Consultations on speech development for early ages. Speech of young children consultation on the topic

An early age is very significant for a child’s speech development. It has enormous potential for forming the foundations of a future adult personality. In early childhood, the rate of speech development is much higher than in subsequent years.

From one to three years of age, children's speech develops particularly intensively. The content and form are improved: the volume of the dictionary increases significantly, some children begin to pronounce words correctly, change them in accordance with the meaning of the sentence, use not only simple but also complex sentences, and begin to master descriptive speech. A child of this age is interested in many things and more often turns to an adult with questions, which helps improve dialogic speech.

Speech becomes a means of communication not only with adults, but also with children.

All this determines the main tasks of speech games.

  • Develop speech as a means of communication.
  • Develop an interest in active interaction with adults and children.

The themes of games can be very diverse. The game must have a plot, content, and thought out ways of interacting with adults, which should not interfere with the development of children’s activity and independence. Children's games with objects should be varied, and ideally turn into independent games.

When determining the content and techniques of the manual speech games and exercises should be taken into account childhood experience, since children 2–3 years old already know quite a lot, they see what is the basis for the formation of independent actions and proactive statements. This provides positive play motivation: children speak and act with great desire (feed a doll, a horse, talk to them as they saw it in life).

With age, children begin to better understand the speech of others addressed to them and respond accordingly. It is all the more important to use such a technique as questions in the development of speech and thinking, but they must be quite varied. Unfortunately, in practice, the same type of questions are often used (“what?”, “who?”, “which?”) and children easily answer them, most often with one word. To teach them to speak in sentences, including more complex ones, it is necessary to ask appropriate questions, for example: “Why is the hare crying?”, “Why is Parsley asking for the ball?” etc. Or, for example, ask not only who came to visit the children, but also where they came from, where they live (for example, a bear), what we will feed the bear, etc. The question “with what?” is very important, as it requires a change in the form of the word (not just “loves bread, carrots,” but “let’s feed you bread, carrots”). This should be taught to children immediately with the introduction of a new word. It is necessary to encourage the children themselves to ask questions, turn to each other: “Ask Tanya what toy she likes, who she will play with (put down or bathe the doll),” etc.

Vocabulary increases 3–4 times. The child knows the names of many objects: toys, dishes, clothes, that is, those objects that are in the immediate environment. The child begins to use verbs and adjectives that denote not only the size of objects, but also their color, shape, and quality. For example: red, green, round, long, etc.

You can play games such as “Call Parsley”, “Friendly Family”, “Who Lives in the House?”, “Teddy Bear Stomps”, “Give me a Toy”, “Doll Katya”, etc.

The movement of fingers and hands is of particular developmental importance. The influence of manual actions on the development of the human brain has been proven for a long time. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, by massaging which you can influence the entire body, including the brain. All over the world, nursery rhymes and jokes with finger movements, which we now call “finger games,” have been created for centuries. Our native folk pedagogy created the games “Ladushki”, “Magpie - White-sided”, “Horned Goat” and others. Simple movements of the hands and fingers help remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, and relieve mental fatigue. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and therefore develop the child’s speech.

Techniques for activating the speech of children 1–3 years old

  • A jointlooking at objects.

An adult, together with a child, is watching something, someone. At the same time, he very expressively describes everything they see. For example: “Look at the cat, what paws and tail it has. Touch the soft gray fur of the cat. The cat sits calmly." At the same time, it is important that children can show their activity - perform simple movements, combining and associating them with familiar and unfamiliar words. And, of course, any manifestations of a child’s activity in the subject should be encouraged and supported.

  • Readingnursery rhymes, poems.

An adult repeats a poem or nursery rhyme several times. When the text is familiar to the child, the adult pauses at the end of the lines (at the rhyme), encouraging the child to finish the phrase. This is how a dialogue in verse arises, which brings joy to the child and the adult. This is how both the child’s speech and memory develop – this is how the baby begins to read by heart.

  • Introducing a new word.

A new word meaning an action is introduced along with familiar words denoting the object or subject of this action, thus increasing interest in the word and reinforcing certain phrases. For example, “Vanya eats, and the hen pecks, and the chickens peck... What does the hen do? Show how she pecks...” At the same time, pictures are looked at or actions are performed with toys.

  • Looking at pictures.

An adult and a child look at familiar pictures together. "Who is this? “Who is this,” the adult asks, “and what is he doing?” Where's the bird? Show me the tree? If the child is silent, you can suggest the answer, but you still need to get him to answer himself, looking at the same picture. In the third year of life, questions may be more complex.

  • Instructions that require response-action.

The adult asks the child to find, bring or show something. The complexity of such an assignment depends on the development of the child’s speech (passive and active): the assignment should be understandable and accessible to him, but require concentration and non-mechanical actions from him. The simplest request is to bring a toy that is in plain sight, when nothing distracts the child’s attention. More difficult is to find and bring a toy, selecting it among others: first two, then three... It is even more difficult to find a toy that is not in plain sight; a targeted search is required. Subsequent tasks include searching for not one, but two objects: “First bring the bear, then the ball.” Thus, by gradually complicating the instructions, you can teach the child to regulate his actions with words - still with the words of an adult. You can help him by repeating the word. It is advisable that the child himself repeats what he needs to bring, and when he fulfills the request, he says that he brought it. If your child doesn't want to follow your instructions, don't force him - it's a game.

Anastasia Peskisheva
Features of children's speech development early age. Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

« Speech development in young children»

(attachment to presentation)

Teacher – speech therapist – Peskisheva A.V.

Early age very significant for speech child development. It has enormous potential for forming the foundations of a future adult personality. IN early childhood speech rates development is much higher than in subsequent years. Tasks parents during this period: help children master their native language, accumulate a significant vocabulary, learn to pronounce sounds.

The more parents will talk to the child, the better he will be develop. Attention to a child has a positive effect on increasing his level of intelligence. Directed speech is the main stimulus early brain development.

The child understands well the speech addressed to him and the content of fairy tales.

The child has early age increases need for communication with peers. The child understands simple questions, For example: “Where is the ball?”, “Where did we put the toys?”... Interest in surrounding objects encourages him to turn to adults with questions type: "What is this?", "For what?", "Where?".

Vocabulary increases 3–4 times. The child knows the names of many items: toys, dishes, clothes, that is, those items that are in the immediate environment. The child begins to use verbs, adjectives, denoting not only the size of objects, but also their color, shape, quality, For example: red, green, round, long, green...

Speech children by the end of the third year of life it is characterized by the appearance of complex sentences. The child perceives fairy tales that are simple in content and small in volume, and can answer some based on what he has read. "Chicken Ryaba", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats"- these works are understandable children, but when retelling they able only finish individual words or groups of words after adults. Children almost completely memorize small texts that are read many times; as a rule, they cannot construct a coherent retelling on their own, although some children can easily cope with such a task by the end of the third year.

Age from 0 to 3 years - the sensitive period of speech development - the period most sensitive to influence, be it education or development. Speech development the child is closely connected with his general mental development. While studying speech development, We We promote intellectual development.

To the baby's speech developed fully, appropriate conditions are required. Speech occurs in the presence of certain biological prerequisites and, above all, normal maturation and functioning of the central nervous system. However, speech is the most important social function, therefore for it development biological prerequisites alone are not enough. The need for communication is formed in the life practice of a child’s interaction with people around him.

It is very important that such conditions are created in the family for the child so that he experiences satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to construct sentences correctly, pronounce sounds clearly, and tell interesting stories.

"Talking to Yourself"

When the baby is not far from you, start talking out loud about what you see, hear, think, feel. You need to speak slowly (but without stretching the words) and clearly, in short simple sentences - accessible to the child’s perception. For example: “Where is the cup?”, "I see a cup", "The cup is on the table", "There's tea in the cup", "I will drink tea".

"Parallel Conversation"

This technique differs from the previous one in that you describe all the actions of the child nka: what he sees, hears, feels, touches. Using "parallel conversation", you seem to suggest to the child words that express his experience, words that he will later begin to use on his own.

“Provocation, or artificial misunderstanding of the child”

This technique helps the child master situational speech and consists in the fact that the adult is in no hurry to show his understanding. For example, if a baby points to a shelf with toys, looks at you pleadingly and you understand well what he needs at the moment. Try giving him the wrong toy. Of course, the child’s first reaction will be indignation at your lack of understanding, but this will also be the first motive that encourages the baby to name the object he needs. If you encounter any difficulties, please tell me baby: "I don't understand what you Want: a cat, a doll or a car? In such situations, the child willingly activates his speech abilities, feeling much smarter than an adult. This technique is effective not only for naming objects, but also for verbally denoting actions performed with them.


Continue and complement everything your baby says, but don’t force him to repeat it – it’s enough that he hears you. For example: Rebbe nok: "Soup". Adult: “Vegetable soup is very tasty”, "Soup is eaten with a spoon"... By answering a child with a common sentence using more complex linguistic forms and rich vocabulary, you gradually lead him to ensure that the child finishes his thought and, accordingly, prepares the ground for mastering contextual speech.


The use of game songs, nursery rhymes, sentences in joint activities being with children brings them great joy. Accompanying the child’s actions with words promotes involuntary learning of his ability to listen to sounds speeches, catch its rhythm, individual sound combinations and gradually penetrate into their meaning. The important significance of folklore works is that they satisfy the baby’s need for emotional and tactile (touching and stroking) contact with adults. Majority children by it's nature - kinesthetics: they love to be petted, cuddled, or held by the hand.

Oral folk art is precisely promotes satiating the need for affection and physical contact.


Give your child the opportunity to choose. The formation of responsibility begins from the moment when the child is allowed to play an active role in what concerns him personally. The exercise of choice gives the child a sense of self-worth and self-worth. ( “Do you want to play with a doll or a bear?”, “Should I pour you half a glass of milk or a whole glass?”)

"Games with natural materials"

A huge impact on the growth of a child’s speech and cognitive activity is exerted by the variety and availability of objects that he can from time to time research: look, touch, taste, experiment... (the child is eager for sand, water, clay). IN "fussing" there is a big deal with them meaning: the child is busy, he gets acquainted with the material, studies its properties...

"Productive activities"

On early stage speech development the child masters a wide variety of languages ​​that replace words - gestures, facial expressions, onomatopoeia. Productive species are more accessible activities: modeling, drawing, applique. They develop not only the child’s speech abilities, but also sensory ones that have special significance in the formation of mental activity. Try to turn any child’s drawing into a story, and the story into a drawing that you need to return to repeatedly, "read", to complement. When there are a sufficient number of such stories and drawings, you can sew them into a book and "read" to your friends and relatives.


“Imagine that...”- these words are filled with attractive force for a child. In that age the child happily imagines that the cube is a pie, the shoebox is a house... In this age Children really like games - pantomimes, games - imitation, which activate the child’s observation and curiosity. You can involve your child in the game by asking: proposal: "Guess what I'm doing now?" Start with simple ones actions: comb your hair, brush your teeth, pour juice into a cup...

"Role-playing game"

This type of children's activity is just being formed.

For example, a game of telephone, when a child, using a toy device, can call mom, dad... This game stimulates speech child development, builds self-confidence, improves communication function. Encourage addiction children to imitate - this develops attention to detail, awareness of the literal and figurative meaning of words.

"Musical Games"

Meaning music games in speech development it is difficult to overestimate a child. Children sing along with pleasure, love musical instruments, games, etc. "Loaf", "On the bumps"… Encourage your child’s desire to move to the music and sing along. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the child pronounces only the endings or the last words. Subsequently, the child will begin to sing small songs in their entirety; help him, sing along with him "main performer". A child dances and sings about what he sees and hears around him, invents his own songs and melodies - this is how a creator is born!

It is very important to remember that the speech of an adult is a model for child's speech!

Therefore, than bigger baby will communicate with adults and peers, the faster and better quality it will be his speech develops.

An adult's speech should be:

Clear, unhurried;

Accessible for the baby to understand, that is, not overloaded with difficult to pronounce words and complex sentences;

Competent, free of babbling words and distortions of sound pronunciation.

In the absence of such a model, the reduction and impoverishment of communication between a child and an adult, normal speech and mental development slows down Therefore, it is very important to communicate with the child, read him poems and fairy tales.

Thus, the more often parents They will talk to the child, of course, without overtiring him, and in an accessible, correct language, tell him fairy tales, learn poems and nursery rhymes with him, and play, the sooner he will master correct speech!

. Speech begins to form long before the first words appear. Genetic predisposition is of great importance. Material from the site Now it is possible, during pregnancy planning, to undergo an examination and determine the likelihood of genetic abnormalities of the unborn baby.




Tip #1. Take care of your child’s speech development even before birth.Speech begins to form long before the first words appear. Genetic predisposition is of great importance. Now it is possible, during pregnancy planning, to undergo examination and determine the likelihood of genetic abnormalities of the unborn baby. Forewarned is forearmed. In this case, parents will be able to be more attentive to the child’s development process, will know how to behave in difficult situations, and, if necessary, promptly seek help from a specialist. The way the pregnancy proceeded also plays an important role in the process of speech formation. Speech is the highest mental function, so the period is important intrauterine development child. Toxicosis, low hemoglobin levels, blood pressure problems, viral and endocrine diseases, injuries, threat of miscarriage - all this possible reasons speech delays of the unborn child. At 15 weeks he makes grasping movements, at 24 he begins to respond to sound. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, the mother constantly feels the baby's movements. In the third trimester, the child already exhibits various facial movements - he frowns, smiles, raises his eyebrows. If this does not happen, a delay can be diagnosed mental development and likely speech problems in the future. It has been proven that the child feels the mother’s mood and experiences all emotions with her. Fear, grief, despondency have a bad effect on the formation of his psyche. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy should receive only positive emotions. Experts offer various options intrauterine development of children: sound therapy, listening to classical music. A child develops well if his parents, before he is born, talk to him, talk, read, and sing his favorite tunes.

Tip #2. The pre-speech period is an indicator of how speech will develop.The first cry of a child after birth is an important characteristic of his health and one of the first manifestations of pre-speech development. Then, when examining a newborn, the specialist pays attention to his face. If it is anemic (immobile), this may be associated with mental disorders. An important function of the pre-speech period is breastfeeding. The mother should pay attention to how the baby takes the breast, whether he actively sucks milk, whether he fixes his eyes on the mother, and whether he begins to smile at 2 months? If this does not happen, there is a reason to consult a doctor. At 2-4 months, the baby tries to make short sounds - hooting appears, then humming. If by 5-6 months the humming does not develop and subsides, this indicates disorders that can lead to cholera pathologies. Parents do not always know what signs indicate deviations in the child’s development, or do not notice them. For prevention, you need to visit a pediatric neurologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Problems with speech lead to communication disorders. A child psychiatrist will help correct them, but some parents avoid showing their child to this specialist. If a baby has problems with speech, it means he has disorders of other functions of higher nervous activity. The development of speech is interconnected with the development of attention, memory, psychomotor coordination, gnosis (the ability to recognize the surface of a material by touch), praxis (purposeful motor activity).

Tip #3. A child’s behavior can indicate disorders in speech development.How a child develops under 3 years of age is very important. It happens that parents ignore some deviations, hope that everything will return to normal on its own, and turn to specialists before school. It is difficult to make up for lost time. A child's developmental delay will affect his adult life. May have problems interpersonal communication, career growth, social adaptation. Any speech problem changes a person’s behavior, his emotional reactions, and relationships with the outside world. If a child has impaired speech function, it is difficult for him to express his requests and thoughts. He begins to get nervous, his behavior is disrupted, and the next stage is the manifestation of aggression.

Tip #4. To correct speech, you need to find the true reasons for its violation.

All speech disorders can be divided into four main types. Violation of sound pronunciation, disturbance of the rhythm and tempo of speech, speech disorders associated with hearing impairment, underdevelopment of speech or loss of previously existing speech. The most common is dyslalia, a violation of sound pronunciation. The baby misses some sounds in words or pronounces them incorrectly. If we consider simple cases, the problem may be caused by hearing loss, anatomical defects of the organs of articulation (improper structure of teeth, malocclusion, shortened frenulum, tongue shape). In this case, you need to consult a surgeon or orthodontist. Dyslalia also develops when communicating with other children who have not formed the correct sound pronunciation. Another reason is that the baby is in a bilingual family. The disorder is corrected by teaching the child to listen to sounds, active communication, developing fine motor skills and gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Some parents are concerned about the nasal tone of their baby's speech (nasality). The reasons may be heredity, viral diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, contact with harmful substances and oversaturation of the child's body with vitamin A. At an early age, correction of this problem is carried out surgically. The most common type of disturbance of the rhythm and tempo of speech at an early age is stuttering. It is based on overexcitation of the speech areas of the brain. Parents require their child to pronounce difficult words, overload him with activities, and scold him for mistakes. Nervous situation family problems, constantly rushing, swearing adults are reasons that can provoke stuttering. To restore the child’s normal speech, you can introduce a “silence mode” for 7-10 days. Try to exclude all types of emotional influence on the baby. Reduce conversations with him to a minimum, if necessary, communicate in a whisper, use for leisure quiet games. In mild cases this is enough. If it doesn’t help, you should seek help from a neurologist. After treatment, it is necessary to develop the child in a gentle manner so that stuttering does not recur. Problems with the formation of speech function can arise due to hearing impairment. You can test your baby's hearing at home. You need to move away 5-6 meters (the child has his back to you) and whisper well-known words. A child with full hearing should hear everything. If the result is negative, it is advisable to contact an otolaryngologist. It happens that a child’s speech is formed, but is lost due to focal damage to the speech zones. Even a severe form of this disorder can be treated if the underlying cause is addressed. The main thing is to see a doctor in a timely manner.

Tip #5. Boys and girls, left-handers and right-handers are taught to speak differently.

According to statistics, boys begin to develop speech later than girls. One of the reasons lies in physiology. Morphological maturation of the brain occurs faster in girls. This affects the growth of vocabulary. Girls try to speak correctly, like adults, but later boys master phrasal speech. In the latter, the development of words is aimed at action, in girls - at objects. A simple example. The child wants a ball: the boy will demand - “Give me!”, the girl will ask - “Ball”. It is advisable for adults to know the peculiarities of speech development in left-handers and right-handers. Many parents try to retrain their children. Some succeed, while others cause great harm to the child’s development, interfering with the subtle mechanisms of brain activity. There are true and hidden left-handers. This can be determined with the help of a child psychologist. For right-handers right hemisphere brain is responsible for imaginative thinking, the left is responsible for work speech centers,sign recognition. For lefties it's the opposite. Therefore, these children develop phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish sounds) and articulation more slowly. They can speak earlier than right-handed people, but with incomprehensible speech. Left-handed people find it difficult to understand the combination of words and grammatical rules. It is easier for them to remember phrases and whole sentences. Adults need to take these features into account and follow the advice of experts.

Tip #6. Create favorable conditions for the child to develop speech.

Often mothers and fathers cannot decide what is better - an active fidget who needs to know everything and taste it, or a quiet one, calm baby who doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t touch anything, doesn’t bother anyone. Numerous studies prove: the higher the child’s motor activity, the better speech development. Active games with your baby, especially in the fresh air, are the basis for the formation of his speech function. The desire to explore is inherent in a child from birth. He instinctively reaches for objects. Adults need to support, competently guide and develop his motor activity. Fine motor skills and speech are interconnected. Finger games are considered an important area of ​​children's speech development. In the bustle and haste, adults themselves try to collect scattered toys, feed and dress the child, fasten buttons, and lace his shoes. I don't have the patience to entrust this to a baby. But in vain! Self-care skills need to be developed as early as possible. This will also have a beneficial effect on the process of speech development. It is advisable to react emotionally to every sound of the child. He is bawling - repeat after him, crying - pay attention. Pronounced the first syllable - rejoice at the achievement. From the first days you need to talk to the baby, read fairy tales and poems. Praise when he tries to repeat words. It is good to teach speech through games against a background of movements and positive emotions. Passed on from generation to generation folk games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes. Children love to show “how the magpie-crow cooked porridge”, “okay-ladushka lived with grandma.” A child should not be scolded for incorrectly pronounced words. This can provoke neurotic reactions. The baby will withdraw and stop speaking and learning new words. The parents' reaction to the child's speech should be calm and balanced. The atmosphere in the house is warm and friendly. Developmental activities - taking into account his capabilities and well-being. For the correct formation of a child’s higher mental activity, the daily routine is important. Some parents try to adjust his sleep and waking hours to their adult routine. This is a lot of stress for the children's nervous system and possible disruptions in its development.

Tip #7. The child must want to speak and speak correctly.

The child needs to hear correct speech from adults. Parents can use simplified forms of the words “give”, “am-am”, “tu-tu” when communicating with a child under one year old. This will help him get involved in the process of speech development. Then it is advisable to accompany the child’s simplified words with the correct names. He saw the train: “Tut-tut!” - Mom responded: “Yes, the train has left.” Adults should not imitate a child in incorrect pronunciation of words, lisp, or burr. One of the problems of sound pronunciation disorders in childhood– improper formation of speech in the family. A child’s life should be rich in impressions. You have to constantly surprise him, show him something, tell him something. The baby will develop his horizons, he will want to express his emotions, and this will speed up the process of speech formation. Speech correction classes can be made interesting and exciting. There are many useful developments in the field of speech therapy. A specialist will help you build individual sessions and combine business with pleasure. Achievements of technological progress have an ambiguous effect on the development of the child’s body, its central nervous system, and speech. First on the list of harmful factors is television. In some families, it works for hours as a background. The baby hears rapid, incomprehensible speech - this can lead to psychological and speech complexes. Pureed food (puree) also, oddly enough, interferes with the formation of speech. If a child eats mostly soft, pureed food, this inhibits the development of his articulation organs, which affects speech function. Everything is good in moderation. Puree should be combined with chunky food. Watch age-appropriate children's entertainment and educational programs on TV. The main principle is the benefit for the health and development of the child, and not your own comfort. Progress has led to more and more problems with speech development. Several decades ago, it was considered normal for a child to speak 10 words before one year of age. Nowadays a limited number of children are capable of this. Today, a good result is if a one-year-old baby pronounces 5-7 words. When by the age of 2 his speech is understandable only to his parents and close people, this is uncritical. By the age of 3, speech continues to remain incomprehensible - this is already an alarming signal.

Tip #8. Any speech impairment can be corrected. Don't waste time.

The baby's brain has great compensatory capabilities. How younger child, the more opportunities it has for restoration potential and best result. It is important to note that treatment of speech function disorders must be carried out comprehensively, with the participation of a pediatrician, psychiatrist, neurologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, and psychologist. You may need the help of an audiologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, or geneticist. Much, but not everything, depends on specialists and modern methods for correction and restoration of a child’s speech function. The main role belongs to the parents, the baby’s family. Close people need to unite with doctors, complete all appointments, homework, follow one path, one team towards the intended goal. An integrated medical approach and the active participation of parents in the development of the child’s speech function will certainly have a positive effect.

Tip #9. If the child does not speak, what should I do? Techniques for stimulating speech.

The main condition for mastering speech is imitation, but in order for a child to start speaking on his own initiative, he must develop a need for it. The first words appear when communicating/interacting with an adult, when you want to get something, i.e. when it is necessary to name an object. You cannot prohibit a child from using gestures, you cannot give a verbal example: “Say - a clock, say - a spoon.” To stimulate the appearance of speech, the following techniques are suggested: -dialogue-imitation and onomatopoeia



Dialogue - Dramatizations. The easiest way to get an answer is by dramatizing songs, dialogue poems, and small fairy tales, especially if you make illustrations for them. When a child finds it difficult to give an answer using a word, he can point to a picture. And you accompany the reading with gestures, turning this activity into a performance. Example:

Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case: Do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears.

Questions. “Yes-no” (Do you want to eat? Are we going to bed? Do you see the car? Are you sitting? Are you not playing?) force the child to analyze the statement contained in the question.

Who is this? What is this? Who came there? What's growing here? Etc. Questions are asked about people, animals, household items, and plants directly observed by the child.

What is he doing? (learning to use verbs) What does mom do? What is the dog doing? Etc. - Teams. Verbs in the imperative mood appear in the child’s independent speech in the early stages. The most significant teams in real life: go, sit, leave, let go, sleep, drink, eat, get up.... Try to make such situations arise naturally more often during the day. - Home theater. At first, the child tries to repeat what the adult shows him, then he begins to copy intonations, individual sounds, and words. “Dolls are talking”, “Feeding the animals”, etc.

Imitation and onomatopoeia.

Speak for different animals: woof-woof, meow, croak-quaw. Interjections: oh, ah, oh. It is advisable to create a game situation. Geese, geese! - ha-ha-ha! -You want to eat! -yes-yes-yes, etc. Fairy tales where the child adds for the mouse: pi-pi-pi, for the chicken: ko-ko-ko, etc.


At first, the child only listens to the poems while clapping the rhythm with his hands. Then you can learn by finishing only the last word. Poems should be well known to the child. Those that the child learns, pronounce them many times.


Reading easy-to-understand texts followed by conversation based on pictures.

When selecting speech material, you should start with one- and two-syllable words, then you can move on to three-syllable ones. All picture material should be well known to the child. At the initial stage, the child has difficulties in the sound design of words, for example, when answering the question Who came there? The kid answers “dya” instead of “uncle” to the question “What grows here?” Instead of “tree” he answers “veve”. An adult must accept any answer, and at this time pronounce it correctly in an exaggerated manner.

Consultation for parents of young children
Prepared by teacher-speech therapist MBDOU 67 "Bear Cub" Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. Rzyanina Natalya Ivanovna
Topic: "Early age is serious."

The full mental and speech development of a child depends on the knowledge and ability of adults to create the necessary conditions in the first three years of the baby’s life

Early childhood (from one to three years) is a period of intensive mental development of the child. From a helpless baby he turns into an independent, speaking, thinking and active PERSON.

Studies of brain physiology, on the one hand, and child psychology, on the other, have shown that the key to development mental abilities child - it is his personal experience cognition in the first three years of life, i.e. during the period of intensive development of brain cells. R A child is not born a genius or a fool. It all depends on the stimulation and degree of brain development during the crucial years of a child's life - from birth to age three. It is at this time that, thanks to adults, the child actively develops all mental processes: perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination, etc.

The main acquisitions of this age:

* the child’s ability to move, which allows him to expand his contact with the outside world;

* development of objective actions, in which perception, thinking, imagination, movements, and speech development are improved, which rebuilds the child’s communication and consciousness;

* the emergence and development of new activities for the baby - story game;

* the beginning of communication with peers, which significantly expands the baby’s circle of social contacts.

Discovery of the objective world

The child opens objective world very early, even in infancy. The world of objects fascinates and attracts him. It encourages the baby to engage in special forms of behavior that are completely different from those that he uses when communicating with his mother. Already in the first half of his life, he develops elementary object actions, and by the age of one year he can count up to 50 different movements of his hand with an object. The child becomes a tireless researcher. Any object he comes across, he examines, feels, pulls into his mouth, and performs various actions with it. He remembers exactly those that an adult does with an object and subsequently remembers them and acts in the same way (specific actions).

The most important condition for expanding the scope of specific actions is the close people surrounding the baby. They are not only a source of warmth, comfort, love, care, but also wonderful assistants in his actions with the object. A child will never discover the fullness and richness of human subject culture without the help of an adult.

At an early age, the baby will learn only the first, simple lessons of operating with an object. He will continue to learn about the objective world for a long time, but these first lessons are the most important for his further full development.

According to numerous data obtained in psychology, speech, intelligence, imagination, memory, consciousness and personality of a child owe their emergence to objective activity, the foundations of which are laid at an early age.

Parents need to remember that:

  • To successfully carry out an action, a young child needs close cooperation with an adult who participates in the child’s actions, acting alternately as a partner and as a model in joint and shared actions with the child.
  • It takes a long time for a child to learn a pattern of action and for successful imitation he needs to reproduce the pattern multiple times.
  • The child is not able to evaluate the correctness of his action without encouragement and emotional support from an adult. Sharing joy with the child in connection with his small victory, the adult encourages him to take further steps, instills confidence and establishes a positive attitude towards the subject activity.
  • For a child, the most attractive object is the one in the hands of the mother. For him, the object and action with them do not yet have value, but the relationships that the child enters into with an adult have meaning. It is thanks to a special relationship with an adult that the child has a desire to follow his example, to comprehend the “difficult” rules of action for him.
  • If parents do not participate in joint activities with their child, then sooner or later the child will experience a decrease in curiosity and activity, a slowdown in the rate of development of communication, a delay in the emergence of active speech, a decrease in intelligence, and weak formation of volitional processes.
  • Most of all, a child does not tolerate an indifferent attitude on the part of an adult to what and how he does. In such a situation, objective activity develops worst of all, and the child becomes conflict-ridden and aggressive. He even goes to the extent of provoking a negative assessment of his action, just to get an emotional response from an adult.

Speech development

Speech is the leading process of a child’s mental development. The emotionality of the child, his needs, interests, temperament, character - the entire mental make-up of the individual is revealed in speech. The process of speech development in young children is associated with the process of the emergence and formation of their thinking. Science says that the development of speech and thinking goes together, since they form a single whole.

The first half of the second year of life is a period of active manipulation of speech sounds. Babble talk reaches its peak. It acquires completely understandable human intonations and expressiveness. By listening to him, you can immediately understand whether the child is angry or happy. Emotional babbling monologues are similar to foreign speech, understandable by its mood. Almost every child at this age has his own favorite words, which he constantly sings, repeats and modifies: “ba-ba-bah”, “bang”, “yum-yum”, etc. This manipulation of speech sounds brings great pleasure to the child. Word games train the articulatory apparatus and contribute to the development of speech hearing. Many children have a few babbling words in their arsenal that they call individual items. They are the prerequisites for active independent speech, the foundation of which is laid precisely at this age.

Changes in the sphere of subject activity in the second half of the second year of life occur in all directions, but at the heart of all is the speech development of the child, who begins to turn to an adult with requests: “Help (give, bring, show, I myself).” The development of speech leads to the fact that the baby begins to generalize and classify objects and actions with them not only on the basis of their visual properties, but also according to the semantic affiliation of actions to holistic processes: feeding, cooking, washing. Speech development introduces into a child’s life a completely unique, purely human way of mastering objective action, based on explanation, and not on demonstration of action.

At this time, phonemic hearing is actively developing - the ability to hear and distinguish sounds that are similar in sound. This ability develops in the practice of communicating with adults during the first two years of life and especially intensively in the first half of the second year of life.

Over the course of a year, from two to three years, children’s vocabulary develops significantly and rapidly, and when good conditions the number of words that a child of this age speaks reaches a thousand. Such a large vocabulary allows the child to actively use speech.

By the age of three, children learn to speak in phrases and sentences. They can already express their desires in words, convey their thoughts and feelings.

Basic conditions for the full development of speech:

  • · Mandatory conversation with the child from the very first days of his life is the first and most an important condition and the way of speech development. For a child, a mother is a source of life, love, affection, positive emotional and purely intimate experiences. Speech from the mother’s lips, in this regard, is perceived as particularly effective.
  • · The child must see the speaker's face. For the successful development of children’s speech, it is necessary to influence not only hearing, but also vision and touch. The child must not only hear the adult, but also see the face of the speaker. Children seem to read speech from their faces and, imitating adults, begin to pronounce words themselves.
  • · Adults need to pronounce words correctlydespite the fact that at an early age the child does not have good command of his speech apparatus and does not pronounce all sounds correctly. You can’t talk to him “in his” language. A child, adopting good speech, will soon master good, correct pronunciation.
  • · Reading books to children is a means of developing children's speech and thinking. This captivates children, they like it, and quite early, imitating adults, children themselves begin to look at the book, “read” it, often retelling by heart what was read to them. Children sometimes memorize an interesting book in its entirety.
  • · Playing with toys It greatly helps the development of speech and thinking of young children when they are not only given toys for independent play, but also shown how to play with them. Such organized games, accompanied by speech, turn into unique little performances that keep children so occupied and give so much to their development. It is interesting that, even when playing alone, younger children often speak, expressing their thoughts out loud. In older children, games proceed silently, to themselves..

A properly organized external environment is of great importance for a child at an early age. Unfavorable factors are the lack of conditions for vigorous activity and limited sensory impressions. Restriction in movement prevents physical development baby, reduces cognitive activity, the lack of necessary information leads to a decrease in the child’s excitability and receptivity. And both together lead to developmental delays.

Parents need to know that if a child develops active speech after three years of age, this is a reason for mandatory contact with specialists: an otolaryngologist (to check the child’s hearing status), a psychologist, a speech therapist.

Consultation for parents on the development of speech in young children.

Early age is the most important in the development of all mental processes, especially speech. Speech development is possible in close connection with an adult. For a child at this age, parents are the most important, close and dear people. And therefore, one of the main pieces of advice for parents is that you need to talk to your child and be sure to listen to his answers. The child needs an interlocutor – i.e. a person who not only talks to him, but also reacts to what the child wants to say.

The child must learn to call himself by name. Point to the baby and ask: “What is your name?” Say his name. Repeat this many times. Have your child say their name with you when you ask, “What’s your name?” From time to time, ask him this question again, and so on until he learns to pronounce his name on his own. Call your child by name when you talk or play with him.

Encourage your child to tell you what he wants and what he is doing. Show your child objects that are new to him during a walk and talk about them.

Speak to your child correctly, pronouncing words and phrases clearly. Pronounce a new word for him not only separately, but also in the structure of a sentence.

Read poems and fairy tales to your child that contain words and phrases repeated several times. As an example, we can recall the favorite children's fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, in which repeated repetition of the phrases “beat and beat did not break”, “they pulled and pulled, they couldn’t pull”, leads to the fact that after a while the child begins to pronounce them together with your mother. Also useful are poems in which there are lines ending in a simple word which the child can repeat. Read books to your child that have illustrations. Teach him to show you the pictures that you name him. Sing simple songs with your child, tapping their rhythm.

Develop your child’s understanding of adult speech, the ability to accurately imitate words, support the child’s desire to talk with others, introduce him to the names of objects and phenomena, teach him to express his thoughts and desires using words and short sentences.

When playing with your baby, teach you to correctly name surrounding objects (mainly household items: clothes, furniture, dishes, toys), understand and perform simple tasks; teach to form phrases of several words. So, mom shows the doll and says: “This is Lyalya.” Lyalya has eyes. This is the nose. These are arms and legs.” Then she asks the child and invites him to show him (first at the doll, then at herself): “Where is Lyalya?” Where are Lyalya’s eyes and nose? Where are Tanya’s eyes and nose?”

To develop understanding of speech and expand vocabulary, invite your child to choose one among several toys. Place toys in front of the child: a pyramid, a doll, a rattle. Offer to find, for example, a pyramid among these toys and give it to you, move the rattle from one place to another, etc. gradually complicate the tasks.

To develop a child’s active speech, create situations in which he will be forced to speak to adults. To develop speech, it is necessary to use all favorable moments when the child is forced to turn to you. If the baby silently reaches for a toy or object, ask him: “What should I give you?” If the child cannot name the object (does not know what it is called), name it yourself several times: “Should I give you a ball, a pyramid?” Ensure that the child, if possible, still names the given object. Practice a short dialogue with him “daina”. For example: give the ball - to the ball; give me juice - for juice, etc.

To stimulate speech, the child needs to ask questions, which the adult first answers himself. Mom, disassembling Andryusha’s bed, asks him: “Where will Andryusha go?” Go to bed, sleep." Over time, the child will begin to answer such questions.

You can also evoke speech activity in this way: an adult shows a toy puppy and asks the baby: “Is this a kitten?” Such provoking questions evoke speech activity in the child, a desire to correct an adult, name an object correctly, and teach him to listen attentively to the speech of others.

By the end of the second year, you can already talk with the child not only about those objects that he sees at the moment, but also about those that he does not see now, but already knows. This exercises not only speech, but also memory, teaches you to listen and understand speech without visual accompaniment.

Enrichment of vocabulary should come from not only nouns and verbs, but also other parts of speech. Children learn not only names, but also some qualities and properties of objects: round, soft, hard. Adults should exercise the child in mastering new concepts and ideas. Any situation can be a reason for a child to become familiar with a new quality of an object. So, putting her daughter to bed, a mother can say: “Our Tanya has a big bed, but Lyalya has a small one.” When you point out the size of objects, it is necessary that the objects offered for comparison are nearby and the child sees them. Invite your child to show where the big cup is, where the small one is, where the big spoon is, and where the small one is. You should also point out to the child the color of objects: “Which Nice dress at Sveta's! Red!

When introducing your child to new words, ensure that he clearly pronounces the vowel sounds in them and strives to use consonants correctly. Wherein Special attention You should pay attention to the firmness of the pronunciation of consonant sounds (say “give”, not “dyay”). To do this, it is useful to use onomatopoeic words. So, showing a toy goose, an adult says to a child: “This is a goose. He shouts ha-ha-ha. Now tell me how the goose screams.” If the baby makes a mistake and pronounces it softly (“gya-gya-gya”), you need to correct him.

The more often a child begins to pronounce sounds, words, phrases, the more perfect his speech apparatus will be, the faster he will consolidate the newly learned words in his speech.

Therefore, parents should ensure that the child’s communication with other people is carried out only through speech!