Using fabric softener: is it needed when washing, and how else can it be useful in the household? Fabric softeners, selection and reviews Which fabric softener is better for washing

Washing conditioner is an additional product that makes laundry soft, color durable, and the aroma of washed items pleasant. While adult air conditioning has become an integral attribute When caring for things, some mothers treat baby mouthwash with caution.

The main task of any good conditioner is to ensure softness and tenderness of washed laundry. Baby fabric softeners must, among other things, be hypoallergenic so as not to cause skin irritation.

The best children's fabric softener has the following characteristics:

  • does not have a strong odor (newborns react sharply to specific odors);
  • the antistatic effect of the baby conditioner ensures easy ironing and prevents unpleasant cracking when changing clothes;
  • a special gentle formula guarantees increased softness even after repeated washing;
  • all components of the baby laundry detergent are easy to rinse without remaining on the surface of the laundry in the form of a sticky residue;
  • retains the shape of children's underwear and does not distort colors.

Children's laundry conditioner: how to choose a good and high-quality fabric softener

The range of products for washing children's clothes allows you to make the most right choice. Many reviews from mothers about air conditioners indicate that the main mistake during the purchase is focusing on the price of the product. There is a misconception that the more expensive a fabric softener is, the less chemical additives it contains. In fact, any rinse aid consists of surfactants (surfactants), silicone, fragrance and cationic substances. The quality of the air conditioner does not depend on the amount of fragrances, but on the percentage of surfactants (5–15%). The main task is to determine a set of individual requirements.

Interestingly, in order to determine the quality of the product right in the store, you should shake the bottle: a large amount of foam is typical for low-quality rinses.

Test purchase: rating of high-quality softeners for washing children's clothes

Daily washing is a kind of test for clothes. Plaque from detergents and powders settle over time on the inner layers of the fabric, actually attracting dust, dirt and unpleasant odors. Each new wash without using conditioner makes children's clothes rough to the touch, colors fade, and fabrics become deformed.

Using an air conditioner solves this problem. Baby mouthwash helps not only soften things, but also forms an invisible protective film. Surfactants become a kind of shield against dirt and mineral salts, which are extremely difficult to rinse.

TOP 6 effective conditioners for rinsing baby clothes: which baby conditioner is better?

#1: Lenor

The first among the frequently purchased air conditioners is Lenor. Its antistatic properties, thick consistency and pleasant smell have been approved by several million mothers in Europe and Russia. The product protects children's things from wear and tear and can be used from birth.

No. 2: Vernel

An inexpensive product that helps restore things to their former softness and tenderness. It has a somewhat rich, but not pungent aroma. Suitable for any type of fabric. "Vernel" carefully looks after children's clothes and terry products. Suitable for manual and automatic washing.

No. 3: "Eared Nanny"

The most popular children's laundry conditioner in our country. In demand due to the optimal price-quality ratio. The delicate, light scent lasts for several days after washing. The white thick consistency without dyes and the soft aroma of the mouthwash allow it to be used from the first days of the baby’s birth. Production - Russia.

#4: Cotico

Relatively expensive products from an Israeli manufacturer. Provides excellent care for children's linen, removes powder residues, and gives the linen a delicate aroma. After the items are completely dry, ironing is as easy as possible. Additional components included in children's fabric softener prevent the formation of pellets and neutralize static electricity.

No. 5: "Weasel"

Gentle care for children's things at the best price - this is the Laska air conditioner. There is a whole series of this rinse aid. Suitable for both black and white laundry. Has antistatic and hypoallergenic properties. Can be used for hand washing in cold water and for machine washing. The unobtrusive smell of freshness lasts for a long time.

No. 6: E

One of the most expensive options. This conditioner for children's clothes and linen has additional color preservation properties and prevents the formation of pilling. No dyes, imparts softness to all types of fabrics.

How to choose a baby conditioner

The best conditioner for baby clothes is a delicate and proven product that not only maintains the softness of the fabric, but is also safe for the baby’s delicate skin. There are several main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a product.

  1. Compliance of air conditioners with GOST.
  2. Optimal price: very cheap rinses should raise suspicion.
  3. Medium to thick consistency.
  4. Unobtrusive aroma.
  5. Composition: components such as chloroform, terpineol, benzyl acetate should not be present.

Comment on the article "How to choose a conditioner for baby clothes"

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Washing conditioner is an additional product that makes laundry soft, color durable, and the aroma of washed items pleasant. While conditioner for adults has become an integral part of caring for clothes, some mothers are wary of baby softener.

What is baby fabric softener?

The main task of any good conditioner is to ensure softness and tenderness of washed laundry. Baby fabric softeners must, among other things, be hypoallergenic so as not to cause skin irritation.

The best children's fabric softener has the following characteristics:

  • does not have a strong odor (newborns react sharply to specific odors);
  • the antistatic effect of the baby conditioner ensures easy ironing and prevents unpleasant cracking when changing clothes;
  • a special gentle formula guarantees increased softness even after repeated washing;
  • all components of the baby laundry detergent are easy to rinse without remaining on the surface of the laundry in the form of a sticky residue;
  • retains the shape of children's underwear and does not distort colors.

How to choose a quality fabric softener

The range of products for washing children's clothes allows you to make the most correct choice. Many reviews from mothers about air conditioners indicate that the main mistake during the purchase is focusing on the price of the product. There is a misconception that the more expensive a fabric softener is, the less chemical additives it contains. In fact, any rinse aid consists of surfactants (surfactants), silicone, fragrance and cationic substances. The quality of the air conditioner does not depend on the amount of fragrances, but on the percentage of surfactants (5–15%). The main task is to determine a set of individual requirements.

Interestingly, in order to determine the quality of the product right in the store, you should shake the bottle: a large amount of foam is typical for low-quality rinses.

Test purchase: rating of high-quality softeners for washing children's clothes
Daily washing is a kind of test for clothes. Over time, deposits from detergents and powders settle on the inner layers of fabric, actually attracting dust, dirt and unpleasant odors. Each new wash without using conditioner makes children's clothes rough to the touch, colors fade, and fabrics become deformed.

Using an air conditioner solves this problem. Baby mouthwash helps not only soften things, but also forms an invisible protective film. Surfactants become a kind of shield against dirt and mineral salts, which are extremely difficult to rinse.

TOP 6 effective rinses

  1. Lenor. The first among the frequently purchased air conditioners is Lenor. Its antistatic properties, thick consistency and pleasant smell have been approved by several million mothers in Europe and Russia. The product protects children's things from wear and tear and can be used from birth.
  2. Vernel. An inexpensive product that helps restore things to their former softness and tenderness. It has a somewhat rich, but not pungent aroma. Suitable for any type of fabric. "Vernel" carefully looks after children's clothes and terry products. Suitable for manual and automatic washing.
  3. "Eared nanny." The most popular children's laundry conditioner in our country. In demand due to the optimal price-quality ratio. The delicate, light scent lasts for several days after washing. The white thick consistency without dyes and the soft aroma of the mouthwash allow it to be used from the first days of the baby’s birth. Production - Russia.
  4. Cotico. Relatively expensive products from an Israeli manufacturer. Provides excellent care for children's linen, removes powder residues, and gives the linen a delicate aroma. After the items are completely dry, ironing is as easy as possible. Additional components included in children's fabric softener prevent the formation of pellets and neutralize static electricity.
  5. "Weasel." Gentle care for children's things at the best price - this is the Laska conditioner. There is a whole series of this rinse aid. Suitable for both black and white laundry. Has antistatic and hypoallergenic properties. Can be used for hand washing in cold water and for machine washing. The unobtrusive smell of freshness lasts for a long time.
  6. E. One of the most expensive options. This conditioner for children's clothes and linen has additional color preservation properties and prevents the formation of pilling. No dyes, imparts softness to all types of fabrics.

The best conditioner for baby clothes is a delicate and proven product that not only maintains the softness of the fabric, but is also safe for the baby’s delicate skin. There are several main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a product:

  • compliance of air conditioners with GOST;
  • optimal price: very cheap rinses should arouse suspicion;
  • medium or thick consistency;
  • unobtrusive aroma;
  • composition: components such as chloroform, terpineol, benzyl acetate should not be present.

Fabric softener is an indispensable product that gives softness and a wonderful aroma to clothes and bed linen after washing. Manufacturers of household chemicals strive to satisfy the needs of demanding customers by producing products of the highest quality. The best softeners for adult and children's underwear contain high-quality safe components. The rating of the portal presents well-proven products that are in high demand among consumers, which are placed in the sequence below.

A wide range of fabric softeners makes it difficult for consumers to choose.

In order to decide on the best ones, it is recommended to buy tested products.

When choosing an additional detergent, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Environmental friendliness– the presence of components with a full biodegradation cycle in the product. As a result, the product becomes environmentally friendly, is easily rinsed out of clothes and does not pollute the environment, since under the influence of external factors it breaks down into simple chemical elements.
  2. Health safety– responsible manufacturers do not use aggressive elements in their products that contribute to the development of dangerous diseases and allergic reactions.
  3. Ease of use. The packages are equipped with special dosing caps and watering can spouts that allow you to measure the amount of conditioner required according to the instructions.
  4. Smell. High-quality laundry treatment products have an unobtrusive light aroma that does not irritate the sense of smell and does not cause negative associations.
  5. Economical. This indicator depends on the concentration of the product. The higher it is, the longer the product will be used.
  6. Price. It depends on the brand, volume and composition of the purchased product.

These indicators will allow you to choose a quality product that will not disappoint customers.

1. Vernel

Branded products from Henkel are market leaders. The main advantage of Vernel conditioners is that they protect and soften fabrics, providing natural and synthetic fabrics with their natural softness. The antistatic effect prevents things from becoming electrified, making them more comfortable to wear. It has been found that using conditioner in the final rinse speeds up the drying of laundry and makes ironing easier.

The Vernel line does not irritate the skin, and the safe Vernel Sensitive series has been developed for people prone to allergic reactions.

When washing children's clothes, you can use Vernel for children.


  • safe composition based on cationic surfactants that are completely biodegradable;
  • efficiency;
  • fast and high-quality results;
  • Convenient packaging and ease of use.

Disadvantages: Limits use on breathable fabrics and microwave-safe material.

Prices: from 159 to 740 rubles. depending on composition and volume.

Prices Air conditioning Vernel Fresh breeze:

2. Lenor

The best fabric softeners rightfully include products from the famous manufacturer Procter&Gamble. The liquid is packaged in convenient containers of 0.5, 1 and 5 liters, allowing you to purchase the required amount of product based on the individual needs of customers. The palette of fragrances is represented by the following compositions:

  • Apple orchard;
  • Alpine meadows;
  • Scandinavian spring;
  • Caribbean flowers.

Customer reviews posted on specialized Internet resources indicate that regular use of conditioner preserves the shape of items after washing.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • ease of use;
  • provides softness, freshness and antistatic properties to fabrics after washing;
  • facilitates the ironing process;
  • increases the wear resistance of things;
  • helps preserve the color palette of products.

The disadvantages include the low concentration of the product. Prices: from 112 to 420 rubles. depending on composition and volume.

“Long ago I discovered Lenor fabric softener, which has become indispensable when doing laundry. With its use, things become tender, soft, have a pleasant smell, and do not become electrified. This brand of air conditioner is also available for sale for children. Its main advantage is hypoallergenicity.”
Olga, Moscow

Prices Lenor fabric conditioner Scandinavian spring:

3. Eared Nian

To soften and impart antistatic properties to children's underwear, the specialized conditioner Ushasty Nyan is best suited. It contains a minimal amount (no more than 5%) of safe surfactants of cationic origin.

The dermatologist-tested conditioner does not have a negative effect on sensitive skin of infants.

The manufacturer offers for sale a natural product with various safe additives, which include:

  • aloe – softening, moisturizing and soothing skin baby;
  • lavender – relaxing, calming, improves sleep and relieves stress;
  • cashmere – giving special softness to wool and wool blend products.

Thanks to the presence of silicone in the composition, the ironing process is greatly facilitated.


  • safety and hypoallergenic;
  • naturalness;
  • ease of use.

No disadvantages have been identified with this product.

Prices: from 62 to 155 rubles. depending on composition and volume.

“Since my daughter is allergic to household chemicals, I decided to try fabric softener - Eared Nannies. I purchased this product, which contains aloe vera extract. Quite reasonable price, pleasant smell, things become soft after washing and iron well. The air conditioner is used sparingly. I was very pleased that the products do not cause allergies.”
Irina, Nizhny Tagil

Prices Baby fabric softener Eared nannies with Aloe vera extract:

4. Cotico

The Russian brand of environmentally friendly household chemicals logically combines the high standards of Israeli technology with an affordable pricing policy in its products. Cotico hypoallergenic fabric softeners are well-deservedly popular among consumers, as evidenced by their high ratings. Rinse aids will give linen and clothes a special softness, extraordinary tenderness, neutralize excess static electricity, and facilitate the ironing process. The use of conditioner will allow fabrics to retain their strength and bright color palette for a long time.

Linen is easy to iron after treatment and does not form pills.


  • safety;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • efficiency;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • ergonomic dispenser shape;
  • delicate light aroma.

Disadvantages - the lack of a protective valve on the dispenser for easy shaking of the product.

Prices: from 126 to 259 rubles. depending on composition and volume.

Prices Fabric softener COTICO Orchid:

5. Clean home

Fabric softeners from the Russian brand Clean home are represented by a series of universal and special (for children's laundry) rinses. A unique formula based on cationic surfactants makes the compositions safe and environmentally friendly. Depending on the perfume additives used, the manufacturer offers the following varieties of its products:

  • Russian forest;
  • Apple orchard;
  • Alpine meadows;
  • For children's clothing and linen.

The use of conditioner allows products to retain the brightness of their colors longer, gives them special softness and freshness, makes them resistant to dirt, and also extends the life of things, better preserving their shape. The compositions are packaged in convenient plastic containers with a volume of 1 liter.


  • versatility;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • affordable price with high quality.

There are no deficiencies identified with this product.

Prices: from 163 to 1390 rubles. depending on composition and volume.

Prices Fabric softener Clean Home antibacterial:


Safe and high-quality rated fabric softeners make the washing process easier and leave your laundry crystal clean and fragrant. They help fabrics retain their original properties and prolong the durability of linen.

To ensure maximum effect, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations, which are set out on the packaging. You can often hear the opinion that air conditioning is just a publicity stunt and has no real effect. Some people are embarrassed by the additional expenses, others are annoyed by the strong smell, and others don’t even think about using the product. However, the benefits of conditioner are not only for laundry, but also for washing machine

– the product softens water. The problem remains only in choosing a brand, a suitable aroma and the desired effect when washing.

Why it's worth a try Air conditioning is an additional means to washing powder

. The cleaner has other names - rinse aid, softener, antistatic. In fact, the difference between a fabric softener and a fabric softener is only in the name and in specifying the stage at which the product is applied. “Rinse aid” speaks for itself - for rinsing clothes at the last stage of washing.

Chemical composition

Store shelves are full of bottle names and shapes. However, any air conditioner has almost the same composition, the only difference is in additional substances that give a certain smell and extend the shelf life. The required components of softeners and their purpose are presented in the table.

Table - Action and purpose of air conditioner components

The surfactant content in the rinse aid should not be less than 5%. Surfactants combined with silicone prevent pilling, smooth and soften fabrics. Depending on the formula, silicone gives the air conditioner different properties - the ability to absorb or repel moisture. Some softeners do not contain silicone. The rinse aid also contains thickeners and fragrance, which impart uniform density and aroma to washed items.

Positive effect

  • dirt-repellent effect– the film created on the fabric surface prevents rapid contamination, things remain clean longer;
  • softening – used to soften linen made from different fabrics;
  • maintaining flowers– colored items do not fade and retain their color longer;
  • easy ironing – thanks to the softening and smoothing of the fabric during washing, the ironing process becomes easier;
  • antistatic effect– neutralizes static electricity, which is important for wool and synthetic fabrics;
  • aromatization – repels unpleasant odors, giving the laundry a fresh and pleasant aroma.

What things is it suitable for?

Fabric softener is not suitable for all fabrics. Rinsing with a special product has a positive effect on cotton, linen, synthetic, and woolen items.

The properties of the rinse aid have a bad effect on:

  • silk – streaks and stains remain;
  • shapewear elastic underwear– deforms, elasticity decreases;
  • water-repellent impregnation– the fabric loses its properties.

Additives allow you to use the rinse for starching, adding fluffiness, and maintaining brightness. For children's things and delicate items it is necessary to use special softeners. A label with the corresponding symbol on the clothing will help you understand whether conditioner can be applied to a certain fabric.

Potential Harm

The modern world has become mobile largely thanks to the chemical industry. However, every schoolchild knows that chemicals carry potential harm for good health. When choosing an air conditioner, many people wonder about the dangers of the components and try to choose a safe, hypoallergenic product. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from chemicals, but when choosing an air conditioner you should pay attention to potentially dangerous substances:

  • linalool – gives the aroma of lilies of the valley;
  • A-terpineol – imitates the smell of lilac;
  • benzyl alcohol– used to impart a jasmine scent to linen;
  • chloroform - used as a solvent;
  • ethanol - necessary for canning and retaining odors.

All these chemical compounds can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and dizziness if present in large quantities. Therefore, it is better to avoid drugs containing them. In any case, when using the conditioner, the dosage should be strictly observed, and the bottle with the product should be kept away from curious children.

Addition for manual and automatic washing

Traditionally, conditioner is used for automatic washing machines, but can also be used for hand washing. The only difference is the dosage and the period of addition.

  • Automatic washing. Rinse aid is added to the washing machine before the cycle begins. The receiving tray has a special compartment for liquid conditioner, which usually has a narrow opening and is marked with a flower. The conditioner in a special dispensing container can be placed in the drum or poured into the compartment immediately before the rinse mode. It is not necessary to add fabric softener during every wash. You can alternate cycles with only powder and conditioner.
  • Handwash . The product is dissolved in water before the final rinse. The laundry is soaked for several minutes in a basin, wrung out and hung out to dry. There is no need to rinse clothes additionally after conditioning.

For any type of washing, it is important to observe proportions and dosages in accordance with the volume of the washing machine and the amount of laundry. To do this, just use the cap from the bottle or a special dispenser. The nuances of use can be found in the instructions included with the label.

How else can you use it?

The ways to use conditioner don't end with washing. Few people know that rinse aid is useful for household needs during general cleaning. With air conditioning the following are carried out:

  • washing windows in apartments and cars;
  • cleaning leather items;
  • washing laminate;
  • cleaning tiles;
  • cleaning carpet from wool;
  • removing old wallpaper.

For washing and cleaning, you need to prepare a conditioner solution. Usually take four parts of warm water to one part of the product. To rid the carpet of wool, mix the solution in a 1:1 ratio. In its pure form, the rinse aid can be used to repair a stuck zipper slider: just apply a little of the product to the zipper.

Fabric softener: what each type is needed for

Among all the variety of products, choosing the best fabric softener is quite difficult. Housewives usually act at random, trying different products in accordance with their tactile sensations and sense of smell. Let's figure out what types of air conditioners there are, what you should pay attention to when choosing.


Concentrated rinse aid is convenient to use. Despite the high cost compared to conventional air conditioners, the concentrate helps save money. This rinse aid contains a large amount of active substances, so one wash requires no more than half the usual dose of conditioner.

Distinctive features of the concentrate:

  • economical - enough for a large number of washes, 700 ml can be extended for a year;
  • customary use– poured into the compartment for air conditioners, does not require dilution with water;
  • small dosage– a small amount of the product works no worse than the usual dose of regular air conditioner.


You should select a conditioner for baby clothes with great care. Clothes after rinsing should not only be soft, but also hypoallergenic and not cause irritation to the skin. It is recommended to wash children's clothes under three years of age only with fabric softener.

For newborn clothes, special “baby” conditioners without fragrances and harmful substances. The quality of the product is checked in the store: after shaking the bottle, a lot of foam should not form.

Rules for choosing conditioner for baby clothes:

  • no fragrance– the product does not have a pronounced odor;
  • “soft” base – does not contain chloroform, benzyl acetate, terpineol, ethanol;
  • GOST – the product must be certified and comply with GOST standards;
  • age marking– you should look for bottles marked “0+”;
  • average price - cheap products usually contain a lot of preservatives and thickeners.


Balm is a version of a “baby” mouthwash. Fabric conditioner suitable for sensitive skin infants, prevents allergies. It is recommended to add when washing towels, terry robes, bed linen, children's clothes, woolen and synthetic products.

Advantages of the balm over conventional conditioners:

  • no more than 25 ml is consumed per wash;
  • leaves no odor after drying;
  • removes static electricity;
  • suitable for delicate baby skin;
  • contains natural ingredients (surfactants of plant origin, proteins, oils).

With prefix "Eco"

People concerned about the health of loved ones and the state of the environment can choose eco-conditioner for washing children's clothes - natural remedy odorless or with a slight aroma of natural essential oils. The conditioner is suitable for clothes made from different fabrics.

The main difference between an environmentally friendly softener and other similar products is the plant origin of all components. The product does not contain:

  • sulfates;
  • petroleum products;
  • parabens;
  • phenols;
  • phosphates;
  • phthalates;
  • formaldehyde;
  • chlorine;
  • fragrances

The basis of the ecological rinse is water and plant surfactants. Caring mothers should take a closer look at these products.

If the conditioner has thickened for some reason, you can try diluting it with water. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates on the label what to do in this case. In the absence of any instructions, after unsuccessful attempts to dissolve the product in water, the bottle will have to be thrown away. It’s better not to take risks and not to use frozen rinse aid in the machine - the product will most likely clog the drains and will not be completely rinsed out of the clothes.


An unpopular dry conditioner consists of wipes soaked in product. The product is placed in the centrifuge before the start of the cycle or before the drying mode. The dosage depends on the volume of laundry washed. You can put a few pieces or a torn half. Also available in the form of fabric balls.


Another alternative to bottled conditioners with a strong odor can be special granules sold in bottles. Granular conditioner is difficult to classify as a traditional rinse aid, not only because of its shape. The product does not soften the fabric or protect against dirt, but it gives things freshness and a pleasant subtle aroma that lasts on clothes for a long time. Use perfumed conditioner, following five recommendations.

  1. Pour a sufficient amount of product from the bottle (the more, the stronger the smell).
  2. Load the laundry into the machine drum.
  3. Distribute granular rinse aid on top.
  4. Start the car as usual.
  5. Use traditional conditioner to soften your clothes.

Napkins and granular air freshener are difficult to find in Russia, but you can order them online or bring them from abroad. Housewives who have tried “non-standard” air conditioners leave extremely positive reviews, noting the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and unobtrusive aroma.

Do-it-yourself mouthwash: use 5 available products

Despite the availability of funds and big choice, some housewives are looking for something to replace fabric softener with. Some want to save money, others want to protect their loved ones from harmful effects synthetic components. We offer five home methods that help soften and dielectricize fabric using improvised means.

  1. Vinegar . A household softener known to housewives is added directly to the rinse aid compartment in the car. For one wash, 150-200 ml of vinegar is enough.
  2. Soda. Add 50 g of baking soda pre-diluted in water when washing automatically or manually. Soda softens water and whitens clothes.
  3. Salt . Dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  4. Hair balm. Mix 500 ml of water with 250 ml of vinegar and 150 ml of balm. Mix into a homogeneous mass. You can also grind five tablespoons of sea salt with three tablespoons of balm to make a paste.
  5. Mixture. Prepare a glass of soda and 9% vinegar. Pour half a liter of boiling water into a deep container. Dissolve soda in water, pour in vinegar. For aroma, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil. Pour the mixture into a bottle. Use 50 ml when washing.

It is recommended to prepare a gel paste from soap shavings (50 g), soda ash (50 g), glycerin (three tablespoons), borax (one tablespoon) and essential oil (three drops). Soda and soap are dissolved in boiling water, glycerin is added and mixed thoroughly. When the solution has cooled, add borax and oil.

Using fabric softener does not cause difficulties for modern housewives. The choice of a suitable rinse aid is up to customers. If you are intolerant to odor, it is better to use fragrance-free products or use self-prepared mixtures. Only by strictly following the instructions and dosages can you get soft clothes without any conditioner residues in the fabric.

Reviews: “And I add it to the water for the iron”

Is the conditioner for the smell? My towels are hard without it, but my man’s winter-autumn camouflages only cause electric shock if you wash them without conditioner. I always choose different ones, but I realized that the cheap ones have a weak antistatic effect, which is bad.

Goat Agatha,

I also add a drop of fabric softener to the ironing water. And the smell is pleasant, and it’s easier to iron, and it seems to be antistatic.

Vasilisa Mikulishna,

Of course I use fabric softener. I can’t say that I stick to the products of a particular company, but in any case, the laundry after the conditioner is much more pleasant to the touch.


I started using baby conditioners when I started washing baby tights, and now I buy them out of habit. I like them better. I think they are more gentle and the smell is not intrusive.


I make the mouthwash myself, without any chemicals! 1 glass of vinegar, the same amount of soda and 2 glasses of hot water, just a little inexpensive aromatic oil. The rinse aid is ready.

Irishka 55,