Draw a happy and sad sun around the world. Multifunctional educational toy “Merry and Sad Sun”

Marina Rudich

The first one connected by me toy for working as a teacher - this is knitted Sun. The smiling one appeared first.

This Sun calmed the kids during the adaptation period. It smiled and dried their tears.

When the adaptation period was over, we played with outdoor games in the sun"Sunshine and rain", "Pass it around", "Call it kindly."

Then cheerful sunshine has a brother - sad sunshine.

This one has sunshine troubles happened and he needed help: draw something, make a picture for him, or fix the rays. The classes with the kids were a great success, they loved helping so much sunshine, tell them something, surprise them.

Then sunshine became the main characters of the corner mood: the pupils hung medallions with their photographs on their rays, depending on their mood.

IN speech therapy group sunshine help pupils:

Develop a stream of air

Lay out a given number of items

Distinguish object pictures into groups “edible-inedible”, “useful-harmful”, “warm-cold”, “Good deed-bad deed”

In agreement between a numeral and a noun

Pupils make up short stories about Sun, use it in theatrical activities. Game options a lot of- the main thing is to start and maintain the interest of the students.

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Preserve and strengthen the health of children, create a positive emotional mood.


Learn to perform exercises aimed at preventing visual impairment, develop a directed gaze;

develop speech breathing, develop a directed air stream, the ability to regulate the duration and force of exhalation;

develop the ability to perform exercises to prevent flat feet;

develop fine motor skills, the ability to relax, the ability to coordinate actions with words.

Demo material: cheerful sunshine, sad sun, crying cloud, cheerful clouds (on a hoop, audio material (song “Charging”, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

Handout: sad clouds on strings, suns on sticks.

Usage: can be used as a whole as a game complex or individual elements during GCD.

It shines and warms and makes everyone happy. What is this? (Demo picture is a cheerful sun).

The sun delighted everyone with its gentle rays. But suddenly a strong wind blew.

Breathing exercise: strong long inhalation - long exhalation with the sound “f” (repeat 3 times with different volumes).

Clouds rolled into the sky. The sun became sad: the clouds completely covered it (Demonstration picture - sad sun).

And without the sun, everyone felt sad, and the clouds too; the clouds began to cry (demonstration picture - the cloud is crying, it is raining.

Finger gymnastics

He walks (the index and middle fingers “walk” along the table,

And we are running (the index and middle fingers “run” across the table,

He will catch up anyway (all fingers are “running”!

We rush to the house to take refuge (we depict the house with our palms and fingers,

He will knock on our window (we use our fingers to represent the window)

And on the roof: knock and knock (index fingers tapping on the table!

No, we won’t let you in, dear friend (shake your index finger!

Stop being sad and shedding tears!

Breathing exercises– blow on sad clouds (handout):

1 long inhalation – 3 short exhalations;

3 short inhalations - 1 long exhalation;

4 short inhalations – 4 short exhalations.

The sun became cheerful, peeked out from behind the clouds, and smiled. And the clouds began to smile.

Eye exercises with a cheerful sun (demo picture):

The eyes look at the sun to the left,

The eyes look at the sun to the right,

Eyes up, eyes down, up, down.

The sun rises and walks across the sky (with their eyes they follow the sun in a circle,

The sun sets, goes to bed (close your eyes for a few seconds).

Fizminutka(with the song “Charging”)

The radiant sun loves to jump (light jumping in place,

Fly from cloud to cloud (hands up: left - right,

... (perform movements in accordance with the text).

Breathing exercises

Let's blow on the cheerful clouds, let them fly away in different directions: long breath - long light exhale on the clouds.

Finger gymnastics

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun (cross palms,

It shines like that, it shines like that (spread your fingers, move them).

It will be dry, it will be dry (shake your hands,

How nice, how nice (clap your hands!

Eye exercises with suns (handout):

The eyes look high (at the sun in your hand,

The eyes look low

Eyes look far away

The eyes look close.

Finger gymnastics

The cloud with the sun again (connect fingers alternately with the thumb,

They started playing hide and seek.

Only the sun will hide (clap your palms, then your fists,

The cloud will burst into tears.

And when the sun is found (claps: palm - fist,

Cloud laughs cheerfully.

Relaxation(to the quiet music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”)

(Sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean your back against the back, put your hands loosely on your knees, legs slightly apart. Say slowly, with pauses)

Movement slows down

Tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice. (Close eyes)


We are little clouds...

We are light, bright, fluffy...

We are soft, pleasant...

We float slowly and easily across the sky...

There are many of our friends here,

We are pleased, good, calm...

We are relaxed, we are resting...

Slowly open your eyes, inhale slowly, exhale slowly, raise your arms up, stretch. Get up, stretch up, towards the sun.

Exercises to prevent flat feet:

Feet together, hands on the belt, rise on your toes, lower yourself;

Rise alternately on your right and left toes.

Smile at each other, clap for yourself and your friends.

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Pictures for children with the sun will delight and lift their spirits, even when it’s cloudy or snowing. The celestial body warms our Earth and all its inhabitants; its photos and cartoon images are associated with something warm and affectionate.

It will be useful and interesting for the child to know what the Sun is and what it really is. From the catalog of our website you can download for free photos of our star from space, landscapes against the background of the sun, bright drawn pictures. To develop your baby and expand his horizons, we also offer you easy-to-remember rhymes and educational videos.

Pictures of the sun

In distant, distant times, when the science of astronomy did not yet exist, people knew literally nothing about what space was, solar system, galaxy, etc. But even then they were sure that the round, yellow, bright celestial body that appeared in the sky during the day gave them life, warmth and light. The sun was worshiped and deified.

Over the years, with the development of science, people have studied the Sun quite well. Today, even kids know that it is not small, but huge, that no one takes it out on a chariot and nails it to the sky. However, they love cute cartoon images of the luminary, such as these, on a transparent background.

Photo against the background of the sun

It is best to take a 3-6 year old child who is interested in knowing what the Sun is and how it interacts with our Earth to the Planetarium. There they will clearly explain to him, according to his age, that this is a star that is the center of our system. They will tell him that in fact she is not yellow, but white, huge, huge and hot, hot. The temperature of the solar corona is 5.5 thousand degrees Celsius, the core is up to 15 million degrees Celsius. Both the Earth and the other seven planets of the system rotate around the star at their own speed, along their own trajectory. But, for example, not every adult knows that the Sun itself revolves around the center of the Milky Way. It makes a full revolution in about 250 million years.

A child can learn a lot in a Planetarium, from a school astronomy course, from an encyclopedia or from the Internet. scientific facts about the sun. But they hardly interest us when every new day we simply rejoice in its bright, warm, gentle rays. If the landscape outside the window does not please the eye with bright colors, look beautiful photos against the backdrop of the sun, download them to your desktop.

Painted sun

Most often, the sun can be seen as one of the details of the landscape. There are also pictures where the drawn sun is the main element. Then he is depicted not just as a yellow circle with or without rays, but in a stylized way, for example, with a face.

With a smile, sad

An emoticon is very similar to the sun - a cheerful picture with which people who communicate on the Internet have the opportunity to convey their emotions. For example, an emoticon with a smile means joy, and an emoticon with the corners of the mouth down means sadness.

With bright rays

Radiant cheerful sun can be used to decorate group rooms kindergarten. So that your child remembers well where his locker is in the group locker room, print, cut out and stick on his door a drawing with a smiling face with rays.

Sun and cloud, with rainbow

Let the child not be sad when the sun hides behind the clouds. Imagine with him: the hardworking starlet just decided to take a break under the duvet. Pictures for children with a rainbow. Does your baby already know why this miracle appears in the sky? Together with him, read the informative article on our website.

Animated pictures

Send a GIF with a shining sun to a friend as a wish for a good day and good mood.

The sun shines on us both in winter and in summer. Can you clearly tell your baby why the rays are the most pleasant in the summer?

Video for children

The author decided to make this educational video for children after his little son asked him what the Sun was.

And you can dance to the fun song from the video below!