformed into heat and seals the capsule.

For this extension, use up to 120 capsules. The duration of the technology is from 2 to 4 hours. Wearing up to 7 months. Removal occurs quickly and comfortably using a special liquid.

The master himself regulates the amount of hair that he grows even in the most invisible areas, down to one hair.

Advantages of this technology

  1. Hair does not overheat.
  2. The extensions are invisible on the hair and very durable.
  3. The build-up happens quite quickly.

Spanish cold extension technology

Provides an excellent opportunity to build hair-to-hair extensions with high precision, which gives naturalness to the hair.

  1. A similar hair color is selected.
  2. To better secure the strands, thoroughly wash your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo without using balm.
  3. Dry your hair if necessary.
  4. We start extensions from the bottom hair line. To do this, we make a parting in the form of an arc at a distance of several centimeters down from the back of the head.
  5. Extensions are glued to the client's hair. The adhesive capsules are flat and not large in size.
  6. New strands are placed at a small distance from each other so that the layer looks complete.
  7. You should not secure too many strands on one layer so that the hairstyle does not look unnatural.
  8. Having finished the first layer, we lower the next one down. We part the hair again and continue to extend the hair.
  9. The last section for extension will be located above the temporal zone. The extended strands should not be located further than the temples, so as not to spoil the natural texture.

Extension tools

  1. Hair extensions.
  2. Shampoo.
  3. Clamps. Scissors.
  4. Comb with wide teeth.
  5. Special ultrasound machine for keratin extensions.

You can watch a video describing the extension technique below:

The summary table is compiled based on information about the service in the most popular salons in the region.

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