Speech therapy tales with the letter s. Educational - speech project "speech therapy tales"

Fairy tales have great educational value for children of all ages. Speech therapy tales are of particular importance.

Speech therapy tales- these are fairy tales that provide significant assistance in working with children experiencing certain difficulties in speech development. The main purpose of using speech therapy fairy tales is to prepare children with speech disorders for school. Fairy tales make it easier to solve such problems as the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the enrichment of vocabulary, the prevention of specific errors in writing, the development of attention, thinking, memory, imagination and communication skills.

Each fairy tale is aimed at practicing a specific sound or group of sounds. Speech therapy fairy tales are small in volume and simple in content so that the child does not have difficulty understanding their content and retelling it. It is advisable to accompany reading fairy tales and talking about their content with finger theater.

Speech therapy fairy tales help improve phonemic perception. For example, the fairy tale “Why A first? "contributes to finding and differentiating words with the sound A, the fairy tale “Forest Musicians” with the sound B, the fairy tale “Forest Musicians” with the sound B, “The Mouse is a Diver” with the sound.

Before reading the fairy tale “General Gena,” the child receives a task: remember words with the sound G that appear in the fairy tale.

General Gena.

Gosling Gena dreamed of becoming a general. One day, when he was left alone at home, he opened his wardrobe, put on his father’s tie and galoshes, put a huge newspaper hat on his head, and put a large nail under his wing instead of a saber. I looked in the mirror - he turned out to be a real general! Gena walked out into the yard with a proud gait, and there the little jackdaws were playing little towns.

And the little jackdaws will scream:

- Are you the general? Where's your saber?

- Right under the wing. – Gena says

- And we thought it was a thermometer! You are not a general, just a goose in a newspaper hat.

“Oh, you stupid ones,” Gena said sadly. -You have no imagination.

This task will require a lot of mental activity from the child. The child must understand the content of the fairy tale and remember words with the sound G.

Other speech therapy tales are aimed at automating the sounds provided. For example, in the fairy tale “The Angry Wolf,” the correct pronunciation of the sound L is reinforced. One of the tasks for this fairy tale could be: pronounce words from the fairy tale with the sound L, highlighting it with your voice.

Using speech therapy fairy tales, you can also work on speech breathing. For this purpose, the child is given the task: on one exhalation, say the word “wolf”, then on the exhale say the phrase “evil wolf”, then the short phrase “the evil wolf was hungry”. In this case, it is necessary to teach the child diaphragmatic breathing.

In the speech therapy fairy tale “Vanin’s Dream,” the child receives sufficient motivation to control his speech.

Vanya's dream

In a small quiet town there lived a boy Vanya. He lived with his parents and older sister. Vanya is about to turn six years old, but he still can’t pronounce words correctly. He says it’s such a mess that no one except his family understands. And no matter how much they asked Vanya to pronounce the words correctly, he did not want to. "What for? You're fooling me anyway. I’ll play around like he’s peeling.” And it’s unknown when Vanya would have learned to talk if it weren’t for a dream he once had.

… Summer. Vanya with his whole family at the dacha. He has a bosom friend Ilyusha, but he lives in the village next door. The village has a beautiful name - Matreshkino. Vanya really likes playing with Ilyusha. So he was getting ready to visit a friend. You have to go through the forest. Vanya had never gone alone, but then he decided, “I’m almost six, completely grown up, I’ll go on my own, I’ll just ask my mother.”

Mom Tanya was making jam when Vanya came and asked: “Mom, can I go to Lyusya (Ilyusha? We are building a house in the devora.” Since the girl Lyusya and her grandmother lived in the neighboring yard, mother calmly let her son go.

Vanya walked through the village and walked along a country road towards the forest. The forest path turned him around and led him to a fork. But the boy didn’t know where to go next, right or left. I stood and thought. Suddenly he sees a squirrel jumping along the branches. She sat down nearby and asked, “What are you thinking about, boy? ".

-But I don’t know which path to take to get to Ezhkino.

For some reason the squirrel was scared, but answered: “In Ezhkino.” then you go left. "

“Isibo, Lebochka! “Vanya shouted and skipped along the path that turned left.

“Hmm, who is Lebochka? And what is isibo? "Squirrel was surprised, having never heard such words.

Vanya is running, humming and did not notice that the forest has become denser and darker. And then a house appeared on the way, as if it had grown out of the ground.

An old grandmother came out of the hut onto the porch.

- Well, hello, dear. Why did you come to see me in Ezhkino? To Grandma Ezhka?

Vanyusha was seriously frightened.

“I didn’t go to you, I went to Lyusya in Ezhkino.” I was just going down the wrong path.

It was Yaga's turn to be surprised.

“I don’t know where you were going, but I came to Ezhkino, and Lucy had never been here, only I, Yagusya.”

Well, come into the hut - you’ll be there for lunch.

-No, I won’t babble, I’ll go to Lyusya.

Baba Yaga laughed: “What a strange boy I got.” I don't understand anything you are saying. But maybe you’ll at least make a tasty dinner. Come on! Go into the hut and climb into the oven! »

“Oh, herd! Oh, mapaguite! “- Vanya shouted, but no one understands him, no one responds.

Yaga had already dragged him into the hut and ordered him to sit on the bench for now. Suddenly, from under the bench, a mouse quietly squeaked to him: “And you try to pronounce the words correctly, put the syllables in their place, then they will hear you.”

And the fire in the stove flares up, Yaga gathers on the table and rubs his bony hands. Vanya ran to the window, opened the shutters, and shouted at the top of his lungs: “Save, help! Baba Yaga caught it! Ilyusha, friend! Mommy! »

Vanya woke up screaming. My mother sits next to me, holds my hand, strokes my head and asks: “What, son, did you dream about something terrible? »

“Oh, mommy, I saw such a nose! No, not a nose, not a nose, but a dream! Now I know why I need to learn to speak correctly and I will always, always try to speak clearly. And my friend was probably offended. It turns out I called him by his girl’s name.”

Mom smiled and said: “I don’t know what you dreamed about, but I’m very glad that you finally understood everything. Let’s go and make dad and sister happy, and then we’ll go for a walk with Ilyusha.”

Speech therapy fairy tales broaden a child’s horizons and give impetus to development cognitive activity. So in the fairy tale “Starry Bunny” it is said that one bunny loved to look at the starry sky and one little star invited him to see the kingdom of the Star Queen. They cast a spell and found themselves in front of the entrance to the star castle. The bunny really liked him and, in agreement with him, the Star Queen turned him into a constellation.

After reading the fairy tale, children will be interested in observing the starry sky and reading encyclopedias.

Reading the fairy tale “Tsvetik-Raznotsvetik”, children will learn the diverse world of flowers, their names, and distinctive features.

To solve the problems of developing coherent speech and the ability to construct a phrase, speech therapy fairy tales are also used in the work. Reading the fairy tale “Leah’s Ray of Sunshine”

questions are asked based on the content: What is the name of the Sunbeam? What did the little ray see when he woke up? What task did the Sun give to the little ray? What did the plants thank the Sun for? Etc.

These questions require the child to provide complete answers, coordinate words in a sentence, and be able to logically express their thoughts.

Children practically become familiar with such concepts as sentence, word, syllable, sound. Learn to distinguish between these concepts.

Other speech therapy tales help develop the ability to solve crossword puzzles.


Jacques the bear and Shapi the mouse are old friends. They became friends in childhood. They felt good together. Jacques the bear treated the mouse with tenderness and love, and Shapi the mouse simply adored the bear.

- Make a wish. - asked Jacques Chapi.

“I want to learn how to turn into an important beetle that spins, buzzes and can borrow fragrant honey from bees.” I would fly every day to get honey for you, Little Bear. This is your favorite food!

- Thank you, Mouse, you are so kind. Your great wish will definitely come true, because you really want it! - said Jacques the Bear, took out a crust of bread and treated the Mouse.

Target: development of interest in speech therapy session and fostering motivation to learn, developing phonemic perception, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, developing memory and attention.

Visual aids: an image of a boy, articulation gymnastics cards, an image of a fairytale palace, an image of a gnome and a queen of magic speech.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

Hello guys! We sit down in our seats, saying one polite word at a time (hello, thank you, etc.). Well done!

2. Work on a fairy tale.

Today, children, I will tell you a fairy tale. Listen carefully:

Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya Arbuzov. He lived in the city of Moscow. He was 5 years old. The boy was special because he spoke very poorly and could not pronounce very many sounds.

Picture 1

One day, my mother took Vanya to the speech therapist at Progymnasium No. 1661. But there Vanya made a scandal and said that he would never study, because he already speaks very well. Mom brought Vanya home and told him to sit in his room and think about his bad behavior. But Vanya had no intention of thinking! He took the toys and started playing. But soon Vanya got tired of playing, the boy closed his eyes... and suddenly he found himself in front of the gates of a beautiful castle.

figure 2

On the gate was written: “Knock 3 times and say [smoke-dam-dom, com-dom-gnome, rak-mak-dak] quickly and clearly!” (Guys, try repeating these words too. Well done!) Vanya also said the words and knocked 3 times, but nothing happened. I repeated it again, but the gate did not open! Then Vanya cried loudly out of resentment. Suddenly... a beautiful sorceress appeared in front of the boy (Vanya recognized her, because she had a magic wand in her hands).

figure 3

Hello! – Vanya said.
- Good afternoon! Vanya Arbuzov!
- How do you know my name?
- I know everything about children 5-6 years old.
- Tell me, please, is it possible to get into this beautiful castle? After all, this is your castle?
- Yes, this is the castle of Magic Speech. And I am the Queen. Children enter the castle if they can complete the task written on the gate. Have you completed it?
- No, I didn’t succeed! – and the boy cried bitterly.
- And also children who can get into the castle want learn to speak well! And this is important! Do you want it?
- Yes! I want to study! I will try very hard!
And the sorceress touched her with a magic wand to the gate. The gates opened, and Vanya found himself inside a beautiful castle.
- The first thing you will see is the room of the Magic Man living in the mirror. He can do everything: speak beautifully and correctly, draw, sing, dance... he can teach you a lot!

figure 4

Vanya entered the mirrored room and immediately saw a little man who sang:
Hello my little friend,
I'm a mirror man!
Today we will study.
All sounds are clear to speak.
And you can learn quickly
If you are friends with gymnastics!
-Are you ready to repeat after me?
- Yes! I'm ready! – Vanya Arbuzov answered.
- Look in the mirror.

Exercise “Smile”

  • Stretch your lips into a smile
  • Hold it for a count of 10.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Exercise “Brush your teeth”

  • Smile
  • Show teeth
  • Open your mouth slightly
  • Using the tip of your tongue, alternately “clean” the lower and upper teeth.

Exercise "Swing"

  • Smile, open your mouth slightly
  • Show teeth
  • Place the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth
  • Place the tip of your tongue on your lower teeth
  • Alternately change position 10 times.

Exercise "Horse"

  • Pull out lips
  • Open your mouth slightly
  • Click your “narrow” tongue (like horses click)

Good job, well done! This is how you need to practice at home every day, looking in the mirror. If you fulfill this condition, then after a while you will find yourself in the second castle of Magic Speech! Will you be studying?
- Necessarily!
- I give you this beautiful mirror for your efforts. It will help you when performing tongue gymnastics. Goodbye my boy!

Vanya woke up and saw that he was in his room. He approached his mother and said:
- Sorry mommy. I behaved badly. Let's work with a speech therapist. I want to get to the second castle of the Queen of Magic Speech.
- Where? – Mom asked in surprise.
- I wanted to say... that I want to learn how to speak beautifully. - And he smiled.
- I'm glad, son!
And Vanya started studying!

3. Work on the content of the fairy tale

  • Guys, did you like the fairy tale?
  • What was the name of the main character? (Vanya Arbuzov)
  • What exercises did Vanya do for the tongue? (“Smile”, “Swing”, “Horse”, “Let’s brush our teeth”)
  • Let's do these exercises while looking in the mirror.
  • Fine!

4. Summing up

  • Do you want to work with a speech therapist and learn to speak well?
  • Well done!

A children's fairy tale is a necessary element in raising a child; it tells him in an accessible language about life, teaches him, illuminates the problems of good and evil, and shows the way out of difficult situations.

A fairy tale is the language of children; for them it is more informative than the compressed, insipid adult speech. Therefore, if we, adults, want to help, explain, support, reveal something to our child, then we need to re-learn the forgotten children's language - fairy tales.

By telling and reading fairy tales, we raise a child, develop his inner world, give him knowledge about the laws of life and ways to demonstrate creative ingenuity.

Children who have been read fairy tales from early childhood quickly begin to speak not just in a set of words, but in good literary language.

A fairy tale forms the foundations of behavior and communication in a child for life, teaches perseverance, patience, and the ability to set goals and go towards them. Listening to fairy tales, children accumulate in the subconscious mechanisms for solving life situations, which are activated when necessary.

The fairy tale develops the creativity, fantasy, imagination and empathy of the little man.

There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, rather, it is friendly advice.

So why not use a fairy tale to correct children's speech?

To one of the most important principles in working with children, especially in children, the principle of repetition can be attributed, which is explained by the reduced ability to automate skills. But the child quickly gets bored with the same exercises. In order to interest children, all exercises can be combined into short fairy tales. Teachers and parents can come up with these fairy tales, or you can invite the child to fantasize. And then the usual activity will sparkle with new colors and emotions, and accordingly the child will be able to quickly master the necessary knowledge and skills.

The proposed fairy tales were invented to practice sets of exercises that develop correct skills. You can tell a story and do exercises at the same time.

Fairy tale “How a mouse and a kitten became friends.”

One morning the kitten Timka woke up very early, scratched himself behind his ear with his paw and decided to wash his face and comb his hair ( exercise "Comb"). The kitten smiled and stretched ( exercise “Frogs are smiling”, “Fence”) and suddenly became wary (exercise “Donut”). What is this noise? I listened, and the clock was ticking ( exercise "Clock"). No, it’s not just a watch, something else is making noise.

And then Timka noticed a little mouse, which quickly ran towards the pantry with its paws. The kitten was very surprised, then he was happy and began to quietly sneak behind the mouse. He seized the moment, jumped and grabbed the mouse in his front paws. The mouse was so scared that he closed his eyes and stopped breathing completely.

"Mrrr meow!" - Timka said and licked his lips ( exercise “Delicious jam”). The mouse opened one eye and saw sharp cat teeth right in front of him. He wanted to squeak, but from fear he could not utter a sound and only weakly moved his tongue ( "Cup" exercise).

What, you can't talk? - the kitten was surprised and moved the mouse’s paw.

The mouse opened his second eye, smiled and was even able to click his tongue ( Exercise "Horse").

What's wrong with you? Let's play! - Timka said and licked the mouse with his tongue.

Oof! - the mouse was finally able to exhale ( exercise "Proboscis"). - So you want to play?

Well, yes! And what did you think? - Timka was surprised. - Now everyone is still sleeping, but I’m bored. Let's be friends!

Let's! – the mouse agreed.

And now every morning they play together ( exercise "Swing"), and the mouse Timka is no longer the least bit afraid!

Fairy tale "Resourceful little bear."

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub. Every morning, as soon as he woke up, he brushed his teeth ( “Brushing your teeth” exercise) and went for a walk. After all, there are so many interesting things around!

One day he walked like this on a sunny summer day until he felt that he was very hungry. The little bear stroked his tummy with his paw and wondered where he could get tasty, sweet strawberries ( exercise “Let’s stroke the tongue and lips with our teeth”). The little bear looked around and decided to look for a clearing with berries. First he had to go down the slide ( exercise "Slide"). Mishka stopped under a tree to rest a little and then he heard some kind of bird singing above his head ( ).

The little bear threw back his head and politely asked: “Dear bird, you are sitting so high, maybe you can see a clearing with strawberries? Tell me which way I should go!” But no one answered him. Bear scratched his head with his paw and thought that the bird had not heard him and that he needed to climb higher and shout louder. He jumped, grabbed the trunk with his paws and stood slowly, pushing with all his might. rise to the top (exercise “Tongue strongman”). Then the bear cub pulled himself up a little more, hung on a branch and began to swing ( exercise "Swing").

“Hey, is there anyone there?!” the bear cub shouted, but again no one answered him. Then he rose even higher, even stretching out his tongue from the effort ( exercise "Spatula"), and suddenly from a height I saw a clearing in which a lot of strawberries grew.

Hooray! It's good that I came up with the idea of ​​climbing a tree! - the bear cub shouted and rolled out of the tree as quickly as he could ( exercise "Reel").

He caught his breath under a tree and quickly ran to the clearing to finally refresh himself.

Fairy tale "Ill-mannered mouse."

There lived in the forest one ill-mannered mouse. He didn't say "good morning" or "good morning" to anyone. Good night" All the animals in the forest were angry with him - they did not want to be friends with him. The mouse felt sad. He went to his mother and asked: “How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest? " Mom tells him that he needs to be polite to everyone. The mouse decided to improve and brushed his teeth ( “Brush your teeth” exercise) combed his hair ( exercise "Comb").

He sees a bunny swinging on a swing ( exercise "Swing"). He came up and said hello loudly " Good morning!».

The bunny smiled and treated the mouse to a carrot. The mouse was happy and moved on. A snake crawls towards us ( Exercise "Fast Snake"), holds a weight in his tongue so that he is strong ( exercise “Tongue-strongman”).

And the mouse greeted her. The snake was surprised and dropped the weight. The mouse really liked being polite. He ran further to say hello to someone else. He sees a crow sitting on a tree and holding a bagel in his mouth ( Exercise "Bagel").

The mouse shouted loudly to her, “Good morning!” The crow croaked in response and flew off to tell everyone how polite the mouse had become.

And the mouse kept running through the forest, saying hello to everyone, and was so tired that he tripped and rolled down the hill ( exercise "Slide").

Almost fell into the water. Well, the little fence that the frogs built held him in ( Exercise "Fence").

He rested, looked around, and saw frogs jumping, inviting him to play with them.

But the mouse has no time to play - he hasn’t wished everyone good morning yet. He runs through the forest and sees: a bat has woken up in a tree. "Good morning!" - the mouse shouts to her. “It’s already evening,” the bat answers, “good evening, little mouse!” And the mouse whistled cheerfully, like a train ( exercise “The engine whistles”). And he ran home so that his mother would not worry that he had been gone for so long.

It is useful for children to repeat fairy tales with their parents and teachers. Such consolidation of material can be an additional task for the development of vocabulary, grammar, and coherent speech.

Good luck in your studies, joy in communication!


Description of articulation exercises used in fairy tales.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the articulation organs and to form lip movements.

Stroke, then lightly bite the lower lip with your teeth.

"Comb":“comb” the upper and lower lips with our teeth in turn.

"The frogs are smiling": learn to smile with an open smile.

"Fence": will learn to involuntarily hold a smile, slightly opening his teeth.

"Baby Elephant's Trunk": Pull your lips forward and close them.

"Bagel": smoothly round your lips and do not close them while counting to 5.

"Watch": open your mouth, stick out your narrow tongue; pull it alternately to the right and then to the left.

Exercises for correctly pronouncing whistling sounds.

"Spatula": you need to learn to relax the muscles of the tongue, keeping it wide.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your lower lip, hold it in this position, counting to 5.

Place the spatula in your mouth. Then lower the scapula behind the lower teeth, trying to keep the tongue lying still, not trembling or moving.

"Am brushing my teeth": smile, open your mouth slightly, brush your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, moving from side to side.

"The engine whistles": bring a clean bottle to your mouth, stick out the tip of the tongue slightly so that it touches the neck, exhale air smoothly into the bottle.

"Strong tongue": smile slightly, open your mouth slightly, lower the wide tip of the tongue to the lower front teeth; rest your tongue on your teeth.

"Swing": smile, open your mouth as if making the sound “A”; lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth (from the inside) and hold it for the count of “ones”; lift your wide tongue by your upper teeth and hold it for the count of “two”; repeat several times, making sure that only the tongue is working, and not the lower jaw.

"Slide": open your mouth wide, lower your wide tongue behind your lower teeth, rest your tongue against them; Press the side edges firmly against the upper molars.

Exercises for the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds, sounds L, L, R, R.

Learn to stretch your lips with a tube and hold them in that position. ( exercise “Baby Elephant Trunk”, “Tube”).

"Cup": open your mouth wide, place the tongue-scapula on the lower lip, lift the edges of the tongue and you will get a bowl.

"Delicious jam": Use the wide tip of the tongue to “lick the jam” from the upper lip, moving the tongue from top to bottom.

"Fast Snake": tense tongue movement from the mouth, then back into the mouth; moving the tongue from side to side; moving the tongue left and right along the upper alveoli; hide your tongue in your mouth.

"Horse": smile, open your mouth slightly, click the tip of your tongue slowly; try to keep the lower jaw and lips from moving, and only the tongue working.

Curious Fedya

Once upon a time there was a puppy. His name was Fedya. The puppy went for a walk in the yard. And chickens were walking in the yard. The puppy was interested in learning how chickens talk and he came closer to them. The chickens said: “Ko-ko-ko.” (What did the chickens say?). The puppy went further and saw geese. The geese cackled: “Ha-ha-ha.” (How did the geese cackle?). A cow was grazing on the lawn. She saw the puppy and mooed: “Moo-oo!” (How did the cow moo?). A horse was grazing nearby. The horse neighed: “E-go-go!” (How did the horse neigh?). The puppy liked the way the horse neighed. He also tried to say: “I-go-go!”, but he didn’t succeed. Did you succeed?

How Masha was going to go for a walk

Autumn has come. It got cold outside. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. It's raining: drip-drip. (How does it rain?). Masha went for a walk. Mom asks Masha: “Masha, can I give you an umbrella?” Masha answers her mother: “Give me.” (What does Masha answer?). Mom asks Masha: “Should I give you a raincoat?” Masha answers: “Give it.” (What does Masha answer?). Mom says to Masha: “On your boots.” (What does mom say?). Masha answers: “Give it.” (What does Masha answer?). Mom says: “Now go.” (What does mom say?). Masha answers: “Yes” (What does Masha answer?).

Fox family

In the forest, in a hole under a tree, lived the fox Dasha. (Who lived in the hole? What was the fox's name?). In the morning Masha got up and did exercises: wow, wow, eh, eh. (How did Dasha do her exercises?). Then she washed herself and had breakfast: am-am, am-am. (How did the fox have breakfast?). Dad loved to tinker and would knock with a hammer: knock-knock. (Who made it? How did dad knock?). Mom cooked porridge and soup. The soup was boiling: glug-glug. (Who cooked the soup? How did the soup boil?). Aunt sang: la-la, la-la. (Who sang? How did your aunt sing?). Grandfather was rocking in a rocking chair: rocking, rocking, rocking. (Who rocked? How did grandpa rock?). Dasha loved to run: stomp, stomp, stomp (How did Dasha run?); play the drum: boom-boom, boom-boom (How did Dasha play the drum?), blow the pipe: doo-doo, doo-doo (How did Dasha play?). In the evening the fox bathed in the bath: kup-kup, and went to bed (How did the fox bathe?). Mom told Dasha: bye-bye (What did mom say at night?).

Our family

We have a family. We have a house. We live in a house. Here is Kolya's dad. Dad is working. This is Vika's mother. Mom washes. Grandma Lyuba is there. Baba is sitting. Grandfather Misha is here. Grandfather is coming. Here is Musya the kitty. Musya is lying down. And here is the dog Ava. The dog is running.

We walk and play

Tanya went for a walk. ( Who went for a walk?). Tanya went out into the street, but there were no children. She became bored. Tanya began to call Vova. (Who did she start calling Tanya?). Vova, Vova, go! (What was Tanya’s name Vova?). Vova has arrived. (Who's come?).“I’m coming,” Vova shouted from the window. (What did Vova shout?). Soon Vova came and said: I’m here! (What did Vova say?). It's more fun to play together.

How Ava and the kitty played hide and seek

Kitty Musya and dog Ava loved to play hide and seek. (Who loved to play hide and seek?). Musya hides and shouts to Ava: look for ! (Who is hiding? What is the kitty screaming?). Ava replies: I'm going to look! I'm looking for! (What is Ava's answer?). Ava sees where the kitty is hiding and shouts: I found it! (What is Ava screaming?). Then Ava hides. (Who's hiding?). This is how Ava and Musya play. (What are Ava and Musya doing?).

Counting table

I, you, we, you,

He, she, it, they

We laugh, we count

We play, you drive!

What Nina could do

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Nina. ( What was the girl's name?). Nina is small, but she can already do a lot. Nina has eyes, ears, arms, fingers, legs. The eyes see. (What do the eyes give?). Ears hear. (What do ears do?). Hands play and carry. (What do ears do?). Fingers write, draw. (What do the fingers do?). Legs walk, run, stand. (What do the legs do?).


Winter came. (What time of year is it?). Freezing. It is snowing. Everything is white. There are white fur coats on the Christmas trees. (What's on the Christmas trees?). There are white caps on the houses. (What's on the houses?). Mitya put on a fur coat, hat, scarf, cap, mittens and felt boots. (What did Mitya wear?). The children are happy. (Who's happy?). They build a snowman and ride down the mountain. Soon New Year! There will be a Christmas tree. It will be fun!

How Lena helped her mother

Mom has a daughter. (Who does mom have?). My daughter's name is Lena. (What is your daughter’s name?). Lena helps her mother. (What is Masha doing?). She washes the dishes, waters the flowers, goes to the store. (What does Lena wash? What does Lena water? Where does Lena go?). At the store, Lena buys bread, milk, sugar, tea, sour cream, butter. (What does Lena buy in the store?). Are you helping your mom? What are you doing at home?

Greedy hedgehog

There lived a hedgehog in the forest. (Where did the hedgehog live?). The hedgehog's name was Petya. (What was the hedgehog's name?). Petya the Hedgehog was greedy. (What was Petya the hedgehog like?). Kuzya didn’t treat the bunny to an apple, Pasha the bear didn’t let him play with his ball, and Yulia the squirrel didn’t let him look at the book. (What was the name of the bunny? The bear? The squirrel? What did Petya the hedgehog spare for the bunny? The bear? The squirrel?). Bunny Kuzya was offended by the hedgehog. (Who was offended by the hedgehog?). Pasha the bear did not play with the hedgehog. (Who wouldn’t play with a hedgehog?). Julia the squirrel turned away from the hedgehog. (Who turned away from the hedgehog?). Why didn't the animals play with the hedgehog?

Which compote tastes better?

Vitya and Sasha began to argue about which compote tastes better? (Who started arguing?). Vitya said: “Raspberries are the most delicious berry, which means raspberry compote is tastier!” (Which berry is the most delicious, according to Vitya? Which compote is tastier?). Sasha said: “Cherry is the most delicious berry, which means cherry compote is tastier!” (Which berry is the most delicious, according to Sasha? Which compote is tastier?). Vitya and Sasha’s sister came. (Who's come?). My sister brought plum compote. (What compote did your sister bring?). She asked: “So which compote is the most delicious?” Vitya and Sasha answered together: “Plum!” (What did the boys answer?).

I myself

Mom always helped Katya get dressed. (Who did mom help? What did mom help Katya do?). But on this day Katya had to go to school for the first time. (Where should Katya go?). She told her mother: “I’m already big. Now I will dress myself." (What did Katya say to her mother?). Katya herself put on tights, a skirt, a jacket, and shoes. (What did Katya wear?). Katya told her mother: “I dressed myself!” (What did Katya say to her mother?).

How the squirrel Lyuba went to school

Autumn has come. (What time of year is it?). It's time to go to school. (Where is it time to go?). Mother squirrel told her daughter Lyuba: “Lyuba, it’s time for you to go to school!” (What did mommy squirrel say?). Lyuba asked her mother: “Why should I go to school?” (What did Lyuba ask her mother?). Mom answered daughter: “Learn to read, write and count.” (What will Lyuba do at school?). Lyuba said: “I want to learn to read, write and count!” (What did Lyuba want to learn at school?). Lyuba took her briefcase and went to school. (What did Lyuba take? Where did she go?).

During a lesson at a forest school

The bell rings. (What's ringing?). Lesson begins at the forest school. (What starts at forest school?). The students sit at their desks. (Who sits at their desks?). The bunny opens the textbook. (What does the bunny open?). Mishka opens a notebook. (What does the bear open?). Squirrel opens the diary. (What does the squirrel open?). The hedgehog takes the pen. (What does the hedgehog take?). The fox takes pencils and an album. (What does the fox take?). The raven teacher said: “Quiet, children, let’s start the lesson!” (What did the raven say? Who was the raven?). How should you behave in class?

A TALE about the BEE “ZHUZHU” and her FUNNY TONGUE

Goals: development of the articulatory apparatus(lips, tongue) with the help of articulatory gymnastics exercises; development of speech breathing in preschoolers(deep inhalation through the nose and smooth, slow exhalation through the mouth); fostering responsiveness, a sense of mutual assistance, sound automation isolated and in syllables.

Equipment: soft musical toy bees; clouds with butterflies for exercises to develop speech breathing; forest clearing; flowers; trees; musical horse toy; fungus; basket, picture for automating the sound Ж in syllables.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist. There lived a bee in a flower meadow. And her name was Zhuzhu. She was very cheerful because she loved to sing songs (music is playing). One day a bee flies and sees butterflies sitting on flowers. She asks them.

Bee Juju. Well, butterflies, what happened to you, why don’t you fly? It's such beautiful weather!

Butterflies. We can’t fly, it began to rain and wet our wings.

Bee Juju. Wow, poor butterflies, if only the wind would help you, but in this weather it won’t blow.

Butterflies. What do we do?

Bee Juju. Don't worry, butterflies, my friends will help you. Guys, let's help the butterflies dry their wings. Blow on the wings of the butterflies and they will dry.

Speech therapist. You need to take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly, long through your mouth.

Come and stand closer.

Breathing exercise “LET’S BLOW ON BUTTERFLIES”: inhale-exhale (children blow on butterflies, then sit down).

Speech therapist. So the wings of the butterflies dried out. Now they can fly beautifully! Well done boys!

Butterflies. Thank you guys! And thank you, bee, for your help.

Bee Juju. F-f-f, please.

Butterflies. We know that you love to sing songs, and therefore we want to give you a pipe to make it more fun for you to sing.

Bee Juju. Wow, thank you butterflies. Guys, let me sing, and you blow on my new pipe.

Exercise “TUBE”

My lips are a tube -

They turned into a pipe.

I can blow loudly:

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo!

Children perform the “TUBE” exercise.

Exercise “SMILE”

Speech therapist. Show how the bee smiled at the butterflies. (Counting from 1 to 10).

The children do it.

Speech therapist. The bee Juju turned, looked at the guys and also smiled. Smile at her too.

Speech therapist. The bee flew further through the forest clearing and saw beautiful flowers blooming, she admired their beauty: “Wow, what beautiful flowers!” And she smiled at them too. Let us smile at the flowers too. (Counting from 1 to 10).

The children do it.

Automation of sound in syllables

Speech therapist. The bee wanted to jump on the flowers. The bee Zhuzhu jumps and sings a song: ZHA-ZHU-ZHU-ZHU-ZHA-ZHO. Let's sing with her too.

Children repeat syllables after the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. The bee Zhuzhu was cheerful and her tongue was jumping up and down. Let's swing too.

Exercise "SWING"

Speech therapist. Smile wider:

I swing on a swing

Up - down, up - down,

I'm rising higher and higher

And then I go downstairs.

The tongue is tired.

Exercise "SPATULA"

Place your tongue with a spatula

And hold it a little.

We relax the tongue

Our tongue is resting.

One two three four five -

The tongue can be removed.

Speech therapist. The bee Zhuzhu wanted to sing a song, but for some reason her tongue didn’t listen to her, let’s punish him.


Children say five-five-five (five times).

I put my tongue on my lip,

And “Five-five-five” I’ll sing,

Muscles relax...

The spatula turns out...

You hold her, hold her

Now let go.

Speech therapist. Now let's sing a song together with the bee Zhuzhu: J-J-J-J-J.

Speech therapist. The bee Zhuzhu wanted to drink tea with honey, but there was no cup, let’s make a cup.

Exercise "CUP"

Put your tongue wide

Raise its edges -

It turned out to be a bowl,

It's almost round.

Put it in your mouth

And press the edges to your teeth.

Speech therapist. The bee drank some tea from a cup and decided to rest. I looked around and saw something growing under a tree. Guys, guess the riddle and find out what the bee saw.

It grows under a pine paw,
He grows, and so does the hat.
Never to our bow,
He doesn't take off his hat.


Speech therapist. That's right, fungus. The bee Zhuzhu decided to lie under it. She smiled at him and made a mushroom with her tongue. Let's make a mushroom too.

Exercise "MUSHROOM"

Speech therapist. The bee Zhuzhu is lying, resting, enjoying the silence of the forest. Suddenly he hears... (the speech therapist turns on the musical horse) the horse clatters its hooves. The bee, Buzz, wanted to learn how to click its tongue in the same way.

Exercise "HORSE".

Let's suck our tongue to the roof of our mouth and flick the tongue. You need to click slowly and hard.

Children cluck (from 1 to 10 times).

Speech therapist. Our bee got tired and flew to the house, to her friends the bees. And our tongue is tired too, put it on your lower lip and let it rest.

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done! Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What song did we learn to sing today together with the bee Zhuzhu: J-J-J-J-J. Well done!

Note: the material from this fairy tale can be used both by speech therapists in classes with preschoolers, and by parents when playing and thereby developing the child’s speech.