Crochet mesh new patterns. Crocheting an openwork mesh - a master class for beginners

Crochet loinnet is very easy to crochet, even if you've only recently tried this technique, because it doesn't require much.

Only the ability to knit air loops and chain stitches, because fillet (fillet knitting) is nothing more than simply alternating stitches and chain stitches.

If you have already mastered this (which is also not difficult), then everything else is already elementary simple.

Crochet fillet mesh

Again. Loin knitting - what is it, what does it mean? It's simple. This is crochet in which the pattern (if there is one) is located on the so-called fillet mesh. There may be no pattern at all, just a mesh, it “in its pure form” is used in many places.

Most often they alternate one double crochet and one air loop— the lattice is smooth, and the cells are relatively small.

Double crochets can be knitted strictly one above the other, in this case the hook is inserted under the head of the column of the previous row - fillet knitting then turns out like a checkered notebook, or you can insert the hook under the chain loops of the previous row - the grid turns out to be incorrect, each row seems to be shifted by half a cell to the side.

Loin knitting. Net

You need to start fillet knitting (or sometimes they say “fillet”) by knitting a chain of air loops. It is not difficult to calculate the required number of loops to start knitting.

Example of a mesh with loin knitting

When knitting using the fillet method, you can combine different numbers of stitches and chain stitches, and the number of yarn overs in the stitches can also vary. But the ornaments on the fillet - patterns - are formed by filling the empty cells with knitting, i.e. in columns. The diagrams are also always clear.

Application of crocheted fillet mesh

With fillet knitting you can knit napkins, tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads, lampshades - blankets, and even rugs, decorate pillows or handbags.

Women's summer bag with fillet knitting

For the pattern on this handbag I used this pattern:

A simple border pattern, useful for knitting a bag

Summer “holey” tops and blouses are sometimes knitted from clothes with a loin lattice, in whole or only in part. Patterns for such knitting resemble patterns for cross stitch in one color.

You can also successfully use some color embroidery patterns. For example, schemes like those in the pictures below - with butterflies, cats, and ornaments - will suit us.

Crochet fillet patterns - fillet knitting with patterns

How to knit a fine fillet patterned mesh? Just take thinner threads and a smaller hook, the fabric will be softer, but you will have to knit longer. It's up to you to decide what you'll use it for. finished work, if for a blanket, for example, or a rug, then perhaps a larger one would be more suitable.

Butterfly diagram

First, before you start knitting the intended product, it is advisable to knit a small sample, for example, ten cells in length and the same number of cells in height (it is better that there are also filled cells). Then we will have an idea of ​​the size of the final product based on the selected pattern on the diagram.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the thread, the size of the hook, as well as the knitting density. The knitting density is different for each needlewoman. The cells in each cell of the grid must be square, otherwise the pattern will skew, or rather, stretch out in width or height.

Loin cloth knitted using the fillet technique can be the most various shapes, be not only a square or rectangle, you can knit an oval, circle, triangle.

The edge of the canvas can be decorated in any way you like - with teeth, waves. To form the figure we need, we will add or subtract cells from the cells at the end and at the beginning of the row. The principle is the same as in other knitting patterns.

Pattern of corner ornament with fillet knitting

In this way, ribbons, hems, and small inserts used to be used to decorate clothes knitted or sewn from the material.

Using the fillet knitting technique, you can knit a variety of napkins and depict animals and figures on them.

Filet knitting cats

Curtains, tablecloths and bedspreads, of course, require a lot of time and patience. It’s better to start with a simpler and smaller product, for example, with this napkin, consisting of nine simple squares crocheted with a mesh. How easy it is to make and how cute it looks!

Napkin with fillet knitting

Fillet crochet as a basis for blankets and rugs

To make blankets and blankets based on fillet, a lattice without filled cells is used, i.e., perforated with empty cells. Thick threads or ribbons are pulled between the rows of mesh in the horizontal and vertical directions using a hook, scissors, or simply with your hands.

In this case, the mesh serves only as the basis of the product, and since thick threads are used, it itself is practically invisible, covered with weaves of yarn.

Another application could be to use it as the main element for another type of needlework - creating knitted rugs with your own hands. Read about this in more detail by following the link below, there is a description of the method, as well as a general diagram and photos of the work.

Products made using the fillet technique can be either monochromatic from single-color threads or brightly variegated, and it is good to knit all the leftovers, single balls of yarn lying around.

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The same crocheted fillet mesh can successfully serve as the basis for homemade rugs. First, the fabric of the cells is knitted with fillet knitting certain size(according to the length and width of the future product). After this, rows of double crochets are knitted in a certain pattern, creating volume.

Here are collected various simple and more complex ready-made floral and fruit motifs - elements, borders, paths - with roses, lemons, pears, grapes. They can be successfully used for small decorations in the home and kitchen, such as napkins, tablecloths, curtains, and as a decorative element for clothing or premises.

Such a rug can be built using a rigid construction mesh as a base. But not only her. I used silicone non-slip, which is used to better connect the bottom surface to the floor. There is one more, no less interesting option- this is to crochet an ordinary fillet mesh yourself, and after that, use the method described here to make a carpet.

Roosters, chickens, eggs, hares, spring flowers - these motifs in Europe are traditionally used to decorate the house and table. Easter holidays. The mesh loin knitting pattern at the end has many uses. Small sample - napkin decor. The border can be used as the edge of a tablecloth.

It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. This means that it still makes sense to supply bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (daytime).

How to prepare sourdough for
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Preparation time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with the prepared starter, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...
  • Next openwork pattern crocheted to our collection from a kind of nets, i.e. this is a crochet mesh pattern... I must say that there are quite a lot of different mesh patterns. Take, for example, fillet mesh, which can be knitted like simple crochet, and Tunisian... And you can knit mesh with knitting needles :) Any mesh pattern is very easy to crochet, the patterns of such patterns are easy to remember, and a clear geometric pattern is a real classic that always looks great...

    Crochet mesh pattern - diagram

    According to the pattern for crocheting a mesh, you need to know how to knit chain stitches, single crochets and double crochets. These are perhaps the most common crochet techniques - everyone knows them. Therefore, I think you will not have any difficulties when knitting a pattern according to this pattern. And for those who find it difficult to knit according to patterns, a description of the knitting pattern is below :)

    Description of crochet mesh

    Pattern repeat - 4 loops (+2)

    We knit a chain of air loops (the number is a multiple of four and plus two loops). Let there be 18 loops (16 divided by four plus two)

    1st row - v.p. for lifting, *2 tbsp. b/n., 2 v.p. *, look at the diagram and knit ** to the end of the row, ending the row with two non-woven stitches.

    2nd row - 3 v.p. for lifting, st. s/n in the penultimate column of the bottom row (lifting loops replace the first column of s/n), * 2 ch, 2 tbsp. s/n.* look at the diagram again and knit this combination** to the end of the row.

    Agree, the crochet mesh pattern is very simple to make :)

    Perfect for a variety of summer “classic” and sporty style. For example, for a men's polo T-shirt or any other similar item.

    P.S. I personally knitted myself a blouse (tunic) for the summer using a mesh crochet pattern, crocheted according to the pattern published above and a simple openwork crochet pattern (the pattern and description of which you can see).

    When crocheting, openwork and mesh patterns are more popular, which are widely used for the production of summer clothes and decorative items.

    If you have already mastered the basics of knitting, these patterns will not seem difficult for you. The crochet mesh with a pattern using the example of bias, fillet and decorative fabric is carefully described in the attached master class. To get started, all you need is yarn (it is better to choose smooth, plain, non-frizzy threads) and a hook of appropriate thickness. crocheting half-wickers from strips of fabric

    Oblique mesh

    The most common openwork pattern is the so-called oblique mesh, consisting only of alternating arches of air loops, secured by knitting single crochets. The traditional oblique mesh is a constant pattern, that is, the length of the arches and the place of their attachment do not change throughout the entire knitting.

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    Execution order

    1. We start knitting with a set of braids - a chain of air loops. For a classic oblique mesh, the number of loops in the chain should be a multiple of three. Additionally, we cast on one loop to achieve the symmetry of the pattern and four loops for lifting in the first row.
    2. We knit the 1st row, alternating single crochets and arches of 3 air loops. Single crochets need to be knitted, each time skipping two loops in the cast-on chain.
    3. In the 2nd and all subsequent rows the number of lifting loops is reduced to 3. We continue to knit the main pattern, while knitting the columns strictly into the central loop of the arches of the previous row. It is allowed to knit stitches by inserting the hook not into the loop itself, but into the space under the arch, but in in this case the grid may not be neat enough.
    4. We knit all subsequent rows by analogy with the second row.

    Pattern diagram

    In a similar way, you can knit more openwork meshes, for example, with arches of five air loops. In this case, double crochets should be knitted with three loops skipped.

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    Pico mesh

    An unusual decorative variation of the traditional oblique mesh is a mesh with a picot - a small loop, usually made of three air loops. In this pattern, a picot is knitted at the point where the arch is attached from air loops. For this openwork mesh, you should choose the thinnest threads possible.

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    Execution order

    1. We collect a chain of air loops for knitting a sample. The number of loops in it was a multiple of four. Additionally we knit three loops for lifting.
    2. We knit the first row as follows. In the eleventh loop from the hook we knit a half-stitch, immediately knit a picot from three air loops and knit a half-stitch again, securing it in the same loop. Then we cast on five air loops for the arch and through three loops we again knit a half-column, picot and half-column. We knit in this manner until the end of the row. We knit the last half-stitch strictly into the last loop of this row.
    3. In the 2nd row we make three lifting loops and cast on three more air loops, in other words, a total of six loops. In the central loop of the arch of the previous row we knit a half-column by analogy with the first row, a picot and another half-column. Repeat as many times as necessary. At the end of the row we knit two chain stitches and in the last loop of the first row we fasten a double crochet stitch.
    4. In the third row for lifting, we cast on six air loops, then knit according to the pattern.
    5. We knit all subsequent rows in the same way as the second and third rows.

    Pattern diagram

    This pattern is quite often used for knitting openwork products, including children's clothing and beachwear, and also for decorative borders on products tight knit.

    view crocheted products

    Sirloin mesh

    Filet knitting is perhaps one of the most popular trends in crochet. In this way, you can knit not only items of clothing, but also beautiful napkins, blankets, curtains and even paintings. Traditional loin mesh is the basis for making wool carpets. This simple pattern consists of alternating double crochets and short chained arches.

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    Execution order

    1. We make a braid from an even number of air loops of the required length. Additionally, we cast on two loops for lifting.
    2. We knit a double crochet stitch into the first loop of the chain immediately after the instep stitches. Then we cast on one air loop and knit a double crochet again, skipping one loop in the base chain.
    3. We knit all other rows in the same way.

    Options for designs using fillet technique

    Using the fillet technique, you can knit a wide variety of flat patterns by filling in the gaps with double crochets in the required places. Patterns are often simplified and depicted in the form of a grid, where an empty square means knitting with gaps, and a filled square means knitting without gaps (in other words, the required number of double crochets is knitted at the gap). Detailed description here it replaces the schematic representation of the drawing, which greatly facilitates the work.

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    In this way you can knit a pattern with images of butterflies or funny kittens, as in the diagrams below.

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    It should be remembered that classic fillet knitting is performed using thin cotton threads in white, black or pastel colors.

    crochet 1 2 years

    Decorative mesh

    Using a combination of air loops and posts alone, you can create a variety of unusual and original trash. In this case, you can get meshes with weaves in the form of honeycombs, circles, triangles or stars. A couple of interesting and often used by needlewomen options for mesh patterns are shown in the photo below.

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    In the first version, a pattern in the form of intersecting double circles is obtained due to the alternation of air loops and double crochets, which have a common top or base. In the 2nd version, rhombuses and triangles are made from double stitches knitted in one loop.

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    Video on the topic of the article

    There are a lot of interesting and unusual options for crocheting mesh patterns. Some of them are described in detail in the following video lessons.

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    The most famous in crocheting are openwork and mesh patterns; they are very often used in creating things for the summer and decorative details for the home. Once the basics of knitting have been learned, such patterns will come without much difficulty. The crochet mesh with the pattern will be discussed in detail in this article.

    We knit a bias mesh

    To create products we only need:

    1. Yarn, it will be best if you choose smooth and plain threads;
    2. Hook.

    The oblique mesh is created by chains of air loops of free length. They are fastened using the “from under the arch” technique behind the chains of the previous row using single crochet columns or a connecting column. The shape of the cells can be slightly changed if you fasten them with 2-5 single crochet columns. The height of the edge columns also affects the shape of the cells.

    The order of knitting a bias mesh:

    1. We assemble a chain of air loops. To knit a classic oblique mesh, you need the number of loops to be a multiple of 3. In addition, we cast on 1 more loop so that the pattern is symmetrical, then we cast on 4 loops for lifting in the 1st row.
    2. We knit the 1st row with alternating single crochets and arches of 3 chain stitches. We knit single crochets, always skipping 2 loops in the cast-on chain.
    3. From the 2nd row we reduce the number of lifting loops to 3. And we continue knitting, strictly knitting the columns into the central loop of the arches of the previous row.
    4. We knit all the following rows in the same way as the 2nd row.

    The pattern diagram in the photo below:

    You can knit more openwork meshes if you make arches, for example, from 5 air loops. Then we knit double crochets, skipping 3 loops.

    Option with pico

    The picot mesh is an original version of the classic oblique mesh.

    The effect is given by picot loops, usually made from 3 air loops. This pattern looks best when knitted with very thin threads.

    The order of knitting mesh with picot:

    1. We put on a braid with a number of loops that is a multiple of 4. In addition, we put on 3 more loops for lifting.
    2. We knit the 1st row like this: in the 11th loop from the hook we knit a half-column, now we knit a picot from 3 air loops, then again a half-column, fastening it in the same loop. We cast on 5 air loops of the arch, skip 3 loops and knit a half-column, then a picot and again a half-column. We finish the row using this method. We knit only the last half-column strictly in the last stitch of this row.
    3. In the 2nd row we will make 3 lifting loops and then 3 chain loops, you should get 6 loops. In the central loop of the arch of the previous row we knit a half-column as in the 1st row, a picot and another half-column. We repeat this action until the end of the row. And there we knit 2 chain loops and in the last loop of the 1st row we fasten a column with two crochets.
    4. In the 3rd row we cast on 6 chain stitches for lifting, then continue knitting according to the pattern.
    5. We knit all other rows in the same way as the 2nd and 3rd rows.

    Scheme of this drawing:

    This pattern is very popular when knitting openwork items, especially when creating children's clothing and beachwear.

    Sirloin mesh

    Among the most famous and most commonly used crochet styles is fillet crochet. Because with its help you can knit not only clothes, but also beautiful blankets, napkins, and so on.

    Classic loin mesh is the basis for creating wool carpets. This pattern is completely simple; it consists of alternating double crochets and short arches made of air loops.

    The procedure for knitting fillet mesh:

    1. We knit a chain of an even number of chain stitches of the intended length. In addition, we knit 2 more loops for lifting.
    2. We knit a column with 1 crochet into the 1st loop of the chain immediately after the lifting loops. After this, we cast on 1 chain stitch and knit 1 more double crochet stitch, while skipping 1 loop in the base chain.
    3. We knit all the other rows in the same way.

    Using this technique, you can knit different flat patterns by simply filling in the gaps in the right places on single crochet columns. Such patterns are almost always simplified and created in the form of a grid, in which the white square is knitting with a skip, and the colored one is knitting without skipping with the required number of double crochets. A detailed description in this case is replaced by a diagram, this greatly simplifies the work.

    This method can create wonderful designs like the images below and many more.

    Decorative method

    Using a combination of air loops and columns, it is possible to create unusual and unique patterns. In this way, it is possible to create grids in the form of honeycombs, triangles, flowers, circles and many others. Some examples in the images below.

    Video on the topic of the article

    Finally, a few videos from detailed master classes on creating beautiful mesh patterns using a crochet hook.