Why a wedding dress. Why is the wedding dress white? White lace wedding dress

Do a little experiment: ask family members, neighbors, friends, colleagues what white symbolizes Wedding Dress and the bride's white veil. I am sure that in the vast majority of cases you will hear: “This is the color of purity, innocence, purity, chastity.” But this is not at all true!

Since ancient times, among all peoples, white symbolized the Past; it was the color of memory and oblivion, renunciation from the earthly world. That is why among the ancient peoples of the Earth, including the Slavs, white was (and for some it still is) the color of mourning, death, dying. This, by the way, carried over into Christian tradition, - angels and canonized saints are depicted in white robes, which demonstrate not their purity, but their belonging to another world.

So why, according to Russian (and any other Slavic) wedding tradition, was the bride dressed in mourning colors? To understand this, we must remember what genus meant to ancient man. For ancient man, clan (family) meant literally everything: outside the clan, a person had neither rights nor responsibilities; he was not perceived by his fellow tribesmen as an individual, but only as a member of a certain family. And the ancient man himself did not feel like an individual, but exclusively a member of a clan, constantly feeling its powerful support. A girl, becoming a wife, left her clan, “left” it. She “died” for her kind and was “born” again in another. Hence the dressing in mourning, white, clothes.

Associated with these beliefs are the traditions of the bride crying and crying (voices) for the bride. Well, now you can say for yourself why they “voted” for the bride. But why did the bride herself simply have to cry bitterly and a lot? The point here is not at all that the girl was afraid of the unknown, afraid of how she would be received in her new family. The fact is that, leaving her clan and joining someone else’s, she abandoned her patron spirits and placed herself under the protection of her husband’s clan spirits.

With her tears, she seemed to thank her former patrons and apologize to them for the “betrayal”, for the “offense” that she caused them by abandoning them. We all know this picture: the bride, waiting for the groom to arrive, sits, festively dressed, with her bridesmaids in her room. But it wasn't always like this. Among the ancient Slavs, and even later, in many Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian villages until the 19th century, the bride, during the arrival of the wedding train, sat on the stove in her casual wear and mourned her previous life in the family. She changed into a wedding dress only after the groom arrived. And the ancient meaning of this action is farewell to the hearth, family, and ancestral spirits.

The tradition of covering the girl’s head with a veil is also associated with the “dying” of the bride in her family. I now mean not the transparent cape made of lace or tulle that we are all accustomed to, but an opaque shawl (two uncut scarves) made of dense white or red fabric, which was used to cover the Ancient Rus' the bride, making her face completely invisible to others. By the way, if I already mentioned the red veil, then I must also say that the mourning color in ancient times was not only white, but also red, or rather, white-red. Remember the images of a folk wedding dress: after all, it was not pure white, but with red elements. The veil, as I already said, was either white or red (lovers of Indian films, a quick question for you: what color are the clothes of modern Indian brides?).

So why was the bride’s face covered with an opaque thick fabric? Yes, all for the same reason: having agreed to marriage, she “died” for her family and has not yet been “reborn” for another, and, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, it was forbidden for the inhabitants of one world to come into contact (even with a glance) with the inhabitants of another world. Why? Because, as our ancestors believed, any contact of our world with the world of the dead led to innumerable misfortunes and even the death of the world of the living. That’s why it was impossible for anyone to see the bride, so as not to bring misfortune to her, her relatives, or themselves.

Over time, the ancient, original meaning of these wedding traditions, like many other folk wedding traditions and rituals, changed somewhat or was completely lost. The meaning of some has been transformed so much that we perceive them as fun or a game at a wedding celebration. But if someone really wants to find out where the custom in Russia comes from of breaking a plate at a wedding or honking loudly from a car when the newlyweds return from the registry office, why the bride is carried into the room through the threshold, and so on, so on, then it’s enough to simply ask the question. For example... why is the bride's wedding dress white.

Finally, the moment has come - you have been invited to the wedding. Only two thoughts immediately appear - what to give to the newlyweds, and what to wear for the celebration. Nowadays it is not so difficult to decide on a gift, since it has already become customary to give a postcard with money. What is customary to wear to a wedding is a much more complicated question. One of the questions that often interests girls is: “Is it possible to go to a wedding in a white dress?”

They say that a good guest will not come to a wedding in either black or white. It is generally accepted that black is a mourning color, and white is intended only for the bride. In turn, we can quite often see guests at a wedding in a little black or a soft light dress. Maybe the question of the color of the guests’ attire is not so important and this has already become a relic of the past?

But White dress, worn by a wedding guest, continues to cause dissatisfaction. A light dress attracts attention, and since the bride should be the center of attention, wearing a snow dress pulls the blanket over you. Traditions are changing, and not all brides want to wear a dress anymore white. Some consider it not festive, and for some the symbol of innocence is not relevant. Should I wear white in this case? Nowadays, when many brides get married, they wear red, pink, blue dresses. It’s hard to imagine that the bride might be offended if one of the guests comes in a light-colored outfit. But you cannot be sure that the newlywed will not worry that guests who are unfamiliar with her may mistake another girl in white for the bride instead of her.

Should guests wear white to a wedding reception?

Possible answer: you shouldn’t wear it to a wedding. the outfit is white, unless, of course, you are a bride. Even if your favorite dress is white, even if you are going to a not quite traditional wedding– better protect yourself from gossip, because there are many other beautiful colors and shades for your outfit. Manifestation good manners The hero of the occasion will clarify whether she will be against your appearance at the celebration in the same color. In the case when your outfit is only partly white, or the white color is diluted with a pattern, do not worry, such a dress can be safely worn to a wedding.

Of course, it happens when newlyweds ask their guests to come only in white outfits. For example, at the wedding of Beyoncé and Jay Z, all invited guests wore white. Try to listen to the wishes of the young people, because this is one of the most memorable and significant events in their lives.

: don't get hung up on it

I would like to say right away: despite the fact that there are many signs and superstitions associated with a wedding dress, there is no need to get too hung up on them. After all, there was a time when our ancestors simply went to the registry office or village council in everyday clothes, and then lived happily ever after for decades.

If you think about something bad all the time, then it will certainly happen, so there is no need to stress yourself out on the eve of the wedding in anticipation that at some point something unexpected and unpleasant will definitely happen. It's better to just relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday.

However, they exist and sometimes they really work. For especially suspicious brides, there are many rules for choosing a wedding dress.

What should be the ideal wedding dress?

There is an old belief that the bride should be given an item taken from someone close to her. Previously, the mother of the bride would give the girl an embroidered handkerchief. Symbols were embroidered on the scarf that protected the bride from unkind glances. It is advisable to ask for some trinket from relatives or friends, but under no circumstances should you borrow a veil or gloves. It is necessary to return the borrowed item at the end of the wedding. It is advisable to borrow this item from a friend who is happily married.

The wedding dress must be completely new. After the wedding, you cannot lend it to anyone. There is a theory according to which someone else’s wedding dress can attract family life other people's problems. A lucky wedding dress can be an outfit that stores the energy of the family and is inherited from generation to generation. The wedding dress of a great-grandmother who has been happily married for more than fifty years can become a reliable talisman. True, it is difficult to find a family in Russia that keeps a great-grandmother’s wedding dress that can be worn, so the outfit for the upcoming celebration needs to be bought in a store. It is better to buy a simpler wedding dress than to rent a chic outfit.

True, when buying a wedding dress in a store, you cannot say with complete confidence that no one has worn it before. I personally know of such a case when my friend’s mother worked as a salesperson in a luxury wedding dress store and bought a very beautiful outfit for her daughter for one day, which was then returned back to the salon and purchased.

The ideal option is a custom-made wedding dress. In this case, you can be completely sure that no one has worn the outfit before, and it does not carry negative energy.

There is also a sign according to which a wedding dress cannot be sewn by the future bride herself or trusted with close people and relatives.

A wedding dress should be long, as this means a long and happy family life.

An ancient English sign associated with the bride's attire

According to tradition, the bride must wear four things on her wedding day. One thing should be new, the second should be old, the third should be blue and the fourth should be borrowed from a friend. New thing is a symbol new family, where love, peace and harmony will reign; old thing signifies the bride's connection to home, parents and the family in which she grew up. The blue color symbolizes modesty and fidelity, and a borrowed item signifies the bride’s connection with friends, on whose help and support she can always count in difficult moments in life.

How to buy a wedding dress correctly

It is best to go with a group of loved ones. When trying on dresses, only those people in whom good attitude you can be 100% sure.

You don't need to take pictures of yourself in different outfits to compare later. You should treat your wedding dress with due respect.

In the store, you need to try to ensure that the future bride in her wedding dress is seen by as few strangers as possible.

The future bride does not have to pay for the purchase herself. The wedding dress should be kept in the parental home until the celebration.

No one except the bride herself should try on the purchased dress. Also, you can’t put on your entire wedding outfit and look in the mirror. For example, you can do the fitting with one glove.

What color should a wedding dress be?

Traditionally, a wedding dress should be snow-white. White color symbolizes purity and light, which will illuminate the future family life of the newlyweds. However, modern designers offer wedding dresses in various colors, and brides increasingly want to wear something unusual to their wedding.

A yellow wedding dress can bring quarrels and tears into the family, a red one can bring scandals and numerous discords. However, individual red elements in a wedding dress or a bride’s bouquet foretell good luck in marriage, the power of love and unquenchable passion.

The gold color attracts money to the family and symbolizes a life of abundance. However, you should not get married in an all-gold dress. We are talking here about individual finishing elements.

A pink dress symbolizes deep, pure love, but a white wedding dress is still ideal.

How to wear a wedding dress correctly

Popular signs and superstitions say that you cannot dress for a wedding yourself or with the help of your mother. It's best to ask your friends for help. They are the ones who should help the bride on this day.

You need to pin a pin to the hem of the wedding dress, head down. The pin will avert the gaze of envious people and neutralize negative energy.

The bride's wedding dress must be worn over her head.

How to wear a wedding dress during a celebration

On the wedding day, when the groom has already arrived at the bride’s house, the newlyweds cannot be separated until they are declared husband and wife. Guests should also not be allowed to pass between them.

If the bride's dress has a very full skirt that interferes with walking, the groom should under no circumstances help his chosen one carry the hem. This should be done by the bridesmaid.

During wedding ceremony Friends should not adjust the bride's outfit. According to existing wisdom, in this case they will interfere and spoil the family life of the spouses.

Popular folk signs about the bride's wedding dress

On the wedding day, the dress is torn - the relationship with the mother-in-law may not work out.

If a button falls off the bride’s wedding dress, then frequent quarrels and discord in the family are possible. You need to sew on the flyaway button with two stitches to ward off troubles from the newlyweds. By the way, according to folk tradition, there must be an even number of buttons on the bride’s wedding dress.

The groom cannot be shown in his wedding attire before the wedding. It is believed that in this case the wedding may not take place.

Wedding dress as a talisman

Nata Karlin

Every girl from the very early age imagines herself as a beautiful princess in a charming ball gown.

Beliefs, myths and truth about a white wedding dress

There are many versions as to why a wedding dress should be white. Any of them is more or less similar to the truth, so it is quite possible to proceed from these stories when choosing a wedding dress. It just so happened that In most nationalities, a girl gets married in a white dress.

Today there are some deviations from this standard, for example, an outfit in ivory, beige, red, pistachio, blue or soft lilac will not surprise anyone, but the snow-white dress of the bride was, is and will remain traditional.

The modern world of man is based on events, beliefs and legends of the past

To believe or not to believe in them is the decision of each person. Several well-known versions tell of why should a wedding dress be white?:

  • The most reliable of them says that a white wedding dress Queen Anne of Austria was the first to wear it at her wedding. I. She looked so gorgeous in this wedding dress that all French fashionistas began vying to sew snow-white wedding dresses for themselves and their daughters. Subsequently, the first wave of excitement subsided and stirred the hearts of the ladies at the wedding of Queen Victoria of England, who appeared at the ceremony in snow-white openwork dress with a deep neckline.
  • However, the tradition of wearing a white wedding dress to a wedding goes back centuries. In those old days the bride's outfit was a symbol of innocence, purity and humility. In addition, according to legend, the color white protected from the evil eye, damage and bad words.

A classic of the genre, or a traditional white dress for a wedding

So, the wedding! Nowadays, a white dress and a wedding are simply inseparable concepts. As soon as we talk about the wedding ceremony, every person’s memory comes to mind: image of an ethereal beauty in snow-white clothes.

Classic models of wedding dresses are currently considered one of the most popular. This is a universal combination of a tight corset and luxurious full skirt. It is in this outfit that girls feel like fairy-tale princesses.

The classic dress model looks like this:

  • The lower part of the skirt is equipped with hoops, thanks to which volume is created.
  • The fabric used for the dress is thick, which can fall in large folds.
  • The skirt has several petticoats, sewn from lining fabric or starched tulle.

Classic options also include traditional wedding dresses, which have the following distinctive features:

  • A-silhouette, where the skirt widens from the waist and falls in tails all the way to the floor.
  • The waist for this style is strictly defined, usually emphasized by a wide yoke or belt.
  • This option can be decorated with a long train that is attached to the waist (it can be unfastened if necessary). A loop is sewn to the very tip of the train, which the girl puts on her wrist while dancing or moving along the street.
  • Tight corset It is carried out according to all the rules, it has a rigid frame and is laced or fastened at the back.
  • The top of the dress can be either open or closed, depending on the wishes of the bride herself.
  • The same goes for the sleeves. They can be long, short, 3⁄4 or completely absent.

The bride chooses shoes to match her white wedding dress depending on her own preferences. It can be:

  • Traditional white shoes, ankle boots or boots with heels of any shape or without it at all.
  • Shoes can be classic style without decorations or decorated with rhinestones, beads and other accessories.
  • The color of the shoes is matched to the belt, the bride’s bouquet, or traditionally white.

Wedding dress options

Let the white dress not seem to you an exclusively classic or even boring option, because there are many styles and variations. Let's look at the most popular ones.

The dream of most girls is a luxurious and lush white wedding dress, as in the photo:

This model has a wide skirt and corset. The main features of the outfit are as follows:

  • The width and volume of the skirt directly depends on the number of hoops or petticoats. Very often this design has quite a serious weight, but this fact has never stopped any girl if she decided to look like a queen at her own wedding.
  • Typically, these models have a strict corset with a minimum of jewelry. The whole emphasis is on the skirt.

A delightful, airy and openwork lace white wedding dress has recently become the most popular among brides

It will look sophisticated and elegant at any celebration. Openwork fabric creates a magical, airy image.

When choosing this option, it is worth considering some nuances:

  • If you decorate a white lace dress with a train made of the same fabric, it will look elegant and expensive.
  • Shimmering openwork , decorated with small rhinestones, pearls or sparkles will look royally magnificent.
  • In itself, a wedding dress made of this material is absolutely self-sufficient, so you should not overload it with additional accessories.

Young ladies with beautiful slender legs prefer short wedding dresses. It should be noted that traditions do not prohibit wearing a short outfit to a wedding, only on condition that the bride herself likes this image.

Models that have some characteristic features look impressive:

  • Typically a short white wedding dress reminiscent of a classic cocktail outfit.
  • To ensure the correct placement of accents, designers use only luxurious fabric in creating models.
  • In such versions of dresses usually do not use too tight a corset.
  • Sleeves can be different lengths: long, T-shirt, lanterns, 3⁄4, sleeveless at all.
  • They look great when complemented with a stylish bolero, stole, or cape.

Designer white wedding dresses

Fashion does not stand still, and modern designers have come up with many options for stylish and amazingly beautiful white wedding dresses, which are rightfully considered exclusive.

The research of fashion designers has gone so far that it is sometimes possible to guess that this dress is intended specifically for a wedding celebration only by the white color and the veil that comes with the set.

The most fashionable white wedding dresses have some features:

  • Designers make the bottom of the models asymmetrical. For example, the hem of a dress is much longer in the back than in the front.
  • Currently White wedding dresses in retro style are coming into fashion, the style of the 20s of the last century is especially relevant.
  • They can be decorated with various large accessories that are not traditionally used in standard wedding dress models.

White wedding dresses with colored elements

The most daring and bright girls will prefer a white and red wedding dress. These are exactly the ladies who can afford to experiment with colors even at such a crucial moment. It is believed that a combination of white and red in a formal dress is an application for leadership in a couple.

The white and red version of the wedding dress can have a number of details:

  • Both the main details of the dress and the trim can be red: bodice design, belt, sewn elements.
  • If the red background of the model is decorated with rhinestones, the shimmering effect will be simply stunning.

A white and black wedding dress looks especially solemn and elegant. Only a confident and self-sufficient girl can use the classic opposition of colors in a wedding dress. A wedding dress looks ideal if the skirt is made of heavy white satin and the bodice is decorated with openwork black lace. You can create a mysterious and mysterious image by placing white lace flowers along the hem of a white dress.

Simple white dress for wedding

Do not forget that it has been and will be in fashion throughout the centuries. classic simplicity of outfit. This is especially true for wedding dresses. A simple, sophisticated white wedding dress will look great on any body type. These models use a minimal amount of decor; the fabric used for sewing is expensive, but creates a feeling of light simplicity.

The most spectacular decoration of this model is the youth and beauty of the bride.

But this does not mean that even such young girls should not decorate themselves on this important day with jewelry as beautiful as themselves. The good thing about the white color of the dress is that you can match it with jewelry of any color. If you want to keep the white color scheme and a classic look, choose gold and diamonds or cubic zirconia.

How to choose a shade of white for a wedding dress?

It is advisable to select the shade of white depending on the girl’s skin color type:

  • For the “spring” color type, it is advisable to choose white wedding dresses closer to the shade of ivory.
  • Girls with an “autumn” color type and red hair should choose outfits with a cream tint or the color of clotted cream.

  • Dark-haired, white-faced beauties “Winter” color type can choose white dresses with a bluish tint.

  • For dark-skinned women with brown or black hair of the “summer” color type, it is advisable to choose creamy, delicate shades.


White wedding dresses are undoubtedly a classic of the genre. But lately, themed weddings are increasingly being played, for which girls choose other colors. For example, for a wedding in nautical style– blue, Russian folk – red, yellow. There are a lot of options for colors and styles today., you just need to imagine. However, whether it is worth deviating from traditions is up to you to decide.

December 2, 2017, 11:18 pm

Brides! So when you get married, you go to salons and buy Wedding Dress. Of course, buy a dress that you like. But have you ever wondered why brides they wear white Wedding Dress, and not a sundress, for example. Have you ever thought about it? But that’s in vain, because the history of the wedding dress is very interesting.

normal"> The most important events in a person's life are birth of a child, wedding and funeral. A birthdays and anniversaries- it's just the coming and going of holidays. However, a wedding for someone becomes the most important event in life. That's why many brides choose a wedding dress with love and great trepidation. Because I want to look like a real queen at my wedding and surprise my future husband.

normal"> But you know that modern tradition says that you can only wear a wedding dress once in your life. This tradition was born during the reign of Queen Victoria. In the 17th and 18th centuries, a woman with enormous financial wealth had the opportunity to dress expensive dresses and visit your friends. But in India, women still wear their red wedding sarAnd and go visit.

normal"> However, not all wedding traditions have lost their meaning. After all, all wedding consists of traditions. For example, exchanging rings is not only wonderful, but one of the traditions that greatly cements your marriage. Also hang locks on the bridge railings with your names on them. Many brides get married with a veil on their head, but do not know what it is for. And it is needed to protect from evil eyes, as well as from people who will try to steal your bride.
But the Anglo-Saxon tradition says that characteristic feature in the bride's toilet, should be explained in these words: something new, something old, something deep and something borrowed. If brides If the wardrobe contains everything listed, then this ensures a long and happy family life. By the word old it was meant that - something from the old one grandma's chest, perhaps even grandma's Wedding Dress. And the new is meant to be a symbol of the future life. You can use your necklace, veil or wedding dress. The thing you will have to borrow from other people, you can do whatever you want. For example, at mother-in-law scarf or earrings.

normal"> The next stage was the costume, which was blue color. Ask why? Because blue is the color that attracts love, loyalty and money. But still, in the 18th century, preference was given to bright and rich colors. Popular colors were blue, gray and red. And white color showed innocence brides and often this color was replaced with blue. And the blue color was considered a symbol of the immaculate Virgin Mary.

normal"> He also didn’t stand aside pink color. But the British believed that if someone got married in a pink dress, they would lose their entire fortune. But the most unclaimed color was green. According to numerous legends, it attracted only gnomes and various strange creatures that lived in the forest. Next is brown and beige color were considered the color of the village, village. That is, only people from a lower social class could wear it. But the brides from the village wore a dress gray. They wore these same dresses to go to church on Sunday and gossip.

normal"> Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840. Thus, she radically changed the principles about the wedding dress. The female guests liked the white dress. In the 17th century, white color signified the bride’s purity and wealth. After all, a dazzling white dress could be afforded by a lady with a lot of money. A luxurious white dress can only be worn once.
However, at the beginning of the 20th century, Coco Chanel turned the concept of white wedding dress. She showed the world a knee-length wedding dress with an elegant train. It looked not only attractive, but also extravagant. But when World War II began, it stopped the revolution wedding dress. All these events forced our grandmothers and great-grandmothers to get married in gray suits. However, the era of Queen Victoria returned, when got married in white fluffy dresses.