Minimum pension per year. Old age insurance pension

Minimum pension in Russian Federation can be considered a relative concept that cannot be precisely defined. But in this case, the main indicator characterizing “minimality” is the size living wage, and for each region of Russia it is set its own.

Citizens whose pension provision is an order of magnitude higher than this figure are “lucky”, but if it is lower, then there is no need to worry, since state policy is aimed at protecting the poor.

The average pension in Russia, what is it?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provided information according to which the average old-age pension before April 1, 2016 was about 9,227 rubles. Analysts conducted a comparative analysis of pensions with salaries in Russia, and they came to the conclusion that this amount is equivalent to 40% of the average all-Russian earnings. But here you should indicate the average size of the social pension - this amount is 7067 rubles.

Children from different groups are awarded a pension, the average amount of which is 11,445 rubles. The category of citizens who received pension benefits for disability resulting from war injuries and injuries averages 14,307 rubles. All these numbers pension payments will be indexed in April 2016.

Please note that in Russia, in post-Soviet times, pension provision for citizens was considered the highest, and only the countries of the Baltic region could compete with the wealth of our state. But here, too, corrections can be made that in the Baltic countries it was recorded high level expenses associated with paying for utilities, and they take most of the “pension earnings”. If we take into account the state pension policy that was pursued during this time, then in comparison with the nineties of the last century, there are practically no crisis phenomena.

At the same time the size average pension is increasing, and according to preliminary calculations, the figure is growing almost twice as fast as inflation in prices for consumer goods. This is influenced by the indexation of pensions, which is carried out by the state twice a year - in early February and April.

The size of the minimum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

After a working citizen reaches the retirement age fixed by law, the question arises about minimum size the pension to which he is entitled to count. It is worth emphasizing that there is no such concept as a “minimum pension” in the legislation of our country, and its amount is directly related to various circumstances.

The minimum pension amount upon reaching old age should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level, which was legally established for pensioners in the region of his residence. But there is an amendment here: if such a situation is still observed, and the old-age pension with supplements from the state does not exceed the subsistence level, then there is still a way out. Payments will be established for the needy pensioner - their amount should ultimately equalize the pension with the subsistence level established in the region. Those pensioners who work, for additional social payments may not count, and all other pensioners need to write an application to receive such bonuses.

In what cases can a citizen count on increasing the minimum pension:

  1. Pensioner reaches eighty summer age.
  2. He has dependents: from 1 to several relatives.
  3. The pensioner decided to continue working.
  4. The insurance pension is being indexed.

If you want to receive a minimum pension in Russia, then your work experience must be at least five years, but what about those who do not have it? Then the state assigns social pensions.

The size of the maximum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

  1. Salary amount.
  2. When a citizen retires (his age).
  3. Length length of service.
  4. The amount of monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Let's look at innovations in the field of pension legislation, and specifically to the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. Let us immediately draw attention to the fact that the age of the citizen is not taken into account. To save the Pension Fund's expenses, officials decided to take the “original” route. For example, if a man, having reached his 60th birthday (retirement age), does not want to retire, but will continue labor activity, then he will receive a significant increase in pension, which will be proportional to the time that he could spend on a well-deserved retirement. The same applies to women who are over 55 years old. Conclusion: the longer you work after retirement age (the longer you don't retire), the higher your pension amount will be.

PFR pension calculator - how to use it?

If you go to the official website Pension Fund Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor, then for several years now there has been a so-called “pension calculator”, which allows all citizens to calculate their future pension based on length of service, salary and other indicators. According to the Russian Minister of Labor, this mechanism does not make it possible to determine the exact amount of pension benefits. Using a calculator, you can only make a preliminary forecast taking into account a set of calculated indicators.

For ease of calculation, citizens are provided with a convenient and easy-to-understand form in which they need to fill out the appropriate fields: gender, length of service, salary, length of military service, maternity leave, and so on. But the calculation is carried out in such a way that the preliminary amount is calculated as if for today - that is, if you are retiring now. The calculation mechanism uses the new pension formula provided for by the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, which begins to “work” in 2016.

An important point should not be missed: it has a component that can reduce the size of the pension. This instrument has a name – the cost of the pension coefficient. This indicator depends on a number of indicators, for example, the demographic and economic situation in the country, on the basis of which it is established.

What are citizens entitled to besides pensions?

As you know, a significant part of pensioners do not work, so they can be classified as citizens who are not socially protected. For this reason, the state has developed a set of benefits and allowances that pensioners have the right to count on:

  1. Firstly, this is preferential travel for pensioners on public transport, provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of the federation and regions.
  2. If we talk about tax deductions, pensioners were given some “indulgences.” The pension is not taxed - that's it. Pensioners do not have to pay property taxes to the state (they are exempt from this). And if a pensioner bought real estate and a property deduction was made, then he can get it back within a three-year period (after retirement), during which he must contact the relevant authorities. That is, after retirement, 3 years may pass during which you can apply for a deduction, but this is impossible for ordinary citizens.
  3. The health care system has also not spared pensioners. They are covered by the compulsory health insurance program, so all pensioners can freely receive medical care without spending a penny. And those persons who receive a disability pension or have been accrued a minimum old-age pension can count on a benefit: in pharmacies they must sell the necessary medications half the price - that is, with a 50% discount.
  4. The housing and communal services sector also showed concern for pensioners and introduced a system of compensation for payment for services provided, and if a pensioner is recognized as low-income, he is given the opportunity to receive subsidized assistance to pay for utilities. A set of measures has been introduced in some Russian regions social assistance, and the pensioner can receive compensation for housing costs.

We draw general conclusions: having put together local and federal laws, the following picture emerges: along with a pension, people can receive additional government benefits and subsidies.

What will happen to pensions next year?

Today we can highlight the entry into force of part of the federal law “On Insurance Pensions”, which has been gaining momentum since January 1, 2016. One moment brings joy - retirement age remained unchanged. But now we’ll get to the bleak moments, of which there are quite a few. Firstly, this new formula to calculate the pension, secondly, it is an increase in the length of service for calculating the pension and, thirdly, the pension is now recalculated in points.

To receive a good pension, it is now becoming profitable for working citizens to “open” their income and receive a white salary. Now the size of your salary and the amount of your contributions are directly related to the amount of pension you will receive.

New legislation introduced the concept of “annual pension coefficient”, which characterizes how the employee worked throughout the year. The question arises, how is it calculated? It is equal to the ratio of the funds paid by the management of the enterprise where you work to the possible amount that can be contributed to the Pension Fund from the maximum salary, multiplied by the pension coefficient. For the calculation, the maximum value of the coefficient is taken.

A minor positive moment for women was this: they decided to include only 1.5 years of child care, but no more than 4.5 years in total, in the length of service required to calculate an old-age pension. But this leave can be added not only to the mother’s length of service, but also to the length of service of the person who was on carer’s leave, formalized by law.

The pension will continue to consist of two components: a funded and an insurance part. According to the current Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” the funded part will be calculated, and the amount of the insurance part will be determined by the new law.

What final conclusions can be drawn? Pension reforms and new changes in legislative framework they say that the state is doing everything possible to bring the country out of “critically low” pensions. The guarantor is indexation, which is carried out twice a year. A tangible advantage for working pensioners is the recalculation of pensions taking into account the continuation of work.

But it is still too early to talk about ideal pension legislation. Perhaps it takes time to “rock” innovations in order to taste the productive fruits after the adaptation period.

Since the main income of older people, as a rule, is , the issue of the size of the minimum benefit is of interest to a large number of citizens.

Often officials give rather vague answers, promising to raise social standards as soon as the economy becomes more stable and energy prices rise on world markets, but they usually add that there is no extra money in the treasury today.

Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out what the size depends on various types pensions, including by region.

What determines the size of pension provision?

Today, citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have enough length of service to accrue a labor pension are entitled to a minimum old-age pension.

The calculation procedure is regulated by Russian Government Resolution No. 166.

According to this legislative act, the minimum pension in 2019 due to the following citizens:

In 2019, the Russian Federation entered into force several innovations in pension legislation. For example, in the second half of the year, pensioners will receive state benefits under a system based on the Australian pension legislation scheme.

Life will tell whether this system will be successful. But experts are already predicting a decrease in labor pensions by 10.5% for citizens who were born after 1967 due to a number of incorrect measures regarding pensions. For example, frozen three times pension savings, although they saved a certain amount of money for the government, they at the same time led to a deficit of more than 1.5 billion rubles this year. in the form of prolonged investments. Because of this, the growth rate of production has decreased, which cannot but affect social benefit payments.

Minimum payout amounts

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain the concept of a minimum pension, since its value is determined by various circumstances: the economic situation in the state, inflation, and so on. But at the same time, the state guarantees that the “minimum wage” in old age will be no less for pensioners. Last year, its average value across regions was 8,803 rubles.

It is noteworthy that regions They independently set the lower threshold based on the subsistence level in their region and calculate the corresponding social supplements.

According to PF data, medium sizes different types pensions since February last year are:

Currently, the minimum pension does not correspond to the minimum subsistence level. For this reason, pensioners are usually paid from regional budgets an amount that covers the difference between the minimum pension and the regional subsistence level. The amount of the surcharge depends on the pensioner’s place of residence.

It is accrued after the pensioner submits the appropriate application. However, working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits. To receive benefits, documentation of the established form is required; it must be presented to the Pension Fund office at the place of residence.

Increasing the minimum pension amount possible when the following factors occur:

At the beginning of 2015, significant changes were made to pension legislation- two new types of pensions have appeared: savings and insurance.

The latter is subdivided into three types:

  • for old age: from 65 and 60 years of age for men and women, respectively;
  • : accrued to citizens who have one of the disability groups, regardless of the required length of service;
  • : paid to full-time students under 23 years of age, as well as to minors.

It is worth noting that if a pensioner is entitled to several insurance benefits, then only the one chosen by him is accrued. Also, starting this year, the legislation regarding civil servants has been significantly tightened: every year the retirement age, as well as minimum experience will increase by six months.

Insurance pension amount are calculated based on the following:

  • total points - 30 or more;
  • - 15 years or more.

The innovations provide that the minimum length of service for calculating an insurance pension will increase by 12 months every year, and the number of points will increase by 2.4. For example, for those who retired on January 1, 2017, it is enough to work for 8 years, and for those who become pensioners in 2025, they will need to work for 15 years and still have at least 30 points. It is worth noting that the number of points is directly proportional to the amount of “white” wages.

A slightly different approach is used to calculate disability insurance pension- when calculating it, the group is taken into account, as well as the type of payment. The minimum amount of state disability benefit is 1.5–3 times greater than the social pension established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the accumulative part of the benefit is calculated based on length of service, deductions from wages, and so on. The amount of the insurance benefit is calculated using the formula for the working population: number of pension points × (indexed every year) + fixed payment (also indexed).

When calculating the minimum pension, the following economic indicators are taken into account: living wage, established for people of retirement age. This value is directly influenced by the level of inflation and rising prices for the consumer basket.

It is worth noting that each Russian region sets an individual subsistence level. If the amount of pension payments does not reach this level, then the difference will be paid from the local budget.

The amount of the minimum pension for Russian pensioners in 2019 will be calculated according to this formula: FS + SP, where FS is a fixed amount, SP is the insurance premium.

Insurance premium is calculated as follows: sum of IB (individual points) * cost of IB (in 2019 they plan to fix this figure at 87.24 rubles).

In 2019, elderly people who receive old-age insurance pension payments from the state can count on an additional payment from the federal or regional budgets up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level established in the region of residence.

It is worth noting that the Government of the Russian Federation annually indexes this type of benefits.

Russians who receive social benefits from the state can also count on an annual increase in pension payments. For this category of citizens, the Government of the Russian Federation has indexed the insurance pension by 7.05% since January 1, 2019.

Regional features

In 2019, the “minimum wage” for old age in Moscow for non-working pensioners it must be at least 17,500 rubles. Moreover, they must live in the capital for at least 10 years. It is noteworthy that the Moscow authorities pay extra to those pensioners whose pension is less than 17,500 rubles. Similar systems operate in other subjects of the Federation.

The size of the “minimum wage” in the Russian Federation is determined annually based on the value of the pensioner's subsistence level (PSMP). Non-working pensioners whose total amount of benefits does not reach the GSMP in their region are paid a social supplement to their pension up to the GSMP. Let's consider this value in different regions of the Russian Federation using the table below.

As we can see, the largest value of EPMF, not counting the two capitals, is in Omsk, Crimea and Krasnodar Territory. This is due to the specific characteristics of these regions.

Exact amount maximum pension on this moment there is no way to calculate.

The amount of the pension is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Salary amount.
  2. Retirement age.
  3. Period of work experience.
  4. Amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.
  5. Regional pension legislation.

According to the innovations, if a man or woman, having reached the appropriate age, does not retire, but continues to work, then they are guaranteed a significant increase in pension, proportional to the period in which they could have been retired. It turns out that the more a citizen works after crossing the retirement age line, the higher the size of his future pension.

General requirements for retirement in 2019

The gradually increasing requirements for citizens in order to be assigned an old-age insurance pension in 2019 are as follows:

  • The man's age is from 60 years and 6 months, the woman's age is from 55 years and 6 months;
  • Availability insurance period at least 10 years;
  • Availability of pension points (IPC) of at least 16.2.

Size fixed payment to the insurance pension 5334 rubles 19 kopecks, cost of 1 pension point 87.24 rubles.

Here are the requirements in 2020:

  • The man's age is from 61 years, the woman's age is from 56 years;
  • Having at least 11 years of insurance experience;
  • Availability of pension points (IPC) of at least 18.6.

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is 5686 rubles 25 kopecks, the cost of 1 pension point is 93.00 rubles.

The minimum amount of payments to pensioners is described in the following video:

Before completing documents to receive benefits, many citizens are trying to find out what the minimum old-age pension is in 2019.

Old age to a minimum

The concept of a “minimum pension” does not appear in Russian legislation, since the “minimum salary” at the end of a working career is determined by various factors: the level of inflation, the general economic situation, etc.

The state promises that the minimum old-age pension should not be below the subsistence level. In 2018, the average amount for pensioners (!) across the country was 8,615 rubles. It is expected that in 2019 the average cost of living for pensioners in Russia will rise to 8,846 rubles. At the same time, regions individually determine the lower threshold based on the subsistence minimum established by them and can make regional additional payments.

Thus, the minimum old-age pension in Moscow in 2019 is no less than 12,115 rubles. The rules apply to non-working pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years. At the same time, the capital’s authorities pay extra to those Muscovites whose pension does not reach 12,115 rubles. after indexing.

Similar systems operate in other regions, but local authorities do not always find opportunities to support pensioners. It is best to find out what minimum old-age pension is guaranteed by the state in the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specific situation.

Let us remind you that it was decided to index pension payments to non-working pensioners from January 1, 2019 by 7.05%.

Another relevant question is: “What is the minimum amount of old-age pension if there is no length of service”? In the absence of work experience or lack of the above amount, a social pension is assigned. Since the beginning of 2019, its size is 5108.24 rubles. From April 1, 2019, the social pension will be indexed - 5304.57 rubles. This type of old-age benefit begins to be paid with a five-year delay after the person reaches retirement age.

08.03.16 05:05:00

If a citizen has a short official work experience behind him, he will certainly wonder what the minimum pension amount is set in Russia for 2016?

Minimum old-age labor pension

The retirement age in the Russian Federation is 60 years for men, 55 years for women. And if a citizen does not have the right to early retirement, then having reached this age, he retires in old age. What is the minimum pension that can be assigned?

The minimum pension that can be paid to a citizen corresponds to the pensioner’s subsistence level. It should be noted that for each region of the Russian Federation this minimum is determined separately and you can find out its size in your region by clicking on the link.

To be more precise, if the total value material support pensioner is less than the minimum subsistence level, a social supplement is assigned, coming from the federal budget. The amount of the surcharge is determined in such a way that the total amount of payments is equal to the cost of living of a citizen of retirement age in a particular region of the Russian Federation.

Labor pension consists of two parts: the funded and insurance parts of the pension; to calculate the amount of the pension due, you can use pension calculator.

The old-age pension increases in the following cases:

parts of the pension are indexed;

the pensioner has dependents;

a pensioner reaches 80 years of age;

a retired citizen continues to work and thereby reduces the age of survival. At the same time, he increases the insurance and funded parts of his pension.

Minimum pension in 2016

In 2016, insurance pensions and pensions will be indexed state provision. Important innovation - insurance part pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners (from February 1, 2016 it will increase by 4%). After indexation, the size of the fixed payment will be 4558.93 rubles, the cost of the pension point will be 74.27 rubles (recall that in 2015 the cost of the pension point was 71.41 rubles). The average old-age insurance pension in 2016 is 13,132 rubles.

Concerning social pensions and state pensions - from April 1, 2016 they will be increased by 4%, and on average the amount of such payments will be 8,562 rubles. The second indexation is planned for the second half of 2016, the final decision on it will be made in accordance with the economic situation in the state.

Also in February 2016, the monthly cash payment will increase by 6.4%, and at the same time the cost of the social package will increase, which citizens can still receive both in kind and in cash.

Note that the concept of “minimum old-age pension” does not exist as such; its size depends on many factors and circumstances.

As before, there will be no pensioners in the Russian Federation whose payments will be below the subsistence level in the region of their residence. Non-working elderly people will receive a social supplement to their pension, which will raise their monthly income to the subsistence level.

Since 2015, Russia has had a formula according to which, in order to qualify for an insurance pension, you must have 7 years of official work experience and 9 pension points (applied to 2016). If you do not have such experience, you will receive a social pension.

Minimum pension amount usually interested in pensioners receiving a social pension, which is noticeably lower than the insurance one. Let's consider what factors influence minimum pension amount.

The influence of the type of old-age pension on its size

Today in Russia there are 2 main laws in connection with which old-age pensions are awarded:

  • “On insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • "About state pension provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ.

According to the first law, the assignment of an old-age pension depends on the presence of the future pensioner with a minimum number of years of insurance experience and on the formation of the required pension coefficient. The size of the pension is determined in a rather complex way, taking into account not only the amount of insurance contributions actually paid by the pensioner for his work, the length of his insurance period, the shift in the purpose of the pension towards an older age, but also the possibility of receiving fixed additional payments, as well as an assessment of the impact of indexation on both the pension itself and and the amount of fixed additional payments. The future pensioner earns such a pension himself, and the legislation does not limit its final amount.

According to the second law, a pension, which is an analogue of an old-age insurance pension, is assigned to disabled persons and is called social. Due to old age, the right to receive it can be used by those people who have not earned the length of service necessary to assign an insurance pension.

In comparison with the insurance social pension, there are a number of conditions that significantly reduce the profitability of its purpose:

  • The age at which a person is declared disabled is 5 years later than the retirement age for an insurance pension.
  • It can only be received by persons who permanently (at least 15 years) lived in Russia before its appointment and continue to live here.
  • Working pensioners cannot receive it.
  • The size of the pension is small and, despite the mandatory annual indexation, on average remains lower than the amount of the insurance pension.

Therefore, considering the question of minimum old-age pension, you should, first of all, keep in mind the social pension assigned to disabled persons.

Amount of social old-age pension

The amount of the old-age social pension is directly indicated in subparagraph. 1 clause 1 art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ: this is 3,626.71 rubles. However, it is indexed annually, taking into account the average increase in the cost of living of pensioners in Russia (Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ). The value of this coefficient is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In addition, the size of the social pension depends on the regional coefficient applied in the territory of residence of the pensioner (Clause 2 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ).

Each Russian region sets the cost of living for pensioners independently. Therefore, it may differ significantly from the national average (and not only downward). Accordingly, it is possible that the size of the social pension and a number of insurance pensions in the region will be less than not only the average for the Russian Federation, but also the regional minimum.

For such situations, paragraph 1 of Art. 12.1 of the Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ provides for the mandatory social supplement to pensions. Its purpose is to bring minimum pension amount up to the regional subsistence level.

This surcharge may consist of 2 parts:

  • federal, additionally paid at the expense of the Pension Fund within the average level of the living wage for pensioners established for the Russian Federation, up to the level established for the region (clause 4 of article 12.1 of the law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ);
  • regional, additionally paid from the region’s budget if the cost of living for the region exceeds the minimum established for the Russian Federation (clause 5 of Article 12.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999).

How much will the pension increase in 2016?

Minimum size pensions in 2016 will be indexed again starting in April. True, not in proportion to the increase in the cost of living, but with a smaller coefficient - 1.04 (Clause 1, Article 4 of the Law “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension , fixed payment to insurance pension and social pensions" dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).

Since the increase in the cost of living will be more significant, it is very likely that the number of people who will have grounds for receiving social supplements will increase. Including non-working recipients of insurance pensions, the indexation of which in February 2016 also took place with a reduced coefficient of 1.04 (clauses 1-3 of Article 5 of Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015).

The size of pension payments, with which the cost of living is compared, consists of:

  • pensions of a non-working pensioner;
  • additional regular payments for social security and social services;
  • other regular social additional payments available in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to determine what is the minimum pension a person can apply in 2016, he needs to compare the total amount of payments he receives in connection with a pension with 2 values ​​of the living wage for pensioners for 2016: established for the region of his residence and calculated for the Russian Federation. If he sees reasons for increasing such payment, he needs to contact the regional Pension Fund branch with a statement containing a request to increase the amount of his pension to minimum pension amount.

Living wage by regions of Russia

The living wage values ​​both in the regions and throughout Russia are approved before the year for which they are established (clauses 3-4 of Article 4 of the Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation” dated October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ).

In the Russian Federation, the cost of living for pensioners in 2016 is 8,803 rubles. (Clause 6, Article 8 of the Law “On the Federal Budget for 2016” dated December 14, 2015 No. 359-FZ). And its values ​​​​set for 2016 for the regions can be seen on the Pension Fund website. The table of these values ​​contains a reference not only to the numbers of laws that approved the subsistence minimum for a certain region, but also an indication of the funds from which budget will be used to make a social supplement to the pension, thanks to which its size will become appropriate the size of the minimum pension.


Regardless of which law is used to calculate the old-age pension, if its value is less than the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner established for the region of his residence, then non-working pensioner has the right to receive a social supplement that will make his pension appropriate the size of the minimum pension by region.