Three components of an interesting congratulation to a friend. ways to create a personalized greeting


Come up with a congratulation in poetic form. Buying an ordinary postcard with someone else's poem inside is not enough. The congratulation will be remembered for a long time if its meaning is close to both you and the birthday person. Try to compose a poem that clearly contains the characteristics of the hero of the occasion. Don't forget about your sense of humor, otherwise an original congratulation may turn into something banal and boring.

Divide your gift into several parts. If you have prepared several gifts, you can give them one by one. You can hide them in different places throughout the apartment or room, and give the birthday person hints - notes that indicate where to look for the next part of the gift.

When congratulating the birthday person, give him something that will cause him confusion, but will be somehow connected with the main gift. This rather original technique is best used if the hero of the occasion is distinguished by his emotionality. It is also appropriate in cases where the birthday person knows what you want to give him. For example, if he is interested in classical literature and has long asked you to give him a new edition of his favorite work as a gift, give him a low-quality romance novel packaged in . The emotions that arise in the process of receiving such a surprise will be remembered for a long time. However, you should not delay giving the originally planned gift.

Please note that it is not enough to replace only some words in the work taken as a basis. It is necessary to completely rewrite it, change the meaning. The initial poem will only help you set the rhythm of your congratulations.

Try humming a poem, sometimes it helps you feel its structure and rhythm and quickly replace the words with the right ones. By the way, you can take the lyrics of a song as a basis.

Begin the poem with an address. To make your congratulations as personalized as possible, address the hero of the occasion by name and patronymic, if appropriate.

Indicate on what occasion you are congratulating the person. If the holiday name is too long, replace it. For example, “Valentine’s Day” can be renamed “Love Day” for the purpose of writing a greeting.

Use rhyming dictionaries, they are freely available on the Internet. They are quite easy to use. You need to enter a word in the search bar, click the “Search” button and select the appropriate option. Please note that a two-syllable word can be rhymed with more syllables.

If in any line one of the words in the middle is out of tune due to an extra syllable or two, replace it with something similar in meaning. Use synonym dictionaries for this; they can be found on the Internet. In addition, they will help to enrich the text with vivid epithets and definitions.

Video on the topic


  • Dictionary of Russian synonyms

On his birthday, I want to congratulate the birthday person as original as possible in order to please him and distinguish himself from the rest of the guests. Show your imagination and try to surprise your loved one on this day. He will probably like your surprise.

You will need

  • - present;
  • - telephone;
  • - colored crayons;
  • - postcards;
  • - pleasant trifles.


The day is, of course, about gifts. If the birthday person has not asked you in advance to buy the thing he dreams of, use your imagination. You should not give the hero of the occasion another souvenir from the store. Give him a certificate for a photo shoot (even better - a costume shoot), horseback riding or swimming in the pool. For an office worker, a funny gift will be various jumping, flying and running alarm clocks, and you can please a girl with a huge bouquet of flowers, but not real ones, but made from balloons.

The bulk of congratulations will begin to pour in on the birthday boy in the morning, as soon as he wakes up. Get ahead of everyone - congratulate someone dear to you as soon as the clock strikes midnight. This way he will know that you are thinking about him and were looking forward to his birthday with no less impatience than he did. Of course, you should know that the person is still awake at this time. If you can sing, and maybe even play the guitar, you shouldn’t limit yourself to a call or SMS message. Serenade the hero of the occasion under the balcony.

The huge inscription under the window may not be so in an original way to congratulate, however, it certainly delights most birthday people. It is better to do it with colored crayons. The hero of the occasion will admire her for a couple of days, and then the congratulations will be washed away by the rain.

There are a great many options for how you can congratulate someone on the holiday, but you need to be able to accept such congratulations and do it correctly.

Congratulations should be responded to in the same manner in which the congratulations were received. For example, you received holiday greetings by email, which means you can respond to it in exactly the same way. When responding to congratulations, be sure to thank for good words and warm wishes. If you were congratulated on public holiday, you should definitely congratulate him in return. If we are talking about a professional holiday, be sure to thank your interlocutor for not forgetting about an important event for you.

On Women's Day, March 8, beautiful ladies can be congratulated not only by the stronger sex, but also by other women. If another lady congratulates a representative of the fair sex on March 8, you should certainly congratulate her in return. A holiday gift deserves special gratitude, even if it is simple card.

In the age of new technologies and innovative thinking, I would like to congratulate good man it turned out to be original. How can you express your respect to the hero of the occasion so that he remembers the holiday for the rest of his life? You should be decisive in your ideas, but not cross the boundaries of recklessness and extravagance.

How to congratulate the birthday person in person in an original way?

A connoisseur of good alcoholic drinks will be happy to receive the “Drunk Casino”. As the stakes increase, the amount of alcohol you need to consume increases. The losers' vigilance becomes increasingly dull, and the game will bring a lot of pleasure.

A great solution would be a draw. On the holiday, the hero of the occasion must be picked up on the street by people in police uniforms. It should be delivered directly to the restaurant, where friends and family will be waiting for it.

There is a scene in films where a suitcase filled to capacity with stacks of banknotes is opened. An impressive sight! The birthday boy will be delighted with such a gift. Of course, you can take fake money, the desired effect will still be achieved. It is better to put a postcard with pleasant wishes inside each package.

You can make a huge postcard. Its size is limited only by the capabilities and imagination of the donor. Coupled with an original congratulation, such a thing will become a memorable present.

A good option would be to organize a congratulatory quest around your apartment or city. You should make up tips in advance and place them in different places. At the end of the game, the birthday person must find a gift or end up at the destination. A noisy party or a romantic dinner will await him there.

What to do if you can’t come to your birthday?

A great solution would be to create a funny video. Modern technologies make it possible to process a suitable video, turning the hero of the occasion into the main character. If you do not have installation skills, it is better to contact specialists of the appropriate profile.

A person who dreamed of learning horse riding will be glad to be congratulated at an equestrian school, accompanied by a subscription for a month of lessons.

A worthy option would be festive fireworks in honor of the birthday person.

Video on the topic


  • How to congratulate someone on their birthday in an original way
  • How to congratulate a happy birthday or holiday in an original way?
  • How to wish a happy birthday in an original way

In principle, you can congratulate a colleague on any birthday, but if it’s an anniversary, you have to try.

At all my previous jobs, everything happened like this:

Almost at the last moment, the courier or secretary was sent for “some bouquet” and “some beautiful bottle.” Then we called each other to orderly burst into the office of the hero of the day, where the powerful smell of smoked sausage had already settled.

One more little hitch to choose the one most worthy of reading aloud wishes on a large postcard. There was a primitive rhyme, applause, your colleague with a bouquet, a bottle and an envelope was handing out plastic cups of champagne. All!

Naturally, the slightest deviation from this scenario will be remembered for the rest of my life! One time, colleagues used an old trick with a large number of boxes, gradually opening which the hero of the day found a small box with a gift. And another case involved a musical greeting over the speakerphone. Kirkorov sang: “I love you, Marina, more and more every day.”

I'll try to recommend something more effective...

How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way

Order a personalized gift (engraving, embossing, printing)

Any person will appreciate the attention of the team if you “breathe” a little warmth and personality into an ordinary thing.

The person’s name, his initials, a photograph or very personal text on a purse, diary, glass, flash drive, sweet gift, etc. makes the gift priceless. I assure you that this is not re-gifted or thrown onto the mezzanine.

Here are a few examples (there are more than 200 of them):

Arrange a professional photo shoot for the hero of the day

Women of any age love to be photographed, so this is an ideal option for the fair half of office celebrants. Since she came to work in the best outfit, received many compliments, flowers and gifts, glowing from the inside with happiness, don’t miss the moment!

We have a photographer who knows how to select for any person interesting image for portrait photography. Then you can take pictures with colleagues and artists, the birthday girl will have something to show on social networks!

The pictures are slightly adjusted in Photoshop, it will be quite glamorous! 🙂 And here it is. Call!

Give a holiday program

Yes, that happens too. The whole team has fun and celebrates the birthday boy, combining congratulatory toasts with some memorable entertainment.

Unusual to give a gift

It will be very unexpected if a huge life-size doll suddenly comes into the office, rushes to hug the hero of the day, and gives him a gift. It could be a huge hare or a bear, a cartoon character or an alien monster. Go to a website where you can rent such a doll, dress up a volunteer, it will be great.

You can rent regular ones carnival costumes and dress up the couple. Hussar and young lady, Father Frost and Snow Maiden (even funnier in summer), Superman and Batman, Pirate and Pirate Woman, etc. Instruct them to congratulate their colleague “in character.” Don't forget to take pictures of all this as a keepsake.

Fountain in honor of the birthday boy! Chocolate…

Well, what can I say... It's very beautiful and festive. Call a pastry chef who will launch (or better yet, three small fountains with white, milk and dark chocolate), cut beautiful pieces of biscuit, marshmallows and fruit so that you and the hero of the day can celebrate the beginning of the “sweet life”.

Decorate the office

Oh, this is incredibly nice... Your colleague, who has matured by a year, trudges to his workplace, opens his office, and there...

Balloons on the ceiling or tied to chairs... Or bright ones paper pom poms(delivery folded, easy to fluff). Large inflatable toys and “Happy Birthday” garlands, balloon fountains (bundles of 10-15 pieces with weights on the floor), and an inflatable bouquet of thin “sausages” look great. If you are in Moscow, call “Ona Prazdnik” :-).

By the way, if we are talking about a man’s anniversary, you can do giant numbers. Of what? .

Make a presentation with congratulations from the team

If you have a meeting room with a projector, take the time to make a fun presentation for your favorite birthday boy.

These could be collective video wishes from different departments, management, or office neighbors. Or make a slide show of pictures of your colleagues who, in different but very original ways, wrote the word “Congratulations” on the hood of a snow-covered car, with coins on the table, with pebbles on the sand, with leaves on the asphalt, simply printed on a printer and held in their hands.

This task can be given to employees in advance, then simply collect all the photographs into one presentation or wall newspaper. Easy and very pleasant...

Show sand show

Surely you have seen how an artist draws on light table beautiful story. Sand pictures replace each other, and on the big screen you see an animated film. Congratulations last 15-20 minutes. By the way, the main role may be the birthday boy himself! A sand story FOR him and ABOUT him. Tell the artist in advance about the major milestones in their life or career.

The reviews are always excellent, call me and I will recommend the artist :-). All you need is an office with the ability to temporarily darken it. .

Invite artists

♦ You invite a colleague to a small hall for congratulations, suddenly gypsies burst in! Cheerfully, dancing to the guitar: “Maxim Serge-e-eich dAAAA-raaaaa-gooooy came to us, came to us... Ay ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne...” Well, and further in the text.

♦ I can also send you girls in feathers with brazilian carnival, a classical couple with ballroom dancing, tap dancers, whoever you want.

♦ It happens that there is absolutely no room for such fun in the office. In these cases I recommend magician with micromagic session. The illusionist will show your colleague whom you are wishing a happy birthday a trick with cards and coins right on your desktop.

Contact the secret gift service

I really regret that the UKHTYBOX service did not exist during the years of my work in the holding. Then my duties included almost weekly selection of gifts for colleagues, and it was difficult and painful. The service offers you to name a convenient order amount, and you don’t need to deal with choosing gifts, packaging and delivery.

The trick is that the contents of the box will be a surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for the gift givers. No one knows in advance what will be in the secret box... All we know is that it will be beautiful and stylish.


Even if you went the traditional route (went into the office with a postcard), no one bothers you to get three or four firecrackers for the premises and set up a fireworks display. Now there is firecrackers from which money flies out(you can choose rubles, dollars or euros), rose petals or regular serpentine.

Let someone command: “Fire” so that it happens at the same time. It is better to warn the guards so that they do not press the panic button out of fear. The hero of the day will be showered with money from head to toe with best wishes.

Still look great "cold fountains". These are completely safe tabletop or floor structures that will delight the birthday boy with bright silver splashes for a few minutes. .

The most killer option is a huge transparent ball that holds from 50 to 100 small balls and confetti. Needs to be hung from the ceiling. Now we need a daredevil with a pushpin. Ba-a-abah!!! And the whole office becomes colorful. I know a specialist in making such a “killer” surprise balloon, I'll help.

Take a photo with the hero of the day using photo props

Why not use funny antennae and stick lips to create a fun photo series. By the way, even the most modest employees can pose with such accessories, and the hero of the day will have memories of a fun photo shoot. Give out funny props and you won't hear, "I'm bad at this." All handsome!

All this is sold in holiday-themed stores.

Paint the big picture

I'll tell you how it happens. A huge painting (100x150 cm or any other size) is brought to your office, on which a professional artist, at your request, sketches a plot that your colleague will definitely like. In principle, it could be him himself, surrounded by palm trees, expensive cars and beauties. And then... Everyone must paint any object or part of the picture picturesquely. Of course, it won’t be a masterpiece in the generally accepted sense, but it’s soooo nice... If there are craftsmen in the team, you can just buy a canvas and a frame and make a sketch.

Order a cake with a theme

Modern confectioners work wonders, so they will create a cake to your order that will make the hero of the occasion feel that it is HIS day, HIS cake. You can “create” hobbies, habits, favorite films, even the hero of the day. This art has no boundaries except the budget allocated for congratulations.

I will update the page as ideas come in from your comments.
If you are in Moscow, call. I will help you select performers for almost all of the listed ideas.

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

Happy Birthday! Wish have a wonderful life, and may there always be wonderful events at every turn. I wish you a lot of reasons for joy and good health! May every morning be happy and sunny.

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you a wonderful and amazing life, an ocean of crazy love, endless happy time, only good health and good mood.

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events to you!

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, to smile a lot, to shine with happiness, to only get prettier over the years, to believe in the best and in a dream that will undoubtedly come true. Let luck be your guide; golden mountains of prosperity and sweet dreams open before you. Let magical moments illuminate your gaze, love will always be there and give you only pleasure.

Happy Birthday! On this wonderful day, I wish you good health, loyal and devoted friends, boundless happiness, unlimited income, crazy love and more joyful days! Have a good mood and have a great holiday!

Happy Birthday! May happiness accompany you every step of the way, may your health be protected under any circumstances, may luck and luck become your reliable companions in life. I wish you inspiration in everything, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all plans.

Happy birthday! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

Happy Birthday! Good luck to you in all your endeavors, fulfillment of your desires, always a bright and good mood, self-confidence and progress towards your goals. And also excellent health, more smiles both on holidays and on weekdays, and may every day be filled with happiness and warmth.

The cherished date on your loved one’s calendar is already highlighted in red - there are only a few days left until the birthday, but in your head there are no ideas about a gift. Common situation. Although the modern market is full of various things, souvenirs, but choosing something truly worthwhile and memorable can be quite difficult. So how can you surprise a loved one with an “offering”? annual holiday? How to stand out from the crowd of invited guests with a gift? In this material you will find answers to the questions posed.

Unusual birthday greetings in verse and prose

The tradition of attaching a card to the main gift is back in fashion. The main thing is not to skimp on time and choose some cheerful greeting “insert”, as well as choose a unique text or compose it yourself.

  • The Internet is replete with many text samples, but in order for the congratulation to really be bright, highlighting every character trait of the birthday boy, the finished version needs to be edited a little, based on the inner world of your friend.
  • In addition, now there are entire organizations that, for a small fee, undertake to compose congratulations, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, both in poetic form and in the form of prose essays. You can also contact aspiring poets and writers, whose groups can easily be found on social networks. Such a congratulation will cost mere pennies, but priceless memories, touching tears of happiness and warm smiles are guaranteed.
  • If your company has a person who writes poetry, then you can safely entrust this important task to him, having previously discussed an approximate version of the text for the postcard.

Custom birthday gifts

The choice of the main gift item directly depends on the preferences of the birthday person.

  • To surprise modern children, just look into a toy or household appliance store. Today there are a large number of original dolls, cars, houses, educational games, all kinds of gadgets that will delight even the most capricious child. But don’t forget that such a gift will cost you a tidy sum. If your budget is limited, but you want to please your child, then go to the confectionery department. There you will find practically works of art made from whipped cream and biscuits at an affordable price. The baby is guaranteed to be satisfied.
  • If at the center of this wonderful holiday is your beloved man (dad, best friend, young man, etc.), pay attention to various kinds of stationery sets, consisting, for example, of a leather diary and an expensive pen, on which, by the way, you can make a personalized engraving. An avid coffee drinker will love the selection of unusual types of cocoa drink, while a sports fan will appreciate unique accessories for exercise. Try to build on the hobbies of the birthday person.
  • If you are looking for a gift for a representative of the gentle part of the planet, then feel free to go to a large shopping mall. Don't forget to check out the cosmetics department, perfume shop and the most fashionable boutique. Even literary classics paid attention to women's love for jewelry. If your budget allows, go to a jewelry store. Today you can pick up an incredibly beautiful accessory at a reasonable price. More mature ladies can be presented with the materials necessary for their favorite hobbies, if any. For example, a set for embroidery with beads or diamond mosaic They will brighten up more than one birthday girl’s evening, and the results of the work will delight everyone around them and brighten up the interior.

When choosing a gift, it is very important to take into account the internal component of the person to whom you are going to present it. Therefore, it is impossible to give one universal advice on this topic.

Birthday surprise

The best gift is a pleasant surprise. Even without a large amount of material resources, you can touch and amaze your loved one to the depths of your heart.

  • One of best options surprise - prepare a poster with your common photos, not forgetting to write sincere wishes on it, inflate several dozen balloons and show up with all this early in the morning to visit the birthday boy.
  • You can pre-shoot a video where you and your friends are the actors, confessing your warm feelings and congratulating you on it happy holiday birthday boy

Surprising a loved one on their birthday is very easy. The main thing is that the prepared congratulation comes from a pure soul - it is frank and touching. Remember common joyful moments and transfer all the tender feelings you have experienced to your congratulatory speech. The birthday boy will be absolutely delighted!

A few years ago I was simply stunned when choosing such a gift, but.... all comes with experience. Now my knowledge base allows me to do unexpected and Original gifts to my now husband;)

I think that if you use one of my tips, you will receive a response in the form of the happy eyes of your husband or loved one. In general, get ready for the fact that perhaps for the first time in your life, you will be carried in their arms. So, let's begin.

How to congratulate a man on his birthday in an unusual way

  1. Firstly, even a mature man somewhere deep - Small child. And children need care, attention and affection. Therefore, when trying to choose a worthy gift, do not forget that everything should be done with love. In general, no one canceled kisses and hugs)
  2. The morning can only be beautiful if someone has already taken care of it. On this important day, let a delicious breakfast prepared by your own hands make it clear to a man that his birthday is not only gifts and congratulations, but also care.
  3. Of course, a birthday without congratulations is not a birthday. Words convey the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, try to make sure that they touch the heart of your beloved man.
  4. Brevity is the soul of wit. Do not overload the birthday person with unnecessary information. All that is required of you is to express as clearly as possible all the sincerity and depth of feelings.

Learning to convey love over a distance and more

Love feels stronger at a distance. If your man is on a business trip, then you can write him a congratulation, which will be sent to his mobile phone. There is an effect of surprise, which will be followed by a wave of good mood and positivity for the whole day.

It is possible that the man you want to congratulate is your boss or colleague - the essence does not change. A non-standard gift and a wisely chosen congratulation would be appropriate in this case as well.

It is better to complement a congratulation sent to your phone with a corresponding picture, because bright colors are what we miss on ordinary days.

A handmade poster is a wonderful birthday gift, because it will delight a man for more than one day, or even a year, but perhaps his whole life.

If you think that the main thing is scale, then try to prepare for the birthday celebration in advance, perhaps you will decide to book a table in a restaurant or club, or maybe order a show program.

If you are not ready to spend a lot of money, but still want to organize some kind of show, then you can use ready-made cool scenarios from the Internet. There is joy and the effect of surprise and bubble and the balls at the end. Whatever your heart desires, but only with a happy ending.

Before you move on to choosing a gift, you need to understand that sometimes the packaging can inspire much more than the gift itself. Try to approach this issue as selectively as possible, since a large box or a spectacular bow will only “warm up” the solemnity of the atmosphere.

Now there are many offers from music channels that can congratulate a man by name for little money. Musical cards with the name of your chosen one can also be included in this category. Do you agree that this is quite non-standard?)

Congratulations in SMS and prose

The Internet age has opened up endless possibilities for choice. original congratulations. Cool SMS to the phone, or a congratulation sent to social network will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent, because the main thing is attention!

You can congratulate your loved one with poems written in prose. A little story his past achievements, described in this way, will inspire him to new achievements and raise self-esteem.

If he is far away, then even your excited voice on the phone can give him a delightful moment of joy, because the main thing remains simple human values ​​- attention and care!

Gifts included with congratulations

If you know that your man cannot spend a day without playing computer games, then give him a new exciting game. Let him experience real satisfaction from virtual battles on this day.

Perhaps your loved one is tired, and every now and then he lies on the sofa, trying to somehow restore his reserves of vitality. Urgently run for a trip to hot countries, preferably for two!

The birthday boy who is a car enthusiast will be delighted with the pleasant little things that can be useful on the road. This is a new interior freshener, perhaps a massage chair or just a nodding dog on the glove compartment.

Of course, smoking bad habit, but on such an important day you can close your eyes to it. If you are a man who still continues to smoke, do not think of giving him a nicotine patch or chewing gum; it is better to give him a cigarette holder or a cigarette case with a lighter. Believe me, he will be as happy as a child!

If your loved one goes crazy after a sip of vintage wine, then please him - buy a bottle of red that he has not yet tasted.

If you know all your favorite activities young man, then you can very well give some kind of thematic gift related to his hobby. This could be a set of spinners for fishing, perhaps a trip to a billiards club, or a few driving hours spent at auto racing. The main thing here is not to confuse...)

We are studying the subject of the gift more and more thoroughly. The main criteria for any gift are usefulness and practicality. Instead of giving useless gifts, a couple of months before solemn day try to find out your man’s preferences, as well as his needs, perhaps he already has a set of spinners, but he has lost a figured screwdriver and a hammer. Of course, this is just an example...

Freedom for a man is more valuable than many material gifts. If you really want your man to be happy, let him go fishing with his friends for a couple of days - he deserves it.

Many men simply cannot live without weapons. If yours is the same, then visit a specialized salon and buy an unusual dagger or saber there. He will be delighted!

If the birthday boy cannot live without sports, then the best present He will have a membership to the fitness center. It’s not as expensive as it might seem, but every time he goes to training, he will remember that it was you who paid for access to the gym.

Ski lovers will simply fall on their faces at the sight of a trip to a ski resort. Perhaps you yourself love active recreation, which means you can have fun together.

Many men are real gourmets. If this is the case, then try to serve festive table with a lot of goodies and delicacies.

Fans of contemporary cinema will be in awe of tickets to the latest work of art in the field of cinematography. This is also a good way to have fun.

So, let's put together the perfect birthday for your loved one. In the morning, trying not to wake the man, prepare him hot coffee in bed. A start. Then you don’t need to follow any instructions, just send him a message of love and warmth, hug and kiss.

If he goes to work, then walk him to the door and tell him that you are already waiting for him to return. During the day, send him an SMS with a cool, or vice versa, very solemn picture. And in the evening, organize a festive table and invite friends.

The gift that you have prepared in advance must definitely impress the man, and you need to make sure that delight is on the face of your loved one just from one type of packaging. Everything should be very festive!

Well, you can end this significant day by giving your loved one a piece of freedom)

Come to the blog more often, and I will tell you new secrets on the topic of gifts) See you! I will be waiting for you)

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva