Planning nodes on the topic of toys, senior group. Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic: “What different toys

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group


  • Exercise children in the formation of adjectives (“What is it made of?)”;

in the formation of a complex sentence with the adversative conjunction “a”; in coordination of a noun with an adjective (“Tell me about the toy”), a noun with a personal pronoun (“My, mine, mine”);

  • train children in the use of spatial prepositions and in the use of nouns in the genitive case.
  • Develop attention and speech activity.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards people around you and toys.

    Material. Toys from different materials; pictures depicting children playing (for the game “What’s in the picture?”); a set of pictures in a box or envelope with images of toys (for the game “My, my, mine”); a bear toy, a chair, a bucket, a box with small toys (for a story about toys), a small screen (for the game “What’s gone?”); pictures depicting broken toys (for the game “What’s missing?”).

    Progress of the lesson.
    Children are standing on the carpet.
    - Hello children. What do you think “hello” means? (Individual answers from children). This word means wishing health to another person. Let's wish each other health. (Children greet their neighbor in a circle, calling him by name. They greet the guests in chorus.)

    Every morning you come to kindergarten. Do you like our kindergarten? Do you like our group? What do you especially like about our group? (Individual answers from children). Indeed, we have many different interesting games and toys.

    Children approach the table on which toys are laid out.
    - Look at the toys we have visiting today. They are all different, different from each other. They are different sizes, different colors, made of different materials. You can play different games with them. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Game “What is it made of?”
    Children's individual responses.
    - This nesting doll is made of wood, which means it is ... (wooden).
    Glass turtle - ... (glass)
    Rubber ball - ... (rubber)
    Iron drum - ... (iron)
    Clay horse - ... (clay)
    Plastic bucket - ... (plastic)
    Plush bear - ... (teddy)
    Paper airplane - ... (paper)
    Plasticine doll - ... (plasticine)
    Wire ring - ... (wire)

    Let's compare these toys.
    (Individual answers from children)
    The ball is rubber, and the nesting doll is wooden.
    The bucket is plastic, and the plane is paper. Etc.

    “Tell me about the toy”
    (All children.)
    - Let's take a closer look at some of these toys.
    This is a ball. Tell me, what is he like? (round, red, rubber, elastic...). How can you play with it? (Hit, throw, catch, roll, kick...)
    This is a bucket. What is it like? (Pink, plastic, big, light, beautiful...). How can you play with it? (Collect sand into it and build houses, or collect water and water flowers, or move something...).
    This is a plane. What is he like? (Light, paper, easily torn, can wrinkle...). How can you play with it? (launch into the air, arrange competitions to see whose plane will fly farther.)

    Toys are different and can be played in different ways.
    “What is in the picture?”
    - Each of you has a picture. Tell us who is pictured on it and what he is doing.
    (A girl jumps rope. A boy plays with a spinning top. A girl builds a pyramid...)

    Physical exercise.
    Steadfast Soldier
    Lean all forward
    And then vice versa.
    Lean left, right,
    Lean over, don't be lazy!
    Stand on one leg
    It's like you're a steadfast soldier.
    Press your hands to your chest,
    Look, don't fall!
    Hands up, hands to the side,
    And on the spot - hop, hop, hop!
    Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
    Let's breathe deeper... And then...
    March in place slowly.
    Children. Oh, the charger is good.

    Children move to the carpet.

    Game “Mine, mine, mine”
    - The girl Tanya from the neighboring group decided to give you her toys (on cards). Whose toys are these? (Tannins). Tanya gave me a drum. This is my drum now. Nastya, what did Tanya give you? (Individual answers from children)

    And now I will tell you a story. Did you know that when all the children leave in the evening kindergarten home, the toys come to life and start playing. They visit each other, drink tea from toy dishes, treat themselves to toy gingerbread and cookies and share latest news: who played with them, what Interesting games the kids came up with them,
    And then one day the toys decided to play hide and seek. Mishka was chosen as the driver. He turned to the wall and honestly began to count to 10. The cunning toys decided to hide all in one box, which stood... (near the chair).
    Having finished counting, Mishka went to look. First he looked ... (behind the box), then ... (under the chair), then climbed ... (on the chair) on which the bucket stood. He looked...(into the bucket), couldn’t resist and fell into it, so clumsy! He got out... (from the bucket), jumped... (from the chair to the floor), looked around, walked around... (around the chair), climbed... (on the box), sat down on it and thought: “Where are they hiding?” At this time, one of the toys in the box sneezed subtly. Out of surprise, Mishka fell ... (from the box), but immediately looked into it. That's how I found my friends!

    Game “What’s missing?”
    - I suggest you play a game with different toys that are hidden in the box. Here they are (get 5-6 toys). They want to play hide and seek with you. Look at them carefully, remember them (5-8 seconds). (cover the toys with a small screen, put one back in the box, rearrange the rest. Remove the screen.) Tell me, what’s missing? (3-4 times).

    But sometimes toys complain to each other: what was broken, torn, spoiled...
    Game “What’s missing?”
    Each child has a card with a picture of a broken toy.
    - Now look carefully at your pictures. They depict toys that kids have broken. Tell me if each of these toys is missing something (Children’s individual responses).
    - You and I know that toys must be handled with care and not broken. You know the poem “Take care of your toys.” Let's remember him.
    Take care of toys
    Truck without wheels
    The hedgehog's nose is unglued
    The chickens turned black
    And cotton wool is coming out of the doll!
    There were new toys
    And now they are old ladies.
    Let's take it quickly
    Needles and glue
    Threads, spools
    And we fix toys.
    And we thank you for it from the bottom of our hearts
    The kids will thank you.

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, topic: “Toys”

(Material on the same topic is on our website in the form of lesson notes for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. The games and exercises there are selected based on the age and skills of the children, and in this collection we have prepared and collected a large number of tasks and exercises in addition to those already contained in the notes).


Enrich children's active vocabulary with words-names of toys.
Form stable ideas about size, shape, color, quantity.
Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes.
Teach children to make a whole from parts.
Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs.
Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, paste image details in the right place.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Practice onomatopoeia, the ability to navigate in space, and coordinate movements with words.
Improve concentration and attention span.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.


Toys: Cheburashka, small doll dolls, cubes, balls, cat, bear, flags, steering wheels.
A picture of Cheburashka without ears and a bib, these parts cut out of paper, glue sticks.
Boats made from soap dishes with the numbers “1” and “2” stuck on them.
A sheet of green cardboard with a river, narrow and wide bridges, bushes with three and many berries glued on.
Cotton swabs, red gouache, baskets cut out of paper.
Pictures with a silhouette image of a tumbler (made of circles), multi-colored circles corresponding to the size of the picture, multi-colored pebbles, a circle with the image of a tumbler’s face.
Picture blank for finger painting “Tumbler” (without eyes), ready-made plastic eyes, plasticine, finger paints, wet wipes.
Clothespins, colorful circles.
Drawing with empty spaces in the form of geometric shapes, geometric shapes of appropriate sizes and colors.
Cut-out pictures depicting toys.
Various toys in duplicate each, toy chest.
Buttons in two sizes different colors, a picture depicting multi-colored flags corresponding to the color and size of the buttons.
Toys: elephant, bull, bear, bed, box.
Cookie squares cut out of cardboard, pictures depicting a cat, dog, cow, mouse, crow, pig, goat, duck, chicken.
Colored pictures of toys cut out of paper and their black shadows drawn on cardboard.
Colored pencils, sheets of paper with painted flags without sticks, counting sticks.
A container with cereal in which small toys are buried.
Background picture with images of toys, cardboard squares-cubes of different colors.
Blank picture “Night sky”, yellow plasticine.
Audio recordings: “Cheburashka”, “Flag”, “Animal Toys”.

Surprise moment "Cheburashka"

Look who came to visit us today? Cheburashka. He is a toy himself and loves other toys. Today we will play with a variety of toys.

Application "Cheburashka"

To complete the portrait of Cheburashka, you need to glue on the missing parts: ears and bib.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

The toys have lost their shadows. Find the shadow of each toy and place the colored toy on top of its black shadow.

Didactic exercise “Cut pictures”

But these toys were unlucky - the children played with them poorly and broke them. Let's fix these toys - connect the parts into a whole.

Didactic game “How many nesting dolls?”

Here are boats for nesting dolls, but you can put as many nesting dolls in a boat as the number you see on the boat. If the number “1” on the boat means that only one nesting doll can be placed in this boat. And if the number “2” is on the boat, then you can put two nesting dolls in such a boat.
Take the boats and place the nesting dolls.

Didactic game “Matryoshkas went to the forest”

Matryoshka dolls love to go for walks in the forest. Now take the matryoshka doll and take it for a walk. (Children manipulate a matryoshka toy on a sheet with glued bridges across a river, tree stumps, and berry bushes).

Here comes the nesting doll. And in front of her is a river. Are there bridges? How many bridges? Two bridges. Identical bridges? No. Various bridges. One bridge is narrow and the other is wide.
The nesting doll walked along the narrow bridge.
She got tired and sat down to rest on a narrow stump. Uncomfortable on a narrow stump, the nesting doll moved to a wide stump.
And here are the bushes with berries. There are many berries on one bush. And on the other there is little. The matryoshka approached a bush with few berries. She collected all the berries and counted them: one, two, three. Then the nesting doll went to a bush with a lot of berries.
It's time for the nesting doll to go home. She walked home along the wide bridge. Goodbye!

Drawing with cotton swabs “Berries for matryoshka”

The nesting dolls wanted to collect the berries in baskets and bring them home. Let's draw some berries. And we will draw berries with cotton swabs.

Musical educational game “Give cookies to the animals”

We have cookies for the animals. Now we will treat them to these cookies. Listen to the words of the song carefully - the song will tell you who to treat. (According to the words of the song “Animal Toys,” children find a picture depicting this character and place “cookies” next to it).

Construction "Tumbler"

Here is a drawing of Tumbler. Let's make it beautiful and bright with colorful circles. Select circles of the appropriate size and apply them to the drawing.

When the children have laid out an image of a tumbler out of circles, you can offer to decorate the body - the children decorate a large circle with multi-colored pebbles and put a circle-face on a circle-head.

Visual activity “Tumbler”

Let's make beautiful eyes for Tumbler: make two balls of plasticine, attach them to the picture, put the finished eyes on top of the plasticine and press them with your finger.
And now with the help finger paints we will make Tumbler a beautiful red dress.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, the carousel began to spin,
And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel!
One and two, and one and two,
The game is over!

Game with clothespins “Rattles”

The stick holders of the rattle toys were broken. Make them from clothespins. (As the children complete the task, the teacher asks what color rattle sticks the children choose).

Finger gymnastics “Toys”

There are toys on my table
They hid in silence.
Five gifts on your birthday
The guys brought it to me.
(We stroke the open palm of the other with circular movements of the fingers of one hand)

Once - a furry, soft bear,
Two - green crocodile.
Three is a naughty bunny,
And four - one horse,
Five is a huge machine
With a large yellow body.
(With the index finger, we stroke each finger with the other hand in the direction from the base to the tip)

I put my gifts in it
I put it down early in the morning.
(Join your palms and rub them in a circular motion with little effort)

Didactic game “Find pairs for toys”

Children are given toys and asked to go to the “store” and buy another exactly the same toy.

Dynamic pause "Flag"

Guys, choose your flags. What color flag did you choose? And you? What color is your flag? Listen to the song and repeat the movements.

Game with buttons "Flags"

Place the buttons in the right places.

(In the archive with the lesson there are several versions of this game for children of different ages).

Drawing with pencils “Sticks for flags”

These are some beautiful multi-colored flags.

Use counting sticks to make holders for the flags. (Children put sticks to the flags vertically). Put away the chopsticks and take out the pencils. Now let’s draw sticks for the flags.

Didactic exercise “Find geometric shapes in the picture”

Look with this beautiful picture some figures ran away.

Here is a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle, and you return these shapes to their places in the picture.

Reading the poem “Elephant” by A. Barto

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

Modeling “Night outside the window”

Night has come. The moon appeared in the sky.

And you and I will make the stars ourselves. Tear off pieces of plasticine, apply them to the night sky and press them with your finger.

Exercise “Find toys in cereals”

Children dig out small toys from a container filled with cereal.

Didactic game “Build a tower of cubes”

Build a tower from square cubes. Name the color of each cube.

Relay race “Put the toys in their place”

Children run one after another from one end of the room to the other, take a toy, return and put it in the chest.

Integration of areas: Cognition (formation complete picture peace), communication, labor.

Types of children's activities: communicative, educational and research, gaming.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting old toys or toys prepared in advance from a handkerchief, box, etc. Scissors, handkerchiefs, boxes, colored paper, glue, threads.

Goal: to develop children’s cognitive activity in elementary research activities.


1. Have a conversation about what kinds of toys there are.

2. What properties and qualities do the toys in our group have?

3. Conversation: What toys did you play with before?

4. Can we make the toy ourselves?

5. Making a toy.

Contents of organized activities.

Educator - Children what do you play in the group and at home.

Children - Toys.

Educator - Do you like toys?

Children - Yes.

Teacher - what kind of toys do you like?

Children - cars, dolls, etc.

Teacher - what do you do with toys?

Children - we play.

Educator - what properties and qualities do our toys have?

Children - They come in plastic, iron, and soft.

Teacher - Misha, bring me an iron toy.

Misha brought it.

Teacher - Lisa, bring a plastic toy.

Lisa brought it.

Educator - What kind of toys do you think grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, and grandfathers played with?

Children - Answer.

Educator - I want to show you the toys that your great-grandmothers played with (show).

Educator - Who do you think I turned to for help to find out what toys my great-grandmothers played with?

Children are the answers.

Educator - To the book.

Educator - Let's look at our smart books, pictures and many toys not bought in the store.

Children are looking.

Educator - do you think we can make a toy ourselves?

Children are the answers.

Educator - Look guys, what toys I made myself (shows a doll made from a handkerchief, a mouse from a matchbox, etc.)

The children look at it with curiosity.

Educator - Would you like to make a toy with your own hands?

Children - Yes.

Educator - What do you think I made these toys from?

Children's answers.

Educator - Well, okay, let's try, look at the material and choose what you would like to make a toy from.

Children choose.

Teacher - Well done! Now let's get to work.

Children make their own toy with interest, the teacher helps if the children don’t succeed.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week – 07.11 – 11.11)

Group: senior Topic:"Toys".

Target:Expand children's ideas about toys; clarify the names of toys, ways to play with them; highlight components, shape, color, material.

Final event: exhibition children's creativity"Toys from Polkhov - Maidan." Date of the final event:Thursday - 10.11

Responsible for the final event:educators.

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Interaction with parents/social partners




Monday - 07.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

D/I "“Find a place for the picture” - teach to follow the sequence. progress of action.

M/I"Pick up a toy"

Target: practice counting objects according to the named number and memorizing it; learn to find an equal number of toys.

Physo. I/U “Roll the ring on the floor” - learn to roll the ring in the center.

(Violetta, Mark, Tanya, Katya, Da-vid, Dima K.).

Conversation: “It all starts with the word “hello.” Goal: to consolidate formulas of verbal politeness.

Lotto "Toys" - expanded. ideas about objects in the surrounding world.

Circle the dots around the toys and name them.”

Place information on traffic rules in the parent corner.



Getting to know your surroundings. “Toys” (see “KRO” by Morozov, p. 33). Goal: Systematize children's knowledge about toys. To form a generalizing concept of “toy”, to improve the ability to describe an object.; indicate its essential features, recognize the object by description.

Physical education


Physical Culture. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Autumn landscapes” - clarify knowledge about the follower. autumn changes.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 22)

P/I "Blind Man's Bluff".

I/U "Fishermen".

Work assignments:

We remove dry twigs and sticks from the area.

Situational conversation “Why you need to study.” Purpose: to explain to children why they need to study, to broaden their horizons.

S/R game “Zoo” - to develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Intensify motor activity with portable sports equipment.

D/I “Describe the house.”

work before bed

Telling children R.N. the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.” Canteen duty. Goal: to strengthen the skills of setting the table and correctly arranging cutlery. Talking with children about the benefits of naps. Finger gymnastics “Gnome”.


Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Moral education: conversation “Who offended whom?” (see V. Petrova, p. 36) - introduce children to manifestations of injustice.

Write a descriptive story about your favorite toy. (Varya A., Nastya, Dima L., Rostik, Vlad, Yarik).

Repetition of songs learned in music classes.

Situational conversations with children about honesty.

Duty in a corner of nature.

Role-playing game“School” (Students come to school. The teacher meets them and conducts lessons).


Observation “Targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards everything that surrounds us. (see G. Lapteva, p. 41). P/I “The Fox in the Chicken Coop.” I/U “Walking like a snake.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities V regime moments

Tuesday - 08.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

D/I ""Loudly whisper" -

Teach children to select similar-sounding phrases

(sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew in; . .)

M/I"Pick a figure" - consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.

PHYSICAL I/U “Knock down the pins” - teach how to throw the ball from the chest with two hands. (Dasha, Yana, Varya, Vlad, Dima L., Gleb).

Talking with children about food culture.

Work in a corner of nature: Loosening the soil of indoor plants. Goal: To teach how to care for indoor plants; to give knowledge about the need to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques.

Cut out pictures of toys and paste them into an album.

Individual conversations and consultations upon parental requests.

Consultation “By playing, we get to know nature.”

Direct educational activities

Communication socialization

Speech development. “Talking about personal impressions on the topic “Our toys.” (see Ushakova, p. 32).

Goal: Learn to give a description appearance toys, talk about how you can play with her, what toys you have at home. Strengthen the ability to form words with similar roots that are close in meaning and difficult to use in speech.











Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Autumn wind” - expand – presents the phenomena of autumn nature.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 25).

P/N “We are funny guys.”

I/U “High-speed aircraft”.

With Diana, Varya

Tanya, Mark Goal: consolidate the count to 7 (with autumn leaves).

Improving children's ability to dress and undress independently.

Story games according to children's choice.

Experimenting with sand.

Di. “Name whose leaf” Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish tree leaves.

Work before bed

Reading “I am a passenger” by T. Shorygin. Canteen duty. Purpose: explain that the spoon and knife should be placed to the right of the plate, the fork to the left. Conversation: “The Journey of a Breadball.” Purpose: to talk about the path that food takes in the human body, to explain the need for thorough chewing.


LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Clothing and health” (see M. Fisenko “Life Life”, p. 76) - talk about the types and purposes of clothing.

« Drawing from life indoor plant" Goal: Learn to draw with thin lines with a simple pencil and paint with watercolor. (Pasha, Zoya, Tanya, Mark).

Conversation on the topic “Who and how can you say hello and goodbye.” Goal: to consolidate the formulas of verbal politeness.

Plot-wise -role-playing games using buildings. Goal: to encourage accepted roles, role behavior.

Design: designer-"TECHNO" - develop thinking, modeling, dexterity and hand motor skills.


Observation “Signs of Autumn” - develop creative imagination. (see G. Lapteva, p. 35). P/I "Entertainers". I/U "Monkey". Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Wednesday – 09.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI"Say the opposite" -

To develop children's intelligence and quick thinking.

M/I“Name and count” -

PHYSICAL I/U “Circus horses” - teach to alternate walking and running at a signal (sub-group of children).

Ecological consciousness “Our helpers are plants.” Purpose: games: to strengthen children’s ideas about how to help themselves and others always stay healthy.

Work in the center of the book: selection of books about toys.

Mosaic “Make a toy out of a mosaic” - develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Encourage children to independently dramatize familiar fairy tales.

Invite parents and their children to recall folk proverbs and explain their meaning.

Direct educational activities


FEMP No. 10 (see Novikova, p. 27). Purpose: To introduce the formation of numbers and the number 8. To teach how to relate a number to a number; be able to count within 8; consolidate temporary ideas: “morning - evening, “day - night”.

Phys. Culture

Artistic creativity

Physical education (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

Drawing “Toys from Polkhov - Maidan”. (D. Koldina, p. 101). Target:Introduce the Polkhov-Maidan painting and its characteristic elements. Learn to make patterns based on Polkhov-Maidan. paintings. Foster a love of folk art. Develop Creative skills.










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Migratory birds” - expand knowledge about the life of birds.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 26)

P/I "At Uncle Tryphon's."

I/U “Catch the ball.”

Labor: cleaning the site - creating a culture of work activity.

Remind children to help each other. Remind them how to politely make requests and thank them.

Cognitive and research activities: "Parachute" Target:Reveal that air has elasticity. Understand how air power (movement) can be used.

Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice.

work before bed

E. Uspensky “Cheburashka goes to school” . Analyze work in the canteen. Memorizing the poem “My toys.” (see plan). Game situation "Who is faster". Goal: To consolidate the ability to undress independently and quickly.


Gymnastics after sleep.


Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zhiharka” Goal: to develop children’s creative abilities, the ability to convey the character of the characters with gestures, voice, and facial expressions.

Practice with children in finding objects of square, round, rectangular shapes.

Prak. exercise “The Best Bed” Goal: To consolidate the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully make the bed after sleep.

Construction games in the center play activity"Our neighborhood."Goal: Continue to learn how to build various buildings from building materials. Develop the ability to think about the purpose and structure of a future building.


Observation “People’s work in autumn” - bring to attention the benefits and necessity of the work of a janitor. (see G. Lapteva, p. 34). P/I “The Fox in the Chicken Coop.” I/U “Heron on the hunt.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Thursday - 10.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI“Call it in one word” -

learn to enrich objects with one word, enrich vocabulary.

M/I“Is it enough?” - teach children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, bring them to the concept that number does not depend on size.

PHYSICAL"Hit the hoop."

Purpose: to practice throwing at a target.

(Maxim, Zoya, Kristina, Pasha, Rostik, Kostya).

Conversation “Food culture is a serious matter.” Goals: To consolidate the skills of using cutlery correctly, eating with your mouth closed, chewing food silently.

S/r.i. “Kindergarten” Purpose: to teach how to play, work, and study together.

Games with didactic material at the center of musical development. “What do I play?” Goal: development of timbre hearing.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing.”

Direct educational activities


Speech development: Narrating “My favorite toy.” Goal: To teach children to write stories from personal experience. Practice forming words - antonyms. (see Gerbova, p. 82)


Artistic creativity

Music (according to the plan of the music worker).

Application “Cut out and stick on whatever toy you want” (see Komarova, p. 89). Goal: Learn to conceive a simple plot. Reinforce cutting techniques. Foster activity and independence.










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Leaf fall” - test knowledge about changes in nature. (see G. Lap-teva, p. 28).

P/I "Burners".

I/U "Kangaroo".

Labor in nature:

Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves. Goal: to teach how to create a joyful mood from the work done.

Situational conversation about what a real friend should be.

Cognitive and research activity “Stones”Goal: develop curiosity, attention; maintain interest in understanding the surrounding reality by asking problematic questions; develop coherent speech.

Independent activity of children.

work before bed

Reading: V. Oseeva " Magic word" Goal: to find out the likes and preferences of children. Canteen duty. Goal: to strengthen the skills of setting the table and correctly arranging cutlery.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Hardening procedures.

Entertainment: Literary performance - quiz “Which fairy tale are these miracles from” - continue to learn to recognize and name which fairy tale the presented fragments of fairy tales are from. Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

“My Bunny” - Strengthen the skill of creating images of your favorite toy from parts, correctly conveying their relative size

(Varya, Dasha, Mark, Sasha).

Consolidating the ability to make a bed: straighten the sheet, cover it with a blanket.

Talk about friendship; teach to play, work, and study together.

Role-playing game: “School” Goal. Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Introducing and accustoming preschoolers to the routine of school life.

Working in a corner of nature, caring for indoor plants.


Observation "Sparrows" - expand knowledge about birds. (see G. Lapteva, p. 33). P/I “Migration of birds”.

I/U “Hit the target.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Friday - 11.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI"Finish the sentence"

use of complex sentences.


“Tell me about your pattern” -

teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

Physo. I/U “Knock down the pin” - exercise in throwing a bag at a target. (Dasha, Varya, Yarik, Vlad, Mark

Situational conversation “About the rules of behavior at the table) Goal: To consolidate the ability to take food little by little, to use a fork and knife correctly.

Games with didactic material in the center environmental development. Lotto "Plants of the forest, garden, vegetable garden." Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about plants in the forest, garden and vegetable garden.

D/I “Find toys by silhouettes and name them” - develop thinking and attention.

Visual information “Getting to know the paintings.”

Directly educational activity



Getting to know your surroundings. “What is the Red Book for?” (see Volchkova “Ecology”, p. 16). Target:To cultivate a kind, merciful, responsible attitude towards nature, future descendants who need to leave the Earth to live; to form the belief that the beauty of nature is priceless and must be protected.

Artistic creativity

Physical Culture

Drawing “Clown and doll” (see D. Koldina, p. 100). Target:Develop the ability to convey a human figure and depict facial features. Learn to draw the image of a cheerful clown and the image of your favorite doll. Educate independence.

Physical education in the air. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Sad time” - expand your understanding of natural phenomena in autumn.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 29).

P/I "Geese - swans".

I/U “Get the toy.”

Labor: sweeping paths on the site.

Remind children that they need to take care of their appearance, cleanliness of clothes, and hairstyle every day.

Experimentation:“Prints of our hands” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the property of wet sand to preserve the shape of an object.

S/R game “Street” - to develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

work before bed

Reading E. Moshkovskaya “Resentment”. Canteen duty. Goal: to improve the ability to quickly and accurately set the table and clear the table. Finger gymnastics “Gnome”.


Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Patriotic education:

“Ground passenger transport of the native city” (see N. Zelenova, p. 42) - introduce children to different types of transport in hometown, with the work of people of different professions.

Modeling according to plan. Goal: Formation of the ability to think about the content of your work; outline its execution, methods of depiction.

A situational conversation about who and how to say goodbye. Acting out and discussing situations.

Household work.

Game situation: “Muddy”. Goal: To consolidate the ability to maintain order in a group.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.


Observation “Willow” - to give children an idea of ​​the role of plants in human life. (see G. Lapteva, p. 30). P/I " Magic wand" I/U “Throw it – catch it.” Labor on site.

The educational and methodological set contains didactic and outdoor games, poems and riddles, exercises (tasks) and notes of GCD (classes) for every day. lexical topic"TOYS" aimed at developing the speech of preschool children. The material includes not only tasks for the formation of lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech, the development of physiological and speech breathing, voice; but also development exercises motor sphere children ( fine motor skills, coordination of speech by movement, grapho-motor skills), their attention, thinking, memory, phonetic perception. The tasks are selected in accordance with software requirements and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of this educational and methodological kit is to help students in planning and organizing educational - educational work with preschool children. The didactic material can be useful to educators, typhology teachers, speech therapists and parents seeking the comprehensive development of their children.

While working on the educational and methodological set, the material presented in books and manuals was used L.N. Arefieva, I. Veselova, O.E. Gromova N.V. Nishcheva, E.M. Skryabina, G.N. Solomatina and others, as well as their own methodological developments.

Children (4 years and older) should know:

  • general concept toys;
  • names, purpose of toys;
  • how one toy differs from another;
  • how to play with this or that toy (how to handle them);
  • what parts does the toy consist of?
  • classification of toys by material;
  • difference between toys and other items.

Activation of the dictionary.

Nouns : ball, doll, cubes, bear, car, dog, pyramid, spinning top, matryoshka (names of toys), torso, arms, legs, head, face, elbow, hand, knee, shoulder, cheeks, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows (names of parts) doll's body);

Adjectives: round, rubber, large, small, iron, wooden, beautiful, light, smooth, cargo, fur, fabric, plastic, bright, elegant;

Verbs : throw, get up, roll, catch, build, stand, sleep, bark, run, lie down, walk, disassemble, assemble, jump, jump, clean, ride, sit, swim, wash, etc.

Summary of lessons on speech development for children of early and early preschool age for conducting in kindergartens, nurseries, orphanages and orphanages (3-4 years)

Lesson 1. Topic “Toys”

Target: development of passive and active vocabulary on the topic, formation of a simple sentence.

Equipment: toy truck, 5-6 toys (large and small balls, cube, doll, car, pyramid).


1. Org moment.

The teacher asks the children what gifts they like to receive most. Children call. The teacher generalizes that these are toys and that there are a lot of them in kindergarten.

2. Didactic game“Toys have arrived.”

The teacher brings toys on a truck, asks the children to help unload the truck and name the toys. Children take one toy at a time, calling it: “I have a bunny.” If a child has difficulty completing a task, the teacher names the toy himself, and the child must repeat after him.

3 . Game "Get things in order."

The teacher asks the children to carefully look and remember in what order the toys are laid out, and then invites the children to play with them. While the children are playing, he reads a poem.

And now the guys need

Clean up toys together

Clean up, don't break.

We'll play again later!

Then the phrase is said: “Toys in place!” Children should arrange the toys in the order in which they were.

4. Bottom line.

What did we talk about today? How can this be called in one word? Let everyone name their favorite toy.

Lesson 2.Theme "Toy Store"

Target: fixing the names of toys, forming a simple sentence.

Equipment: toys unfamiliar to children.


1. Org moment.

The teacher reads a couplet.

We need to play, let's go buy toys. Children, where can you buy toys?

2. Didactic game "Shop".

Toys unfamiliar to children are laid out on the table. This is the “counter” of the store. The teacher is a seller, children are buyers. Children come to the store and buy the toy they like. Each child can only buy one toy. The following dialogue takes place between the child and the teacher:

Teacher. What toy do you like here?

Child. Bear.

One-word answers are allowed.

Teacher. Repeat: “I want to buy a bear. Give me a teddy bear, please." The child repeats.

Teacher. Tell me thank you.

3. Free play.

Children are allowed to play with toys.

4. Didactic game “Which toy is missing?” Four toys are laid out on the table. Children close their eyes.

One toy is removed. Then the children are asked to look carefully and say which toy is missing. For example: “There is no bear. There is no doll."

5. Bottom line.

The teacher reads to the children any poem by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle. He asks what the poem is about, leading the children to the conclusion that it is about a toy.

Lexical structure of speech

  • Classification of concepts “Name the extra word”

Doll, sand, spinning top, bucket, ball (sand);

drum, matryoshka, bow, machine (onion);

cube, dog, sheet of paper, tumbler (paper).

  • Game “Remember the toys” (children from 4 years old)

The teacher places familiar and new toys in the playroom in a certain order. Asks to carefully consider everything, determine which of them are new, and name them. Then the teacher turns to the children again: “Try to remember in what order the toys are laid out. Now take the toys, but as soon as I give the signal “We’ve played, the toys have been put back in place,” put them in the order in which they were. And I’ll check which of you remembered better what order the toys were in.”

  • Game “Arrange the toys correctly”

The teacher names 3-4 toys, and the child arranges them in the suggested sequence and names which toys he placed.

Grammatical structure speeches

  • Formation of adjectives “Name which one? (what is it made of?)” (children over 4 years old)

Rubber toy - rubber,

Iron - iron,

Wood - wooden,

Fur - fur,

Matter - cloth,

Plastics - plastic.

  • Formation of nouns with the diminutive suffix “Call it affectionately” (children over 4 years old)

Ball - ball, doll - doll, bear - target, bear,

car - car, dog - dog, pyramid - pyramid,

elbow - elbow, elbow, hand - handle, little hand, head - head, little head,

leg - leg, little leg, shoulder - shoulder, face - face,

cheek - cheek, eyebrows - eyebrows.

  • Formation and declension in genitive case plural nouns "one"- a lot of"(children from 5 years)

Ball - balls - balls,

doll - dolls - dolls,

cube - cubes - cubes,

bear - bears - bears,

doggy - doggies - doggies,

pyramid - pyramids - pyramids,

matryoshka - nesting dolls - nesting dolls,

leg - legs - legs,

car - cars - cars,

hand - hands - hands,

head - heads - heads,

face - faces - faces,

brush - brushes - brushes (explain the ambiguity of this word),

shoulder - shoulders - shoulders,

cheek - cheeks - cheeks,

eyelash - eyelashes - eyelashes,

eyebrow - eyebrows - eyebrows.

  • Agreement of a noun with a personal pronoun

Mine is a doll, a car, a dog, a pyramid, a spinning top, a matryoshka;

mine is a ball, a bear, an elephant.

  • Noun agreement with verb (for children from 6 years old)

The car is standing - the cars are standing,

the doll is sleeping - the dolls are sleeping,

the dog barks - the dogs bark,

the ball is lying - the balls are lying,

the bear roars - the bears roar,

the car is moving - the cars are moving.

  • Noun agreement with adjective

Ball - rubber, smooth, new, beautiful, round, red, blue, small, big, favorite, light, soft, hard;

doll - big, small, rubber, beautiful, etc.

  • Formation of a complex sentence with the adversative conjunction “a” (children over 6 years old)

The doll is large, but the pyramid is small; the ball is rubber, and the car is iron; the bear is fur, and the doll is rubber; The cube is square and the ball is round.

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

  • Game “Whose? Whose?"

There are toys on the table. The teacher addresses the children. - Look at the toys I have. Listen to what I will call them: my ball, my bear, my doll, my car. Listen to me ask and answer about these toys: whose car is it? - she's mine - my car. Yula - whose is she? - she is mine - my spinning top. And now you need to find out the toys that are in the box and answer my question in the same way.

Children take toys out of the box.

Whose pyramid is this? (This pyramid is mine.)

Whose elephant is this? (This elephant is mine.)

  • "We play with toys." The teacher lays out toys in two rows in front of the children and says the quatrain:

We play with toys, We call the toys: Tumbler, bear, gnome, Pyramid, cube, house.

Children repeat the poem together with the speech therapist, learning it by heart.

  • "What do toys do?" Composing complex sentences with the conjunction a. The teacher takes two toys and performs various actions with them, commenting:

The doll is lying down, but the hedgehog is standing.

The robot is standing, and the bear is sitting.

The car is driving and the plane is flying.

The ball bounces, but the ball hangs.

The gnome is jumping and the doll is sleeping.

  • “Name the pictures.” Development of verbal memory and visual attention.The teacher puts 7-10 pictures of toys on the board, names three of them and asks the children to repeat the names (then another three).
  • “The toys hid.” Mastering the category of instrumental case singular.

The teacher gives the children one toy each and asks them to play with them and then hide them. Next, he asks each child what toy he played with. (I played with a teddy bear. I played with a doll. I played with a matryoshka doll.)

  • "Little Toys" . Formation of the skill of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes:

doll - doll,

matryoshka - matryoshka,

ball - ball.

  • "Choose a toy." Mastering the category of instrumental case with preposition With.

The teacher puts familiar and unfamiliar toys on the table and asks each child which toy he wants to play with. (I want to play with a tumbler. I want to play with an accordion.)

  • "Kids are playing". Formation of phrasal speech skills; development of attention to words that sound similar.

The teacher gives the children the toys or pictures they have chosen (see exercise “Choose a toy”) and builds them in pairs to form rhyming sentences.

Ruslan has a house, Tanyusha has a gnome.

Irinka has a flag, Nikita has a cockerel.

Kolya has a matryoshka doll, Misha has an accordion.

Vova has a bear, Gosha has a monkey.

Kostya has Parsley, Nadya has a frog.

Katya has a tumbler, Grisha has a turtle.

Natasha has a plane, Tamara has a helicopter.

Masha has a cannon, Pasha has a firecracker.

The teacher pronounces each sentence, the children repeat after him.

  • « One is many." Formation of the category of genitive plural.

The teacher addresses each child: “You have a gnome, but there are a lot of ... (gnomes) in the store,” etc.

  • "The fourth wheel." Teach children to distinguish toys from other objects and explain the difference.

The teacher puts a number of objects on the table: a ball, a doll, a spinning top, a knife. Then he asks to find an object that does not fit with all the others (this is a knife, because it is not a toy, they do not play with it).

  • Reading with expression the poem “Girlfriends.” Conversation with children.

I had a fight with my friend

And they sat down in the corners.

It's very boring without each other!

We need to make peace.

I didn't offend her

I just held the teddy bear

Just ran away with the teddy bear

And she said: “I won’t give it up.”

I'll go and make peace

I'll give her a teddy bear and apologize.

I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram

And I’ll say: “Let’s play!”

A. Kuznetsova

  • Reading favorite poems to children (work on expressive reading).

  • "What's up and what's down?" Making sentences with words above, below.

On a typesetting canvas, the teacher displays pictures of toys in two rows. When answering the speech therapist’s questions, children make up sentences:

At the top is a doll (matryoshka, accordion, robot, drum, flag).

Below is a bear (bunny, cube, house, cannon, tumbler, crib).

The pictures are swapped and the game is repeated.

“Where are the toys?” Practical use in speech and differentiation of prepositions on, under.

The teacher places one toy on the table and the other under the table. Children must answer where the toys are.

The cube is on the table, and the machine is under the table.

The doll is on the table, and the matryoshka doll is under the table.

The tumbler is on the table, and the robot is under the table. And so on.

  • “What are toys made of?” Introduction to Concepts wooden, iron, plastic.

The teacher selects three toys made of wood, iron and plastic. Explains to the children what they are made of and asks them to find other toys made from the same material in the play corner. Children find toys and explain: “The plane is iron, it is made of iron.” And so on.

  • “Listen carefully, perform diligently.” Follow the teacher's two-step instructions.

Place the cube on the cabinet and hide the ring in your sleeve.

Place the bear in the corner and throw the ball at the ceiling.

Hide the ball under the hat and put the picture in a folder.

Place the matryoshka doll on the window and hide the mosaic in your palm.

Put the doll in the crib and put the bunny in the stroller.

The children explain what they did.

  • Reading with expression of a poem "Let's play."

We rode on a horse and reached the corner.

We got into the car and filled it with gasoline.

We drove by car and reached the river.

Trrr! Stop! U-turn.

There is a steamer on the river.

We traveled by steamboat and reached the mountain.

The ship is unlucky, you have to get on the plane.

The plane is flying, the engine is humming: ooh-ooh!

I. Tokmakova

Formation of expressiveness of speech

  • Exercise to develop understanding of interrogative intonation

They beat him with a hand and a stick -

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

Yes, because he is inflated.

Questions: What is this riddle about? Why do they hit the poor guy with the ball?

Repeating a riddle by a child with a questioning intonation.

Formation of contextual speech

  • Reading and memorizing the poem “Bull” by A. Barto.

The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes:

Oh, the board is running out, now I'm going to fall.

Questions for the poem:

Who goes? (The bull goes.) What is he doing? (Swings, sighs.) Why is he sighing? (He is afraid of.) What is he afraid of? (Afraid of falling.)

Repeated reading of the poem by the teacher.

Memorizing a poem (individually, in a chain).

Work on the intonation expressiveness of children’s speech (feel and understand the end of a sentence, pause at the end of a line).

Development of coherent speech

  • Writing a story "Bear" according to a series of pictures.

“Pasha is small. He is two years old. Grandparents bought Pasha a bear. The bear is big and teddy. Pasha has a car. Pasha rides a bear in a car" 1.

1 Filicheva T.B., Kashe G.A. Didactic material on correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children. - M.: Education, 1989.

  • Description of the toy

The spinning top is made of metal, which means it is metal. Yula is spinning like a top. It is multi-colored - it has red, yellow and blue colors. There is a handle on top of the spinning top that you need to press to make it spin.

The ball is made of rubber, which means it is rubber. The ball is round, smooth, soft, red on one side and dark blue on the other. There is a white stripe between them. You can throw it up, hit it on the floor, throw it to each other, roll it on the floor, play football.

Compilation descriptive story produced by the questions: What is this? What is she like? What does she have? How can you play with it? (you can use diagrams - models).

(sample - a descriptive story about a toy)

  • Reading and retelling of the story by Ya. Taits "Cube upon cube."

The teacher reads the story and at the same time builds a tower of cubes. Then, using cubes, he repeats this story with the children.

“Masha puts cube on cube, cube on cube, cube on cube. She built a high tower. Misha came running:

Give me the tower!

I'm not giving it!

Give me at least a cube!

Take one cube!

Misha reached out his hand and grabbed the lowest cube. And instantly - bang-bang-bang! “The whole Machine Tower has collapsed!”

The teacher helps the children understand why the tower collapsed and which cube Misha should have taken.

  • Watching cartoons, talking about the content.

Sensory development

  • "Chain of cars." Teach children to differentiate the concepts of “big and small”. The teacher selects five cars of different sizes and places them one after another with the children: the largest, smaller, even smaller, small, smallest.

Follow the teacher's instructions.

Take as many cubes as you hear popping sounds.

Give Tanya as many balls as she has dolls.

Stomp your foot as many times as there are toys on the table.

  • “Where is the toy?” The children each have a toy in their hands. The teacher shows the children where he holds the toy, the children repeat the movements and comments after him: “Front, back, side, top, bottom, in the left hand, in the right hand, between the knees.”
  • “Name the nesting dolls.” A five-seater matryoshka doll is used.

The teacher, together with the children, puts the nesting dolls in a row according to height and names them: “The biggest, the biggest, the smaller, the smallest, the smallest.” Then the speech therapist asks the children to show the smallest, largest, largest, etc. matryoshka doll.

  • "Magic bag"

The teacher prepares a bag of toys for the lesson. Each child, at the request of the speech therapist, must find two toys in the bag and name them without taking them out of the bag, and then show them to everyone.

I found a nesting doll and a doll.

I found a cube and a ball. And so on.

Working on the sound side of speech

“Agree the word”: kuk.., bara.., matryosh.., pirami.., auto.., tumbler...

“Repeat the phrases”

Bik-bik-bik - cube;

ban-ban-ban - drum;

La-la-la - top;

let-let-let - airplane;

na-na-na - car;

ka~ka-ka - doll;

  • "Let's clap our hands." The teacher pronounces a rhymed miniature together with the children. Children learn it by heart.

One two Three -

Look at the toys!

One two three four -

We bought toys!

One two three four five -

We will play with them!

  • "Find the picture."

The teacher displays pictures of toys on a typesetting canvas and clearly names them. Children repeat. Then the speech therapist asks the children to find a picture whose name begins with the syllable sa (mat, gar, kuk, pi, ro, mish, 6a).

Pictures: airplane, matryoshka, accordion, doll, pyramid, robot, bear, drum.

  • Puzzles

Friends of different heights

Everyone looks alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka.)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

You will start it with the key -

The wheels will start spinning.

Place it and she will rush. (Wind-up machine.)

This funny animal is made of plush.

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And make him a den. (Teddy bear.)

On the way it doesn’t stop, it carries you into the distance,

He doesn’t walk on his own, he helps him walk. (Drum.)

He is slim and handsome

He has a thick mane.

It's a pity you can't race on it,

You can just go for a ride. (Rocking horse.)

The baby is dancing, but only one leg. (Yula.)


In the morning I run to the lawn with the ball,

I'm running, singing, I don't know what...

And the ball, like the sun, burns above me,

Then he turns the other way

And it will become green like grass in spring.

A. Barto


How big Andryushka is sitting

On the carpet in front of the porch.

He has a toy in his hands -

Rattle with a bell.

The boy looks - what a miracle?

The boy is very surprised

He won’t understand: where did he come from?

Is this bell ringing?

A. Barto


I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

A. Barto


If you hit the wall, I'll bounce back.

You throw it on the ground and I’ll jump up.

L. Kvitko

Baby bears

I took the teddy bears

Sat at the table:

Help yourself, little bears,

Eat good, sweet honey!

And they sit there

And they don’t eat a drop:

Even though they love honey,

But they cannot open their mouth.

G. Boyko

How many toys do I have?

There are toys in the corner,

Relaxing in silence...

Five toys for your birthday

The guests gave it to me.

Once - a long-eared gray bunny.

Two - I have a pipe.

Three - now I'll show you

Black-maned horse.

My brown bear is four,

Red squirrel - five...

Only all my toys

A. Brodsky

Take care of toys

Truck without wheels

The hedgehog's nose is unglued

The chickens turned black

And cotton wool is coming out of the doll!

There were new toys

And now they are old ladies.

Let's take it quickly

Needles and glue

Threads, spools

And we fix toys.

And we thank you for it from the bottom of our hearts

The kids will thank you.

E. Uspensky

  • Game "Toy Store"


Teach the child natural expressiveness of speech during dialogue, reinforce the names of different toys. Rules of the game

To play the game you need to take a doll, a bunny, a ball, a horse and other toys. Children play the roles of Dunno, a salesman, toys (dolls, etc.).

Before the game, the teacher conducts a speech warm-up with the children: they quickly and clearly pronounce the tongue twister:

Tell us about your shopping! What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping!

Dunno came to the Toys store. He doesn’t know what the toys are called or how much they cost. The seller is standing at the counter. There is a doll on the display case.

Dunno. I liked this toy.

Salesman. This is a doll.

Dunno. How much does it cost?

Salesman. Fifty rubles. This is a very good doll.


I'm a good toy.

For Dunno, I am a girlfriend.

I ask you to love me, not to drop me, not to hit me.

  • Physical education minutes - logorhythmics

Improvisation of movements. Children march to the beat of a poem A. Barto “Drum”.

A detachment is going to the parade.

The drummer is very happy:

Drumming, drumming

An hour and a half straight.

But the squad is coming back,

Left, right! Left, right!

The drum is already full of holes

"Counting under the ball." For each line of the counting rhyme there are four hits of the ball.|

One two three four,

We taught a little counting:

Cockerel, flag, matryoshka,

Drum, spinning top, accordion.

You can put pictures on the board. This will help you remember the counting rhyme faster.

Ball counter.

A counting rhyme came to visit us,

It’s not a shame to tell it.

We taught a little counting

And they hit the ball on the floor.

We brought you gifts, (children choose toys)

Whatever you want, you can take.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

What are you taking, Lenochka?

Our horse gallops chok-chok-chok.

The clatter of fast feet can be heard. (children repeat the movements of the toys).

Doll, doll, dance,

Wave the red ribbon.

This is how a top spins.

He turned around and lay down on his side.

The plane is flying, flying,

A brave pilot sits in it.

And now let’s get down to business together -

Toys need to be put away.

Clean up and don't break

We'll play again tomorrow.

Steadfast Soldier

Lean all forward

And then vice versa.

Lean left, right,

Lean over, don't be lazy!

Stand on one leg

It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

Press your hands to your chest,

Look, don't fall!

Hands up, hands to the side,

And on the spot - hop, hop, hop!

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Let's breathe deeper... And then...

March in place slowly.

Children. Charging is good.

Reading the text and movements can be performed separately, and the text is pronounced by children, having previously learned it.


We sat on the carousel, Half squat.

We moved to the swing. Step to the side and half-squat.

Met a hundred acquaintances Turn the torso to the sides.

The bow was answered: Forward bends with extension

Hello. hands
Our legs were running Run in place.

along a narrow path,

And still the feet walked along the road - Walking in place.

This is our home, this is where we will rest. Sit down calmly and do

one of the breathing exercises.

The doll is sleeping

Walking in place with high knees.

Half squat, holding the pose.

Stretch on your toes, take a deep breath.

Hands on the belt, walking on tiptoes,

speaking in a whisper.


Here is my flag swinging.

Like this

Here I am waving my flag,

Like this

Vanka, stand up

Vanka, get up! Vanka, They rise on their toes.

stand up!

Squat, squat. They squat.

Be obedient, look what!

We can't handle you! They shake their fingers at one or the other

other hand.

Carousels(round dance)

Barely, barely

The carousel started spinning. The carousel moves to the right

side, slowly.

And then, then, then everything, run, run, run!

Let's run, run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two. So the game is over.

They are running. Change direction of movement. The pace of movements gradually slows down.

Pause. They bow to each other.


Pinocchio stretched,

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his arms to the sides, -

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get that key,

We need to stand on our toes.

Final day on the lexical topic "Toys" for children 5-6 years old

When planning the final day, there are a number of requirements to consider:

  • The most effective is the scenario planning option, which assumes a single plot line connected by a motive, a hero, and a theme. This ensures complete continuity in the work of both teachers, narrow specialists (the author gives you the opportunity to think through the motivation yourself, and suggested the main characters);
  • the topic determines the content of the day, is central to goal setting, but is not expressed in one-sided planning, since other tasks of upbringing, training and development of the child are being solved in parallel, which can be solved in this type of activity; the theme day should be designed in such a way that children switch from one activity to another, excluding long static positions or overactivity;
  • for children of primary preschool age, the leading motives should be playful, and with middle group you can introduce cognitive, moral motives;
  • The game character, which can be a toy or the teacher himself, must be selected taking into account the interests and age of the children. It helps the teacher focus children’s attention, focus them on upcoming activities, motivate them, and evaluate them. Cartoon and fairy tale characters, played by teachers, are of greatest interest to children. A special group consists of children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and delay mental development(ZPR), which the game character can attract only for a few minutes. The emotional perception of such children is poorly expressed, sometimes there is complete indifference to surprise moments and game techniques. Hence the frequent attraction of children's attention to the character in different types of activities, changing characters during the day, avoiding excessive emotionality and expressiveness, which can cause children to become overexcited and disinhibited;
  • it is important that thematic days are not only filled with organized activities, but the children also had enough time for free independent activity. Therefore, be sure to plan your development environment equipment according to the topic;
  • it is necessary to alternate group, subgroup and individual activities of children, eliminating overload, taking into account the interests, desires, and needs of children (this can go through planning the main stages of the day in the morning in older groups).

Main goals of the day:

Identify the scope of children’s ideas, knowledge, abilities and skills on the studied lexical topic.

Activate vocabulary on the topic (names, signs and actions).

Assess the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in different types of activities.

Identify issues that require clarification and consolidation.

Expected result of studying the topic.
Children should know:

  1. names of toys, their distinctive features, components;
  2. how you can play with this or that toy;
  3. what material is the toy made of?

Children should be able to:

  1. classify toys according to leading characteristics, describe them;
  2. expressively depict toys, read poems about them, show various actions with them;
  3. use active vocabulary on the topic in speech.

Activation of the dictionary.
Titles: toys of different types - story, construction, construction, didactic, entertainment, sports, theatrical, folk, homemade toys, parts thereof.
Signs: shape, color, size, quality of material (ball - round, rubber, big, red, bright, sports toy; Parsley - mischievous, funny, cute, talkative, as if alive, bright, with a beautiful cap, theatrical toy).
Actions: throw, roll, catch, build, disassemble, design, assemble, fold, feed, put to bed, walk, show theatre, jump, gallop, clean, ride, swim, wash, clean, etc.

Main playable character(options) - Storyteller, Ole Lukoie, toy store director, Carlo's paw, etc.

The first half of the day. Morning

  • Introductory conversation

Goals: activate children's attention, arouse interest in the topic of the day and upcoming activities, and involve them in planning the main stages of the day.

* * *
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that something happened in the group, something is wrong. Offers to look around the room. Leads to the conclusion that all the toys are missing. Together with the children, he finds only one doll, which tells that all the toys were stolen by the evil Karabas - Barabas, so that they would perform in his theater. Children, together with the teacher, make plans to save toys. They are trying to guess why Karabas took the toys from them. The teacher helps children understand the meaning of toys in their lives by asking questions: Why should we look for toys? Maybe you will be fine without them? What do you need toys for? What happens if they disappear?

The teacher invites the children to go in search of toys and warns that to do this they need to know a lot about them, overcome numerous obstacles, be strong, dexterous, smart, attentive, and active.

  • Morning exercises

"We are toys"
Goals: develop the ability to perform physical exercises figuratively, emotionally, expressively; to form a sense of rhythm and tempo, the ability to focus internal attention on muscle sensations, highlighting tension and relaxation, and differentiate different movements.

  • Finger gymnastics “How many toys do I have?”

There are toys in the corner,
Relaxing in silence...

Five toys for your birthday

The guests gave it to me.

Once - a long-eared gray bunny.

Two - I have a pipe.

Three - now I'll show you

Black-maned horse.

My brown bear is four.

Red squirrel - five.

Only all my toys

Children connect their fingers in pairs with a hut.

They clench their fingers into fists. "

Unclench the fingers of your left hand with your palm facing you.

The thumb, little and ring fingers are gathered into a pinch, and the index and middle fingers are raised up like ears. They pretend to play the pipe with their fingers, bending them slightly and moving them. The middle and index fingers of both hands are extended, the rest are picked up and a horse is depicted.

Show four fingers on the right hand, pressing the thumb to the palm. Press your fingers into the palm of your left hand, starting with the little finger. Clench and unclench the fingers on both hands.

  • Exercise with elements of psycho-gymnastics "A toy shop"

Children go to the toy store using different types walking and running. They approach the display case. The teacher offers to show who they saw on it. Children do all exercises 5-6 times together with a teacher who shows and describes the movements. He also acts as the director of a toy store.

Cheburashka (tensely)
Teacher. Let's open our palms. Let's put them to the temples, like big ears. Let's tilt our heads left, right, forward, smiling as if in greeting.
The children do it.
Who is this, children?

Children. Cheburashka. ;
Teacher. What does he want to tell us?
Children (bow). Hello! Come to us! (They shake their head forward and back.) Would you like to buy something? (They shake their head from side to side.) It's boring without you.
Sleeping Seller
Teacher. While the children were not in the Store, the seller fell asleep. He dropped his relaxed head onto his chest, and it dangled from him as if on a string. The neck is relaxed, the head is heavy, there is no way to hold it. It falls here and there as soon as you pick it up.
The children do it.
Airplane (tense, slow - fast)
Teacher. Let's stretch our arms out to the sides - straight, even, tense: “Oooh.” What is this? Of course, a plane! Let's fly!
The children do it.
We move freely in all directions. (Buming sets and changes the tempo.) The arms do not move, they are tense, they are like iron wings. Here are the planes we have in store. They flew to their shelf.
The children do it.
Jump rope (smoothly-sharply)
Teacher. What kind of toy is this? Let's interlace our fingers and make wave-like movements. Hands intertwine, untwist in different directions, stretch out like a rope.
The children do it.
You can even jump through this rope. We twist our arms with bent elbows, then straight. We twist, accelerating the movement, as if holding a jump rope. Can you guess what it is? Let's jump rope: on one leg, on the other, on both at different paces.
The children do it.
Vanka-Vstanka (tensely)
Teacher. Let's press our hands to the sides of the body. The whole body is tense, does not move, we only move our legs a little and sway from side to side: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.” Now let's swing forward and back. So you have become real Vankas - stand-ups. Your legs are heavy, as if stuck to the floor, they don’t let you fall, you just sway.
Children do the exercise in pairs with Vanka. The children push Vanek, they swing in different directions. Then they change roles.
Air balloons (relaxation)
Teacher. Look what we're turning into now. Let's stretch our arms forward and close them in a semicircle above our heads. We are balloons. Let's puff up more and more. Here we are becoming lighter and lighter, the whole body is light, weightless. Now the breeze has blown us away and we are flying! Let's fly! We bump into chairs, push off from each other, from the wall, but only very lightly, softly, bouncing. The wind whirled us, we spin and fly. They sank to the ground and sat down.
The children do it. The teacher praises them for expressively depicting toys, which means they recognize them when they meet.

  • Classes « In the world of toys" (integrated)

Expected Result: children should be able to divide toys into groups according to the named criteria; select adjectives for the noun denoting a toy; guess the toy from the description.
Goals: develop focused attention, memory, thinking (comparison, classification, analytical-synthetic activity, creativity, sense of rhythm), the ability to listen to others, enjoy the successes of one’s own and one’s peer; Foster a culture of communication and respect for toys.
* * *
1. Guessing riddles about toys.
Teacher. Only those who solve the riddle are allowed into the land of toys. (Divides the children into teams or gives a task to a specific subgroup.)

They beat him with a hand and a stick, no one feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy? Yes, because he is inflated. (Ball.)

If he falls, he will jump, if you hit him, he will not cry! (Ball.)

Friends of different heights
Everyone looks alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy. (Matryoshka.)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

You will start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Place it - and she will rush. (Wind-up machine.)

This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey and make him a den . (Teddy bear.)

A cat is dancing, but only one leg. (Top, spinning top.)

He is slender and handsome, with a thick mane.
It's a pity, you can't race on it -
You can only swing. (Rocking horse.)

She closes her eyes

They tell her fairy tales
Maybe “Mom!” scream
And lie in the stroller. (Doll.)

To string the rings,you need to know all the sizes.
Well, you can even safely put on a hat on top. (Pyramid.)

2. Verbal division of toys or object pictures into groups.
By material- iron, plastic, wood, fur, fabric, clay, paper, rubber.
By purpose- sports, construction sets, for playing with sand, Christmas trees, fairy tale and cartoon characters, cars, dolls.
By game actions- dig, build, disassemble and assemble, roll, throw.

3. Drawing the missing part of the toy, naming it,

4. Competition “Who can name the most rules for handling toys made from different materials?”

5. Competition “Who will assemble the most interesting structure from a plastic construction set in the allotted time and tell about it?”

6. Turning children into cheerful, wind-up ducklings. Performing the "Dance of the Happy Ducklings".

  • Toy Store (logorithmic)

Expected Result: children must use vocabulary on the topic; coordinate movements in conjunction with speech; have a sense of rhythm and tempo, attention to verbal signals, visual and auditory memory, correct breathing, auditory perception, singing skills, phonemic awareness, speech sound culture, spatial orientation and own body; treat toys with care.

* * *

Introduction to the topic.

A set of general developmental exercises “Toys”.

Massage of biologically active zones “Monkey Chi-chi-chi”.

Dramatization of the song “We wash ourselves, brush our teeth.”

Speech therapy gymnastics.

Mimic exercises “The bear eats a lemon, a pickled cucumber, a delicious candy, a cake,” etc.

Performance of the song “About Mishka”.

Breathing exercise “Let’s feel sorry for Mishka.”

Dance "A bear and a doll are dancing the dance."

Finger massage “Friendship”.

Outdoor game "Top".

Finger game “Sculpting from sand”.

Song "Clock".

The teacher leaves the children toys that they sang about and portrayed.

  • Toy workshop (for visual arts)

Expected Result: children should have an idea of ​​the history of the toy; know the basic elements of painting Dymkovo and Bogorodskaya toys; be able to independently compose a pattern from elements and paint a toy using color combinations characteristic of folk painting; talk about the features of painting, material? what the toy is made of and how you can play with it.

Goals: develop visual skills, imagination, creativity; to develop interest in folk toys and respect for the works of folk artists.
Materials: blanks of clay toys, samples of toys, illustrations of folk toys, gouache, brushes, paper.
* * *

Children decorate the play corner with ready-made crafts.

A tour of the “toy museum”, in which children act as guides. Toy workshop equipment.

Painting of toy blanks (paper or clay).

Children's stories about their toy.


  • Sand games

Expected Result: children should be able to guess which toy is buried in the sand, without removing it, using the freed part, using touch and vision; present based on existing sensory experience toy, name it and parts; use words in speech that denote the qualities of sand and the material from which the toy is made; use toys to play out the plots of familiar fairy tales and cartoons.
Goals: develop perception, imagination, ability to analyze and synthesize; bring up friendly relations during the game; to develop interest in games with natural materials.
Materials: miniature plastic, porcelain and rubber toys (men, animals, cars); building material elements; stickers with images of plants.
The teacher hides various plastic toys in dry sand in a sandbox or box (this is the Sand King's magical castle) and asks the children, putting their hands in there, to recognize the toy by touch and say what it is made of. Then you need to guess the toy from a small fragment freed from the sand, take it all out (free it from captivity) and check the correctness of your guess. Next, a fairy tale plot is played out with the freed toys.

  • Sedentary game “Wind-up toys”

Expected Result: Children should know the appearance and purpose of mechanical toys.
Goals: develop the ability, by means of tension or relaxation of muscles, to show the features of the material from which the toy is made and actions with it; activate imagination, vocabulary on the topic; cultivate a sense of rhythm, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and act on a signal.
* * *
First, the children themselves name their favorite toy and, after the teacher turns it with an imaginary key, they depict the toy in motion, doing it with muscle tension (metal, wood, plastic) or relaxed (cloth, fur, rubber, paper, foam). Then the teacher himself identifies the toy, and the children must remember what it is made of and depict it. You can use music in the game.

  • Games with sports toys

Expected Result: children should use sports toys before their intended purpose, name them; independently organize outdoor games.
Goals: develop dexterity, eye, speed, reaction speed; develop the ability to negotiate, give in to each other, and honestly follow the rules of the games.
Materials: balls, jump ropes, skittles, balls, etc.
* * *
The teacher discusses with the children what sport games they would like to play, what toys they need for this, where it is more convenient to sit so as not to disturb others. Invites you to remember the rules of the selected game. The teacher himself can act as an arbiter.


  • Manual labor “Homemade toys”

Expected Result: children should know how homemade toys differ from other toys, what material and how can be used to make them; use in speech the names of toys, their components, materials, tools; be able to use a variety of natural or artificial materials and mastered fastening methods to make homemade toys.
Goals: develop creativity, attention, imagination, planning function of speech; to form aesthetic taste, the ability to rejoice in the achievements of one’s comrades.

  • Role-playing game “Cars on our street”

Expected Result: children should be able to independently come up with a game plot with a variety of cars and attributes depicting the street; talk to the teacher, as an equal playing partner, about the purpose of different parts of the machine (repair shop), the use of machines by humans (construction sites, problematic situations on the streets, etc.); build dialogue in accordance with the role and specific game situation.
Goals: develop imagination, playful dialogue, creativity; cultivate the ability to play amicably, negotiate, distribute roles fairly, when composing a plot, listen to your friend to the end, and not interrupt; independently resolve conflict situations.
* * *
The teacher tells the children about how she got to work by transport, how the car broke down, and what happened next. Invites children to remember what cars they saw on the street, what they drive to kindergarten, where cars are repaired, how they receive help on the road, etc. He asks if they want to play with the cars? How will they play? What roles will be outlined? What will the child do in each of them? As an equal playing partner, the teacher takes on the role of the head of the traffic police, repair shop, road assistance service, and construction site. During the game, it monitors children's gaming skills and abilities, including those related to the use of toys.

  • Didactic game "Children's World"

Expected Result: children should be able to describe a toy according to plan (What is it? What is it like? What does it have? How can you play with it?); interact with the teacher in the role of a buyer, using speech patterns such as “good afternoon”, “tell me please”, "I I want to buy a toy from you,” “thank you.”
Goals: develop descriptive speech, attention, memory, culture of speech and communication; cultivate politeness.
* * *
The teacher acts as a seller, children become buyers. To buy a toy, a child must name it, describe it according to the plan proposed by the teacher, using polite addresses in speech.

Look in the store
All toys on display:
Groovy bunnies,
Dolls and balls,
Fluffy kittens,
Matryoshka dolls, bear cubs -
Everyone is sitting on the shelves,
They want to play with us.
N. Voronina

  • T dramatized games

Expected Result: When playing out the plot of a fairy tale or poem, children should use a variety of theatrical toys to choose from (finger toys, flannel toys, bi-ba-bo); create a playful image using toys and expressive means of speech; if necessary, use available means to change or supplement the external image of the hero; understand the purpose of theatrical toys, their conventions.
Goals: develop creativity, imagination, monologue and dialogic speech, expressiveness of speech and pantomime; cultivate interest in theatrical games.
Materials: story sets of pictures for flannelgraph, screen and bi-ba-bo dolls, glove dolls, mini-scenery for a toy theater, costume elements for children.
The content of the games can be anything, but it should be based on familiar fairy tales, stories, and poems.

  • Writing stories about toys

Expected Result : Children should be able to make up little stories about toys that are mistreated, using logical sequences of events, dialogue, and personal experience and the experience of their comrades; expressively portray the heroes of their stories using speech, facial expressions and pantomime.
Goals: develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, show sympathy for the problems of your heroes; cultivate the ability to be attentive to the ideas of your comrades, listen to the end, and show interest in the creativity of peers.
* * *
The teacher invites the children to come up with a story about a toy of their choice. We begin the story with the words: “In one kindergarten Once upon a time there were toys." Asks children questions: What happened to them? What they were doing? Who Helped them? What obstacles did they overcome? The teacher gives every child the opportunity to speak. Then asks the children to choose best option. The plot can even be written down. Next, the teacher can invite the children to illustrate the story they have written.

  • Exhibition of homemade toys

Goals: bring children joy from the result of their own work, evoke positive emotions from showing toys and talking about them.

* * *
The teacher organizes an exhibition of homemade toys together with the children. At the same time, he pays attention to how the toys stand, whether they are stable, whether they are convenient to look at, and whether there is a tag indicating who made this toy. Asks children to talk about their toys according to plan.

What is this? ,

What is it called or what is the name?

What is the toy made of? How?

How is the toy decorated?

How will it be used in the game?

  • Reading the poem "Toys"

Expected Result: Children must listen carefully to the poem, remember its content, and answer the teacher’s questions.
Goals: develop children's imagination, memory, and activity.
* * *
The teacher reads a poem to the children and asks questions about its content.
In the "Children's World" store
There is a toy department.
There's a striped tiger there,
And a plush kitten,
The pyramids stand in a row
Dolls in different dresses,
Tumblers don't lie
And Parsley teases.
Multi-colored balls,
Skittles and cars
Clockwork locomotive
Drives by.
All toys are good!
Choose what you like.
No toys for kids
It would be very sad.

Which store sells toys? What toys are talked about in the poem? What other toys are sold at Detsky Mir? What toys did you buy with mom and dad? What toys did you get for your birthday? Why do you have to put toys away after playing?

  • Test questions and assignments.

What toys do you know? How are they different from each other? Tell me how you can play with the toy. What parts does the toy consist of? What material is it made of? What are the names of the toys that folk craftsmen make from clay, wood and other materials? Which folk toys You know? What are the names of the toys that are used in various outdoor games and exercises? What are the names of the toys that children use to build and assemble something? What are the names of toys that are used only for... New Year? What are the names of toys made by children and adults from paper, natural materials, or some old things? Why can’t all toys be disassembled into parts? Why do clay, glass, and porcelain toys require very careful handling? Why do toys need to be put down or put back after playing? How should you care for different toys? Why do girls play more with dolls and boys with cars? Where can I buy toys? What is the name of this store (department)? How are the different dolls different? Cars? Constructor? Printable board games? What's your favorite toy? Why? How do you play with her? What name did you give her? Where is it stored? What are you talking to her about? What can you do with the ball? (Throw, roll, catch, hit, throw, spin.) This question can be asked about any toy. Tell me about the toy. What is she like? (Shape, color, size, weight, how it feels, what it’s made of, how it differs from others, what you like.)

  • Bibliography

Belova-David R. A. Speech impairment in preschool children. -M.: Education, 1972.

Barentseva N. S., Kolesnikova E. V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. Basic notes for 16 lessons. A set of worksheets for your child to complete tasks. - M.: Akalis, 1995. - Series “Work experience of a practical teacher.”

Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. - M.: Shkola-Press, 1999.

Volkova L. S. et al. Speech therapy. - M.: Education, Vlados, 1995.

Efimenkova L. N. Formation of speech in preschool children. - M.: Education, 1985.

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. - M.: Gnome-Press, 1998.

Kravchenko I. A Games and exercises with sounds and letters. A manual for educators and parents. - M.: Gnome-Press, New school, 1999. - 64 p. - Series “Work experience of a practical teacher.”

Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy. - M.: Aquarium, 1995.

Maksakov A.I. Does your child speak correctly? - M.: Education, 1988.

Rau E. F., Rozhdestvenskaya V. I. Mixing speech sounds in children. - M.: Education, 1972.

Rozhdestvenskaya V.I., Radina E.I. Education of correct speech in preschool children. - M.: Education, 1968.

Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with children. - M.: Education, 1987.

Tkachenko T. A. Speech therapy notebook. Improving sound analysis skills and literacy training. - M.: Egsi, Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashia, 1999.

Uspenskaya L.P., Uspensky M.V. Learn to speak correctly. Part 2. - M.: Education, 1991.

Filicheva T. B., Cheveleva N. A. Speech therapy work in a special kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1987.

Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. Part 2. Second year of study ( preparatory group). - M.: Alpha, 1993.

Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Program for training and education of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (senior group of kindergarten). - M.: Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1993.

Fomicheva M.F. Education of children with correct pronunciation. - M.: Education, 1981.

Tsvetkova L. S. Methods of neuropsychological diagnostics of children. - M.: Russian pedagogical agency “Cogito-center”, 1998.

Dear students, in my opinion, this is important!

I advise you to go through other sections of the "Navigation" and read interesting articles or watch presentations, didactic materials on subjects (pedagogy, methods of developing children's speech, theoretical basis interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents); material for preparing for tests, tests, exams, coursework and theses, I would be glad if the information posted on my website helps you in your work and study.

Best regards, O.G. Golskaya.

Test module No. 10 "Planning work on the development of children's speech").