Congratulations on February 23 to corporate clients. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to work colleagues

Our real men, dear and respected clients, we congratulate you on February 23rd. We sincerely wish you to always remain at the peak of success and prosperity, never make mistakes in your choice and decision, constantly maintain peace of mind and kindness in your heart, and in any situation prove yourself to be a courageous hero and a brave person.

Our dear clients, congratulations on February 23! We wish you nobility, courage, physical strength. Always right decisions, a great sense of humor, amazing initiatives and love of life. Peace, justice and courage!

Happy February 23rd! With all our hearts we wish you to always smile, be happy, and make only the right decisions. May the sun always illuminate your path, and may prosperity help you make plans for the future.

Happy holiday to you! We wish you to strive for the best, set goals and move towards their implementation. May this holiday bring you a lot of positivity and great mood. Prosperity and peace to your families!

Dear clients, on this day we sincerely wish you courage, victories in all aspects of life, confidence in your chosen path, bold plans and good luck in making your dreams come true.

Congratulations to our valued clients. We wish you strength of spirit, determination in decisions, firmness on the path to well-being and strength of our mutually beneficial relationships. We wish you to feel your own strength in your hands and heart, the power of success that always accompanies real men in life, as well as reliable support from friends and family. Happy February 23rd!

Dear clients, please accept congratulations on February 23! We wish you perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals, confidence and faith in your own strengths, courage and perseverance to overcome life’s circumstances. Let strength of character help you overcome challenges and stay on top!

Since February 23, our clients are brave, strong, gallant men. We wish each of you to be a respected head of the family, a faithful defender of your loved ones, your country. I wish you health and prosperity, courage of heart and the right choice in every matter.

Dear clients
On the 23rd I wish:
So that you have all your ideas
With our help they decided
All ideas, developments
They connected with our business.
So that everyone can always
And I had enough strength for everything.
So that every new day
He only brought you joy.

You, dear clients,
Happy Men's Day,
Wish you courage and strength
We want you from the bottom of our hearts.

May your goals come closer
Courage and enthusiasm do not fade away,
Let there always be will, courage,
Striving for the best, enthusiasm.

Our cooperation is growing stronger
And let it continue,
And all the efforts and efforts
May they give a generous harvest.

The eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day is the “hottest” time to prepare for a holiday in the office or away corporate event. Thus, the female half of the team traditionally thinks about and then implements grandiose plans to congratulate men at work on February 23, 2019. We present to your attention a selection beautiful congratulations– official in prose in your own words, funny poems with humor. In addition, you can send each colleague bright greeting cards and pictures from our new collection. Happy upcoming celebration, dear men!

Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male employees and organizations

In honor of the holiday on February 23, many managers offer congratulations, addressing sincere warm words to male employees. Our collection contains beautiful official congratulations on February 23, 2019 - they can also be sent to the organization’s business partners, clients, and customers.

A selection of official congratulations to men on February 23

Dear Colleagues! Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Dear men! We want to congratulate you, our defenders - everyone who protects us every day from difficulties, adversity and unnecessary problems. Men who, in case of danger, will always come to the aid of their friends and colleagues, family and relatives. I wish you health, strength of spirit and wisdom of heart!

Dear partners! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you peaceful skies, great achievements, many opportunities, victories on all fronts. Let all your goals be achieved, your ideas come true and everything that is planned happen!

We are very pleased with our cooperation. For a long time now, we can safely rely on your strong male support. I wish that our interaction would always be fruitful and as successful. Let your profits grow and multiply. Let your positive reputation help you attract new partners. Happy men's holiday on February 23!

Today is the day when all men remember their duty to the Fatherland and the fact that on their shoulders is the responsibility for the safety of their loved ones. May this responsibility always be a joy to you! I wish you successful undertakings, conquered peaks, fresh strength for new achievements, due rewards and good rest!

A short sincere congratulation on February 23, 2019 in prose in your own words

In 2019, Defender of the Fatherland Day will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Having gone through such a difficult path, the holiday still occupies a special place in the hearts of people - as a memory of the events that laid the foundation new history our country. On this day, all men, without exception, receive a lot of congratulations, words of gratitude and admiration from their beloved wives, mothers, and colleagues at work. Choosing short sincere congratulations on February 23, take a look at our selection - in prose, in your own words, it is best to express your most sincere feelings to the “heroes” of the occasion.

How to briefly congratulate men on February 23, 2019 in your own words

I solemnly congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish the stronger sex true masculine endurance, patience and perseverance beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and safety, determined, cheerful and heroically strong. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I sincerely wish that any problem is a trifle, that any obstacle to success is an easily overcome barrier. Always be purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.

Dear representatives of the stronger sex, may your shoulder always be reliable, your hand strong, and your mind clear. We wish you to constantly experience a feeling of triumph in life, the joy of fruitful work, a sense of family happiness, care and understanding. Be healthy and successful!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you never to stand still, but to constantly move forward, achieve great success, turn your plans and ideas into reality, reach significant heights in your career, love, social and personal life.

Congratulations to the strong half of humanity on the wonderful February holiday, designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support to your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate will, endurance and the desire to win in difficult situations. Be healthy, loved and successful!

Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to work colleagues in postcards and pictures

With the arrival of February, many have already taken a break from the New Year and Christmas holidays and are ready to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. As a rule, such an important event as the main men's holiday is celebrated on a grand scale not only within the family circle, but also at work. If you want to congratulate your male colleagues in an original way, send everyone a beautiful postcard or picture with Best wishes. Undoubtedly, such congratulations on February 23, 2019 in postcards will put you in a festive mood and bring a touch of carefree and fun into office everyday life.

Pictures from a postcard with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

Touching congratulations to men on February 23, 2019 in verse

The twenty-third of February at work can be celebrated in such a way that the event will be remembered for a long time by everyone present. When creating your script, be sure to include touching congratulations from February 23 to men in verse - from the options presented below. Let your colleagues feel like real heroes of the day, reliable defenders, loyal knights.

We choose congratulation poems for male colleagues on the upcoming February 23

On this solemn date
I congratulate the men.
In civil and military life
You are our most reliable rear;

For beloved women - support
(Brides, wives, sisters, mothers);
Your advice, your kind eye and smile
They will help you on the most difficult of days.

Thank you for being there!
From the Defender of the Motherland in the afternoon!
We wish you health and happiness,
And have fun living with a sparkle!

Longevity to our men
We wish on this day.
After all, on the threshold - Twenty-third!
Lilacs bloom in the souls of men.

They are congratulated and kissed,
They wish you happiness and love.
Men are spoiled with gifts,
And all the remaining days:

They prepare a very tasty dinner,
Children are born expensive.
Everything so that you don’t feel sad,
I wouldn’t trade it for others!

The strongest, the bravest,
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad to have you.

Today we congratulate you together,
We wish you success, good luck and prosperity.
Your February day has now arrived,
May it give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

Brave, honest, even courageous,
Smart, kind, fearless at heart.
With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,
All the tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
Roy kind words let it swirl above you:
Happiness, health, love and patience,
Faith, good luck, hope, luck!

Cool congratulations on February 23, 2019 with humor

There are many jokes, gags and pranks associated with Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, most often, men receive cool congratulations on February 23 with humor from their female colleagues - poetry, a funny postcard by email, short SMS. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day 2019, we have selected several cool congratulations in poetry and prose.

Options for funny humorous congratulations on February 23

Be young today
Start it all with a cucumber
Eat some herring
Polish everything with vodka,
Five hundred grams, or half a liter,
Holiday understand the palette,
Let it not be the salad that helps,
Wait for the fireworks brother,
And here is the second one,
Let's celebrate, dear!

February 23 is the best day of the calendar!
The men, in the heat of excitement, ferment until March 8th.
And then, like our grandfathers, they go into battle until Victory Day!
Well, there, between us, New Year not far away!

Please accept congratulations
February 23,
Fun awaits all the men,
The whole family gives gifts.

Let him stock up on humor
To sincerely thank
After all, he will have to
Keep memories.

I wish you to swell with luck,
And not from beer and barbecue,
And be in a great mood
Leave the sofa for later.

Let's salute a worthy guy! You are a man, a hero! On this February day, we sing a hymn praising your brave heart and fearless soul. Let life please you with incessant money attacks, stunning volleys of love and fireworks from bright events.

I wish you a glorious walk, our protector, on February 23rd with all my heart. Let the champagne flow like a river and the laughter of beauties be groovy. So that the money in your pocket does not run out and the fun continues forever. I wish you real friends, faithful wife and a complete absence of failures in life.

Beautiful congratulations on the upcoming February 23rd to men at work

We spend a significant part of the day at work, in the circle of our family. Therefore, over time, colleagues become almost family people with whom it is pleasant to communicate and celebrate any holiday. So, a beautiful congratulation on February 23 will appeal to all male employees - happy birthday to you!

Texts of beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues in the office

We warmly congratulate you,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone remembers, honors and loves.

And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men.

Twenty third of February
Red calendar day!
We want to congratulate the men,
And glorify the heroes in them!
Wish you great happiness,
Protect yourself from bad weather!
Family peace,
Salary without interruption,
Health for many years,
And the weather is always clear!

On this February holiday of men
I wish you not to be sad for no reason,
Do not know grief and do not know sadness,
So that your eyes shine with happiness!

I wish you to live in peace and harmony,
And your wives loved you reverently,
So that the house is a rich, full cup,
And may your wishes come true!

Dear defender!
I cordially congratulate you on your holiday! Wish You happiness and health. Let luck be your guiding star! Be a Man with a capital M, a real support for your loved ones! Never give up and just go forward!

The best day for men is February 23! Congratulations on the holiday, have a great holiday in friendly company. May all your plans come true and may your spirits rise! All the best to you!

New congratulations on February 23, 2019 on video

Men will be happy to appreciate a beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019 - in the video you will find new holiday ideas.

Video with new congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

So, here are the most beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male colleagues at work - official organizations in prose in your own words, funny ones with humor in verse, traditional and new, pictures and postcards. Happy upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Our dear clients,
Congratulations today.
Be courageous, be fearless
Even in the darkest hour.

Find solutions correctly
Don't leave your friends in trouble.
Let it be “definitely” and not “probably”
Your words mean everywhere.

And may you always be surrounded
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.
May you be loved and respected
Let everything be given to you without effort.

Dear clients! Congratulations on the most brutal holiday of the year - February 23! I would like to wish you more strength, patience, good luck and goodness! May there always be peace and tranquility in your homes. Let your loved ones always be under your impenetrable protection! I wish that more worthy defenders of the Motherland grow up in your families, so that they can always take your example of bravery, bravery and justice!

Happy Defender's Day, our clients!
May you be happy and loved.
Strength, patience, good spirits,
And in business - no feather and no fluff!

There's no doubt you're flawless
So may you all be healthy forever,
And smart, and decently powerful,
And they are always inseparable from success.

And be a strong wall in the house,
You will never know grief
And live in peace, in peace.
Positive! Wider smiles!

Dear clients, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, your family give you strength and inspiration, your work bring the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

Happy 23rd, clients,
Let the percentage of happiness increase,
Let there be health and income
They make you happy, we wish you, let him come

Joy to you, success - we respect
You, and therefore we congratulate
Happy holiday, and we wish you all the best,
Let the problems melt away like snow!

Just never leave us
Get bonuses more often
After all, we are satisfied with the cooperation,
We wish you to live an easy, calm life!

Dear clients! We wish that the state never needs protection. And you never told how this is done. Let your heroic life consist only of gallant deeds and the conquest of women's souls. And so that instead of weapons you would carry beautiful ladies in your arms.

Our valuable, dear, different,
Our dear clients,
Congratulations on your holiday today,
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Let's cooperate
Successful and fruitful!
And we will be each other's support
Solving life's little things quickly!

The holidays are coming up - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and then Women's Day. It's time to write congratulations to colleagues, partners, clients, but inspiration has disappeared somewhere. What to do? You can use the hint plan!

Most congratulations are written in one of two ways. The first option begins with a congratulatory phrase, and the second ends with it.

How to write congratulations using this plan? Just choose the option that suits you, fill in the required fields, and you're done! Here, for example, is congratulations on February 23rd according to option No. 1.

But congratulations on Women's Day according to option No. 2

Here are a few more examples - for different holidays.

New Year


Congratulations to the best colleagues on the most magical holiday!


Everyone has their own expectations from this holiday.

Hopes, wishes

Let the secret things you dream about come true! Stay positive and bright in any situation, even difficult situation. Let your colleagues, friends, loved ones please you with understanding and support.

Let your homes be warm and cozy, so that you come to work with joy and sparkle in your eyes!

Final phrase

Happy New Year!



Dear Timur Sergeevich!


On behalf of the ABC company and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday!

Merits of the recipient

The company you head is the leader of the Russian IT market, and this is undoubtedly another confirmation of your professionalism and ability to make the right business decisions.

Hopes, wishes

On this day, we would like to wish you success in business, the implementation of creative ideas, health, optimism and prosperity.

Final phrase

We are proud to cooperate with you!

Secretary's Day


Dear Colleagues,

Event designation

Today is our holiday - International Secretary's Day!

Event value

Our profession is in the top five most in demand in the world! This is a reason to be proud!

Merits of the recipient

We are wise, sensitive, attentive, observant, inventive. We give joy to others – and we are also the face of the company!

Hopes, wishes

Let this face be charming!

Final phrase

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

To make it easier for you to use the plan, we have prepared a set of phrases for each item.


Address, greeting

  • Dear... Dear...
  • Dear Colleagues! Dear ladies! Our dear accounting employees! Dear fellow countrymen!
  • Friends, colleagues, our valued clients and suppliers!
  • Our dear and beloved women!


  • Congratulations on...
  • We sincerely congratulate you on...
  • The management of the company "N" congratulates...
  • Please accept our sincere congratulations on (the occasion of)…
  • Please accept warm heartfelt congratulations on...
  • On behalf of all employees... allow me to congratulate you...
  • On behalf of the entire team, congratulations...
  • The team of company "X" congratulates...
  • On behalf of the ABC company and on my own behalf, I congratulate
  • I sincerely congratulate you on...
  • My heartfelt congratulations..
  • I am sincerely pleased to congratulate...
  • On this sunny day, allow me to congratulate...
  • In conclusion have a nice year so nice to congratulate...
  • In the midst of spring, congratulations...

Event designation

  • Today is our holiday - International Secretary's Day!
  • The New Year is sweeping across the country, the most favorite holiday of all children - and adults who have retained a bit of childhood in their souls.
  • The arrival of spring is marked by a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day!
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of nobility, courage and military glory.
  • The meaning of a holiday, event, profession
  • The New Year gives us happiness and joy, brings warmth and comfort to every home.
  • The New Year is an occasion to take stock and set new goals. New Year is a holiday filled with light, looking towards the future.
  • Today it is builders who set guidelines and standards effective development country's economy...
  • The profession of a secretary is in the top five most in demand in the world! This is a reason to be proud!


  • The passing year has given us the joys of meetings and discoveries, small and big victories. We have lived through an eventful year and created a good foundation for the future.
  • The past year has been busy important events, bold projects and successful work all divisions of the company.
  • A woman has always been a symbol of beauty, mercy, sensitivity and kindness.

Merits of the recipient

  • I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for your productive work and good deeds. An energetic and united team is the main asset of our company.
  • People who work at your company wonderful people, devoted to their difficult profession, dedicating their wealth of experience, knowledge and strength to it.
  • Thanks to our joint efforts, new projects and plans are being implemented, bringing us great satisfaction and income, and our clients - joy.
  • Let me note the skill with which you conduct a dialogue with partners, the ability to competently analyze the situation and systematize important information, the ability to think creatively...
  • The wise say: “Happy is he who loves to do what he must do.” Seeing your work, we sincerely believe that you are happy.
  • You are a professional and a leader with a capital letter...

Hopes, wishes

  • With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones the fulfillment of all your desires, health and prosperity.
  • We wish you well-being, prosperity, success in work, fruitful cooperation, reliable partners, conquering new markets, and career advancement.
  • May your cherished wishes come true, and may the coming year be bright, successful, and happy.
  • Let 2017 live up to the most good hopes and will bring peace, health and prosperity to every family. May everything you wish for during the chimes in the last minutes of the outgoing year come true! Let your reliable partners, colleagues, relatives and friends be nearby! We are sure that many pleasant events await us next year! May the coming year be filled with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all news programs will be occupied not by show business news, but by news of your sensational successes!
  • ... Realization of creative ideas ... Fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation ... Good luck and fair winds in all endeavors ... Strong financial position ... Thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects ... Wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency ... Professional growth ... Confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism... Cheerfulness of spirit and good mood... Remain full of energy and love of life... An unchanging sense of humor... Fulfillment of all your most cherished desires... More reasons for joy and fun... Long happy years surrounded by people who love you... True happiness and beautiful love... Delightful flowers and gallant fans ... Safe roads and trouble-free operation... Success in business and achieving your goals... Thoughtful decisions and implementation of your projects... Wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency... Good luck and new achievements for the benefit of the company.
  • Let your spring be illuminated by sunshine! Let spring warmth reign outside the window and in your soul! On March 8th, we wish you beauty, confidence, professionalism and competence.
  • May your path always be good, may peace, harmony and love reign in every day you live!
  • On this significant day, joining numerous congratulations, I wish you good health, inexhaustible vigor, prosperity and warmth in your home, success in fulfilling all your plans.


  • We thank you for the attention you provide to our business club by heading its Board of Trustees.
  • Thank you for your invaluable experience, for being reliable and interesting to work with.
  • Thank you for your endurance and patience, for your loyalty to the profession!
  • Final phrase
  • Happy upcoming holiday to you, Dear friends! Happy New Year 2017!
  • Happy New Year!
  • With wishes of happiness and prosperity to each of you...

Plans, examples and a dictionary can be downloaded in the application. Use them - and let your congratulations always please the recipient.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day- in Russia it is a holiday for all men, regardless of whether they have anything to do with military service and directly to the defense of the state. And, of course, on this day we all strive to congratulate our family, friends and acquaintances by preparing gifts, pleasant little things and, of course, postcards from February 23rd.

Someone will say that the strong half of humanity does not consider this date a holiday and does not need congratulations, but this is a misconception. It is known that every person is pleased to receive gifts, be it his personal holiday, such as his birthday, or a general one, such as Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is also important to understand that any congratulation is not only a reason to give a person a pleasant surprise and say kind words, but also an opportunity to improve the corporate image and gain additional “points” in the business environment.

Corporate card for February 23

Every company that wants to be successful must take care of corporate congratulations happy holidays including postcards from February 23rd for men. A well-chosen postcard will certainly become not just a formal sign of attention, but also, for example, an incentive to establish a trusting relationship with your company or a reason for pride for your employees and partners.

Corporate cards for February 23 quite often found in enterprises and companies related to military service or related areas of activity, but everyone else often does not pay due attention to this date. But in vain! Think about how the opinion of your company will improve for a person who reads a congratulatory text in a high-quality and pleasant-to-touch postcard? It doesn’t matter whether this postcard is addressed to the head of a higher structure or it is a postcard from February 23rd to male colleagues, in any case the effect will be positive.

It is also important to decide on the format of the congratulations: whether it will be personal in nature and addressed to everyone personally, or whether it will immediately apply to an entire department or even the entire team. Each of these options has its own advantages, the main thing is to decide which format suits your corporate ethics in the company.

Congratulations to partners and colleagues on February 23

Congratulations for partners and large clients should have a more official look, but the design of a postcard from February 23rd for colleagues can be either serious or humorous. In any case, what your postcard will look like depends only on your wishes and imagination. Also, any postcard can always be designed in corporate colors and supplemented with the organization’s logo. When using interesting textured paper or embossing, it is not necessary to add any original image, whereas if, on the contrary, you opt for a bright picture, additional “decorations” will simply not be needed. Congratulatory postcard from February 23 for male colleagues it can be framed with congratulations in verse, kind words in prose, and a funny joke. The postcard format can also be absolutely any: from standard to original.

Every time I get ready order postcards from February 23, remember that with a well-made choice, you will receive not only a pleasant and economical gift, but also an invitation to cooperation, a compliment, or even a real work of art.

Don't skimp on things that can improve your corporate image and make your company even more recognizable. Do not spare kind words for partners, clients and colleagues. Don't forget that you are beautiful postcard with company logo, a well-written congratulation is always better than an absent-minded verbal congratulation on the holiday.