Similak 1 cooking instructions. Feeding babies correctly: “Similac” - formula for newborns

Boosts immunity and activity mental development kids. Psychologists talk about establishing a close emotional connection between mother and child during breastfeeding. However, not all mothers can breastfeed their baby. This happens by various reasons. Also, milk simply may not be filling enough. In this case, the pediatrician will definitely advise you to supplement or completely feed the baby with formula milk. The market today provides a huge selection of breast milk substitutes. In this article we will look at the mixture "Similac Premium-1" which is suitable for feeding babies from 0 to 6 months.

Composition and manufacturer

The main components of the Similac Premium-1 mixture are skim milk and lactose. The product also contains:

  • vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, soybean);
  • whey protein;
  • galactooligosaccharides (prebiotics);
  • (K and Na citrates, Ca carbonate, Mg and Na chlorides, Fe sulfate, Zn, Mg and Cu sulfates, Na selenite, K iodide);
  • whey protein hydrolysate;
  • arachidonic acid;
  • (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B12, C, D3, E, PP, K1);
  • food additive E476,
  • bifidobacteria;
  • amino acids (taurine, tryptophan);
  • nucleotides;
  • carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein).

Did you know? According to a study conducted by Phillips in seven countries, nine out of 10 women breastfeed their babies. 12% prefer artificial feeding. 61% of women stop breastfeeding before their baby is one year old. 40% stop doing this due to lack of milk, and 25% because the baby himself refuses to breastfeed.

The manufacturer notes: due to the fact that the mixture does not contain palm oil, babies experience problems much less frequently. About 70% of mothers noted that when switching to this product, this problem began to bother their babies much less often.

Also composition of the mixture "Similak Premium-1", which includes pre- and helps populate the baby’s intestines with healthy microflora and helps avoid common problems such as constipation and irregular bowel movements.

The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 components among the ingredients, as well as lutein, has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain and visual organs. And nucleotides - to increase the protective forces of the body's immune system.

The nutritional value of 100 g of dry mixture is 507 kcal, 100 ml of ready-to-use mixture is 64 kcal. 100 g of prepared product contains 3.3 g of fat, 1.33 g of protein and 7.35 carbohydrates.

The mixture is sold in cans of 400 and 900 g. The packaging may indicate the countries of origin of Similak Premium-1: Ireland (Abbott Island) and Denmark (Arla Foods amba Arinko).

A 400-gram package is enough to feed a four to six month old baby for four days.

Age category

"Similac Premium-1" is suitable for use by children

Important! Before you start feeding your child with Similak Premium-1 formula, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Pros and cons of the mixture

Infant formula "Similac Premium-1" has both advantages and negative qualities.

The advantages include:

  • the absence of palm oil, which negatively affects the body’s absorption of calcium and causes hardening of stool;
  • the maximum approximation of the ingredients to the composition of breast milk - the presence of the same amount of proteins, fats, lactose;
  • the presence of pre- and probiotics among the components, which help maintain normal microflora in the intestines;
  • enrichment with lutein (a substance necessary for the development of the brain and vision, which is not produced by the body itself, but can only be supplied to it with food) and beta-carotene (a substance that has an immunomodulatory effect);
  • the presence of essential amino acids - taurine and tryptophan;
  • rapid dissolution in water.

Among the disadvantages:

  • the possibility of reactions in the baby, since the proportional ratio of substances such as whey proteins and casein in this mixture is 50 to 50, while in breast milk in the first months of feeding it looks like 80 to 20, in a later period - 60 by 40. Therefore, this product may not be suitable for newborn babies;
  • high price.

How to prepare baby formula

Before preparing the Similak Premium-1 mixture, you must read the instructions for use located on the packaging box. It is important to understand that failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions can cause serious harm. Below we provide step by step instructions How to dilute the Similak Premium-1 mixture:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Wash and boil the bottle, cap, pacifier and other feeding accessories for five minutes.
  3. Boil purified water. Keep it boiling for five minutes.
  4. Cool the water to a temperature of 36-37°C. When the powder is placed in water with a temperature above 40°C, some of the vitamins will be lost from it.
  5. Pour into a sterilized feeding bottle.
  6. Scoop dry powder with a measuring spoon. Use a knife to remove excess.
  7. One spoon of powder (4.2 g) should be dissolved in 30 ml of water (or a spoon with a capacity of 8.8 g should be dissolved in 60 ml of water). This means that if the baby needs to feed 120 ml of food, then you will need to dissolve four scoops of dry product of 4.2 g or two scoops of 8.8 g.
  8. Stir the bottle until a homogeneous liquid forms.
  9. Check the temperature of the product by dropping it on your wrist. Since the temperature of the liquid should be equal to the temperature of the human body, the touch of the drop should be comfortable for you and not be felt.

Did you know? Englishwomen have the lowest breastfeeding rates. According to a study carried out in January 2017, only 0.5% of children in England are breastfeeding. If we compare these indicators in other countries, then in Germany it is 23%, in Brazil - 56%, in Senegal - 99%.

How to feed your baby

The number of feedings per day and the volume of formula fed should be prescribed by the pediatrician. Remember that a mother and child must visit the children's clinic once a month until they are one year old.

Here are approximate calculations of the volume and frequency of feedings for babies of different age categories:

  • From 0 to two weeks, the child will need two measuring spoons (4.2 g) of powder dissolved in 60 ml of warm boiled water at a time. The recommended number of feedings at this age is from eight to ten per day.
  • From two weeks to two months - four measuring spoons per 120 ml of water. The number of feedings per day is six to seven.
  • From two to six months - six measuring spoons per 180 ml of water. The number of feedings is five to six.
  • From six months - six measuring spoons per 180 ml of water. The number of feedings is four to five.

Is it possible to store the finished mixture?

The finished mixture should be stored for no more than an hour. After this period it will need to be disposed of. Feeding this product to an infant is strictly prohibited.

An opened can of baby formula can be stored for three weeks. The shelf life of unopened packaging is two years from the date of production.

Are there possible negative consequences?

Like any other mixture, “Similac Premium-1” may not be accepted by the baby’s body. In this case, the child may experience vomiting, belching, and allergic skin rashes.

Please note that negative consequences appear even if you feed your baby the same product, but from a different manufacturer.

When choosing and purchasing a mixture, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Before purchasing Similak Premium-1, consult your pediatrician. Only he, knowing your baby’s medical history, can tell whether this product can be given to him and how to do it correctly.
  2. You need to purchase only the formula that strictly corresponds to the age of your baby. When the child reaches the age when he needs to be given a product for another age group, the mixture will need to be introduced gradually, replacing one feeding with it first, and then replacing one more feeding every day. Input scheme new mixture must be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the expiration date, the integrity of the packaging, and the manufacturer. As we have already indicated, Similac Premium-1 is produced in two countries - Ireland and Denmark. It is advisable to give the baby a mixture of only one manufacturer at all times.
  4. After the product is given to a child for the first time, his behavior, condition and bowel movements should be closely monitored. All adverse reactions should be reported to your pediatrician.
  5. The following indicators indicate that the mixture is well suited for the child: good appetite; normal, not liquid or hard stools; absence of allergic reactions, vomiting; weight gain within normal limits; sufficient hemoglobin level.

Infant milk formula "Similak Premium-1" contains many substances beneficial to the infant body. It is generally suitable for babies and is approved for breastfeeding. early age. As evidenced by numerous reviews from mothers whose children ate this product, it deserves high marks.

Repeat according to composition breast milk no manufacturer has yet succeeded baby food. But if a mother has a need to replace natural feeding, then preference should be given only to high-quality formulas, because the health of the child is at stake.

Infant formula "Similac": composition

The growth and development of the child depends on what components are contained in baby food. Intestinal colic, constipation, allergic skin rashes are the result of an incorrectly selected or poor-quality mixture. To avoid negative consequences, you should be careful when choosing baby food.

Similak mixtures contain vegetable fats, nucleotides, symbiotics, vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

Vegetable fats are necessary for the body to fully absorb calcium. Similak formulas do not contain palm oil, which negatively affects the baby’s digestive system and, if consumed in excess, leads to obesity.

Nucleotides are involved in the formation of the child’s immune system. Symbiotics are prebiotics and probiotics similar to those found in breast milk. Thanks to them, the Similak milk formula is fully adapted to mother's milk.

Calcium and other vitamins (A, D3, thiamine, folic acid), as well as fatty acids, contribute to the full growth and development of the child.

Types of milk formulas "Similac"

There are several types of Similak mixtures. First of all, they are classified depending on the age of the baby. On the packaging with the mixture it is indicated by the corresponding number:

    1 - for children from 0 to 6 months;

    2 - from 6 to 12 months;

    3 - for children over 1 year old.

Similak mixtures are also produced in several series. These are the following types: regular milk adapted formula, hypoallergenic, premium series, food for premature babies (neoshur), food for babies with lactose intolerance (low lactose).

Regular baby formula "Similac" is produced in cardboard packs weighing 700 grams each. It contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your baby needs for healthy growth and development. This mixture can become a complete replacement for breast milk or be used as additional nutrition.

Other products in the Similak series have a composition slightly different from the presented version.

Premium Series

Baby formulas of the premium series "Similak" are produced in cans weighing 400 grams each. This is complete nutrition for children from the neonatal period to 3 years.

Similak Premium 1 mixture is intended for babies from 0 months to six months. In its composition, it closely resembles breast milk, with all the necessary complex of beneficial bacteria, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this composition, it is possible to prevent colic in a baby, which often appears in children in the first months of their life and is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system.

"Similac Premium 2" is a modern adapted milk formula, which is intended for babies from 6 months to 1 year. Due to the fact that it contains symbiotics, fatty acids and nucleotides, the child’s immune system is formed without disturbances, which will further ensure his healthy future. The absence of palm oil in the mixture ensures complete absorption of calcium by the body.

"Similac Premium 3" is a dry milk drink for children aged from one to three years. Children over 12 months of age still need immune protection. Thanks to the daily use of the Similak Premium 3 mixture, the child will continue to grow healthy.

Hypoallergenic mixture "Similac". Baby food neoshur and low lactose

For children who, for certain reasons, were transferred to artificial feeding and who have lactose intolerance, a special dry formula has been developed. It is produced in special 375 gram cans and is intended for feeding babies, starting from the newborn period. The Similak mixture, which includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals, symbiotics and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, ensures stable functioning of the digestive system, complete nutrition and healthy development child.

Similak neoshur mixture is intended for premature babies. This is an adapted baby food for babies who are born ahead of schedule. Thanks to a well-developed composition, such children quickly catch up with their peers in weight and development. After achieving this result, babies can be transferred to classic Similak mixtures.

The hypoallergenic mixture is specially designed for children who need the prevention of allergic diseases. It is produced separately for children in the first half of the year and from 6 months to a year. The “Similak hypoallergenic” mixture has a composition that is also enriched with beneficial substances, while the risk of allergies is reduced to a minimum level.

Advantages of Similak milk formulas

Among the undoubted advantages of Similak infant formula, several of the most important can be identified.

  1. Stable bowel function. The absence of palm oil in the composition and the presence of probiotics similar to those found in breast milk contribute to the establishment of soft stools, as with natural feeding.
  2. Strengthening the immune system. The nucleotides contained in the mixture are involved in laying the foundation of the immune system and maintaining it at the proper level.

    Brain and vision development. Fatty acids in milk nutrition enable the child’s body to develop comprehensively, gain weight and height in accordance with the norms.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Among the main negative aspects of using Similak mixtures, it can be noted that, firstly, in some cases it cannot be completely dissolved in water, and secondly, some children experience colic after using it.

But, as pediatricians note, this is not related to the composition or quality of the diet. This can only mean that the formula is not suitable for the baby and should be replaced. The situation is similar with allergic rashes: you just need to try another series of Similak mixtures.

As for contraindications, it is worth noting the composition of the diet. It has been proven that properly selected mixtures cannot cause any intestinal discomfort in a child.

Price for Similak mixtures

The high cost is another negative point in using Similak baby food. The mixture, the price of which is set at 400-600 rubles for a 370-400 gram jar, is not cheap for parents. It is also worth considering the fact that babies under six months eat often. The average interval between feedings at this age is three hours. After the first half of the year, with the introduction of complementary foods, the number of formula feedings is reduced.

The most accessible for parents is the classic milk formula “Similac”. The mixture, the price of which is approximately 200-250 rubles per pack, is the only correct alternative to expensive mixtures.

The main “trick” of the composition of the adapted milk formulas “Similac” was the absence. The manufacturer himself claims that this ingredient negatively affects the mineralization of children's bones. Also, baby food does not contain rapeseed oil, which, according to the Similak company, is again harmful to babies. Therefore, in its production, the Spanish brand uses only coconut, sunflower and soybean oils.

Moreover, in the vast majority of mixtures of domestic and foreign production, palm and rapeseed oils are present as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also interesting that both palm and rapeseed oils are officially approved for use in production by all well-known nutrition institutes. However, the Similak brand itself actively promotes the harmfulness of oil.

Reviews of Similak products

If you study what is currently available on the Internet about the use of adapted Similak mixtures, you can find 50 percent negative stories and the same number of positive or neutral ones. Mothers of infants sometimes testify to the unpleasant consequences of feeding these products: constipation or diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic reactions, constant hunger, colic, restless sleep, etc.

At the same time, the second half of parents report the excellent quality of the mixture and the absence of any negative reaction to it from the children’s digestive system. It is noteworthy that the most observant parents noticed that negative consequences usually occurred after consuming the adapted Russian-made Similak mixture. Experienced mothers and fathers usually advise giving their children only formula produced in Spain - for some reason its quality is much higher than that produced in Russia.

Objective disadvantages of Similak mixtures still exist. There are two of them:

1. When stirred, the prepared mixtures foam very much. However, this drawback is also very conditional, because it cannot significantly interfere with the feeding process.
2. When stirring, lumps that are difficult to dissolve are also formed. This is especially true for Similak No. 1 formula, intended for feeding children from 0 to 6 months.

One of the undeniable advantages of Similak products is usually their relatively low cost.

Unfortunately, a nursing mother may experience a shortage of breast milk at any time. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right alternative artificial mixture. Similak Premium for newborns has unique characteristics and is suitable for the proper growth and development of the baby.

Main characteristics

For ease of use, the manufacturer suggests using a mixture that can be easily prepared from powder. Other benefits include the absence of palm oil. That is why it is allowed to feed infants who have just been born with formula. Similak has all the necessary properties for the proper formation of the baby’s immune system. The main components have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have confirmed that Similac improves the functioning of the brain and eyes and helps the baby develop properly.

Mixture composition

Today, mother's milk remains the best nutrition for infants. However, it is impossible to completely insure yourself against a situation in which a woman has problems with lactation. Similak Comfort is a unique mixture that contains the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The properties of Similak drink are as close as possible to breast milk

The baby’s immunity directly depends on the amount of probiotics and nucleotides. These components are necessary for the proper formation of intestinal microflora. The mixture also contains prebiotics necessary for the correct formation of the baby's stool. Omega acids are directly involved in brain function. Additionally, the Similac box contains a large amount of minerals (zinc, iron, calcium and others). Among them, a special place is occupied by calcium, which is directly involved in the formation of teeth and bones.

The mixture contains exclusively useful components:

  • lactose component;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dry version of milk without fat;
  • whey with a high protein concentration;
  • various mineral components that are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby;
  • vitamins and folic acid;
  • nucleotides;
  • L-carnitine;
  • minimum amount of dyes and preservatives.

Parents can learn more about the mixture and its composition from the instructions contained on each package.

Features of preparing the composition for feeding

Semilak is used as an artificial option for feeding infants. The composition is sold in powder form in a pack. Mommy must understand that switching to artificial feeding is a responsible decision. The appropriateness of the process is assessed by the attending physician.

During the cooking process, only clean utensils may be used. If the jar is opened once, it will no longer be considered sterile. Parents should follow the shelf life recommendations exactly. The instructions indicate that before serving the mixture to the baby, it should be filled with boiled water, which has been kept at a temperature of 100 degrees for at least five minutes.

If a little composition remains after taking it, it can be used for another day, provided it is stored in the refrigerator. You should not re-give your baby the rest of the previous portion. Some parents also prefer to discard formula that has already been in the refrigerator for a certain time.

To properly prepare the mixture, use a measuring spoon

Semilak or Nutrilon - instant mixtures for feeding infant. They can be used immediately after birth.

However, parents must strictly adhere to the instructions and observe expiration and storage dates. The child has weak immunity, so can suffer from any external infection or bacteria. During the cooking process, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • All utensils that will be used during the cooking process must be thoroughly washed using hypoallergenic detergents.
  • Special attention During the cleansing process, you should pay attention to the pacifier. There should be no soap or other irritating ingredients left in it.
  • For additional disinfection, place the dishes in a large saucepan and boil for several minutes.
  • The powder can be poured with water that has been in a boiling state for at least five minutes.
  • The optimal food temperature for a child is 37 degrees.
  • The required amount of liquid can only be determined using a measuring cup.
  • The instructions indicate that one tablespoon of powder must be diluted with 60 ml of water.
  • The mixing process must be repeated until the liquid becomes homogeneous.
  • It is not recommended to reuse the remaining mixture. It's best to just pour them out.

Features of storage and packaging

Powder for preparing artificial formula infant produced in Spain. One package contains 400 grams. For ease of use, the manufacturer includes a measuring spoon. The powder will retain its properties if stored at a temperature from 0 to 25 degrees. The shelf life was fixed at 18 months after the production date. If the package has already been opened, the powder must be completely used within three weeks. Additionally, the powder should be covered with a plastic lid and stored in a place with minimal humidity.

It is not recommended to reuse the prepared portion

Additionally, it should be noted that only a specialist in this field can determine what is best for the child. Most of them note the following advantages of the mixture:

  • With constant feeding or supplementary feeding, the child develops correctly and gains weight well.
  • Additionally, parents note an improvement in the burping process.
  • The mixture only rarely causes problems with stool. Most often this manifests itself in the form of constipation or excessive gas formation.

Today, the powder is produced not only in Spain, but also in Denmark. There are no significant differences in its composition, but some mothers are convinced that the first option is not capable of leading to the formation of lumps.

Semilak - ideal food for a newborn

Many of my colleagues also recommend Semilak to young children. For some parents, the cost of the product seems high. However, if they want to get high quality food, they must be prepared not to skimp on this issue.

If the baby needs to be transferred to artificial feeding, then in this matter it is imperative to consult with the attending physician. He will be able to carefully analyze the characteristics of the body and individual needs. Parents must additionally strictly follow all preparation rules and observe storage conditions. Thanks to the excellent characteristics of the formula, it is possible to provide the child with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. These components are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. Semilak is a composition that can be used for effective feeding of infants from birth to one year.

Breast milk is the first food product of any baby. Together with it, the child’s body receives the necessary substances for building the body’s structures, vitamins, and minerals required for normal functioning.

But the mother’s milk is not always enough for feeding; in this case, dry milk formula is introduced. One of the most popular baby food manufacturing companies is Similak.

Manufacturer information

Similak milk formulas are the brainchild of the American corporation Abbott. The year 1903 should be considered as the beginning of the production of baby food products. The name "Similac" comes from the merger of the words "similar to lactation" - "like breastfeeding."

This mixture appeared on our shelves only in 1980 under the name “Detolakt”. To this day, the company is actively growing and developing, searching for even more adapted products for feeding babies.


"Similac" are adapted milk formulas with a unique composition, which creates conditions for comfortable digestion of the baby:

  1. They contain prebiotics that support healthy intestinal microflora, as well as prebiotics that feed beneficial microflora and contribute to the formation of soft stools.
  2. They do not contain palm oil - prevention of constipation, higher absorption of calcium.
  3. They contain nucleotides that play an important role in protecting the body, intestinal maturation and the development of healthy microflora.

Advantages and disadvantages

Formula milk has its positive and negative sides.

The positives include:

  • kids like it;
  • normalize stool (prevent constipation);
  • well adapted for premature babies.

The following shortcomings are identified:

  • difficulty in purchasing (not available in all retail chains and pharmacies);
  • poor solubility in water;
  • abundant foaming.

Product range

"Similac" produces several lines of milk formulas, differing in their components, on which the harmonious development of the baby depends.

Premium Series


Designed for children from 0 to 6 months. The mixture is adapted, suitable for all children who do not have any pathologies.

Mixture composition:

  1. Vegetable oils: high oleic, coconut, soybean oils.
  2. Skimmed milk.
  3. Whey protein concentrate.
  4. GOS – galactooligosaccharides.
  5. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
  6. Minerals.
  7. Vitamins.
  8. Bifidobacteria.
  9. Nucleotides.
  10. Carotenoids: lutein, beta-carotene.

Important! Lutein is a cartinoid that is not produced in the baby’s body; as a result, it can only be supplied through diet.


Is the subsequent mixture for age category from 6 to 12 months. The basic composition does not differ from Similac Premium 1, but there is a change in the ratio of components. So the mixture for a given age is more enriched with vitamins and minerals and contains more protein. Increased proportion of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for proper development nervous system.


Similac Premium 3 mixture has been created for children from 1 to 1.5 years old. The percentage of protein content, which is required for building the structures of the body, as well as minerals and vitamins, increases significantly.


Dry milk drink for the full development of babies from 1.5 to 3 years. There are no significant differences in composition from the mixture of the previous stage. The ratio of components is similar to cow's milk, but has greater nutritional value. Used to enrich a child's diet.

Classic views


For the full development of the baby up to six months, you can use the Similac 1 mixture. It is adapted, does not contain palm oil, and is used for children without pathologies requiring special nutrition. The composition as such does not change compared to Similac Premium 1.

Help. A significant difference from the Premium line is the absence of carotenoids (lutein and beta-carotene) and probiotics.


Similac 2 (6-12 months) has a higher proportion of protein, fats, fatty acids, as well as minerals and vitamins, which is necessary for good health and proper full development of the baby.

Third and fourth

Similac 3 (12-18 months) and Similac 4 (up to 3 years) are water-soluble milk-based drinks, do not contain palm oil. They differ from each other only in the ratio of components, since different stages of development require different quantities.


Special formulas are used if the child has certain health problems that require specialized nutrition.


The Similac Comfort series includes mixtures up to 6 months (Similac Comfort 1) and from 6-12 months (Similac Comfort 2). The basis of the mixture is partially hydrolyzed whey proteins, which provides better digestion. Designed for children with functional disorders of the digestive process(colic, constipation, excessive gas formation). The basic composition is similar to the composition of the Similac 1 mixture.


Similac hypoallergenic 1, 2 is used for intolerance common species nutrition, for children with an increased risk of allergic reactions. The mixture is not used for feeding babies with galactosemia (hereditary pathology associated with metabolic disorders) and if there is intolerance to cow's milk protein.


For children with allergies to cow's milk proteins and galactosemia, the Similac Izomil mixture is used.

Also used for babies in the form of supplementary feeding. The basis of the mixture is soy proteins. This mixture is recommended if:

  • A child with allergic reactions refuses hydrolysates (unpleasant taste).
  • Financial situation (there is no possibility of purchasing hydrolysates).
  • Vegetarian family.


Similac Alimentum is intended from birth for severe food allergies. The base is casein hydrolyzate. Contains easily digestible fats, which is necessary due to their possible impaired absorption in the body. No palm oil, gluten, lactose (reduced gas formation).


Similac Antireflux - a mixture from 0 months containing a minimal amount of lactose (prevention of regurgitation and gas formation). Formula of choice for formula-fed babies.

Low lactose

A mixture from the specialized group is Similac Low-lactose. Recommended from birth for babies with poor digestibility of lactose.

Important! Not used for galactosemia.

Fermented milk

In addition to these products, on store shelves you can find fermented milk mixture, which is intended for children with anemia. It contains iron, this component is quickly absorbed.

How to cook it correctly?

To prepare you will need:

  1. Bottle with nipple (pre-sterilized).
  2. Milk mixture with measuring spoon.
  3. A saucepan with water (approximately 300 ml).

Calculation of the amount of mixture with the amount of water:

Dilution of the mixture:

Note! Children from 5 months must be introduced to complementary foods.

From the video you will learn how to prepare Similak mixture for a child:

Feeding rules

The baby's feeding pattern is always the same, regardless of the type of formula.

  1. Choose only adapted formulas, as they are as close as possible to breast milk.
  2. The mixture is used in accordance with the age of the child.
  3. If there are any pathologies that require special nutrition, it is advisable to use special mixtures.
  4. Do not use the mixture after the expiration date.
  5. Monitor your baby's reaction to feeding.
  6. When diluting the mixture for more than one feeding, it should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 °C. Use within 24 hours.
  7. After starting feeding, the mixture should be used within the next hour. After this time, the remainder is poured out.
  8. The mixture is not prepared or heated in a microwave oven.

Similak infant formula is often the food of choice for babies. Many parents notice that when feeding this mixture, children gain better weight and develop more harmoniously. A decrease in digestive problems is also noted. It is important that Similak tastes like breast milk - babies really like it.