Scenario Christmas in kindergarten Star of Bethlehem. Scenario of the fairy tale "The Christmas Star"

Christmas holiday for preschoolers. Scenario "The Christmas Star gives light of love and kindness"

Scenario of Christmas entertainment with the participation of children of the fifth, sixth and seventh years of age

Description: Entertainment is provided in the music room. The material will be useful music directors, educators, parents in order to introduce children and adults to the origins of Orthodox culture, as well as in organizing events with middle and older children preschool age.
Target: reveal the meaning of the Nativity of Christ and the importance of this event in the life of every person.
Tasks: cultivate friendly relationships with each other, love for one’s neighbor,
creating a positive mood

Progress of entertainment:

A little boy enters the festively decorated hall.
Boy: Wonderful quiet evening. And the fire in the fireplace warms.
It's snowing outside the window. I need to meet my sister.
I've been waiting for her all day, because she promised -
There will be a surprise in the evening, but she didn’t tell me what.

A girl runs in - her older sister.

Girl: Brother, forgive me for being a little late.
Get dressed, hurry up, so that you have time before the start.
(Begins to put his fur coat on his brother)

Boy: We shouldn't be late. But you didn’t say where?

Girl: You and I are invited to Christ's birthday.

Boy: Birthday? Christ? Who is he?

Girl: That's the question!
The Savior was born, Christ was born.
All the people rejoice: He brought joy.
He delivers us from evil and sin.
Without God in the world, our life is bad.
The peoples rejoice! The earth rejoices!
Christ was born to us - I will tell you too.
Let us go and bow before the Lord
And He will fill us with psalms of praise!
Boy: But they give gifts on birthdays! What can you and I give him?

Girl(shrugs shoulders): He is our savior, he has everything in the world -
our whole huge world belongs to us.

Boy: So what should we do? What should we do?
How can we surprise the Savior?

Girl: We will praise and love him,
Give thanks for our salvation.
For joy, for the glory of our Savior,
Give him an obedient heart

Boy: Dear Jesus! We today
We give you our children's hearts!

Together: Make them obedient to you forever!

Girls in white dresses with helium balloons in the shape of hearts enter to the tune of a calm Christmas song, and the boy and girl leave.

Dance with hearts

At the end of the dance, the hearts are released upward.

HOST: Hello, dear guests. Today great holiday- holiday
Christmas. Christmas is an amazing time when the heart
filled with anticipation of a miracle. And this miracle comes. It seems that the sky has become
closer, a light of hope lights up in the heart that the world around will become
better. Everyone tries to give kindness and love to their loved ones on this day.
to become a better person, and most importantly, to be closer to God.

CHILD: Christmas - children's party because from time immemorial on this holiday
children were revered, since the center of the holiday is the one born
Divine Infant Christ.

CHILD: Christmas is a good holiday, a celebration of the victory of good over evil.

CHILD: Christmas is a bright holiday, it has always been accompanied by saints and
holidays, Christmas tree.

CHILD: Christmas is a beautiful holiday, since on none of the holidays do people
They decorated their houses, streets and cities this way.

CHILD: Christmas - family celebration. He is always welcomed in his family, in the circle
family and friends.

HOST: We can say that all of us gathered here are also one big and friendly
family. And we ask you to bless our holiday………….

Welcome speech from the rector

HOST: When, with the holy fire of grief, Above the sleepy blue
A wonderful star rose, the Living God was born.
And the star of Love and kindness burns above you.
Look, child, at heaven, you will see her.

Dance of the Stars and the entrance of Zve hello

HOST: The star of Bethlehem rose in the sky
Her rays always shine for us in the darkness
Christ was born, sanctifying our earthly path.
So that we don’t turn off the straight path of Faith!

STARS YES: The world awaits a Christmas miracle
And the Holy stars are a good presence.
Oh, how much we are missing today
Mercy, love and compassion.
Kindle the Faith of God in a child’s heart
Having turned children into the property of the Fatherland,
Teach them to do good deeds -
And kindness, mercy, compassion. (stars run to their places)
(Screen will go down)

HOST: Hello, Star! We are glad to see you! After all, it was your light that illuminated
earth on that extraordinary night. It was so long ago and you're still the same
shine for us.

STAR: The Lord then set me on fire and commanded me to illuminate the cave into which they entered
Virgin Mary and Elder Joseph.

HOST: Well, of course. After all, this was a special place. Here in the cold stone
The Divine Child, the Savior of the world, was born in the cave
Jesus Christ.
Blessed is that day and hour when our Lord became incarnate,
When he appeared on earth to lead us to Heaven.
Just think! God himself is born as an ordinary baby, not in a royal palace, not among wealth and honor, but in a den. And the Virgin Mary, whom people henceforth began to call the Mother of God, herself swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.

Video – “The Nativity of Christ” in"

HOST: Yes, it was not nobility and power, wealth and power, but love and humility that saved the world.

A star sparkled above the mountain cave And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams.
A great miracle happened then - the Savior for the world was born - Christ.

STAR: And the first who met the Savior were the animals abandoned by the shepherds.
Looking into the cave, I saw them standing around the cribs and warming them with their
the breath of the Light Baby, and He smiles at them.

HOST: What animals did you see, Star?
STAR: Let's ask the guys about this.
(After each guess the Character enters the hall)

He's been at work for a century. Without him a man is
I wouldn't plow the field. Labor is an ox's share.
Who are we talking about? Tell. This is...(ox)

Shepherds tend their flocks so that there will always be wool.
There will be wool yarn - They will not be afraid of the cold.
The wool is twisted into rings of a curly one... (lamb)

They say he is stubborn. But the worker is the most faithful.
Long-eared, whisky tail... Well, of course, this is... (donkey)

(The rest of the characters approach the nativity scene - a sparrow, a dog, a cat, a goat)

STAR: In the manger, a quiet, tiny Christ slept on fresh hay.
A month emerging from the shadows. I stroked the flax of his hair...

VOL: The bull breathed on the baby's face and, rustling the straw,
He stared at the elastic knee, barely breathing.

SPARROW: Sparrows flocked through the roof poles to the manger,

VOL: And the bull, clinging to the niche, kneaded the blanket with his lip.

DOG: The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg, licked it secretly.

CAT: The cat was the most comfortable of all, warming the child sideways in the manger...

GOAT: The subdued white goat breathed on His forehead,

DONKEY: Only the stupid gray donkey pushed everyone helplessly:
“If only I could look at the child for a minute!”
And he cried loudly and loudly in the pre-dawn silence...

STAR: And Christ, opening his eyes, suddenly moved apart the circle of animals
And with a smile full of affection, He whispered: “Look quickly!”
The animals walk around the nativity scene and go to their places

Christmas Carol in zap isi

HOST: We will tell you a Christmas tale now.
You sit down comfortably, let's begin our story.

STAR: In a winter dress, the dark forest is full of joyful miracles!
You and I will enter it, we will come to the clearing.
There is a little tower in the clearing, It is neither low nor high!
Forest animals live in it, They don’t keep the doors locked.
They are waiting for the saint's holiday, creating comfort in the house.
Soon, Christmas is coming, And celebrations are everywhere.
Everyone cooks, cleans, cooks, washes and washes.
The house must be clean, this is how it works everywhere.

Mouse I will bake pies, gingerbread, cookies.
We will all have a Miracle treat for Christmas.

Hedgehog I pickled the mushrooms and dried the sweet apples.
That's enough, mouse, you've got enough to worry about. Make compote for the pies.

Bunny If there are carrots, cabbage, then the table is not empty!
Let's make carrot juice and make cabbage into a pie.

Bear And I will help too, Here is the filling for the pie:
I bring berries and honey, I collected them in the forest.
Sweet, thick honey, like the golden sun
I brought you a barrel, Even frost is not scary with it!

Wolf And I caught some fish, I spent the whole day fishing for them!
There will be a holiday in the yard - There will be fish on the table!
Let's break our fast together and gorge ourselves on pies.

Chanterelle Well, while I was fasting, I wasn’t idle either:
I embroidered the tablecloth with silk, washed the curtains.
I washed everything, put it away, I helped the Mouse bake.
Soon there will be a holiday in the yard - treats are on the table.

Mouse And now, friends, together we will meet a new star.
When that star lights up - the holiday will come to us here!

Dance "Chasi" ki"

Bunny Again, again we will glorify the Birthday of Christ!
I am so glad to congratulate you all! Come out here everyone!
(All animals go to the center of the hall)

Wolf We will sing, play, laugh. Treat yourself to some pies!
Jesus Christ was born and brought us salvation!

Dance of the beast to her

(go to their seats. Readers come out)

CHILD: Have fun people, the holiday is coming to the house!
Let the Orthodox rejoice, Bright Holiday, Glorious Holiday!

CHILD: On this night, Jesus was born! The Son of God, our Savior has appeared!
It’s a sin to fall into despondency, we need to glorify God!

CHILD: Let everyone rejoice! Strict, meek and brave.
Happy Great Celebration to everyone! Merry Christmas!

STAR: These days, I’ll tell you children, there is a custom among people,
Decorate the Christmas tree with bright candles in the stars.
Every year she shines on the day of great celebration
And the lights herald the bright holiday of Christmas.
Hear, the needles on your tree are suddenly ringing
Maybe they are ringing for us to light the lights?
Come on, Christmas tree! Two! Three! Shine with the light of joy!

HOST: The period from the Nativity of Christ to baptism is called Holy Days.
Christmastide in Rus' was celebrated brightly, beautifully and cheerfully. Guys try it
solve our Christmas riddles.

Who can tell me the answer? Where is it yes and where is it not?
Just answer quickly Yes, don't yawn
What's hanging on the tree? Cones and needles? (Yes)
Multi-colored balls? (Yes)
Are there mosquitoes on the branches? (No)

Dolls and nesting dolls? (Yes)
Torn boots? (No)
Gingerbread, crackers? (Yes)
Slippery frogs? (No)

Beads and snowflakes? (Yes)
Old shoes? (No)
Are the stars shining? (Yes)
And the dogs bark? (No)

STAR: At Christmas it is customary to say to each other good wishes. We got
such wishes as a holiday gift! We invite our guests to open
box with Christmas wishes.
(The star brings a chest of wishes to the guests, who choose and pronounce them out loud.)

HOST: Hello, dear guests. Today is a great holiday - Christmas. Christmas is an amazing time when the heart is filled with the expectation of a miracle. And this miracle comes. It seems that the sky has become closer, a light of hope lights up in the heart that the world around will become better. Everyone tries on this day to give kindness and love to a loved one, to become better, and most importantly, to be closer to God.

CHILD: Christmas is a children's holiday because from time immemorial children have been revered on this holiday, since the center of the holiday is the born Infant Christ.
CHILD: Christmas is a good holiday, a celebration of the victory of good over evil.
CHILD: Christmas is a bright holiday, it has always been accompanied by holy days and holidays, the Christmas tree.
CHILD: Christmas is a beautiful holiday, because on no other holiday have people decorated their houses, streets and cities like this.
CHILD: Christmas is a family holiday. He is always welcomed in his family, among his relatives and friends.
HOST: We can say that all of us gathered here are also one big and Friendly family. And we ask you to bless our holiday………….
Welcome speech from the rector
Leading. The name of the mother of Christ is the Holy Virgin Mary, and the father was Joseph, very a kind person. The first to see the birth of Christ were angels who descended from heaven, little children with wings - messengers and servants of God.

Dance "Angels"

To the calm music of the first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, a girl dressed as an angel appears.

Scene The Night Before Christmas

Angel: I proclaim good news,
Singing about the miracle of God.
Will soon be born among people
The Savior of the world is the King of Kings.
There's only a little time left to wait,
He will be born in a wretched stable,
He will sleep in the manger on the hay.
I will protect your sleep.
God told me to go for now
Find helpers for yourself.
Who can in that poor stable
Serve the born Christ?
A lion: Let me serve the King of Kings,
After all, I am the king of beasts myself.
There is no one more worthy than me
I will be a good security guard.
Can I roar loudly
And if necessary, bite
I am the strongest, the bravest
Take me to this job!
Angel: It's probably true that you are brave,
This is very important to God.
Determination in the voice and firmness.
One problem is that pride gets in the way.
Fox: Take me to serve the King!
I'm speaking honestly.
I'll bring Him eggs
I'll take them from the birds' nests,
I'll get some fresh milk
In the nearest village there is a cow.
And how much good there is in the barns,
I can get any goods.
Angel: Stealing will not suit us,
Sin will not lead to good.
It is impossible to serve Christ by sin,
Repent quickly, Lisa.
Peacock: The barn is so dirty, boring, nasty
And it probably smells bad there
I am ready to serve Christ
I will decorate a poor home with myself.
Look how beautiful I am -
Feathers shine like dawn
My outfit is great
Jesus will certainly be pleased.
Angel: Yes, you are beautiful, Peacock, I won’t hide it,
But I'll tell you one secret:
God appreciates the beauty of hearts,
And not colorful clothes.

Nightingale: I’m wearing a gray caftan,
But there is great talent hidden in the heart.
I am a well-known nightingale.
Let me sing to the King of Kings.
In His wretched stable
I will praise God.
This is how I want to serve Christ,
But will I receive a reward?
Angel: Sing glory to God for his reward?
The Lord does not need this.
He is looking for those who are from the heart
He wants to serve the baby.
And who works in the field there?
Who carries the load while living in captivity?
Ox: I am an old and tired ox.
Donkey: And I am an insignificant slave donkey.
Angel: I want to ask you, friends.
Do you want to serve God?
To make life a little easier for Him,
When He is born in the stable.
Ox: I am happy to serve,
But what can I offer:
I've been working on the field all my life -
That's all I'm good for.
Donkey: What kind of servant am I?
There is no beauty, no intelligence.
Probably for the King of Kings
You will find better animals.

Angel: Perhaps all the way to me
You can't find better animals.
You will, Ox, wag your tail,
Keep flies away from the baby.
And you, Donkey, breathing warmth,
You'll keep your baby warm at night.
(angel steps forward)
Those are worthy to serve Christ,
And give Him your talent,
Who thinks modestly with humility
Taught to work and patience!

HOST:And in the sky The star of Bethlehem rose (star appearance slide)
Her rays always shine for us in the darkness
Christ was born, sanctifying our earthly path.
So that we don’t turn off the straight path of Faith!
The music sounds and the star appears

STAR: The world awaits a Christmas miracle
And the Holy stars are a good presence.
Oh, how much we are missing today
Mercy, love and compassion.
Kindle the Faith of God in a child’s heart
Having turned children into the property of the Fatherland,
Teach them to do good deeds -
And kindness, mercy, compassion.
HOST: Hello, Star! We are glad to see you! After all, it was your light that illuminated the earth on that extraordinary night. It was so long ago, and you still shine for us.
STAR: The Lord then lit me on fire and commanded me to illuminate the cave into which the Virgin Mary and Elder Joseph entered.
HOST: Well, of course. After all, this was a special place. Here, in a cold stone cave, the Divine Child, the Savior of the world, was born
Jesus Christ.
Blessed is that day and hour when our Lord became incarnate,
When he appeared on earth to lead us to Heaven.
Just think! God himself is born as an ordinary baby, not in a royal palace, not among wealth and honor, but in a den. And the Virgin Mary, whom people henceforth began to call the Mother of God, herself swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.

Video – “The Nativity of Christ”

HOST: Yes, it was not nobility and power, wealth and power, but love and humility that saved the world.
A star sparkled above the mountain cave And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams.
A great miracle happened then - the Savior for the world was born - Christ.
CHILD: Have fun people, the holiday is coming to the house!
Let the Orthodox rejoice, Bright Holiday, Glorious Holiday!
CHILD: On this night, Jesus was born! The Son of God, our Savior has appeared!
It’s a sin to fall into despondency, we need to glorify God!
CHILD: Let everyone rejoice! Strict, meek and brave.
Happy Great Celebration to everyone! Merry Christmas!

Leading. Christmas is very fun party because on this day Jesus was born. And now, as always on birthdays, we will sing, dance, and dress up. On this day people give each other gifts, sing carols, play games, and glorify the birth of Christ!

STAR: These days, I’ll tell you children, there is a custom among people,
Decorate the Christmas tree with bright candles in the stars.
Every year she shines on the day of great celebration
And the lights herald the bright holiday of Christmas.
Hear, the needles on your tree are suddenly ringing
Maybe they are ringing for us to light the lights?
Come on, Christmas tree! Two! Three! Shine with the light of joy!

Song: "Christmas Tree"
or quiz

HOST: The period from the Nativity of Christ to baptism is called Holy Days.
Christmastide in Rus' was celebrated brightly, beautifully and cheerfully. Guys, try to guess our Christmas riddles.
Who can tell me the answer? Where is it yes and where is it not?
Just answer quickly Yes, don't yawn
What's hanging on the tree? Cones and needles? (Yes)
Multi-colored balls? (Yes)
Are there mosquitoes on the branches? (No)
Dolls and nesting dolls? (Yes)
Torn boots? (No)
Gingerbread, crackers? (Yes)
Slippery frogs? (No)
Beads and snowflakes? (Yes)
Old shoes? (No)
Are the stars shining? (Yes)
And the dogs bark? (No)

The host conducts Christmas games.

Game "Golden Gate".

Children are divided into two teams. One team joins hands and says the words:

Golden Gate

They don't always open.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited

And the third time we won’t let you through!

At this time, the second team moves one after another in a “snake” pattern. At the last words, the children lower their hands, and those who remained in the circle begin to dance, the rest continue the game.

Leading. As in the old days, so now, on Christmas Day, people carol, put on masks, go from house to house, and the owners joyfully welcome guests, generously giving them candy, gingerbread, money and all sorts of sweet gifts.


1. Little boy

Sat down on the sofa

And the sofa is fragile,

Come on people, rub it!

2. We came to sing carols,

Glorify the birth of Christ.

Open chests

Let's give it nickels!

3. Kind people: dads, moms,

Give the little ones something sweet!

4. An angel came down to us from heaven

And he said: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

Merry Christmas to all of you!

5. We are little children,

They broke a branch,

They stood in the fence

Christ was glorified!

Paradise has opened -

Christ is born!

6. Angels sing

And they give us joy!

And we accept joy -


7. Hello master and hostess,

Happy Christ, Merry Christmas,

Happy Anniversary!

8. We sow, we weed, we weave,

Merry Christmas!

A masked woman comes out with candy.


Kolyada caroled,

She ran up under the window,

What did grandma bake?

I gave it to everyone.

Don't pinch, don't break,

But in general, come on!

(Hands out candy)

IN: Our holiday is coming to an end.

Star: We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas to all of you,

We sincerely wish you happiness in this bright hour .

Flash mob:"Herringbone".

Municipal educational institution Alabinskaya secondary school

with in-depth study of individual subjects


Literary and musical performance.

and literature

Kopyltsova Tatyana Viktorovna,

U private owners: children's vocal ensemble (leader music teacher Lenskaya G.V.), women's vocal ensemble "Sudarushka", children's vocal ensemble "Sudaryata" (leader Abramova N.M.), students of the music school, students of the literary circles "Living Word" and "Stage art" (directors T.V. Kopyltsova, L.I. Zhevnyak).

Stage decoration: Protsenko O.Yu.

    The bell rings (the presentation begins).


Can you hear the bells? Day after day, year after year, century after century they called in Rus', awakened joy in the soul, called the living. From the very cradle, the man was warned by the ringing of bells. The bells sound solemnly and joyfully, which means that the Orthodox people are celebrating a great holiday.

Christmas is almost a month away, but it is already showering you with snow dust, clinging to the frosty windows in the morning, runners ringing along the blue roads, singing in the church during the all-night vigil “Christ is born, glorify” and dreaming at night in the form of a cheerful silver blizzard.

    Song "Hail Mary!"

Performance by the women's choir "Sudarushka".


The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and most joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary's son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

Performance by the winner of regional competitions of the women's vocal ensemble "Sudarushka" and the children's vocal ensemble "Sudaryata". Head: Abramova N.M.

Poem by Boris Pasternak “Christmas Star”

(presentation, musical accompaniment “Hail Mary!” Group of readers).

It was winter.

The wind was blowing from the steppe.

And it was cold for the Baby in the den

On the hillside.

The breath of the ox warmed him.


We stood in a cave

A warm haze floated over the manger.

Shaking off the dust from the bed

And millet grains,

Watched from the cliff

Shepherds wake up in the midnight distance.

In the distance there was a field in the snow and a churchyard,

Fences, gravestones,

Shaft in a snowdrift,

And the sky above the cemetery is full of stars.

And nearby, unknown before,

Shy than a bowl

At the gatehouse window

A star twinkled on the way to Bethlehem.

She was burning like a haystack to the side

From heaven and God,

Like the glow of arson,

Like a farm on fire and a fire on a threshing floor.

She rose like a burning stack

Straw and hay

In the middle of the whole universe,

Alarmed by this new star.

The growing glow glowed above her

And it meant something

And three stargazers

They hurried to the call of unprecedented lights.

They were followed by gifts on camels.

And donkeys in harness, one small one

The other one was walking down the mountain in small steps.

And a strange vision of the coming time

Everything that came after stood up in the distance.

All the thoughts of centuries, all dreams, all worlds,

All the future of galleries and museums,

All the pranks of fairies, all the deeds of sorcerers,

All the Christmas trees in the world, all the dreams of children.

All the thrill of warmed candles, all the chains,

All the splendor of colored tinsel...

The wind from the steppe blew angrier and more fiercely...

All apples, all golden balls.

Part of the pond was hidden by the tops of alder trees,

But some of it was clearly visible from here

Through the nests of rooks and treetops.

As donkeys and camels walked along the dam,

The shepherds could see it clearly.

Let's go with everyone, let's worship the miracle, -

They said, wrapping their covers around them.

The shuffling through the snow made it hot.

Through a bright clearing with sheets of mica

Barefoot footprints led behind the shack.

On these traces, like on the flame of a cinder,

The shepherds grumbled in the light of the star.

The frosty night was like a fairy tale,

And someone from a snowy ridge

All the time he was invisibly part of their ranks.

The dogs wandered, looking around cautiously,

And they huddled close to the shepherd and waited for trouble.

Along the same road through the same area

Several angels walked in the midst of the crowd.

Their incorporeality made them invisible,

But the step left a footprint.

A crowd of people was crowding around the stone.

It was getting light. Cedar trunks appeared.

Who are you? - asked Maria.

We are a shepherd's tribe and ambassadors of heaven,

We have come to praise you both.

It's impossible for everyone to do it together. Wait at the entrance.

In the midst of the gray, ash-like pre-dawn haze

Drivers and sheep breeders trampled,

Pedestrians were arguing with the riders,

At a hollowed out watering hole

Camels brayed and donkeys kicked.

It was getting light. Dawn is like specks of ash,

The last stars were swept from the sky.

And only the Magi from the countless rabble

Mary let him into the hole in the rock.

He slept, all shining, in an oak manger,

Like a ray of moonlight in the hollow of a hollow.

They replaced his sheepskin coat

Donkey lips and ox nostrils.

We stood in the shadows, as if in the darkness of a stable,

They whispered, barely finding words.

Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left

He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,

And he looked back: from the threshold to the Virgin,

The Christmas star looked on like a guest.

"Nativity".(Music and lyrics by P. Sinyavsky).

Performed by a children's vocal ensemble,

head LenskayaG.V.

1. Verse

In the realm of frost and snow

Crystal gardens bloomed.

Through our window from the festive sky

Crystal gardens bloomed

The light of the Christmas Star is pouring.


Near the Christmas tree again,

Near the Christmas tree again

Celebration, celebration -



Christmas, Christmas.

2. Verse

In every tower, in every little room

The golden-winged angel has arrived,

He lit the Christmas tree

And he looked at us with a smile.

The golden-winged angel has arrived

And he looked at us with a smile.


3. Verse

We dream about Christmas Eve

A string of festive miracles.

The Lord Himself in wonderful robes

A string of festive miracles

It comes down to you and me from heaven.


    Poem by Joseph Brodsky "Christmas Star".

In the cold season, in an area accustomed to the heat,

than to the cold, to a flat surface rather than to a mountain,

The baby was born in a cave to save the world;

It's as shallow as it can be in the desert in winter.

Everything seemed huge to him: Mother's breast, yellow steam

from ox nostrils, Magi - Balthazar, Caspar,

Cupronickel; their gifts dragged in here.

ABOUT n was just a dot. And the point was the Star.

Carefully, without blinking, through the rare clouds,

at the Child lying in the manger from afar,

from the depths of the Universe, from its other end,

The star looked into the cave. And this was the Father's gaze.

    musical piece, piano.

    Poem by Alexander Solodovnikov “Christmas”.

A Child lies in a manger.

A mother's face is tender.

The oxen hear in their sleep

A faint child's cry.

And somewhere in white Athens

Philosophers among the columns

They argue about the root causes

They are discussing a new law.

And the crowds in the theaters of Rome,

Hemmed in on the steps,

They applaud tirelessly

Gladiators and elephants.

He will not come in a flash of thunder,

Not in the glory of earthly victories,

He won't break the cane

He will not call kings friends,

He will not call princes to the council -

With the Galilean fishermen

Forms the New Testament.

He won't let anyone suffer,

Prisons are not prohibited,

But Himself, with outstretched arms,

He will die in mortal agony.

And with a mighty victorious ringing

The legions will not waver.

To the myrrh-bearing women, the quiet women,

The winner will come at dawn.

With power incomprehensible

One will extend his hand,

And the pride of Rome will collapse,

The wisdom of Athens will melt.

A Child lies in a manger.

Mother's face is gentle.

The oxen hear in their sleep

A faint child's cry...

Children's performance

vocal ensemble.


Lenskaya G.V.

Performance by music school students.

    Poem by Sasha Cherny “Rozhdestvenskoe”.

In the manger I slept on fresh hay

Quiet tiny Christ.

The moon, emerging from the shadows,

I stroked the flax of His hair...

The Bull Breathed on the Baby's Face

And, rustling like straw,

On an elastic knee

I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles

They flocked to the manger,

And the bull, clinging to the niche,

He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,

Licked her secretly.

The cat was the most comfortable of all

Warm the Child sideways in the manger...

Subdued white goat

I breathed on His forehead,

Just a stupid gray donkey

He pushed everyone helplessly:

“Look at the Child

Just a minute for me too!”

And he cried loudly

In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,

Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart

And with a smile full of affection,

He whispered: “Look quickly!”

    P. Yuon, “Melody” (violin).


Christmas stood at the window and painted frosty flowers on the glass, waiting for the floors in the house to be washed, the rugs to be laid, the lamps to be lit in front of the icons and to be let in...

They prepared thoroughly for the holiday; a few days before Christmas, all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People of wealth considered it their duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and distributed alms.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed their clothes several times, so that they would be new all year. Christmastide begins on January 8, lasting 12 days until Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; Whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled.

    Musical piece, piano.

Speech by students of the “Living Word” literary circles

and “Stage Art” (directors L.I. Zhevnyak, T.V. Kopyltsova).


The Christmas tree has become an integral part of Christmas. Since ancient times, all nations have had a tree as a symbol of peace. The symbol of heaven is the evergreen spruce, which is usually decorated on Christmas night and left throughout the holidays.

And, of course, what would Christmas be without gifts? The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is associated with the Gospel legends about the gifts of the Magi.

    Scene “The Gifts of the Magi.” Students of the “Performing Arts” and “Living Word” clubs.





King Herod


The first shepherd.

We are shepherds. We feed the flock.

The night is cold, I'm completely chilled!

Second shepherd.

Yes, that's right - you need to warm up.

Now let's light the fire.

Collect brushwood along the valley,

Dried thorns - here!

The shepherds collect brushwood scattered in advance on the stage.

It seems to me that now

The night is not the same as always.

The third shepherd.

And it’s true: the world seemed to stand still.

This didn't happen yesterday!

The first shepherd.

Well, the flame runs along the branches.

Let's warm ourselves by the fire!

An Angel appears.



And there is peace on earth -

There is good will in people!

The shepherds fall to their knees and stretch out their hands to him.

I am an angel of God. I have come to announce that today the Savior of the world - Jesus Christ - has been born in your cave!


The first shepherd.

There was an Angel in this side:

Didn't it seem like it to me?

Second shepherd.

Let's quickly return to the cave,

I can't wait until the light

So that taking this news as faith,

I won’t be able to see her in person!

The third shepherd.

What about the herd? What if what happens to him?

Second shepherd.

Collect it: let's go quickly

Bow down to the Child Christ,

Ruler, King of kings!

The first shepherd.

Let's go, brothers!

The third shepherd.

Let's go...

The shepherds leave. Three Magi appear on the stage - two come out from different corners of the stage, the third - in the middle.

The first sorcerer.

Ancient books say that the Great Event will soon happen... The Infant of God - the Savior of the world - will soon be born on earth! I'm just waiting for a sign to go bow to him! (Looks up.) And here is the sign - a new star in the sky! She will lead us to the Lord. (Takes a few steps to the edge of the stage.)

Second Magus.

The time is coming... I believe that I will be given a sign of the birth of the Child of God. (Looks up.) What kind of beautiful star shone in the sky? She says that the Lord has come into the world! (Takes a few steps towards the First Magus.)

Third Magus.

Am I wrong? My heart tells me: the time has come new era! I want to go and worship the Infant God... (Looks up.) This bright, unusual star will lead me on my way.

Approaches the First and Second Magi. They all silently bow to each other and turn to the audience again.

The first sorcerer.

We are stargazers, we are seers,

We are all privy to secrets;

Let's go bow to the Child

We are each from our own country.

Second Magus.

According to the voice of God's command

A bright star guides us

Through deserts and villages,

Through forests and cities.

Third Magus.

We are driven by insight in everything,

We bring gifts to the Baby.

The first sorcerer.

He is the King of kings, and, therefore, it is necessary

Bring him gold as a gift.

And here it is, burning like heat,

The first gift to the Divine Infant!

Shows something like gold.

Second Magus (solemnly).

But I bring something completely different -

Fragrant vessel. (Shows a vessel.)

There is myrrh here. Myrrh and aloe -

A libation will be poured at the burial.

Alas! I know in advance -

The Savior will die for people.

But lies and malice will be put to shame,

And He will rise from the grave!

Third Magus.

He is Divine, and therefore

I carry incense for Him (shows censer).

After all, incense is burned for the glory of God,

He is a fragrant resin...

Us in new town brought.

Second Magus.

The star doesn't move.

Third Magus.

So, here.

Let them open the gates for us.

From the other side of the stage, a throne is quickly brought out for Herod. Ira comes out and claps his hands three times. Herod's Manager appears.


What do you command, O king, mighty and richest Herod?


Bring wine and sweets! However, no. Wine will not gladden my heart, and sweets will not delight my throat, for my thoughts are troubled. What's in town?


All is calm, O lord. People are busy with their own affairs.

Herod .

Are there any rumors about rebels, attackers against my government?


May thunder strike on their heads! I haven't heard anything like that.


Do you have any news?


This morning three strangers came to the gates of Bethlehem. They ask you to allow them before your face.


Aliens? So, are they rich? Is the retinue accompanying them large?


O lord, they have no retinue at all.


Therefore, these are poor people. How dare they ask before my face?


O richest and most powerful one! These strangers are not ordinary people - their whole appearance reveals nobility and dignity. Their clothes are rich, and their faces are concentrated - it is clear that they are thinking about something important...


Hmm... Oh well. Call them here.

Manager. This minute, my lord!

The Magi enter and bow to Herod.


Who are you, respectable strangers, and why did you come to my city?

The first sorcerer.

King, live forever! We learned that in your city, or somewhere nearby, the King of kings, the Divine Child, was born.

Herod (with concern).

King of Kings?

First in about l x century.

Oh yeah! Savior of the world!

Ir o d.

What will He save the world from?

The first sorcerer.

From the sin committed by the forefathers - Adam and Eve.

Second Magus.

From the curse that lies on all people.

Third Magus.

From the hell to which every person is now exposed.


Why did you call the Savior the King of kings?

The first sorcerer.

Because He is the Lord of the entire Universe.

Herod (speaking as if to himself).

So, He threatens my greatness?! Can he take away my kingdom? (To the Magi.) Honorable strangers, are you sure that you will find Him?

Second Magus.

We are called to worship Him - that means we will find him.


When you find it, come to me again and tell me where He is. (To himself.) Then I will send soldiers to kill Him. (To the Magi, with false piety.) For I, too, want to worship this unusual Child.

Magi (together).

Let it be so!

They bow and leave. Shepherds appear on the stage.

The first shepherd.

My brothers! Have you seen those people who just passed in the distance?

Second shepherd.

Since we were in our cave, I haven't noticed anything around.

The first shepherd.

I can't think of anything else either. But these people were heading there! Their whole appearance speaks of this.

The third shepherd.

This means that they will also worship the Infant God.

Second shepherd.

It’s true, these are scientists and noble people. The Lord called them for good wisdom. But I keep thinking, what are we, simple shepherds, called for?

The third shepherd.

The Lord Himself knows why. It's not our place to talk about this.

Second shepherd.

Apparently, a meager mind cannot comprehend this. After all, we are dark, uneducated, tending our own sheep...


First shepherd (with enthusiasm).

My brothers! An insight came to me: the Lord loves the meek and pure in heart, those who consider themselves lower than others. Those who are satisfied even with a simple life...

Second shepherd (excitedly).

These words are the Truth!

The first shepherd.

The Lord loves the wise when their wisdom is for good. That’s why He called us from all over the world - simple shepherds and wise Magi-seers...

The third shepherd.

What a blessing that the Lord loves not for wealth and nobility, but for the heart and thoughts!

The shepherds leave the stage. Musical loss. The Magi come out from the other side of the stage.

The first sorcerer. It's finished!

Second Magus.

It came true!

Third Magus.

It is impossible to talk about this, because there are no words to express what happened...

The first sorcerer.

Let's finish the journey in silence.


Second Magus.

O brothers! Before we each return to our own country, we must go to Bethlehem. The king asked us about this Herod.

Third century.

Oh yeah! He also wanted to worship the Infant God. We must help him achieve the same happiness that we carry in our hearts.

The first sorcerer.

Let's go to Bethlehem!

An Angel appears. The Magi fall to their knees and stretch out their hands to him.


From now on to Herod, the Magi,

Don't come back again:

Filled with malice and deceit,

Fearing for my power and kingdom,

He, the villain, planned in secret,

Kill the Savior of people!

First Magus (horrified).

O cruel and treacherous king! Kill the Savior of the world?!

Second Magus.

How hardened his heart was!

Third Magus.

And where did the mind go?


Earth, rejoice, from now on

You are about Christ, about God the Son,

Hear the words of praise:

They came to worship the Baby

Ordinary people (shepherds enter the stage)

And the seers (the Magi enter the stage),

Three shepherds and three Magi.

And everyone who knows this Holiday,

Let them follow them.


Let the heart and lips of the Newborn Christ be glorified!


Theater miniature

"Gifts of the Magi."

Students of the literary circles “Living Word” and “Performing Arts” (leaders Zhevnyak L.I.,

Kopyltsova T.V.).

    Poem by Vladimir Solovyov “Immanu-El”.

That night has already receded into the darkness of centuries,

When, tired of anger and anxiety,

The earth fell asleep in the arms of the sky

And in silence, God With Us was born.

And much is impossible now:

Kings no longer look at the sky

And the shepherds do not listen in the desert,

How angels talk about God.

But the eternal that was revealed that night

It is indestructible by time,

And the Word was born again in your soul,

Born under a manger long ago.

Yes! God is with us, not there, in the azure tent,

Not beyond countless worlds,

Not in an evil fire, and not in a stormy breath,

And not in the fallen memory of centuries.

He is here, now, amidst the random bustle,

In the muddy stream of life's anxieties

You possess a joyful secret:

Evil is powerless; we are eternal; God is with us!

    Christmas song "Rejoice, be merry!" -

children's vocal ensemble "Sudaryata" (director Abramova N.M.)

The final part of the program:

    Poem Archbishop John (Shakhovsky)


We hear baby talk like singing

Those angels who suddenly, for the whole earth,

Through this night and starry burning

They came to the desert shepherds.

We notice fraternal agreement

And the meek clarity of simple people,

Open to the Sky, angels and happiness,

What was born on the holy night for them.

We learn faith and patience

Magi who searched for eternal depths,

And - again we hear singing in this world,

With which Heaven is full.

Oh, Lord, Great, Beginningless,

Creator of all stars, blades of grass and people,

You console this sad world

Your immeasurable closeness!

You see the sorrow of the earth: all our inability

To look for you, to love you, to accept you, to find you;

And you leave this singing in the middle of the world,

Like the fulfillment of every path.

Your star is burning - holy humanity,

And the world goes to its great love;

And if anyone saw her, it means eternity

Stopped over his soul.

Poems about Christmas

A.S. Khomyakov


That night the Earth was in turmoil:

The sparkle of a big strange star

Suddenly blinded the mountains and villages,

Cities, deserts and gardens.

And in the desert the lionesses watched,

How, so full of wondrous gifts,

The chariots moved silently,

Camels and elephants walked important.

And in the brow of a large caravan,

With your eyes fixed on the sky,

Three kings in intricate turbans

We were going to pay our respects to someone.

And in the cave, where the lights were on all night

Torches, blinking and smoking, -

There the lambs were seen in the manger

Sleeping beautiful Child.

That night all creation was in commotion,

The birds sang in the midnight darkness,

Proclaiming goodwill to everyone,

The coming of peace on earth.

Poems about Christmas

Afanasy Fet

* * *

The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament

The southern stars are trembling.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet people look into the manger.

No ears, no extra glances, -

The roosters crowed -

And behind the angels in the highest

The shepherds praise God.

The manger quietly shines in the eyes,

Mary's face is illuminated.

A star choir to another choir

I listened to my trembling ears, -

And above Him it burns high

That star of distant lands:

The kings of the East carry with her

Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

Poems about Christmas

Gospel of Jacob, ch. 18

And I saw: the vaults of the sky grew dark,

and the clouds interrupted their flight,

and time stopped moving...

Everything froze. The rivers have become silent.

The gray fog has descended onto the shores,

and bending his horns over the moisture,

the goats didn't drink. Herd on the slopes

didn't move. The shepherd, raising his staff,

numb with outstretched hand

looking up, and above the river,

over a grove of palm trees, drooping tops,

even though the air was fearless and silent,

the birds hung on their frozen wings.

Everything froze. I was waiting for Bethlehem...

And suddenly a wonderful murmur awoke in the foliage,

and a flock of ringing birds soared,

and there was a cheerful clatter of hooves,

and I heard a whisper of water streams,

and suddenly the shepherd's song rang out!

And in the distance, dispelling the gray dusk,

like a certain Cross, divinely bright,

A star lit up above the flashing cave,

where at that moment Mary gave birth.


Poems about Christmas


The night froze over Bethlehem.

I was looking for the prodigal sheep.

I looked into the cave - and it was

vision between black rocks.

Joseph, the bearded carpenter,

squeezed like a dark vice,

palms that once knew

the flesh of an unplaned board.

Maria weak on Chado

directed a smile downwards,

all the tenderness, all the coolness

faded bluish robes.

And He, the Bright-Eyed Child

in a crown of golden arrows,

without seeing the Mother, in the streams

I've already looked at my heavens.

And nearby, in the happy darkness,

by whiteness and bell

I suddenly found out, a jealous shepherd,

your lost sheep.

Vladimir Nabokov

Poems about Christmas

Konstantin Lipskerov

From the cycle “Three Sonnets”


The king is furious. In unrighteous tents

The army that threatens the world is feasting.

And the Magi understood: the One who peacefully

The nations will be led by rejecting fear.

They carry caskets, in whose golden entrails

Syrian resin, Egyptian myrrh.

The veils of travelers burn golden-porphyry

rings of wisdom on raised fingers.

So the shepherd led them to an unknown stable,

Having scared away the sheep with brocade, they saw the Virgin,

A baby under a sparse sheaf of canopy.

He's sleeping. But the beam flashed, scratching the gifts sharply, -

And the Child squints from the joyful shine,

And hands are drawn to golden fun.

Sorceress Snowstorm
The sorceress Purga - the hosts of the holiday
Magic horses - 4-8 girls from a choreographic group
Baba Yaga
Two Forest Robbers
The Snow Queen
Fox - all roles are played by high school students and parents;
Biblical characters, forest animals- dolls from a puppet theater. The waltz from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” sounds. Snowflake girls run out onto the area in front of the Christmas tree and spin around in a dance. Gradually their movements become slower, and finally, one after another, they freeze in place in various poses. Snowstorm enters. Blizzard.
Under cover of soft, snowy
The Russian village is dozing,
All roads, all paths
Covered with white snow.
The snow is silver under the sun,
A clear light flows over him,
And the words sound:
"Hello, holiday
Light, clear,
Majestic and beautiful,
Christmas holiday!
The blizzard swirled all day,
There was chalk above the ground all night.
She hid everything in the forest,
Swept it up, dusted it up -
And I came here.
Hello, dear guys! How many of you have gathered around this wonderful Christmas tree today! And even I, gray-haired Snowstorm, came to you here from my snow-covered forest. I had a lot of work to do in the last days before Christmas: to dress up everything in the forest, to cover it warmly - after all, there are Christmas frosts ahead, harsh, crackling. And that’s why I came to see you. It seemed to me that several of my granddaughters, white snowflakes, had fluttered here to join you. Probably the Christmas tree lured them here with its lights. They don’t understand, the fools, that here, in the warmth, they will fall asleep and melt. Help me save them guys! If we sing them a song about a snowstorm, about a Christmas tree in a snowy forest, they will come to life again, feeling the breath of cold. Get in a circle! They sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The snowflakes gradually come to life and join a group dance. Blizzard.
Thanks to the song about the Christmas tree and, of course, thanks to you guys for reviving my snowflake granddaughters with your song. (To snowflakes). And you, dear ones, fly away quickly to freedom, otherwise you will melt. The snowflakes first run up to the tree, and then, whispering something in Metelitsa’s ear, “fly away.” Blizzard.
Guys, do you want to know what the snowflakes whispered to me? The Christmas tree told them one of her secrets - very interesting, almost fairy tale story about what happened to her, to all people, to the whole world almost two thousand years ago, when the great holiday of Christmas was celebrated on earth for the first time. And now the snowflakes want to tell this story to you. Shall we listen to her? Solemn sacred music sounds. Snowflakes bring in a light screen on which is mounted a decoration in the form of a temple with three large arched windows covered with curtains. This is a puppet theater - a nativity scene. The first window opens - the hotel, and dolls cut out of paper appear. Joseph.
Good evening, master! Do you have a free room in your hotel for poor travelers to spend the night?
We walked here from the distant city of Nazareth, and we were so tired.
I don't have a single free room, travelers. Because of Caesar’s order to enumerate the entire people of the country, so many people arrived in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.
We could at least have some kind of closet.
I have already handed over the last closet to the merchant. There is only a cave left for cattle, but you won’t go there. There's nothing there except straw.
Let's go find this cave. We'll spend the night on the straw. They leave. The music sounds again. A third window opens. Night, valley. 1st shepherd.
The night is dark, let us not lose our herds.
2nd shepherd.
Look what a strong, bright light suddenly poured from the heavens! What is this? How scary!
Do not be afraid. I bring great joy to you and to all people. At that moment a baby was born in Bethlehem of Judea. This is the future Savior of the world - Jesus Christ. Go to the city and there in a cave you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger for cattle. Music. The central window opens. Cave with a baby in a manger and the Virgin Mary next to him. At the entrance there is a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree.
Clear night. Quiet all around
A star burns brightly above the cave.
The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,
Blue light quietly pours from the cracks.
The baby Savior lies in the manger,
Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival.
Happiness to those who hasten to him.
Happy people! Nature rejoices!
1st shepherd.
We have come to worship the Divine Child.
Here is my bread, cheese, honey.
We brought him these modest gifts.
2nd shepherd.
And I will put fresh grass and fragrant hay in the manger. They leave. Palm.
What happiness! I, a slender palm tree, grow at the very entrance to the cave in which Jesus Christ was born.
And I, a fragrant olive tree, grew up here.
Christmas tree.
And I, a green tree, grow here!
Everyone: people, animals, and plants strive to bestow various benefits on the baby. I will bend my crown over him, let my branches bring him coolness.
And I will stretch out my branches to him. Let the fragrant oil drip from them and fill the cave with aroma.
Christmas tree.
Take me with you, I also want to worship the Divine Child.
Where are you going with us? What do you have? Just prickly needles and nasty sticky resin. They go to the baby. Christmas tree.
No one. I'm alone, lonely.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.
Everyone goes, goes to the holy cave.
Everyone rushes to the Son of God.
Well, what about me? An insignificant tree.
All covered in thorns, I’m standing here in the middle of nowhere
I'm only here for the baby
I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.
How modest you are, dear Christmas tree. I will reward you, now you will shine with lights, stars from heaven will decorate you. And the baby will be the first to stretch out his arms to you and smile at you, Christmas tree.
(He takes the stars from the sky and hangs them on the Christmas tree.) And now every year on the day of the Nativity of Christ you will show off in the radiance of many lights, and the children, looking at you, will rejoice and have fun. And you, modest green tree, will become a symbol of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ. The bell rings. The windows of the nativity scene are closed. Blizzard.
Guys, what a wonderful, fascinating story your Christmas tree told us. It turns out that she was first decorated and dressed by an Angel on the day of the Nativity of little Christ.
And for 2000 years people have been decorating the Christmas tree on this day. So you have it - elegant, beautiful, bright! Just... why don't you start your holiday?
Maybe you are waiting for your most dear, long-awaited guests? How could I not have guessed it right away?! Of course, Father Frost and Snow Maiden! Did you call them, invite them to your Christmas tree? Maybe we can call them all together again, in chorus?
Santa Claus!
Does not hear. We'll have to ask moms and dads and grandparents to join our call. Three four! Santa Claus! The introduction to the fairy tale “The Braggart Cat” is played on the recording. Magpie appears with an envelope, performs the “magpie” dance and stops in front of the children.
Look, it's Soroka! She brought us some news... Could it be from Santa Claus? (Magpie nods affirmatively). Will you give it to us, Magpie? (Magpie makes a negative gesture). Who will you give it to?
I'll give it to whoever solves my three riddles. Here they are, in another envelope.
Blizzard (reads).
First riddle.
A white ball is rolling,
My side is getting fatter before my eyes. Second mystery.
The red maiden is sitting
Underground, in a remote dungeon,
And a green braid
Dissolved above the ground.
This red maiden
We'll eat it with a crunch in the winter. The third mystery.
I am close friends with the water,
You can't live without me:
Don't wash, don't get drunk,
Don't water the garden.
So, Magpie, these three little wise men were the first to guess your riddles. Now will you give them the letter? No? Will you give it to just one person? To whom? Well, let's remember the answers: a snowball, a carrot and a bucket... What happens if you put all this together? Right, snow woman! So this is who Soroka will give the letter to! Well, which of the three of you will turn into a snow woman faster than the rest? Three sets are laid out on the chairs: a bucket, a carrot nose and a white cape. Music is playing. Blizzard.
The transformation has begun! After getting dressed, you must jump on a chair and shout loudly: “I am a snow woman!”
The game is on. Soroka gives the winner an envelope with a letter, who reads it out loud: “Dear children! We were unable to come to your Christmas party and we are very sad about it. The blizzard, which swept through the forest for three days and three nights, swept away all the roads and paths, and now we cannot find the way to you. Our sleds and scooters are buried in deep snow. Forgive us and don’t expect to come to your Christmas tree this year. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka". Blizzard.
Guys, since I was to blame for your misfortune, I must help you. But I don’t know how... After all, I, Snowstorm, only know how to cover paths...
Blizzard (appearing).
Have you forgotten about me? I'm yours younger sister- Blizzard.
And I just know how to sweep away the snowdrifts, all the drifts that you, Snowstorm, have swept away. I can clear the way for Santa Claus and immediately set off on the road after him and the Snow Maiden,
Wait, you'll be lonely on the road alone. And it will be boring for us to sit here and wait for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to appear. What if...
Got it, got it, no need to continue. Guys, who wants to go with me to fairy forest for Santa Claus? All? Well done! I knew that you had kind, sympathetic hearts. But what will you drive into the forest?
And everyone will go to the forest on a fabulous sleigh, and we will have a real sleigh train. And we will harness magic horses in the sleigh. You just need to call them. Who will remember how in Russian fairy tales good fellows called their horses? Of course, great whistling!
Are there such good fellows among us that they can whistle deafeningly? Come on - one, two, three. (Children whistle). Badly. The fairytale horses can't hear you. Come on, one more time. More!
The melody of the song “Three White Horses” from the film “Sorcerers” sounds. “Horses” - girls with tails made of Christmas tree rain, holding sparkling arches above their heads, run out onto the platform and, having danced their dance, line up in front of the audience. Blizzard.
So, get on the sleigh train, take your seats in the fabulous sleigh, and the horses will take us to the kingdom of Santa Claus. And I will sweep away the snow on your way.
And I will cover your tracks so that all the forest evil spirits do not follow you. The fairytale forest is full of witches, devils, and robbers. Aren't you scared? Then let's go! Music. Children, lined up in several “trains” with horse guides at the head of each, move around the playground in different directions. Blizzard.
Wait? Look, guys, where are we? Yes, we are in a fairy meadow. And here is Baba Yaga's hut. Let's sit quietly on the stumps around the clearing and think about how to proceed. The children sit down. Blizzard.
It seems to me that the insidious, evil Yaga will not let our sleigh trains pass further.
Baba Yaga (appearing). That’s right - I won’t miss it! Until now, there had been no shouting or commotion of children in our fairy-tale forest, but then a whole horde of children appeared. They will manage without Santa Claus, and he will not die without them. Well, turn back!
Guys, we need to figure out how to deceive Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga.
I'll show you - cheat! No one has ever managed to deceive me. Yes, now the Serpent Gorynych and Leshiy will come to visit me - any minute now. The three of us won’t miss you. In! You're welcome! They're coming! They're flying and thundering! The soundtrack of the song from the cartoon “Kolobok’s New Adventures” plays, to which Baba Yaga, Leshy, and the Serpent Gorynych dance. Each of them solos to a verse of the song dedicated to this fairy-tale character.
What kind of company is this? Who did you, old lady, call here? Ugh! Smells like the Russian spirit!
Baba Yaga.
I didn't call anyone. There are all sorts of minors wandering around the forest here. Get back, little fry!
To whom it is said - scatter! Ah, spit on them, godfather! Let's go to the hut and have some tea.
Baba Yaga.
Don’t you dare venture into a fairytale forest! We will take turns going out to watch over you. If you don’t go home, we’ll drag you back to your hut. First I will go out, then you, Leshy, and then the Serpent. Leshy (for children).
Got it? May your spirit not be in our forest! Let's go, godfather, to feast! (They go into the hut).
Well, guys, are we going to go home? No? Well done, you weren’t afraid of evil spirits! But how can we get through this fairy-tale clearing without the villains seeing or hearing us?
And I will scatter magic rings along the way. Those who manage to jump into these rings when the forest villains suddenly appear will not be seen by either Baba Yaga, Leshy, or the Serpent.
Gorynych. He lays out large hoops decorated with tinsel on the site. Blizzard.
So, who is not a coward - take the sleigh to the train and forward? When evil spirits appear, we stop moving and we all jump into the magic rings. The game is repeated 3 times. The appearance of each of the forest villains is accompanied by a change in the rhythm of the music. The children who do not have time to jump into hoops are dragged into the hut by evil spirits. After the 3rd game, Baba Yaga leaves the hut with Leshiy, through the window of which the Serpent Gorynych also pokes his head out. Baba Yaga.
That's it, the forest has been cleared of children! Let them sit locked up in the hut now. And we can sleep on the stove.
We ate, drank - just in time to take a nap.
My eyes are already sticking together on all my heads. They disappear into the hut. Blizzard.
So we deceived evil spirits, Guys! It’s true that it’s a pity for those who were captured by Baba Yaga; we need to save them. But how?
I know how! We need to let the guys know so that they can run away from them while the villains are sleeping. And if they wake up from the noise and set off in pursuit, I will turn you all into a dense forest. Stand in several circles and hold hands - as if tree branches are densely intertwined. Let the trees let the fugitives through, and detain the evil spirits. So, a dense forest stood in the clearing! Now let’s shout to the prisoners: “Run!” Music. The prisoners run out onto the platform, followed by the unclean. There is a chase game going on in the “dense forest”. Without catching anyone, the villains run away behind the tree. Blizzard.
Guys, it seems to me that the path to the fairytale forest is clear. The unclean ones got completely lost in the forest thicket. Now they will wander until the morning in the distant forest. And it's time for us to go. Are the sleigh trains ready? Then - forward to the fairy forest! Train movement. Blizzard.
Guys, do you know where we have arrived now? To a clearing where forest animals live. But where are they? And whose cry is heard in the hollow of a large oak tree? Look, they are all sitting there and crying bitterly. (Animals - dolls from a puppet theater - are shown in a hollow). No, guys, we can't leave them in trouble, right? Sit down, we'll find out what happened.
Fox (appearing).
Yes, nothing bad happened. I played a little trick on them: I stole all their winter supplies and hung them here. Now this is bait. As soon as one of them gets hungry, he will come down here. And here I am: scratch-scratch - and there is no bunny or hedgehog. I'm smart, right, guys? Praise, praise the redhead - I deserve it. In the meantime, the animals, although they are crying, are not yet hungry enough to come here. I can calmly walk in the forest for half an hour. I'll work up an appetite... Ha ha ha! (Leaves).
Guys, are we really going to leave the animals to be eaten by this predator? Let's return the winter supplies to the real owners while she's gone. The animals are so scared that they are afraid to do it themselves. And you and I will do a good deed and play at the same time. We need 2 teams of 5 people. We will turn you into real bunnies (put on masks): and you must get to the carrots by jumping on two legs, and you must take them like real hares - with your teeth, without using your hands. And at the end we will count which hare family will bring the most carrots to the animals. The game follows the principle of a relay race to the music of Letka-enka. Blizzard.
Well done boys! Look how happy our little animals are. Now they have enough food for the whole winter, and the Fox cannot reach their hollow.
Stop, guys! I want to warn you that we are approaching the kingdom Snow Queen. Be careful! You know from Andersen's fairy tale that on the way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen there are robbers who love to attack travelers. Let's sit quietly around the clearing and hide. Let it not be robbers who lie in wait for us, but let us lie in wait for them. Music is playing. A small and large robber girl appears and they drag Gerda away. Blizzard.
Guys, do you recognize this little captive? After all, this is Gerda, she was looking for Kai and fell into the hands of robbers. Gerda.
Let me go please! Save me guys! I need to look for Kai!
No, she will stay with us. We will be bored without her. When we feel sad, we will tickle her with the tip of a knife, she will squeal like a pig, and we will laugh and have fun.
No, I don't want to, I'm afraid.
Dear robbers, in order to have fun and laugh, it is not at all necessary to tickle someone with a knife. There are better games, and besides, they are not at all cruel, although they are also robbers.
Which? Teach us!
Here is a tambourine, we give it to Gerda. And we blindfold you. We stand around and hold hands. Look for the sound of the tambourine and catch Gerda. Whoever catches it first is the winner. So, get ready! He takes off Gerba’s cape, puts it on another child, and gives him a tambourine. Gerda runs away, and the robbers catch the “dummy”. "Gerda" can be changed several times,
passing the cape and tambourine to different children. Robbers (finally removing the blindfolds).
Where is Gerda? This is a completely different girl! Ran away? Well, let it go. I'll be Gerda, and you catch me! One puts on a cape, takes a tambourine, the other blindfolds her and begins to catch up with her. So, playing with each other, the robbers disappear from the site. Blizzard.
So our path to Santa Claus is clear. Are you seated on the sleigh trains? Forward! They repeat the movements of trains in different directions. Blizzard.
Guys, we found ourselves at the palace of the Snow Queen. And here she is. Let's sit down and listen to what she wants to tell us.
The Snow Queen.
Hello! Who came to my icy palaces? Where are you heading from and where? Have you met my pupil Kai? That naughty girl just stole him from under the very noses of my guards. Now I’m bored and lonely here alone, without a single living human soul. What am I saying - alive?.. No, it’s better if people’s souls are cold, icy. Then it is truly wonderful to stand in front of a person and admire his lifeless, soulless face. Well, since Kai ran away from me with the girl, leave me someone in return, and I will let you pass further. This... No, this little boy... I will freeze his heart, turn him into a beautiful statue and admire him.
Or maybe we shouldn’t freeze living people? It is better to take their inanimate copies, drawn, for example, on paper, and admire them. They will never come to life and run away.
The Snow Queen.
But where can I get them?
And we will draw them for you. Come on, horses - one, two, three! The “horse” girls bring out 2 frames with blank sheets of whatman paper inserted into them, brushes with paints or felt-tip pens. 2 teams of children are formed, where each player receives the task of drawing a certain element of the portrait: face, hair, collar, hands, cuffs, dress, etc. The first team draws a boy (prince), the second - a girl (princess). You can also take out ready-made silhouettes of a boy and a girl and decorate them with elements of prince and princess clothing: attach cuffs, collars, put on a crown, etc. Snow Queen (after the end of the game).
What wonderful lifeless faces! Thank you, travelers! These prince and princess will replace Kai and Gerda for me. Have a nice trip to the kingdom of Santa Claus! It starts right behind my property.
So, go ahead, magical horses! Our goal is already close. Trains are again moving in different directions. Blizzard.
Guys, we are already in the kingdom of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. There is a fairy-tale palace behind this spruce tree; we need to send several of our envoys there. Which one of you?
Probably those who came to the Christmas tree dressed in extraordinary carnival costumes. We ask these guys to go to the center and take a lap of honor! (Music. Costume parade). Now get into your sleigh - and follow Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! We are waiting for you with them! In the meantime, we will dance in this clearing. Dance, after which two sleigh trains appear with carnival masks, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Father Frost.
Hello guys!
Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year to you, and happy Christmas, dear friends!
Father Frost.
We know how long it took you to get here to invite us to your Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden.
How many obstacles you had to overcome on your way!
Father Frost.
But friendship, mutual assistance, kindness and courage are the best helpers in any difficult task. They, of course, helped you out in any trials.
Snow Maiden.
And the Road for you was illuminated by a bright, radiant, huge star, which lights up over the world only on this unique night - the Christmas star!
Father Frost.
And now back on the road to your beautiful Christmas tree! On a fabulous sleigh, my friends! Let the sorceress Purga sweep our path again, and let the Christmas star illuminate our path with bright light! The movement of the “fairy sleigh” together with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus (after stopping).
Here we are visiting you, guys! I invite you all to dance to your wonderful Christmas tree! The holiday continues with dancing, singing, and having fun around the Christmas tree. N. Malaya

Dear guests, dear children, happy holiday! Merry Christmas!
Opening of the holiday. The word of the priest.
Presenter at the opening curtain
Action 1
1 track
(on the opening curtain, text behind the scenes to the soundtrack of “Snow Flakes”)
Needles tremble under the candles,
Like dust, glowing, golden,
And the glorious Christmas tree is crowned
Blue Star of Bethlehem.
O star of Jesus! Don't go out!
Come to us a mile away:
The Orthodox heart is like a manger,
Waiting for the birth of the Christ child.
The blizzard is having fun outside the windows,
And raising lace wings,
Snowflakes announce to each other,
That Mary gave birth to Christ.

(on the final soundtrack behind the scenes)
How quiet this night is! How transparent she is!
The heavens look with inspiration.
And in the arms of deep winter sleep
The forests breathe with anticipation.
On this quiet night, like a sunsetless star,
In the dark abyss of lost years,
Fired up for the first time over the sinful earth
Christianity divine light.

PHONOGRAM “Christmas” SMALL STARS (in white)

Child 1
And I saw: the vaults of the sky grew dark,
and the clouds interrupted their flight,
and time stopped moving...
Everything froze. The rivers have become silent.

Child 2
The gray fog has descended onto the shores,
and bending his horns over the moisture,
the herds did not drink. Standing on the slopes
didn't move.
(children begin to move towards the front of the stage, moving to the right, remaining in the light of the cannon)

Child 3
The shepherd, raising his staff,
numb with outstretched hand
gaze, directing upward, and above the river,
over a grove of palm trees, drooping tops,
even though the air was fearless and silent,
the birds hung on their frozen wings.
Everything froze. (super with stars and Christmas star drops)

Child 4
Bethlehem was waiting sensitively...
And suddenly a wonderful murmur awoke in the foliage, the melody of a flute.
and a flock of ringing birds soared,
and there was a cheerful clatter of hooves,
and I heard a whisper of water streams,
and suddenly the shepherd's song rang out!

Child 1
And in the distance, dispelling the gray dusk,
like a certain Cross, divinely bright,
A star lit up above the flared cave, (the Christmas star lights up)
Revealing the joy of Christmas to all people!
(the gun on the right goes out, on the left it lights up, in its light there is the Moon and Stars

Christmas night has arrived

I, Star of Bethlehem,
Came from empty space.
There is eternal darkness and cold.
And there for the first time God's Word
It found me. And here I am,
So that on this long-awaited night
To bring you good news:
The one you desire has already appeared to you
Savior of the world. On the ground
Let everyone, on bended knees,
Will glorify in joyful praise
Love and complete forgiveness.
And there will be peace in the soul of him,
Who will accept the Lord as a friend
And he will become faithful to Him,
Praise His works everywhere.
That night the Earth was in turmoil:
my shining christmas star
Suddenly blinded the mountains and villages,
Cities, deserts and gardens.
Bethlehem slept, having forgotten about business.
And only the shepherds tended the flock.
That night Mary gave birth to a son

The baby in the cradle was sleeping sweetly,
And in the manger it was as clear as day.
The vast world seemed to be waiting for a miracle,
And this miracle lay within him.

And in the cave, where the lights were on all night
Torches, blinking and smoking, -
There the lambs were seen in the manger
Sleeping beautiful Child.

Three shepherds and an angel in front,
Filled with joy they entered, -
And they see: she presses her Mother to her chest
A child similar to all children on earth.

The Magi led their caravan in the sands,
Camels sailed like ships
To where the Mother cradles her in her arms,
A child similar to all children on Earth.

And the way of the cross
which He will pass through,
They can already see it from under their closed eyelids.
Someday Pilate will say
Look people, this is a man.
Israel listen!
Will you go out to meet him?
Who did the prophets prophesy about?
And surrounded by angels, the Mother rocks her to sleep.
A child similar to all children on earth.
Super curtain comes down
Super curtain Star and stars on the background of a super in a cannon
2 track
That night has already receded into the darkness of centuries,
When, tired of anger and anxiety,
The earth fell asleep in the arms of the sky
And in silence “God is with us” was born.