Brown hair color. Golden hair color (39 photos) – your fiery passion Medium blond golden color

1330 10/08/2019 7 min.

It's no secret that today naturalness and simplicity are at the peak of fashion trends. That is why medium brown colors predominate among the preferred range of hair shades. They look as natural as possible, while adding incredible style and elegance to the image. Our article will tell you what shades of light brown there are, and how they can be obtained by dyeing. It would be useful to find out how you can choose the right tone according to the color type of your appearance.


Historically, the hair color of the inhabitants of our country is often close to light brown. Of course, a natural shade by nature itself is intended and suits you, but often not quite successful combinations, or appearance seems inexpressive. Hair coloring imposes even more stringent criteria for choosing the appropriate tone.

Sometimes, to get a harmonious and complete style, you need to repaint your eyebrows or resort to cosmetic tricks. To better understand what is meant by the term “light brown” color, you can look at the photos presented or read the classification.

Shades of medium brown hair color:

Light brown color

It is considered the most attractive in this palette. Among natural tones, it is the lightest, but getting it by coloring is much more difficult.


Includes characteristic sunny notes. Among light shades, this palette is now very popular. First of all, this is due to the absolute versatility of this option and attractive appearance owners of hair of this color. On the picture - golden color hair:

Copper-brown hair color

Combines absolute opposites. On the one hand - the expression of flame, and on the other - the cold restraint of ice. This shade does not occur in nature, but thanks to modern dyeing techniques, it can be obtained by turning to professionals.

Ash brown

A very characteristic color, not suitable for every representative of the fairer sex. It belongs to a cold range of shades, so it is extremely difficult to obtain at home. Requires constant maintenance of the required tone, as well as extreme caution when choosing coloring compounds.

Wheat-blond hair color

It is extremely attractive. In nature, this shade is very rare, and it is quite difficult to obtain it by dyeing. An unusual visual effect guarantees a variety of colors. In different lighting conditions, it may appear light brown or even coffee brown.

Medium light brown shade

It occupies one of the leading places on the hair coloring wish list of many girls. Its intensity is an order of magnitude higher than that of the options described above, but it is also quite difficult to call it dark. It looks unusually natural and always attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Dark brown shades

It is not easy to achieve by coloring, because purple and gray pigments are used. If this is your choice, you should know that the result will largely depend on the professionalism of the performer. Among natural hair This shade is very rare.

Beige natural tones

You can appreciate all the charm of the beige version in the photo, but it is extremely difficult to dye the strands in this color yourself. Depending on the original shade of your locks, complete bleaching may be necessary.

Cold brown color

An excellent option for an unforgettable image. It looks absolutely amazing, without creating the illusion of dyed hair.

Almost the entire palette of light brown shades is extremely attractive and will suit girls with a wide variety of appearance types. It is advisable to coordinate the use of a particular tone with a professional, especially since some transformations may require complete bleaching of the strands. To better understand which tones to give preference to, you can additionally familiarize yourself with information on the correct choice of such a palette.

You can look at the photo of Estelle’s dark ash brown hair color in this article:

What paint to paint

Choosing a coloring composition is an important step, because the attractiveness and healthy appearance of your hair will depend on this. Among modern dyes, there are many options with a gentle composition, which, nevertheless, can be used for coloring hair in medium brown tones.

Suitable manufacturers and paint tones:

The light brown hair color palette is considered one of the most attractive. These shades suit almost everyone, because you can choose any tone. Golden shades are used most often, but “cool” tones are also very attractive. How to choose suitable color according to your appearance, as well as possible brands of good light brown hair dyes are described in our article.

You might also be interested to know what the most popular coloring for dark brown hair is. To do this, you should read the contents of this

How it looks on, as well as how to achieve maximum results in color, is described in detail in the article.

But what it is is described in detail in this article.

It’s also worth learning more about what it is

Adalind Koss

The golden hue of curls is still relevant. All women like these shimmers. You can get the desired shade at home without spending a lot of money going to the salon.

It is worth noting that the variety of shades of gold is great. They can be found on both dark and light hair. For brown-haired women, this color is amber and golden chestnut, hazelnut shade, mocha. For fair-haired girls - light brown and beige. Each paint like this has golden notes. They give curls a healthy glow and freshness.

Golden hue using traditional methods

It is not difficult to achieve the desired golden hue at home using traditional methods. Modern cosmetology produces a lot of paints. It is enough to buy a suitable shade in the store. But remember that you won’t be able to get golden blonde from black hair in one go. Several steps will be required and the process will take 3 months. First it is required, and after 2 weeks use paint. You will get an intermediate shade. After another 2 weeks, painting is done again. If the desired tone is not achieved, then you need to dye your hair again. You must wait at least 2 weeks between manipulations, otherwise your hair will suffer.

The simplest option is to dye your hair with chemical dye with the desired shade. If this method is unacceptable, turn to folk remedies.

If you don’t want to take radical measures, but want to give your locks a golden shine, then use tinted tonics. They are sold in stores and are available for all hair colors. This shampoo should not differ from your shade by more than 2 tones. Otherwise, the result will be invisible. The shampoo is used as follows:

Using regular shampoo;
apply tint;
let the product act on the curls for the time specified in the instructions;
wash off the tint.

This effect lasts for 1.5-2 weeks, it all depends on the frequency of hair washing. If the tone fades, use the tint again.

The most annoying thing after lightening your hair is that your hair looks like straw. To achieve a subtle gold tone and maintain healthy locks, use the following tips for blondes.

To begin, choose the tone of the lightening paint. You should not take warm colors such as pink or peach wood. Home use such paint will result in a reddish tint. Ash shade is the best choice. But if your skin is too pale, this tone will give it a ghostly tint.

When starting the dyeing process, do not forget that the skin generates heat. Because of this, the roots are dyed faster, so you should start from the ends, lubricating the curls from the middle. This time-consuming technique will help achieve an even tone. After dyeing in any shade, the hair acquires a porous structure; it easily absorbs fat and dirt. To preserve the shade, you need to close the hair pores with sprays and balms. So, how to get gold color on your hair:

golden blonde is obtained after gentle bleaching or applying golden tonic to naturally light curls;
Bleached hair sometimes takes on a reddish tint. It can be eliminated with an acidic composition, but it is not recommended to do this on your own;
hair with a tint of nut or light brown will receive a shade of gold if you add gold pigment to the product when dyeing;
using chamomile infusion for rinsing is a proven way to give your curls a golden glow;
Various ready-made products for fair hair contain special components to preserve the shade.

Variety of shades

Let's look at how to achieve the full variety of shades yourself:

Reddish, brown and chestnut.

These tones are created by applying beet juice. It needs to be combined with water and lubricated the curls (it is important not to get it on the skin along the hairline). Allow the composition to absorb for a third of an hour. Afterwards, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Don't forget about. This is a natural paint. But it should be used with caution, to a minimum. Otherwise you will get a bright red color.

Berry tea will give dark hair an attractive golden tint. Prepare a concentrated decoction, apply to your hair and let it act for 30 minutes. Do not add hibiscus, it changes the tone to blue-gray.

Cinnamon will help enhance the natural red tone of your hair. In 1 tbsp. add 2 tsp of heated water. chopped cinnamon. The cooled product is left on the curls for half an hour.

Light brown and gold tones.

To get a beautiful tone, you should try baking soda. It copes well with the role of chemical detergents and makes the shade lighter. Apply baking soda evenly and massage a little. But patience is required, the effect does not appear after the first use.

Black tea, surprisingly, gives a light golden hue. Brew a mug of strong black tea and wet your curls. Let it work for half an hour. Rinse your hair.

It is considered a good way. It will not only improve the health of your curls, but also give you the required tone. Mix honey and filtered water. Apply to your curls for at least half an hour.

Another way is vinegar. It makes the hair tone lighter. It's better to use apple juice. Regular rinsing over a month will lighten the color.

Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, will help lighten your strands. To do this, combine the crushed tablet with the base. Water is suitable as a base, detergent or protein. Lubricate hair, massage and rinse.

Natural ingredients are great for changing hair color. The main thing is to follow the proportions and instructions.

Another great tool is . It will strengthen and nourish the curls. But be careful with the quantity. Lubricate your hair for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly. The result will become noticeable even after one application.

Bright shade of gold.

Light shades are obtained through the use of lemon juice. It dries out your hair, so add oil to the composition. The composition is left on the curls for a third of an hour, rinsed. But don't use the mask too often.

Another way is dried calendula flowers. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar, water and marigold flowers. Boil the mixture, then filter and leave to cool. Gently wet your curls, massage and let the product work for 20 minutes.

Complete this task with rhubarb root. But it is suitable only for dark hair, because... will make light ones darker. Prepare a decoction and apply to your hair.

Another paradox is lightening light brown hair using coffee. Brew a large mug of coffee from natural beans and let it cool. Moisten your curls thoroughly and evenly for half an hour. A radical change in shade will not work, but a pleasant golden tone will be added.

Herbal decoction for golden color

You can get golden hair color by using herbal decoction. To carry out these manipulations you will need:

enamel bowl;
1 tbsp. dry chamomile color;
1 tbsp. dry nettle roots or sage leaves;
half a liter of water;
polyethylene film;
chamomile essence;

So let's get started. Boil water in a bowl. Let it simmer for a quarter of an hour. This water needs to be poured over dry nettle roots and chamomile. The broth needs to stand for a third of an hour under a tight polyethylene lid. The infusion should then sit for another half hour. Now the composition needs to be filtered.

Wash your hair and dry it slightly; hair does not need to be completely dry. Rinse your curls with the broth, put on a cap. You will need to leave your hair in this state for about 60 minutes.

Now wash them and dry them. At this time, chamomile essence should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the liquid to the curls. After an hour, rinse your hair with the broth again.

Chamomile is a well-known way to obtain a golden hue. For fair-haired girls, it is enough to use a decoction for rinsing.

Important point! In order to avoid getting an ashy, reddish or greenish tint, this dyeing method should be tested on one strand. In addition, do not forget that the result depends on your shade. You won't be able to get a shiny golden color on dark brown hair.

To increase the richness of the tone, take 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, juice from ½ lemon and oil. You should rinse your hair with this decoction every 2 days. If you want to hide gray hair, add 3 tablespoons of glycerin to the product.

A mixture of rhubarb and chamomile can also help with gray hair. This decoction should be rubbed into the roots after washing.

22 April 2014, 14:02

There was a time when brown hair was considered unattractive and faded. Girls preferred brighter shades of strands. Currently, natural hair colors are very popular, including light brown hair color. It looks especially beautiful on ladies with Slavic appearance. This shade beautifully emphasizes the fair skin of beauties and gray, green, blue, light brown eyes.

Blonde - what hair color is this?

Not everyone knows which tones are considered light brown. If you draw information from online spaces, then light brown is all shades between white and black. You should also exclude bright red colors from the palettes from the list of light brown tones.

Light brown includes a wide variety of colors. The main groups of this color are divided into three subcategories:

  • Dark shades of light brown (brown-haired, mocha, chocolate, dark brown, chestnut).
  • Light hair colors. These include the following colors: beige, light brown, platinum brown, etc.
  • Medium tones of strands. In particular, these are: light brown, brown and others.

Brown hair color

Light brown or, as fashion girls also call it, mousey, very attractive hair color. Moreover, the brightness of a girl is determined not only by one tone of the strands. This is also an attractive makeup that favorably emphasizes the color of the eyes and skin. And the tone of the curls can also be easily matched to your color type from a variety of shades of light brown.

  • For a warm color type of appearance, dark hair dyes from a palette of light brown tones are more suitable.
  • For a cold color type, strands of ash-brown, ash-chestnut, gray-brown color will look beautiful.
  • For the fairer sex with gray, green, blue eyes A light beige hair color would look great.

Dark brown hair color - photo

As mentioned above, dark light brown tones are especially relevant for women with a warm color type of appearance. In addition, the dark brown tone of the strands is well suited for ladies of Balzac age. After all, it visually helps to hide existing wrinkles and skin imperfections on the face.

For those with dark skin, it is better not to use too dark shades of light brown. Otherwise, you will seem older than your age. And chocolate and golden tones will be just right.

Medium brown hair color - photo

The medium brown palette of shades is quite diverse. Therefore, these colors are suitable for both warm and cold skin types. Brunettes often use these tones to lighten their hair. Blondes to make their hair color more natural.

To determine your skin type, just look at the veins. If they have Blue colour, then you have a cold color type. A green color indicates that you belong to a warm color type.

For women of the first skin type, it is better to use tones such as: ash-blond, platinum-blond, gray-blond.

And for girls with the second skin color type: caramel-blond, honey-blond, wheat-blond.

IMPORTANT! Ash shades of hair are best chosen by girls who apply makeup with a cold palette of shadows (blue, lilac tones). And golden brown curls look beautiful with shades of green and brown.

Light brown color

Light brown tones also have a wide variety of shades. The main thing is that they look natural. The light, brown color of the strands looks especially beautiful on girls with light eyes and fair skin. Owners of these light tones are called girls with flaxen-colored hair, as in the famous work of a talented composer.

IMPORTANT! Light, beige color curls need special care. After all, after dyeing, the hair loses strength and splits. Therefore, the use of moisturizing preparations for strands is necessary. And to get rid of the yellow tint on your curls, you should wash your hair with chamomile and lavender infusion at least twice a month.

Light hair shades

Ash-blond tone of strands

This is not the first year that this shade has been popular among girls. Gray strands suit the fair sex more with pale skin color and light eyes. And if a girl has small freckles, then they look intriguing, inaccessible.

Golden-brown tone of curls

Suitable for both older ladies and young girls with green, gray-green eyes and white complexion.

Wheat-blond tone of strands

The ideal tone for generous, open women. Looks especially stylish on voluminous curls. Beautifully emphasizes blue, gray, green eyes.

Brown girls

Light brown tones of curls look noble. Girls with such strands have a special natural beauty. Owners of light brown hair are associated with an extraordinary image of sophisticated elegance.

Shades of light brown hair color - photo

Golden-brown tone of strands

Beige shade of strands

Dark, light brown tone of the strands (color - brown)

Light brown, brown tone curls

Platinum hair tone

Light brown hair color - photo. Palette of paint shades

Hazelnut - light shade of strands

Sandy shade of strands

Caramel brown tone of curls

Light brown hair color, what dye is suitable for this hair shade

Very popular among women are paints for obtaining long-lasting shades of light brown tones, such as:

  1. Garnier Color- gives the curls a rich tone. It has a gentle effect on strands due to its composition.
  2. Estel- gives shine to light hair, has a gentle effect on it, because it contains nourishing substances that moisturize the structure of the curls.
  3. Kapous-colors strands well. The composition includes natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

Pearlescent tone of curls

Honey blonde shade

Beautiful light brown hair color - photo

To get a beautiful light brown color, it is better to visit an experienced stylist. It’s difficult to choose the right paint tone on your own. In addition, it applies differently to different shades of strands. And there are many techniques for hair coloring. Popular among them:

  1. Ombre- when the hair is darker at the roots, and closer to the ends it gradually becomes almost white.
  2. Shatush- represents the effect of slightly burnt strands. The image turns out natural, natural.
  3. Balayage- interweaving of different shades on curls.
  4. Blonding- a combination of medium, dark, light brown tones.
  5. Highlighting- lightening of individual strands.
  6. Marble coloring of curls- used on strands long hair. It is done in several stages, resulting in the effect of transfusion of curls. This comes out thanks to the powdery brightener.

If you decide to change your image, dye your hair light brown, then act boldly. Now you know which shade of light brown is best for you. Just take into account the advice of stylists:

  • Do not dye bright red hair light brown without washing or bleaching with professional products.
  • If you decide to dye your black strands brown or light brown, then don’t do it all at once. You can repaint it in chocolate tones after a one-time wash. A light shade is done in several stages and the hair will become damaged after that.
  • There is no need to overexpose the dye to your hair, thinking that you will get a deeper tone. You risk drying out your hair.
  • Before dyeing your curls, be sure to cut off the split ends.
  • After washing off the dye from your head, do not forget to use a mask.
  • The dye will color your strands better if you don’t wash your hair for three days the day before.

Speaking of fair-haired girls, one involuntarily pictures a gray, mousy color in one’s head, which absorbs all the beauty of the hostess and makes her image nondescript. However, the idea changes radically when it comes to the golden hue. It radiates sunshine, is beautiful, fashionable and looks natural.

Who is golden brown color suitable for?

To avoid disharmony, women resort to options that best suit their color type. Tones with ash in a light brown palette are in great demand by representatives of cold colors of appearance - winter and summer. Shades that incorporate yellow notes are in demand among girls of warm types. Gold is perfect for those with spring and autumn colors. The only thing worth considering is the degree of saturation.

Light golden brown, which looks like honey blonde, but is slightly darker, is recommended for spring beauties. It will perfectly emphasize the tenderness of the image, without detracting from the expressiveness of gray, blue, hazel, amber eyes and the splendor of thin, almost transparent skin with a milky, sometimes pinkish undertone. Also in spring you can “try on” medium brown hair color with golden notes.

Representatives of the autumn type are ideally suited not only with a warm palette, but also with a bright one. Medium and dark blond will be suitable for them. The first option is an excellent solution for a soft autumn: girls with a subtle contrast in appearance (beige-creamy skin, honey/walnut/greenish brown eyes). Dark blond, giving off a hint of gold, looks like a cognac shade, which is slightly diluted with caramel notes. The best way it looks good on representatives of true/warm autumn – beauties whose irises are amber/brown and whose dermis with a peach tint is strewn with freckles.

Blondes and naturally fair-haired girls can achieve golden hair color either with the help of a salon technician or on their own, using dye from their favorite brand. Hairdressers and colorists advise brown-haired women to initially lighten their hair. As for brunettes, coloring is contraindicated for them: repeated bleaching is fraught with serious destructive changes to the cores. As an alternative, it is worth considering partial coloring technology or highlighting. And if you have patience and time, then you can change your dark hair to golden brown gradually, each time using a product a couple of shades lighter for coloring.

It is more common to use permanent (oxidizing) compounds as pigments.

1. The best paints are from Schwarzkopf:

  • Igora Royal - No. 6-5 (golden dark blond);
  • Perfect Mousse - No. 950 (golden blond);
  • Color Expert omega plex - No. 7.5 (golden dark blond);
  • Color Mask - No. 750 (dark blond with gold);
  • SYOSS Oleo Intense - No. 6.80 (golden blond);
  • NECTRA Color - No. 845 (golden light brown);
  • Brilliance collection “Constant color and brilliant shine” - No. 824 (golden luxury);
  • Palette Deluxe - No. 455 (golden almond);
  • Palette Fitoliniya - No. 465 (medium blond with gold);
  • Palette from the “Intense Shades” series - No. W5 (golden grillage).

After dyeing with one of the Schwarzkopf products, the hair acquires not only the desired color, but also a healthy shine: the manufacturer took care of protecting the strands and added bioelements to the chemical composition of each brand that perform nutrition and restoration functions.

2. L’Oreal Paris brand paint is no less popular among girls. You can make your hair light brown with a yellow note of the noble metal using:

  • Excellence - No. 9.3 (very light brown);
  • Excellence - No. 6.32 (golden dark blond);
  • Preference - No. 8.32 (Berlin: golden pearl);
  • Preference - No. 8.34 (Florence: golden-copper);
  • Casting Crème Gloss - No. 930 (very light brown gold).

3. Garnier does not lag behind its fellow hair dye manufacturers:

  • Olia - No. 6.3 (golden dark blond);
  • Olia - No. 9.3 (very light light brown-golden)
  • Nutrisse - No. 73 (golden honey: light brown with gold);
  • Belle Color - No. 83 (natural light brown);
  • Color Sensation - No. 7.0 (exquisite golden topaz);
  • Color Naturals - No. 7.3 (golden brown).

Application folk remedies

Black tea is good for these purposes. It needs to be brewed quite strongly in the size of one mug, strain and moisten the curls with it, naturally, waiting until it cools down to a temperature that is pleasant to the skin. If your hair is light, then the golden hue will not take long to appear. With more dark strands The desired notes will have to be achieved much longer. But such coloring is not only safe: it helps strengthen the roots and improve the health of the stems.

Another folk remedy is lemon. Since it has a drying effect, it is best mixed with base vegetable oils. These masks are especially useful for those with damaged, split ends.

Golden brown hair: like a princess!

Lately we have been discussing the topic of hair shades very often. This is a fairly popular topic that needs to be discussed.

After all, when choosing a particular shade of hair, it is important to know whether it matches the color of your eyes, skin, etc. In addition, today there are many hair dyes that are quite easy to get confused with. And today we will discuss the most popular shades of golden hair color, and will also focus on hair dyes in the “golden blond” shade.

Golden brown hair color

Despite the fact that golden brown color is considered one of the popular shades, it, in turn, has many additional colors. Thus, each manufacturer labels hair dye under a certain name, and even the golden hue can have many differences. In turn, hairdressers can experiment with professional coloring products, mixing certain shades and getting a unique hair color.

Let's discuss in more detail the most popular shades of golden brown hair color.
Golden brown hair color is grey colour hair (brown) with golden notes. This hair shade belongs to the warm color palette. However, it can be conditionally divided into three subgroups: light golden, rich golden and dark golden hair color.

Light brown golden hair color

Light brown hair color is very popular today. And many girls choose a golden hue. Such hair looks like wheat or beige and at the same time has pronounced dark notes. For example, in the light, golden-brown hair color plays with light notes. In the sun it looks like golden wheat hair color. But in the evening it is a full-fledged dark shade of hair. Who suits light brown golden hair color?

First of all, this hair shade is suitable for those with fair skin and brown eyes. However, it will look good paired with blue and gray eyes. On store shelves you can most often find it under the name: cool brown hair color, light golden brown, etc. Light brown hair color can create a so-called angelic image. And golden notes create the effect of hair shine.

Medium brown golden hair color

Medium brown hair color with golden notes is a classic of the season. Choose rich colors hair that looks stylish and fashionable. Rich light brown hair color with golden notes looks perfect paired with brown eyes. But skin color can be different: olive, dark, light. This shade of hair will highlight the image and even refresh it, and thanks to the rich dark notes it will give it beauty and femininity.

Dark golden brown hair color

Dark golden hair color has rich brown notes. Simply put, this shade is very similar to brown hair color. However, the unusual combination of light brown notes with golden ones forms unusual style. In general, if we talk about who is suitable for dark brown golden hair color, then the answer will be clear - for those with brown eyes and dark or light skin. This combination creates a harmonious image that looks very impressive. Dark golden brown hair color is also called “frosty chestnut” or “coffee brown” or “golden chestnut”. It is quite easy to find on store shelves, in large assortment. This shade is suitable for home hair coloring if you do not want to turn to professionals for help.

Hair dye golden brown color

We have compiled our list of the most popular golden brown hair dyes.

  • Igora Royal 10-75 Light blond copper-golden
  • Shade 6-7 “Golden dark blond” syoss
  • Color Mask 750 Golden Dark Blonde
  • Garnier 9.3 Very light brown golden
  • Garnier 6.3 Golden dark blond
  • Palette Salon Colors, shade Golden light blond 6-65
  • L’Oreal Recital Preference “Pure Gold”
  • Brillance 814 Golden blonde
  • PALETTE 10 MIN. COLOR 850 Golden light brown

Golden highlights on brown hair

Golden highlights on light brown hair look very stylish and, importantly, natural. If you want to create golden highlights on light brown hair, remember that you will get the natural effect of sun-bleached hair. This coloring technique is called Californian hair highlighting. If you prefer new things in the world of coloring, be sure to try voluminous hair coloring, which involves coloring your hair in three or more shades.

Golden brown hair has one significant advantage - it looks very natural. This means that others will perceive it as your natural hair shade, which will allow you to create a harmonious image.

Golden hair color - choosing the best dye

Golden hair shining in the sun looks simply amazing. And this shade never goes out of style. But it’s not always possible to get it. And the hair after such coloring requires additional care. Therefore, before you decide on golden shades, it is worth learning about some of their secrets.

Benefits of color

Golden shades of hair dye have many advantages for which women love them so much:

  • they are suitable for any age;
  • perfectly hide gray hair;
  • rejuvenate and brighten the face;
  • make the image romantic;
  • create additional volume;
  • looks expensive on loose hair and updo;
  • look great when highlighted;
  • goes well with any warm shades;
  • suitable for haircuts different lengths and textures.

There is also a flip side to the coin - a luxurious golden color looks only on healthy, smooth hair.

Damaged and porous ones lack shine and shine. Moreover, they quickly absorb sebum, become gray, and lose volume. And the golden tint washes off from them in just a couple of weeks. And then that unpleasant yellowness appears, which is so difficult to get rid of.

Shades of gold

Golden hair dye has many shades. In fact, this is a whole palette where there are very light and almost dark tones. And one of the secrets of success is in the correct choice of “your” shade, which will be in maximum harmony with the color of the eyes and skin, and also emphasize the advantages of the face.

It's easy to get lost in such diversity. Of course, not every manufacturer has all shades of golden paint, but if you really want to, you can always find one that suits you perfectly.

First of all, keep in mind that golden hair color belongs to the warm range. This means that it is not suitable for everyone, but only for women of warm color types - spring and autumn. They are characterized by:

  • peach or terracotta blush;
  • light yellowish or sandy skin;
  • green, amber, brown, olive, blue eye color.

Golden shades combine perfectly with tan. Darker ones perfectly highlight the beauty of dark and olive skin. Amber and copper make freckles and pigmentation more noticeable - only women with perfectly clear skin can afford these colors.

How to paint

You can get a golden hue in several ways: tinting, permanent paints or using folk remedies. Toning is suitable for naturally light or bleached hair.

Copper, amber, coffee and chocolate will fit well on all shades of light brown without discoloration. But dark blond and chestnut will have to be lightened in any case.


A tint balm will help give your light hair a golden tone or refresh it. It should always be on hand if you choose any golden color. After all, it quickly washes off, leaving behind an unsightly yellowish tint. And you need to take care of this in order to always look stylish and well-groomed.

There are a lot of toning products now. Most popular brands tint balms Consumers have had Tonic, Estelle, and Belita for several years now.

If you use a balm 1-2 shades darker than the color of the permanent paint, it will last longer. It is enough to use it once every 7-10 days. If you do this more often, your hair will begin to dry out.

Permanent paints

Most well-known manufacturers have a fairly wide palette of durable paints in golden shades.

Some professional lines even have a separate gold pigment that can be added to any base color. But experimenting with it at home is strictly not recommended. You can easily find the desired tone by name or number.

Golden shades are now in fashion, so they are also among cheap paints. But the result after such coloring too often does not coincide with the color stated in the photo. Whether to risk your own hair or not is up to you.

Folk remedies

You can give a golden hue to hair that is not too dark by nature through the regular use of folk remedies.

Their main advantage over artificial dyes is complete safety. Moreover, they can significantly improve the condition of the hair and accelerate its growth.

Important! Henna dries out your hair, so you should definitely do it after it. nourishing masks. If your hair has been dyed with ammonia dye, henna can be used no earlier than after 4 weeks.

Professional secrets

In order for the golden hue to turn out beautiful, and the hair to suffer minimal damage, you need to take care of it. Here are a few useful tips that professional hairdressers shared with us:

If your hair had to be lightened, then it really needs additional nutrition and restoration. This can be provided by professional masks or masks prepared according to folk recipes. They should be done 2-3 times a week, and a conditioner should be used after each wash.

SYOSS Oleo Intense hair dye - review

6-80 Golden blond /very detailed, photographs of two colors (red and light blond base)/

While I'm humbly growing my hair, I decided to help my sister choose a dye; our choice fell on ammonia-free; actively promoted Olia, but we didn’t like any of the available colors, so we took Sjoss. Later I painted myself the same tone, see in the second part.

By the paint number, we can say that this is a shade at the level of dark blond (6) with a brown tint (8); on the foreign website Oleo I saw its name “hazelnut blonde” (walnut blond), in Ukrainian “golden blond” (golden blond).


Given: I didn’t think to take “before” photos of my hair this time; roots at level 6-7 with a significant gray content; length at level 7-8, repeatedly dyed.

Necessary: uniform natural red.

My sister has been dyeing her hair red for years, 6 to 8 deep, with gold/copper/red tones, so that's why most dyes (regardless of their tone) still give a red result.

The paint kit is standard and includes a bottle with developer and a spout cap, which greatly facilitates the application process. The consistency is normal, the smell is somehow creamy, almost inaudible. The balm is pleasant and improves hair quality.

She lay down straight, without surprises; the color turned out natural, with shimmer, sooooo shiny! Seems a little darker than the packaging, but that's not a problem.

We are satisfied with the quality of the dye and hair, they are not overheated, do not fall out, do not split or break. We will definitely try again!

From me personally, a plus for convenient application without the hassle of using bowls/brushes, from my sister - for an even natural color and fantastic shine. We recommend!


About a month has passed since my last coloring (at the salon, Estel Essex), and my soul began to ask for the holiday to play tricks with the paint on its own. There were a lot of options: the proven Olia, the untested Perfect Mousse, and salon paint at home. but it’s not the same, not a single strand in the farb card was impressive. Already starting to lose hope of painting this evening, I was wandering around in the aisles with paints, and I came across Sjoss. I chose this shade out of everything, keeping in mind my sister’s amazing result.

Given: paint of an unknown tone that has slipped off over the course of a month (initially it was at level 7-8).

Want: natural uniform color and shine.


She poured the dye into the developer, shook it vigorously, and began applying it to dry hair straight from the bottle, separating the hair with the spout. Very comfortably! The consistency turned out to be liquid, but the paint did not flow. I applied it quickly (literally in 15 minutes) and started massaging.

Initially the mass is beige, but quickly begins to darken. There is just time to remove all stains from the bathtub/washing machine/face/ears before they appear and completely darken.

I combed my hair (this is the first (!) dye with which I was able to do this without loss), brushed off the excess and began to wait. Everything was getting dark before our eyes. It burned the scalp a little, so if the paint does not contain ammonia, then the manufacturer clearly did not spare the peroxide.

Half an hour later I went to wash it off, the water flowed quite brown, the paint washed off very quickly, but the towel was stained quite a bit. I didn’t really like the balm in the kit, it smells nice and has a comfortable consistency, but it doesn’t give the wow effect of softness (on my very damaged hair).


My hair, of course, has become a little drier (I think this can be quickly corrected with my favorite shampoo/conditioner), but the most important thing (in my case of peeling dye) is the color.

Iii. it was, quite expectedly, a light brown-haired man. There is no need to talk about gold (at least in artificial light); about the blonde (as some call it), even more so.

Just like the first time, the color turned out darker than on the package; on “medium-blonde” hair it was much darker. I was ready for this, because I looked at the curl in the farb card, but still, I hope it will reach “as on the package” in a week or two.

Would I recommend this paint for a second time? I recommend it, but look not at the packaging, but at the farbcard, so that you are not surprised by the light golden walnut blond, which is not light, golden, but definitely not blond.

Often the light brown color is considered exclusively grayish, and girls refuse it, fearing to look like gray mice. But it is not always the case! Sometimes the right shade will not only make you the center of attention, but will also noticeably rejuvenate you.

A very good example of such a noticeable coloring is golden brown hair color. It will fit especially perfectly into the appearance of a girl or woman (even of a fairly advanced age) with warm skin and light eyes.

Who suits golden brown hair color?

The palette of this color is created by many beautiful halftones: amber, beige, copper, classic golden...

Spring appearance, gently warm: light eyes (cornflower blue, green, blue, less often light brown), light hair (the color of straw, wheat or flax), warmish-light skin (porcelain, soft beige, ivory). For owners of such beauty, the classic golden undertone of a light brown color is best suited.

Autumn appearance, brightly warm: brown eyes, rich warm skin tones. This look will be perfectly complemented by pronounced yellow or reddish hair tones: amber, caramel, dark golden, red gold, copper. If you can easily be made to blush (you are shy or simply hypertensive), choose golden brown - strands dyed in this color will not focus attention on the excessive blush of your face.

Summer appearance, cold: gray eyes, white skin, cold hair. It is important not to make a mistake with your choice. Only a shade of light gold will suit you. Moreover, simple highlighting will be enough - sparkling strands will beneficially refresh the color of the skin of the cheeks.

Winter appearance, cold: as light as possible, even pale skin. Your choice is a golden dark brown shade.

How to dye your hair golden brown

Stylists consider light brown to be a very “harmful”, “eccentric” shade. If it fits on light strands without problems, then dark ones will even have to be lightened a little.

Choosing “the one”, your shade of paint, is also extremely important. Let's say you have dark blond hair, and you decided to “gild” them. First you will have to lighten each strand, but at the same time they will give a pronounced yellowness. This means that a warm dye will not suit you; it will only emphasize the “defects” you don’t need, making your hair “dirty.” On the contrary, apply a cool shade of paint to the strands, which will neutralize the yellowness, turning it into a cute golden shimmer.

What are the different shades of golden brown hair?

A detailed analysis of the popular colors of the golden-blond line

Golden caramel

Jewelry for a lady with brown eyes and blond hair. Important: the paint goes on blonde with brown and red tints! If your eyes are brown, this will highlight them very well.

Dark brown, golden

Probably the most popular of this line. “Winter” women simply adore him. Before coloring, remember: if your hair is light, recently bleached, do not apply this dye without prior preparation, otherwise your hair will give off a greenish look. So dyed blondes need to get acquainted with this light brown tone only with the help of an experienced professional.

Golden brown highlights

Hairdressers advise complementing the coloring with these tones with highlighting, and using tones for it that are slightly lighter than the main one. They will create an effect of texture and depth on the head. For example, you can choose golden dye - it will seem that your hair has simply been successfully bleached in the sun (this effect is called “California highlighting”). Or, as an option, turn to volumetric coloring - for this “fashion squeak” you will need at least 3 shades.

Golden brown hair color and makeup

Attention to make-up: if you dyed your strands with a warm color, make-up should be done in the same range. You can buy yourself brown, peach, and gold shadows. Greenish or pale pink ones are also suitable. You can use brown mascara, and chocolate or bronze eyeliner (and greenish or blue for light contrast). As for blush, peach, beige, and beige-orange are suitable.