Cooperation between children in speech therapy work. Interaction between a speech therapist and family in the process of correctional work with children with speech pathology



T.A. Baklykova,

teacher speech therapist


Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with various developmental disabilities, including(SLIDE) with violations speech development of varying severity.The most common speech disorder is general speech underdevelopment, in which all components are impaired in children speech system, both linguistic and semantic.

The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution in its structure and functional responsibilities differs significantly from the work of speech therapists of speech groups. This is primarily due to the fact that the speech therapist at the speech center(SLIDE) is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go with it in parallel, as is customary in speech gardens. Due to the tendency for the speech of children in preschool age to deteriorate,(SLIDE) Due to the lack of speech therapy kindergartens, children with complex speech defects end up in mass preschool institutions, the overcoming of which is difficult in the conditions of a speech center.That is why today, when talking about working with speech-language pathologists, one cannot consideractivity only speech therapist teacher. In order to eliminate speech disorders and form an oral speech base, deep interaction between all participants in the pedagogical process is necessary, where the leading and coordinating role belongs to the speech therapist teacher.

(SLIDE) At this time, the correctional program is being rethought and thoughtfully taking into account the federal state educational standard for preschool education.Success correctional work in groups of a mass preschool educational institution is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the speech therapy of the entire educational process, the entire life and activity of children.(SLIDE) Namely, the creation of a creative union of teachers united by common goals, the development of an integrated correctional and developmental calendar and thematic work plan, built on the basis of comprehensive diagnostics, and the organization of a correctional and educational environment that stimulates the development of the child.

Successful overcoming of general speech underdevelopment in children in mass groups is possible provided that a person-oriented interaction is created between all pre-school specialists on an integrative basis.(SLIDE) To do this, teachers need to maintain unity in the requirements for children when solving problems of correctional education:

    Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

    Formation of phonemic representations.

    Preparation for teaching elements of literacy, sound analysis and synthesis skills.

    Practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    Development of coherent speech skills.

Additional tasks are determined by the characteristics of the mental development of preschool children with special needs development (peculiarities of attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, motor skills, temporal and spatial orientation, difficulties in voluntary activities and other secondary deviations), the correction of which is necessary for the successful development of the program and diversified development children.

It is quite obvious that the assigned tasks can only be achieved by clearly coordinating the work of the speech therapist and educators; positive results are achieved through close cooperation.

(SLIDE) When working on children’s speech, the teacher and speech therapist have a common goal:

To form correct speech as a means of communication necessary for the full development of the child and his positive social adaptation.

- to ensure continuity of preschool specialists in correctional and speech therapy work with children with severe speech disorders.

At the same time, the functions of the educator and speech therapist must be clearly defined and delineated. The leading role in correctional work, of course, belongs to the speech therapist teacher.

(SLIDE) The activities of a speech therapist include:

Diagnosis of the level of speech development of children, determination of the direction of work.

Development of thinking, memory, attention of preschool children.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Development of phonemic hearing.

Mastering the norms of lexical grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech and free semantic expression.

Formation of speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech.

Correction of violations of syllable structure.

Development of the prosodic side of speech.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Formation of syllable reading skills.

Improving general and fine motor skills.

(SLIDE) Tasks that teachers work on.

Continuous improvement of articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

Consolidating the pronunciation of sounds given by a speech therapist.

Enrichment, clarification and activation of practiced vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topics of the program.

Exercise in the correct use of formed grammatical categories.

Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises using defect-free speech material.

Formation of coherent speech.

Consolidating the emerging skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis (consolidating reading and writing skills).

Since the teacher is with children in a variety of settings: in the locker room, bedroom, play corner, etc. He works with children all day and has the opportunity to repeat exercises many times, reinforce correct sound pronunciation, and at the same time generalize children’s knowledge about the lexical topic being covered.

(SLIDE) And also inThe basis for the coordinated work of a speech therapist and educators is the following principles:

Principle integrated approach to the organization of the correctional pedagogical process.

The principle of unity of diagnosis and direct correctional pedagogical process.

The principle of cooperation between the speech therapist teacher, educators and children.

The principle of taking into account the interests of all participants in the correctional pedagogical process.

The principle of a differentiated approach to logopaths in the process of educating them correct speech.

And also the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process is successfully implemented in special correctional pedagogy. And in mass kindergartens, this principle will contribute to the unification and interconnection of all participants in this process.

For ease of use, we develop:

1. Long-term plan interaction with specialists.

2. Notebooks for communication with group teachers for organizing correctional and developmental work in the afternoon.

3. A sound screen that displays the stages of work on speech sounds for each child.

(SLIDE) Such a comprehensive examinationspeech therapy examination , during which the speech therapist establishes the level of the child’s speech disorder, identifies the nature and degree of severity, determines the potential opportunities and prospects for mastering the native language, andpedagogical examination , during which educators, in turn, identify the level of knowledge and skills necessary to carry out various types of activities, and also determine the characterological characteristics of the child, helps to take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children when planning and conducting correctional and educational work.

(SLIDE) Educators make upforward planning in educational areas “Socio-communicative development”, namely in the field of cognition and “Speech development” based on forward planning speech therapist and taking into account his recommendations.

The teacher organizes educational activities on cognitive development in such a way that it precedes the speech therapy session (in other words, advanced or preparatory), and “Speech development” is consolidating.

To correct speech deficiencies, individual lessons from a teacher on the instructions of a speech therapist are no less significant. Every day, educators follow the recommendations of a speech therapist for the correction of speech and non-speech disorders with each child during direct educational activities with a subgroup of children and in an individual form.(SLIDE) Material for individual and custom group work write to"Interconnection Notebooks" ”, which is filled out on the eve of studying a new topic. All types of tasks are familiar to children and explained in detail to teachers. Further, as a result of speech therapy classes, it is necessary to make additions every day: material that requires repetition or has not been sufficiently mastered by the children.

(SLIDE) You can enter content into the Relationship Notebookfive-minute speech therapy sessions. Five-minute speech therapy sessions can be used by educators in different situations and other activities. Five minutes should be short enough, they should not be turned into a long process. They should be carried out in a playful and entertaining way against a good emotional background. Five-minute sessions should correspond to the lexical topic studied during the week and contribute to the development of all components of speech in children. The speech therapist teacher, in turn, must indicate the goals and objectives that are pursued when performing each task, and give a detailed description of them.

(SLIDE) Games and exercises , recommended by the speech therapist teacher in the relationship notebook, can be carried out by teachers in the afternoon or used during dynamic pauses. We offer preschoolers games and exercises of varying levels of complexity depending on the severity of the speech defect and individual characteristics child's capabilities.

(SLIDE) And also entered in the notebook tocorrectional and developmental activities in an individual form. Every day, the teacher works with 2-3 children and conducts articulatory gymnastics, tasks on automation and differentiation of sounds, as well as tasks on those sections of the program that children learn with the greatest difficulty.

From my observation, I don’t know whether you agree with me or not, one of the most difficult areas in correctional and developmental activities for educators iscontrol over automation of delivered sounds . After all, uhthe effectiveness of the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher depends on the ability of educators to hear and differentiate a defectively pronounced sound from a pure one, on the ability to listen attentively to children’s speech, correct it in a timely manner, and remind the child of the correct articulation of what the speech therapist has givensound.Can be useddifferent ways of working .

(SLIDE) For example, assign each child in the groupbadge or reminder stickers with the image of a letter denoting the sound above which this moment a speech therapist works. This will allow the teacher to control the assigned sound for each child and correct the sound in the child’s spontaneous speech.

As an option for one of the techniques for automating correct pronunciation, you canassign to each teacher a group of children with similar disabilities . One monitors the automation of whistling and hissing sounds in preschoolers, the other - sonors. Although this technique cannot be called effective.

This technique is also used whenthe children's sound pronunciation profile is located on the mirror in the group's work area and is in the constant field of view of the teacher, as well as those children who already know how to read and can correct the speech of their peers.

Matinees and entertainment occupy a special place in the system of raising children with speech disorders. Preparing for holidays with preschoolers with severe speech impairments has its own specifics.

Planning and selection of speech material should be carried out together with musical director, speech therapist and teacher, taking into account the age of the children, the level of speech development and the individual characteristics of each child.

(SLIDE) The effectiveness of correctional-educational-educational work in a group largely depends on the organization of the subject-spatial environment.(SLIDE) L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “By monitoring children, we ultimately see that the path to proper upbringing lies through the organization of the environment...”

When creating a developmental space, both in a group room and in a speech therapist’s office, it is necessary to take into account the leading role play activity in the development of preschool children. Teachers take an active part in creating a correctional and developmental environment in the group. In senior and preparatory groups it is recommended to create(SLIDE) speech corner in a group orts Center "Let's speak correctly" which willserve a corrective purpose and will be a system in the process of work. Can be used in a group room(SLIDE) “Lexical tree”, where attributes for the lexical topic being studied are located (cards, pictures, games, etc.).

Every week, the teacher selects speech material for each child in accordance with the recommendation of the speech therapist.He advises which didactic games and exercises to use at this stage.

A specially organized living space should stimulate the child’s activity, create an opportunity to successfully eliminate a speech defect, overcome delays in speech development, which allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in classes, but also in free activities, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, and therefore , contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.

(SLIDE+2) Interaction between preschool education specialists is also carried out in such forms of work as consultations, workshops, joint conversations to sum up the results of correctional and developmental work and determine the prospects for further activities. A speech therapist teacher must not only teach educators how to work with each child, but also monitor the implementation of his recommendations.

(SLIDE) A speech therapist teacher observes the work of a teacher with children, attending direct educational activities, noting positive aspects, and also analyzes those types of work that were unsuccessful and did not give the expected result. Such visits show the speech therapist a complete picture of correctional and developmental work.

(SLIDE) Integrated interaction of specialists is one of the conditions for overcoming ODD in preschool children, which in most cases allows eliminating the general underdevelopment of speech in children, and in severe cases achieving significant positive dynamics not only in speech development, but also in the correction of secondary deviations.(SLIDE) Timely and comprehensive support for preschool children with speech disorders opens up equal opportunities for children with speech pathology and normal psychophysical development in the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, their successful socialization and adaptation in society, personal and creative development.

1. Center “Let's speak correctly” .

Target: education of correct physiological and speech breathing, development articulatory motor skills, consolidation of the correct way of pronouncing a sound, preparation of the articulatory apparatus for sound production, differentiation and automation of sounds, development of lexical and grammatical categories, consolidation of the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, coherent speech.


For joint work between an adult and a child:

    Mirror with lamp and shelf for manuals.

    Card index of subject and plot pictures on the lexical topics being studied.

    A card index of subject pictures and didactic games for automation and differentiation of whistling, hissing, sonorant, iotated sounds and affricates.

    Material for sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, analysis and synthesis of sentences (colorful chips, magnets, sound houses, etc.)

For independent activities of children:

    A series of plot pictures. For example:“How to catch a worm”, “Work in the garden”.

    Schemes, algorithms and mnemonic tables for composing stories about objects and objects.

    Didactic games for developing skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, sentence analysis."Letter Lotto"“Syllable lotto”, etc.

    Didactic games for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (“One-many”, “Butterfly and flower”, “Who is behind the tree”,"Mine, mine, mine"“Whose, whose, whose?”, “Who’s that big?”).

    Wall alphabet, different types of alphabets(knitted alphabet, alphabet cut out of sandpaper, etc.).

Games for introducing children to the concepts of “Sound”, “Letter”.

    Games for the development of physiological and speech breathing.

    Games to develop phonemic awareness."Find a place."

    Games to improve lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.


1. Bachina O.V. Interaction between a speech therapist and the family of a child with speech impairments. - M.: Sfera, 2009.-64 p.

2. Interaction of compensatory preschool education specialists / Ed. O.A. Denisova. - M.: Sfera, 2012.-64 p.

3. Mikheeva I.A., Chesheva S.V. Interaction in the work of a teacher and a speech therapist: A file of tasks for children 5–7 years old with general speech underdevelopment. Publisher: Karo, 2009.- 256 p.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional process for speech development in preschoolers

The methodological material is recommended for educators, speech therapists and other preschool specialists.
The joint work of the speech therapist and the teacher should be carried out in the following areas:
- timely examination of children in order to identify the level of their mental development, characteristics of memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech;
- ensuring flexibility of pedagogical influences on students, taking into account the changing capabilities of students based on correctional work;
- planning individual work with every child;
- development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity based on mastering the surrounding reality;
- children’s mastery of communicative means of communication.
The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is especially necessary when organizing a personal approach to children, since during its organization it is necessary to create the following pedagogical conditions:
- see each child as a unique personality;
- design situations of success for each child in the educational process;
- study the causes of children's ignorance and eliminate them.

The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is also necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and social. An integrated approach to overcoming speech impairment involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work, and this requires the interaction of a speech therapist and a teacher.
Unfortunately, such interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist is not implemented in many kindergartens. It depends on many reasons, but first of all on the management kindergarten, from the personal characteristics of the speech therapist and teacher, from their desire to improve the process of speech development of preschool children.
Scientists have studied and investigated specific types of interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher.
So, together with a speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes. On the basis of such interaction, the teacher performs, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by the characteristics of the speech defect. At the same time, the teacher turns his attention not only to the correction of existing deficiencies in the child’s development, to enriching ideas about the environment, but also to the further development and improvement of the activities of intact analyzers. This creates the basis for the favorable development of the child’s compensatory capabilities, which ultimately affects the effective acquisition of speech.
Compensation for the child’s speech underdevelopment, his social adaptation and preparation for further education at school dictate the need to master, under the guidance of a teacher, those types of activities that are provided for in the programs of a mass kindergarten of a general developmental type. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile), mnestic processes, accessible forms of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, motivation.
An important aspect of a teacher’s work is the development of cognitive activity and cognitive interests in children. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiar lag in the formation of cognitive processes in general, which develops in children under the influence of speech underdevelopment, narrowing of contacts with others, incorrect methods of family education and other reasons.
Correct, pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly, emotionally positive environment in kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities, allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment, and develop interest in classes. To do this, the educator, like the speech therapist, must have knowledge in the field of developmental psychology, individual psychophysical differences in children preschool age. They need to be able to understand various negative manifestations of children’s behavior, and notice in time signs of increased fatigue, exhaustion, passivity and lethargy. Properly organized psychological and pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children prevents the appearance of persistent unwanted deviations in their behavior and forms friendly relationships.
The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
The task of the speech therapy group teacher also includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity in each period correction process, control over the correct use of sounds assigned or corrected by a speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Particular attention of the educator should be paid to children with a late onset of speech activity, with aggravated medical history, and characterized by psychophysiological immaturity.
The teacher should not focus children's attention on the occurrence of possible errors or hesitations in speech, repetitions of the first syllables and words. Such manifestations should be reported to a speech therapist. The responsibilities of the educator also include good knowledge of the individual characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment, who react differently to their defect, to communication difficulties, and to changes in communication conditions.
The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. She should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: be clear, extremely intelligible, well intoned, figuratively expressive and grammatically correct. Complex constructions, phrases, and introductory words that complicate the understanding of speech should be avoided.
The specificity of the work of a teacher when interacting with a speech therapist is that the teacher organizes and conducts classes on the instructions of the speech therapist. The teacher plans individual or subgroup lessons with children in the second half. 5-7 children are invited to an evening speech therapy session. The following are recommended types of exercises:
- consolidation of well-placed sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences);
- repetition of poems, stories;
- exercises to develop attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
- activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.
In the process of correctional work, the teacher pays great attention to the development of fine motor skills. So, during extracurricular time, you can invite children to put together mosaics, puzzles, figures from matches or counting sticks, practice untying and tying shoelaces, collect scattered buttons or small objects, and pencils of different sizes. Children can be offered work in notebooks to develop writing skills, recommended for children with speech disorders.
A special place in the work of the teacher is occupied by the organization of outdoor games for children with speech disorders, due to the fact that children in this category are often somatically weakened, physically intolerable, and quickly get tired. When planning work on organizing play activities, the teacher must clearly understand the reality of the physical capabilities of each child and differentiated selection of outdoor games. Outdoor games, which usually form part of physical education and music classes, can be played during a walk, at holiday matinees, or during entertainment hours.
Games with movement must be combined with other types of children's activities. Outdoor games simultaneously help the successful formation of speech. They often contain sayings and quatrains; they can be preceded by a counting rhyme for choosing a driver. Such games also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony and coordination of movements, and have a positive effect on the psychological state of children.
The work of a teacher in teaching children role-playing games is also a necessary element of his pedagogical activity. In role-playing games, the teacher activates and enriches the vocabulary, develops coherent speech, and teaches ritual interaction in social and everyday situations familiar to the child (doctor’s appointment, shopping in a store, traveling on public transport, etc.). Role-playing games contribute to the development of communication and speech skills, stimulate children’s sociability, and develop social skills and abilities.
Having studied the scientific literature on the interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in kindergarten on the development of speech in children with speech disorders, I came to the following conclusions.
1. Together with the speech therapist, the teacher plans classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparing the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, discussion of children’s achievements, both in speech and in other classes.
2. In addition to general education, a teacher in specialized kindergartens also performs a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate deficiencies in the sensory, affective-volitional, and intellectual spheres caused by speech defects. The teacher should pay special attention to the development of perception, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, and the development of interest in knowledge.
3. Pedagogically justified interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist, combining their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a friendly environment in a specialized group of a kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own capabilities and allows them to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech impairment.
4. The work of a teacher on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children to perceive material in future speech therapy classes, thereby providing the basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
5. The teacher’s task includes daily monitoring of the state of children’s speech activity. The teacher’s speech is important in everyday communication with children. She should serve as a model for children with speech disorders.
6. The interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher is necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological.

(From work experience)

One of the most important areas in the correctional and educational activities of a preschool teacher-speech therapist is working with parents as one of the conditions for optimizing the pedagogical process.

Parents are the first teachers. One cannot but agree with this statement. Outstanding teachers of the past were convinced that the main educators of preschool children are parents. They are the ones who help children take their first steps.

Parents are often excluded from the work of correcting speech disorders in children because they do not possess certain skills and pedagogical knowledge. They experience difficulties because, due to their busy lives, they cannot find free time to study at home with their children.

That is why it is so important to increase parental competence in the correctional pedagogical process, the main tasks of which are to involve parents in pedagogical activities, create conditions for the child’s speech activity, and disseminate speech therapy knowledge among parents. Involvement in correctional work will help parents see the child’s problem and convince them of the need to consolidate the learned material at home.

Practical experience of working in preschool educational institutions allows us to conclude that parents need constant methodological assistance from a teacher-speech therapist to solve problems of children’s speech development. Recognition of the priority of family education requires a different relationship between the family and the teacher - speech therapist, namely cooperation, interaction and trust. Cooperation between family and teacher-speech therapist is becoming increasingly in demand; teachers are looking for new points of interaction and forms of working with parents. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents is the basis for the full development of the child. It is important that parents deal with their children competently, and for this it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge and skills.

When working with parents, I used different types of work. Traditional forms information (stands, screens, folders...) turned out to be not very convenient for parents, since they require some time to familiarize themselves with them, and parents rush home after work. There is also not enough time for individual consultations with specialists. There was a need to find an up-to-date way to cooperate with parents, help them understand the essence of the speech therapy group’s work, teach them to help children do their homework, learn correct articulation exercises, reinforce assigned sounds, and work on coherent speech.

It is difficult for parents to independently select literature on these issues (there is too much of it on sale now, it is difficult to navigate).

While studying various literature in the magazine “Speech Therapist,” I found the article “Publishing activities in kindergarten as one of the forms of interaction with parents.” I transferred the work experience of kindergarten teachers to the speech therapy group and decided to use it in my work. I selected material on topics that I considered necessary to convey to parents whose children began attending a speech therapy group. This:

- “Tales of the Merry Tongue”;

- “Organization of work to strengthen children’s correct speech skills” (How to make boring things interesting);

- “Finger games and exercises for preschoolers” ... etc.

I printed 5 mini-magazines on each topic and, for 2.5 months (October - December), sent them to parents along with notebooks for homework. When all the parents read this, some even reprinted it for themselves, I conducted a survey where I asked a number of questions about the need for this type of work. All parents unanimously expressed approval, and even gratitude. I have been working in publishing for more than five years.

I have been conducting another type of work with parents for several years.

Children with ODD have insufficiently developed coherent speech, a poor vocabulary, reduced attention, performance, and memory. All this leads to difficulty in composing stories, retelling, and memorizing them.

The stories of children with SLD are not complete enough, detailed, inconsistent, consist mainly of simple sentences, are poor in epithets, and contain phonetic and grammatical errors. Stories

These children are distinguished by a lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, fragmentation, and an emphasis on external, superficial presentations rather than on the cause-and-effect relationships of the characters. What is most difficult for such children is independent

storytelling from memory and all types of creative storytelling. But even in reproducing texts according to the model, there is a noticeable lag behind normally speaking peers.

If we were engaged in retelling in class, then the next day many children forgot what they talked about in class. Therefore, I began to display a “Remember and Tell at Home” tablet in the reception area, where the goals of this type of work are indicated and the text of the story that was retold in class is placed. Goals: 1. Development of coherent speech and memory. 2. At home, the child must remember and tell the story that was told in kindergarten during class.

Usually, at the beginning of the lesson, as expected, I give the instruction: “Listen carefully, remember, and at home tell the story to your mother, grandmother...”.

I write a task for my parents in my notebook for homework: “Remember and tell the story... that was told in class.” At first, I ask parents to write down the child’s story as he says it, without correcting him. When retelling, errors are corrected.

Thus, both my parents and I had the opportunity to check how children remember the text, how they retell, construct sentences, and express their thoughts.

Every Friday morning, I put out a tablet with the text of the story so that parents become familiar with the content in advance. They write down or photograph the text.

The children's attitude to listen carefully, the offer to tell the story at home, the demands of the parents to be attentive and remember everything well led to positive results. Children try to remember and tell it well at home. A sense of responsibility is fostered. Parents are always aware of what we are doing in the lesson on the development of coherent speech, and have the opportunity to help the child learn to correctly express his thoughts when retelling. Thus, parents are involved in correctional work.

This type of work, my research work on “publishing activities” in a speech therapy group show that we, speech therapists and teachers, must meet parents halfway, help them receive the necessary information on teaching and raising children. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that parents will communicate more and engage with their children.


  1. Tkachenko T.A. If a preschooler speaks poorly. Moscow. Publishing house GNOM and D. 2001.
  2. Ivanova M.A. Sokolova S.A. Leisure for children and parents. J. "Speech therapist", No. 1 2015.
  3. Morozova L.N. Interaction between a speech therapist and parents of children with speech disorders. J. "Speech therapist", No. 7 2015.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Relevance The family is the closest and permanent social environment of the child and its influence on his development and personality formation is great. A home where a child with speech impairment is being raised requires special attention and protection. Such families need the help of specialists in the education, training, and development of children with speech disorders. In this regard, it becomes relevant: 1. interaction between a speech therapist and parents in order to improve their psychological and pedagogical culture 2. improving the results of work on the development and correction of children’s speech. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. The conscious inclusion of parents in the correctional process together with the speech therapist and teacher can significantly increase the efficiency of work. Creating a unified space for a child’s speech development is impossible if the efforts of teachers and parents are carried out independently of each other, and both parties remain in the dark about their plans and intentions. In kindergarten, the child receives individual speech therapy assistance, so its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction. Firstly, parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child, and secondly, parents have the opportunity to daily consolidate the skills they are developing in the process of everyday direct communication (on walks, excursions, while visiting the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country). .

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Tasks of the speech therapist’s work in interacting with parents: Establish partnerships with the family of each student; Join efforts for the development and education of children; Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

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The tasks of parents in correctional work with their children: Creating conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children; Carrying out targeted and systematic work on the general speech development of children and the need to correct deficiencies in this development according to the recommendations of specialists.

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Work with parents includes: Forms of work - verbal, visual and practical. Verbal forms of work: Conversations. Their goal is to provide parents with timely assistance on issues of speech development and correction. During such conversations, instructions are given for the conscious inclusion of parents in the correction process. Consultations (general and individual) - every parent should know as much as possible about their child’s speech disorder and receive the necessary recommendations on how to work with him at home. By involving parents in discussing various problems, the speech therapist tries to make them want to cooperate. Sample topics of consultations: “Nurturing children’s independence”, “Readiness for school”, “Do parents need to teach children to read”, “If your child stutters”, “Readiness of the hand to write”, “Teaching a left-handed child”, etc. Conferences, round table dialogues with the invitation of specialists (psychologist, health worker, etc.). Questionnaire on different types activities on issues of moral and physical education, to identify the attitude of parents towards their child’s speech defects. Analysis of the answers makes it possible to properly plan work with parents and outline topics for individual conversations. Parent meetings - here the foundations of cooperation and interaction are laid, friendly and partnership relations are formed, opinions are exchanged, and problems that arise in the process of raising and developing a child are resolved. These meetings can be held in the form of a classic meeting, but they can also be in the form of trainings, conferences, or role-playing games.

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Collective forms of work: Group parent meetings– are held 2-3 times a year: at the beginning, middle and end of the academic year. They help unite parents, direct them to help their group, and actively participate in the process of raising children. It is important for a speech therapist to organize consultations and seminars so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation, since a modern parent will not want to listen to long and edifying reports from a teacher. Consultations must be extremely clear and contain only necessary for parents specific material and is carried out not for show, but for the benefit of the cause. Frontal open classes - it is useful to combine a class with a meeting, then parents are more interested in attending them (this applies to the second and third parent meetings). Speech holidays. "Open Days".

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Visual forms of work: Speech corner - it reflects the topic of the lesson. Category “ Homework” gives parents practical recommendations on the formation of various speech skills, such as articulation; to identify the level of development of some components of a child’s speech, for example: how to check the level of development of phonemic hearing in a child; how to study at home on a lexical topic, introduces games, game exercises and tasks to consolidate various speech skills. Information stands, screens, mobile folders are material that is replaced 2-3 times a year with practical tips and recommendations. Folders can be either group or individual. An individual folder contains materials selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular child, with practical recommendations for the family, allowing parents to develop an individual approach to their child and build a deeper relationship with him. Sound pronunciation screen – shows the number of impaired sounds in children and the dynamics of sound pronunciation correction. Parents see how the sound correction process is progressing (this is indicated by colored symbols). They can clearly see which sounds are still being automated and which ones have been introduced into speech.

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Practical forms of work: Open classes Workshop classes - adults who cannot work with children at home due to a lack of skills in organizing the child’s behavior or low pedagogical literacy come to watch individual speech therapist classes. The main attention of parents is drawn to the need to combine speech exercises with tasks for the development of mental processes. Adults learn practical techniques for working with children. The main form of interaction with parents for a speech therapist is a homework notebook. It serves as a “helpline” for us - an adult can write in it any question or doubt regarding the quality of the child’s assignments. He marks the numbers of completed tasks with a circle, and the numbers of uncompleted ones with a minus. The notebook is filled out by a speech therapist two to three times a week, so that classes in the family are carried out systematically and not to the detriment of the child’s health. Depending on the severity of the speech disorder, tasks in the notebook are given not only on sound pronunciation, but also on the formation of vocabulary, grammatical skills and skills for the development of attention and memory.

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“Why are classes with a speech therapist needed?” Parents do not always hear all the defects in their child’s speech. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. If you do not correct your pronunciation before school, then later, it is very difficult to do this, as it will become a habit. If the child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will write the same way, because first he pronounces what he is going to write. Parents often believe that bad speech will go away on its own. Unfortunately, this is not always the case!

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Questionnaire for parents. Dear parents! Your child has been admitted to a speech therapy group. In order to more effectively help your child and cooperate with you on issues of raising and educating children, we ask you to answer the following questions: 1. Do YOU ​​read books to your child? ___________________________________ 2. Before entering the speech therapy group, did you pay attention to the child’s speech difficulties? development?______________________________________________________________ 3. Have you previously applied for speech therapy assistance? If yes, then the effectiveness of the classes.________________________________________ 4. Does your home library have special literature on speech development?_________________________________________________ 5. Are you interested in working together with a speech therapist?________________________________________ 6. Does your child notice difficulties in speech development, if so, then How does he react to this?_________________________________________________ 7. Are you ready to take part in joint activities with children? ____________________________________________________________ 8. What forms of work with families do you consider the most effective? a) parent meetings; b) attending classes; c) joint activities and holidays; d) individual conversations and consultations; d) newspaper; g) speech therapy game library; h) your suggestions_________________________________________________________ 9. What forms of work would you like to take part in?_______________________________________________ 10. Who, in your opinion, plays the leading role in raising children?______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Who in your family is involved in raising a child?________________________________________________ 12. From what sources do YOU do you gain knowledge about raising a child? a) listen to radio and television programs; b) attend lectures for parents; c) from life experience; d) you educate without special knowledge, by intuition; e) read specialized literature; d) consult with the teacher; g) consult with your parents; h) consult with your friends. 13. What difficulties do you face in raising your child? a) child’s disobedience; b) lack of pedagogical knowledge; c) the child grows up nervous; d) the child is restless, inattentive; g) there are no difficulties; h) other_______________________________________

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Consultation for parents topic: “Speech alphabet for parents” Articulation gymnastics - gymnastics for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. Fast speech unacceptable in conversation with a child. Speak clearly, clearly, correctly. Don't let your child talk quickly. Always tell your child what you see. Remember that if everything around you is familiar and familiar, then your child needs to be introduced to everything that surrounds us. The main components of beautiful speech: correctness, clarity, intelligibility, moderate tempo and volume, rich vocabulary, intonation expressiveness. Gestures complement our speech. But if your baby uses gestures instead of speech, do not try to understand his speech without words. Pretend you don't understand what he wants. Encourage him to express his request in words. The longer you understand your child’s sign language, the longer he will remain silent. The “golden mean” is what we should strive for in the development of a child, i.e. to normal. Don't overload him with information, don't speed up his development. Illustrations in children's books that are appropriate for the child's age are an excellent aid for speech development. Look at the illustrations with him, talk about what (who) is depicted on them; encourage your child to answer the questions: Who? What? Where? What is he doing?

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Consultation for parents topic: “Development of the articulatory apparatus” Correct pronunciation of sounds is ensured thanks to the good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, lower jaw, and soft palate. Work on the development of the basic movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out in the form of articulatory gymnastics. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated.

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Articulation gymnastics “WINDOW” - open (close) your mouth wide - 10 times. “INFLATE TWO BALLOONS” - ​​inflate your cheeks and hold air in them. Then move the air from one cheek to the other 10 times. “SWING” - mouth open. With a tense tongue, reach to the nose, then to the chin - 10 times. “PENDULUM” - the mouth is open, with the tip of the tongue reaching towards the left (right) ear - 10 times. “SMILE - KISS” - holding your lips in a smile (stretch your lips very much). The teeth are not visible. Then extend your closed lips forward with a long tube. Alternate imitation of these actions 10 times. “MAYAR” - mouth open. Using the wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we move from the upper teeth to the soft palate and return back, without stopping, for 30-60 seconds. “HORSE” - click your tongue - 30-60 seconds. “MUSHROOM” - “suck your tongue”, as before a click. Hold with your mouth as open as possible for 30-60 seconds. "SPATULA". The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip - 30-60 seconds. “Naughty tongue” - spank the wide flat tip of the tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five...”. Repeat 4-5 times.

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Consultation for parents topic: “Fingers help speak” A favorable period for the development of a child’s speech is preschool age. It is at this age that it is important to develop fine motor skills. It has been proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking. There are “active points” on the fingers and palms, massage of which has a positive effect on the child’s well-being and improves brain function in general. Work on developing fine motor skills should begin long before the child enters school. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, preschool children can be offered: Tools for the development of fine motor skills: Plasticine. Cereals, beads, buttons. Sand. Natural material. Threads, braid, ropes, laces, fabrics. Pencils, counting sticks. Paper. Dolls. Water. Finger games should not be long; five minutes a day is enough to stimulate the child’s speech function

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Games for developing fine motor skills Games with plasticine Plasticine provides unique opportunities to conduct Interesting games with benefit for general development child. Show your baby all the wonders of the plasticine world, get him interested, and you will be surprised how quickly children's fingers will begin to create, first clumsy, and then more and more complex figures. What do we do with plasticine? -Mine and pinch off. -Press and smear. -Roll into balls, roll out sausages. -Cut into pieces. -Making pictures. Games with paper Paper can be wrinkled, folded, torn, cut with scissors. These games and exercises will help your child learn how plain paper turns into beautiful appliqués and fun three-dimensional toys. The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips and practicing the origami technique: folding boats, airplanes, flowers, animals and other figures.

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Games to develop fine motor skills for children Games with buttons - Fill a spacious box with buttons. - Put your hands in the box. - Move your palms over the surface. -Rub the buttons between your palms. - Pour them from palm to palm. - Find the largest button, the smallest, square, smooth. - Assemble a letter or any pattern from buttons according to the pattern. - Pull the lace through the holes in the button. - Decorate the Christmas tree. Games with cereals, beads Games with dolls To develop fine motor skills, dolls are used that correspond to the child’s capabilities and develop them. There are different types of dolls: parsley dolls, knitted finger puppets, soft movable “mitten dolls”, combined dolls, “I-dolls”, marionette dolls. Games with natural materials Drawing Drawing is an activity loved by all children and very useful. And it is not necessary to draw only with a pencil or brush on paper or cardboard. You can draw on snow and sand, on a foggy window and asphalt. It is useful to draw with your finger, palm, stick, or make prints with a piece of cotton wool or crumpled paper.

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Advice from a speech therapist on speech development 1. Do not try to speed up the child’s natural speech development. Don't overload him with speech activities. Games, exercises, speech material must be age appropriate. 2. Do not imitate children’s speech, do not abuse diminutive suffixes - all this inhibits speech development. 3. Correct the child’s speech deficiencies in a timely manner, trying to point out inaccuracies and errors found in his speech, be careful, do not laugh at the baby under any circumstances, the best thing is to tactfully correct this or that word if the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speak quietly , remind him: “You need to speak clearly, clearly, and slowly.” 4. Do not leave your child’s questions unanswered. And don’t forget to check: “Does he understand your answer?” If there is a tape recorder in the house, record the child’s speech. Such recordings will not only help in working on speech, but over time will a good gift for a son or daughter. 5. Read works to your child as much as possible fiction! The characters of the heroes must be drawn with facial expressions, voice, and plasticity.


CHAPTER 1 THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO INTERACTION between Speech-Language Pathologist and Parents

1.1 Formation of parents’ readiness for correctional and speech therapy work with children with speech disorders

1.2 Forms of interaction between the speech therapist and parents


2.1 Methodological organization of the study



Speech function is one of the most important human functions. In the process of development, a person develops higher mental forms of activity, as well as the ability to think conceptually. The ability to master speech is interconnected with the awareness of regulation and planning of behavior. Speech communication helps create conditions for the development of various forms of activity, as well as participation in work in a team.

It is believed that after the age of three, a child’s speech is practically formed. The preschooler has full command of everyday vocabulary, he easily communicates with other people around him. At this age, speech becomes the main means of communication, a tool of thinking, i.e., the basis of communication. It should be noted that not all children successfully master the lexical, grammatical and phonetic aspects of speech to the same extent; their relationship is very important for the development of coherent speech. Hence, the formation of coherent speech will be the most vulnerable link in the development of children's speech, in which there are violations on the part of formation, in children with severe speech disorders. Underdevelopment of coherent speech often poses a difficult task for such children: to correctly, accurately express their thoughts, formulate any judgment correctly, completely, and consistently convey the content of a book or film that interested the child, to understand the interlocutor’s speech. Such difficulties cannot allow children with speech pathology to fully complete the process of communication, and this, of course, negatively affects the very development of the child’s personality and does not contribute to the successful integration of the child in society and his socialization.

Currently, the role of the speech therapist teacher is becoming more significant. This is due to the fact that every year the number of children with speech disorders is increasing. For the full speech development of preschoolers with speech development disorders, close interaction between the kindergarten and the family is necessary.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the organization of interaction between a speech therapist and parents when correcting the speech of children with speech disorders.

)to identify features of the formation of parents’ readiness for correctional and speech therapy work with children with speech disorders;

)consider the forms of interaction between the speech therapist and parents;

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of interaction between a speech therapist and parents when correcting the speech of children with speech disorders.

The relevance of research. Any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech affects his activity and behavior. Therefore, the formation of speech correction in children with speech underdevelopment is an important and relevant topic.

Research methods and methodology. In the specialized literature, the most detailed questions of the development of children with speech underdevelopment are covered in the works of O.V. Bachina, L.N. Samorodova, V.K. Vorobyova, N.S. Zhukova, T.B. Filicheva, S.A. Mironova, V.A. Kovshikova and others. They became the methodological basis of this work.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, comparative.

Structure of the study: the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, and a list of sources used.


1 Formation of parents’ readiness for correctional and speech therapy work with children with speech disorders

The most important social function of the family is raising the younger generation - children. Parents are responsible for arranging conditions that meet age characteristics child at various stages of his development and provide the best opportunities for his development in front of society. Unfortunately, recently there are especially many children suffering from speech underdevelopment.

With normal speech development, children by the age of 5 can already freely use expanded phrasal speech, as well as various constructions of complex sentences. Children already have sufficient vocabulary, word formation and inflection skills. By this age, readiness for sound analysis, synthesis, and correct sound pronunciation is finally formed.

Not in all cases these processes proceed successfully, because... Some children experience a sharp delay in the formation of various components of language.

Underdevelopment of speech is the reason for a qualitatively lower level of development of all speech functions and the speech system as a whole.

The concept of “general speech underdevelopment” refers to a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of speech is impaired. The concept of “general speech underdevelopment” presupposes the presence of symptoms of immaturity (or developmental delay) of all components of the speech system (its phonetic-phonemic side, lexical composition, grammatical structure). General speech underdevelopment may have a different mechanism and, accordingly, different structure defect. It can be observed with alalia, dysarthria, etc. Thus, the term “general speech underdevelopment” characterizes only the symptomological level of speech impairment. In most cases, with this disorder, it is possible not so much underdevelopment as a systemic speech disorder.

For the first time, a theoretical justification for general speech underdevelopment was formulated as a result of multidimensional research various forms speech pathology in children of preschool and school age, conducted by R.E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology (L.S. Volkova, N.A. Nikashina, G.A. Kashe, L.F. Spirov, T.B. Filichev, N.A. Chevelev and others) in 50-60s of the XX century. Deviations in the formation of speech began to be considered as developmental disorders that occur according to the laws of the hierarchical structure of higher mental functions. From the perspective of a systems approach, the question of the structure of various forms of speech pathology depending on the state of the components of the speech system was resolved.

There are three levels of speech development, reflecting the typical state of language components in preschool and school-age children with general speech underdevelopment.

The first level of speech development.Verbal means of communication are extremely limited. Children's active vocabulary consists of a small number of vaguely pronounced everyday words, onomatopoeias and sound complexes. Pointing gestures and facial expressions are widely used. Children use the same complex to designate objects, actions, qualities, using intonation and gestures to indicate the difference in meaning.

Children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relations. Their speech is dominated by root words, devoid of inflections. The “phrase” consists of babbling elements that consistently reproduce the situation they denote using explanatory gestures. Each word used in such a “phrase” has a diverse correlation and cannot be understood outside a specific situation.

A distinctive feature of speech development at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word. speech therapy speech disorder

Second level of speech development.The transition to it is characterized by increased speech activity of the child. Communication is carried out through the use of a constant, although still distorted and limited, stock of common words.

The names of objects, actions, and individual characteristics are differentiated. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes conjunctions, simple prepositions in elementary meanings. Children can answer questions about the picture related to family and familiar events in their surrounding life.

Speech failure is clearly manifested in all components. Children use only simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. Vocabulary significantly lags behind the age norm: ignorance of many words denoting parts of the body, animals and their young, clothing, furniture, and professions is revealed.

Understanding of addressed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the distinction of certain grammatical forms (unlike the first level); children can focus on morphological elements that acquire a distinctive meaning for them.

Third level of speech developmentIt is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonorants), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or similar phonetic group.

Against the background of relatively detailed speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. In free expressions, simple common sentences predominate; complex constructions are almost never used. Understanding of spoken speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is insufficient understanding of changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes; There are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships.

A correct understanding of the structure of general speech underdevelopment, the reasons underlying it, and the various ratios of primary and secondary disorders is necessary for selecting children for special institutions, for choosing the most effective correction methods, and for preventing possible complications in school education.

General underdevelopment of speech can be observed in the most complex forms of childhood speech pathology: alalia, aphasia, as well as rhinolalia, dysarthria - in cases where insufficient vocabulary of the grammatical structure and gaps in phonetic-phonemic development are simultaneously detected.

Despite the different nature of the defects, these children have typical manifestations indicating a systemic disorder of speech activity. One of the leading signs is the later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years. Speech is ungrammatical and insufficiently phonetically designed. The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively good, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech.

The speech of these children is inactive. There is insufficient speech activity, which drops sharply with age, without special training. However, children are quite critical of their defect. Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children's sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. There is insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively intact, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks. In the weakest children, low memory activity can be combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines specific features of thinking. Having, in general, complete prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, without special training they have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Children with general speech underdevelopment should be distinguished from children with similar conditions - temporary delay in speech development. It should be borne in mind that children with general speech underdevelopment in normal periods develop an understanding of everyday conversational speech, interest in playful and objective activities, and an emotional selective attitude towards the world around them. One of the diagnostic signs may be dissociation between speech and mental development. This is manifested in the fact that mental development proceeds more successfully than speech development. Primary speech pathology inhibits the formation of potentially intact mental abilities, preventing the normal functioning of speech intelligence. However, as verbal speech develops and speech difficulties are eliminated, their intellectual development is approaching normal.

For many years, the preschool education system existed as if in isolation from the family, completely taking upon itself the problems of education and development of children. MM. Prokopyeva, G.A. Volkova, Yu.F. Garkusha emphasizes that the conscious inclusion of parents in a single process of child upbringing and development, joint with teachers, and avoidance of the practice of distancing parents from kindergarten can significantly increase its effectiveness. As noted by V.N. Gurov, the creation of a unified space for the development of a child is impossible if the efforts of teachers and parents are carried out independently of each other and both parties remain in the dark about each other’s plans and intentions.

The issue of increasing the effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist remains relevant, and one of the reserves is a closer connection between the speech therapist and parents, the creation of a system of joint work between the speech therapist and the family, which is necessary for effective correctional and speech therapy work with children. It is very important to begin raising the level of general psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, developing an adequate attitude towards a child’s speech defect, understanding the need to help their children overcome speech pathology, their activity in participating in the correctional process, from the moment their child arrives at the institution.

2 Forms of interaction between the speech therapist and parents

We can highlight the main goals of the speech therapist’s activities with parents: the formation of a motivated attitude of parents towards correctional activities for preschoolers with speech disorders; development and testing of various content and structural options for interaction between the family and the speech therapist as a way to increase the effectiveness of the correctional and educational potential of the educational process.

As noted by O.V. Bachina, the main tasks of a speech therapist in working with parents are:

establishing partnerships with the child’s family;

combining the efforts of teachers and parents for the purpose of developing and educating children; - creating an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional support and mutual understanding;

increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

assisting parents in performing educational and correctional functions, maintaining their confidence in their own capabilities;

training parents in speech therapy techniques.

The involvement of parents in the orbit of pedagogical activity, their interested participation in the correctional pedagogical process is important not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The speech therapist teacher plays a special role in improving pedagogical culture and educating parents. The effectiveness of communication with parents largely depends on the communicative competence and personal qualities of the speech therapist teacher himself.

E. Perchatkina highlights the following areas of work of a speech therapist teacher with parents:

a) advisory and educational;

b) correctional and educational;

c) monitoring.

As part of the first direction, the speech therapist carries out:

familiarizing parents with the results of the examination;

formation of an adequate assessment by parents of the state of the child’s speech development;

increasing competence on issues of speech disorders;

familiarization with methods of correctional and developmental work;

consultation on the need for additional medical examination;

formation of positive motivation to interact with specialists.

The implementation of correctional and educational direction involves:

involving parents in taking an active part in the correction process;

training parents in speech therapy techniques;

training in all kinds of work with teaching aids

Monitoring work involves:

identifying the initiative of parents in matters of cooperation;

studying the attitude of parents towards the child and his speech disorder;

analysis of the degree to which parents have mastered correctional work techniques;

establishing the effectiveness of selected forms of work with parents;

analysis of the quality of cooperation.

The data obtained as a result of the monitoring study serves as an indicator of the effectiveness of the interaction between the speech therapist and parents, and is also used to develop effective ways of cooperation that can increase the productivity of the correction process.

The forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents when correcting the speech of children with speech disorders include the following:

1. Individual counseling for parents.Throughout the school year, it is necessary to systematically conduct individual consultations with parents according to a specialist plan, at the initiative of the parents ( legal representatives) or employees of a preschool educational institution with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils.

It is advisable to conduct counseling together with an educational psychologist. An educational psychologist examines the personal characteristics of children; advises parents on the results of diagnostic examinations; helps to adjust the conditions of family education.

At the beginning of the year, the speech therapist teacher reports the results of a speech therapy examination, the characteristics of each child’s speech development, emphasizing strengths and weaknesses; draws the attention of parents to possible complications in the process of correctional education; shows techniques for working with a child: teaches how to correctly perform articulation and finger gymnastics, consolidate the given sounds; highlights the child’s successes and difficulties, shows what needs to be paid attention to at home. Thus, a separate conversation is held with the parents of each child. The child’s relatives learn about gaps in his development, receive advice and recommendations. The main task is to help the family raise a child. How the first meetings between the speech therapist and parents proceed will determine whether their cooperation will improve in the future.

The tasks of preschool specialists are to help parents understand their role in the child’s development process; choose right direction homeschooling; equip with certain knowledge and skills, methods and techniques for overcoming difficulties in learning, speech development, and cognitive activity; fill with specific content recommendations for completing tasks to consolidate the acquired knowledge by children.

Individual work has the advantage over collective work that it allows you to establish closer contact with parents: questionnaires presuppose a strictly fixed order, content and form of questions, and a clear indication of answer methods. Using a survey, you can find out the composition of the family, the characteristics of family upbringing, the positive experiences of parents, their difficulties, and mistakes. By answering the questionnaire, parents begin to think about the problems of upbringing and the peculiarities of raising a child. An important question for teachers is aimed at identifying the needs of parents in pedagogical knowledge; The peculiarities of family education, parents' needs for knowledge, can be identified through an individual conversation, the most important feature of which is bilateral activity.

The speech therapist’s main form of interaction with parents is a notebook for home recommendations - an adult can write in it any question or doubt about the quality of the child’s assignments. The notebook is filled out by a speech therapist two to three times a week, so that classes in the family are carried out systematically and not to the detriment of the child’s health. Depending on the severity of the speech disorder, tasks in the notebook are given not only on sound pronunciation, but also on the formation of vocabulary, grammatical skills and skills for the development of attention and memory.

A significant role in the effective work of parents with children is played by the library of author's manuals selected by the speech therapist, designed to correct all possible parameters of working with children; the speech therapist does not need to rewrite them for parents, they are explained in an accessible form in the manuals.

2. Group forms of work with parents.

Work with parents of children enrolled in integrated or speech therapy groups of a preschool educational institution must be built in stages, starting with the first parent-teacher meeting.

Teamwork can be represented in several forms. Group parent meetings are held three times: at the beginning, middle and end of the school year. They are the ones who help unite parents, direct them to help the kindergarten team, their group, and actively participate in the process of raising children. Parent meetings need to be given special attention, carefully prepared for them, and analyze each meeting. It is important that parents act at the meeting and get involved in one or another work proposed to them. The meeting must be scheduled at a time convenient for the parents. The topic of the meeting is announced in advance so that they can familiarize themselves with it and discuss it with each other; It is important for a speech therapist to organize consultations and seminars in such a way that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation, since a modern parent does not want to listen to long and edifying reports from a teacher.

In order for parents to be able to understand all the information offered at the seminar, at the end it is advisable to offer them various reminders that outline the key points of the seminar; For some consultations, games and exercises are selected specifically on the topic, and an exhibition of manuals is organized.

Frontal open classes for parents and with the participation of parents are also held 2-3 times a year and parents, as a rule, are very interested in attending them; Many speech therapists practice this form of work as a video library. Classes, consultations, individual workshops are filmed; a library of games and exercises is an incentive for parents to actively participate in the correction process. Parents can take advantage of a selection of practical materials. Basically, this is material united by one lexical topic, which includes lexical, grammatical, vocabulary tasks, tasks for the development of attention and memory.

Also, one of the forms of group work is thematic consultations. Speaking to parents, the speech therapist talks about the features of working with children in special (correctional) groups, gives advice to parents of children with speech disorders, and organizes viewing of open classes followed by discussion. At the beginning of the year, classes show techniques for developing speech and learning to read and write, and at the end, parents see what their children have learned in correctional group. All this contributes to the formation in parents of an adequate assessment of the development of their children.

3. Visual form of work: the speech corner reflects the topic of the lesson, gives parents practical recommendations on developing various speech skills, such as articulation; to identify the level of development of some components of a child’s speech. A selection of thematic materials in parent corners is updated weekly, for example:

“Training the tongue”;

“Training your fingers - developing your speech”;

"Friends from a Book";

“How to learn poetry while playing”;

“I am learning to observe and remember”;

“Advice from a speech therapist”;

“What a child entering school needs to know and be able to do”;

“I am learning to tell, retell”;

“Games for teaching literacy”;

“Left-handed child”, etc.

It is advisable to work with parents in two forms: written and oral. It is necessary to emphasize the advantage of the written form. Firstly, communicating only verbally takes a lot of time. Secondly, parents are not able to retain in memory all the information that they consistently receive from teachers. And thirdly, in order for parents to be able to comprehend the recommendations received and follow them, they must first be convinced of this, offered a certain algorithm of actions and armed with a reminder that will allow these actions to be carried out consistently and accurately.

Thus, the conscious inclusion of parents in a single, joint process with teachers of the upbringing and development of a child with special needs, and avoidance of the practice of distancing parents from kindergarten can significantly increase its effectiveness. Forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents when correcting the speech of children with speech disorders include the following: individual counseling of parents, group forms of work with parents, visual form of work .


1 Methodological organization of the study

In order to study and find optimal forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents, a study was conducted on the basis of the State Educational Institution “Nursery Garden - high school No. 73 of Gomel." The study involved 12 parents and senior preschoolers with severe speech impairments.

In the course of observing the behavior of children and parents in the group, a characteristics of the group was compiled.

Group in 2016 - 2017 academic year 15 children attend. Age 5-6 years. The group is staffed according to age, as well as based on an assessment of the psychophysical characteristics of children. Pupils of the group have the following disorders of speech and psychomotor development - OHP - 3 - 4 level of speech development (erased dysarthria).

Difficulties in establishing relationships with adults and children are observed in 2 children. They refuse to participate in collective activities and quickly get tired in the process of interaction. There is a decrease in speech activity and emotional lability. The majority of children in the group have developed phrasal speech at the level of a simple sentence, a vocabulary within the limits of everyday vocabulary, there is a lack of mastery of grammatical categories, difficulties in the formation of phonemic processes, and errors in reproducing the sound-syllable structure of complex words. The correction of the phonetic aspect of speech requires consolidation. Difficulties in mastering program material that reflects the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are associated primarily with speech difficulties. To perform adequately, children in the group need simple instructions and visual support.

All children in the group have motor difficulties associated with speech disorders: dyspraxia, imprecision of movements, impaired coordination of movements in gross and fine motor skills. Taking this into account, they need a special set of measures aimed at overcoming the corresponding movement disorders.

Based on research by scientists in in this direction(I.V. Kudryavtseva, V.N. Gurov, L.A. Ivanova, A.V. Chernetsova, etc.) a system for interaction between a speech therapist teacher and parents was developed, which includes several stages.

stage - Involving parents in pedagogical interaction:

) Promoting cooperation between parents and teachers on issues of education, upbringing, and development of children; motivation of parents' activity in pedagogical interaction.

) Educating parents about the role, importance, and capabilities of the family for the effectiveness of speech development of children with SLI.

) Psychotherapeutic assistance to parents, aimed at increasing their self-esteem, changing their attitude towards their own social role, forming a positive attitude towards the future of their children (together with an educational psychologist).

stage - Implementation of pedagogical interaction:

) Educating parents about the content, means, methods, and factors of effectiveness in the development of speech of children with SLI in the family.

) Educating parents about children’s diagnoses, the characteristics of their intellectual, emotional, physical development and related problems.

) Organization of joint training and developmental pedagogical events.

) Advisory assistance to parents in independent organization speech development.

) Organizing the exchange of experience between parents on emerging issues.

stage - Stimulating pedagogical interaction

) Coverage of the successes achieved by pupils, emphasizing the role of parents in these achievements.

) “Comforting support” of parents, individual assistance (advisory, methodological, etc.) in solving complex problems.

In order to interact with the family, a scheme of interaction between the speech therapist teacher and parents of the senior group was developed (Table 2.1.)

Table 2.1. Scheme of interaction between a speech therapist and parents of the senior group

Contents of work Forms of work Dates Responsible Persons Peculiarities of speech development at a given age Consultations at parent meetings October Educators, speech therapist Reinforcing sounds at home How to do homework for a speech therapist Seminar-workshop October Speech therapist Forming lexicogrammatical ideas on the instructions of a speech therapist Business game “What? Where? When?" (for parents and teachers) October Speech therapist Can your child hear and distinguish sounds? Quiz show “A Happy Chance” November Speech therapist The origins of the quality of coherent speech Parental training November Speech therapist Smart books for smart kids Work in the library January Librarian, speech therapist The magical world of expressiveness and eloquence Competition of family theatrical performances okAprilTeachers, parents, speech therapist

In the work of a speech therapist with parents, both traditional and modern forms can be used.

Traditional forms of interaction between a teacher and speech therapist with parents:

· parent meetings;

· consulting;

· conversations;

· surveys, testing, questioning;

· hometasks;

· information booklets;

· seminars - workshops, master classes, etc.;

· Parents attending speech therapy classes.

Modern forms work of a teacher-speech therapist with parents using ICT:

· showing presentations;

· using the kindergarten website.

In addition, in the process of work such innovative forms of work as telephone consultation and social networks were used.

Telephone consultation is used when you need to clarify something with parents or convey certain information to them. But it is not supported by visual evidence, and this, as is known, reduces the degree of assimilation of information.

Recently, the Internet and email have come to the aid of specialists. Here you can not only provide information about a diagnostic examination and give general recommendations, but you can also send presentations, links to information resources, articles, etc. to parents. This form of work is used with parents who are active Internet users. Its indisputable advantage is its accessibility. Parents can go to the desired website at any time of the day, get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of speech therapy work, methods, forms of work at home, working materials, interesting methodological manuals and many others. It is very convenient to send presentations on articulatory gymnastics or material on automating the sounds to parents via email. Some parents seek advice through social networks.

A necessary link in the system of measures aimed at increasing their pedagogical knowledge and skills is a differentiated approach when organizing work with parents. To implement such an approach to parents, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions (mutual trust in the relationship between the teacher and parents, adherence to tact, sensitivity, responsiveness; simultaneous influence on parents and children, etc.). This differentiation helps to find the right contact and provide an individual approach to each family.

For parents of children with SLD, along with traditional forms of interaction: face-to-face (individual interviews, open classes, parent meetings, trainings) and correspondence (questionnaires, homework notebooks, publications), the speech therapist offers a remote form (website, e-mail).

Let us highlight the most popular forms of speech therapist work with parents.

Joint activities between children and parents.

Such classes are held monthly. Children and parents play on them and complete tasks together. During these classes, the speech therapist teacher teaches parents in practice:

perform articulatory gymnastics, indicating successes or inaccuracies in performing movements;

play speech games, paying attention to sound pronunciation, grammatical structure of speech, stress, inflection;

draw up a diagram of a syllable, a word, characterize the sounds, following the algorithm of actions;

perform finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, paying attention to the dynamics in the development of the muscles of the hand;

communicate and engage with children, paying attention to the leading activity - play.

As a result, both children and parents receive positive emotions, the necessary experience, and see the difficulties and successes of their children. for a speech therapist teacher, this becomes invaluable material for building further work with the family in order to restore the child’s speech.

Individual audio assignments. This form can be used by a speech therapist teacher when it is necessary to give an example of clear and correct speech, with the required voice strength, intonation, and highlighting the main thing. Having written down words for pronunciation, poems, tongue twisters, music for logorhythmic songs, thematic articulatory gymnastics, the speech therapist teacher gives an electronic medium (flash card, disk) with an assignment to the child home during the week or on weekends. At home, the child, under the guidance of his parents, listens, memorizes or repeats the necessary material in high-quality pronunciation.

Communication through the site. A speech therapist teacher can use a personal website or the website of the institution where he works. On the speech therapist’s page you can post exercises, tasks, and work algorithms in certain areas of speech therapy work. These are text documents, presentations, diagrams, illustrative material, as well as video tutorials. Depending on the goal, the speech therapist teacher can choose a game or exercise and record the progress of the game with the child on a video camera. As the game progresses, the teacher-speech therapist comments, explains the features, and clarifies the significance of the moment. This video is posted on the website page, where parents who were not present at the classes or consultations can see how to play, what requirements to set for the child’s answers, the quality of speech, and what illustrative material to choose for games at home. The page presents various speech games aimed at solving speech therapy problems in preschool children. But they can be used both by speech therapy group teachers for the greatest continuity in work, and by other parents whose children were not included in the speech group.


The development of coherent speech is one of the central tasks of speech education for preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. In this work, the complex, focused work of the speech therapist and parents is important.

Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

General underdevelopment of speech is usually understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of speech is impaired. There are three levels of speech development, reflecting the typical state of language components in preschool and school-age children with general speech underdevelopment.

Conscious inclusion of parents in a single, joint process with teachers of the upbringing and development of a child with STD, avoiding the practice of distancing parents from kindergarten can significantly increase its effectiveness. Forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents when correcting the speech of children with speech disorders include the following: individual counseling of parents, group forms of work with parents, visual form of work . When carrying out work to improve the pedagogical culture of parents among all forms of work (collective, individual, visual), it is necessary to place emphasis on teaching parents practical methods of work, which are very important for achieving results in the correctional process. This is not just a mechanical performance of tasks and exercises, but the level of self-awareness and interest of parents. And an indicator of their level of self-awareness is an understanding of the importance and necessity of their knowledge and skills in order to practically help their child.

In the work of a speech therapist with parents, both traditional and modern forms can be used. Traditional forms of interaction between teachers and speech therapists with parents: parent-teacher meetings; consulting; conversations; surveys, testing, questioning; corners for parents in the group and in the speech therapist’s office; hometasks; information booklets; seminars - workshops, master classes, etc.; parents attending speech therapy sessions. Modern forms of work between teachers and speech therapists with parents: showing presentations; use of the kindergarten website, social networks.

Thus, the interaction of parents with a speech therapist teacher is an integral component of the correction process, since this is the most important condition for the effectiveness of correctional work. In connection with this, in any form of work with parents it is necessary to find those ways of interaction that can contribute to greater productivity of the entire correction process. By using various forms of relationship in interaction with parents, a speech therapist teacher can effectively solve the problems assigned to him regarding the correction of speech deficiencies. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the most convenient, accessible and interesting forms of work for parents. Parents receive the information they are interested in in an accessible and visual form, children are subject to uniform requirements from the speech therapist, teachers and parents, and the saved time of the speech therapist goes towards additional classes with preschoolers and professional self-development.


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