Lesson summary: labor in the middle group. Summary of household work in the middle group

Lesson notes on manual labor V middle group kindergarten

Theme: “Fun confectioners”

Goal: getting to know the work of a pastry chef

1. Introduce children to the work of a pastry chef, characteristic features appearance, objects and equipment necessary for work. Teach children how to make treats from salt dough. Strengthen the skill: roll a lump of dough in a circular motion between your palms, flatten it. Learn to give a product a finished look by decorating the craft with beads.

2. Develop: sense of shape, proportions, eye, fine motor skills hands, imagination, creativity. Expand children's horizons and vocabulary.

3. Foster interest in the work of adults.


    Photo “The work of a pastry chef.”

    Aprons, scarves.

    Salt dough - yellow, red, green. Modeling boards, napkins.

    Beads, molds for cutting out shapes, rolling pins.

Progress of the lesson

Children come to visit the “pastry chef” (teacher in an apron and cap).

“Confectioner”: - Hello guys, I am a pastry chef! Do you want to become cheerful cooks? (Children's answers)
- And for this we need to get acquainted with the profession of a pastry chef, and learn to cook like a real pastry chef.
-Who is the cook? (Children answer).

“Confectioner”: - And now I will tell you about my profession, which is called a pastry chef.

A pastry chef is a person who bakes and then decorates pastries, cakes, cookies, and gingerbread cookies.
- The profession of a pastry chef is very difficult, and at the same time very interesting, creative and... tasty.

How many of you have been to a cafe, or bought delicious pastries and cakes in a store? How beautifully decorated? 

"Confectioner": - A pastry chef has special clothes that he puts on when he comes to work. This is a robe, apron, cap or scarf. And he does this so as not to stain his clothes and so that nothing gets into the food.

"Confectioner": - Of course, the pastry chef is a great master of his craft. But he has assistants - these are working tools that help make, bake, and decorate pastries and pies.
Demonstration of tools - assistants for the chef - pastry chef.

Practical part

Now I want to teach you how to make cakes.
We will make cakes from colored, salted dough.
You can’t eat them, but you can play with them when they are dry, in the “Cafe”, in the “Shop”, treat dolls or simply give them as a gift.
But first you need to put on your work uniform.
(Children put on aprons and scarves)

Finger gymnastics

We remember the dough with our hands (clench and unclench your fingers),
Let's bake a sweet cake (clap with your palms),
Lubricate the middle with jam ( circular movements fingers on palm)
And the top - with sweet cream (circular movements with fingers on the palm)
And we will sprinkle the cake a little with coconut crumbs (“sprinkle” the crumbs with the fingers of both hands),
And then we’ll brew tea (fingers with a pinch, circular movements with the hands of both hands),
Invite a friend to visit! (palms up, clench and unclench your fingers).

Sequence of work

1. Roll a ball from a lump of yellow, salty dough.
Let's flatten it. This is the basis. Place it on the stand.
2. We decorate the “cake” with beads, giving the product a finished look.

Bottom line

Guys, you are real chefs and pastry chefs. What beautiful cakes you made.
(Analysis of works).

What is the name of the person who bakes?
pastries and cakes?
- What clothes does he wear when he comes to work?
- What tools does he use in his work?
And also, we must make a promise of “Jolly Cooks”!
And now we will smile,
Let's hold hands tightly.
And goodbye to each other
We will make a promise.
We will be friends with the dough,
And sculpt! Sculpt! Sculpt!

View: economic and household work.

Program content:

Target: To develop in children the ability to work in a team.

Educational: To instill in children a positive attitude towards work, a friendly attitude towards each other, a caring and attentive attitude towards others.

Educational: Teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team.

To consolidate children's knowledge about labor processes: caring for plants, dusting.

Educational: Develop the ability to work carefully and finish what you start.



Summary of the event labor activity in the middle group.

Topic: “Cleaning the group room.”

View: economic and household work.

Program content:

Target: To develop in children the ability to work in a team.

Educational: To instill in children a positive attitude towards work, a friendly attitude towards each other, a caring and attentive attitude towards others.

Educational:Teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team.

To consolidate children's knowledge about labor processes: caring for plants, dusting.

Educational: Develop the ability to work carefully and finish what you start.

Equipment: basins with water, rags, aprons, watering cans, a cat toy.

Planned result: as a result of collective household work, children have formed a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers; children should understand that after their work the group became clean, light and beautiful.

Methods and techniques: Verbal game (conversation, explanation), visual

(showing a method of action), practical.

Progress of collective work:

Stage 1. Work motivation

Educator: Guys, today a fox came to visit us and brought you some kind of surprise. But in order to get it, you need to work hard. The fox noticed that there was dust on the shelves in our group and gave us the task of cleaning our group so that it would be clean and beautiful. But that is not all. Our plants are not doing well at all. Why do you think? (do not water). That's right, guys - our plants don't have enough water to feed them. Because of this, they got sick. The fox didn’t like it at all, she wants to see how we can water them. Shall we complete our guest's tasks? (Yes). Then now we will decide who will carry out what task. And the fox will sit on a chair and watch our work.

Stage 2. Organization of labor activities.

The teacher brings out previously prepared material - aprons, rags, basins, watering cans - and puts everything on the table.

Educator: Guys, let us divide into 2 teams. And before work, let's remember what and how we will do. We take the watering can in two hands (one hand by the spout, the other by the handle), pour half of the watering can in the toilet room, bring the end of the watering can's spout to the pot so that the spout of the watering can touches the pot and carefully tilt the watering can for watering. You need to water until water appears in the saucer under the pot. (teacher demonstration).

We put the rags in the water, wring them out, straighten them and wipe the shelves, chairs, tables so that there is no dust left anywhere (teacher demonstration). Guys, don’t forget that when you work, you need to be polite, not quarrel and help each other.

So, let's start tidying up. Don't forget to wear aprons to avoid getting your clothes wet. (The teacher approaches the children one by one, observes, controls, helps them work, and reminds them of the methods of work.)

Stage 3. The result of the work.

(The teacher offers to finish the work and start cleaning up the equipment. Helps to find a place for the equipment, fold it neatly).

Educator: Guys, let's now see what we got. Look, and the fox hurries to look at the work done. (The teacher brings the toy to his ear.) The fox says that you did a very good job and now wants to know why you did it? What benefit will our work bring? (children's answers). She really liked our work. How you carefully and accurately watered the plants, how cleanly you wiped the dust off the furniture. What hardworking guys! For this, the fox wants to treat you with a sweet gift. (The teacher brings out sweets). For your efforts, she gives you these delicious candies.

(teacher distributes treats)

Guys, it’s time for the fox to go home to her kittens, but she promises to come visit us again soon. (Children say goodbye, the fox leaves)

Fedora: - I didn’t like to work: washing dishes and floors, tidying up all my things. Now the trouble has happened... Educator: -Who are these guys? Children: - Fedora. V. - From what fairy tale did Fedora come to us? Children: - Fedorino's grief. V. - That's right, who wrote this fairy tale? Children: - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Fedora: - Hello, guys. Educator: - Hello, Fedora, why didn’t you wash the dishes, wash your things or tidy up, that means you were lazy. Guys, is it good to be lazy? Children: - No.

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“Socially useful work in the middle group. “How we taught Fyodor to work.”

Abstract open class for household work in the middle group

“How we taught Fyodor to work.”

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.

1. Teach children to participate in the organized work of a group of peers, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the team.
2. Improve labor skills and abilities in the work process, improve the ability to plan your activities, distribute responsibilities among yourself, evaluate the work of your group and the team as a whole.
3. Strengthen the ability to correctly use materials and work equipment, observing safety precautions.
4. To form a belief in the social significance and necessity of domestic work.
5. Cultivate friendly relationships during the work process, a desire to help, a positive attitude towards one’s own work and the work of one’s peers.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, problematic questions, clarification, literary expression, reliance on children’s knowledge, practical work, surprise moment.

Location: group.

Materials and equipment: sponges, aprons, soap and pure water, trays, oilcloths, basins, tables; a set of building materials, toys, clothes and underwear for dolls.

Preliminary work: conversation about work, memorizing proverbs and sayings about work, reading poems and fairy tales, looking at illustrations and albums about various professions of adults, consolidating ideas about work through didactic games.

Predicted result: as a result of collective household work, children have formed a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers; children should understand that after their work the group became clean, light and beautiful.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizing time.

Educator: -Who is it that is crying here? What's happened? What a disaster! Everything she had ran away from Fedora: dishes, clothes, and toys. It's true! And where did it all go? Everything has disappeared! Why?

Fedora: - I didn’t like to work: washing dishes and floors, tidying up all my things. Now the trouble has happened...

Educator: -Who are these guys?

Children: - Fedora.

V. - From what fairy tale did Fedora come to us?

Children: - Fedorino's grief.

V. - That's right, who wrote this fairy tale?

Children: - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Fedora: - Hello, guys.

Educator: - Hello, Fedora, why didn’t you wash the dishes, wash your things or tidy up, that means you were lazy. Guys, is it good to be lazy?

Children: - No.

Fedora: - Help me, guys, wash and wash everything. I won’t forget you, I’ll invite you to visit, I’ll play with you, I’ll show you a fairy tale.

Educator: -Children, let's help Fedora, bring cleanliness and order to the group, and at the same time teach her how to work. Let's go through the group and see what needs to be done to ensure that everything is in order in the group. Children determine the subject of labor: wipe the building material, wash the toys, clean up the doll's corner.

Educator:- When they work together, it is necessary to distribute the work and decide together the question of who will do what, so think and say who will do what work. Well, Fedora, don’t be lazy, but work hard with us.

The teacher helps to assign foremen and children who will work where.

Educator:-Guys, to clean up, what do we need for this (what equipment)?

Children:- Basins with clean and soapy water, sponges, rags, soap, aprons.

But before we start working, let’s together remember the rules for safe handling of work items.


Do everything you can yourself;

Don't forget to clean up after yourself;

Respect other people's work;

Before you start working, prepare everything you need;

Do everything carefully, without rushing;

Don't leave work unfinished;

If you finished the job earlier, help others.

Physical exercise “Fingers say hello.”

Educator: Well, now let’s put on our aprons and get to work!

Children go to their work stations, put on aprons, help each other, and dismantle the equipment. The teacher pours pre-prepared water into basins

During the work process, the teacher gives advice, helps in organization, reminds the work procedure; asks how the children divided up work responsibilities and provides individual assistance

Educator: Well done, what wonderful and hardworking children, and now let’s not forget to clean up our desk, put everything back in its place, and take off our aprons.

The teacher makes sure that after completing work, the children clean up their work places and put all materials and equipment back in their place. Invites children to sit on chairs. Then he invites you to admire the results of your labor.

Analysis of work activity in subgroups

Now, Fedora, look and evaluate the work.

Have you done everything yet?

Did you work together?

Did you finish the job you started?

Has your mood changed?

This is because you love to work! And work brings joy. Friendship is born in joint work.

Educator: Each of you did your own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the group is now, because cleanliness is the key to health.

Fedora:- Thank you for teaching me and helping me bring order to the group. Now I will always work too, it’s so interesting! I will keep my play area clean and tidy.

Educator:- What do you think, after we have all worked together, what proverbs can be used to sum up our work?

Children's answers: Business before pleasure; Time for business is time for fun.

Target: teach children to create an image of an animal from parts (natural material).


  • Continue to improve constructive skills and abilities: connecting parts using plasticine, supplementing the image with details; choose your own means of expression.
  • Teach children to analyze natural material not only as the basis of a future craft, but also as a detail of a future craft, significant for building a future image.
  • To develop children's independence and interest in design.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations of animals (bear, hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog);
  • guessing riddles about forest animals;
  • looking at photographs ready-made crafts from natural material highlighting the details of crafts;
  • examination of natural material (shell walnut, cones, pine needles) and experimenting with it;
  • making crafts according to plan in collaboration with the teacher.


  • plasticine, boards, napkins, stacks;
  • natural material: cones, tree bark, pine needles, tree leaves, A 4 sheet of paper, PVA glue, toothpicks;
  • camera.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle on cushions on the carpet with a teacher.

Children, what seasons do you know, how many seasons are there in total?(Children's answers.). At what time of year do people most often go to the forest?(In summer.) Why do they go into the forest?(Relax, pick berries, mushrooms, pine cones.) What else interesting things can we collect in the forest?(Seeds, cones, twigs, pebbles, leaves, flowers, etc.) Why do we need this?(To do interesting crafts.) Only in the forest can we collect different material? Of course not, we can collect it everywhere, on the site of the kindergarten, near the river, on the alley, etc. Children, how will you behave in the forest, break branches, pick armfuls of flowers?(No), Why not?(nature must be protected). You and I have already collected various waste material and natural. They looked at him. Have you thought about what you can do with it?

At this time there is a knock on the door: Who is this knocking on our door? I'll go have a look.

Lesovichek comes in and greets the children. I came to visit you, brought gifts from my forest friends. But I will give you gifts only when you guess the riddles about my forest friends. I will tell you riddles, and you will guess them.

1. A ball of fluff

Two long ears

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.(Hare.)

2. He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.(Bear.)

3. You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter

And in a red fur coat in the summer.(Squirrel.)

4. Touching the grass with your hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.(Elk.)

5. Summer in the swamp

You will find it.

Green frog

Who is this….(Frog.)

6. Not a tailor, but walks around with needles all his life. (Hedgehog.)

7. The tail is long...Themselves are crumbs,

Cats are very afraid. (Mice.)

8. Guess who is wearing a bone coat?(Turtle.)

Well done! All the riddles were solved. Here is a gift for you from me and my forest friends.(Hands over a colorful box with cones, acorns, seeds, twigs, pebbles, leaves, etc.) Children, look how much natural material there is here, from which you can make many interesting crafts.

Thank you Lesovichek for the wonderful gift.

Physical exercise.

We checked your posture

And they brought their shoulder blades together,

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels.

Then softly, like fox cubs,

And like a clubfooted bear,

And like a little bunny coward,

And like a gray wolf-wolf.

Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball,

Because he was cold.

the hedgehog's ray touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Now guys, stand up

Raise your hands slowly

clench your fingers, then unclench them,

Hands down and stand like that.

Lean right, left

and get down to business again.

Children, we will also make gifts for Lesovich and his forest animals. Look what's on your table(natural material).

Think about what you can make from what you have lying around, what kind of forest animal?

Work carefully and take your time. Think about where and what part to attach.

We take sheet A 4, spread it with glue, put leaves, tree bark, and pine needles on it. We glue it all down. Our clearing is ready.

Now let's start making the hedgehog.

1. Hedgehog head. We roll a ball out of plasticine, then we form a cone out of it and sculpt it with the base to the blunt end of a pine cone. We bend the tip of the cone slightly upward to create a snub-nosed muzzle of a hedgehog.

2. Using a stack, press a hole at the tip of the muzzle.

3. Take a small piece of black plasticine and form it into a ball. Place the ball into the hole at the tip of the cone muzzle.

4. Gently press down the black ball so that it attaches to the muzzle - this will be the hedgehog’s nose.

5. Using a toothpick, press holes on the cone in the places where the hedgehog’s eyes will be.

6. Take two pieces of black plasticine of the same size and roll them into two balls. Press the balls into the holes made with a toothpick for the eyes.

7. Take two pieces of white plasticine of the same size - two times smaller than the previous black balls. We also form identical balls from white plasticine and attach them on top of the black ones. This is how we create the effect of sparkling eyes.

8. Separate two equal pieces from the remaining piece of light plasticine. We use them to make ears. Roll two identical balls, then flatten the balls into flat cakes.

9. We form ears from flat cakes and attach them to the hedgehog’s head.

10. Divide the remaining light plasticine into 4 equal parts. We roll them into balls, attach the balls to the cone in the places where the paws should be. Lightly flatten the balls. Using a toothpick, you can mark the toes with claws on the paws.

11. The hedgehogs are ready! Now let's invite the hedgehogs to the forest clearing.

During work, encourage children for their initiative.

Well, we have finished gifts for our forest friends.

Lesovichek, did you like the gifts from the children?

I liked it very much! I think my friends will like it too. Guys, I’m rushing to the forest to visit my friends to please them with your gifts.

Guys! Let us breathe like hedgehogs.

Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy(like a hedgehog) , with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx(the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses) . Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

OK it's all over Now!

Goodbye, see you soon in the forest.

Prepared by: teacher Tishina Irina Andreevna Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 10 "Herringbone" , Moscow region, Ozyory

Educational field: Social and communicative development.

Program goals and objectives:

  • developing a child’s positive attitude towards work
  • develop work skills and improve them
  • develop skills in organizing the work process
  • to form friendly relations between children and each other, teach them to evaluate the activities of others, and make comments.

Organization: subgroup. I put on aprons for the children and myself in advance, and prepare the subject-development environment.

Equipment: three basins with water, 5 rippers, a watering can with water, rags and aprons according to the number of children.

Progress of work.

Introductory part:

a) To focus children on the social significance of work and responsibility for its implementation - we will arrange a bath day for our group. And for this we need to wash the toys, tables and chairs, flowers.

I gather the children on the carpet.

A surprise moment: the doll Masha came to visit

Educator: Who came to us? What is your name? What are you doing in our group?

My name is Masha. I heard that today is your bath day. While you were sleeping, I decided to help you clean up, I cleaned almost everything.

Educator: Why are you so dirty? How did you clean up, nothing has changed in our group. Really, guys? (Truth)

Well, I wiped the dust off the table (wipes the table with his hand)

Educator: What are you talking about, who wipes the dust like that!

So how should it be? (asks the children)

With a napkin - the children answer.

Educator: How did you wipe the flowers?

Why wipe them, then? (blows on a flower), and everything is ready.

This is absolutely no good. The guys need to teach Masha how to clean properly. Sit down Masha and watch carefully, now the guys and I will teach you how to clean up properly.

b) Explanation and demonstration of how to perform:

Educator: Guys, let's remember how to wash toys?

How to wash the chairs? (wash the back, legs, seat).

How should you care for indoor plants? (wipe large leaves by carefully placing the leaf on your palm and wiping with the other hand) We do everything carefully and carefully!

c) Educator: We have a lot to do, and for this I will divide you into teams and choose the leaders. They will ensure that all tasks are completed and provide assistance.

(I specify the place of work of each link, what it will do; the emotional attitude towards responsible and high-quality performance.)

Check if you have everything you need to work.

Main part:

a) training in basic labor planning, i.e. teach children to organize their work:

Educator: Let's see what is needed for work?

teach children to plan tasks:

Where do we start? How will we do it? What will you do next? How? (if you need to clarify the actions).

teach managers to monitor and evaluate work:

What will you check?

How will you finish your work? (Target children, control that they check themselves during work and do not make mistakes).

Remind them to remember to put everything back in its place after work.

b) Techniques for managing the work of individual units of children:

Example of an adult, showing, reminding, encouraging, explaining; example of children, organizing mutual aid for children, celebrating good deeds of children, encouraging mutual aid; bring the job started to completion; learn to work together and carefully.

c) Completion of the labor process: cleaning the workplace (leaders supervise the cleaning).

a) Summarize the work as a whole and by subgroups, note the importance of collective work;

b) Evaluation of the work of units and individual children: / evaluation is educational and encouraging. /

Educator: What did your unit do and how? Who worked hard? How and in what ways did you help each other?

  • involve children in evaluating the work of another level (has everything been done, has the workplace been cleaned)

(fairness and friendliness of the assessment; we discuss in a tactful manner shortcomings in the work).

Well done boys! Masha has prepared riddles for you:

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
He's in a hurry to fight the fire. (firefighter).

He puts the bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for the children
Not a miner or a driver,
He will build us a house. (builder)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts the engine,
The car is racing. (chauffeur)

Who is in a white, clean robe
Does he vaccinate us quickly?
From illnesses, failures
The good one saves us... (doctor)

He flies high
It floats above the ground easily.
Airplane lands
Brave guy... (pilot)

Well done! Tell me what was said in the riddles (About professions.)

Final part:

What did we do today?

What did you like most?

Now let's say goodbye to our guest.