Drawing with sand on light tables is the topic of the lesson. Sand therapy on a light table for preschool children, methodological development on the topic

Drawing with sand on light tables for children is one of the ways to develop a child by involving him in game process. Sand painting allows you to expand the boundaries of what is “permissible,” and a light table allows you to enjoy the process at any time of the year.

From the first minutes of his life, a child learns about the surrounding reality and his place in it with the help of tactile sensations. That is why, only after learning to move, young researchers They want to touch and taste everything. Sand drawing is a psychological and pedagogical technique that will become the basis for the formation of memory, mental and speech activity children. And drawing with colored sand will allow, in parallel with mental activity, to control the psychological aspects of children's development.

Light table (tablet) for sand painting - what is it?

Before you begin the technique of drawing with sand on light tables for children, you need to understand what this device is.

A table or tablet is a box for sand painting. It can be made of the following materials:

  • Tree;
  • Plywood;
  • Plastic;

Devices are sold in the form of a table or tablet. Their main difference is the presence or absence of legs. If the child is not yet three years old, then sand drawing should take place on the floor. The baby should not stand on a chair, because, carried away by the game, he may fall from there. So you need to buy a tablet.

The table (device with legs) is suitable for children who have crossed the three-year mark. Special telescopic supports are height adjustable. Therefore, the table can “grow” with the baby. The best option for doubting parents is removable legs. Thanks to this function, the table quickly turns into a tablet.

Psychologists recommend using backlit screens that have a rectangular shape. The rectangle does not constrain the drawing format. Children can easily identify the central part of the composition. This shape helps create various symmetrical, geometric figures.

The device has sides that will prevent the material from spilling out. Adds ease of use to the “filling” of the table. It includes the following “filling”:

  • Compartment for storing residual bulk material;
  • Unbreakable frosted glass (polymer material);
  • Backlight consisting of LED strip;
  • Quartz sand.

Material of any color is suitable for drawing. However the best option Light, almost white tones are considered.

Benefits for the child and development of abilities

Drawing for children – The best way the realization of their fantasies and inner world. Watch small children. They always draw lines on paper with inspiration, without thinking about how beautiful their masterpiece is. The process itself is important to them.

Sand painting allows you to expand the boundaries of what is “permissible.” And a special device allows you to enjoy the process at any time of the year. Do the benefits of painting with colored sand end there, or are there many more?

  • Possibility to draw at home. Neither rain nor snow drifts are scary for young artists.
  • Reduce tension. The unhurried movements of the hands, pouring bulk material, calm the child and make him forget about all the troubles. The baby gets rid of nervous tension and learns calm and measured movements.
  • Formation of a creative personality. The baby can master any shape or design. The child has the opportunity to use his entire hand in drawing, starting from the index finger and ending with the edge of the palm. With the help of sand, the child recreates not only concrete, but also abstract concepts: wind, cold, love. He develops imagination. What adults see as simple curved lines evokes associations in the young artist with concepts that are important to him.
  • Development of fine motor skills of the hands. While teachers arrange classes for children with a variety of specially selected exercises, your creator will simply draw. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether his masterpiece has a plot or artistry. By pouring grains of sand from one hand to another, scattering them, drawing stripes on the glass with a finger, the child uses all the points on the hands and fingers necessary for development.
  • Getting a good mood. Even if the baby started drawing in a bad mood, a “sand art session” will provide him with positive emotions. He will calm down, get carried away by what is important to him, and will be imbued with the depth of the plot, invented independently or with the help of adults.

Rules for using a light table

Drawing with sand on glass is a fun activity. To make such a fun pastime convenient and comfortable for all participants in the creative process, you need to follow a number of rules.

  • The working area of ​​the box for “sand drawing” is glass. It's strong. However, even such a durable polymer material must be protected. Do not leave large or heavy things, toys or molds on it. Do not use objects that scratch the surface, as they can damage the hands of your young talent.
  • The sand becomes electrified. This ability poses a threat to the baby’s health. To avoid such undesirable consequences of the creative material, wipe the surface of the glass with an antiseptic material.
  • Dirt. The presence of debris in the material will lead to the appearance of small insects that will interfere with creativity and violate hygiene rules. It’s easy to prevent such violations: sift the sand through a fine sieve. If this important work If the young artist takes up the task, you will be able to instill in him work skills.
  • Lumps. When working with sand, the flowability of the material is important for children. However, the longer it is used, the more small lumps appear in it. Such an obstacle does not allow you to draw well. Washing will help restore the material to its former flowability. The grains of sand are then dried in the oven.

The influence of table lighting color on a child

Educators and psychologists unanimously agree that color plays a big role in personality development. Moreover, color shades can change the baby’s mood, eliminate anxiety, fatigue and apathy. Useful drawing on glass has another important advantage: it affects the baby’s psyche with color.

To achieve the desired goal, use painting with colored sand or multi-colored lighting.

Let's give brief description colors, the choice of which will allow you to competently influence the psyche of children.

  • Red. Strength, leadership. The abundance of red color causes aggression, so it must be used in extremely measured doses.
  • Orange. Optimism, joy, good mood and appetite. Relieves depression and fatigue.
  • Yellow. Focus, concentration. Helps cope with self-doubt and indecision.
  • Green. Quickly eliminates irritation and promotes deep, restful sleep.
  • Blue. Helps to find harmony, especially in family relationships.
  • Violet. Stabilizes mental imbalance, helps eliminate mental problems.

Playing with sand on a light table - list of exercises

When introducing the young genius to a new device for unusual art, tell him about the methods and techniques of drawing. Explain the meaning of all the equipment and materials: brushes, tray, container, sieve. For very young children, it is better to start playing with sand on a light table with an entertaining story or fairy tale. Don't forget to turn on the music.

Let us give examples of the simplest and effective exercises, which will help children master the exciting technique of sand drawing.

Preparatory exercise

The sand painting technique involves the ability to draw correct lines. Therefore, you need to start classes with an exercise that will teach kids how to properly pour material onto glass.

Let's look at how to learn how to draw with sand by drawing the correct lines of the desired shapes.

  • The child picks up grains of sand in his fist;
  • He puts his hand on the glass;
  • Slowly unclenching his fist, he “draws” lines.

Explain to your child that the lower the fist with sand is above the glass, the thicker the line will be. From a highly raised hand, an almost transparent but wide line will “fall” onto the table. The technique of drawing on sand for children is the ability to draw lines of different formations: zigzags, spirals, wide, narrow or transparent. Already drawn lines can be adjusted.

Drawing "Letters"

Sand painting involves the ability to “write.” Schoolchildren will be able to use beautiful capital or small letters. You can use both printed and handwritten versions.

Drawing "Sun"

The next step to understanding “sand art” is drawings. The simplest image is the sun. This is where young artists begin to hone their skills.

  • Raise a handful of sand 20 cm from the table;
  • Pour it onto the glass without moving your hand;
  • The bouncing grains of sand will “draw” a circle;
  • We level the material from the center, covering the sun;
  • With quick movements from left to right we form a background around the sun.

By constantly practicing sand drawing, the child improves his skills and acquires a unique style. Let his drawings be far from ideal. But they will help him show creativity, individuality, relieve stress and give him confidence in his abilities.

Drawing on the theme “New Year trees on the sand.” Master class with step by step photos

Shishatova Maria Arkadyevna
teacher visual arts MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Murom, Vladimir Region

Purpose: master class for children from 6 years old, teachers, parents, creative people.
Target: mastering the methods and techniques of sand painting Christmas trees. Harmonization of psycho-emotional state.
1. Studying the methods and techniques of sand painting.
2.Development of hand-eye coordination, right and left hemispheres of the brain; development of the ability to convey form.
3. exercise of fingers and hands;
4.development of artistic and aesthetic taste.

Materials: photographs, pictures of fir trees, quartz sand, light table.

Sand drawing is a new and at the same time simple type of visual activity, accessible to almost everyone and not requiring special training. Creating a sand painting is a fascinating process, it touches all areas of the senses, awakens creativity, relaxes and inspires at the same time.
Today we will learn how to draw Christmas trees on a light table with sand. different ways.
First, you need to look at pictures and photographs of fir trees. Talk about the peculiarities of their structure, read New Year's poems or fairy tales.

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters high.
An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed, surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.
What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!
(Sergey Mikhalkov)

Christmas tree No. 1
1. The first Christmas tree is the simplest. Even a baby can handle it. Pour sand into the center of the table in the form of an elongated slide.

2.Next, both the right and left hands work. From the center from the top to the sides we move the sand-branches apart, and then increase the size next to each other.

3.Thumb in a circular motion draw New Year's toys.

Herringbone No. 2
1. Let's make a background. To do this, we collect sand in our palms and distribute it evenly across the screen. It is important that the layer of sand is thin. The way we will draw the Christmas tree is called light on dark.

2. We start with an image of spruce branches in the snow. Using your thumb, draw small lines of the first row from top to bottom.

3.Next, alternate the rows in the same way. Each time reducing the number of branches. So that the shape of the tree becomes cone-shaped.

Herringbone No. 3
1. This is also a way of drawing light on dark. In the center we draw a line-trunk.

2. At the same time, with the right and left hands, draw branches from the center from above to the sides, and then increase the size next to each other.

3.Now we’ll make the Christmas tree fluffy. Using your thumb and index finger, we spread the sand, depicting furry needles.

4.Use your thumb in a circular motion to draw New Year’s toys.

Herringbone No. 4
1.Draw on light with dark. We take a handful of sand in a fist and in a thin stream pour out the outlines of a line reminiscent of an infinity sign. So, without stopping, we wrap the line all the way to the top of the head.

2. Decorate with balls. By adjusting the process of opening and closing the cam, we pour small handfuls of balls. We enliven them with highlights.

Herringbone No. 5
1.And one more fragment on how to draw a Christmas tree dark on light. This is the “spiral” method.

2. Here we draw in the same way as in the previous case - a rash from a fist. Just start from the top of the head and wrap the spiral, increasing it towards the bottom.

Herringbone No. 6
1.And these will already be close branches of a spruce tree with a New Year’s ball. The method is the same - drawing from a fist. We draw three main lines.

2.To the right and left side From each line, quickly and evenly pour sand in the form of pine needles at an angle.

3. We revive it, make strokes with the little finger.

4.Next, draw a ball with your thumb, moving from the center. Place a pinch of the design on the New Year's ball. The composition is ready.

Educational methodological development
Lesson notes for children with a complex defect structure

Sand drawing on light tables on the theme “Autumn”

Makarenko Svetlana Mikhailovna,
educational psychologist GBDOU kindergarten №104
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Program content.

1. Consolidate the idea of ​​autumn, repeat the signs of autumn

2. Enrichment and activation of vocabulary (cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, dry, hard, soft, wet)

3. Development of dialogic speech

4. Relieving psycho-emotional stress

5. Development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands (opening of the palm, straightening of the fingers, mobility of the hand)

Lesson structure:

1. Greeting children. Topic message

2. Working with sand. Motor exercises (“Hello, sand!”, “Sand rain”, unusual footprints”, etc.)

3. Drawing on the sand. We draw “autumn” (cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, etc.)

5. Free drawing.Chaikovsky " Autumn song»

6. Farewell

Equipment : light tables, sand, wet wipes, stereo system


Hello guys!




My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! Let's stand in a circle so that we can see each other clearly!

Children stand in a circle

We'll have another one today magical activity. But first, let's remember our names! We will pass the “Ball” around in a circle and when the “ball” is in your hands, you say your name! Let's start with me: “My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! And I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you remember what unusual tables are in the office? What's unusual about them???


They are magical, light, sand


Right. And today we will again draw with sand Autumn And let's remember the rulesdrawing. All this sand on your tables belongs to the sand fairy. The psychologist shows the Fairy doll. Today she allowed us to play with her favorite grains of sand. More than anything else, she loves when in her magical land children come and draw beautiful pictures, and she is very sad, she cries when her magic grains of sand are used to throw at each other! Therefore, let's remember the rules of behavior when we draw on tables.

We play together with sand

And we don’t cheat on our friends,

We draw on our desk

We won’t put our hands on another table!

Do you remember the rules? Well done!

Shall we promise the Fairy that we will follow the rules?




In order for us to get beautiful pictures, we need to say hello to the sand. We will stroke it, touch it, transfer it from one hand to the other.

From palm to palm

Sand is falling.

I'll play with him a little -

Let him tickle me.

Guys, tell me what kind of sand we have? Dry or wet?




Soft or hard?




Well done

Exercise “Hello, sand!”

The teacher asks to gently and then strongly greet the sand, that is, to touch the sand in various ways.

1. The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then with the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time.

2. The child lightly, and then with tension, squeezes his fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox.

3. The child touches the sand with his entire palm - the inside, then the back.

4. The child rubs sand between his fingers and palms.

Children perform

Exercise “Sand Rain”

Sand Fairy: “In my country there may be an unusual sand rain, a sand wind may blow. It is very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself. Watch how it happens." Options:

1. The child slowly or quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, into his palm.

2. Children raise their fists with sand over the table, slightly unclenching their fists, move them left and right, and see how it rains.

"Rain, rain,

More than a watering can

You make me rain water

I want to grow up this summer


Well done!

We return to the tables. Look at the tables, they are all covered with sand, and now you and I can start drawing

Exercise “Unusual traces”

1. “The little bears are coming” - the child presses forcefully onto the sand with his fists and palms.

2. “Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving his hands in different directions.

3. “Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed or tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

4. “Chicken-chicken” - children imitate feeding chickens, rubbing the sand with their fingers, as if scattering food.

Well done!


Guys, what time of year is it now?




Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. The grass has withered. The flowers have dried up. The wind often blows and it rains. The leaves are spinning and falling to the ground. This always happens when autumn comes.

All the trees have flown over,

Only spruce trees turn green.

The forests became bare.

It rains day and night,

Dirt and puddles at the gate.


Let's try to draw on our desk?

Now let's draw together(cloud, rain, tree, falling leaves, puddles, etc.)

The teacher shows, and the children draw and, together with the teacher, say what they are drawing.

Phys. just a minute. Finger gymnastics"Ducks", "Meeting"


On the right hand there are fingers.

On the left hand there are fingers.

The time has come for them to meet

- Prepare your suitcases!

Using the fingers of your right hand, take turns “hello” with the fingers of your left hand, touching the tips of each other.


Rocking on the waves

The duck is swimming. |

It will dive and then emerge

- Rows with its paws.

Make smooth movements with both hands from right to left, then imitate the movements of a duck’s legs in the water.


Guys, our lesson is over. What did we talk about today and what did we draw?


Children's answers

Pedago G

The Sand Fairy bids you farewell until the next class.

What are we going to do now?


Listen to music


Today we will listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Autumn Song” and while the music is playing, you will play with the sand or draw.

Music is playing.


Now we have to shake off our hands, take a wet napkin and wipe our palms with it.

Well done!!!

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, repeat the words after the teacher:

The lesson is over,

See you soon.

We'll tell all our friends and adults

Together: “Goodbye!”

The light table is an excellent solution for playing with sand and other loose and “dirty” materials.

My family and I gave a lighted sandbox table to Sofiyka for her third birthday. Today I’ll tell you a little about our table and show a few simple games with light table.

Light sandbox table

We chose a deep light sandbox table. Its undoubted advantage is the deep sides, which minimize the fall of sand onto the floor.

Depth of the light table – 33 cm.

Another important factor for us is the telescopic legs, which allow you to adjust the height of the table. Children grow, and the table will grow with them, which allows you to actively use it for more than one year.

Let's figure out why a light sandbox table is needed, and what games you can come up with with it.

Sand painting

The main purpose of the table is sand painting. Fine and soft sand is suitable for these purposes. Instead of sand, you can use semolina (but it is a little dusty).

  1. Sand gives little fingers new sensations and excellent development. fine motor skills. The child sifts the sand between his fingers, collects it in a pile, levels it, and pours it over.
  1. While playing with sand, the child relaxes and relieves tension. This is because sand is a living material. Drawing with sand can even relieve emotional tension in a child.
  1. Drawing with sand develops a child's imagination and fantasy. There is no fear of a blank slate here. You can draw, erase, and draw again without fear of making a mistake.

The combination of living sand with bright lighting is a real magic that fascinates children.

While older children can spend a long time drawing and creating their own sand paintings, the kids’ interest wears off quickly. When our Sonya plays at a table in the company of older children, she repeats after them and gets carried away for a long time. And one will not draw much.

Role-playing games come to our aid. Thanks to the light table, Sofia’s inventions sparkled with new colors.

Role play on the light table

The light table greatly expands the possibilities of role-playing games. All the games your children love to play can be transferred to the light table. I'll show you a few of our simplest options.

Heroes for role-playing games can be any, but the basis is different.


We pour semolina (sand) onto the light tablet, add details from Lego sets (fence, feeders, trees), choose your favorite characters and play.

You can set up a farm, a zoo, or play as residents of an animal city. Let them visit each other, play together, take walks. For Sonya, the main thing in the game is the presence of her mother’s beast and Sonya’s beast. And then she will come up with any plot.

2. Kinetic sand

Kinetic sand itself is pleasant and interesting material for playing, and doubly so on the light table. You can use it to make a vegetable garden, pave roads for cars, and build houses for the game’s heroes. I’ll show you our kinetic sand worlds in more detail next time, for now I’ll just set the direction for your games.

3. Colored cereal

Colored rice is also relevant on a light table. Firstly, it’s incredibly pleasant to pick through and pour over. Rice also easily becomes the basis for creating a world for role-playing games. Rice can act as a snowball, as a river, as sand. Sonya loves to paint on colored rice.

Games to develop fine motor skills

All sensory boxes that you arrange for your baby can be transferred to the light table. If the child is still small, you can unscrew the legs of the table and use it as a tablet, playing directly on the floor.

The article below contains a large overview of our sensory games. Almost all of them are easily transferred to the light table, with the exception of water games.

Here’s another idea - we draw a letter on a light table (on sand, on rice), and the child traces it with his finger (runs over the letter with a small animal, or drives over it in a typewriter).

Light table and paper

In addition to sensory games with bulk materials, the light table can be used for games on a sheet of paper. In the light, the paper shines through, which gives enormous scope for creativity. The photo shows one of the ideas on how you can use paper - with your child we lay out paths of transparent pebbles for the aquarium.

In a separate article I will show more options on the topic: how to make friends with a light table with paper.

A light table, a translucent matte surface behind which there is a light source, has been known for decades. Surgeons look at pictures on a vertical light surface, animator and comic book artists translate images on a light table, films are edited on an editing light table, photographers view negative and positive photographic films.

The light table was also useful for sand animation - in both cases: when an animated film is being shot, and when the artist draws “live” in front of the viewer.

First of all, I would like to note that all the exercises and drawing techniques discussed below can be carried out on any horizontal, dark, smooth surface (for example, on a regular polished table with light sand, fine salt or semolina - this will also be a powder technique.


Coarse yellow sand.

Fine sand with which I paint.

Fine sand the color of baked milk, very light.

Fine table salt.


A sketch made on a polished table with sand, which I usually use on my light table.


On the light table, the drawing turns out to be more contrasting and has more halftones.

If you still decide to have a light table at home, there are three options: 1) buy a ready-made one (there are many offers on the Internet); 2) build such a table yourself; 3) make it to order.

The technical characteristics of the device are also very varied: from a simple glass placed on books with a lamp placed downwards (it is advisable to build sides along the edge of the glass) to a complex design with programmable LEDs, as in my travel light tables.

You can choose a middle ground and not complicate the task.

Wishes for a light table.

Aspect ratio 16 X 9 - this format is the most popular and is used in television and projection technology. Most TVs today have a picture of exactly these proportions.

The sides on all sides must be at least 3 cm to prevent sand from spilling out. On the right and left (where the sand lies during work) - better than 5-7 cm. The side on the artist’s side is no higher than 3 cm, so that its height does not interfere with drawing details in the foreground.

On the right and left there is space for sand no wider than 15 cm. If the sand is scattered in a thin layer, it is inconvenient to pick up a handful of it, and this is an important point when drawing at speed.

The plane on which the sand lies should be on the same level as the plane on which the drawing process takes place. In many designs that are offered for sale, recess trays are made on the right and left for sand - in this case, some drawing techniques simply cannot be used (this will be discussed below).

For the surface on which you will paint, matte (milky) plastic with a thickness of 4-5 mm is best suited. A thinner one will sag greatly, a thicker one will unnecessarily add weight to the overall weight of the table.

The structure must be stable. When the table wobbles, it is inconvenient to work and the picture on the screen jumps (if the image from the video camera above the table is displayed on the screen).

The backlight color can be any, depending on your taste and tasks.

What you need to know about sand.

The material can be any sand. It must be sifted through a fine sieve, then, if necessary, rinsed. You can wash the sand in a bucket. Pour one portion of sand needed for drawing (about 3-5 kg) into a bucket and fill it with water to the top. Stir the sand intensively with your hand (spoon, spatula). Dust and dirt will dissolve in water. Light particles will float. Carefully drain the water. Repeat the procedure until the water becomes clear. You can dry the sand on a baking sheet in the oven (if you need it urgently), just in the room, on a windowsill in the sun, or on a radiator in a wide container.

Sand from a hardware store is usually highly contaminated and contains impurities. The sand from the beach is much cleaner. It has already been washed with river water. You can take quarry sand, from the desert, etc., or buy special colored sand in the store.

But each sand is unique in its own way and has its own special properties: the size of the sand grains, their color and mass. How sand manifests itself during the drawing process depends on these properties. For different tasks you can take different types sand.

The finer the sand, the more halftones can be achieved in the drawing. Dark sand has more contrast. White sand (or fine salt) can be used to paint winter landscapes. Coarse sand - drawings with large details.

It is convenient to store sand reserves in plastic bottles, and the sand that you constantly draw with (and carry with you) is in bags made of thick fabric. If sand always remains at home, there is no need to constantly pour it into bags and containers. It can lie on the working surface of the light table, but in this case it is advisable to protect it from dust - cover it with a lid or cover it with a cloth.

Drawing for speed in front of the viewer and drawing for video recording for editing (or just a long drawing) will be different. When drawing at speed, an abundance of details and halftones is excluded, as well as the use of brushes and other objects (if possible). But all the techniques discussed will help you work in any technique.

A little about the tools.

When drawing for a long time, you can draw only with your hands, or you can use brushes, sticks and other objects that you deem necessary. Can be used for small parts wooden sticks(toothpicks or bamboo skewers) - wood will not scratch plastic. When painting long-lasting halftone designs, I use a variety of brushes and sticks. Also, when drawing, use any objects that can give texture. We'll talk about this later. When performing in front of an audience, when drawing at speed, I use my nails for small details (for example, when I paint highlights in the eyes). The length of nails should be no more than 2 mm.

To collect sand after painting, a wide brush will be useful - sweep the sand from the corners of the table.
Before you start drawing and pour the sifted sand onto the surface, you need to spray the surface of the light table (plastic) with antistatic and wait a couple of minutes for it to dry. This is necessary so that the sand moves freely over the surface and does not stick to it due to static tension. The procedure must be repeated periodically. The more you paint, the more often you will need to spray the surface. Perhaps once every few days.

Techniques and exercises.

We pour sand from the fist.

Add lines. The lower the hand, the more precise and thinner the line can be. Let's try different variants(straight lines, zigzags, spirals, etc.) with different drawing speeds. We get narrow, wide lines, as well as transparent and opaque - this depends on the different thickness of the layer of sand poured on the table. The higher the hand and the faster we fill the line, the more transparent and wider it is.

Depending on the properties of a particular sand, the lines lie differently - darker in the center or along the edge, etc.

Using only this technique you can, for example, draw flowers.

To enrich such lines, you can place accents in the right places using thin lines drawn with the edge of the nail.


The poured lines can be adjusted.


Exercise "Leaf".

Draw in the silhouette of a maple leaf and lines in the direction of the veins. Then we need to refine the edge of the leaf so that it is crisp and beautiful. To do this, use the tip of your finger or the side part of the first phalanx of any finger to draw at the edge of the line so that part of the sand moves towards the pattern.

Using the edge of the nail, we draw thin lines along the pattern of veins. At the tip of the petiole we place a dot with the tip of our finger. It turned out beautiful leaf.

Sometimes you need to draw a thin, clear straight or winding line. To do this, we draw along the line poured from the fist with two fingers folded into a “house”.

In this case, the line is of the same thickness along its entire length. To get a similar line of slightly greater thickness, you need to fold your fingers a little differently. But the principle remains the same: to obtain a line of the same thickness along the entire length, you need your fingers to rest against each other.

Exercise "Text".

Let's try to write text.


If necessary, adjust the edges of the letters.

Exercise “Fried eggs”.

We consolidate the technique - draw a fried egg.

Due to the thickness of the layer, we get lighter and darker areas. At the final stage, we draw highlights - we get volume and shine! The highlight can be painted with a fingernail. Dots and circles. Place dots on the already drawn lines with your finger.

If you not only touch the sand layer with your finger, but also circle it clockwise (or counterclockwise), you get circles.


The part of the sand that remains under the finger can be moved to the edge or formed from it into its own shadow, which gives volume.

Exercise "Sun".

Sprinkle sand from a handful from a height of about 20 cm without moving your hand.

The grains of sand from the center will bounce off, forming a circle.

Sometimes it doesn't turn out perfectly smooth.

In this case, we can correct its edge from the inside with our finger.

The higher your hand is above the table, the larger the diameter of the circle.
We fill in the background. The background can be covered in different ways - it all depends on the task.

1. From left to right from the edge, quickly move the sand along the surface of the table. Then - from right to left. .


This can only be done if on your light table the sand box is level with the plane of the plastic you are painting on. If you have sand in a tray, pour it onto a flat surface at the edge and try this and the next three techniques.

2. We make the same movements, but in a spiral. We draw outer space - add planets and their trajectories with thin lines.



3. Draw mountains. From left to right (and/or vice versa) we move the sand in a quick movement along a zigzag path.

If the amplitude of the zigzag is small, the result is a desert with dunes.

We adjust the edge from above. Sometimes you need not just to adjust the edge, but to remove some of the sand so that it does not accumulate a lot along the contour. To do this, we move the plane of the finger, as if cutting off and pushing away the excess.

4. We fill the space in the sky with the same technique.

5. On the field of the light table from a height of more than 40 cm, scatter sand in a thin layer.

Quickly moving your hand from left to right and right to left. In this case, sand spills between the fingers.

You can achieve different layer densities. This technique is used when you need to sprinkle tone on an already made picture to transition to the next one, for example, to add detail or to create an evenly filled background.

We draw on a filled-in background. There are endless options here; fingertip, nail, flat of the finger, edge of the palm, palm, fist, as well as objects: thin and thick brushes, business card, chopsticks. Let's start trying. Let's fall asleep fast movements background.

We draw lines and stripes in any direction with the plane of the palm, the edge of the palm, the tips of the fingers, the edges of the nails, the pads of the fingers, etc. We try to feel the sand to the touch - how pleasant the material is.


Try doing this with your eyes closed.

Exercise "Octopus".

We fill in the background. We draw the octopus' tentacles and its head.

Using the “circles” technique already known to us, we draw eyes, and put dots on the tentacles - suction cups.


Add bubbles near the head.

Let's draw water.

The first option is to draw wavy parallel lines with four (or even five) fingers.

The second option is to use the edges of your nails to draw horizontal lines from the background to the foreground.


Drawing clouds.

On an open field, sprinkle small areas with sand and draw clouds with your fist - with your right hand we make counterclockwise movements and move to the right, with your left hand - clockwise and move to the left.

We draw small details on a clean background.

This technique is necessary when drawing a face (eyes, nose, lips), as well as small details of various objects. Using two fingers, thumb and index, practically touching the surface of the table, we draw out the desired element. For example, let's draw a seagull.


We draw texture with various objects.

Using different objects, you can get different textures. Different brushes produce different line thicknesses and different impressions.


With this brush you can paint, for example, hair.