Lesson notes on duck sculpting. OD summary on modeling Topic: “Duck with ducklings” lesson plan on appliqué, modeling (middle group)

Elena Brailova
Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group “Duck with ducklings”

Educational area:"Artistic creativity."

OO integration: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Form: direct educational activities.

Subject:"Duck with ducklings."

Goal: Development of interest in visual arts, development of productive activities through modeling, development of aesthetic perception.


1. Continue to teach children how to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, presenting some characteristic features (an elongated beak, a tail, conveying the expressiveness of the image in sculpting

2. Improve sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms (a block, a ball, connecting the parts together, pressing them tightly together, smoothing the seams, pinching, pulling (beak, tail).

3. Create a positive emotional response to the overall result.

Vocabulary work: beak, tail.

Methodological techniques: verbal (guessing riddles about a duck, visualization (examining a toy duck with children, explanation (what shape is the body, head, beak, tail, independence (children’s work), a surprise moment (dancing around the lake in masked hats).

Materials and equipment: plasticine, boards, napkins for each child, a toy duck, a lake - a mirror, hats and duck masks for each child, a model of a house, wattle fence, toys - poultry; musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work. Conversation with children about poultry (geese, ducks, chickens, looking at illustrations of “ducks - ducklings”, “hens - chickens”, “geese - goslings”, didactic game “How are they similar? How are they different?” (comparing chickens and ducklings, guessing riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

The class begins in the dining area.

Educator: - Guys, guess the riddle.

She walks in the rain

Loves to pick grass!

"Quack!" screams

It's all a joke

Well, of course it is... (Duck)

Educator:- Well done guys, here's another riddle.

Amazing child!

Just got out of diapers

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother. (Duckling)

Educator:- How many of you know what kind of birds a duck and a duckling are?

Children:- Homemade.

Educator:- Guys, do you have grandmothers who live in the village? (children's answers) This morning I received a letter from grandmother Varvara from the village of Smetankovo. Want to read what it says?

Children:- Yes.

Educator:“Hello, guys! Grandma Varvarushka is writing to you, my granddaughter Masha came to visit me, she decided to help me, let the duck and ducklings go to the lake, but all my ducklings scattered across the grass, we can’t collect them. Come, help us find all the ducklings.”

Educator:- Do you want to help your grandmother? Then we go to the village of Smetankovo.

Educator:- Here, guys, we are in the village, grandmother Varvarushka meets us with her granddaughter Masha.

Teacher for grandma: - I’m waiting for you guys, my duck lost her ducklings, she was upset, she kept quacking and quacking.

Educator: - Guys, how can we help the duck?

Children:- Find the ducklings.

Educator: And so that the duck does not cry while we are looking for ducklings, what else can we do for her?

Children:- Blind.

Educator:- Of course, you can make ducklings! But first, let's play with you a little.

Physical exercise “The ducks went out into the meadow.”

The ducks came out into the meadow,

Quack-quack-quack! They are walking.

A cheerful beetle flew by

Wow! They flap their arms like wings.

Geese arch their necks,

Ha-ga-ga! Circular rotations of the neck.

The beak straightens the feathers. Turns the body left and right.

The wind shook the branches. They swing their arms up.

The ball also growled,

Rrrr! Hands on your belt, lean forward, look ahead.

The reeds whispered in the water,

Shhh! Raise your arms and stretch.

And again there was silence,

Shhhh. Sit down.

Educator:- Well done! Now sit down at the tables, we must help mother duck.

Educator:- Look, children, what parts does a duck consist of? (look at the duck toy)

Children:- Head, torso. The head is smaller, the body is larger.

Educator:- What do you think, what is it? (points to beak, tail)

Children:- Beak, tail.

Educator:- Well done! First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts. One larger piece will be the body, one smaller piece will be the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. We connect carefully so that the shape does not break. Then we guys, by pinching, make a beak on the duckling’s head and pull it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pull it out. Look how I do it.

Our duckling is almost ready. Is he missing some eyes or something else?

Children:- Wings!

Educator:- Look, you have buckwheat cereal in your plate, make eyes out of it for the duckling. Carefully! Where the eyes should be, press the grain. If everything is clear, start the lesson.

(Music sounds, children work independently).

Educator: Our duck in the pond is looking forward to her ducklings! Now, guys, let's go and put all the ducklings on the lake.

There is a fish in the pond,

And ducklings love to eat

This fish in the morning

In the mornings and evenings.

And of course at lunch too!

The fish will help them grow!

Educator:- Our duck is one, but there are many ducklings! Well done, you did a great job today! Look how happy the mother duck is! Look, who’s sitting under the bush, huddled together? (the teacher finds chicken toys under a bush) These are the lost children! Mother duck was even more happy, her ducklings returned! Everyone has fun, and so do we! After all, we did a good deed. Is it true?

Children:- Yes!

Educator:- So that grandma and Masha will also be in a good mood, let’s dance for them together with our duck and ducklings. Please, everyone stand in a circle around the lake, and I will put on duckling hats and masks for you. Now listen to the music and repeat all the movements after me.

"Dance of little ducks". Music is playing. Children dance dance.

Educator:- Guys, were we able to help grandma find the ducklings? How did you do it?

Used Books:

1. Kovalko V.I. School of physical education minutes (grades 1-4): Practical development of physical education minutes, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games for primary schoolchildren. -M. : WACO. 2007

2. Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Middle group. – M.: “Karapuz”, 2009.

Shapovalova Elina Yurievna

Goal: To teach children to sculpt an object (a duck, which consists of several parts. To teach children to convey in sculpting the expressiveness of the image and the characteristic features of ducklings: an oval-shaped body; a ball-shaped head, an elongated wide beak, a tail. Developing interest in visual arts and aesthetics perception.


Educational: Strengthen and improve sculpting techniques: divide plasticine into unequal parts; rolling plasticine between the palms and on the board; connect the parts of the duck, pressing tightly together; practice using the technique of pinching, pulling and smoothing seams.

Developmental: Develop an interest in modeling. Learn to evaluate not only your own performance results, but also the work of other children, causing a positive emotional response to the overall result.

Educational: Instill the techniques of careful sculpting; voluntary attention; imagination and memory.

Vocabulary work: beak, tail, waterfowl, body parts

Methodical techniques:

Verbal (guess riddles about the duck and ducklings);

Visualization (show children a toy duck);

Explanation (what is the shape of the duck’s body parts: body (oval, head (ball, beak, tail);

Independence (children's work);

Moment (teacher providing individual assistance to children);

Surprise (dance in duckling masks; encouraging children for helping the duck).

Materials and equipment: boards for modeling; yellow and red plasticine; buckwheat (for ducklings' eyes); for each child, duckling toys and duckling masks (for dancing); lake, house and fence (model); toys – pet birds; Russian folk costume for a teacher; musical accompaniment; a wonderful bag and Cockerel lollipops to encourage children.

Organizing children in classes in subgroups

Preliminary work. Watching the cartoon “The Ugly Duckling” and discussing with the children what happened to the ugly duckling; look at the illustrations and talk with children about poultry and their chicks (duck-duckling, hen-chicken, goose-goose); didactic game “How are they alike? What is the difference?" (comparison of chicks and ducklings); solving riddles about poultry.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the group and are greeted by a teacher in Russian folk costume.)

Educator: Hello, guys!

Educator: Hello, my dears! I'm very glad you came. Come in, dear guests!

Children: Hello!

And right now I’m going to the poultry yard to feed my poultry.

Children: Oh, what birds? Educator: Now, try to guess which birds:

Can swim and dive

Fly high in the sky

How it flies to the river

Gets right into the water

“Quack” - dived for a minute

Did you find out? This…

Children: Duck!

Educator: Well done guys. Here's another riddle:

Fluffy sailor with a spatula nose on short legs in red boots

Educator: Well done! You guessed. It's a duck and ducklings

but they are not in the yard, maybe they went to the lake. Let's go look for them. (Children go through a strip with physical education equipment: a bridge; a path; bumps.

The teacher and the children approach the table on which the lake is decorated, and one duck is swimming on the lake).

Educator: Look, guys, there’s a duck swimming, but for some reason it’s swimming alone, apparently the kids are hiding in the grass.

Our duck is very sad because the ducklings are lost. “Quack-quack-quack!”, but the ducklings don’t respond.

Educator: Takes the duck and brings it to his ear. Mother duck told me in my ear that she wants to ask you guys to help her. How do you guys think we can help?

Children (answer options): ...you can make ducklings...

Educator: Or maybe we’ll try to make little ducklings for our duck! But now I suggest playing a little to cheer up our duck.

The ducks came out into the meadow, (we walk in place) - Quack-Quack-Quack!

A cheerful beetle flew by - Zhzhzhzhzh! (we wave our arms - wings).

Geese arch their necks - Ha-Ga-Ga (we stretch our necks, head forward).

The feathers are straightened with the beak (moving the head towards the right hand and left hand).

The wind swayed the branches (swaying hands above,

The ball also growled - Rrrrr (hands in front of you, leaning forward).

The reeds whispered in the water - Shhh (swinging hands above,

And again there was silence - Shhh... (we sat down, pressed a finger to our lips and remained silent).

Educator: Well done! And now we must help the mother duck. Sit down at the tables and look, guys, what's on our plates.

Children: Plasticine

Educator: Touch it, what is it like? Yellow, soft. Tell me, what parts does a duck consist of?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, the duck has a body and a head. What do you think it is?

Children: Beak, tail.

Educator: Well done! First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts, but the parts must be different. A larger piece of plasticine will be the body, and a smaller piece will be the head. To get the body of a duck, you need to take a large piece of plasticine and roll it in your palms, first into a ball, and then into an oval. Next, to make the duck’s head, take a small piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball. Then we connect the two resulting parts, carefully and tightly pressing them together so that the shape does not break. Now guys, on the body, where the duck’s tail is, we’ll pull it out by pinching it. Look how I can do it. We have red plasticine, from it we will make a beak for our duckling and pull it back a little. Our duckling is almost ready. I think he's missing something?

Children: Wings! Peephole!

Educator: Look, you have cereal on your plate - buckwheat. Where the ducklings' eyes should be, press the rump. This is such a wonderful cute duckling I got. Let's start making ducklings, guys, but first we need to stretch our fingers, repeat after me:

The hen has a chick,

(thumb touches all fingers in turn)

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling,

Every mother has babies (we clench and unclench all our fingers)

Everyone is beautiful and good! Educator: The duck on the lake is looking forward to her ducklings! Our fingers are warm, let's get to work. Guys, if someone doesn’t succeed, I’ll come over and help, we agreed. (Light music plays, children begin the lesson).

(The children finished making ducklings).

Educator: Now, guys, let's go, show our duck who you made and put all the ducklings on the lake.

There is a fish in the pond,

And ducklings love to eat

This fish in the morning

In the mornings and evenings.

And of course at lunch too!

The fish will help them grow!

Educator: Look guys, how beautiful our ducklings turned out! The duck won't be bored now, because how many ducklings does she have now? Let's count them guys! Oh, look, little ducklings are sleeping in the bushes, which our duck lost and was looking for. Look, the mother duck was very happy that her ducklings returned to her! Well done, you did a great job today! The duck is in a good mood, because now she not only has her own ducklings, but also our ducklings. What have we done today? They did a good job! Is it true?

Educator: Guys, let’s show our guests how to dance so that our guests are also in a good mood. We stand in a large circle, and I will put on masks for you, for boys the mask is a duckling, and for girls it is a duck mask.

We are ready, we all dance together and repeat after me.

Educator: - Guys, were we able to help the mother duck find her ducklings? How did you do it? Educator: We are great! The duck thanks you for the wonderful dance. And because you returned the kids to her, she wants to treat you to sweet cockerels!

And now let's not bother our duck and ducklings, let's say goodbye to everyone. (Children leave).

Print Thanks, great lesson +15

Do you and your child sing funny children's songs, for example, about two funny geese? If yes, then your baby probably knows that geese can be white and gray. You will need this knowledge, because in this modeling lesson we will learn how to sculpt a goose from plasticine. So, to create a craft, you can use only white plasticine, combining it with red or orange, or only a gray block or a mixture of both. Modeling a goose is a simple job that can be done even by small children, but under the guidance of adults.

Other lessons on the topic of pets:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

1. According to the above list, prepare the bars and plate for work. Think through all the components of the bird. This is the head, body, tail and wings, and also, if we are talking about goose poultry, it is also necessary to add a long neck. We will sculpt all these details from a combination of white and gray plasticine. We make the beak and paws from red or orange.

Create two balls, their parameters should be proportional to the head and body of the goose. And also pull one piece into an oblong sausage-neck.

To avoid attaching the tail separately, just pull out a little of the white mass with your fingers, you should get a pointed tail. Connect all the parts together. You can disguise a flexible wire inside the neck, then the finished goose can actually bow.

Attach a wide red beak to the front of the muzzle.

Glue two black dots for eyes.

To sculpt the wings, draw out the gray pieces in semi-arcs and make them flat. The stack will allow you to show the feathers on the wings.

Attach the wings to the body.

To make flipper-like legs, make notches with the flat side of the stack.

Attach the legs to the body.

The plasticine goose is ready. Now is the time to once again sing the song about two cheerful geese with your child.

Municipal institution "Department of Preschool Education" of the executive committee of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

"Kindergarten No. 38 Podsolnushek"

Lesson notes for the middle group

Modeling on the topic:


Compiled by the teacher

Nigmatzyanova Elvira Tagirovna


Target: teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, showing some characteristic features (elongated beak, tail).

- Strengthen sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms;
- Practice using the technique of pinching and pulling;
- Strengthen the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly against each other, and smoothing seams;
- Cause a positive emotional response to the overall result.

Vocabulary work: beak, tail.

Materials and equipment: plasticine; boards; napkins; duck toys for each child); lake is a mirror; duck mask hats for each child; house layout; wattle fence; toys – pet birds; hostess costume for the teacher; musical accompaniment; a huge toy egg to encourage children and “Worms” marmalade.

4. Organization of children during the lesson in subgroups.

5. Preliminary work. Conversation with children about poultry (geese, ducks, chickens); looking at illustrations of ducklings, chickens, geese, goslings; game “How are they similar? What is the difference?" (comparison of chicks and ducklings); guessing riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: children, today we will feed the poultry. Now you can guess which birds.
She walks in the rain
Loves to cut grass!
"Quack!" screams
It's all a joke
Well, of course it is...
Children: Duck!
Educator: Well done, guys, here's another riddle.
Amazing child!
Just got out of diapers
Can swim and dive
Like his own mother.
Children: Duckling!

Educator: Well done! So you guessed it. This is a duck and ducklings. They are not in the yard, they probably went to the lake. Let's go look for them.
(Children pass a strip with physical education equipment: a bridge; hummocks. The teacher and the children approach the table on which the lake is decorated. They surround it on all sides. One duck swims on the lake).
Educator: Look, guys, the duck is swimming alone, you can see the kids are hiding in the grass. The mother duck felt lonely and began to call them. “Quack-quack-quack!”, but the ducklings don’t respond. Mother duck asks you to help find her ducklings. Let's help her! How can we help her, guys?
Children (answer options): ... you can blind...

Educator: of course, you can make ducklings! But first, let's play with you a little.
The ducks came out into the meadow, (we walk like ducklings) -
A cheerful beetle flew by -
Zhzhzhzhzh! (we wave our arms - wings).
Geese arch their necks -
Ga-Ga-Ga (circular rotation of the neck).
The feathers are straightened with the beak (the body turns left and right).
The wind swayed the branches (we sway with our arms raised up),
The ball also growled -
Rrrrr... (hands on the waist, bending forward, looking in front of you).
The reeds whispered in the water -
Shhhhhhhh...(raise your arms up and stretch),
And again there was silence -
Shhhhhhh... (sat down).
Educator: Well done! Now sit down at the tables, we must help the mother duck. Look, guys, what wonderful colored plasticine we have on our plates. Touch it, what is it like?..
Children: Soft...
Educator: Look, children, what parts does a duck consist of?
Children: Head, torso. The head is smaller, the body is larger.
Educator: What do you think, what is this?
Children: Beak, tail.

Educator: Well done! First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts. One piece of plasticine, which is larger, will be the body; a smaller piece is the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. But be very careful so that the shape does not break. Then we guys pinched the beak on the duckling’s head and pulled it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pulled it out. Look how I do it.
Our duckling is almost ready. Is he missing some eyes or something else?
Children: Wings!..
Educator: look, you have buckwheat in your plate, make eyes out of it for the duckling. Carefully! Where the eyes should be, press the grain. If everything is clear, start the lesson.
Educator: Our duck in the pond is really looking forward to her ducklings!
(The children finished their work).

Educator: Now, guys, let’s go and put all the ducklings on the lake.
Our duck is one, but there are many ducklings! Let's count them guys! Well done, you did a great job today! Look how happy the mother duck is! And the ducklings are happy too, they have returned to their mother! Everyone has fun, and so do we! After all, we did a good deed. Is it true?
Children: Yes!!

Educator: So that our guests also have a good mood, let's dance for them together with our duck and ducklings. Please, everyone stand in a circle around the lake, and I will put on duckling hats and masks for you. Now listen to the music and repeat all the movements after me.

(Music sounds. Children dance the dance of little ducklings).
Educator: What great fellows you are! Me and the duck thank you for the wonderful dance. And the duck also wants to thank you for returning the babies to her! She passed on treats.

What kind of bird should we make? Rook - the toy has already been copied. We need to move on. I don’t seem to have any convincingly similar toys anymore. So, we will sculpt according to the picture. So, perhaps today we will choose a duck - a model of medium complexity. So, look, she has many similar relatives: both a goose and a swan! Great, you can practice “evolutionary changes”: you can immediately see that when we blind a duck, it will be easy to transform it into other birds. They're just longer-necked.

And I would advise you to practice drawing before you sculpt, then it will be clear to you whether you have a good idea of ​​what you are going to sculpt.

Let's take a large piece of plasticine and give it an elongated shape.

Let's mold a duck from a whole piece: we immediately determine the ratio of the sizes of the head and body.

We slightly thin the neck, stretch it and bend it back. We smooth out the roughness with our fingers: let the duck look neat. Let's extend the beak, flatten the head a little, and define a place for the eyes.

Let's sharpen and raise the tail, outline the wings. Soooo. Now we've reached the paws. In the picture the duck is standing on one leg, the other is tucked up. Well, if it’s more convenient for her, then we’ll blind it that way too. We also pull the paws out of the body: the loss is small. We won’t be able to really put the duck on such a foot: the plasticine won’t withstand the load. We could make a frame out of wire, but not today: wait until we sculpt ostriches and marabou, then we’ll come up with all sorts of cunning fortifications.

Let's look at the molded duck from the back - is it symmetrical? Let's align the wings on both sides of the body and give the waterfowl a squat appearance. Well, well, it turned out to be a convincing duck, the only thing that doesn’t quack is.

Well, comrades, the goose seems to be very similar to the duck, shall we risk reforging it?

There is no need to change the body in particular, we will stretch the neck, make the head smaller, and make the beak smaller too.

He seems to be a goose, but... his duck origin still affects him. Or am I being picky? Okay, let the goose be like that, and I will sculpt the swan in the usual way - and not by remaking it from a goose: this experiment seemed unsuccessful to me.

on the other hand, if I hadn’t tried it, I wouldn’t have known that a duck makes a duck, not a goose.

At the same time, I’ll tell you a funny incident. There have always been wild ducks on our pond, but recently the townspeople have been feeding them, there are more ducks, they have become tamed and bolder. Recently I was walking past a pond, thinking about my own things, and suddenly a duck jumped out onto the shore - covered in duckweed, and rushing towards me with all its might, its beak open, concern in its eyes. And on the “face” it is clearly written: uff! I was almost late!... well, here it is - me, give me your piece of bread quickly!

Marina Novikova told you how to make a duck and a goose from plasticine.

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Goal: to teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, giving some characteristic features (an elongated beak, a tail).

Tasks: 1) consolidate sculpting techniques, separate parts from a whole piece and maintain their size when sculpting;

2) convey the characteristic movements of animals;

3) connect the parts tightly pressing each other.

Materials: plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, duck model.

Progress of the lesson: Guys, guess the riddle

How it flies to the river,

immediately climbs into the water.

"Quack" - dived for a minute

Did you find out? This...

Children's answers

Well done, here's another riddle

They get into formation without a command,

They go to the pond.

Who walks in a long chain,

Who loves discipline so much?

Children's answers

That's right, ducklings. Where do you think you can find a duck with ducklings?

Children's answers

Guys, I see a lake, I suggest everyone approach it together. Look, the duck is swimming alone. Where are her baby ducklings? How do you think?

Children's answers

Apparently the ducklings hid somewhere. Mother duck is very lonely alone, look how sad she is! How can we help her?

Children's answers

Of course, we can blind them. I suggest you go to the tables. Sit up straight, straighten your back. Let's see what parts a duck consists of?

Children's answers (head, torso)

Well done! What's bigger, the body or the head? What shape is the head? What shape is the body?

Children's answers (round, oval)

Let's remember how you and I will sculpt. First, divide the plasticine into two unequal parts. The larger piece will be the body, the smaller piece will be the head. To sculpt the body, we need to take a large piece and roll it into an oval. Then we also sculpt the head, but not with an oval, but with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. The oval will be the body, the ball will be the head. Then we pinch, so we make a beak on the head, and pull it back a little. And on the body, where the tail should be, we pull out some of the plasticine. Look, guys, how I can do it. Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Physical education minute:

The chicken has chicken (we touch it with our fingers one by one)

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies (fingers bend and unbend)

Everyone is beautiful and good.

Repeat the same with the second hand

Our fingers are warm, we can get to work. Sit up straight, tune in to work, your head is thinking, your eyes are looking, your hands are working.

- (children start working)

What nice ducklings they turned out to be! Let's take them to the lake to the mother duck. Do you think the duck liked our ducklings?

Children's answers

Which duckling did you like the most?

Children's answers

Well done. Let's say goodbye to the ducklings and invite them to visit us again!

Lesson in the middle group. Modeling "Duck"

Target: teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts.
1. Strengthen modeling techniques: separate parts from a whole piece and maintain their size when modeling, roll the dough between your palms, connect the parts, pressing them tightly together, practice using the technique of pinching and pulling;
2. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
3. Develop the ability to work in a team, causing a positive emotional response to the overall result.
Materials and equipment: salty dough; boards; napkins; for each child); lake is a mirror; duck mask hats for each child; toys - poultry; musical accompaniment; “Worms” marmalade to encourage children.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
(The voices of poultry are heard).
Educator: I was just about to feed my poultry. Will you help me?
Children: Yes

Clucking, clucking, calling the children together,
He gathers everyone under his wing.
Children: Chicken
Educator: Well done, guess another riddle:
Red paws, pinching the heels,
Run without looking back!
Children: goose!
Educator: and you guessed this riddle! Well, now you can’t guess for sure:
She walks in the rain
Loves to cut grass!
“Quack! " shouts,

It's all a joke
Well, of course it is...
Children: Duck!
Educator: Well done guys, here's another riddle.
Amazing child!
Just got out of diapers
Can swim and dive
Like his own mother.
Children: Duckling!
Educator: Well done! So you guessed it. This is a duck and ducklings. They are not in the yard, they probably went to the lake. Let's go look for them.
The teacher and the children approach the table on which the lake is decorated. They surround him from all sides. One duck swims on the lake).
Educator: Look, guys, the duck is swimming alone, you can see the kids are hiding in the grass. The mother duck felt lonely and began to call them. “Quack-quack-quack! ", but the ducklings do not respond. Mother duck asks you to help find her ducklings. Let's help her! How can we help her, guys?
Children: ...you can blind...
Educator: Of course, you can make ducklings! But first, let's play with you a little.
The ducks came out into the meadow, (we walk like ducklings) -
A cheerful beetle flew by -
Zhzhzhzhzh! (we wave our arms - wings).
Geese arch their necks -
Ga-Ga-Ga (circular rotation of the neck).
The feathers are straightened with the beak (the body turns left and right).
The wind shook the branches (we swing our arms up,
The ball also growled -
Rrrrr (hands on the waist, bending forward, looking ahead).
The reeds whispered in the water -
Shhhhhhh (raise your arms up and stretch,
And again there was silence -
Shhhhhhh... (sat down).
Educator: Well done! Now sit down at the tables, we must help the mother duck.
Educator: Look, children, what parts does a duck consist of?
Children: Head, torso. The head is smaller, the body is larger. The head is round and the body is oval.
Educator: What do you think?
Children: Beak, tail.
Educator: Well done! First you need to divide the dough into two parts. One piece of dough, which is larger, will be the body; a smaller piece is the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. But be very careful so that the shape does not break. Then we guys pinched the beak on the duckling’s head and pulled it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pulled it out. Look how I do it.
Our duckling is almost ready. Is he missing some eyes or something else?
Children: Wings.
Educator: Look, you have cereal in your plate (what kind of cereal) - buckwheat, make eyes out of it for the duckling. Carefully! Where the eyes should be, press the grain.
(Music sounds, children start the lesson).
Educator: Our duck in the pond is looking forward to her ducklings!
(Providing individual assistance to children)
(The children finished their work).
Educator: Now, guys, let's go and put all the ducklings on the lake.
Our duck is one, but there are many ducklings! Let's count them guys, see if they all returned to their mother!
Children count: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10.
You guys are great, you did a great job! Look how happy the mother duck is! And the ducklings are happy too, they have returned to their mother! Everyone has fun, and so do we!
Educator: So that our guests also have a good mood, let's dance for them together with our duck and ducklings. Please, everyone, stand around the lake, and I will put on duckling hats and masks for you. Now listen to the music and repeat all the movements after me.
(Music sounds. Children dance the dance of little ducklings)
Educator: What great fellows you are! Me and the duck thank you for the wonderful dance. And the duck also wants to thank you for returning the babies to her! She handed you the treat. Now let's not bother our duck and ducklings, let's go play.


Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development.”

TOPIC: "Duck with ducklings."

Age: middle group

Compiled by teacher: Klochkova E.V.

Type, type of GCD:consolidation of previously acquired knowledge and skills;

Form of organization: frontal

Target:teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, showing some characteristic features (elongated beak, tail).



    Strengthen modeling techniques: rolling the dough between your palms;

    Practice using the technique of pinching and pulling;


    Strengthen the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly to each other, and smoothing the seams.


    Foster a positive emotional response to the overall result.

OO integration: “Cognitive development”, “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”.

Integration of children's activities: play, motor, productive, communicative.

Integration of children's activities: gaming, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about poultry (geese, ducks, chickens); looking at illustrations of ducklings, chickens, geese, goslings; game “How are they similar? What is the difference?" (comparison of chicks and ducklings); guessing riddles about birds.

Planned result: create a duck using several parts.

Materials and equipment: salted colored dough; boards; napkins; duck toys for each child); lake is a mirror; duck mask hats for each child; house layout; wattle fence; toys – pet birds; hostess costume for the teacher; musical accompaniment; a huge toy egg to encourage children and “Worms” marmalade.

GCD move

Introductory part:

(Children enter the group and are greeted by a teacher in Russian folk costume).
Educator: Hello, guys!
Children: Hello!
(Music sounds from the voices of poultry and animals).
Educator: Oh, what guests I have! I'm so glad to see you! Come in, dear guests! And I was just about to feed my poultry. Now you can guess which birds.
She walks in the rain
Loves to cut grass!
"Quack!" screams
It's all a joke
Well, of course it is...
Children: Duck!
Educator: Well done, guys, here's another riddle.
Amazing child!
Just got out of diapers
Can swim and dive
Like his own mother.
Children: Duckling!

Educator: Well done! So you guessed it. This is a duck and ducklings. They are not in the yard, they probably went to the lake. Let's go look for them.
(Children pass a strip with physical education equipment: a bridge; hummocks. The teacher and the children approach the table on which the lake is decorated. They surround it on all sides. One duck swims on the lake).
Educator: Look, guys, the duck is swimming alone, you can see the kids are hiding in the grass. The mother duck felt lonely and began to call them. “Quack-quack-quack!”, but the ducklings don’t respond. Mother duck asks you to help find her ducklings. Let's help her! How can we help her, guys?
Children (answer options): ... you can blind...

Educator: of course, you can make ducklings! But first, let's play with you a little.
The ducks came out into the meadow, (we walk like ducklings) -
A cheerful beetle flew by -
Zhzhzhzhzh! (we wave our arms - wings).
Geese arch their necks -
Ga-Ga-Ga (circular rotation of the neck).
The feathers are straightened with the beak (the body turns left and right).
The wind swayed the branches (we sway with our arms raised up),
The ball also growled -
Rrrrr... (hands on the waist, bending forward, looking in front of you).
The reeds whispered in the water -
Shhhhhhhh...(raise your arms up and stretch),
And again there was silence -
Shhhhhhh... (sat down).

Main part:

Educator: Well done! Now sit down at the tables, we must help the mother duck. Look, guys, what wonderful colored dough is on our plates. Touch it, what is it like?..
Children: Soft, yellow...
Educator: Look, children, what parts does a duck consist of?
Children: Head, torso. The head is smaller, the body is larger.
Educator: What do you think, what is this?
Children: Beak, tail.

Educator: Well done! First you need to divide the dough into two parts. One piece of dough, which is larger, will be the body; a smaller piece is the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of dough and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. But be very careful so that the shape does not break. Then we guys, by plucking, make a beak on the duckling’s head and pull it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pull it out. Look how I do it.
Our duckling is almost ready. Is he missing some eyes or something else?
Children: Wings!..
Educator: look, you have buckwheat in your plate, make eyes out of it for the duckling. Carefully! Where the eyes should be, press the grain. If everything is clear, start the lesson.
(Music sounds, children start the lesson).
Educator: Our duck in the pond is really looking forward to her ducklings!
(The children finished their work).

Educator: Now, guys, let’s go and put all the ducklings on the lake.
There is a fish in the pond,
And ducklings love to eat

This fish in the morning
In the mornings and evenings.
And of course at lunch too!
The fish will help them grow!

Our duck is one, but there are many ducklings! Let's count them guys!

Final part:

Educator: Well done, you did a great job today! Look how happy the mother duck is! And the ducklings are happy too, they have returned to their mother! Everyone has fun, and so do we! After all, we did a good deed. Is it true?
Children: Yes!!

Used Books:

    Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Middle group. – M.: “Karapuz”, 2009.

Open display
According to artistic and aesthetic development (modeling)
in the middle group of general developmental orientation
on the topic: “Duck with ducklings”
Prepared by:
Teacher of MBDOU DS No. 28
"Spring" Art. Novodonetskaya
Kolupaeva Alla Alexandrovna
Open educational activity Topic: “Duck with ducklings” (Modeling middle group)
1. Goal: to teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, showing some characteristic features (an elongated beak, a tail).
Educational: - Strengthen sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms; - Practice using pinching and pulling techniques; - Strengthen the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly together, and smoothing seams;
- Develop imaginative ideas, imagination and creativity.
Educational: - Foster a positive attitude towards the results of your activities.
Vocabulary work: beak, tail.
2. Methodological techniques: verbal (guessing riddles about a duck), visualization (looking at a toy duck with children), explanation (what shape is the body, what is the head, beak, tail), independence (children’s work), moment (providing individual assistance by the teacher). 3. Materials and equipment: plasticine, boards, napkins (for each child), duck toys, a mirror lake, duck hats and masks (for each child), a house model, wattle fence, toys - pet birds, musical accompaniment, a huge toy egg to encourage children and “Worms” marmalade.4. Organizing children for classes in subgroups.
5. Preliminary work. Conversation with children about poultry (geese, ducks, chickens); looking at illustrations of ducklings, chickens, geese, goslings; game “How are they similar? What is the difference?" (comparison of chicks and ducklings); guessing riddles about birds.
6. Statement of the problem: The ducklings have disappeared.
Progress OD. (The music of the voices of domestic birds and animals sounds). Educator: Guess, guys, what birds are we talking about? She walks in the rain, loves to pluck grass! “Quack!” screams, It’s all a joke, Well, of course, it’s... Children: Duck! Educator: Well done, guys, here’s another riddle. Amazing child! Just came out of diapers Can swim and dive, Like his own mother. Children: Duckling!
Educator: Great! So you guessed it. This is a duck and ducklings. Come on, guys, we'll go with you to the lake and see how they swim. (Children pass a strip with physical education equipment: a bridge, hummocks. The teacher and the children approach the table on which the lake is decorated. They surround it on all sides. One duck is swimming on the lake). Educator: Look, guys, the duck is swimming alone, you can see, kids hid in the grass. The mother duck felt lonely and began to call them. “Quack-quack-quack!”, but the ducklings don’t respond. Mother duck asks you to help find her ducklings. Let's help her! How can we help her, guys? Children (answer options): ... you can make them... Educator: of course, you can make ducklings! But first, let's play with you a little. The ducks came out into the meadow, (we walk like ducklings) - Quack-Quack-Quack! A cheerful beetle flew by - Zhzhzhzhzh! (we wave our arms - wings). Geese arch their necks - Ga-Ga-Ga (circular rotation of the neck). Straighten the feathers with their beak (turn the body to the right and left). The wind swayed the branches (we swing our arms raised up), the ball also growled - Rrrrr... ( hands on the belt, bending forward, looking in front of us). The reeds whispered in the water - Shhhhhhhhh... (raise your hands up and stretch), And again there was silence - Shhhhhhhhh... (crouched down). Educator: Great, guys! Now sit down at the tables, we must help the mother duck. Look, guys, what wonderful colored plasticine we have on our plates. Touch it... Educator: Pay attention, children, what parts does the duck consist of? Children: Head, torso. The head is smaller, the body is larger. Educator: What do you think, what is this? Children: Beak, tail.
Educator: Well done! First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts. One piece, which is larger, will be the body; a smaller piece is the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. But be very careful so that the shape does not break. Then we guys pinched the beak on the duckling’s head and pulled it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pulled it out. Look how I do it. Our duckling is almost ready. Does he lack eyes and something else? Children: Wings!..
Educator: It's time to get some rest.
Physical education minute
Duck early in the morning
Leads all the ducklings to the pond. (walking in a circle)
Hey ducklings, don't be lazy
Stand on your toes. (walking on toes)
And now on your heels
Cute ducklings. (walking on heels)
We have arrived, my boys,
Wash your paws together. (sit on the floor with legs stretched forward, stretched out - collected)
Oh, cold water!
The child screamed.
I'll teach you to dive
My little yellow ducklings. (head tilts)
And now it's time to fly,
We flap our wings skillfully. (swing your arms up and down)
Let's take a rest, guys.
Let's play hide and seek. (squatted down, covered their face with their hands, straightened up and opened their face)
Everyone stand behind me
It's time for us to go home (walking in circles)
And the ducklings keep sighing,
They walk with a sad face. (inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose)
Don't be sad, ducklings!
Tomorrow, early in the morning,
I’m taking you to the pond again (jumping with clapping overhead - the ducklings are happy)
Educator: look, you have buckwheat in your plate, make eyes out of it for the duckling. Carefully! Where the eyes should be, press the grain. If everything is clear, proceed. (Music plays, the children begin to sculpt). Educator: Our duck in the pond is really looking forward to her ducklings! (The children finished their work).
Bottom line.
Educator: Now, guys, let’s go and put all the ducklings on the lake. There is a fish in the pond, and ducklings love to eat this fish in the mornings, in the mornings and evenings. And in the afternoon, too, of course! The fish will help them grow!
Our duck is one, but there are many ducklings! Let's count them! Guys, you did a great job today! Please tell me why we did all this? Children: To help mother duck, because she was so lonely.
Educator: Look how happy the mother duck was! And the ducklings are happy too, they have returned to their mother! Everyone has fun, and so do we! After all, we did a good deed. Really? Children: Yes!!
Educator: So that our guests also have a good mood, let's dance for them together with our duck and ducklings. Please, everyone stand in a circle around the lake, and I will put on duckling hats and masks for you. Now listen to the music and repeat all the movements after me.
(Music sounds. Children dance the dance of little ducklings). Educator: Great, guys! Me and the duck thank you for the wonderful dance. And the duck also wants to thank you for returning the babies to her! She passed on treats. Now let’s not bother our duck and ducklings, let’s go to our group. (Children leave).