The role of musical holidays in the development of the personality of a preschooler. “The relevance of the formation of a child’s musical culture in preschool age

The holiday occupies a special place in the education of preschool children. Its main tasks:

■ create a joyful mood, evoke a positive emotional state;

■ enrich with new impressions, form a variety of emotions and feelings that are the most important condition personality development;

■ foster a festive culture (holiday traditions, guest etiquette).

Therefore, holidays in preschool educational institution should be bright, filled with joy and fun, solemn events that leave an indelible mark in the child’s memory.

Music is the leading component of the holiday and, combining the synthesis of arts - artistic speech, dance, dramatization, art(design), etc., creates an emotional mood in children. The determining factors in the selection of music are subject matter And content holidays.

Today, the themes of the holidays are very diverse, but they are of particular importance calendar holidays(Osenins, New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, etc.), traditional holidays for our country dedicated to significant dates(March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, etc.), graduation of children to school, as well as winter and summer sports holidays.

The main idea The holiday should be conveyed to children in a figurative form, and its content should allow each child to show creative initiative in a variety of artistic activities.

Pedagogical leadership at the holiday is of an organizing nature. In the process of preparing for the holiday, the tasks of the teacher and music director are to carefully think through script, in the distribution of roles, in building a certain sequence of musical and literary material, performances, attractions and surprise moments.

The senior teacher (methodologist) and parents are also involved in discussing the concept of the scenario. The persons responsible for each area of ​​work are determined: decorating the hall, preparing costumes, making attributes, etc.

Performances by adults bring great variety to the holiday programs. They improve children’s mood, enrich them with new impressions, and unite the children’s and teaching staff with common feelings.

Particularly important the role of the educator in the process of all preparatory work, since it is during this period that the content of the holiday is conveyed to the child’s consciousness. The emergence of an emotional upsurge in children depends on the teacher, which, with proper organization of work, increases with the approach of the holiday. During the holiday, maintaining a good, joyful mood for children largely depends on it. He must be able to encourage shy children and stop those who are acting up in time. He monitors the performances of the children of his group, changes costume details in a timely manner, tells them when to go out for a game or dance, helps the children quickly follow the instructions of the music director, and takes part in general dances, games, dances, and songs.

Very important choice of presenter. They should be a teacher who has a culture of communication, goodwill, knows the students well, is resourceful, artistic, proactive, and knows how to behave at ease.

At holidays for children younger than school age As presenters, you can use a toy, a game character (or several game characters), which are voiced by an adult. Program the holiday should be built on previously mastered material, from which works are selected that are most brilliantly performed by children. To do this, it is necessary to carefully carry out forward planning to prepare for the holiday without haste. At the same time, it is important that by the time it is held, the children are not tired and have not lost the freshness of their impressions.

When developing a script, first of all the age of the children is taken into account. Both the organization of the holiday and the preparation for it should meet the interests of children and take into account their age and individual characteristics. It is also necessary to provide for the feasible participation of each child in it.

From age characteristics preschoolers also depend on duration of the holiday:

■ for young and middle-aged children - from 20 to 30 minutes;

■ in older and pre-school age - no more than 1 hour. At the same time, it is important to carefully consider the ratio of children and

adult participation, as well as the sequence of numbers in the structure of the holiday, so that its composition does not overtire the children.

In addition, works used at the festival must be highly artistic, interesting and accessible For

Guys. After all, only a good poetic text and an expressive melody can leave vivid artistic impressions, and only free, natural performing activity brings pleasure to children.

In the process of preparing the holiday, it is necessary keep children's impressions bright from the performances of peers and adults during the holiday itself, therefore, when preparing it, it is undesirable to repeat the entire holiday program in the presence of all children. There should not be many combined music sessions for groups participating in the celebration.

Children, coming to the hall, can, if they wish, repeat the songs, round dances, and attractions that they liked (especially valuable if this is reflected in the children’s independent activities). This allows you to once again enjoy the performance.

Impressions from the holiday are also reinforced in music classes, when games and dances are held, and songs from the holiday program are performed at the request of the children. This is also facilitated by the reflection of received impressions in drawings, modeling, stories and conversations. At the same time, the children’s impressions, reflected in creative games, drawings, and statements, help the teacher understand how interesting and close the holiday material was to the children.

As the main criterion for the success of a psychology holiday (E.A. Dubrovskaya, G.A. Praslova, etc.) they highlight the emotional coloring of its atmosphere, which is determined by: ease of behavior of children, activity, interest in what is happening, joyful emotions. The more surprises and surprises there are at the holiday, the more it will correspond to its main purpose: to bring joy.

In addition, the criteria for a successful holiday are:

interesting scenario, ability to distribute roles taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, festive decoration hall;

organizational issues holiday, coordination of the work of the entire teaching staff in preparing and holding the holiday;

■ coherence of actions and artistic performance by adults of their roles, the degree and nature of interaction with each other and children;

■ the quality of children's performances in musical, artistic, speech, and theatrical activities during the holiday;

■ the quality of the musical repertoire used and the quality of its performance, its accessibility, artistry And correspondence to the theme of the holiday.

Considering this form of organizing the musical activity of preschool children, E.A. Dubrovskaya says that while maintaining all the best traditions of holding holiday matinees that have developed in the domestic preschool education system, it seems promising:

■ a departure from the established model of a matinee as a performance or variety show for parents;

■ prohibition of excessive organization, when children are exhausted by constant rehearsals;

■ preparing a holiday in a natural setting, and not coaching in music classes;

■ close contact with parents, based on mutual understanding of common tasks and goals in the moral and aesthetic education of children, their participation in the holiday.

The educational and developmental potential of the holiday can be enhanced by changing the form of its organization. Here it is advisable to distinguish between events, affairs and games (I.V. Titova) (diagram 30).

Events- these are holidays organized by teachers for pupils, children here act as performers and participants. This is a traditional, widespread form of organizing a holiday. Its specificity: the contemplative-performing position of children and the organizational role of adults.

Affairs- this is common work, important events carried out and organized by adults together with children. Children take part not only in performance, but And in holiday modeling: in choice

Scheme 30

plot, characters for the holiday, in the development of their costumes, stage behavior, etc. So, for example, as a kind of algorithm for modeling a holiday matinee, children can be offered the following scheme, which together with the children needs to be filled with content: choosing a character for the holiday (for example: The Snow Queen, Carlson, Dunno, Cinderella, etc.); guests; decoration of the hall; congratulations (from whom and to whom); games, round dances; present; uninvited guest. It should be noted that in kindergarten this form is not used often, since organizational functions are not yet available to children in full.

Games- this is an imaginary or real activity, in which, as a rule, there is an imaginary situation, roles, rules, competition. The main difference between the game is joy, pleasure from the process, and not from the result. Games can be an integral part of a holiday-event or a holiday-business, introducing improvisation into them with its freedom of expression, the immediacy of the expression of emotions of participants and spectators.

Thus, preparation for the holiday should take place in a natural setting, and not through training in music classes; close contact with parents is necessary, based on mutual understanding of common tasks and goals in the artistic and aesthetic education of children; children should participate not only in the holiday, but also in the process of its modeling and preparation.

Holidays and entertainment are bright and joyful events in the life of preschool children. Combining different kinds arts, they have a great influence on the feelings and consciousness of children. P.K. Krupskaya emphasized: “We must help the child through art to become more aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply...”



MKDOU kindergarten№ 19-Child Development Center

Subject: The role of holidays in the development and education of preschool children

Prepared by: music director

Menzhulina Zh. V.

Rossosh town

Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, full mental development is impossible.

Music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Holidays and entertainment are bright and joyful events in the life of preschool children. Combining various types of art, they have a great influence on the feelings and consciousness of children. P.K. Krupskaya emphasized: “We must help the child through art to become more aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply...”

Preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment serve moral education children: works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, about native nature, labor form patriotic feelings; Participation in holidays and entertainment develops discipline and a culture of behavior in preschoolers. By learning songs, poems, and dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, and people of different nationalities. The festive atmosphere, the beauty of the room design, costumes, a well-chosen repertoire, the colorful performances of children - all these are important factors in aesthetic education.

Children's participation in singing, games, round dances, and dancing strengthens and develops the child's body and improves coordination of movements. Preparation for holidays and entertainment is carried out systematically and systematically. At the heart of every holiday and entertainment is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. The idea of ​​the holiday will be conveyed to every child if it is revealed using artistic material accessible to children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

Children's holiday- an important part of a child’s life, this is a joyful event that allows you to relax, shake yourself up, forget, and sometimes just take a break from everyday life. Holidays spiritually enrich a child, expand his knowledge about the world around him, help restore old and good traditions, unite and encourage creativity. When preparing it, you must first of all focus on the interests of each specific child and group of children for whom this holiday is being prepared. And the main criterion for selecting material here is entertainment, brightness and fun.

A holiday is a speech environment that is so necessary for children. The holiday reveals the richest opportunities for the comprehensive development of a child.

In any holiday there are various different types arts: literature, music, painting, theater, pantomime. Thus, the holiday is a synthesis of almost all types of arts. In various types of activities, inclinations are manifested, certain skills and abilities are formed. The festive atmosphere, the beauty of the room design, costumes, a well-chosen repertoire, the colorful performances of children - all these are important factors in aesthetic education.

It is desirable that the holiday program harmoniously combine different types of arts, collective and individual performance. By complementing each other in solving one topic, they increase the power of emotional impact on children, at the same time, each of them has its own special impact on the child. Taking into account the relatively quick fatigue and excitability of children, it is necessary to correctly alternate different types of their artistic activities.

The holiday brings joy to all children. Therefore, it is important that every child takes part in it as much as possible.

Preschool children are characterized by the need to repeatedly repeat well-known songs, round dances, and dances, which they do with particular pleasure and expressiveness.

A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by adults and children. It should enter the child’s life as a bright event and remain in memory for a long time. It is not without reason that they say that the impressions of early childhood are the most powerful and unforgettable. The holiday day in kindergarten lives in my memory: laughter, fun, games, songs, bright costumes, gifts and the first solo performance. Many took away from childhood their favorite song, game, memory of shared experiences with friends, teachers, and family.

In addition, the holiday is an important means of artistic education. This is where the taste of children is formed. The forms of celebration can be very diverse.

The matinee program includes a performance by a children's orchestra. Playing children's musical instruments has great educational and educational significance; it develops hearing, musical memory, a sense of rhythm, and instills responsibility, organization, and attention in children. Children love to perform poetry at a festive matinee. But it is impossible to satisfy everyone who wants it in one day. Therefore, it is necessary to schedule the performance of children who are not occupied in other numbers of the holiday program. The matinee program should be structured so that children have the opportunity to see the entire holiday and participate in the general fun.

Holidays in which parents take part are distinguished by special warmth and spontaneity. They can get involved in children's games and attractions. How happy the kids are when two moms or dads compete with each other.

Decoration of the kindergarten premises in holidays is of great importance.

The decoration of the hall should differ from the design of the group with special pomp and solemnity. The main bright spot is the design of the central wall in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

The structures and methods of holding holidays in preschool institutions are determined by the characteristics of each of them and the age of the children for whom it is held. The construction of matinees for children has its own unique features. It uses material covered in music classes and well mastered. Therefore, when finding themselves in a new, unusual environment, children feel natural and at ease, sing well, dance, and are active, performing familiar actions. Various spectacular moments, interspersed with children's performances, also arouse interest. For the little ones, their simplest expression is showing and playing with colorful attributes and toys. Characters often appear in scripts for children puppet theater. In nurseries and junior groups The adult plays the leading role. He constantly guides not only the children’s actions, but also their perception. The adult fixes the children's attention on the appearance of new characters, allows them to have a good look at them, then begins to take action: they sing, dance, and play together with everyone, which gives the kids confidence in their actions. At the holiday for the 2nd junior and middle groups, a small ceremonial part is introduced, songs are sung, games are played, and a surprise moment is held at the end. IN middle group Children have more opportunities to express themselves in individual performances, and this can be not only reading poems, but also showing simple performances, small dances, playing musical instruments, etc. Children of older groups are characterized by greater activity in perception and executive activity. The colorful decoration of the room, various attributes, costumes of the characters - all this attracts the attention of the children. They freely navigate the team, monitor the correct execution of the actions of their comrades. When good organized work In music education, all children master the program content, which is determined for each age group.

The following holidays are held for children in kindergartens:

Autumn holiday. This is a celebration of farewell to summer.

New Year. Children are traditionally visited by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

March 8. Children congratulate their mothers, grandmothers, and teachers on the holiday.

- “Goodbye, kindergarten.” This holiday is for children preparatory group at the end school year. Children say goodbye to their kindergarten and thank their teachers. As a rule, the theme of school is widely represented in this holiday.

These holidays can be divided into two types:


Name of the holiday



March 8

cultivating a sense of respect and gratitude for mother

New Year

developing in children an attitude towards the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event; development of children's emotionality


Autumn Festival

cultivating the ability to see beauty in nature

Goodbye, kindergarten

formation of positive motivation for future schooling; cultivating a sense of gratitude towards kindergarten teachers; development of emotionality

A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child’s life. This is a joyful event that allows the child to relax, have fun and at the same time spiritually enriches him and encourages creativity.

The purpose of the holidays is to please, amuse children, enrich them with memorable impressions, and provide information about living and inanimate nature, tell instructive stories about the relationships between its most diverse inhabitants.

Evoking joyful emotions, entertainment simultaneously consolidates children’s knowledge about the world around them, develops speech, creative initiative and aesthetic taste, contribute to the development of the child’s personality, the formation moral ideas(positive attitude towards showing kindness, condemnation of rudeness, selfishness, indifference).


1. Alparova N.N. and others. Musical and gaming material for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. In 2 parts: Educational method. pos. Part 2: Golden Autumn / Alparova N.N., Nikolaev V.A., Susidko I.P.-M.: VLADOS, 2000.

2. Vetlugina N.A., Keneman A.V. Theory and methods of music education in kindergarten. - M, 1983.

3. Vetlugina N.A. Musical development child. - M., 1968.

4. Zimina A.N. Dramatizing songs in music classes with children 4-7 years old: Workshop for teachers / Zimina A.N.-M.: Gnom-Press, 1998.

5. Kolodnitsky G.A. Music games, rhythmic exercises and dancing for children: Educational method. village/Kolodnitsky G.A.-M.: Gnom-Press, 2000.

6. Koreneva Tatyana Fedorovna Musical and rhythmic movements for children of preschool and primary school age. In 2 parts. Part 2.-M.: VLADOS, 2001.-

7. Music and movement: Exercises, games and dances for children 3-5 years old / Author-comp. S. Bekina et al. - M, 1981.

Elena Zatovka
The role of music education in the development of the personality of a preschooler

Musical education is not the education of a musician, and above all human upbringing.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Various types of art have specific means of influencing a person. Music It also has the opportunity to influence the child at the earliest stages. It has been proven that even the prenatal period is extremely important for subsequent human development: music which the expectant mother listens to has an impact on the child’s well-being.

Music arose in ancient times. For a long time music was recognized as an important and indispensable means of forming personal qualities of a person, his spiritual world. In Ancient Greece there was even a doctrine that substantiated the impact music for human emotions. It has been proven that some melodies strengthen courage and perseverance, while others, on the contrary, pamper.

Music has an intonation nature similar to speech. Similar to the process of language acquisition, which requires a speech environment in order to fall in love music, the child must have experience perception of musical works of different eras and styles, get used to its intonations, empathize with the moods.

Feature music is something that she can, with enormous spontaneity and power, convey a person’s emotional state, all the richness of feelings and shades that exist in real life.

Listening music written at different times, people get an idea of various ways of expressing feelings and thoughts that existed in each era. Therefore, we can talk about its cognitive significance.

Music is one of the richest and most effective means of aesthetic education, it has great emotional impact, educates a person's feelings, shapes tastes.

Modern scientific research suggests that development of musical abilities, formation of foundations musical

culture – i.e. musical education should begin in preschool age . Lack of full-fledged musical impressions in childhood with difficulty replenishable later.

Musical development has an irreplaceable impact on the overall development: the emotional sphere is formed, thinking is improved, brought up sensitivity to beauty in art and life. "Only developing emotions, interests, tastes of the child, you can introduce him to musical culture, lay its foundations. Preschool age is extremely important for further mastery musical culture. If in progress musical activities will be formed musically- aesthetic consciousness, this will not pass without a trace for the future human development, his general spiritual formation.

From the above we can conclude how important it is to create conditions for the formation of the foundations musical culture of preschool children.

Main tasks musical education can be considered:

1. Development of musical And creativity, (taking into account everyone's capabilities) through various types of musical activities;

2. Formation began musical culture, contribute to the formation of a common spiritual culture.

The successful solution of the listed tasks depends on the content musical education, first of all, on the significance of the repertoire used, teaching methods and techniques, forms of organization musical activities, etc..

It is important in a child develop all the best what is inherent in him by nature; taking into account predilections for certain types musical activity, based various natural inclinations to form special musical abilities, contribute to the general development.

Aristotle even expressed the idea that music capable of influencing the moral side of the soul; and times music has such properties, then it is obvious that it should be included among the items youth education.

Plato owns the idea of ​​the unity of the beautiful, the good, the reasonable and love in aesthetic relations.

The ideas of ancient philosophers received development in all subsequent times. Confirmed high educational value of art, his role in the formation of human value orientations.

The famous Russian psychologist L.V. Vygotsky wrote that during perception art arises in man "smart emotions", emphasized the unity of feeling and fantasy. Talking about the impact on humans music, he believed that its effect might not be felt immediately, but then, depending on “What will it release and what will it push deeper?”, emphasizing educational value of music, opportunities to organize our behavior in the future.

Getting involved in cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty and appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Multiple perception works of art gradually guide a person in identifying thoughts, feelings, and moods that are important to him, expressed in artistic images, in content that is meaningful to him.

Exploring life through musical images, a person is spiritually and morally purified and improved. At the same time, herself music is valuable, develops human ideas about beauty in art and in life.

According to D. D. Shostakovich, “ music can show millions of people what is happening in the soul of one person, and reveal to one person what is filled with the soul of all humanity.”

During childhood, it is especially important to integrate cultural values ​​into child's personal experience. Introducing children to the world of values musical culture from the first years of life contributes to the formation of a value-based attitude towards art, awareness of life and aesthetic values, personal development.

Music of different eras and styles allows you to communicate with the great composers of the past through their creations and thereby enriches a person’s horizons.

Music develops a child mentally and. In addition to various information about music having cognitive significance, a conversation about it includes a description of emotional and figurative content. Children's vocabulary is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize moods and feelings conveyed in music.

Music develops emotional sphere . Emotional responsiveness to music is one of the most important musical abilities. She is connected with development emotional responsiveness and in life, with nurturing such personality qualities, like kindness, the ability to sympathize with another person.

Musical activities include not only music perception, but also performance that is feasible for children and based on experience perception- singing, playing musical instruments, musically rhythmic movements.

In each type of performance, children perform feasible independent and creative tasks that contribute to developing their imagination, imagination, self-confidence, self-confidence, formation of foundations musical and general culture.

Musical Each child's abilities manifest themselves differently. Some already in the first year of life have all three basic abilities - a sense of harmony, musically- auditory perceptions and sense of rhythm - are expressed quite clearly, quickly and easily are developing, this indicates musicality; For others it’s later, more difficult. Most difficult develop musically- auditory perceptions - ability play voice melody, exactly, intoning, or selecting it by ear musical instrument. In most children, this ability does not appear until the age of five. But the lack of early manifestation of abilities emphasizes musician-psychologist B. M. Teplov, is not an indicator of weakness or, especially, lack of ability. The environment in which a child grows up is of great importance (especially in the first years of life). Early manifestation musical abilities are observed, as a rule, in children who receive sufficiently rich musical impressions.


Musical classes are an important step musical education of children. As a result, the child acquires the largest, in comparison with other types of activity, volume musical impressions; musical perception develops - thinking. For full implementation musically- the pedagogical program requires holidays, leisure activities, musical entertainment.

Introducing a child to preschool institution with diverse music - classical, folk, different styles and eras, created by composers especially for children, develops a preschooler's interest and love for music, and as a result creates the prerequisites for further formation of the foundations musical culture and successful development of musical abilities.

The child moves towards mastering the meaning of his actions through feelings. After all, only in a state of heightened interest and emotional upsurge is a child able to focus his attention on piece of music, object, remember the event with all the details and nuances. The desire to re-experience a certain state can serve as a motive for his activity, a stimulus for the manifestation of activity. Under the influence of emotions, attention, thinking, and speech manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way.

Developing emotional responsiveness, musical abilities, the ability to communicate with adults and peers, it is necessary to combine the efforts of parents, educators, music director, in order to provide emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life for children both in kindergarten and at home.


1. Vetlugina N. A., Keneman A. V. Theory and methodology musical education in kindergarten. - M, 1984.

2. Dubrovskaya E. A., Kazakova T. G., Yurina N. N. et al. Aesthetic education and development of preschool children. - M., 2002.

3. Radynova O. P., Komisarova L. N. Theory and methodology musical education of preschool children. Dubna Phoenix + 2011

4. Radynova O. P., Katinene A. I., Palavandishvili M. L. Musical education of preschool children: Textbook for students of pedagogy. institutes and colleges - M., 2002.

These holidays can be divided into two types:


calendar themed

Eighth March Autumn Festival

New Year Goodbye, kindergarten

Main goals of the holidays

Type Name of the holiday Goals
CALENDAR March 8 cultivating a sense of respect and gratitude for mother
New Year developing in children an attitude towards the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event; development of children's emotionality
THEMATIC Autumn Festival cultivating the ability to see beauty in nature
Goodbye, kindergarten formation of positive motivation for future schooling; cultivating a sense of gratitude towards kindergarten teachers; development of emotionality

It should be noted that the profound changes that have befallen our country and society in recent decades have radically changed the social orientation of education. Unfortunately, such concepts as patriotism and love for the Motherland have disappeared from kindergarten. And along with this, all Soviet holidays ceased to be celebrated. Among them were Victory Day and February 23 – Army and Navy Day. But at the same time, new holidays appear in kindergartens. There is experience in conducting national holiday“Maslenitsa”.

1.4. Music and celebration in kindergarten.

A special place in the education of preschool children is occupied by the holiday, one of the main goals of which is the formation of various emotions and feelings, which are the most important condition for personal development. The holiday combines various types of art: music, literary expression, dance, dramatization, visual arts; therefore, first of all, it develops in children aesthetic feelings, an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Music, as the leading component of the holiday, connects all types of art and creates a certain emotional mood in accordance with the main theme of the celebration. It should evoke empathy in the guys. So, cheerful, perky, playful music on New Year's holiday sets children up for joyful anticipation of surprises; sincere, lyrical melodies heard on March 8th convey tender and warm feelings addressed to mothers and grandmothers. At the “School Graduation” holiday, there may be notes of regret: after all, parting is always sad, but here, too, the general mood should be bright and cheerful.

The theme and content of seasonal holidays also determine the selection of music. So, meeting winter is usually full of hopes for fun winter Games, New Year's Eve celebration with Father Frost and Snow Maiden (“Hello, winter-winter!”); warm, fine days, the arrival of birds are associated with the arrival of spring (“We welcome spring”); swimming in the river, walking in the forest reminds of summer (“Hello, summer!”); finally, bright, colorful leaves of trees - about autumn (“Golden Autumn”). The palette of musical works that convey the images and moods of these holidays is very diverse: from cheerful, solemn, jubilant to soft, calm, thoughtful. Seasonal holidays can also be held in the form of entertainment, which is mainly related to educational purposes and the content of the material.

Creating an appropriate emotional mood for a particular holiday largely depends on a carefully compiled program. The teacher thinks over the theme and form of the program, selects musical and literary material, pays attention to surprise moments and artistic design. It is necessary to take into account specific conditions kindergarten, age group, so that the entire organization of the holiday meets the interests of the children, and each child enjoys participating in it within their ability. This is a difficult task for the teacher, but he needs to strive to select performances for all children according to their strengths, capabilities and inclinations. It is better to offer shy guys especially interesting rooms(song, humorous dramatization, poem, etc.) so that they can overcome their shyness. Those who are less musically capable should choose easier roles in group dance or orchestra. This approach to organizing a holiday is pedagogically justified and, as a rule, gives good results: emotional uplift activates children and instills confidence in them.

The structure of the holiday may be different. For example, children perform first, and then there are general dances, round dances, games and attractions. Another option is allowed when all these numbers alternate. It is quite possible to first show a small performance or concert in which adults participate, and then invite children to perform.

The holiday fulfills its educational function if systematic work is carried out in the kindergarten, in particular on music education. Clear long-term planning (when distributing the musical repertoire, it also takes into account upcoming holiday matinees) allows children to calmly, without haste and overwork, prepare for the holiday and learn all the necessary material with them.

The holiday program must provide for everything: duration, tempo of performances, alternation of numbers, ratio of children's and adult participation, so that the composition is holistic, harmonious, and does not overtire children.

The matinee can be held in two groups close in age. The concert program should not be completely familiar to the children, although both groups can perform some songs (games) together. The script also includes individual performances by children.

Competent performance of the musical repertoire by adults and children is a necessary condition for the educational impact of the holiday. This becomes possible through creative and spectacular staging of productions, attractions and surprise moments. As for adults, the music director, presenter and his assistants must be fluent in the entire holiday program. Musical director provides full-fledged sound of musical works and their artistic performance. He must pay careful attention to the introduction to the song and dance in order to set the children up for expressive performance. You cannot distort the tempo, nuance, etc. As already noted, the role of the presenter is central to the celebration, but its success largely depends on the assistants, who, if necessary, quietly join in the course of the performance in order to maintain its harmony and ease.

All adults must act in a well-played ensemble, without tension and fuss. If the program involves artists, parents, and schoolchildren, then each of their performances must be timely so as not to destroy the integrity of the script. During the celebration, surprises are also possible: one of the performers refused to sing or dance, or could not enter on time, or a child simply cried, and much more. In all unforeseen situations, the host must show restraint and resourcefulness in order to return the holiday to the right direction.

The so-called farewell to the holiday has become a good tradition in kindergarten, when decorations, costumes and attributes are left in the music room for games and performances. Children, if they wish, can repeat the songs, round dances, and attractions that they liked. This allows you to consolidate your holiday impressions and once again enjoy the performance.

At the holiday, children show their achievements, and, in addition, holidays are a source of new impressions for the child, a stimulus for his further development.


A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child’s life. This is a joyful event that allows the child to relax, have fun and at the same time spiritually enriches him and encourages creativity.

The “Kindergarten Education Program” recommends that in each age group, starting with the first youngest, arranging entertainment, the purpose of which is to please, amuse the children, enrich them with memorable impressions, provide information about living and inanimate nature in an interesting, exciting way, and tell instructive stories about relationships between its various inhabitants.

Evoking joyful emotions, entertainment simultaneously consolidates children’s knowledge about the world around them, develops speech, creative initiative and aesthetic taste, contributes to the development of the child’s personality, the formation of moral ideas (a positive attitude towards the manifestation of kindness, condemnation of rudeness, selfishness, indifference).

In kindergarten a lot of attention is paid artistic education each child, and it is carried out in fine arts classes, music classes and art classes. Entertainment, as it were, unites all these types of art, giving the opportunity to use them creatively to make children’s stay in kindergarten joyful.


1. Alparova N.N. and others. Musical and gaming material for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. In 2 parts: Educational method. pos. Part 2: Golden Autumn / Alparova N.N., Nikolaev V.A., Susidko I.P.-M.: VLADOS, 2000.

2. Vetlugina N.A., Keneman A.V. Theory and methods of music education in kindergarten. - M, 1983.

3. Vetlugina N.A. Child's musical development. - M., 1968.

4. Zimina A.N. Dramatizing songs in music classes with children 4-7 years old: Workshop for teachers / Zimina A.N.-M.: Gnom-Press, 1998.

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graduate work

1.2 The significance of the holiday in the formation of musical culture

Early childhood experiences often remain in memory for a lifetime. Their brightness and richness can warm and decorate a person’s soul for many years. Holidays add their own special feelings and experiences to the general chain of joyful moods and unforgettable emotions of childhood. Holidays are the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of emancipation and mutual enrichment.

“A holiday is an occasion to express oneself and express attention to other people, to enter into informal, emotionally charged contact with them.”

A holiday is a complex, multifaceted, evolving phenomenon, of great importance for the lives of the younger generation, and is a specific form of collective unity, which expresses the general mood and empathy of the participants. It is determined by the dynamics of social existence, in which certain periods of life are recognized and experienced by people in a special emotional way, dictating to them a different way of behavior and activity than in everyday life, suggesting direct participation in the celebration.

The holiday is a specific form of collective unity, where the general mood and empathy of the participants is expressed. It is determined by the dynamics of social existence, in which certain periods of life are recognized and experienced by people in a special emotional way, dictating to them a different way of behavior and activity than in everyday life, suggesting direct participation in the celebration.

A children's holiday is one of the brightest moments in the life of a preschooler. The special psychological value of children's holidays lies in the fact that they help a young person realize the best that is in him, since the process of celebration itself is personally significant for him, causing positively colored emotional experiences and creating a unique system of creative interaction between children and adults. musical culture holiday preschooler

A holiday in kindergarten is a significant part of a child's life. A successful celebration in kindergartens is determined, first of all, by a well-thought-out scenario. It should be moderately full of spectacles and performances. The holiday combines various types of art: music, literary expression, dance, dramatization, visual arts; therefore, first of all, it develops in children aesthetic feelings, an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Each holiday is based on a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. For example, the holiday of March 8 is international women's day, the holiday of May 9 is the holiday of the victory of the people of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany, etc. This idea should run through the entire content of the holiday; songs, poems, music, dances serve to reveal it. round dances, performances, decoration.

Holidays should be bright, interesting, filled with a variety of activities, focused on both entertainment and the development of children.

Fine organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention; create an excellent atmosphere for the development of the child’s speech, for consolidating the knowledge acquired at various activities; contribute to his moral education.

“During the holiday, children actively absorb elements of creative activity, which are fixed in their consciousness and behavior and influence both their present and their entire subsequent lives. A children's holiday promotes the child's self-realization and is favorable for the formation of lofty universal ideals and the development of a system of preferences. The festive environment is a sphere of socialization."

Preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten is a difficult and very responsible job. Creating an appropriate emotional mood for a particular holiday largely depends on a carefully compiled program. The teacher thinks over the theme and form of the program, selects musical and literary material, pays attention to surprise moments and artistic design. It is also necessary to take into account the specific conditions of the kindergarten and age group so that the entire organization of the holiday meets the interests of the children and each child enjoys participating in it to the best of their ability. This is a difficult task for the teacher, but he needs to strive to select performances for all children according to their strengths, capabilities and inclinations. It is better to offer shy children especially interesting numbers (song, humorous dramatization, poem, etc.) so that they can overcome their shyness. Those who are less musically capable should choose easier roles in group dance or orchestra. This approach to organizing a holiday is pedagogically justified and, as a rule, gives good results: an emotional upsurge activates children and instills confidence in them.

A variety of vivid impressions can sometimes cause children to become distracted. That's why the hall is decorated in advance with balloons, ribbons, bows, so that children can watch it before the holiday and conduct a rehearsal in it. Moreover, it is better to conduct this rehearsal in costumes so that they do not restrict movement, so that the children get used to them.

It is desirable that the holiday program harmoniously combine different types of arts, collective and individual performance. By complementing each other in solving one topic, they increase the power of emotional impact on children, at the same time, each of them has its own special impact on the child. Taking into account the relatively quick fatigue and excitability of children, it is necessary to correctly alternate different types of their artistic activities.

Children enjoy individual and group performances. They can show various dances, and with the help of a guest face painter even shy children will be able to transform themselves, enter the image of their favorite character and take an active part in the general holiday!

To reduce children's fatigue, frequent changes in activities are needed. For these purposes, games and performances are used at the holiday. They allow children to relax and move around.

The purpose of holidays in kindergarten is to bring joy to the child, the opportunity to relax, have fun, express their talents and at the same time become spiritually enriched, encouraging the child to be creative.

Mass holidays evoke strong emotional experiences and are convenient for effective propaganda; in addition, the repetition of the holiday as an archaic element of culture makes it possible to introduce these emotions and accompanying propaganda into the subconscious, make them habitual, organic, and create a certain matrix of emotional stereotypes.

With the help of the holiday, children can not only be active, but also feel the freedom of self-expression, as if taking a break from school rules, discipline, and the tension of everyday school life; The holiday provides children with some sovereign rights and freedoms. During the holiday, the child develops a respectful attitude towards himself, and through his own activity, personal shortcomings are overcome. Children's holiday is an important factor in the intellectual and physical development children.

Most holidays are repeated, most often cyclically; it is the repetition of ritual, rite-like practices that opens up many internal opportunities for self-expression for modern man. The ritual has an amazing, literally stunning property: it can awaken and bring into the social space the innermost human ability for cultural creativity, all-encompassing love, boundless joy - something for which, perhaps, alone it is worth living, but which is limited to a brief flash. This is what a holiday is.

The essence of the holiday cannot be understood without social activities. As an activity that is closest to the interests of children, expressing their zone of proximal development, their worldview, a holiday should be considered as a powerful means of humanizing education, as a form related to all other types of activities (cognition, work, aesthetics, communication) - a holiday is presented as a comprehensive development of the individual.

As an item pedagogical activity the holiday acts as a psychological mediator in ensuring the child’s adaptation process. The significant idea of ​​a holiday is, on the one hand, the sum of events, factors, names, myths interpreted by history. On the other hand, it is the culture of people, morals, customs, traditions of a national and local nature.

Holidays open up children's space for creativity, give birth to bright feelings and noble impulses in the child's soul, cultivate the ability to live in a team, and spiritually enrich the mind and heart. “The special psychological value of children’s holidays lies in the fact that they can help a young person realize the best that is in him, since the process of celebration itself is personally significant for him, causing positively colored emotional experiences and creating a unique system of creative interaction between children and adults.”

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